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God Has Made Himself Known

Has anyone ever kept a secret from you? How did you find out about it?

Unless God had decided to show us who he is, unless He had chosen to make known His own life and ways, we simply could know ____________ about Him. ______________ we know about Christianity has been revealed to us by God! How does God make Himself known?

Key Word: Revelation

The making known of what is unknown; the unveiling of what is veiled.

General Revelation Gods revelation of Himself to all __________, at all ________, in all _________ 1. __________________________________________________________________ Psalm 19:1-2; Romans 1:19-20 Can you think of some parts of creation that show just how great or powerful or wise or beautiful God is? What do they show about God, and how do they do this?

2. __________________________________________________________________ Romans 2:14-15 Have you ever notice that little voice of your conscience within you warning you not to do something wrong or encouraging you to do what is right? Can you think of any examples from the past week when you noticed this?

What would we not know about God if all we had was what is reveled about Him in nature and through our conscience?

Special Revelation Gods revelation of Himself to _____________ persons, at _____________ times and places, enabling those persons to enter into a redemptive relationship with Him. 3. _________________________________________________________________ 2 Timothy 3:16-17; 1 Thessalonians 2:13; 2 Peter 1:20-21 What are some things the Bible reveals to us about God?

If the only way people can know about salvation in Jesus is through hearing the message of the Bible, what responsibility do we who know about this message have to those who have not heard it?


God Has Made Himself Known

Object lesson: Hide a cross under a cloth. It should be arranged so that it is difficult to determine what the object is (e.g. put it on a stand, or with another object). In the introduction, ask students to guess what is under the veil. Point out how it is impossible to be sure if they are right, unless the veil is lifted. As you discuss revelation through nature and how God made us, invite a couple of students to come up and touch one time the object through the cloth. Point out how general revelation are like the students touching the object, but not seeing it fully. As you discuss revelation through Gods word, remove the veil, explaining how Gods word reveals God in a way that nothing else does.

Has anyone ever kept a secret from you? How did you find out about it? Unless God had decided to show us who he is, unless He had chosen to make known His own life and ways, we simply could know nothing about Him. Everything we know about Christianity has been revealed to us by God! How does God make Himself known?

Key Word: Revelation

The making known of what is unknown; the unveiling of what is veiled.

General Revelation Gods revelation of Himself to all people, at all times, in all places 1. Through the world God made (Natural Revelation) Psalm 19:1-2; Romans 1:19-20 Can you think of some parts of creation that show just how great or powerful or wise or beautiful God is? What do they show about God, and how do they do this? 2. Through how God has made us Romans 2:14-15 Have you ever notice that little voice of your conscience within you warning you not to do something wrong or encouraging you to do what is right? Can you think of any examples from the past week when you noticed this? What would we not know about God if all we had was what is reveled about Him in nature and through our conscience? Special Revelation Gods revelation of Himself to particular persons, at specific times and places, enabling those persons to enter into a redemptive relationship with Him. 3. Through His Word 2 Timothy 3:16-17; 1 Thessalonians 2:13; 2 Peter 1:20-21 What are some things the Bible reveal to us about God?

If the only way people can know about salvation in Jesus is through hearing the message of the Bible, what responsibility do we who know about this message have to those who have not heard it?

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