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CCLRC Engineering and Instrumentation Department Procedures

Version: 2.3


To ensure that a register of calibrated equipment is maintained and that calibrated

equipment is made available for use.

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This Procedure applies to all staff in Instrumentation using equipment to make quantitative
measurements. The process for maintaining a register of calibrated equipment is described.

Group Leaders are responsible for ensuring that this procedure is followed.

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Approved by Quality Manager or Deputy: Steve Quinton 23/11/04

last modified 23/11/04 16:26 page 1 of 4

CCLRC Engineering and Instrumentation Department Procedures

Version: 2.3

Responsibility Procedure References

inform the Calibration Manager of

Calibration new equipment purchases

enter the new equipment on the Appendix 2:

Calibration The Calibration

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Calibration Register and supply a
Manager Calibration Due sticker Register

Calibration define the recalibration date item suspected to be out of

Manager calibration

inform the Calibration Co-

ordinators monthly of any
equipment due for recalibration,
Calibration issue monthly reminders if
Manager necessary, after 6 months inform
the Quality Manager who will take
further action
Calibration take the equipment to the pick up
Co-ordinator point

Calibration arrange the calibration through

Manager contractor or on-site service

on completion note the recalibration Appendix 2:

in the Calibration Register and re- The Calibration
Calibration evaluate the calibration interval Register
Manager based on the calibration results

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ensure that there is a calibration
Calibration Appendix 3:
sticker or colour patch on the
Manager Calibration

inform the appropriate Quality Appendix 4:

Calibration Representatives if the equipment Equipment out
Manager was reported out of calibration of Calibration

inform the Calibration Coordinator

that the equipment is recalibrated

the calibration Coordinator collects

Calibration the equipment from the pick up
Co-ordinator point

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CCLRC Engineering and Instrumentation Department Procedures

Version: 2.3

Appendix 1: Responsibilities

The Instrumentation Quality Committee appoints a Calibration Manager for each of the two
sites. The Manager is responsible for maintaining a Calibration Register and ensuring that
the equipment listed is regularly calibrated. Each group that uses calibrated equipment
nominates a Calibration Co-ordinator. The Co-ordinator liases with the Calibration Manager

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and is responsible for identifying the equipment that needs calibration.

Appendix 2: The Calibration Register

Each Calibration Manager maintains a Calibration Register. The Register includes a list of
the groups and their Calibration Co-ordinators served by that Register.

The Register lists, as a minimum, each item's description, manufacturer, type, serial number,
any Laboratory identifier, user, group location, Calibration Co-ordinator and recalibration
date. The normal calibration period is one year but after successive calibrations with no
adjustments required the period may be extended.

It is the responsibility of the group leader, through the Calibration Co-ordinator, to inform
the Calibration Manager of any new equipment purchased that needs to be added to the
calibration register. The recalibration dates will be defined in the Register. Wherever
possible new equipment is purchased with a calibration certificate for the first year.

Appendix 3: Calibration Marking

A label attached by the calibration contractor identifies all calibrated instruments. The
recalibration date may be specified on this label but in some cases, for example if the

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calibration period has been extended, this may be incorrect. The definitive calibration date
is that listed in the Calibration Register.

If the label is missing, any calibration seal is broken, the equipment has required repair, or
there is a reason to believe that the equipment may have gone out of calibration, then the
appropriate Calibration Co-ordinator should be informed. They will arrange for the
equipment to be recalibrated. A suitable label may identify uncalibrated equipment but any
unlabelled item is assumed to be uncalibrated by default.

Staff will not adjust equipment that has been calibrated except as part of a calibration
process. If it is suspected that equipment has drifted out of specifications any calibration
label will be marked to indicate this and the equipment will be recalibrated before using it to
make quantitative measurements.

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CCLRC Engineering and Instrumentation Department Procedures

Version: 2.3

Appendix 4: Equipment out of Calibration

If on return from calibration it is reported that the equipment was out of specification this
will be communicated to the Department Quality Committee through the Quality
Representative. The Committee will determine the appropriate corrective action and the
Quality Representative will ensure that this is noted on the Calibration Certificate

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