Provicial Essay Rubric Explained

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Name: ___________________________________ Date: _______________________________

Ideas: Content Clearly lay out points that are backed up with specific evidence (from the text). Each point helps support your thesis. Purpose: Thesis Clearly state the main argument driving your paper forward. All your points clearly support and build on this main argument. Diction - sentence type and variety - word choice and clarity
Engagement of Reader Have a clear sense of who your text is aimed at. Engage with: original purpose, figurative devices, description, rhythm, connotation, diction, etc. Structure - paragraph structure - order of ideas that build on each other - transitions Mechanics grammar, spelling, capitalization, punctuation 1 (17%) Writing is extremely limited; ideas are not developed 2 (33%) Ideas are given in a general way with little support. 3 (50%) Ideas are listed or developed unevenly. 4 (67%) Ideas are straight forward with some examples. 5 (83%) Ideas are well developed with strong examples.

Ms. Tsai
6 (100%) Ideas are fully developed and support is shown in an original way.

The purpose is The purpose lacks barely recognizable. focus.

The purpose has some focus but is not evident throughout.

The purpose is clear The purpose is fully and evident accomplished in a throughout. strong and clear way.

Full accomplishes the purpose with originality and flair.

Minimal understanding of writing rules. Insufficient vocabulary.

Limited understanding of writing rules. Vocabulary and sentence structure are weak. The writer is aware of the audience but does not try to engage the reader.

Basic understanding of writing rules. Simple sentences and elementary vocabulary.

Writing style, vocabulary and sentence variety are in progress.

Well developed word choice sentence structure, and style.

The writer is barely aware of an audience.

The writer begins to The reader is make the reader involved in a basic feel connected. way throughout.

The reader is successfully pulled into the writing.

Superior sentence structure and variety. Effective vocabulary (word choice enhances the point being communicated). The reader is captivated and interested in reading more. The details are presented in a logical and effective order.

Lacks structure.

Limited structure.

Structural planning The structure is is evident but weak. formulaic.

The structure shows planning that considers the particular topic.

Major errors are numerous and prevent understanding.

Errors interfere with meaning.

Errors are noticeable and distracting but do not interfere with meaning.

There are some mistakes but they do not significantly impede the meaning.

The few errors that are present do not affect meaning.

Errors are very minor or non- existent.

based on BC provincial marking standards

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