Innovative Tech Grant

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Campbell County School District

Innovative Teaching & Technology Grant

Ashley Eivins EdTech 551 Final Grant Application Funding Amount: Name: School: Position/Team: $500.00 to $3000.00 Ashley Eivins Rawhide Elementary 4th Grade teacher

(If you are applying as a Team, please have each individual team member complete this form, but indicate that this is a grade/department team request. Grants will be awarded on individual score. )

Amount Requested:


1. Have you sent a copy of your grant request to your building administrator? (Must be visible in the email message history) Please write YES or NO (10 POINTS) YES.

2. What, if any, dollar amount would you be willing to contribute from your building or department? (10 POINTS) I cannot contribute to the purchase of the iPads, but am willing to purchase applications.

3. What are you requesting for your classroom? (10 POINTS) Seven iPad II tablets.

IT&T Grant

Campbell County School District

Innovative Teaching & Technology Grant

4. Describe your proposal. Be sure to articulate how the innovative use of technology will help you improve student achievement and promote creativity and innovation in your classroom. (50 POINTS) The use of iPads will help to align my instruction to the Common Core standards and meet standards on PAWS. Seven iPad II tablets will be incorporated in instruction to achieve the following objectives:

a. To increase reading scores on PAWS by 10% during the 2013-2014 school year.

Nearly of students in my class are on an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) for reading or are ELL (English Language Learners). All of the students mentioned need a quality model of reading and exposure to new vocabulary. Applications Sight Words and Play Sight Words will reinforce and introduce sight words and vocabulary. Read Me Stories, Sentence Reading Magic, Reading Rainbow, and Toy Story Read Along provide appropriate models of reading in the English language. Ebooks are valuable resources for classrooms. Ebooks are easy to store and exciting for students to use because 21st Century Learners are accustomed to using technology. Many ebooks can be checked out of public libraries or purchased for the same price or less than a regular reading book.

IT&T Grant

Campbell County School District

Innovative Teaching & Technology Grant

Students will improve expression and accuracy in reading using the application, Recorder Plus HD. Recorder Plus HD allows students at any level to read ebooks or regular books and record their voices. After recording their voices students will listen to the recordings. Students will be listening for expression and accuracy. Repeated practice and self-awareness are both important in improving reading.

b. To increase science scores on PAWS by 15% during the 2013-2014 school year.

Science can be engaging but not every concept provides the opportunity for hands-on instruction. Using iPad2 tablets to conduct simulations of a frog dissection gives students an in-depth, hands-on experience not otherwise available.

Go Sky Watch allows learners to view the constellations of the night sky. Simply pointing the tablet towards the sky and rotating it creates a learning experience even a telescope may not be able to provide.

5. Describe the current technology available, how you currently use the technology and how additional technology will improve your students classroom experience. (40 POINTS) Current technology available throughout the school include two Mac labs, one mobile laptop lab, two mobile iPod labs, and one mobile iPad lab. Unfortunately, Mac labs are unavailable Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and some Fridays due to computer and technology classes. Mobile labs are shared between 16 different classrooms and are often unavailable during learning blocks. iPod touches are often available but are not as easy for fourth graders to view important information. The iPad lab is not currently usable.
IT&T Grant

Campbell County School District

Innovative Teaching & Technology Grant

The Mac labs are used 2-3 times per week during technology, intervention, science, and writing instruction. During these times students use Compass Learning, programs such as Pages and HyperStudio, and my own classroom website. IPod touches are used for students to record their voices while reading to work on fluency. Technology in the classroom includes seven classroom computers (three laptops and three desktops), one desktop for teacher use, one document camera, a SmartBoard, a projector, and built-in surround sound. Classroom computers and the SmartBoard are used daily during math, the Daily 5 reading block, reading intervention, science, and writing instruction. Many students lack motivation and are not engaged in non-interactive instruction. I plan to use iPads in a small group during reading and science to make learning engaging, interactive, and meaningful on a daily basis. Students will use hands-on simulations to gain an in-depth understanding of difficult concepts in science.

6. Provide the number of students served and describe the content area(s) and grade(s) most impacted by your proposal. (40 POINTS) I provide instruction to 30 4th grade students. 15 students from my own classroom receive reading, writing, math, and science instruction. 15 students from the other 4th grade class receive science instruction. Seven students, from both classes, receive reading intervention.

IT&T Grant

Campbell County School District

Innovative Teaching & Technology Grant

7. Budget Section: - Use additional pages if you need more room for requested items. (10 POINTS) Item: (Software or Hardware) iPad II TOTAL BUDGET REQUESTED Price: $399.00 $2,793.00 How Many? 7 7


In order to ensure that the proper equipment is ordered, your budget request needs to be approved by your building technology facilitator? Please write APPROVED and the date of approval. (20 POINTS) Approved November 20, 2012

9. As a district, we are looking for ways that technology can support not only your classroom, but also how it could promote innovative technology use among your colleagues and expand throughout our district. At the end of the year, you will be asked to submit pictures and an account of the implementation of your proposal. Please write AGREE. (10 POINTS) AGREE

IT&T Grant

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