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Belgaum Milk Union Ltd



Under taken at

Belgaum Milk Union,

A Subsidiary of Karnataka Milk Federation

BIET MBA Programme Davangere 1

Belgaum Milk Union Ltd

Dairy enterprise is an important occupation of farmer. In India nearly
70% of the people depend on agriculture. It is the backbone of India. Dairy
is linked with agriculture industry to a large extent. Animal husbandry in
India is an essential part of agriculture. It is mainly a rural occupation
closely associated with agriculture.


During the Pre-independence year there was no serious stress given to
dairy industry. In 1886 the Department of Defense of the British
Government established the dairy farms for the supply of milk to the British
troops in Allahabad. Later, in 1920 serious steps were taken by Mr. William
Smith, an expert in dairy forming to improve the milk production There was
discrimination done to the Indians hence this led to the rise of the first milk
union in India. In Luck now in 1937 called the Luck now milk producers
Co-operative union Ltd.
In 1946 AMUL (Anand Milk Udyog Ltd) was started in Gujarat to
bring up the economic stability of villagers.
When the farmer Prime Minister Lal Bahaddur Shastri visited the
functioning as it was rendering a social service to the society, which helped
the villagers to come in the national economic stream.

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Belgaum Milk Union Ltd

The dairy and Animal Husbandry received serious attention after the
independence. There were lot many of progressive steps taken by the
government through five year plans. This led to the formation of National
Dairy Development Board in 1965 & thus in 1970 he decided to Bring a “
White Revolution” through out the country, Initially 10 states were selected
were for this purpose excluding Karnataka.
In Karnataka in 1974 an integrated project was launched to restructure
and reorganize the dairy industry on Co-operative principle of AMUL and to
lay foundation for new direction in dairy industry.


The NDDB was founded to replace exploitation with empowerment,
tradition with Modernity, Stagnation with growth, transforming dairy into
and instrument for the development of Indian’s rural people.
The NDDB was established in 1965; the board is registered under the
Societies Registration Act and the public Trust Act, fulfilling the desire of
the Prime Minister of India – the late Lal Bahaddur Shastri to extend the
success of the Kaira Co-operative Milk producers union (AMUL) TO
OTHER PARTS OF India. Dr Vergese Kurien was the founder chairman.
The success combined the wisdom & energy of farmers with professional
management to successful capture liquid milk and milk product markets
while supporting farmer’s investment with inputs and services.

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The Growth
NDDB began its operations with the mission of making dairying a
vehicle to a better future for millions of gross roots milk producers. The
mission archived helped to launce ‘’Operation Flood’’, a programme
extending over 26 years and with the help of World Bank Loan India
become the world’s largest milk producing country. As per March 2001
India’s 96000 Dairy Co-operative are integrated thorough a three Tier Cc-
operative structure. The Anand pattern, which is owned by more than 10
million formers, procures an average of 1605 million liters of milk everyday.
The milk is processed and marketed by 170 milk producers co-operative
unions which, in turn own 15 state co-operative milk marketing federation.
Since its establishment the dairy development board has planned and
spearheaded India’s Dairy programmer by placing dairy development in the
hands of milk producers and the professionals they employ to manage their
co-operatives. In addition, NDDB also promotes other commodity based co-
operative, allied industries and veterinary biologically on an intensive and
nation wide basis.

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Objectives of NDDB:
 To sponsor, promote, manage, acquire, construct or control any

plant or work, which promote projects of general public utility

relation to dairying.

 To make information available on request to technical services to

increase production of Milk.

 To prepare initial feasibility studies of dairying and other dairy

related projects and undertake subsequent designing planning and

start up those projects.

 To undertake research and development programme related to

production and marketing of milk and milk products.

 To provide assistance for exchange of information to other

international agencies.

Services rendered by NDDB:

NDDB provide the following services.

• Planning dairy and rural development projects.

• Organization of farmer co-operative societies.

• Setting up of dairy and cattle feed plants.

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• Manpower planning and training.

• Applied research and development.

• Implementation of milk production enchantment programme.


The first dairy in Karnataka was started in Kudige in Kodagu district

in 1955, further in June 1974; an integrated project was launched in
Karnataka to restructure and reorganize the dairy industry on the co-
operative principle and to lay foundation for a new direction in dairy
In 1975, the World Bank aided dairy development was initiated. The
present Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF) came into existence in 1984-as a
result of merging of Karnataka Dairy Development Co-operation, small co-
operatives and Karnataka Milk Production Development and loose vendors.
At the end of the March 1998, the network of 8023 Diary Co-
operative Societies (DCS) have been established which are spread over 166
taluks of the total 175 taluks in all 27 districts of Karnataka. There are 13
Milk Unions and Belgaum Milk Union (DMU) is one among them. There
are 35 Chilling centers, 3 Farm coolers, 15 Liquid milk plants and 2 Product
dairies for chilling, processing, conservation and marketing of milk. To
supply cattle feed there are 4 cattle feed plants.
To ensure supply of quality germ plasma. Bull breeding farm and
frozen semen bank are also available.

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Karnataka co-operative Milk Producers’ Federation Limited

Co-operatives. It is the third largest dairy co-operative amongst the
dairy co-operatives in the country.
To impart training KMF is the apex Body in Karnataka representing
Dairy, institutes at Bangalore and regional training institutes at Dharwad and
Gulbarga are functioning. Three nitrogen plants (2 plants of 25 CPM and 1
plant of 5 CPM) are been set-up to supply nitrogen, which is used for
Refrigeration purpose. Three diagnostic centers have been set-up for
monitoring diseases: three fodder farms at Rajkunte, Kuttanahalli and
Kodagu have been set-up to supply good quality of fodder and seed
production farm at Shahpur has been set-up.
The federation giving details of the latest technology in dairy industry
etc is published ‘’Ksheer Sagar’’ magazine monthly.
KMF is a co-operative apex body in the state of Karnataka for
representing dairy organizations and also implementing dairy development
activities to achieve the following objectives.
 Providing assured and remunerative market for all the milk
produced by the farmer members.
 Providing hygienic milk to urban consumers.
 To build village level institutions in co-operative sector to manage
the dairy activities.
 To ensure provision of milk production inputs, processing facilities
and dissemination of know-how.

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 To facilitate rural development by providing opportunities for self-

employment at village level, preventing migration to urban areas,


 Co-ordination of activities between the unions.
 Developing the markets for the increasing in milk production.
 To make the brand ‘’Nandini’’ as a house hold name.
 Excellence in quality is to be maintained to lay a solid foundation
for wide
 Spread acceptance of ‘’Nandini’’ products.
 To increase the market share of ‘’Nandini’’.

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Belgaum Milk Union Ltd

Belgaum Milk Union

Belgaum Milk Union Limited (BEMUL) is functional in the milk rich

district of Belgaum in Karnataka. Its milk shed area includes the whole
district of Belgaum.

The government of Karnataka established the Belgaum Dairy in 1966

with a capacity of 10 LTPD (Litre Ton Per Day) and procurement of 3000
kgs per day. In 1985 it was taken over by the Belgaum milk union (Bemul).
On its joining the KMF in 1985, it became as part of the area in which the
operation flood 3 was implemented. Under this a new dairy with a capacity
of 60 LTPD was established at a cost of Rs.5.82 crores. A chilling center
with a capacity of 20 LTPD and form cooler with a capacity of 60 LTPD was
also established as a part of this scheme.

Today the union is procuring milk from over 435 DCSs (District Co-
Operative Societies) of which 319 are functional. Their Functional DCSs of
which 319 are functional. Their functional DCSs has shown steady increase
over the past few years with the member starting at 71787 in November
1997. The effort of the union on the procurement side has lead to its
procuring in an average of 461846 of its milk everyday.

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Functions of BEMUL
• The main function of is to procure milk from villagers and pay them
the right price.
• To educate the villagers about milk and its quality
• To make’Nandini’ as a part of daily life.
• To provide good quality of cattle feed, fodder, veterinary properly and
in an efficient manner.
• To see that the DCS’s are carrying out their activities properly and in
an efficient manner.
• To see that the milk is brought from DCS’s to the chilling centers in
the prescribed time.
• To look the account of the DCS’s supervise the purchase process and
market the milk and milk products.

Objectives of BEMUL:
 Providing hygienic and good quality of milk to the consumers.
 To build the economic strength of the milk products in villages.
 To eliminate middlemen’s in the business so that the milk products
receive there appropriate share of bread.
 To educate the villages about the adulteration of milk and its harmful
effect on the body.
 To see that every citizen becomes healthy by consuming good quality
of milk.

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 To make villagers self-viable and build self image.

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• Total quality

• Honesty

• Discipline

• Cleanliness

• Transparency

• Sincerity and dedication

• Co-operation free of politics

• Sovereignty

• Respecting each other's, opinions, ideas & feelings.


Belgaum Milk Union is committed to provide maximum possible price for the
milk supplied by its members and provide necessary inputs to enhance milk production
while ensuring economic viability of the Union and is also committed to provide quality
milk products to consumers and emerge as one of the top most milk union of the co-
operative dairy industry in the country.

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Belgaum Milk Union Ltd


A group of experienced officers, appointed by the Karnataka Milk Federation

surveyed the whole of Belgaum districts (includes two newly formed district Gadag and
Haveri) and Uttara Karnataka. Further they found out there as a need for a Milk Dairy.
They traveled the surrounding villages, educated the villagers about Milk and Milk
Products and the benefits they would get from the Milk Dairy.

Belgaum Milk Union (BEMUL) came into existence on 3-3-1986 BEMUL was
established under co-operative act on 3-3-1986 at Belgaum. And Gadag, Haveri, Uttar
Canara and Belgaum come under its operation.

Further in 1988, the Riapur Dairy and Chilling Center, setup in 1968, also came
under the union. In 1989, the training center, which was controlled by KMF, came under
Belgaum Milk Union.

BEMUL was Rs.7 crore Projects of which Government has Rs.2Crore of share
capital and authorized capital of BEMUL is Rs.5crore.

BEMUL formed 551 milk producer's co-operative societies in Belgaum, Gadag,

Haveri and Uttar Kannada districts.

The production capacity of BEMUL is 2 lack litres of milk per day and also has
the capacity to produce 12tones of milk powder, 10tones of butter, and 6tones of ghee per

BEMUL is collecting 70 thousand liters of milk per day from its societies and
sells 60 thousand liters of milk per day and the remaining milk is used for producing milk

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Belgaum Milk Union Ltd


The Belgaum Milk Union is one Co-operative society among the 13

establishments, under KMF: The Belgaum Milk Union (BEMUL) is one of the most
modern plants in the country. It is located in the spacious 25 acres of land, located in
Lakamanahalli Industrial Area; adjacent to the National Highway-4. It is patterned the
AMUL Milk Dairy, Anand, Gujarat.


The Nature of Belgaum Milk Union is that procuring the Milk from societies. And
that milk will be brought through tankers for various chilling centers those, which are
near and convenient to various societies.

The Union processes the milk and market in urban area through various agents.
The Union is providing services to milk producers with technical inputs like veterinary
services, seeds, fodder etc. and also by giving training to farmer and induction program.

The Union also owns and operates the dairy plant cattle feed plant; fodder and
bull mother forms, semen collection station, and herd quarter center for animal husbandry

The Union also takes research, development and also other promotional activities
for the overall benefit of the farmer.

The Union providing various product to market like toned milk, standard milk,
full creamed milk, double toned milk, homogeneous standard milk, along with cheese
curd, ghee, pedha.

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Belgaum Milk Union Ltd


• The main function of BEMUL is to procure milk from villagers and pay them the
right price.

• To educate the villagers about milk and its quality.

• To make 'Nandini' as a part of daily life.

• To provide good quality of cattle feed, fodder, veterinary aid seeds, etc., to the

• To see that the DCS's are carrying out their activities properly and in an efficient

• To see that the milk is brought from DCS's to the chilling centers in the prescribed

• To look the accounts of the DCS's supervise the purchase process and market the
milk and milk products.


• Providing hygienic and good quality of milk to the consumers.

• To build the economic strength of the milk producers in villagers.

• To eliminate middlemen's in the business so that the milk producers receive their
appropriate share of bread.

• To educate the villagers about the adulteration of milk and its harmful effect on
the body.

• To see that every citizen becomes healthy by consuming good quality of milk.

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Belgaum Milk Union Ltd

• To make villagers self-viable and build self image.



Director Director Directors

(Elected-8) (Ex-officer-5) (Nominated-3)

Managing director

P&I Production Finance Admin Security Marketing

Dy Dy Dy Dy Sr. Dy
Manager Manager Manager Manager Supervisor Manager

Extension Q.C A/cs Jr.Supervis

Assistant Assistant
Officer Officer Assistant or

Helper Assistant Helper Helper Guards Helper

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Belgaum Milk Union Ltd

Sl No. Product Name Maximum Price of

1. Toned Milk / Liter 17.00
2. Standard Milk 19.00
3. Subham Milk 20.00
4. Subham Milk 5 liter in pack 100.00
5. Standard Milk 200 Ml pack 4.00
6. Double Toned Milk 16.00
7. Curd 200 gm 5.00
8. Curd 500 gm 10.00
9. Pot Curb 250 gm 7.00
10. Bulk Curd 16.00
11. Sweet Lassi 5.00
12. Masala Lassi 4.00
13. F.M. 200ml 4.00
14. SMP per kg 145.00
15. SMP per ltr 140.00

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Belgaum Milk Union Ltd

1. Pedha per kg 108.00

2. Khoa per kg 100.00
3. Paneer 200 gm pack / kg 120.00
4. Paneer Bulk 114.00
5. Ghee 200 Ml Pack / Liter 195.00
6. Ghee 500 Ml Pack / Liter 189.00
7. Ghee 1000 Ml Pack / Liter 185.00
8. Ghee 15 kg tin/Kg 180.00
9. Butter 100 gm Pack / Kg 160.00
10. Butter 500 gm Pack / Kg 154.00
11. Butter 50 gm (WDC) Pack / Kg 138.00


Sl No. Product Name Maximum Price of

1. Badam Powder 200 gm Tin/Kg 210.00

Badam Powder 200 gm Tin/Kg 42.00

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Belgaum Milk Union Ltd

Badam Powder 10 gm Tin/Kg 250.00

2. Mysore Pak 250 gm/Kg 220.00

Mysore Pak 250 gm pack 55.00

3. Jamoon Mix 200 gm / Kg 160.00

Jamoon Mix 200 gm / pack 32.00

4. SFM Bottles 12.00
5. Milk 200 Ml Pack (Tetra Pack) 10.00


The marketing department of BEMUL is considerably extensive which covers an

Area viz., Goa, Uttar Kannada district, and Belgaum, some parts of the maharastra.

Marketing of milk and products is done under brand name “Nandini”. Except
loose milk other products are marketed by KMF, the marketing agency.

Due to perishable nature of products the greatest responsibility is over marketing

department to all the products before losing its quality.

Before pre-liberalization (July 21st 1991) the BEMUL enjoyed a monopoly due to
co-operative organization and other benefits received from the state government. But

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Belgaum Milk Union Ltd

after July 21st 1991 the scenario totally changed, new private diaries started grounding
like mushrooms with entrance of private diaries the BEMUL facing a tough competition
resulting into major loss of market share gradually over the years. Today BEMUL has
only 23 % of total market share. BEMUL operates in 17 cities/ towns having a total
population of 1.05 million.

The closest competitors with regard to market share quality of milk, price
and goodwill are,

• Local vendor

• Arokya

• Sphurti

• Datta

• Sri Krishna

• Gokul



• To prepare the marketing plan at the beginning of every year, taking into

consideration the demand, sales, production capacity.

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Belgaum Milk Union Ltd

• To undertake promotional activities in order to create awareness and to

generate sales.

• To ensure proper supply chain management.

• To study competitors products and their strategies.

Belgaum Co-operative milk producers union Ltd., Belgaum

Month and Year wise average milk sales statement
(without bulk sales)
Month 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08
April 58360 56366 55187 58049 53814 55256 52127 58719
May 58909 56548 54514 59435 52823 56312 53386 59363
June 58943 54391 52118 58075 50731 54357 51621 57642
July 58784 54147 52055 56347 49622 53314 51390 57356
August 60793 54213 52002 56459 49633 52602 52414 58024
Sept 60014 52686 52806 54571 50030 52670 52520 57777

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Belgaum Milk Union Ltd

Oct 58468 50894 52530 54291 48660 51884 52981 58596

Nov 58024 50658 53030 55833 51343 52895 51976 59966
Dec 58810 52720 54879 54258 51133 51689 52182 NA
Jan 59054 51534 53712 52485 51646 51602 53547 NA
Feb 55936 53605 56155 51597 51933 54221 54501 NA
March 56353 54191 56333 52884 53209 55315 55342 NA
Avg/Sales 58537 53521 53777 55357 51315 53510 52832 58480
Note: NA—Not Available


Promotional activities are the activities conducted by the company which helps
the company to keep its customers informed about the product, any developments, and
advancement in the products. The promotional activities help the company to place its
brand or product on the top of the mind of the customers. These activities depend on the
nature of the product, the target customers, the message that the company wants to
convey to its customers etc…

KMF found the need for adopting the promotional activities in order to create
awareness about the product which intern lead to increase in sales and help the company
to increase its market share. The company has undertaken various promotional activities
in order to increase the market share of its Milk and Milk products.
The following are the major promotional activities carried over by KMF:


• Magazines

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Belgaum Milk Union Ltd

• Hoardings

• Ad boards

• Banners

• Dealer displays

• Television

• Radio etc…

Awareness campaigns

• Door to door

• Mass campaigns


Now a day’s advertisement is the well known, most effective, and common means
of promotional activity. Advertisement is a complex form of communication that operates
with objectives and strategies leading to various types of impact on consumer thoughts,
feelings and actions. It is the best way to keep your customer updated and give an
introduction to the new customers. Also it helps the company in keeping its brands or
products on the top of the minds of the customers.

KMF is making extensive use of advertisement in making the customers aware

about its milk and milk products. It is using almost all the media vehicles in a

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proportionate manner. The company is making use of different media vehicles like Print
media, electronic media, and others also

The following are the media vehicles used by the company for advertising its


All the leading Kannada magazines are used by the company for advertising.
Especially the weekly and monthly magazines are used to a greater extent. The special
edition magazines like Deepawali edition, New year edition are also used. The main
advantage of this print media is we can give bit detailed information about the products.

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Belgaum Milk Union Ltd

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Belgaum Milk Union Ltd


These are also very effective ads, where in the large hoardings with the ad
message are put in the much clustered areas or on the sides of the roads. These are
designed in such a way that just to remind about the brands. Usually this doesn’t give the
detailed information about the brand but to remind about the brand and to show the

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Belgaum Milk Union Ltd

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Belgaum Milk Union Ltd


These types of advertisements are made by inserting the printed pamphlets in the
leading local news papers. The target customers from a particular geographical area are
selected and the printed insertions will be given to the news paper agents. The agents
insert those pamphlets in the said news papers. From this the company can reach to the
majority of customers who purchase that particular news paper in the whole area. This is
a very economical means of advertisement.


Banners are also play important role in creating awareness. They are the one
which carry the message of the product or brand and catches the eye of consumers very
easily. They are so compatible in nature that you can use them at any place. For ex, the
banners can be used at dealers or outlets, can be tied in a crowded area, can be used in a
promotional campaigns etc…


The dealer displays are the display boards given by the company for displaying
the product information. They are exclusively given to dealers only which contain
lighting facility which make them clearly visible at the night also. These boards displays
the products that are available and also to make separate identity for the dealers.


The company also making the publicity through the most popular media i.e.:
electronics media. We can see and hear the advertisement of Nandini in radio channels
and in various television channels also. At the same time KMF is doing some kitchen
programs like NANDINI ADUGE MANE in private Kannada channels which are

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exclusively sponsored by KMF, which are also creating awareness about NANDINI
products and increasing the brand image of NANDINI.


These are the tin boards and hard plastic boards which carry the information about
individual products and of all products. There are two types of ad boards, namely
Rectangle boards, cone boards. Usually these are used to advertise on public transport
systems (back of city bus) and to display at the dealer outlets. These are more
informatory compared to the hoardings.

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Awareness campaigns are the campaigns organized by the KMF for promoting the
Nandini Milk and Milk products. The awareness campaigns are organized by the
marketing department of the company in which the company officials try to make the
consumers aware about all the products available at Nandini counter. Also the officials try
to convey the parameters which have to be looked while purchasing the milk and milk
products. The consumers are given knowledge of the steps taken by KMF in order to
provide them the healthier products which are processed with hygiene.

The company officials also give knowledge to the consumers that how they are
cheated by the private suppliers by doing adulteration and how that will affect their and
their children’s health.

In total the awareness campaigns never force the consumer to purchase the
Nandini products but help them in decision making by comparing Nandini products with
that of other private branded products.

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Usually this kind of awareness campaigns are organized in developing market and
in the areas where the sales is less, and in the area where comparatively less educated
people are there. Because the less educated consumers are week in decision making so
these campaigns gives them a platform to think and decide.

There are two types of awareness campaigns practiced by the company. They are:


The door to door awareness campaigns are done in the area where there are less
existing customers are there and more potential customers are observed. Here the
company officials personally visit every house and provide the information to the
individual households. Generally it is carried over in such place where the customers
need detailed knowledge about the products.

These door to door campaigns are too much time consuming and also need to
incur more expenses. But the results are more favorable.


Mass campaigns are carried over where there is a crowd. In such areas the
officials take opportunity to make the crowd understand about the quality of the product,
the factors to be looked after while purchasing the milk products. And also educate the
crowd about the product mix of Nandini.

These type of campaigns are organized in Mela’s, Fairs, and in sponsored

programs like Mahila Mandal programs, functions in school and colleges etc...
Compared to door to door campaigns the mass campaigns are less expensive and less
time consuming. But the results of mass campaigns are not so favorable as of door to
door campaigns.

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Keeping in view of the objectives, the data so collected from various
sources and were analyzed with the help of appropriate techniques. The
results of the study are presented in this chapter under the following

Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent
Percent Percent
Yes 100 100.0 100.0 100.0








Figure 1: Number of respondents aware about NANDINI Brand of Milk and Milk

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From the above table and graph we can observe that there is 100% brand
awareness of Nandini. Out of 100 respondents surveyed all the 100 says they are aware of
Nandini brand of milk and milk products. This shows only brand awareness but not about
products in depth.

Product Yes No Total

Toned milk 46 (46%) 54 (54%) 100 (100%)
Standard milk 60 (60%) 40 (40%) 100 (100%)
Shubham milk 58 (58%) 42 (42%) 100 (100%)
D’le toned milk 15 (15%) 85 (85%) 100 (100%)
Note : Figures in the parenthesis indicate % to the total








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Product Yes No Total

Curd 76 (76%) 24 (24%) 100 (100%)
Pot curd 43 (43%) 57 (57%) 100 (100%)
Sweet lassi 48 (48%) 52 (52%) 100 (100%)
Masala lassi 44 (44%) 66 (66%) 100 (100%)
Pedha 55 (55%) 45 (45%) 100 (100%)
Khoa 33 (33%) 67 (67%) 100 (100%)
Paneer 29 (29%) 71 (71%) 100 (100%)
Butter 54 (54%) 46 (46%) 100 (100%)
Ghee 62 (62%) 38 (38%) 100 (100%)
Figure 2: Extent of awareness about the Nandini milk brands

As the graph depicts among the milk brands of Nandini Standard milk carries
highest of 60% of awareness, the next is Shubham Milk which carries the 58% of
awareness. Toned milk is also in the queue with 46% of awareness and the Double Toned
Milk is showing very poor awareness with only 15% of respondents are aware of it.

Note : Figures in the parenthesis indicate % to the total

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40 Series1


Curd P Curd S lassy M lasy Pedha Khova Paneer Butter Ghee

Figure 3: Extent of awareness about the Nandini milk products

From this chart we can understand curd, ghee, pedha and butter are the products
with greater awareness having 76%, 62%, 55% and 54% of awareness respectively. The
pot curd, masala lassi and sweet lassi carry little less awareness as compared to the first 4
products with a response of 43%,48% and 44%. Among all products Khoa and Paneer are
the 2 products with very less response of 33% and 29%.

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Parameters Yes No Total

Quality 74 (74%) 26 (26%) 100 (100%)
Thickness 26 (26%) 74 (74%) 100 (100%)
Fat content 17 (17%) 83 (83%) 100 (100%)
Price 26 (26%) 74 (74%) 100 (100%)
Taste 52 (52%) 48 (48%) 100 (100%)
Availability 31 (31%) 69 (69%) 100 (100%)

Note : Figures in the parenthesis indicate % to the total




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Quality Thickness Fat Cont price Taste Avai'ty

Fig 4: Table 4: factors looked while purchasing the Milk and Milk Products

When we tried to know what are the parameters which are looked while
purchasing the milk and milk products the overall quality was given more importance
with 74% then the next importance is given for taste with 52% response. Availability
thickness and price comes next with 31%, 26% and 26% where as the fat content carries
very less importance with only 17% looking for that.

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Yes No Total
Dealers 30 (30%) 70 (70%) 100 (100%)
Campaigns 09 (09%) 91 (91%) 100 (100%)
Banners 36 (36%) 64 (64%) 100 (100%)
Wall paintings 42 (42%) 58 (58%) 100 (100%)
T V ads 55 (55%) 45 (45%) 100 (100%)
Radio ads 21 (21%) 79 (79%) 100 (100%)
Magazines 22 (22%) 78 (78%) 100 (100%)
Note : Figures in the parenthesis indicate % to the total




30 Series1



Dealers Cam's Banner Wal paint Tv ads Radio ads Magzine

fig 5: Sources of knowing about NANDINI products

The learning about the products is happened to the great extent by Television
55% and wall paintings 42%. The banners and dealers also contributed in learning
process by 36% and 30% respectively. 22% and 21% people came to know about the
product s through magazines and radio ads, and only 9% of respondents learn about the
products through campaigns which is the least.

BIET MBA Programme Davangere 40

Belgaum Milk Union Ltd

Frequency Percent Valid Percent
Yes 96 96.0 96.0 96.0
No 4 4.0 4.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0







Yes No

Fig 6: Extent of observation of advertisements of NANDINI products

96 % of the respondents have observed the advertisements of Nandini Milk and

Milk products. It’s a very good indicator that the efforts of the company are reaching the

BIET MBA Programme Davangere 41

Belgaum Milk Union Ltd

Frequency Percent Valid Percent
Yes 77 80.0 80.0 80.0
No 19 20.0 20.0 100.0
Total 96 100.0 100.0








Yes No

Fig 7: Were they informatory

Among 96 respondents who have observed the advertisements 77 respondents

(80%) feel that the ads were informatory. Only 20% feels they were not so informatory.

BIET MBA Programme Davangere 42

Belgaum Milk Union Ltd

Yes No Total
Banners 34 (44%) 43 (56%) 77 (100%)
Ad boards 30 (39%) 47 (61%) 77 (100%)
Campaigns 10 (12%) 67 (88%) 77 (100%)
Wall paintings 29 (38%) 48 (62%) 77 (100%)
Television ads 58 (75%) 19 (25%) 77 (100%)
Radio ads 15 (19.5%) 62 (80.5%) 77 (100%)
Magazines 16 (21%) 61 (79%) 77 (100%)

Note : Figures in the parenthesis indicate % to the total







Banners Ad boards Cam's w al paint TV Radio Magzine

Fig 8: efficiency of media vehicles used

When we asked which of the ads were more informatory 58% felt television, 34%
says Banners, 30% felt ad boards, and 29% felt wall paintings were more informatory.
Radio ads, magazines, and campaigns were felt less informatory with 15%,16% and 10%

BIET MBA Programme Davangere 43

Belgaum Milk Union Ltd

Frequency Percent Valid Percent
Yes 11 11.0 11.0 11.0
No 89 89.0 89.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0






Yes No

Fig 9: Number of awareness campaigns attended by the respondents

Only 11 persons out of 100 have attended awareness campaigns which show the
company has failed to reach to maximum number of customers through campaigns.

BIET MBA Programme Davangere 44

Belgaum Milk Union Ltd

Yes No Total
Freshness 07 (64%) 04 (36%) 11 (100%)
Hygiene in prod’n 04 (36%) 07 (64%) 11 (100%)
Reliability of brand 05 (45%) 06 (55%) 11 (100%)
No adulteration 02 (18%) 09 (82%) 11 (100%)

Note : Figures in the parenthesis indicate % to the total

4 Series1

Freshness Hygin in prodct'n Reliablity of brnd No contamin

Fig 10: information got from NANDINI products in Awareness Campaigns

BIET MBA Programme Davangere 45

Belgaum Milk Union Ltd

Out of 11 customers who attended the campaigns , freshness of the product was
learnt by 7 people, reliability of the Nandini brand was learnt by 5 people, hygiene in
production by 4 and no adulteration in Milk and its products by 2 respondents.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent
Yes 72 72.0 72.0 72.0
No 28 28.0 28.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0







Yes No

Fig 11: Do you purchase NANDINI Milk and Milk Products

Out of 100 respondents 72% purchase Nandini Milk and Milk products. And 28%
do not purchase Nandini Milk and Milk products.

BIET MBA Programme Davangere 46

Belgaum Milk Union Ltd

Parameters Yes No Total

Quality 53 (74%) 19 (26%) 72 (100%)
Thickness 17 (24%) 55 (76%) 72 (100%)
Fat content 11 (15%) 61 (85%) 72 (100%)
Price 16 (26%) 56 (74%) 72 (100%)
Taste 27 (22%) 45 (78%) 72 (100%)
Availability 23 (32%) 49 (68%) 72 (100%)
Promotional activity 04 (06%) 68 (94%) 72 (100%)

Note : Figures in the parenthesis indicate % to the total






Quality Fat Taste Pro
content activity

Fig 12: Factors influencing for repetitive purchase NANDINI Milk and Milk

Out of 72 respondents who purchase Nandini Milk and Milk products 74% feels
quality is great it is the main factor which influence them for repetitive purchase. Then

BIET MBA Programme Davangere 47

Belgaum Milk Union Ltd

Parameters Yes No Total

Quality 02 (07%) 26 (93%) 28 (100%)
Thickness 02 (07%) 26 (93%) 28 (100%)
Fat content 03 (11%) 25 (89%) 28 (100%)
Price 18 (64%) 10 (36%) 28 (100%)
Taste 08 (29%) 20 (71%) 28 (100%)
Availability 09 (32%) 19 (68%) 28 (100%)
Promotional activity 03 (11%) 25 (89%) 28 (100%)

27% says taste, 23 % feels availability, 17% says thickness, 16% feels price which
influence them in making purchase decision. Very less importance was given by the
customers to fat content (15%) and promotional activities (6%).

Note : Figures in the parenthesis indicate % to the total

8 Series1
Quality Fat Taste Pro
content activity

Fig13: Reasons which forces for not purchasing NANDINI Milk and Milk
Products :

Out of 28 respondents who do not purchase Nandini Milk and Milk products
price was said as the major factor with 64% response which influence their purchase
decision. Second and third importance was given to availability and taste by 32% and

BIET MBA Programme Davangere 48

Belgaum Milk Union Ltd

29%. Quality 07%, Fat content 11%, thickness 07% and promotional activities 11% are
not major factors which prevents them for not being the customers.

Findings of the study:

• There is 100% of the respondents are aware of Nandini brand

• Nandini Standard milk carries highest of 60% of awareness, the next is Shubham

Milk which carries the 58% of awareness. Toned milk is also in the queue with

46% of awareness and the Double Toned Milk is showing very poor awareness

with only 15% of respondents are aware of it

• Curd, Ghee, Pedha and Butter are having the greater awareness i.e.76%, 62%,
55% and 54% of awareness respectively. The Pot curd, Masala lassi and Sweet
lassi carry little less awareness as compared to the first 4 products with a response
of 43%,48% and 44%. Among all products Khoa and Paneer are the 2 products
with very less response of 33% and 29%.
• Quality was given more importance with 74%, then the next importance is given
for taste with 52% response. Availability thickness and price comes next with
31%, 26% and 26% where as the fat content carries very less importance with
only 17% looking while purchasing milk and milk products
• The learning about the products is happened to the great extent by Television
55% and wall paintings 42%. The banners and dealers also contributed in learning
process by 36% and 30% respectively. 22% and 21% people came to know about
the product s through magazines and radio ads, and only 9% of respondents learn
about the products through campaigns

BIET MBA Programme Davangere 49

Belgaum Milk Union Ltd

• 96 % of the respondents have observed the advertisements of Nandini Milk and

Milk products.
• Among 96 respondents who have observed the advertisements, 77 respondents
(80%) feel that the advertisements were informatory.
• Among 77 respondents who felt the advertisements were informatory 58% felt
television, 34% says Banners, 30% felt ad boards, and 29% felt wall paintings
were more informatory. Radio ads, magazines, and campaigns were felt less
informatory to about 15%,16% and 10% respectively.
• Only 11 persons out of 100 have attended awareness campaigns

• Out of 11 customers who attended the campaigns, freshness of the product was
learnt by 7 people, reliability of the Nandini brand was learnt by 5 people,
hygiene in production by 4 and no adulteration in Milk and its products by 2
• Out of 100 respondents 72% purchase Nandini Milk and Milk products.
• Out of 72 respondents who purchase Nandini Milk and Milk products 74% feels
quality is great it is the main factor which influence them for repetitive purchase.
Then 27% says taste, 23 % feels availability, 17% says thickness, 16% feels price
which influence them in making purchase decision. Very less importance was
given by the customers to fat content (15%) and promotional activities (6%)
• Out of 28 respondents who do not purchase Nandini Milk and Milk products
price was said as the major factor with 64% response which influence their
purchase decision. Second and third importance was given to availability and taste
by 32% and 29%. Quality 07%, Fat content (11%), thickness (07%) and
promotional activities (11%) are not major factors which prevents them for not
being the customers.

BIET MBA Programme Davangere 50

Belgaum Milk Union Ltd

• As there is very less awareness about Double toned milk the company should try
to promote this product.
• The products like pot curd, Masala lassi, Sweet lassi has a great potential to grow
in the market but the awareness is little less. So the company must take
appropriate steps in order to increase the awareness. And much effort is needed to
promote Khoa and Paneer.
• During the study I came to know that the availability of the milk products other
than milk is very less. So the other milk products also made available to customer
where ever the milk is available. That certainly increase the sales volume of milk
• Consumers say they learnt about the product mainly through Television, wall
paintings and banners. And feels television ads, banners, ad boards were more
informatory. So the efforts of the company are going in a right direction. But only
suggestion is to increase the frequency television ads and ad boards
• The customers expect Quality, taste and availability while purchasing the milk
and milk products and the company has reached the expectation in case of quality
and taste but a small effort is needed to increase the availability.
• The non customers of Nandini says price is the major reason for not being. So the
company should make an attempt to make them understand the value for money
what they get from Nandini in terms of quality, and healthiness of the products.
• Awareness campaigns have failed to reach majority of customers. So the number
of campaigns to be increased and to be made in such a place that the maximum
number of customers are covered.

BIET MBA Programme Davangere 51

Belgaum Milk Union Ltd

After analysing the data of the study I conclude that the Toned milk is also in the
queue with 46% of awareness and the Double Toned Milk is showing very poor
awareness with only 15% of respondents are aware of it 29% felt wall paintings were
more informatory. Radio ads, magazines, and campaigns were felt less informatory to
about 15%, 16% and 10% respectively. Second and third importance was given to
availability and taste by 32% and 29%. Quality 07%, Fat content (11%), thickness
(07%) and promotional activities (11%) are not major factors which prevents them for
not being the customers.

BIET MBA Programme Davangere 52

Belgaum Milk Union Ltd

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am pleased to introduce myself Shrirang. R. Katti, Student of MBA, in

“Bapuji Institute of Engineering & Technology MBA Programme” Davangere. As a Part
of Curriculum; have undertaken a study on, “Consumer awareness about Nandini Milk
and Milk Products, and impact of promotional activities on creating awareness”. So I
kindly request you to invest some part of your valuable time and co-operate.
The information provided by you will be used for academic purpose only.

Name: ____________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________

Age:  a. [15-20]  b. [20-25]  c. [25-30]  d. [30 & above]

1. Do you know NANDINI Brand of Milk and Milk products?

 a. Yes  b. No

2. Which of the following Milk brands of NANDINI are known to you?

 a. Toned Milk
 b. Standard Milk
 c. Shubham Milk
 d. Double Toned Milk

3. Do you know any of these NANDINI milk products?

 a. Curd
 b.Pot curd
 c.Sweet lassy

BIET MBA Programme Davangere 53

Belgaum Milk Union Ltd

 d. Masala lassy
 e. Pedha
 f. Khoa
 g. Paneer
 h. Butter
 i. Ghee

4. What factors you look while purchasing the Milk and Milk Products?

 a. Quality
 b. Thickness
 c. Fat content
 d. Price
 e. Taste
 f. Availability

5. How did you come to know about these NANDINI products?

 a. Dealers
 b. Campaigns
 c. Banners
 d. Wall paintings
 e. T.V advertisements
 f. Radio Advertisements
 g. Magazines
 h. Others

6. Have you observed the advertisements of NANDINI products?

 a. Yes  b. No

7. Were they informatory?

 a. Yes  b. No

BIET MBA Programme Davangere 54

Belgaum Milk Union Ltd

8. Which of the advertisements were more informatory?

 a. Banners
 b. Ad Boards
 c. Campaigns
 d. Wall paintings
 e. T.V advertisements
 f. Radio Advertisements
 g. Magazines
 h. Others

9. Have you attended any Awareness Campaigns organized by KMF?

 a. Yes  b. No

10. What you came to know about the NANDINI products in Awareness

 a. Freshness of the product

 b. Hygeinity in production
 c. Reliability of the Brand
 d. No contamination of milk like in Private sector
 e. Others, If specify, ______________________________.

11. Do you purchase NANDINI Milk and Milk Products?

 a. Yes  b. No

If Yes

12. Which of the following factors made you to repetitive purchase NANDINI
Milk and Milk Products :

 a. Quality
 b. Thickness
 c. Fat content
 d. Price
 e. Taste

BIET MBA Programme Davangere 55

Belgaum Milk Union Ltd

 f. Availability
 g. Promotional activities

If No
13. Select the following reasons due to which you are not purchasing NANDINI
Milk and Milk Products :

 a. Quality
 b. Thickness
 c. Fat content
 d. Price
 e. Taste
 f. Availability
 g. Promotional activities


BIET MBA Programme Davangere 56

Belgaum Milk Union Ltd


Economic efficiency on milk products co-operative union in North Bihar.

Indian Co-Operative Review

Annual Report, National Dairy Development Board, Anand, Gujarat, India


BIET MBA Programme Davangere 57

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