Sample Scholarship Application Essays

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OSA Sample Scholarship Essays

Some of the following content has been altered to maintain anonymity. MSU standards for intellectual honesty apply to scholarship application essays. Essays copied in whole or in part from these samples or any other applicants work will be rejected and may result in disciplinary action.

Essay #1 Score: 4.0 For as long as I can remember Ive known what I wanted to do with my life. Science has always been a passion of mine, and medicine in particular has interested me for some time. Dedicating my life to improving the lives of others is very appealing to me. After Michigan State, I plan on advancing to medical school to become a physician. I believe this program will offer me valuable skills that cannot be taught in the classroom. Throughout high school and college thus far I have taken a rigorous curriculum and maintained a 4.0 grade point average. During high school I was involved in a physician shadowing program called medical mentorship. In addition, I volunteered at Sparrow Hospital this fall in patient transport. I am very familiar with and comfortable in clinical settings. I am responsible, focused, hard working and easy to get along with. I participated in a Freshman Study Abroad program this summer and thoroughly enjoyed it. Studying in a foreign country was an experience unlike any Ive had. The classes were challenging and thought provoking. The city was breathtaking and I met many friends who I still keep in touch with. Although I plan on practicing medicine in the United States, I believe that studying the differences between the British health care system and that of the United States would benefit me a great deal in the future. It would be a valuable opportunity for me to shadow a British physician, and compare that experience to the clinical exposure Ive had in the United States. By participating in this program I hope to eventually combine the best of both worlds into my medical education and eventual practice. I plan to learn valuable skills that will one day make me a better doctor. Essay #2 Score: 4.0 My academic and professional goals are one as I apply to American Religious Studies Ph.D. programs. I want to study in Rome, home of the religious heart of Catholicism, to reexamine a tradition that shaped the imagination of my youth and continues to influence my approach to religious studies. I value the skills that studying in Rome would provide for looking to international religions for new ways of understanding religion in America. In graduate school I hope to study under Dr. [name withheld], who researches Catholic mysticism at [name withheld]. My experiences near the Vatican will persist beyond next summer to influence my research on American Catholicism under [name withheld]s mentorship. I am seeking an undergraduate capstone experience. Before freshman year at MSU I spent thirteen months as a Congress-Bundestag ambassador in the German cities of

OSA Sample Scholarship Essays Flensburg and Heidelberg, which included extensive travel to France, Switzerland, Austria, and Denmark. From this rich period of personal growth I acquired fluency in German, an identity as a global citizen, and the skills to independently navigate life in a foreign culture. It seems appropriate to support my next leap in life with an abroad experience that will reveal the directions in which I have grown since my exchange year, as well as provide a unique context for exploring the limits of my education before beginning graduate studies. Strengths that I will bring to my abroad experience include exemplary leadership and social skills, refined through my service to Circle K International. Numerous leadership positions at its club, district, and international levels have trained me to unearth creative solutions to challenges, organize my experiences in the community for the purposes of both engagement and reflection, and socially navigate among diverse personalities and power differences. These traits will allow me to succeed in diverse situations while studying abroad. Essay #3 Score: 3.875 A Summer in Spain College is a time for new and exciting experiences as well as a time to explore diverse and innovative ideas. What could be better than traveling to a foreign country to learn about their ideas, history, and culture? I believe study abroad is something that every college student should do to help avoid ethnocentrism, to expand their horizons, and to appreciate everything the world has to offer. I am particularly interested in the summer program offered in Santander, Spain. My grandmother came to the United States from Barcelona, Spain as a young adult to work and go to school. I have visited family in Barcelona several times and have had the opportunity to see some of the country on one family trip when we traveled from Barcelona down the eastern coast to the Rock of Gibraltar. Santander, however, is in a part of Spain that I have yet to explore. It is one thing to see a country while on vacation, but it is an entirely different experience to live there for an extended period of time. I do not think it is possible to become fluent in any language without living in that country. Even though I have some significant experience with the Spanish language, I believe that studying in Santander would deepen my understanding of not only the language, but of the culture, the people, and their history. My immigrant grandmother worked as a realtor, helping Spanish-speaking people navigate the complex process of finding and financing their first home in the United States. She inspired me to consider making the Spanish language and culture an important part of my career. I am majoring in finance with a specialization in international business/Spanish. Since the business college does not offer a program in Spain, and understanding the language and cultural aspects are crucial when doing business in any foreign country, I believe that this program would greatly benefit me in

OSA Sample Scholarship Essays my career path. I feel very strongly that I will be able to relate my experiences in Santander to my academic and professional goals. Academically, it is very important to me that I continue studying Spanish. Going to Spain gives me the chance to learn in a native environment, and I do not think there is any better way to internalize a language and develop fluency. I have a very strong love for the Spanish language, people, and culture. A summer in Spain will allow me to bring together all of my past experiences and combine them with this new and exciting opportunity. here is an undeniable advantage to living and studying in Spain; to be submersed in the Spanish way of life is the only way to fully understand and learn about how the country impacts and is impacted by the rest of the world. Not only will I learn about Spain, but I will also come to appreciate other countries in the world from a different point of view. I will be able to apply my new-found knowledge to my entire life and the way I look at the world around me. What could be more exciting than that?

Study Plan Study Plan mainly includes: 1. Study background: the current research condition and level of the study subject at home and abroad 2. The purpose of studying abroad, the anticipated objective, the plan, the method of implementation and the time needed 3. The feasibility of attaining the anticipated objective (combining it with the professional technology and knowledge that you have mastered ) 4. The foreign country and the academic institution that you have chosen, and the reasons (please simply narrate the advantages and level of the academic institution abroad, and if there are cooperation foundations and contacts between your present institution and the institution abroad. If there is an offer, please add a copy ) 5. The study (working) plan in China after finishing the study abroad Samples of Study plan Sample 1 Personal status: I am *****, female, born on 24th of Dec., 19**. I've been dreaming to a big figure in the circle of business. So when I graduated from senior high school, I chose to pursue professional knowledge about business. In September 2002, I was enrolled to study in ****** School in Beijing, with major of Business Administration (in English). And then in March 2005, I successfully progressed into ****** in Beijing, the associated university****. I have mainly studied the following subjects: English, Mathematics, Computer, Business Law, and Principle of Accounting, Finance and so

OSA Sample Scholarship Essays on. The Reason for My Choice of Studying in the Canada: I have a small but warm family. My parents are very successful in their careers. My father is **** and my mother is ****. I am proud of them. I regard them as my role model. I make my resolution to study hard for standing out in the future. After three years of study, I realize that it is more challenging than I had imagined which makes me more attracted to it. But I found myself lack of advanced knowledge business. So to study abroad emerges in my minds. Luckily, my parents are very supportive and are willing to financially sponsor my study in the Canada. Through comparison, I finally choose to study in the Canada because of her famous education, beautiful scene and safe living place. The Reason for Choosing *****(): The Proposed Courses: I have been accepted to study ****** Program in ****** as follows: Course: ***** Degree program Total credits per year: 30 credits Start Date: **** Completion Date: **** After obtaining bachelor degree from Canada, I plan to come back to China without hesitation to put all the principles I have got into practice. China has witnessed a rapid growth in economics, so I'll have lots of opportunity to develop myself based on my golden diploma and proficient English. Accumulated rich experience, I really want to have my own enterprise in order to prove my ability, which are also my parents' willing. The more important is that I love my parents. I am the only child. I think I should reward them with my outstanding achievement. And I'd like to share every step of success with my dear parents. Respectful officer, if I am luck to get the permission to go to Canada to further my study, which I believe is the first step to approach my goal, I will treasure this opportunity, make every effort to improve myself. Thank you. Signature of the Applicant: Date of Signature: Sample 2 I was born on June26, 1981 in Hefei, Anhui Province. After fulfilled nine-year obligation education, I successfully enter one of the best senior middle schools in Hefei with the highest math scores and third in total score. After three years colorful and hard study, I became an undergraduate student in Taiyuan Heavy Machinery Institute and graduated form it with outstanding degree. Now I came back to my hometown and worked in Headfree Software Company here.

OSA Sample Scholarship Essays And I have basically three reasons for wishing to purse further studies abroad. First, I am fascinated by the business and international management science. I would like to be trained in the latest theories and practices so that I could stand firmly on the cutting edge of the rapid development in this field. Second, the market research I am now involved in is pushing me to master better and more effective methodologies. Third, my country just enter WTO, I believe my country's future would ultimately depend on how good we are in doing business. I want to learn more useful knowledge then devote myself into Chinese business. Now I have got the admission as a full-time graduate student to the Master of Business Administration at Brock University for the academic session 2003-004, and the program is normally completed with 18 months. In this time, I will try to learn more knowledge to enhance myself. After I finish the study, I will come back to my country, because my country just enter WTO and 2008 Olympic Games will hold in Beijing, my country need more professional businessmen and manager, especially who not only know China but also know foreign countries very well, just like us. And my country has provided many facilities condition and encourage guys who studied abroad come back. I think both the situation and chance is good for me. And I do love my country. I decided to bring what I have learned back and make more contribution to my country. Sample 3 Dear Visa Officer: I am the applicant XXXX, and my English name is XXXX. At present, I am a senior at XXXX University majoring Chinese Language and Literature. At the end of this March, I received the offer of Brock University, and now I am writing to apply for a student permit for further study in your esteemed country. I was born in an intellectual family, and both of my parents are intellectuals. Influenced by such favorable family environment, I have formed keen interests in reading since my childhood. Browsing through an extensive range of writings, I have greatly enlarged my ken of knowledge, and, at the same time, built commendable value and view towards life. Since I was at primary school, I have released numberless essays in newspapers and magazines. Worth mentioning, my novel The Edge of Perspective won excellent praises and enabled me to stand out from the rest in Global Huawen Youth Writing Talent Contest, and now it has been collected in book with other excellent writings and published. Reviewing my four years'campus life, I realize that what I have gained is not only accumulation of knowledge but also improvement of

OSA Sample Scholarship Essays

both intellectual and psychological quality. I have spent three years in completing four years' credits and kept brilliant academic records ranking top 20%. In the second academic year, now that I passed the entrance examination of Enhancing Class of Literature, I had more opportunities to attend experts' lectures, which inspired my in-depth thinking. Finally, I successfully edited the collection of theses Tansi as Deputy Editor-in-chief. Besides, I have also done lots of jobs concerning scientific research of students and applied for some research topics for students; my thesis Survey and Research on Imitative Writing of College Students won the third prize in Challenge Cup Thesis Competition. In order to enhance my cultivation of foreign literatures, at university, I have also undertaken lots of specialized courses of Foreign Languages Department including History of English Literature, Selected Reading of English Literature, History of American Literature and so on, which not only satisfied my thirst for literature but also, subtly, enabled me to improve greatly my English proficiency. Our university is a cradle to cultivate excellent talents, staying where for four years; definitely, I have greatly enhanced professional quality and specialized skills. I appreciate my parents, who gave me best education all the while. From primary school, junior high school to senior high school, I studied at top schools in my hometown. Here not only provided me with favorable education environment and excellent teaching faculty but also enabled me to know lots of knowledgeable and promising classmates. I have many classmates studying abroad in various countries of the world, encouraged by whom, as well as driven by my intensive thirst for pursuing more knowledge and sensing distinctive cultures and advanced education, I long for studying abroad. My motherland China boasts a long history of 5,000 years; as a major of Chinese Language and Literature, I understand deeply Chinese traditions and cultures, and I have got affection towards the mainland of our country. In the 21st century, China is in face of infinite opportunities and challenges; definitely, education will play a significant role in the future development of the society. How to make education keep pace with the international development and how to absorb advanced teaching experience in western countries and combine it with the domestic status quo to work out proper education guideline and principles suitable for quality education for our people have become problems calling for great attentions and urgent solutions. Now that I notice the large developing space, I earnestly

OSA Sample Scholarship Essays hope to further study the program of International Educational Management offered by Brock University in your renowned country, which will be not only a kind of extension of my major study but also a perfect way for me to develop a brand new angle based on the original area. Should I bring in advanced experience of educational management abroad to our country and devote myself to the construction of China, I suppose, it will be of great value and meaning in my lifetime. Now I submit my application with full confidence in the hope of winning a favorable permit. Many thanks for your kind consideration! Sample 4 My study plan is to pursue a Ph.D. at the x x x University in Canada concentrating on the discipline of robotics. This is a natural progression for me, because I already possess a BA and an MA both related to control, computer science and robotics research. Further evidence of my consistent commitment to and expertise in my chosen field is my position as a Research Assistant for the xxx Mobile Robots (THMR) Laboratory. Now, after dedicating eight years towards fulfilling my objective of becoming a fully-fledged authority on robotics, I feel well prepared for a doctoral program on the topic. Xxx University offers me the best possible opportunities to acquire leading edge knowledge and later contribute to robotics advancements in China. Why come to Canada to study in Robotics at x x x University? I selected Xxx University because its research focus, facilities and professors are absolutely ideal to help me meet my precise goals. My choice was made after comparing and contrasting carefully several different engineering schools. While many universities conduct investigations into robotic theories, this institution's Faculty of Engineering's specialist trait is research into robots used in industry. Not only will I be acquiring practical knowledge in my specific field, I will also be gaining expertise that is in great demand by industrial sectors in China. Additionally, I am attracted to the fact that the Faculty of Engineering holds strong ties with industrial organizations including the C-CORE. The Faculty partners provide substantial funding, advanced facilities and suitable test environments for research into robots. Furthermore, the PhD supervisors are C-CORE Chairs in intelligent systems, which indicate that experts with extensive and pioneering knowledge will appropriately guide my research and use me for excellent projects. I also chose these professors because not only will I be expected to study my particular area, I additionally must acquire a broad education regarding the theory and application of many kinds of robots. Therefore, as I learn widely about ground robots, underground robots and group robots, I

OSA Sample Scholarship Essays will be supervised capably on my area of infrastructure-free mobile robots. Why not pursue less expensive alternatives in China? Of course, to obtain a PhD in China was my first preference because it is my home. I therefore considered applying for the doctoral program at x x x University in China, especially as I have worked there and it is the leading university in China regarding this subject. However, while China is cheaper than Canada, the issue of cost did not determine my choice of university. Due to my knowledge and skills, the x x x University in Canada is offering me the necessary financial assistance to fully cover tuition and living expenses. Most important for me was the right research environment. Sadly, China is not the best option presently. I know from first hand experience that while x x x University has the broadest robots research in China, it mainly focuses on ground level single robots and I already have considerable knowledge of this area. Plus there is the key fact that most of the leading robot professionals in China were trained in the west. They left China because western countries still hold the finest technology and preeminent teaching. Like them, I wish to benefit from a North American education and put it to good use upon my return to China. What is my overall educational objective? My overall educational objective is to use the PhD as a vehicle to become a world-class specialist in robotics, especially underground robots. Exposure now to cutting edge technological breakthroughs and participation in advanced projects would prepare me for a brilliant long-term career in China. I will furthermore use my education to help China integrate itself with the global academic environment, because I will present papers at seminars and international conferences. How will this Canadian degree increase my chances in the Chinese labor market? My prospects in the Chinese labor market would be extraordinary after acquisition of a PhD in robotics. Robots are vital technological tools for Chinese industries and manufacturing, which must upgrade their automation features to keep pace with international standards. To give one example, China is investing billions in city subways, and underground robots inevitably will play an important role in their construction. Because China's requirements for robot experts greatly exceeds the number of talented professionals, those in possession of the information on the latest international developments and skills applicable to handle projects at the most challenging level will be in great demand. Furthermore, aside from hands-on knowledge, what I would offer an employer was evidence that I had acquired new concepts, a fresh mindset, the ability to conduct senior level independent research and a broad international perspective. My

OSA Sample Scholarship Essays competitors PhD holders from Chinese universities - would be able to make less impressive claims in these areas. Additionally, the Chinese government encourages returnees with preferential policies, such as ample funds for research and favorable conditions for establishing businesses. I can state with confidence that the Canadian degree would open doors for me to construction enterprises, research institutions and multinational companies. In China, they all would view me as a precious potential member of their personnel. A PhD holder from a western country is seen as having a positive impact to play in the development of a domestic organization, not just in their specific job but also their approach to work. PhD holding returnees are valued as being cooperative team workers, forward thinking and highly proactive when faced with challenges. What ties do I have to China that will lead me to return to China following my course of study? I hold plans regarding how I aim to use my degree in the long-term when I return to China, and have already secured backing from family and colleagues to facilitate their realization. Those plans include using my research findings to establish my own robotics high technology company, with the help of my father and a professor at x x x University. My father is an official with extensive connections, and he is in a position to provide his full support in R & D financing and market development. Through him, I can navigate my way through red tape and meet the people with the knowledge regarding potential business. With regard to the professor, he is my former advisor and my current employer, so we know each other well and have a proven fruitful relationship. He has a track record of completing many successful projects for Chinese enterprises, such as the x x x Construction Machinery Group and the x x x Group, and maintains close ties with them, so the likelihood is our reputation will bring good clients. Alternatively, I will return to x x x University after my degree in Canada, because my ties to this top university are strong. My advisor has said I would be welcome to return, and my target would be to set up a new robot research center at the university. This is entirely feasible due to my contacts. With my advisor's support, the center would attract research funds from leading organizations. In short, the PhD program at Canada's x x x University serves all of my important short, medium and long-term goals. I will invest all my efforts in research, and then return to China for an exciting career.

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