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Welcome to our e-PUB Process


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E-book (PDF)
We are to sprit in PDF three Part First part: (Front Matter)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Cover page to save (Cover.html) Title page to save(Title.html) Copyright page to save (Copyright.html) Contents page to save (Contents.html) Foreword page to save (Foreword.html) Preface page to save (Perface.html) Acknowledgements page to save (Acknowledgements.html) Introduction page to save (Introduction.html)

Second part: (Body Matter)

1. Chapter to save (Chapter00.html) 2. Part to save (Part0.html) 3. Section to save (Section0.html)

Treed part: (Back Matter)

1. 2. 3. 4. References(References.html) Appendix to save (Appendix.html) About the Author to save(Abouttheauthor.html) Index to save(Index.html)


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OCR to the PDF | Word Replace | Tagging For XHtml + Extra Work | QC | Online Validation | QC For .epub | Send For ePUB


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OCR (Optical Character Recognition)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Open the Abby fine reader ( Ctrl O ) Select the PDF type the pages you want for example am want 20 pages to 40 pages type ( 20-40 ) Save batch As give page number to save example ( 20-40 ) Zone for single page ( Ctrl E ) for all pages ( Ctrl Shift E ) Text zone for green ( Ctrl 2 ) Table zone for blue ( Ctrl 3 ) (Right click->Analyze Table Structure>click) Image zone for red ( Ctrl 4 ) Go to next page( Ctrl + ) privies page ( Ctrl - ) Read all pages ( Ctrl Shift R ) Check spelling ( F7 ) for italic ( Ctrl I ) for bold ( Ctrl B ) for subscript ( Ctrl + ) for superscript ( Ctrl Shift + ) for underline (Ctrl U) special character to copy Character Map (Run->charmap) and past to Check spelling window. Send all pages to Microsoft Word. Close Abby fine reader.

11. 12.


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Word Replace
Open find and replace ( Ctrl H )

Step 1; Find what: Tab space (^t) Replace with: single space ( )

Step 2; Find what: Double space ( ) Replace with: Single space ( )

Step 3; Find what: single cote (') Replace with: single cote (')

Step 4; Find what: double cote (") Replace with: double cote (")


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Step 5; Find what: (^b) Replace with: (<a id=page_/>)

Step 6; Find what: (^g) Replace with: (<p class="image"><img src="images/f000-00.jpg" alt="Image"/></p>)

Step 7 Run Nimas_Cleanup (Tools->Templates and Add-Ins->click the box and click ok)


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HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)

Heading Paragraph, subscript, superscript, bold, italic, attributes, line break, span, small caption. Border Entity List Inserting an Image. Table Link

Html structure
<html> <head> <title>Title</title> </head> <body> .............. </body> </html>

Tags are three types

1. Opening tag 2. Closing tag 3. Self closing tag
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Opening tag
The tags are coming for center in a less then (<) and grater then (>) <tag name> Ex: <html>, <head>, <body>, <title>

Closing tag

All tags are needs to close in html Closing tags is after less then and back slash (/), tag name and grater then. </tag name> Ex: </html>, </head>, </body>, </title>

Self close tag

Some tags only self close in an html Closing tag in an opening tag Ex: <br />, <hr />

Heading levels:
There are 6 levels in an html tag The biggest is heading one <h1>


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Ex: <h1>heading level 1</h1> <h2>heading level 2</h2> <h3>heading level 3</h3> <h4>heading level 4</h4> <h5>heading level 5</h5> <h6>heading level 6</h6>

Display in html

heading level 1
heading level 2
heading level 3
heading level 4
heading level 5
heading level 6

Para: <p>This paragraph tag is use in only a paragraph</p> Display: This paragraph tag is use in only a paragraph


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Bold tag: The <b> tag can be inside <p> tags. Ex: <p><b>Anand</b> Anand</p>

Display: Anand Anand

Italic tag: The <i> tag can be inside <p> tags. Ex: <p><b><i>Anand</i> Anand</b> <i>Anand</i></p> Display: Anand Anand Anand

Superscript tag: The <sup> tag can be inside <p> tags. Ex: <p>(a&#x002B;b)<sup>2</sup></p> Display: (a+b) 2

Subscript tag: The <sub> tag can be inside <p> tags. Ex: <p>H<sub>2</sub>O</p> Display: H2O


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Attributes you mention in a tag: <h2 name="value"> Name is an attribute. The main condition is dont give space in an value.

Line break tag <br /> Span tag The <span> tag is an inline-level element. The <span> tag can only contain other inline elements like abbr, strong, or tt. The <span> tag can be inside <p> tags or <div> tags.

Div tag The <div> tag in XHTML is a tag that defines logical divisions within the content of a page. What this means is that a <div> tag defines sections of a Web page to make it easier to manage, style, and manipulate. You can use the <div> tag when you want to center a block of content or position a content block on the page. The <div> tag is a very powerful tool for Web developers. Border <hr /> Display:

Small caption The <small> tag can be inside <p> tags. Ex: <p>A<small>NAND</small></p> Display: ANAND


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Entity Special charter is need to as code on html. Entity format is &#x four digit number followed by semicolon ; Ex: &#x00E2;

List Lists are two types, Order list and unordered list. Order list tag <ol>, Unordered list tag <ul> List items tag <li> is same for two lists. Order list: Html code <ol> <li>Anand</li> <li>Basker</li> <li>Murugan</li> <li>Vadivel</li> <li>Kannan</li> </ol> 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Anand Basker Murugan Vadivel Kannan PDF

Same principal of lower alpha, upper alpha, lower roman, upper roman Unordered list
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Html code <ul> <li>Tricuspid (AV valve)</li> <li>Mitral (AV valve)</li> <li>Pulmonic (semilunar valve)</li> <li>Aortic (semilunar valve)</li> </ul> Same principal of circle and square. PDF Tricuspid (AV valve) Mitral (AV valve) Pulmonic (semilunar valve) Aortic (semilunar valve)

Inserting an Image. <img src="images/f000-00.jpg" alt="Image"/> ( f000-00 )

The first three digits is page number second two digits number is order of image Ex: page 89 have one image, we are saving the image name give f089 and follow by the En Dash () then give 01. 01 is nothing but that page has only one image so that way to save [f08901.jpg].


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Table: A C E <table> <tr> <th>A</th> <th>B</th> </tr> Link <a href=""></a> Ex: B D F <tr> <td>C</td> <td>D</td> </tr> <tr> <td>E</td> <td>F</td> </tr> </table>

<a href=""></a>


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XHTML (eXtensible HyperText Markup Language)

For Part number <h1 class="partnum"><a id="p0"/>XXXXX</h1> For Part title <h1 class="parttitle">XXXXXX</h1> For Chapter number <h1 class="chapnum"><a id="c0"/>XXXXXX</h1> For Chapter title <h1 class="chaptitle">XXXXXX</h1> For Contents title <h1 class="tochead">XXXXXX</h1> For full length Text Paragraph <p class="text">XXXXXX</p>

For Paragraph with indent spacing <p class="textindent">XXXXXX</p>

For Paragraph with hanging indent spacing <p class="hangindent">XXXXXX</p>


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For Block quote <p class="blockquote">XXXXX</p> For References <p class="reference">XXXXX</p> For Figure Caption <p class="caption">XXXXXX</p> For Table Caption <p class="caption1">XXXXXX</p> For Foot note <p class="fn">XXXXXX</p> For Figure coding <p class="image"><img src="images/f000-00.jpg" alt="Image"/></p> For Heading 2 <h2 class="heading"><a id="c0-00"/>XXXX</h2> For Heading 3 <h3 class="heading1">XXXX</h3> For Heading 4 <h4 class="heading2">XXXX</h4> For Bullet List <ul> <li>xxxxxxxx</li> <li>xxxxxxxx</li> <li>xxxxxxxx</li> </ul>
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For Order List (Numeric) <ol> <li>xxxxxxxx</li> <li>xxxxxxxx</li> </ol> For Order List (lower alpha) <ol class="loweralpha"> <li>xxxxxxxx</li> <li>xxxxxxxx</li> </ol> For Order List (roman) <ol class="roman"> <li>xxxxxxxx</li> <li>xxxxxxxx</li> </ol> For Square List <ul class="squf"> <li>xxxxxxxx</li> <li>xxxxxxxx</li> </ul>


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All colored Text box need to code as below <div class="box"> <p class="xxxxx">xxxxx</p> </div> Table need to code as follows: <table class="table1" border="1" frame="hsides" rules="groups" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <thead> <tr> <td>xx</td> <td>xx</td> <td>xx</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>xx</td> <td>xx</td> <td>xx</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>


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All IDs need to captured Chapters (<a id="c0"/>) Heading 2(<a id="c0-00"/> Figures (<a id="fig0.0"/>) Tables (<a id="tab0.0"/>) Pages (<a id="page_0"/>) Reference (<a id="ref_0"/>) Id tags need to code at proper place. Links for Chapters (<a href="Chapter00.html#c0">Caption</a>) Figures (<a href="Chapter00.html#fig0.0">Caption</a>) Tables (<a href="Chapter00.html#tab0.0">Caption</a>) Pages (<a href="Chapter00.html#page_0">Caption</a>) Reference (<a href="Chapter00.html#ref_0">Caption</a>) For Copyright 1st hierarchy <p class="cpytxt"> 2nd hierarchy <p class="cpytxt1"> 3rd hierarchy <p class="cpytxt2"> 4th hierarchy <p class="cpytxt3"> For Contents coding 1st hierarchy <p class="toc"> 2nd hierarchy <p class="toc1"> 3rd hierarchy <p class="toc2"> 4th hierarchy <p class="toc3">
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For Index coding 1st hierarchy <p class="index"> 2nd hierarchy <p class="index1"> 3rd hierarchy <p class="index2"> 4th hierarchy <p class="index3"> NCX file needs to capture up to level 1 after Chapter title. All the entities need to captured in UNICODE Graphics size needs to maintain so it looks good in e-PUB (Not more than 600 pixel in width. All the links should be valid and linked properly.


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ePUBProcess EPSILON SHORTCUT KEYS Help F1 Shift-F1 F5 F6 F1 L F1 A F1 V Unbound: Bookmarks Alt-/ Alt-J Ctrl-X / Ctrl-X J Buffers Ctrl-X B Ctrl-X K Ctrl-X Ctrl-K Ctrl-X Ctrl-B Ctrl-(Tab) F12, Ctrl-X> F11, Ctrl-X< Ctrl-X Ctrl-Q help context-help show-bindings what-is show-last-keys apropos show-version wall-chart, info, man, search-man-pages set-bookmark jump-to-last-bookmark set-named-bookmark jump-to-named-bookmark select-buffer kill-buffer kill-current-buffer bufed switch-buffers next-buffer previous-buffer change-read-only kill-all-buffers

Commenting Commands Alt-; indent-for-comment Ctrl-X ; set-comment-column Alt-(Minus) Ctrl-X ; kill-comment


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ePUBProcess Comparing Ctrl-F2 Alt-] Alt-[ compare-windows compare-sorted-windows visual-diff next-difference previous-difference Unbound: diff, merge-diff

Display Commands Ctrl-F6 set-show-graphic Shift-F6 change-show-spaces Unbound: set-color, set-font, hex-mode EEL Extensions Alt-F3 compile-buffer Unbound: execute-eel, eval, set-debug, profile, list-undefined nd-le visit-le save-le write-le copy-to-le insert-le write-region print-buffer change-modied cd dired quick-dired-command nd-linked-le save-all-buffers Unbound: revert-file, new-file, set-line-translate

Files Ctrl-X Ctrl-F Ctrl-X Ctrl-V Ctrl-X Ctrl-S Ctrl-X Ctrl-W Ctrl-F7 Ctrl-X I Ctrl-X W Alt-F9 Alt- F7 Ctrl-X D Alt-O Ctrl-X Ctrl-L Ctrl-X S


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ePUBProcess Formatting Ctrl-X F Alt-Q Alt-Shift-Q Alt-2 Alt-Q Ctrl-C Ctrl-A Ctrl-C> Ctrl-C< Ctrl-C Alt-Q set-ll-column ll-paragraph prex-ll-paragraph unll paragraph align-region mail-quote-region mail-unquote mail-ll-paragraph Unbound: fill-region, auto-fill-mode

HTML/XML Commands Alt-= html-nd-matching-tag Alt-i html-list-element-nesting Alt-Shift-L html-list-mismatched-tags Alt-Shift-E html-close-last-tag Alt-Shift-F html-forward-tag Alt-Shift-B html-backward-tag Alt-Shift-D html-delete-tag Alt-Shift-R xml-sort-by-attribute-name Indenting Alt-M (Tab) Shift-(Tab) Ctrl-X(Tab) Ctrl-Alt-\ Alt-S Ctrl-X Alt-(Tab) Ctrl-X Alt-I Alt-(Tab) to-indentation indent-previous back-to-tab-stop indent-rigidly indent-region center-line tabify-region untabify-region indent-under


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ePUBProcess Inserting and Deleting NormalKeys normal-character Ctrl-Q quoted-insert Alt-# insert-ascii Ctrl-O open-line (Backspace) backward-delete-character Ctrl-D,(Del) delete-character Alt-\ delete-horizontal-space Ctrl-X Ctrl-O delete-blank-lines (Ins) overwrite-mode Internet Ctrl-Alt-C URL services: Key Bindings Alt-X, F2 Alt-F2 F4 (Esc) Ctrl- Keys At Prompts ? Alt-(Up) Alt-E Alt-(Down) Alt-(PgDn) Alt-G view-web-site show-connections http, ftp, scp, telnet, ssh named-command show-menu bind-to-key alt-prex ctrl-prex Show matches. Show previous responses. Edit a response or match. Grab next word from buffer. Grab next line from buffer. Insert alternative response.

Keyboard Macros Ctrl-X ( Ctrl-X )


start-kbd-macro end-kbd-macro
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ePUBProcess Keyboard Macros Ctrl-F4 Ctrl-X Alt-N Shift-F4 last-kbd-macro bind-last-macro pause-macro

Killing and Yanking Ctrl-@ set-mark Ctrl-X Ctrl-H highlight-region Ctrl-X Ctrl-X exchange-point-and-mark Ctrl-K kill-line Ctrl-W kill-region Alt-W copy-region Ctrl-Y yank Alt-Y yank-pop Ctrl-Alt-W append-next-kill Ctrl-X H mark-whole-buffer Ctrl-X # mark-rectangle Ctrl-X X copy-to-scratch Ctrl-X Y insert-scratch Language Support Alt- Alt-i Ctrl-CCtrl-R F3, Ctrl-(Up) Ctrl-(Down) Ctrl-(NumSlash) Miscellaneous Ctrl-G Ctrl-U Ctrl-X = Ctrl-X L Unbound:

list-denitions list-preprocessor-conditionals comment-region pull-word pull-word-fwd browse-symbol abort argument show-point count-lines narrow-to-region, widen-buffe
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E-Pub Structure
E-Pub Structure Required E-Pub Contents

OEBPS Content

META-INF Content

Why should I use the .epub format? Because it's a completely open and free standard. The .epub is a standard for eBooks created by the International Digital Publishing Forum. It consists of basic XHTML for the book content, XML for descriptions, and a re-named zip file to hold it all in. Anyone can make these eBooks, and since they're essentially just XHTML, anyone can read them. How to Make an ePub eBook by Hand If you're interested, I figured out the information in this guide by a combination of reverse engineering the Sherlock Holmes book from Adobe's site, reading through the specs at the IDPF web site, and trial and error until I got a working eBook to load properly in Digital Editions. (I figure it's OK to do that since Holmes is in the public domain now...).
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Tools Needed: OCR to PDF Example: ABBYY FineReader 8.0 Professional Edition A text editor. Anything that can edit text files, HTML, and XML. Example: Notepad, Epsilon. A .zip program. Anything that can create .zip files. Example: Windows XP's built-in .zip support

The Process can be broken down into two parts: 1) Prepare the content 2) Put in the container. First, let's go check out the official specs. Yes, it's very boring and hard to follow, but aren't they all? These will come in handy later on though. After getting the basic structure of the file setup, the official specs are handy to reference for tags that aren't used very often, or if you can't remember what exactly goes in a certain tag. Don't let them scare you though, we really only have to fiddle with two XML files, the rest is either straight XHTML, or files that you can copy from the sample file that we'll be looking at later. IDPF Specs:

mimetype - tells a reader/operating system what's in here META-INF folder - This folder contains, at minimum, the container.xml file, which tells the reader software where in the container to find the book. OEBPS folder - Recommended location for the books content. It contains: 1. Images folder - images go here 2. ISBN number.opf - XML file that lists what's in the container 3. toc.ncx - This is the table of Contents 4. xhtml files - The book's contents are in these


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Lets look at each of these in more detail. Feel free to extract these files and use them as a template... One thing to note before we get started: the filenames are case sensitive. This means that if you have a file named "Chapter1.html" and you refer to it as "chapter1.html" in the .OPF file or .NCX file, the book will not display properly. Mimetype This file is just a plain ASCII text file that contains the line: "application/epub+zip" The operating system can look at this file to figure out what a .epub file is instead of using the file extension. This file must be the first file in the zip file, and must not be compressed. META-INF Folder This contains the container.xml file, which points to the location of the ISBN number.opf file. This folder is the same for every e-book, so you should be able to recycle the whole folder from the sample file without making changes. OEBPS Folder Images Folder If you have any images for your eBook, they go in here. ISBN number.opf This file gives a list of all files in the .epub container, defines the order of files, and stores meta data (author, genre, publisher, etc.) information. Note that this file can be named anything you want to call it, as long as the container.xml file mentioned above points to the correct filename. Lots of stuff in this file. I'll go through each required tag here. Check the specs to see more information about optional meta data tags. dc:title - Title of the book dc:language - Identifies the language used in the book content. The content has to comply with RFC 3066. List of language codes. (I'd just copy the language tag from the sample...)
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dc:identifier - This is the book's unique ID. This has to be a unique identifier for every different e-book. The spec doesn't give any sort of recommendation for what to use, but an ISBN number would be a good bet. I used the name of my web site and the date and time. One thing to note, because of how the file interacts with toc.ncx, just modify what's after the " uuid:" on this line. Next comes the manifest. This is just a listing of the files in the .epub container, and their file type. Each item is also assigned an item ID that's used in the spine section of ISBN number.opf. This list does not have to be in any particular order. The spine section lists the reading order of the contents. The spine doesn't have to list every file in the manifest, just the reading order. For example, if the manifest lists images, they do not have to be listed in the spine. toc.ncx This is the table of contents. This file controls what shows up in the left Table of Contents pane in Digital Editions Things you need to change: Make sure the uid matches what you have in ISBN number.opf doctitle: The text inside the text tag is what will show up as the books title in the reader software The navpoint tag. Each nav point is a chapter listing, the text is the chapter name, and the src is the file it links to. If you copy a navpoint tag set to add chapters, make sure to update the id and playorder values. Notes: According to the spec, the ID can be anything you want, but it's easier to keep track of things if you use the same ID you used for that file in the .OPF file. Also, some readers won't properly display the Table of Contents if the ID doesn't match. Also, the playorder values have to be in order. (An item with playorder 1 will be before an item with playorder 2, etc.) They also have to be listed in order, and can't
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have any gaps. (You'll get an error if you jump from 1 to 20, etc) page-template.xpgt This file isn't part of the IDPF spec, but Adobe Digital Editions uses it for formatting and setting column settings and whatnot. You don't need this file at all, but your book will look nicer in Digital Editions if you include it. Other readers should just ignore it. Note: You can use a .css style sheet file to layout styles for your book as well. Just make sure to list it in the manifest section of ISBN number.opf Also of note here, any styling should be done in a CSS stylesheet, and not in the document. Content .xhtml files Content files should be XML 1.1 documents If you're not familiar with XML, it's basicly HTML with closing tags for every element, and several style tags are not supported. Making the Container Now we make the .epub container that all these files go in. 1. Create an empty .zip file with whatever name you like 2. Copy the mimetype file into the zip file (don't use compression on this file) 3. Copy the rest of the files and folders mentioned above into the zip file * 4. Re-name the .zip extension to .epub * The specification recommends that the books files go in an "OEBPS" folder inside the zip file. If you put them in another spot, be sure that container.xml in the META-INF folder points to the correct location of the *.opf file. The zip file layout should look something like this:


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mimetype META-INF container.xml OEBPS images ISBN number.opf toc.ncx stylesheet.css content.html You should now be able to open your eBook in Adobe Digital Editions, or any other reader that supports the .epub format. If you want to cheat, download the file below. It's a zip file that has empty chapter pages, and the content and toc files pre filled out, so all you have to do is copy and paste your content into the empty files, and modify the OPF and NCX files. Checking your ePub file So you've made a sample ePub book, and it won't open, or it opens with an error, or looks funky. What now? epubcheck is a program that will scan your ePub file and display any errors it finds in the book.


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