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Lesson 2

Frida Ferdani Putri

Universitas Terbuka
Korea Selatan 2013

Review Lesson 1
Grammar (pronouns, present progressive tense atau present continuous tense, article a dan an, there is dan there are + regular/irregular countable nouns) Writing (mendeskripsikan diri sendiri, seseorang (tokoh yang terkenal), gambar)

Objective of Lesson 2
Kompetensi Umum : Mahasiswa diharapkan mampu mendeskripsikan sesuatu dalam Bahasa Inggris secara tertulis Kompetensi Khusus : Mahasiswa diharapkan mampu mendeskripsikan tempat tinggal dan menunjukkan arah serta mendeskripsikan kegiatan dalam Bahasa Inggris secara tertulis.

Grammar see page 2.2 Wh+ H question

Kata tanya What When Where Which Why Who Whom Whose How How many Materi yang ditanyakan Contoh Hal/benda Waktu Tempat Pilihan Alasan Orang (subjek/objek) Orang (objek) Kepemilikan Cara Jumlah (countable) What is that? When are you leaving? Where did you park my car? Which book do you like best? Why is she crying? Who are you? Whom did you meet? Whose bag is that? How does he do the housework? How many languages does she speak?

How much

Jumlah (uncountable)

How much fat do you consume a day?


see page 2.4 yes and no question see page 2.21 preposition of places see page 2.25 simple present with be see page 2.38 preposition of time see page 2.40 simple present tense

Preposition of Place
Preposition in Usage Negara, benua Kota Outside area Ruangan (di dalam) In Korea, in Asia In Seoul, in Bandung In the garden, in the street In the kitchen, in the bedroom, in the office. Example

At Tempat umum Bangunan alamat Tempat yang lebih spesifik Event On Permukaan

In the hotel, in a restaurant

At the station, at the market, at the bank At the hotel, at a restaurant At Jalan Sabang no. 2 In Jakarta at Soekarno Hatta airport At a party, at a funeral, at a dinner On the wall, on the ceiling, on the floor

Nama jalan tanpa nomer

on Jalan Sabang, on 5th avenue

Preposition of Place
Under : di bawah Next to : di samping Between : di antara 2 benda/hal/orang Among : di antara lebih dari 2 benda/hal/orang In front of : di depan In the back of : di belakang Behind : di belakang Above : di atas (permukaan tidak bersinggungan berbeda dengan on) Below : di bawah (terdapat jarak)

Preposition of Time
Preposition Usage
Parts of a day Months Years Seasons Centuries Period/ Duration

In the morning, in the evening In January, in December In 1980, in 2013 In spring, in winter, in autumn, in summer In the 19th century In two weeks time, in 5 days At 10 oclock, at lunchtime. At night

(Umumnya untuk long period)

(Umumnya untuk precise time)

Time Parts of day (especially night) Festival Age

At Christmas, at Easter, at Iedul Fitri At the age of 25

Preposition of Time




(Umumnya untuk hari dan tanggal)

Part of a day (diawali nama hari) Date (diawali oleh bulan) Particular occasion Festival

On Sunday, on Thursday
On Monday morning, on Saturday Evening On June 15th, on August 17th On my birthday, on new year On Christmas day, On Iedul Fitri day

see page 3.2 quantifiers Much, little Many, few A lot of, lots of, plenty of Plenty

see page 3.4 penggunaan the see page 3.31 so & too

see page 3.28 preferences Prefer Subject + prefer + V-ing + to V+ing She prefers sleeping sleeping to studying Would rather Subject + would rather + V1 than V1 She would rather sleep than study Like Subject + like + V-ing better than V-ing She likes sleeping than studying

Writing Mendeskripsikan tempat tinggal page 2.7 Menunjukkan arah page 2.28 Mendeskripsikan kegiatan page 2.44 Mendeskripsikan keluarga page 3.8 Menuliskan relationship page 3.19 Menuliskan hal-hal yang disukai atau tidak disukai page 3.33

Mendeskripsikan kegiatan yang biasa dilakukan ketika weekend. Gunakan simple present tense dan simple present tense with be. Gunakan juga kalimat yang mengandung preopsition of time dan preposition of place. Minimal 15 kalimat Dikumpulkan melalui email ke atau diupload di portal paling lambat 14 September 2013 jam 23.59

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