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Suspicious Suicides


E e l c o r t T n c o iu t r a e r n d M n i d C o A n S o r t : u lG r v iu a l d o i T f e r a g r e t d I n d v i u a s l
By Anon. / May 11th, 2013 no responses


Allen Barkers Mental Firewall: It basically asserts that if you act like Mengele then you are a Nazi pig. Then there are a few obvious conclusions that are also part of the theorem. The Nazi Pig Theorem (NPT): Anyone who nonconsensually violates your brain/mind/mentation using Mengele-like methods is a Nazi pig. You do not care what a Nazi pig thinks. You do not care about a Nazi pigs opinions. You do not respond to a Nazi pig ridiculing you, threatening you, trying to distract you, or otherwise trying to manipulate you. You work to get a Nazi pig hanged. DEW - Direct Energy Weapon are device used for OSEH (Organized Stalking Electronic Harassment) purposes, weapons can be microwave with pulp frequencies, v2k or other electronic and hearing devices.

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WHAT ARE DEW WEAPONS? electronic devices used to cause sleep deprivation and malaise, a hit mans dream classified or unclassified electronic weapons developed by the federal government, military, or private corporations to kill slowly electronic devices used to tetanize muscles, cause strokes, heart attacks, or memory loss, instill fear, rage, or other forms of control over any living being electronic devices which can manipulate hormones patented or unpatented electronic devices developed to control behavior in living beings electronic weapons developed specifically to covertly manipulate the masses electronic weapons which, when used over the long term, cause a wide variety of illnesses, including lupus, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue, lymphatic breakdown, depressed immune system, low t-cell count, etc. All targeted individuals are subjected to a barrage of criminal acts, some of which they may not be fully aware. If targets are true TIs, their phones WILL be tapped, their computers WILL be hacked, and their mail WILL be monitored. What can victims do to defend themselves, halt electronic stalking and mind control (ESMC) activities, apprehend the cowardly perverts who carry it out, and punish them and their accomplices? Remember that the perpetrators of your ESMC are the criminals, not you. Certainly, the total loss of privacy, even in the case of your most intimate thoughts, is frustrating. That common criminals whom you probably do not know have knowledge of your thoughts that even family members and friends do not know is unnerving. However, keep in mind that whatever the criminals know about you and your thoughts, they cannot publish them in the New York Times. I continually laugh at my perverted handlers and tell them that I really dont care what they see, hear, know, or think that they know, or do. I tell them through our synthetic telepathy to publish those thoughts in the newspapers and expose them on national TV. It does not matter to me. Remain positive. Despite the unsettling nature of the ESMC activities, targets must make a special effort to maintain a positive attitude, especially when around others. Remember that the perpetrators of ESMC are trying to ruin your lives. Do not let them. I start each day by stating to myself how great the day is, whether it is rainy or sunny or cold or hot. Resist depression. One of the handlers ploys is to cause a target to commit suicide. Keep your life bright. Surround yourself with uplifting and cheerful dcor. Let plenty of light into your house. Targets have a tendency to keep their houses dark, with the windows perpetually covered. A dark house encourages depression. Open those windows. I do not even have curtains on my windows. And also use your good mind. Tell yourself how fortunate you are despite your electronic and mind control assault. Think about things that make you happy and that calm your mind. Maintain your physical health. This is very important, as the perpetrators of the ESMC seek to make you a couch potato. They will whisper to your subconscious to binge eat, to watch more TV than usual, and to eat the wrong kinds of food. They will also whisper to you that you have no energy, that you feel extremely tired, and that you must rest. Take vitamins and eat correct foods. Force yourself to get exercise and be active. They will discourage you from making improvements in and around your home. Despite your listless feelings, go about your activities and make a point of getting plenty of exercise. A clear correlation exists between physical health and mental health. Defy the handlers. Make a concentrated effort not only to maintain your health but even to strengthen it. Be receptive to making new friends. Many targets have suffered so many frustrations and disappointments because of their ESMC that they have become suspicious of everybody. That appears to psychiatrists as paranoia. Moreover, that is exactly what your handlers want, as it further isolates you from society. Do NOT think that every person you meet is an accomplice of the handlers. There are still many uncorrupted people with whom you can become friends. However, remember that to have a friend, you must be a friend. Do not engage private investigators. They are often a part of the problem. Private investigators cannot ply their trade without the assistance of law enforcement. First, they have to register and get permission to operate from a state law enforcement office, usually the attorney general. Then, they have to be tied into the state police and other law enforcement agencies data systems to look up license numbers and auto license tags, search backgrounds, and even look for missing persons. Moreover, many of the private investigators are shady characters who operate just inside the law, and they often even cross over that line. I believe that private investigators are part of the law enforcement network that probably participates in actual electronic stalking and mind control. Getting private investigators to look for a bug in your car is like sending the fox to the hen house. Even if they discover a bug, they will not inform you, for they would believe that it was placed there by law enforcement. In fact, they will have probably already been informed by law enforcement of the bug. Do not discuss your ESMC harassment with every friend, family member, and acquaintance. They simply do not understand and cannot understand. However, if you have a perceptive, intelligent, trusted friend or family member who is open minded enough to believe hard-to-believe circumstances, let that person know what is happening. A confidant who truly believes you can be very supportive. Do NOT visit a psychiatrist. The ESMC assailants want targets to go to psychiatrists, knowing that the doctors will diagnose targets as schizophrenic or paranoid. Once targets see a psychiatrist, their credibility is compromised. The evil perverted assailants will do everything to convince targets that they are mentally incompetent, including continually whispering to their subconsicous you are crazy. Indeed, the handlers activities will often cause targets to exhibit the very symptoms that psychiatrists associate with schizophrenic and paranoia in attempting to defend themselves against forces that they cannot see and do not understand. However, the general public is

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increasingly becoming aware of ESMC, and friends and family members of targets who have been designated demented are beginning to see that those targets are not truly mentally unstable. In only a few more years, the psychiatric community will have to redefine schizophrenia, paranoia, and other mental disorders because of the unnatural electronic and mind control assaults that cause those symptoms. This will not occur, however, without a great deal of pressure from the outside, as psychiatrists have no way of treating remote-induced symptoms of schizophrenia and paranoia resulting from ESMC. Resist any effort on the part of law enforcement to make you submit to a psychiatric evaluation. In our system of justice, targets should not have to prove that they are sane. Indeed, the burden of proof falls on law enforcement to prove that targets are mentally deranged. That is why authorities want to send you to a psychiatrist whom they customarily use and can depend on to render a verdict that is in keeping with their accusations. Know that mental incompetence cannot be proved by your words and actions alone, and that the state and local law enforcement have no power to act unless your actions have the potential of harming yourself and others. If authorities do insist on your seeing a shrink, demand that the psychiatrist also possess knowledge of directed energy, electrical and radio theory, high tech communications, organized stalking, and even electronic stalking and mind control. That will, of course, limit the possibilities to only a few psychiatrists. Notwithstanding, targets should make every effort NOT to look insane by falling into the handlers well laid traps. Despite your frustrations and the handlers drivel through V2K, do not act irrationally. De-emphasize self. Many targets become obsessed with what the handlers do to their minds and bodies. That is quite natural and understandable. However, targets should train their minds to think beyond themselves and instead reach out to their pastimes, hobbies, and to others. Reducing their attention to self is a very important defense tool for targets. Make special efforts to stay in contact with family members and friends, for the handlers concentrate on isolating you from society. Maintaining contact will not be easy. The handlers will fill your minds with negative thoughts about those people. Moreover, the handlers will have hacked your computer and tapped your phone lines. I recently got a call on my cell phone that showed the phone number of good friends, a man and woman couple. The person who called pretended to be the woman; however, the female speaker spoke with an accent and the voice was most certainly not that of my friend. Moreover, she ended with an exaggerated good-byeeeeee, which would have been totally out of character for my friend. That meant that the caller had used my friends telephone service provider to be able to make the call through my friends account; otherwise, the real number of the impostor would have appeared on my phone. The caller probably wanted me to say something later to my friends about the call to make me appear crazy. I did not mention the call to them. The handlers will cause problems with your computer and will intercept your emails to others and also those that come from others. They will also suddenly cut off phone conversations, create static that makes talking impossible, cause your voice to echo (only you will be able to hear those echoes), and sometimes divert the calls so that their accomplices answer. Manipulation of your communications system is ultra important to the perverts plan to isolate and frustrate you. Record the handlers actions and your thoughts about them. Those thoughts will change over time as you learn increasingly more about your handlers. Their ESMC tactics will also change, becoming increasingly more complex as they go through their repertory of capabilities. It is very important for you to describe the perverts electronic and mind control actions accurately and to record in great detail the sensations that you feel and your reactions to those actions. Record the day, date, and hour that particular actions occur. You may see a pattern in the timing. Their actions will normally occur in the evening while you sleep, as you present an immobile target for them and there is less electromagnetic atmospheric interference. Keep a flashlight, watch, notepad, and pen underneath your pillow or nearby to record those actions. Be observant. The handlers, of course, count on your not having proof of their electronic stalk and mind control activities. Watch people, places, and objects carefully. Record your reactions when you see anything that looks even slightly odd. Videotape anything that happens out of the ordinary: blinking lights, anomalies in your emails, etc. Record any unusual sounds: loud noises that occur in or around the house, etc. However, do not let yourself develop paranoia over those events. Remember precedents. Think back over previous events and actions. You had to have been targeted at some point in time. By recalling people, occasions, and incidents, you will probably get a very good idea about when, by whom, and even how you were targeted. Particularly think about any medical procedures, shots, and inoculations that you had prior to your electronic stalking and mind control experiences. Thwart the efforts of the handlers and defy them. As time goes on, you will see that certain actions on your part affect the capabilities of the handlers. You will also learn things that annoy the handlers. I enjoy singing monotonous ditties and repeating a phrase or a sentence for hours at a time (silently, through thought) as I work and putter. Laugh at your handlers and try to make their lives as miserable and difficult as they attempt to make yours. Remember that behind the ESMC lie humans (I call them sub-humans). As vile, evil, and hard as they might be, those humans can be affected by your thoughts against them. Stay alert. The handlers will attempt to make you do irrational things by whispering instructions and suggestions into your brains. Know this. Give much thought to your actions because of that. Remember that one of the major objectives of the handlers is to make you look crazy. Be very careful of their deception. Work to change the narrow mindset of the medical community about ESMC. I am quite certain that at least some psychiatrists recognize the reality of ESMC without admitting it. Submit written complaints to local law enforcement. Get the complete name of the officer to whom you submit your report. It is very important that the reports be presented in writing so that YOU can word the complaint like you wish. Otherwise, the person with whom you are talking will write it the way he wants to, probably noting that you are nuts. Ask the officer to whom you submit your complaint to sign it. Others have done this and the officers have refused. If the officer refuses to sign, record that in your notes and let him see you doing it. Your complaints will probably never be entered by law
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enforcement in their crime statistics. Mine were not and neither were those of other targets with whom I have corresponded. Law enforcement wants no record of your complaints about ESMC. Contact your Representatives and Senators in writing. Petitions are meaningless. Write individual letters. It is important that your correspondence be done in writing (emails or letters), as their employees may include an accomplice plant who will not record and advise higher-up authorities of telephone calls. This will of course reveal your real name. It is time for victims to stop hiding and let the public know what is actually going on in this country. Our reluctance to do so has allowed electronic torture and mind control to go unchallenged probably for decades. In addition, send copies of your letters to local and state officials, particularly the sheriffs office and the attorney generals office. Do not expect answers or acknowledgements of receipt. Unless overwhelming pressure is laid on the backs of leadership, nothing will be done. Congresspersons, themselves being protected, are probably blithely unaware of electronic stalking and mind control and the possibility of national and local law enforcement in that activity. However, they cannot ignore thousands of letters of complaint. There is strength in numbers, and the number of victims is growing every day. Seek out other victims of ESMC and network with those victims in comparing your symptoms, your thoughts, and information that you have found on ESMC. That organization can also become a meaningful support system for you. In the United States, Derrick C. Robinson, a TI and also a U. S. Armed Forces veteran, heads a pro-active organization called Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance (FFCHS) whose address is There are other similar organizations worth joining. Maintain the life style that is normal to you to the extent possible. Targets often let their targeting become their way of life. They relocate from place to place. They continually look for and experiment with shielding. They spend every waking moment on the computer communicating with other targets and writing to forums, phoning other targets, and thinking about their particular problem. They come to believe that every person and every action somehow relates to their targeting. When targets allow their situations to consume their total time, they sacrifice family and friend relationships, give up their hobbies and pastimes, and often neglect their appearance and their health. Indeed, no target asks for the electronic stalking and mind control activities that he receives. Yet, targets must try to balance their life to include activities other than those related to ESMC. Remember that every person with whom you are in contact is not a perp. There are still wonderful people out there. RELATED READING: reading your mind Crazy or being gang-stalked? Blocking microwave signals Putting Faces to the TI Phenomenom What is voice to skull? Electronic Surveillance Project Search for the Manchurian Candidate Directed energy weapons Electric Warship Heralds Evolution in Weapon Technologies Electromagnetic weapons David Lawsons Investigation Into Organized Stalking Mind Control Archive Documents A Nation Betrayed Emotional Abuse in the Workplace: A Silent Epidemic? Suicide factors: UNSAFE or SAFER? Tobys Act Stop Gang Stalking Another terrible form of Assault and Degradation

Do not consider suicide an option. Your handlers, through sleep deprivation, electronic torture, mind control, social isolation, and other ways will attempt to make you take your own life. That is a part of the script. Do not oblige them. The FFCHS has recently begun collecting notarized statements from members who swear that they will never take their own lives. We call it a No-Suicide-Ever pact. This was considered necessary because some targets die under very mysterious circumstances that are recorded as suicides. Many targets are certain that some of those suicides are murders staged to look like suicide. Do NOT allow the handlers to force you to move. They will often try to force targets to leave their houses and even their hometowns. I have never known a target who improved his situation by moving. Targets who do move will normally end up drifting from location to location, getting out of touch with friends and relatives along the way, and ending up alone in shelters or on the street. Defying the handlers I am very defiant of the handlers, and I go on with my life despite their electronic and mind control effects and the resulting annoyances and inconveniences. The handlers recognize that although they can bother me, they cannot beat me down. On two occasions, the handlers have invited me to join them. I laughed, called them a few choice names, and told them, Not in 500,000,000 years!!!! Whether their offers are real or more deception, the handlers know that I will NEVER sell out to them. Over the last few months, the handlers have focused some feature of their device on the outside of my right nostril. I can feel a distinct tingling in that

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location that is anything but natural. First a very sensitive brown spot appeared there and then a small indentation. More recently, I have noticed a white spot about a quarter of an inch in diameter on my chin, where the tingling also occurs. Like my nose and ears, that spot becomes covered with a film, except that instead of feeling crusty, it feels soft. The hairs of my beard are thicker and much more numerous in that small area. The handlers may be trying to cause skin cancer or melanoma. The handlers know that I use smokeless tobacco, and they want the cancer to appear to be tobacco-related. I visited a Monroe dermatologist in the summer of 2009 to have a record of that induced malady. The doctor did biopsies on the two spots and found the one on my nostril cancerous. He wanted to set up an appointment with a plastic surgeon to remove the cancerous growth, and he was dismayed when I told him that I would not seek nor accept treatment. I candidly explained that the spot was induced and that the attackers could and probably would only cause additional places. I gave him a copy of this same paper to read. I do not know whether he read it or not. Electronic torture and mind control have been employed for decades. Why have they not been curtailed? Here is why: (1) Targets have suffered in silence. Only with the advent of the internet have targets begun to perform research and reach out to other victims. Most of that communication has transpired during the last ten years or less. The internet is the last bastion of communication freedom. The powerbrokers have not yet contrived a way to limit and control its use. (2) Targets have wasted too much time in complaining to each other and have gotten bogged down in self-pity. That does not at all mean that we should stop supporting and communicating with each other; yet, that should not be an end in itself. Targets should become activists instead of habitual complainers. (3) Targets have depended on law enforcement, national government, and international bodies to investigate and stop the electronic torture and mind control. They are correct is doing so; however, only those agencies of the government that are most likely to engage in ESMC or aid the perpetrators or allow them free rein in operating have the necessary expertise to investigate. (4) Targets have remained anonymous. Most targets are reluctant to use their real names for fear that it will alienate family members and friends and make the targets appear crazy. I first wrote this paper under a pseudonym. However, when I realized that that did not serve the interest of the targeted community, I changed the name of the author to my real name. (Source: The Silent Massacre Electronic Stalking And Mind Control in the Unite States of America by Max H. Williams, Monroe, LA, 2009-2010,


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Mark David Chapman Mark Felt Mark Foley Mark Fuhrman Mark Kirk Mark Lane Mark Sanford Mark Siljander Mark V. Rosenker Mark Weber Mark Williams Markle Foundation Mars family Marshall Plan Martin Bormann Martin Heidegger Martin Luther King Martin Peretz Martin Sandberger Martin Seligman Marvin Bush Marxism Mary Fischer Mary Matalin Mary Sherman Maryland GOP Massachusetts Federation of Young Republicans Massachusetts GOP Massey Energy MassResistance Matt Taibbi Matthew Hale Maurice Papon Maurice Tempelsman Max Boot Max Clara Max Holland Max Warburg Mayer Brown law firm Maynard V. Olson Mayo Shattuck McClendon Group McGeorge Bundy McGill University MdGill University Medgar Evers Media Media Mafia Media Research Center Medicare Medicine megrahi Mein Kampf MEK Mel Sembler Mellon family Melvin Belli MenTech Mercatus Centre Merck Merida Initiative Merrill-Lynch Merritt Ruddock Meyer Lansky MI5 MI6 Miami Six Michael Aquino Michael Barone Michael Chertoff
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Anthrax attacks Anti-Comintern Pact Anti-Communist Propaganda Anti-Semitism Antidepressants Antioch College Antonin Scalia Antony Fisher Anwar al-Awlaki Anwar Sadat APA Apartheid Apathy Apollo Management Apple Applied Digital Solutions AQ Khan Arab League Arar Report Archbishop Paolo Sardi Archer Daniels Midland Archimedes Global Inc. Argenbright Security Argentina Ari Ben-Menashe Ari Fleisher Aribert Heim Aristide Aristotle Onassis Arizona GOP Arizona politics Arkansas GOP Arkansas Project Arlen Specter Armour Residential REIT Arms Trade Armstrong Williams Arnaud de Borchgrave Arnold Schwarzenegger Arson Art Art Pope Arthur Bremer Arthur Owens Arthur Porter Arthur Rudolph Artur Axmann Aryan Brotherhood Aryan Nations Aryanism Ashura Bomb Blast Asia Foundation Aspartame Aspen Institute Assasinations assassin Assassination Assassinations Association of American Physicians and Surgeons AstraZeneca Astro-Bots Astroturf AT&T ATF Atlantic Bridge Atlantis Attica pison riot Attorneygate Aubrey Chernick Audi Augusto Pinochet

Eric Cantor Eric Holder Eric Massa Eric Pickles Erik Prince Ernest Lefever Ernst & Young Ernst Roehm Ernst Rdin Ernst vom Rath Errol Flynn Erwin Rommel ES&S ESMA Espionage ESPN Ethics and Public Policy Center Eugen Fischer Eugene R. Wedoff Eugenics Euro European Alliance of National Movements European Arrest Warrant Eustace Mullins Evan Galbraith Evangelical Christians Evelle Younger Evergreen International Aviation Exploding iPods Exploding Smartphones ExxonMobil Ezra Pound Ezra Taft Benson

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Michael Chertoff Michael Deaver Michael G. Vickers Michael Grebe Michael Hayden Michael J. Sulick Michael Jackson Michael Leavitt Michael Ledeen Michael Moore Michael Mukasey Michael Powell Michael Rubin Michael S. Carona Michael Scheuer Michael Shermer Michael Steele Michael Townley Michel Sweet Micky Martelly Michele Sindona Michelle Bachmann Michelle Malkin Michigan GOP Mickey Cohen Microsoft Microwave weapons Middle East Forum Miichael Rubin Mike Connell Mike Duvall Mike Huckabee Mike McConnell Mike Rigers Mike Rogers Milan Nedic Miles Copeland Military contractors Military rapes and murders Military recruiting Military suicides Military-industrial complex Millennium Management Milton Friedman Milton Zaslow Mind Mind Control Mind control cults Minnesota GOP Minot Air Force Base Minutemen Mircea Eliade Mississippi GOP Missouri GOP Mitch Daniels Mitch McConnell Mitt Romney MKULTRA Mobutu Moe Dalitz Mohammed Haneef Money repatriation Monitor Group Monsanto Mont Pelerin Society Monzer Al-Kassar Moonies Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. Morgan Stanley Mormonism Mormons Mort Kondracke Mort Zuckerman
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Aurora Shootings Auschwitz Australian Labor Party Austria Freedom Party Authoritarian personality Axis Sally Ayers Ayn Rand

BAE Bagram Bain Bain Capital Bali bombing Banco Ambrosiano Bank for International Settlements Bank of America Bank of England Barclays Barrick Gold Barry Goldwater Baruch Vega BASF Bass family Battalion 316 Baxter Pharmaceuticals Bay of Pigs Bayer BBC BCCI Bear Stearns Bechtel Beck Behavior Modification Bell Aircraft Bell Curve Belzec Ben Bernanke Ben Bradlee Ben Nelson Benazir Bhutto Berkshire Hathaway Bermuda Conference Bernard Barker Bernhard Frank Bernie Kerik Bertha Champagne Bestiality Betsy McCaughey Betty Sembler Bezen Perrot Bhopal BHP Billiton Big Oil Biggie Smalls Bill Allen Bill Ayers Bill Casey Bill Clinton Bill Gates Foundation Bill Kristol Bill Moyers Bill Nelson Bill OReilly Bill Richardson Bill Sammon Billy Bush Billy Graham

FISA Five Star Trust Fleishman Hillard Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy Flight 253 Flight 253 cover-up Flight 3407 Flight 3407 Flight 5191 Flight 93 Florida GOP Floridas Public Service Commission Floyd Abrams Floyd Brown FMSF Focus on the Family Food Inc. For America Ford Foundation Ford Motor Company Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Foreign Policy Research Institute Fort Detrick Fort Dix case Fort Hood Massacre Foster Friess Foundation for the Defense of Democracies Four Seasons Technologies Fox News Fran Townsend France Francis Parker Yockey Francisco ChvezAbarca Francisco Franco Francois Genoud Frank Carlucci Frank Church Frank Costello Frank DiLeo Frank G. Zarb Frank Gaffney Frank Seusenbrenner Frank Sinatra Frank Stanton Frank Wisner Frank Wisner Jr. Frank Wisner Sr. Franklin case Franz Stangl FRAPH Fraser Institute Fred and Kimberly Kagan Fred Barnes Fred Koch Fred Malek Fred Schwarz Fred Thompson Fred Tokars Fred Upton Freddie Mac Frdric Mitterand Free Republic Blog Freedom First Society Freedom Foundation Freedom House Freedom Party Freedom Project Freedoms Watch

Moscow bombings Mossad Mountain States Legal Foundation Mousavi MOVE bombing MSNBC Mt. Holyoke College Mufti of Jerusalem Mugabe Multiple personalities Multiplicity Mumbai attacks Munk Centre for International Studies Musa Kusa Muslim Brotherhood Mussolini My Lai massacre Mykola Lebed

NAFTA Nagasaki Nais in Africa Nais on campus Nancy Pelosi Nancy Reagan Nanotech Narcotics NASA Natalie Wood Nathan Deal Nathan Sproul Nathan Tabor National Alliance National Applications Office National Association of Manufacturers National Cancer Institute (NCI) National Center for Constitutional Studies National Council for a New America National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) National Defense Aughorizatin Act National Defense Authorization Act National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) National Democratic Institute National Democratic Party (NPD) National Endowment for Democracy National Geographic National Institute for Public Policy National Journalism Center National Republican Trust National Review National Security Preparedness Group National Socialist Movement National Socialist Underground National Socialist Womens League National States Rights Party National Vanguard Nationalist Coalition NATO Nazi pro-life laws Nazi War on Terror Nazi architecture Nazi art Nazi board games Nazi cocaine
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Billy James Hargis Bin Laden family Binyam Mohamed Biochips Biological Warfare Bioport Bioterrorism Bird Flu Birth Birthers Bishop Richard Williamson Bivings Group Black budget Black market human organs Black Panthers Black September Blackbird Blackstone Blackwater Bloc Identitaire Blohm+Voss Group Blood and Honour Bloody Sunday Blue Dogs Bluegrass conspiracy Blum Capital Partners BMW BND BNP Bob Beclel Bob Dane Bob Dole Bob Dylan Bob Grant Bob J. Perry Bob Kerrey Bob Marley Bob Urosevich Bob Woodward BOBBY EBERLE Boeing Bolivia Book burning Booz-Allen Hamilton Bormann Brotherhood Boston Globe Boston Marathon bombings Boy Scouts of America BP Brad OLeary Brains Brandon Darby Brazil Brent Bozell Brent Kovar Brent Scowcroft Brian Bates Brian Ettinger Brian Mulroney Brian Ross British Council British Democratic Party British Nazis British Nazism British royals British Union of Fascists Broadcasting Board of Governors Bronx bomb plot Brtish Nazis Bruce Ivins Bruce Jackson Bruce Jessen

FreedomWorks Freikorps Friedrich Buchardt Friends of Science Fritz Kraemer Fritz Thyssen Frosty Wooldridge Fukushima Full Body Scanners Fundamentalism Fusion centers Futurism

G. Gordon Liddy G. Robert Blakey Gaeton Fonzi Gale Norton Gary Bernsten Gary Cooper Gary North Gary Webb Gates Foundation Gavin Newsom Gay bondage GBU 39 bomb GCM Resources plc GD Searle GE Geert Wilders Geert Willders GEICO Gemplus Gen Re Gen. Robert Yerks Gen. Zinni Gene Sharp General Albert C. Wedemeyer General Atomics General Electric General George S. Patton General Grant Woods General James Jones General MacArthur General Motors General Petraeus General Re General Suharto General Wilhelm von Faupel Generoso Pope GenesisIntermedia Genetic engineering Genetics Genocide Genocide Prevention Task Force GEO Group Geopolitics George Alan Rekers George Allen George de Mohrenschildt George Harrison George Henry Lane-Fox Pitt-Rivers George Jaramillo George Lincoln Rockwell George Orwell George Polk George Prescott Bush George Schultz George Seldes

Nazi cocaine Nazi collaborators Nazi collaborators in France Nazi Cowboy Nazi death squads Nazi death star Nazi denial Nazi Germany Nazi gold Nazi hit man Nazi in Germany Nazi judiciary Nazi loot Nazi looting Nazi Lowriders Nazi medical experimentation Nazi plots Nazi propaganda Nazi psychiatry Nazi ratlines Nazi science Nazi sex slavery Nazi Super Cows Nazi terrorism Nazi torture Nazi UFOs Nazi women Nazi-Soviet Pact Nazis Nazis and higher ed Nazis and Joseph McCarthy Nazis and religion Nazis and sports Nazis and the Dalai Lama Nazis at Fort Hunt Nazis in Afghanistan Nazis in Africa Nazis in Alabama Nazis in Albania Nazis in America Nazis in Argentina Nazis in Arizona Nazis in Arkansas Nazis in Australia Nazis in Austria Nazis in Belarus Nazis in Belgium Nazis in Berlin Nazis in Bolivia Nazis in Bosnia Nazis in Boston Nazis in Brazil Nazis in California Nazis in Calofornia Nazis in Canada Nazis in Chile Nazis in Colorado Nazis in Croatia Nazis in Czechoslovakia Nazis in Delaware Nazis in Denmark Nazis in Dominica Nazis in East Africa Nazis in Eastern Europe Nazis in Egypt Nazis in England Nazis in Estonia Nazis in Europe Nazis in Florida Nazis in France Nazis in Georgia Nazis in Germany
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Bruce Jessen Bryce Reed BSKH BSkyB Buchenwald Budd Schulberg Buffetts Puppet Bullies Bullying Burma BurrowGate Burson Marsteller Bush Bush administration Bush administration war crimes Bush family Business International Buzzy Krongard Byron De La Beckwith

C Street House C(A C. Arnholt Smith C. Everett Koop C.G. Jung Cabazon killings Cable television monopoly Cablevision CACI Cal Thomas California Association of Scholars California GOP Camp X Campus Crusade for Christ Campus Watch Canada Cancer Cap Cities Cargill Carl Colby Carl Duisberg Carl Lindner Carl Orff Carl Paladino Carl Schmitt Carlos Muiz Varela Carlos the Jackal Carlyle Group Carmen Group Carnegie Carnegie Institute Caroline Hunt Carrol Crawford Cartoon Casa Pound Catholic League Catholicism Catholics Cato Institute CBS Cecil B. De Mille Celebrity Cell phone radiation Cell phone tracking Censorship Center for Immigration Studies (CIS Center for National Policy Center for Security Policy Center for the Study of Popular

George Shultz George Soros George Sylvester Viereck George Tenet George W. Bush George Wackenhut Georgia GOP Georgia politics Gerald Ford Gerald L.K. Smith Gerald Partick Hemming Gerald Posner Gerard Damiano Gerhard Wessel German American Bund German General Staff German Marshall Fund Germany postwar industrial rebirth Gernan Revolution (1918-23) Gertrude Stein Gestapo GHW Bush Gianfranco Fini Gibson Dunn & Crutcher Giesecke & Devrient Gilead Gilman Louie Giorgio Comerio Giulio Andreotti GlaxoSmithKline Glenn Beck Glenn Miller Glenn Richardson Glevum Associates Global Crossing Global Rainmakers Inc. Global Strategies Group Global Warming Globalization GlobalOptions Globovision Gloria Estefan GM foods Gold standard Golden Dawn Goldline International Goldman Sachs Good Germans Google GOP GOP and foreign dictators GOP and terrorism GOP behavior GOP lunacy GOP terrorist ties GOP voter suppression Gorbachev Foundation Gordon Baum Gordon Brown Governor Perry Grail Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Grandsons of Liberty Gray and Company Greg Craig Greg Jarrett Greta van Susteren Grover Norquist Guantanamo Guatemala Guinea Coup Plot Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Nazis in Germany Nazis in Greece Nazis in Hollywood Nazis in Humgary Nazis in Hungary Nazis in Idaho Nazis in Illinois Nazis in India Nazis in Indiana Nazis in Iowa Nazis In Iraq Nazis in Ireland Nazis in Italy Nazis in Jerusalem Nazis in Kansas City Nazis in Las Vegas Nazis in Latin America Nazis in Latvia Nazis in Lithuania Nazis in Los Angeles Nazis in Louisiana Nazis in Maryland Nazis in Michigan Nazis in Missouri Nazis in Montana Nazis in Mumbai Nazis in Munich Nazis in New Jersey Nazis in New Mexico Nazis in New York Nazis in New Zealand Nazis in Nicaragua Nazis in North Carolina Nazis in North Dakota Nazis in Norway Nazis in Ohio Nazis in Oregon Nazis in Paraguay Nazis in Peru Nazis in Poland Nazis in Portugal Nazis in Romania Nazis in Russia Nazis in Scotland Nazis in Serbia Nazis in South Africa Nazis in South America Nazis in Spain Nazis in Sweden Nazis in Switzerland Nazis in Syria Nazis in Texas Nazis in Thailand Nazis in the Amazon Nazis in the Baltics Nazis in the Canary Islands Nazis in the Channel Islands Nazis in the Middle East Nazis in the Netherlands Nazis in the Ukraine Nazis in the US military Nazis in Tibet Nazis in Utah Nazis in Venezuela Nazis in Vermont Nazis in Vienna Nazis in Virginia Nazis in Wales Nazis in Washington D.C. Nazis in Washington State Nazis in West Germany Nazis in Wisconsin
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Center for the Study of Popular Culture Center to Protect Patient Rights Central African Republic Challenger disaster Chamber of Commerce Chandra Levy Chanel Channel Islands Chaos and Intervention Strategy Charities Charity Charles Bukowski Charles Colson Charles Davenport Charles Higham Charles Hill Charles Horman Charles Krafft Charles Kuralt Charles Lindbergh Charles Manson Charles Murray Charles Taylor Charles Willoughby Charlie Crist Charlie Wilson Che Guevara Chemical warfare Chemie Grunenthal Chiapas Chilcot Inquiry Child abuse Child labor Child molestation Child pornography Child prostitution Child sex slaves Child slave labor Children of God Chile Chile media China China Lobby Chinmoy cult Chiquita Chloe Black ChoicePoint Chomsky Chris Buttars Chris Mitchum Chris Temple Chris Wallace Christian Anti-Communism Crusade Christian Benevolent Association Christian Coalition Christian Dior Christian fundamentalism Christian Identity Movement Christian Right Christian terrorism Christianity Christians Christine Todd Whitman Chritians Chuck Baldwin Chuck Hagel Chuck Norris Church arson Church Committee Church of Gods Chosen Church of the Creator

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Gun control Gunter Grass Guyana Project GW Bush administration GW Bush administration war crimes Gwyneth Paltrow

Haditha murders Haiti Hal Turner Haley Barbour Halliburton Hamas Hamid Karzai Hampshire College HANI HANJOUR Hank Greenberg Hannah Arendt Hans Bikker Hans Globke Hans Kammler Hans Reiter Haqqani network Hariri assassination Harken Energy Harold Simmons Harry Connick Harry Hamilton Laughlin Harry Laughlin Harvard Harvey Milk Hate Health Care Health insurance Hearst Hearst chain Heartland Institute Heath Ledger Heather Locklear Heavens Gate Heinrich Himmler Heinrich Mueller Heinrich Rupp Heinrich Thyssen Heinz Felfe Hells Angels Hellman & Friedman Helmut Kohl Henry Ford Henry Kissinger Henry Lee Lucas Henry Luce Henry Paulson Herb Allison Heritage Communications Heritage Foundation Heritage Front Herman Rausching Hermann Abs Hermann Goering Heroin Herschel Walker Hill & Knowlton Hillary Clinton Hip-Hop Hiroshima Historical revisionism Hitler

Nazis in Yugoslavia Nazis on campus Nazis on the Internet Nazism Nazism and religion Nazism and religon Nazosm NBA NBC NCL Holdings NDAA NEA Nebraska GOP Neckermann Mail Order Co. Nedgar Evers Nedia Neil Livingstone Nelson Bunker Hunt Neo-liberalism Neo-Nazis Neotame Nestle Neurontin Nevada GOP New British Union Party New Century Foundation New Hampshire GOP New Jersey GOP New Manson clues? LAPD may review tapes of Charles Manson follower after legal battle New Media Alliance New Mexio GOP New Prosperity Foundation New York GOP New York Post New York Times News Corp. News International NewsBusters Newsmax Newt Gingrich NFL NGOs Nicaragua Nicholas Deak Nick Griffin Nicolae Malaxa Nicolas Maduro Nicolas Sarkozy Nidal Hasan Nietzsche Nigeria NIH Nike Nikolai Poppe NIMA NISC NIST Nixon administration Noam Chomsky Nobel Prize Non-lethal weapons Noontide Press Norm Coleman Norman Augustine Norman Podhoretz Norman Shwarzkopf Sr. Nortel North American Newspaper Alliance North Carolina GOP Northern Trust
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CIA CIAGhost Prisoners CIAand Buddhism CIAand drugs CIAarms smuggling CIAassassinations CIAcocaine plane CIAcommercials CIAcontractors CIAcrimes CIAdeath squads CIAdomestic ops CIAfamily jewels CIAfrauds CIAfronts CIAimmunity CIAin Afghanistan CIAin Africa CIAin Algeria CIAin Antigua CIAin Argentina CIAin Australia CIAin Bangladesh CIAin Beirut CIAin Bolivia CIAin Britain CIAin Bulgaria CIAin Burma CIAin California CIAin Canada CIAin Cape Cod CIAin Chechnya CIAin Chicago CIAin Chile CIAin Colombia CIAin Croatia CIAin Cyprus CIAin Dominican Republic CIAin Eastern Europe CIAin Ecuador CIAin Egypt CIAin El Salvador CIAin Europe CIAin Florida CIAin France CIAin Germany CIAin Greece CIAin Guatemala CIAin Hawaii CIAin Hollywood CIAin Honduras CIAin India CIAin Indonesia CIAin Iran CIAin Iraq CIAin Ireland CIAin Italy CIAin Jamaica CIAin Kazakhstan CIAin Laos CIAin Latin America CIAin Lebanon CIAin Liberia CIAin Libya CIAin Lithuania CIAin Louisiana CIAin Massachusetts CIAin Mexico CIAin Montana CIAin New Jersey CIAin New Mexico CIAin New York

Hitler Youth Hjalmar Schacht Hoelzer Reich Holger Toftoy Hollywood Holocaust Holocaust denial Holy Land Foundation Homelessness Homophobia Honduran coup Honduras Honduras coup Honeywell Hoover Hoover Institute Horse Racing Horst Wessel Hosam Maher Husein Smadi Hosni Mubarak Hounduran coup Howard Ahmanason Howard Buffett Howard Buffett II Howard Dean Howard Hughes Howard Kaloogian Howard Krongard Howard Phillips Howard Stern HSBC Huffington Post Hugh Hewitt Hugo Boss Hugo Chavez Hugues de la Plaza Human Ecology Fund Human Events Human Genome Project Human Genome Sciences Inc. Human terrain system Human trafficking Humana Hunt family Hunt Oil Hunter S. Thompson Hunton & Williams Hurricane Katrina Hutaree

Northern Trust Northrop Grumman Novartis Novatel Novavax NPR NRA NSA NSC NSEERS NTSB Nuclear Power Nuclear waste Nuclear weapons Nuffield Foundation Nugan Hand Bank Nujol NukeGate Nukes NumbersUSA Nuremberg Nuremberg Code Nuremberg Laws Nuremberg Trials Nutrasweet NY synagogue bomb plot NYPD

O.J. Simpson Oak Ridge Nuclear Weapons Lab Obama Obama administration Obana administration Occcult Occidental Quarterly Occult October Surprise Octopus Murders Odessa Office of Naval Research Office of Public Diplomacy Office of Public Safety Office of Special Plans (OSP) Ogilvy Government Relations Ohio GOP OJ Simpson Oklahoma City bombing Oklahoma GOP Olaf Palme Olin Foundation Oliver Norh Oliver North Oliver Stone Olympics Omaha Two Omaha Twp Omaha World-Herald Omar Suleiman Omnicom One World Government Onex Opel Operation Ajax Operation Alesia Operation Banner Operation Blackjack Operation Blessing Operation Bloodstone Operation Chaos
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IAEA Ian Masters IBM Idaho GOP IF Stone IG Farben Ignacio Silone Ike Pappas Illinois Family Institute Illinois GOP Imelda Marcos Immigration Immortal Synthetic Organisms In-Q-Tel Indias Research & Analysis Wing (RAW) Indiana GOP Indonesia

CIAin New York CIAin New York City CIAin Nicaragua CIAin Oregon CIAin Pakistan CIAin Palestine CIAin Panama CIAin Paraguay CIAin Pennsylvania CIAin Peru CIAin Poland CIAin Romania CIAin Russia CIAin Serbia CIAin Somalia CIAin South America CIAin South Korea CIAin Spain CIAin Sudan CIAin Sweden CIAin Switzerland CIAin Syria CIAin Texas CIAin Thailand CIAin the Middle East CIAin the Philippines CIAin Tibet CIAin Turkey CIAin Uganda CIAin Uruguay CIAin Venezuela CIAin Vermont CIAin Vietnam CIAin Washington state CIAin West Africa CIAin Yemen CIAleaks CIAlibrarians CIAMind Control CIAon campus CIAon Wall Street CIAplots CIApropaganda CIApsychiatrists CIApsyops CIArecruiting CIAsecrecy CIAsecrets CIATorture CIAtorture tapes CIA-Cuba Electronic Media Attacks CIA. BND CIA. Ross Adey CIC Cindy McCain drug addiction Citigroup Citizens Council Citizens for Congressional Reform Citizens United Civil Rights Civitas Institute Claire Sterling Clare Boothe Luce Clarence Thomas Clarion Fund Clark Rockefeller Class war Clay Shaw Clear Channel Cleon Skousen Clint Murchison Clinton administration

Institute for Cuban and Cuban American Studies Institute for Historical Review Institute of Historical Review Integrated Risk Management Services Intelligence budget Inter Inter American Press Association (IAPA) Inter-American Development Bank Inter-American Press Association Inter-Risk Intergraph International Bank of Settlements International Finance Corporation International Media Ventures International Republican Institute International Rescue Committee Internet Interpol INTESA Investors Business Daily IRA Ira Hatch Iran Iran contra Iraq war Iraq war protests Irish Nazism Iron Guard Irving Kristol Irwin Schiff Ishii Shiro ISI Israel Italian fascism Italian filmmaking Italian politics Italo Balbo Italy ITT Ivan Docheff

J. Edgar Hoover J. Livingston Kosberg J.B. Stoner J.D. Salinger J.T. Ready Jabhat al Nusra Jack Abramoff Jack Kemp Jack Rice Jackson Labs Jackson Stephens Jacobo Arbenz Jacques Vergs Jamaican Labor Party James Baker James C. King James Comey James Critchfield James Dobson James Earl Ray James Edward McCrink James Evetts Haley James Holmes James Jesus Angleton James Piereson

Operation Chaos Operation Condor Operation Daring Operation Dark Heart Operation Fast & Furious Operation Fast and Furious Operation Gladio Operation Matchbox Operation Midnight Climax Operation Mincemeat Operation Mockingbird Operation Paison Blues Operation Paperclip Operation PAR Operation Ratline Operation Red Dog Operation Reinhard Operation Sarkozy Operation Save America Operation Sunrise Operation Underworld Operation Wandering Soul Operation Whitecoat Operation Zapata Operationj PAR Oprah Winfrey Opus Dei Oracle Software Oradour-sur-Glane massacre Orange County politics Organized crime Organophosphates Orlando Bosch Orlando Letelier Orlando triple murders Orly Taitz Osama bin Laden Oscar Grant Murder Oscar Romero OSS Oswald Mosley Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer OTO Ottis Toole Otto Ambros Otto Dix Otto Ranke Otto Reich Otto Remer Otto Skorzeny Otto von Bolschwing Our Country Deserves Better PAC Oxygen Therapy OMelveny & Myers

P P2 P3 Pablo Neruda Pacific Arthitects and Engineers Pacifica Forum Pacifica Radio Pact of Forgetting Pakistan Pakistan casualties Pakistan Plane Conspiracy Case Palmer raids Pamela Geller Panama politics

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Clinton administration Cloning Cluster bombs CNN Coal lobby Coalition to Preserve Civilization Coca Cola Cocaine Coco Avant Chanel Cofer Black Coffee Party Cohen Group COINTELPRO Col. James Steele Colcom Foundation Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Cold war propaganda Colin Powell Colombia Colombiam death squads Colombian death squads Colonia Dignidad Colony Capital Colorado Church Shootings Colorado GOP Columbia University Comcast Comdoleeza Rice Committee for Justice Committee for Skeptical Inquiry Committee on Media Integrity Communism Competitive Enterprise Institute Condoleeza Rice Condorde disaster Congo Congressional Leadership Fund Connecticut GOP Conrad Black Conservative Caucus Conservative Framed Messages Conservative Voice Conservatives for Patients Rights Constellation Energy Constitution Restoration Act Consumer Safety Continuity of Government (COG) Contran Corp. Controlled Left Coors Coors Foundation Cordell Hull Corporate Front Groups Corporate welfare Corporatism CORU Council for National Policy Council of Conservative Citizens Council on Foreign Relations Count Adrian de Suiza Count Gian Galeazzo Ciano Counterinsurgency CPAC CPB CRC Public Relations Creationism Creativity Movement CREEP Critical Incidence Analysis Group (CIAG) Crossroads GPS Crowd control

James R. Clapper James R. Whelan James Randi James Reston James Sabow James von Brunn James Woolsey Jamestown Forum Jamestown Foundation Jami Miscik Jamie Ensley Jamie Kirchick Japan Japanese fascism Jared Loughner Jay Bybee Jay C Davis Jay Gould III Jazz Jean Paul Sartre Jean Sibelius Jean-Claude Duvalier Jean-Marie Le Pen Jeb Bush Jeb Magruder Jedburgh Group Jeff Rense Jeffrey Brindle Jeffrey Feltman Jeffrey MacDonald Jenna Bush Hager Jeppeson Jeremy Rifkin Jerome Corsi Jerome Hauer Jerry Boykin Jerry Brown Jerry Daniels Jerry Falwell Jerry Ray Hall Jesters Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs Jihad Watch Jim DeMint Jim Garrison Jim Morrison Jim Steele Jim Talent Jimi Hendrix JJ Rendon JM Kaplan Fund Joanne Herring Joe Allbritton Joe Biden Joe Lieberman Joe McCarthy Joe Scarborough Joey Ippolito John Ashcroft John Belushi John Birch Society John Bizzack John Boehner John Bolton John Brennan John C. Malone John Connally John Demjanjuk John Edward Lawler John Edwards John Ensign

Pandemic and Biodefense Fund Papa Johns Pizza Paramilitarized police Paris Flammonde Parkinsons Parmalat Scandal Pastor Stoos Pastors for Peace Pat Boone Pat Buchanan Pat Robertson Pat Tillman Patrice Lumumba Patricia Owens Patrick Fitzgerald Patrick Henry Caucus Patriot Act Patriotic European Party Patton Boggs Patty Hearst Paul Bremer Paul E. Singer Paul G. Kaminski Paul Mullet Paul Nitze Paul Ryan Paul Schaeffer Paul Singer Paul Stanley Paul Volcker Paul Wachter Paul Wellstone Murder Paul Wolfowitz Paxil PBS Pedophilia Pedro del Valle Peenemunde Pennsulvania GOP Pennsylvania GOP Penny Lernoux Pentagon Pentagon Channel Pepsico Perception management Pern Peru Pervez Musharraf Pesticides Pete Hoekstra Pete Peterson Peter Abeles Peter Drucker Peter Egner Peter Jennings Peter K Peter King Peter Levenda Peter Lynch Peter Munk Peter Singer Peter Thiel Peter Tosh Pew Pfizer Pharma Phil Agee Phil Gramm Philadelphia Inquirer Philip Agee Philip Anschutz Philip Martin
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CSC CSIS Cuba Cuba bombings Cuban American National Foundation Cuban exiles Cuban Five Cult child sex abuse Cult mind control Cult murders Cults Curt Weldon Cyber-attack Cyber-terrorism Cybernetics Cybersecurity Cyberstalking Cyberwar Cyrus Nowrasteh

John Ensign John F. Kennedy John Farmer John Foster Dulles John Gray John Hagee John Hamre John J. McCloy John Judge John Kennedy assassination John L. Perry John Le Carre John Lennon John Lennon assassination John Locke John Locke Foundation John M. Olin Foundation John Malone John Mauldin John McCain John McCain John McClellan John McCone John McManus John Milius John Miller Jr. John Moores John Murtha John Negroponte John Paul Getty John Poindexter John Rizzo John Shadegg John Singlaub John Sununu John Tanton John Taylor Bowles John Thornton John V. Grombach John Voight John Y . Brown John Yoo Johnny Gosch Johnny Roselli Johnson & Johnson Joint Special Operations Command Jon Burge Jonah Goldberg Jonathan Neerman Jonestown Jorge Haider Jorge Videla Jose Delgado Jose Padilla Jose Rodriguez Josef Fritzl Josef Ganz Josef Mengele Josef Skvorecky Joseph Campbell Joseph Farah Joseph Goebbels Joseph Kabila Joseph Kennedy Joseph McCarthy Joseph Mengele Joseph Schmitz Joseph Wilson Joshua Cooper Ramo Journalism JP Morgan JPMorgan Chase

Philip Martin Philippe Petain Philippines Phillip Garrido Phillip Giraldi Phoenix Program Phyllis Schlafly Pierre Laval Pimpgate Pinochet Pioneer Fund PKI Plagiarism PlameGate Plan Mexico Plausible deniability PNAC Poetry Pol Pot Polica abuse Police abuse Poliical violence Poliitical violence Political murder Political violence Pope Benedict Pope Francisco Pope John Paul II Pope Pius XII Populist Party Porsche Porter Goss Porton Down Posse Comitatus Post-Soviet Fascism PR Watch Prescott Bush Presidential power Preston Wiginton Prince Prince Ahmed bin Salman Prince Alwaleed Prince Bandar Prince Bernhard Prince Philip Prince William Private prisons Privatization Procter & Gamble Progress for America Project ARTICHOKE Project Flicker Project for Journalists and the Constitution Project Minaret Project on Transitional Democracies Project Pandora Project Prevention Project Shamrock Prop 8 Propofol Proposition 8 Provocative Weakness Doctrine Prozac Psychotronics Psyops Ptsd Public broadcasting Public Diplomacy Public Policy Foundation Public relations Puma
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Jr. Juan Antonio Samaranch Juan Peron Judge Mark Fuller Judge Rosemary M. Collyer Judge William M. Skretny Judge William Newsom Judith Miller Judith Regan Julia Roberts Julius Streicher Jundallah Jundollah Justice Department

Pump-and-dump Putzi Hanfstaengl

Quandt family Queen Elizabeth II Queen Fredrika Queen of England Qwest

R R. James Woolsey R. Leslie Deak Race war Racism Racusn Radio Free Asia Radio Free Europe Radio Globo Radio Liberty Radioactive waste Radovan Karadzic Raelians Rafael Trujillo Rafael Videla Rahm Emanuel Rakesh Saxena Ralph Nader Ralph Peters Ralph Reed Ralph Shrader Ralph Underwager Ramparts Magazine Ramsey Clark RAND Corporation Rand Paul Randall Tobias Random House Randy Cunningham Randy Gray Raoul Wallenberg Rasmussen Rat lines Ratlines Ray Cline Ray Hunt Ray Robison Raymond Davis Raytheon RCMP Reagan adm Reagan administration Reagans Kitchen Cabinet Rear Adm. John G. Crommelin Reason Foundation Recession Red Cell Red Scare Red-baiting Redstone Arsenal Regnery Press Reichsbank Reichstag fire Reinhard Gehlen Reinhard Heydrich Religion

Kaiser Wilhelm Institute Kansas GOP Kaplan Fund Karen Hughes Karl Blessing Karl Brandt Karl Pearson Karl Rove Karl Wolff Katharine Graham Kathleen Peterson Kathy Shaidle Katrina KBR Kelloggs Ken Buck Ken Mehlman Kenneth Anger Kenneth Copeland Ministries Kenneth Langone Kenneth Tomlinson Kent Kresa Kent State shoothings Kent State shootings Kentucky Derby Kentucky Fried Chicken Kentucky GOP Kentucky politics Kermit Roosevelt Kevin J. DeAnna Kevin Klose Kevin MacDonald KeyCorp KFC Khalid bin Mahfouz Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Khmer Rouge Khrushchev Kiefer Sutherland Kirk Cameron Kissinger Associates Kit Green KKK KLA Klaas Faber Klaus Barbie Knights of Malta Know Nothings Koch family Koch family foundations Koch Foundation Koch Industries Konrad Adenauer

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Korean War Kreindler & Kreindler Kris Kobach Kristallnacht Kroll Krunoslav Draganovic Krupp Krupp family KUBARK Kurt Blome Kurt Georg Kiesinger Kurt Waldheim Kwanzaa

Religious Right Religous Right RENAMO Renault Rendition Rendon Group Renee Gill Pratt Rep. David Scott Repressed memories Republcans Republian Republian Party Republians Republican Republican behavior Republican crimes Republican Jewish Coalition Republican Party Republican voter suppression Republicans ResCare Resnicks Rev. Hugh Fortsyn (Jonestown) Revilo Pendleton Oliver Revisionism Rfk Rheinmetall Rice University Richard Armitage Richard Ben-Veniste Richard Bissell Richard Blum Richard Brenneke Richard Butler Richard Helms Richard Holbrooke Richard Jaeger Richard Kerr Richard Mack Richard Marcinko Richard Mellon Scaife Richard Nixon Richard Perle Richard Quest Richard Secord Richard Viguerie Ricin Rick Perry Rick Renzi Rick Santorum Rick Scott Riggs National Bank RightNetwork Rio Tinto Zinc Ros Montt Risieria San Sabba Ritual abuse RNC Rob Simmons Robert Bud McFarlane Robert Carmona-Borjas Robert De Niro Robert Dilenschneider Robert E. Grady Robert Ford Robert Gates Robert J. Callahan Robert K. Steele Robert Kennedy Robert Kennedy assassination Robert Kent

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Robert Maheu Robert Mosbacher Robert Novak Robert Strauss Robert Vesco Robert Wadman Robert Welch Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Robert Zoellick Roberto Calvi Roberto DAubuisson Robotics Roche Rochus Misch Rockefeller Foundation Rockefellers Rod Blagojevich Rodolfo Graziani Roger Ailes Roger Noriega Roger Stone Roland Roland Carnaby Roma Ron Karenga Ron Nehring Ron Paul Ron Rewald Ronald Reagam Ronald Reagan Ronald Rewald Roosevelt administration Roseanne Barr Rosenberg spy case Rosewood Capital Ross Adey Rousas J. Rushdoony Roy Beck Roy Cohn Royal Dutch Shell Rpbert Strauss Rubber industry Ruben Salazar Rudolph Hess Rudy Giuliani Rupert Murdoch Rush Limbaugh Russell Pearce Russia Russian purges Ruth Paine Rwanda genocide

Saddam Hussein SAIC Saint of Death cult Saint Pius X Society Salem bin Laden Salvador Allende Sam Adams Alliance Sam Alito Sam Brownback Sam Jaffe SAMHSA San Diego jet crash San Diego Padres San Francisco 8 Sandia

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Sandoz Santiago Alvarez Fernndez Magri Santo Daime Sarah Palin Sarah Scaife Foundation Sarah Scaife Foundation. Corporate front groups Satanism Satellite surveillance Saudi Prince Nayef Al-Shaalan Saudis Savitri Devi SBI (N. Carolina) Scaife Family Scaife Foundation Schaeffler Group Schering-Plough Schmitz family School of the Americas Scientific Games Scientology Scooter Libby Scott Cleland Scott Lively Scott Ritter Scott Rothstein Scott Simon Scott Walker SDI Sean Hannity Searle Freedom Trust Sears Tower plot Seas of David Cult Secret government Secret Order of Brothers in Blood Secret trials Secret tribunals Securacom/Stratesec Sen. Robert Byrd Sentient World Simulation (SWS) Seroquel Sex trap Shafik Gabr Shaun Patrick Winkler Shawna Forde Sheldon Adelson Shell Shell Oil Sheriff Arpaio Shiro Ishii Shiv Sena Shower Posse Sid Richardson Sidney Gottlieb Siemens Silvershirt Legion Silvio Berlusconi Simon Schuster Simon Wiesenthal Sinn Fein Sirhan Sirhan Skadden Arps Skeptic Magazine Skull & Bones Sky Way Slavery Sleep Sleep deprivation Smedley Butler SNCF Social Contract Press Social scientists
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Society of Americans for National Existence (SANE) Solidarity Solitary confinement Solvay Somalia Son of Sam Soros Foundation Soto Cano (Palmerola) military base Soul South Africa South Carolina GOP Southeastern Asset Management Sovereign Citizens Sovereignty Commission Sovereignty Commission sterilization Soviet Union Soviets Space shuttle SPADE Defense Index Spanish Civil War Spanish fascism Special Operations Special Operations Command Spider Group Spies Spiro Agnew Spying SRI Sri Lanka Stalinism Stan Chesley Stan Pate Standard Oil Stanford University Stanley Fish Stanley McChrystal Star wars Starbucks Starvation State Department Stealth bomber Stefano delle Chiaie Stephen Calkins Stephen Cambone Stephen Harper Stephen McFarland Stephen Payne Stephen Schwartz Sterilization Steve Forbes Steven Jones Steven Seagal Stille Hilfe (Silent Aid) Stormfront Stormy Daniels Straight Inc. Strategic Forecasting Strategum Group Stratfor Student indoctrination Stupidity Sue Lowden Suharto Suirveillance Sukarno Sullivan & Cromwell Summer Institute of Linguistics Sun Capital Sun Myung Moon
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Superbowl Supply-side economics Supreme court Surv Surveillance Susan E. Brandon Susan Latvala Suspicious suicides Swastika Sweden Swift Boaters Swiftboat donors Swine flu Swiss bankers Sydney Hook Synthetic telepathy Syria Systematics Szekler Legion

T-Force T. Boone Pickens Tagg Romney Taliban Talit Othman Talk radio TAMAirline Crash Taos Industries Target Targeted Individuals Task Force 373 TD International Tea Party Team Barakat Team Casa Techno-fascism Ted Kaczynski Ted Olson Ted Shackley Televangelism Television Temple of Set Tennessee GOP Terrorism Tesco Teterboro crash Tetra Tech Texas Commerce Bank Texas GOP Texas Pacific Group Texas Rangers Texas school system Thailand Thalidomide The Family The Nation The National Investor The Octopus The Order The OSS The PLO The Polling Company The Pond The Seed The Sun (Murdoch) Theocracy Thomas Donilon Thomas Monath

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Thomas Pynchon Thomas S. Monahan Thomas T. Reinhardt Thor Halvorssen Thule Society Thyssen family ThyssenKrupp TIA Tibet Tides Foundation Tim Griffin Tim Roemer Tim Russert Time Warner Timothy Geithner Timothy Leary Todd Blodgett Todd Urosevich Tom Blodgett Tom Braden Tom Brokaw Tom Coburn Tom Daschle Tom DeLay Tom Feeney Tom Hanks Tom Kean Tom McClintock Tom Ridge Tom Tancredo Tommy Thompson Tonton Macoute TonyAlamo Tony Blair Tony Gambino Topf & Sons Torie Clarke Tort reform Total Intelligence Solutions (TIS) Toxins Transal Corp. Traumatic memories Trent Lott Trijicon Inc. Triple Canopy Trolls Trotsky Troy Eid TrueSpeak Institute Truman administration TRW Tufts University Tupac Shakur Turki al Faisal Tuxedo Park TWA800 TWAFlight 800 Tweet Kimball

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council U.S. Investigations Services (USIS) U.S. Space Command UAE UBS UBS Scandal UCLANeuropsychiatric Institute UFOs Uganda

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Umsolved cases UN UNA-USA Union Carbide Unit 731 United Fruit United Nations UnitedHealth Universities University of California University of Illinois University of North Dakota UNOCAL Unsolved cases Urantia Uri Geller Uribe US Information Agency (USIA) US Public Health Service USAID USAMRIID USS Cole bombing USS Liberty Ustasha Utah Data Center (UDC) Utah GOP

V-2 Rocket Vaccine side-effects Vaccines Valerie Plame Vanderbilt University Vang Pao VANPAC Bombings Vatican Vatican Bank Vaxgen VECO Scandal Venona Files Veridian Verint Verisign Verizon VFATreaty Vice Admiral William McRaven Vichy France Victor Marchetti Victor McLaglen Victorious Sect Victory Fund Vidal Sassoon Video games Vidkun Quisling Vietnam War Viktor Bout Village Voice Vincent Cannistraro Vint Lawrence Viorel Trifa Virent Virginia Abernethy Virginia Foxx Virginia GOP Visible Technologies Vlaams Belang party Vladimir Putin VOA VOICES

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Volkswagen VoteHere Votes Votescam

W W.J. Billy Tauzin Wachovia Wackenhut Waco Waffem SS Waffen SS Wagner Wall Street Journal Wallis Simpson Walt Disney Walt Rostow Walter Bowart Walter Cronkite Walter Dornberger Walter Harnisfeger Walter Isaacson Walter Lippmann Walter Rauff Wannsee Conference War War c War profiteering Ward Churchill Warren Buffett Warren Commission Warren Olney Washington Group International Washington Legal Foundation Washington Mutual Washington Post Washington Times Watan Group Watchmen on the Walls Watergate We the People Foundation Weathermen Wehrmacht WellCare Wells Fargo Wernher Von Braun West Memphis Three West TX Fertilizer Explosion Westboro Baptist Church Westbrook Pegler WestCare Western Goals Whirlpool White Citizens Councils White Knights of America White Nationalists White Rose White Student Union White supremacists Whitey Bulger WHO Whole Foods Market Wiesenthal Center Wiki WikiLeaks Wikipedia Wilhelm Frick Will Farish

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William Wild Bill Donovan William Bennett William Casey William Cohen William Colby William Dore William Dudley Pelley William F. Buckley William Kristol William P. Barr William Paley William Pawley William Pierce William Randolph Hearst William Rehnquist William S. Farish III William Sullivan William Walker William Webster Willis Carto Willy Brandt Wilmer Cutler Wingnuts Winona Ryder Winston Churchill Wisconsin GOP Wngnuts Wolfgang Droege World Anti-Communist League World Bank World Security Network World Vision World War II World without Nazis WorldCom (MCI) WorldNetDaily Worldwide Strategic Partners Wouter Basson WR Grace WTC bombing WW II WW II. Red-baiting WWF Wycliffe Bible Translators

Yair Klein Yale Yasser Arafat Yerkes Primate Center Young Americans for Freedom Young Britons Foundation Young Republicans Youth for Western Civilization

Zapata Corp. Zapatistas Zbigniew Brzezinski ZeroMax Zionism Zodiac Killer Zoloft Zyprexa

American Terrorism

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2013 Constantine Report All rights reserved RSS

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