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The following are suggestions for Open House Night on August, 27 th 28th & 29th (If you are using any handouts or videos, let admin review prior to Open House! Remember to STRUT YOUR STUFF!!) 1. Present a professional, yet relaxed, warm and friendly atmosphere. This helps to establish confidence in our school. 2. Review your daily schedule with parents (give them a copy). 3. Briefly discuss the overall curriculum, highlighting new changes: GPS (have your standards up on the computer for parents to view) Implementing Learning Focused Schools strategies utilizing essential questions and graphic organizers (have both of these displayed in your classroom!) Use of differentiated instruction such as curriculum compacting and flexible grouping across grade level, guided reading groups, literature circles, Web quests, and independent learning contracts (use examples from last year!) Collaboration with support services i.e., Special Education Inclusion, EIP, Counselor, ESOL, etc.

4. Have textbooks available for parents to review teaching materials as well as your lesson plan or Job Target notebook on display. 5. Explain that the purpose of Open House is one of parent orientation for general questions. Individual parent conferences will be held twice this year one in the fall and another in the spring. Stress the need for you to place instructional time and safety of the children during the day as top priority (need note if childs transportation is going to change, etc.) 6. Discuss grade level expectations and special grade level events for the year. (Field Trips) 7. Discuss our schools positive discipline procedures (see faculty handbook for Clark Creek Expectations!) and Character Education program. 8. Discuss the importance of home and school communication, our agendas or homework folders and your newsletters that will go home. 9. Briefly discuss report cards and the grading key. 10. Review OGES homework policy. Let parents know if they have concerns about amount of homework time, address with you early in the school year! 11. Review policies and procedures with parents (medication, signing in the office, volunteering in your classroom, etc.). 12. Remember parents are visual, kinesthetic and/or auditory learners too! Use your board, colored chalk/markers, handouts, videos, etc. Be creative!! 13. Stress parent involvement, 100% parent and teacher participation in PTA and our school wide theme: Building the Future one student at a time. We believe our children will achieve and be successful this yearwith the help and support of our parents! Parent volunteers are needed!

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