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Dominic J.

Office Phone: 513-513-529-5221 Email: Website: 356 Bachelor Hall Department of English Miami University Oxford, OH 45056

Ph.D. English, Miami University. August 2013. Dissertation: Enacting a Rhetoric of Inside-Outside Positionalities: From the Indexing Practice of Uchi/Soto to a Reiterative Process of Meaning-Making. Dissertation Committee: LuMing Mao (Chair), Kate Ronald, Jason Palmeri, and Lisa Weems. M.A. B.A. English, West Virginia University. August 2003. English and History, West Virginia Wesleyan College, summa cum laude. May 2001.

Research and Teaching Interests: Comparative Rhetoric; Intercultural Communication; Writing-acrossthe-Curriculum; Business Writing; Japanese and Transnational Popular Culture; L2 Writing.

ARTICLES & CHAPTERS Both Insiders and Outsiders: Re/Framing Identification via Japanese Rhetoric. Re/Framing Identifications. Ed. Michelle Ballif. Long Grove IL: Waveland, 2014. 309315. Uchi/Soto in Japan: A Global Turn. Rhetoric Society Quarterly 43.3 (2013): 256269. REVIEWS Review of Zen Buddhist Rhetoric in China, Korea, and Japan (with LuMing Mao). Ed. Christoph Anderl. Rhetoric Review. 32.3 (2013): 368373. Review of Writing in the Devils Tongue: A History of English Composition in China. Xiaoye You. JAC 32.1-2 (2012): 416-424. Review of The Idea of English in Japan: Ideology and the Evolution of a Global Language. Philip Seargeant. TESOL Quarterly 45.1 (2011): 194-196. CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS Contextualizing Affiliations: Fluid Insider-Outsider Identities. Conference of College Composition and Communication. Las Vegas, NV. March 2013. Uchi/Soto in Japan: A Global Turn. MLA Annual Convention. Boston, MA. January 2013. Both Insiders and Outsiders: Re/Framing Identifications in Japanese Rhetoric. Rhetoric Society of America Conference. Philadelphia, PA. May 2012.

Between Outside and Inside: Anime and Manga as Gateways to Japanese Rhetoric. Conference of College Composition and Communication. St. Louis, MO. March 2012. Ainu Activism: Movements of Indigenous Rhetoric through Time and Place. Conference of College Composition and Communication. Atlanta, GA. April 2011. Multimodal Remix and/as Cultural Critique. With Amir Hassan and Mandy Watts. Digital Pedagogy Poster Session. Conference of College Composition and Communication. Atlanta, GA. April 2011. Representing Japan, Embodying America: The Rhetoric of Two Japanese-American Memoirs. Rhetoric Society of America Conference. Minneapolis MN. May 2010. Simulating the Virtual: Depictions of MMORPGs in Anime and Manga. Computers and Writing. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. May 2010. Rethinking Comp and ESL: Towards Placing Linguistic Diversity as the Norm. Graduate Research Forum. Miami University, Oxford, OH. November 2009.

MIAMI UNIVERSITY Graduate Students Achievement Fund, in recognition of excellence in research. November 2012. Academic Challenge Dissertation Fellowship. August 2011May 2012. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY English 102 Adjunct Summer Course Development Grant. Summer 2007. Stephen F. Crocker Scholarship for Graduate Education. 20012003.

MIAMI UNIVERSITY (TEACHING ASSOCIATE AND VISITING ASSISTANT PROFESSOR) ENG223: Rhetorical Strategies for Writers. Fall 2013. A core course in the Professional Writing major and an elective for several majors and minors. ENG223 provides in-depth instruction in classical and modern rhetorics. Students study rhetorical theory, apply it in analytical writing, and employ it in creative argumentative projects. ENG109: English Composition for L2 Writers. Fall 2013. A four-credit hour first-year composition course designed for L2 writers. Like its three-credit hour equivalent ENG111, ENG109 introduces students to the expectations of the college discourse community and asks them to compose a combination of traditional academic essays (such as rhetorical analyses) and multimodal projects. Advanced Composition. Global Partners Summer School. July 2013. An intensive four-week writing and rhetoric course offered to 26 visiting Chinese students. The course included instruction in rhetorical analysis, research, and conventions of American academic writing. In addition to writing individual analysis and research projects, students produced group video essays drawing from their research papers.

ENG111: College Composition. Fall 2008, Fall 2009, Spring 2011. One of two required first-year composition courses. I taught all sections in either laptop classrooms or computer labs. Students composed a combination of traditional academic essays (such as rhetorical analyses) and multimodal projects. ENG104: Writing Studio. Fall 2010. A one-credit hour elective course where students work on writing assignments from across the disciplines in a small group (8 student) environment. I taught a section offered specifically for students for whom English is a second language. ENG112: Composition and Literature. Spring 2009. The second of two required first-year composition courses, with a special topic chosen by the instructor. My section focused on American travel narratives, with attention to how travel influences individual, group, and regional identities. The class met in a laptop classroom and students composed both traditional academic essays and multimodal projects. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY (GRADUATE TEACHING ASSISTANT AND PART-TIME FACULTY) Co-Facilitator with the ENG101 Coordinator. New Instructor Training. August 115, 2006. Instructor training required for all new ENG101 instructors. Included readings and discussions about writing pedagogy, workshops on syllabus design, and strategies for assignments from the common course description. ENG102: Composition and Rhetoric (English 102). Fall 2003, Spring 2004, Fall 2005, Spring 2007, Spring 2008. (ENG102 Honors). Fall 2007. Second-year composition course with an emphasis on academic research, argument, and documentation. Students received an introduction to library and database research methods, and composed several research-related genres such as proposals, literature reviews or annotated bibliographies, extended researched arguments, and in-class presentations. ENG101: Composition and Rhetoric (English 101). Fall 2001, Spring 2002, Summer 2002, Fall 2002, Spring 2003, Fall 2003, Fall 2005, Spring 2006, Fall 2006, Fall 2007, Spring 2008. First-year composition course with an emphasis on audience, genre analysis, and using genre conventions. Students composed in a variety of genres, including literacy narratives, genre analyses, interviews, and multimodal projects. CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA (PART-TIME FACULTY) ENG100: English Language Skills. Fall 2005. A writing skills course designed to assist students in transitioning from high school to college writing.

COORDINATOR, BUS102: WRITING FOR BUSINESS DECISION-MAKING, Howe Writing Initiative. Farmer School of Business, Miami University. Fall 2012Spring 2013. Directed 60 sections (900+ students) of BUS102, a required course in the core BUS curriculum Develop and organize curricular materials for BUS102 instructors Lead new instructor orientation and ongoing faculty development Conduct program assessment of BUS102 with the Associate Dean BUS102 online: Proposed and secured funding to pilot three online sections of BUS102; designed recruiting materials; assisted instructors with designing curriculum

ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, HOWE WRITING INITIATIVE. Farmer School of Business, Miami University. Fall 2009Spring 2011. Met with Business faculty to design writing assignments Offered assignment and curriculum development workshops to Business faculty Tutored Business students in an embedded writing center, assisting with all stages of writing assignments, internship applications, and job search materials Delivered class presentations and workshops on topics including the rhetoric of business genres, writing for business audiences, and assignment-specific topics ENGLISH 102 PEER MENTOR. West Virginia University. Fall 2007Spring 2008. Organized and led monthly meetings with five new and experienced instructors Met monthly with other mentors and the ENG102 Assistant Coordinator Collaborated with other mentors and the Assistant Coordinator to plan and run an end of year ENG102 training workshop ASSISTANT COORDINATOR FOR ENGLISH 101. West Virginia University. Summer 2006Spring 2007. Co-planned and co-taught the summer English 101 New Instructor Training seminar for 18 new GTAs with the English 101 Coordinator Oversaw the English 101 Instructor Mentor program: met monthly with six peer mentors and acted as a liaison between the mentors and the 101 Coordinator Reviewed syllabi for 18 new writing instructors and conducted classroom observations Co-planned and implemented a survey of ENG102 students regarding carry-over from ENG101 WRITING TUTOR, Department of English. West Virginia University. Fall 2003. Consulted one-on-one with students on various stages of their writing during half-hour sessions, by appointment and walk-in.

CLASS OF 2012 LONGITUDINAL STUDY, Howe Writing Initiative. Miami University. Fall 2009 Summer 2012. An IRB approved longitudinal study of Business students perceptions of writing in Miamis School of Business, designed and conducted by members of the Howe Writing Initiative over a four-year period. Served as principal investigator, Fall 2010Spring 2011 Conducted and transcribed student interviews Collaborated with other HWI members to organize, code, and analyze study data and compose a final report for the School of Business Assembled final report document using InDesign WRITING IN THE FARMER SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. Miami University. Spring 2010. An IRB approved study of Faculty in the FSB regarding writing assignments, expectations of student writing, and grading practices, consisting of an online survey and interviews with faculty members. Completed as a component of ENG735: Research Methods and to provide the HWI with information about the state of writing in the Business School. ASSESSMENT READER, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. West Virginia University. Summer 2007. Conducted rubric scoring for Finance 305 essay exam Provided a report on student writing and recommendations for future writing assignments and essay exams to the instructor

ASSESSMENT READER, DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS. West Virginia University. Spring 2007. Outside reader of final essay exams for Economics 481 and Accounting 322 Conducted rubric scoring for Econ481 final essay exam Provided a report on student writing and recommendations for structuring future writing assignments and essay exams to the participating instructors and the Dean of Business and Economics

BUS102 Teachers Guide 20132014. Content creation, editing and design. Spring 2013. Business Communication Matters: Business Communication at Miami. Vol. 1. Design. Fall 2012. Class of 2012: A Longitudinal Study of Student Writing in the Farmer School of Business. Content creation and design. Summer 2012.

WRITING-ACROSS-THE-CURRICULUM WORKSHOPS AND CLASS PRESENTATIONS Survey Research: Issues to Consider. Presentation to English 735: Research Methods. Miami University. February 20, 2012. Keys to Editing Your Own and Students Writing. With Lisa Blankenship and Caroline Dadas. Farmer School of Business Faculty Writing Workshop. Miami University. April 2011. Writing in a Business Context. Summer Business Institute Writing Workshops. Miami University. Summer 2009, 2010, and 2011. Writing Essays for Portfolio Admission. Farmer School of Business Student Workshops. Miami University. Spring 2010 and Spring 2011. The Rhetoric of Case-Based In-Basket Exercises. Presentations to Marketing 335: Marketing Analysis. Miami University. Fall 2009Spring 2011. Visual Impact: Design Principles for Effective Teaching. With Lisa Blankenship and Ann Updike. Farmer School of Business Faculty Workshop. Miami University. November 2010. Technology Pedagogy Consultant. First-Year Composition Instructor Training Workshop. Miami University. August 2010. Benefits of Administrative Positions. Presentation to English 605: Issues of the Profession. Miami University. Spring 2010. FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PRESENTATIONS Digital Web Spinning: Blogging and Web Design for the Composition Classroom, Part IBlogging With Wordpress. Digital Writing Collaborative. Miami University. November 2009.

Wordpress, Blogger, Ning, Facebook: Do All of These Terms Leave You Twitter-pated? With Amber Nichols-Buckley. Digital Writing Collaborative. Miami University. February 2009. Assignment Sequencing. With Steve Oberlechner. ENG102 Instructor Workshop. West Virginia University. May 2008. Professional Development Adjunct Summer Grant Report. ENG102 Instructor Workshop. West Virginia University. May 2008. Design/(Re)Design of the Syllabus. With Thomas Bredehoft, Lori DAngelo, Kathy Girod, Heather Mercer, and Jason Stupp. Writing Instructor Brownbag Workshop. West Virginia University. Fall 2007. Data and Recommendations from Spring 2007 English 101 Writing Skills Survey. With Jay Dolmage. English 102 Instructor Workshop. West Virginia University. May 2007.

MIAMI UNIVERSITY Member, Rhetoric and Writing Committee. Fall 2013. Discussion Leader, Summer Reading Program. Office of Liberal Education. Summer 2008 and 2013. Member, Miami English Graduate and Adjunct Association. Fall 2008Fall 2011. Graduate Committee Representative. Fall 2008Spring 2009 and Fall 2010Spring 2011. Design and layout of Miami English Graduate and Adjunct Association conference program. With Ashley Watson (Spring 2010) and Brent Simoneaux (Spring 2011). Member, Executive Committee, Miami English Graduate and Adjunct Association. Fall 2009Spring 2010. Primary Organizer, Miami English Graduate and Adjunct Association 7th Annual Conference, a local, multidisciplinary conference drawing presenters from Miami University and surrounding institutions. Fall 2009Spring 2010. Chaired committees for drafting the CFP, funding, event promotion, and proposal review. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY Member, Undergraduate Writing Committee. Fall 2006Spring 2008. Member, English 102 Textbook Committee. Fall 2007Spring 2008. Member, English 101 Textbook Committee. Fall 2006Spring 2007.

Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) International Society for the History of Rhetoric (ISHR) Modern Language Association (MLA) National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Rhetoric Society of America (RSA)

LuMing Mao, Dissertation Chair Professor & Chair Department of English Miami University, Oxford, OH Heidi McKee Associate Professor & Interim Roger and Joyce L. Howe Professor Interim Director, Howe Writing Initiative Director, Professional Writing Department of English Miami University, Oxford, OH Jason Palmeri Associate Professor Director, College Composition Co-Coordinator, Digital Writing Collaborative Department of English Miami University, Oxford, OH Kate Ronald Professor Director, Howe Center for Writing Excellence Department of English Miami University, Oxford, OH

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