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Dear sir, We are the suppliers of all the electrical and electronic lab equipments listed below.

The main advantage of buying the lab equipments from our company is we also do service to the equipments that we sell .but we also do service to all the equipments in your lab. We will accomplish the work in time and it will be easy for you to maintain the equipments.


2. VI Characteristics of PN Junction Diode 3. Built in 0-6V for forward bias and 0-24V Power Supply for reverse bias To experiment forward and reverse VI Characteristics of PN Junction diode Rs. 3,850.00 Rs. 3,850.00

Provision to connect desk top meters externally, Wooden closed cabinet VI Characteristics of Zener Diode Built in 0-6V for forward bias and 0-12V Power Supply for reverse bias To experiment forward and reverse VI Characteristics of Zener diode


Provision to connect desk top meters externally, Wooden closed cabinet Half wave and Full wave Rectifier without and with filter To observe variation in the ripple with load current without and with filter To observe voltage regulation with load current without and with filter Provision to connect necessary desk top meters externally, Wooden closed

Rs. 3,850.00


cabinet Bridge rectifier without and with filter To observe variation in the ripple with load current without and with filter To observe voltage regulation with load current without and with filter Provision to connect necessary desk top meters externally, Wooden closed -

Rs. 3,950.00


cabinet VI Characteristics of Regulator

Rs. 3,950.00

To observe the voltage regulation with load current using Zener regulator To observe the voltage regulation with load current using IC regulator Provision to connect necessary desk top meters externally, Rs. 3,950.00


Built in Power Supplies and Wooden closed cabinet Input and output characteristics of CE Transistor Built in 0-6V Power Supply in the input side and 0-24V Power Supply in the Collector side To experiment input and output characteristics of transistor in CE configuration Provision to connect necessary desk top meters externally, Wooden closed


cabinet RC Coupled Amplifier Two stage RC Coupled amplifier circuit To study the dc conditions of the amplifier and to experiment frequency response Provision to connect input audio signal externally and to measure the output

Rs. 3,850.00


Built in Power Supply and Wooden closed cabinet Emitter Follower Kit To study the dc conditions of the Emitter follower To carry out experiment to find input, output resistances, voltage and current gain

Rs. 3,850.00


Built in Power Supply and Wooden closed cabinet Negative Feedback Amplifier Kit

Rs. 4,350.00

Mudaliar Two Stage Amplifier circuit #102A Ginnu Steet, Virupatchipuram, Vellore 2. Phone 0416-226 9395, 9791899533,9994199395 With and without negative voltage feedback Provision to connect input audio signal externally and to measure the output

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