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Journal of Materials Processing Technology 102 (2000) 143±152

Visco-plastic constitutive models of steel at high temperature

A.E. Huespe*, A. Cardona, N. Nigro, V. Fachinotti
Centro Internacional de MeÂtodos Computacionales en IngenierõÂa (CIMEC), INTEC-Universidad Nacional del Litoral/Conicet,
GuÈemes 3450-3000 Santa Fe, Argentina

Received 21 December 1998


Two constitutive elasto-visco-plastic models are adopted to simulate the behavior of plain carbon steel at high temperature, speci®cally at
the austenitic range (950±1300 C), being particularly appropriate for the numerical simulation of casting and hot-working processes. The
response in hardening, creep and non-uniform loading conditions is analyzed and compared with experimental data. An ef®cient numerical
integration scheme is proposed and its accuracy is evaluated using iso-error maps. The consistent isothermal tangent matrix is computed
and the ®nal models are implemented into an FEM code. Several tests are performed to evaluate the accuracy and robustness of the
integration scheme. Finally an application concerning the analysis of the thermal stresses produced at the early stage of a steel continuous
casting process is shown. # 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Steel constitutive models; Numerical approach of visco-plasticity; Thermal stresses in casting processes

1. Introduction of experimental data was presented by Wray [1] and by

Suzuki et al. [2]. The former author performed tests with a
Steel is one of the most important materials in present-day constant-strain-rate mode of loading, showing the depen-
technological applications. Huge investments are made to dence of the constitutive laws on the carbon content, the
optimize its production. Adequate design of the industrial temperature and the strain rate, whilst the latter authors
processes involved is, therefore, of utmost importance. A presented experimental data obtained from variable (cyclic)
tool that is becoming essential in attaining this objective is loads.
numerical simulation, the results of which depend strongly One-dimensional analytical models of constitutive beha-
on the assumptions adopted to develop the corresponding vior have been proposed by Anand [3] and by Kozlowski
model. One important aspect lies in the description of the et al. [4]. In both cases, the material parameters were
mechanical response of the material under the process adjusted using the experimental data set of Wray to describe
conditions. the response of plain carbon steel at high temperature and
This paper presents two models of the constitutive beha- low strain rate.
vior of steel at high temperature in the range of the austenitic The numerical integration of visco-plastic constitutive
phase and below the solidi®cation temperature. These mod- equations has also achieved much attention in the literature,
els play a main role in the numerical simulation of steel amongst which the algorithms proposed in the works of
production processes such as continuous casting, static Zienkiewicz and Cormeau [5] and Peirce et al. [6] can be
casting, hot-working, etc. Discussion is made on their mentioned. Peric and Rouaina [7,8] presented an integration
computational aspects, presenting an ef®cient numerical procedure that is based on an Euler-backward scheme
integration, giving special attention to the time integration (EBS). The present authors follow closely these works,
scheme and to the expression of the isothermal tangent modifying the EBS to obtain a cheaper algorithm, the
matrix. integration error introduced owing to this assumption being
A large number of works exist in the literature regarding analyzed.
the correct description of this constitutive response. A series The layout of the paper is as follows. The second section
describes the two visco-plastic material models with a
Corresponding author. comparison against experimental data. Section 3 introduces
E-mail address: (A.E. Huespe) the time integration algorithm and an accuracy analysis by

0924-0136/00/$ ± see front matter # 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 4 - 0 1 3 6 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 4 4 2 - 8
144 A.E. Huespe et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 102 (2000) 143±152

means of iso-error maps. Section 4 is devoted to numerical in terms of Lame parameters (l; m) as D ˆ 2mI ‡ l…1
applications illustrating the power of the algorithm. with I and 1 being the fourth and second-order identity
tensors. The thermal linear expansion (TLE) function b…y†,
is de®ned as follows:
2. Visco-plastic models Z y
b…y† ˆ b…s† ds; (4)
The ®rst model belongs to the class of generalized yr
standard materials. It can be derived from a general model where b is the thermal expansion coef®cient and yr a
proposed by LemaõÃtre and Chaboche [9] by adopting ade- reference temperature for thermal deformation. This rela-
quate parameters and a slightly different hardening law. As tionship is capable of handling isothermic volumetric expan-
is known, this kind of material model has a well founded sion during solid±solid phase transformations.
thermo-mechanical framework. The free-energy term associated with the hardening
The second model has an empirical basis and was pre- mechanism is given by
sented by Anand [3], being extended in the present work to
describe multi-dimensional stress states. ch …a; y† ˆ an‡1 ; (5)
Both models are able to describe some important phe- n‡1
nomenological aspects associated with visco-plastic beha- where the material parameters a and n are assumed to be
vior, such as isotropic hardening and creep. Nevertheless, strongly dependent on temperature y.
neither recovery effects nor cyclic plasticity are modeled. Starting from the expression of free energy and by
The incompressibility assumption of visco-plastic deforma- applying classical arguments of thermodynamics, the state
tions is implicit in the ¯ow laws. equations are derived as follows:
Parameter estimation in both models has been made using
^ vol 1;
r ˆ ree c ˆ Dee ÿ 3bk (6)
the experimental data set of Wray [1]. In the ®nal part of this
section, the results of both implemented models are com- R ˆ ra c ˆ aa ; n
pared with the data set published by Wray and that by Suzuki
et al. [2]. where r is stress and R the generalized force, which are
conjugate variables to …ee ; a†. The second term on the r.h.s.
2.1. A model based on thermodynamics of Eq. (6) is the thermal stress, which is computed using the
volumetric modulus kvol ˆ 23 m ‡ l.
Next the constitutive equations are given in the context of Next the generalized potential function O…r; y; R† is
the small deformations thermo-mechanical theory. The work de®ned within the context of generalized standard materials
of Kozlowski et al. [4], who adjusted several one-dimen- L
sional visco-plastic models, one of them being characterized Oˆ hseq ÿ Rim‡1 ; (8)
by a time-independent hardening, which we generalize here
into the three-dimensional case. where hi is the Macauley bracket, L…y† and m…y† are
The free energy c can be written as the addition of two material
3 parameters depending on the temperature, seq ˆ
terms 2 …s  s† the equivalent stress and s the deviatoric stress
…s ˆ dev r†. The gradient of O determines the ¯ow law (the
c…ee ; y; a† ˆ ce …ee ; y† ‡ ch …a; y†; (1) generalized normality rule [9,10]), resulting in
where the terms ce and ch are associated with reversible
e_ vp ˆ rs O ˆ 32Lhseq ÿ Rim m; (9)
processes and with hardening mechanisms, respectively.
The state variables …ee ; y; a† are the elastic strain, the tem- q
perature and an internal variable that represents the material a_ ˆ ÿrR O ˆ Lhseq ÿ Rim ˆ 23 …_evp  e_ vp † ˆ e_ vp eq ;
hardening being equal to the accumulated inelastic equiva-
where m ˆ s= k s k and e_ vp
eq is the equivalent visco-plastic
lent strain. From the small deformation hypothesis, the total
strain rate.
strain can be decomposed additively into an elastic part and
The functional dependence of L with temperature is given
an inelastic part
by the Arrhenius law
e ˆ 12 …ru ‡ rT u† ˆ ee ‡ evp ; (2)  
L…y† ˆ C…c† exp ÿ ; (10)
where u is the displacement ®eld. The free-energy term y
associated with the reversible processes is de®ned as
where Q is the activation energy over the Boltzmann's
e e
c …e ; y† ˆ 1 e ^ e constant and C a proportionality factor depending on the
2 D…e ÿ 2b…y†1†e ; (3)
carbon content of the steel …c†.
where heat-capacity effects have been neglected. The Following the work of Kozlowski et al., the values of
fourth-order tensor of classical elasticity D, can be written the parameters are determined as: C ˆ 46 550‡ 71 400c ‡
A.E. Huespe et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 102 (2000) 143±152 145

12 000c2 ; Q ˆ 44 650; a ˆ 130:5 ÿ 5:128  10ÿ3 y; n ˆ

ÿ0:6289 ‡ 1:114  10ÿ3 y and m ˆ 8:132 ÿ 1:540 
10ÿ3 y, where the temperature is given in the Kelvin scale
(K), the carbon content is in wt.% C and the stress is in MPa.

2.2. Anand's visco-plastic model

In Anand's model, there is no explicit plastic yielding

condition and it is not possible to derive the ¯ow law from a
dissipation potential. Whilst the elastic response and the
additive decomposition of strains are similar to those of the
previous model, the ¯ow rule is expressed by using
r  m
vp 3 seq
e_ ˆ L m; seq < z; (11)
2 z Fig. 1. Dependence of the stress±strain curves on the carbon contents.
! m (y ˆ 1100 C, e_ ˆ 1:4  10ÿ4 sÿ1 , Anand's model: z0 ˆ 43 Mpa).
z seq
z_ ˆ Lh0 1 ÿ ; (12)
~z…seq =z†nm z
description with the experimental data of Wray [1]. Anand's
where the factor L depends on the temperature as in Eq. (10). model shows a good agreement with this range of strains
The parameters C, Q, h0 and ~z in this model are constant. and strain rates. The model of Kozlowski et al. overestimates
The author considered that the experimental data are not the stresses at low strain rates and large strains. However,
suf®cient to accurately determine the temperature depen- when the problem involves strains smaller than 2%, the
dence of parameters m and n and thus they are assumed approximation is as good as that of Anand's model.
constant. Fig. 3 plots creep curves at different stress levels, in which
The internal variable z that characterizes material the experimental data correspond to the results of Suzuki
hardening does not represent the total plastic strain as in et al. [2]. The correct trend of the ®rst model with regard to
the previous model. Anand de®ned an initial state of z…z0 † experimental results at 1300 C and the excellent agreement
depending on the temperature and the strain rate and varying in the low stress range can be noted. However, as was
in the range 35±52 MPa. The in¯uence of this initial value remarked by Kozlowski et al., this model underestimates
in the response is noticeable. Therefore, the model the strains at high temperatures (y ˆ 1400 C).
becomes rather questionable when a problem with general The plots of Fig. 4 are stress±strain curves for constant
non-uniform temperature and strain rate is solved. Anand temperature and two different strain rates. In the same ®gure
proposed to use an average value of z0 for each temperature. the response after a sudden change in the test loading
Using the mentioned experimental data of Wray, Anand conditions, i.e. from high to low strain rates, were analyzed.
estimated the parameters for a 0.05 wt.% C plain carbon In Fig. 5 a similar analysis is made, but a change in
steel, resulting in: C ˆ 1011 sÿ1 ; Qˆ32514 K; h0 ˆ temperature is instead imposed. The present authors are
1329:22 MPa; ~z ˆ 147:6 MPa; n ˆ 0:3 and m ˆ 6:8027. not aware of experimental data to validate these numerical
Although they were given for this particular carbon steel,
in this work these parameters have been used in a broader
carbon content range (0.05±0.5 wt.% C). The error
introduced by this simpli®cation is noted in Fig. 1, the
stress±strain experimental data dependence on the carbon
contents as reported by Wray is shown. The ®gure compares
the responses of both models in each case.

2.3. Comparison with experimental results

A series of the one-dimensional constitutive behavior of

both models describing hardening, creep and changes in the
load conditions are presented. Additional information can be
found in the above-mentioned papers of Anand and
Kozlowski et al.
In Fig. 2 are plotted stress±strain curves of a 0.29 wt.% C
steel at ®xed temperature for three different constant strain Fig. 2. Hardening curves at different strain rates (_e ˆ 2:4  10ÿ3 sÿ1 ,
rates. These plots indicate the agreement of the hardening 1:5  10ÿ4 sÿ1 and 6:1  10ÿ6 sÿ1 ; y ˆ 1100 C, 0.29 wt.% C steel).
146 A.E. Huespe et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 102 (2000) 143±152

Fig. 5. Stress±strain curves for temperature increment tests, from an initial

temperature of yi ˆ 900 C to a ®nal temperature of yf ˆ 1300 C at strains
Fig. 3. Creep curves (stresses: s ˆ 9:8, 5:5 and 2:5 MPa and y ˆ 1300 C). of e ˆ 0:01 and 0.06. The strain rate is held constant at e_ ˆ 2:3  10ÿ2 sÿ1 .

results. However, the trend in both models is good. Some

other models that have been adopted widely to simulate steel s ˆ 2meedev ˆ 2m…edev ÿ evp †; (14)
production processes, describe material hardening as a where sm is the mean stress, tr…† the trace of a tensor and
function of time: they usually show an unexpected behavior edev the deviatoric strain, resulting in r ˆ sm 1 ‡ s.
in this kind of numerical test. _
By neglecting the material time derivative m_ ˆ …dm=dy†y,
It is concluded that both constitutive models are suitable Eq. (14) can be written in the rate form
to represent, with a good agreement, the response of
steel at high temperature. Their validity range is extended, s_ ˆ 2m…_edev ÿ e_ vp †: (15)
at least for small deformation processes, to strain rates After substituting Eq. (9) into Eq. (15), and by applying an
varying between 10ÿ6 and 10ÿ2 sÿ1 and as long as dynamic Euler-backward time discretization scheme (EBS) to the
recrystallization does not appear. resulting differential equation system, the following is
3. Time integration scheme sk‡1 k‡1 ^ k‡1 ††;
m ˆ k…tr e ÿ 3b…y (16)
*r +m
The state equation (6) can be uncoupled into the spherical k‡1 k‡1 3 k‡1 k‡1
s ˆ strial ÿ 2mDtL ks k ÿR m k‡1 ; (17)
and deviatoric parts as follows: 2
sm ˆ k…tr ee ÿ 3b…y††; (13) sk‡1 k k‡1 k
trial ˆ s ‡ 2m…edev ÿ edev †; (18)
k‡1 k k‡1 m
a ˆa ‡ DtLhsk‡1
eq ÿR i ; (19)
where indices k and k ‡ 1 refer to two successive time steps
and material parameters are evaluated at temperature yk‡1 .
It may be remarked that the three terms of Eq. (17) are
co-linear and thus

m k‡1 ˆ trial
k sk‡1
trial k

Next a numerical integration algorithm of the strain-

driven type is considered, i.e. one which determines rk‡1
given ek‡1 . The above discrete non-linear equation system
has two unknown scalars, o ˆk sk‡1 k and ak‡1 . By
modifying slightly the integration scheme, and evaluating
Eqs. (17) and (19) with Rk instead of Rk‡1 , it is possible to
Fig. 4. Equivalent stress±strain curves for strain rate decrement tests
from an initial strain rate of e_ i ˆ 2:3  10ÿ2 sÿ1 to a ®nal strain rate of
uncouple the unknowns. De®ning the scalar g ˆk sk‡1 trial k,
e_ f ˆ 1:4  10ÿ4 sÿ1 at strains e ˆ 0:01 and 0.06. The temperature is held then the solution procedure consists of solving the
constant at 950 C. non-linear scalar equation
A.E. Huespe et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 102 (2000) 143±152 147

r !m
p 3 k
3.2. Analysis of the integration error
F…o† ˆ o ‡ 6mDtL oÿR ÿg ˆ 0; (20)
q It is known that the EBS, although unconditionally stable,
whenever 32g > Rk , i.e. the loading case. After that, it is produces large errors when the differential equation to be
possible to evaluate ak‡1 from Eq. (19). In the unloading integrated is stiff (roughly when m > 5, see [7]). Another
case, the solution is o ˆ g, ak‡1 ˆ ak . source of error in the solution of the discrete equation system
is attributed to the choice of Rk instead of Rk‡1 in Eqs. (17)
Remark 1. An exact EBS, i.e. the use of Rk‡1 in Eqs. (17) and (19). Strictly, the unconditional stability property is not
and (19), results in a system of two coupled non-linear necessarily preserved in this case.
algebraic equations. In order to assess the accuracy of the integration proce-
q dure, the iso-error maps have been computed and compared
Remark 2. Since F 0 > 0 for all o  o0 ˆ 23Rk , F…w0 † with those corresponding to the exact EBS. The same
< 0 and F…w ! 1† > 0, a unique real root o of (20) exists approach has been followed by several authors to evaluate
in ‰o0 ; 1†. Therefore, a Newton±Raphson procedure should the accuracy of different integration schemes (see e.g. [7,11]
work appropriately to obtain it. However, some problems and the references therein).
with this iterative scheme can arise when the differential The construction of the error maps involves the solution of
equation becomes stiff, i.e. when m  1. In this case, a very several three-dimensional homogeneous state cases with
robust procedure consists of relaxing the Newton step (by a controlled strain. Starting from a point on the plane of
factor < 1) in such a way that jFj in the new iteration is less octahedral stresses (i.e. on the yield surface), a strain
than its previous value. increment is given with normal and tangential components
Anand's model can be integrated using the same idea. The to the yield surface, as is shown in Fig. 6(d). The stress r is
resulting scalar equation is slightly different from (20) and obtained using the proposed integration procedure and
can be obtained in a straightforward way. Since this model compared with a solution rEX computed using 1000 strain
does not have an elastic domain, there is always the need to sub-increments (with the time properly scaled to preserve
solve a non-linear algebraic equation in order to ®nd the constant strain rate). The integration error is then determined
correct state. evaluating

3.1. Algorithmic consistent tangent matrix …r ÿ rEX †…r ÿ rEX †

dˆ  100…%†: (23)
The correct evaluation of the tangent matrix consistent
with the constitutive integration algorithm is essential to Fig. 6 shows iso-curves of d when the Kozlowski et al.'s
reach a good numerical response when searching for equili- model is used, taking y ˆ 1000 C, c ˆ 0:3 wt.% C and
brium. m ˆ 7692 MPa. The initial state is de®ned arbitrarily as:
From Eqs. (16)±(19), it is possible to differentiate rk‡1 as a0 ˆ 0:02 and the stress, in terms of the principal values,
a function of ek‡1 and yk‡1 , to obtain: as:
drk‡1 ˆ C dek‡1 ‡ A dyk‡1 : (21) 1 1 2
ro ˆ 4:604 p ; p ; ÿ p MPa:
6 6 6
The isothermal algorithmic tangent tensor C is evaluated
by using The strain increments are taken as De ˆ Det ‡ Den , with
2m 1 o 1 1
C ˆ k…1
1† ‡ I ÿ …1
1† ÿ …m
m† ; Det ˆ Det ÿ p ; p ; 0 ;
1‡x 3 1‡o 2 2
(22) 1 1 2
Den ˆ Den p ; p ; ÿ p :
with 6 6 6
p This ®gure compares the iso-error maps of the present
6mLDt k‡1
xˆ hs ÿ Rk im ; scheme and the EBS when strain rates of e_ ˆ 5
k sk‡1 k eq 10ÿ4 sÿ1 and e_ ˆ 5  10ÿ2 sÿ1 are imposed.
2q 3
3 k‡1 It is concluded that the difference between the present
x 4 2m k s k
oˆ ÿ 15 : procedure and the exact EBS is not noticeable. It may also be
1 ‡ x hsk‡1 k
eq ÿ R i appreciated that in order to have accurate results, the strain
increments should be of the same order of magnitude as the
Although tensor A may be computed when analyzing elastic increment for both algorithms, a result also obtained
non-isothermal processes, its contribution to the algorithm in [7] where an EBS has been used for integrating the visco-
tangent matrix has been neglected. plastic plane stress equations.
148 A.E. Huespe et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 102 (2000) 143±152

Fig. 6. Iso-error curves: (a) the present integration procedure (_e ˆ 5  10ÿ4 sÿ1 ); (b) the exact EBS (_e ˆ 5  10ÿ4 sÿ1 ); (c) the present integration procedure
(_e ˆ 5  10ÿ2 sÿ1 ) and (d) the deviatoric principal stress plane, incremental strain vs. stress vectors.

4. Numerical applications 4.1. Thick-walled cylinder

Two numerical examples are shown to analyze the accu- A thick-walled cylinder subjected to an internal pressure
racy, robustness and ef®ciency of the scheme that is pro- is modeled using the axisymmetric hypothesis (Fig. 7).
posed. The ®rst problem is a classical one with known The model consists of a mesh of crossed triangles forming
analytical solution, whilst the second example corresponds 10 rectangular cells. This example has been taken from
to the stress analysis in the solid shell of a continuous casting Peirce et al. [6], who solved it using a constitutive material
billet: it has been extracted from a more complete study that with a non-hardening visco-plastic strain rate law of the
includes ¯uid ¯ow and thermal phenomena [12,13], but here form:
only the mechanical aspects of the problem, are presented.  m
Both problems are discretized spatially using ®nite ele- vp
e_ ˆ e_ 0 m: (24)
ments. s0

Fig. 7. Axisymmetric model of the thick-walled cylinder.

A.E. Huespe et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 102 (2000) 143±152 149

The stress level (s0 ˆ 1) determines an apparent yield stress.

A strain rate of e_ 0 ˆ 0:002 and a strain of e0 ˆ s0 =E are
introduced as reference values, determining a reference time
t0 ˆ e0 =_e0 . A constant displacement rate U_ ˆ ra e_ 0 is
imposed on the inner wall of the cylinder.
By using the material parameters given in Fig. 7, Anand's
model simulates exactly this material law. Kozlowski et al.'s
model may match the same law, provided that no unloading
occurs, for the set of parameters stated in the same ®gure. It
may be remarked that the present numerical integration
scheme becomes an exact EBS in the particular case of a
non-hardening material.
The problem was solved for two cases: m ˆ 5 and
m ˆ 1000. Since strain rate sensitivity in the second case
is practically negligible, the solution approaches inviscid
elasto-plastic behavior and the equations become extremely
stiff. This test was proposed by Peirce et al. to evaluate the
stability and accuracy of different integration schemes. They
chose, as a criterion to compare algorithms, the maximum
allowable discrete time increment (Dt) for which an accep-
table solution is obtained.
In Fig. 8 are plotted the pressure vs. inner wall displace-
ments and the circumferential stress distribution obtained at
different stages of the analysis. A time increment of
Dt=t0 ˆ 1 has been used. The results agree very well with
the exact solution, but it is also appreciated that they are
quite inaccurate, at the `knee', for Dt=t0 ˆ 2. Since com-
puted values for this time increment have not been reported
in [6], a comparison is not possible.
A time increment of Dt ˆ t0 produces a circumferential
strain increment at the inner wall equal to e0 , which can be
considered as a representative elastic strain in this material.
Therefore, the results obtained match what has been pointed
out in the previous section.

4.2. Continuous casting process Fig. 8. Thick-walled cylinder: (a) pressure vs. inner wall displacement and
(b) radial distribution of the circumferential stresses at different times
(m ˆ 1000, Dt=t0 ˆ 1).
The stress analysis of the initial stage of a round billet
steel continuous casting process (Fig. 9) is presented. The
liquid steel is poured into a hollow mould which extracts 632 J=kg K at 1000 C to 806 J=kg K at 1505 C. The solidus
suf®cient heat to solidify a thin outer shell. After leaving the temperature has been taken as ys ˆ 1490 C, the liquidus
mould, the billet passes through a water-spray zone where temperature as yl ˆ 1505 C, and the pure iron melting
complete solidi®cation of the section is obtained. Stress temperature yM ˆ 1530 C. A linearized equilibrium phase
analysis in the thin solid shell, into the mould region, is a diagram (Fe±C) has been adopted and the lever rule deter-
subject of interest because several kind of cracks and defects mines the relationship between temperature and the solid
are believed to arise at this early stage of the process. fraction in the mushy zone.
Assuming symmetry of revolution, a thermo-mechanical Heat ¯ow through the metal±mould contact surface is
formulation has been developed by Huespe et al. [12] to imposed via a Savage±Pritchard type law given by
solve the problem. Here is shown the mechanical aspect of s!
the analysis, making a detailed comparison of the computed 2 6 5 z‰mŠ
q‰W=m Š ˆ 2:19  10 ÿ 5:64  10 ‡ 3:37
stresses for different material models. vc ‰m=sŠ
The cast material is a 0:3 wt:%C plain carbon steel,
 106 z‰mŠ ‡ 0:160  106 …z‰mŠ†2 ;
with liquid and solid heat conductivity of kl ˆ 30 W=
m2 K, ks ˆ 192 W=m2 K; solidi®cation latent heat L ˆ while heat extraction in the water-spray zone is described by
272000 J=kg, liquid and solid densities r ˆ 7200 kg=m3 ; a convective law hws …y ÿ yws †, with hws ˆ 500 W=m2 K and
and temperature-dependent heat capacity cp that varies from yws ˆ 30 C. The temperature ®eld is evaluated using an
150 A.E. Huespe et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 102 (2000) 143±152

Fig. 9. The continuous-casting process: (left) a schematic diagram; (center) geometry data, where the domain of analysis is shown in gray; (right) the
mechanical model and ®nite element mesh.

Eulerian formulation of the enthalpy balance. The phase-

change latent heat is considered as a source term, see Voller
et al. [14]. Fig. 10(a) shows the isotherms and the liquid±
mushy±solid boundaries that have been obtained using the
thermal model.
After the temperature ®eld has been obtained, the
mechanical problem is solved using an ALE technique,
see Huespe et al. [12]. The adopted Young's modulus and
thermal expansion function are plotted in Fig. 11.
The analysis was performed for both visco-plastic mate-
rials as well as an elasto-plastic material with isotropic linear
hardening. In the latter case, the yield stress and hardening
modulus have been determined by matching the stress±strain
response of the Kozlowski et al. model at a constant strain
rate of e_ ˆ 1:4  10ÿ4 sÿ1 (Fig. 12).
Fig. 10(b) shows the total inelastic equivalent strain ®eld, Fig. 10. Continuous casting: (left) isotherms in the metal zone; (right) iso-
whilst Fig. 13 plots the computed shrinkage of the billet curves of inelastic deformation, Kozlowski et al's model.

Fig. 11. Continuous casting: (left) Young's modulus as a function of temperature; (right) the thermal expansion function (yr ˆ 1495 C).
A.E. Huespe et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 102 (2000) 143±152 151

Fig. 12. Stress±strain curves for the visco-plastic and elasto-plastic

material model. The parameters of the elasto-plastic model are the yield Fig. 14. Continuous casting, showing iso-curves of axial stress (sz ),
stress sY …y† and the hardening modulus h…y†. Kozlowski et al.'s model.

surface: it may be mentioned that the latter evaluation is They considered one-dimensional mechanical models, in
crucial to the prediction of the correct mould taper. a parabolized approach to the governing differential equa-
Axial stress iso-curves, using the Kozlowski et al. mate- tions with visco-plastic materials. Particularly, the latter
rial model, are depicted in Fig. 14, whilst Fig. 15 makes a authors have also used Kozlowski et al.'s material model.
comparison amongst the axial stresses at different times The present results and theirs have a good general agree-
obtained with the three material models. The circumferential ment. However, in the present case traction at the billet
stress values are very close to the axial values, whilst the surface within the mould region is predicted, while they
radial components are approximately one order of magni- [15,16] have both obtained compression in this zone. In
tude smaller. Owing to the range of validity of the present other words, the present model indicates favorable condi-
material models, stress values in the mushy zone are not tions for the development of surface cracks. This difference
reliable. may be explained by the facts that: (i) Kristiansson have
It can be observed that stresses predicted by the three used a constant heat-extraction law; and (ii) Thomas et al.
material models are quite similar at the early stage. It is also modeled a 0.1 wt.% C steel and accounted for the d±g phase
noted that visco-plastic relaxation makes the stresses transformation.
decrease compared to the elasto-plastic stresses as time
proceeds. 5. Conclusions
Kristiansson [15] and Thomas and Parkman [16], per-
formed similar studies on continuous casting processes. Two visco-plastic material models have been presented to
simulate the thermo-mechanical behavior of a plain carbon
steel above the austenitic±ferritic phase transformation tem-
perature, both of them being adequate for modeling casting
and hot-working processes.
The numerical examples presented in this paper, enable
the conclusion to be drawn that Kozlowski et al.'s model is
better for several reasons. Firstly, it can be seen as a general-
ized standard material and therefore it has a well grounded
thermodynamic framework. Secondly, it has proven to be
more robust than Anand's model to simulate a visco-plastic
material with a tendency towards a rate-independent
response. Thirdly, Anand introduced a parameter z0, the
value of which is quite dif®cult to predict and in¯uence
greatly the results. Finally, although Anand's model has
shown a slightly better agreement with Wray's experimental
data, that of Kozlowski et al. showed a better ®t when
compared with Suzuki et al.'s data.
Fig. 13. Continuous casting, showing the radial displacement of the billet Special attention has been given to the computational
surface. aspects of models. A robust scheme for the time integration
152 A.E. Huespe et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 102 (2000) 143±152

Fig. 15. Continuous casting showing the distribution of axial stresses (sz ) vs. distance beneath the surface at different times: (a) axial distance from meniscus
z ˆ 0:25 m (time t ˆ 8:33 s); (b) z ˆ 0:50 m (time t ˆ 16:7 s); (c) z ˆ 0:75 m (time t ˆ 25:0 s); (d) z ˆ 0:95 m (time t ˆ 31:7 s). (g is the austenitic phase; l is
the liquid phase and g ‡ l is the mushy zone.)

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