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Europass Curriculum Vitae

Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s)
Address(es) Telephone(s) E-mail(s) Nationality Date of birth Gender

Marc Van Coillie

Kervennou 29630 Saint Jean du Doigt 0033870608801 French 22/07/1972 Male Mobile

Desired employment / Bring my competencies in order to help to try to achieve the Bologna 2010 Occupational field objectives. Europortfolio and eP2010 campaign (in 2010 every european citizen will have an ePortfolio) from EIfEL are key elements in which I'm involved at the moment. My actions on interoperability especially on Europass CV with HR-XML and Liberty Alliance consortiums with HR and elearning community networkings are other examples. Work experience
Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities 01/06/2004 Chief Technical Officer - Standardisation, architecture, services integrations. - HR and eLearning networkings - Organisation of conferences and seminars - European projects - Communication and webmastering EIfEL - European Institute for E-Learning Champlost France eLearning association 01/09/2001 - 31/05/2004 KM/eLearning consulting Consulting for France Telecom R&D: - Specifications and services integration (including Interoperability) - Analysis and definition of requirements regarding services for Learning and Human Ressources communities European project: Metacampus. Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Alcyne SA France IT company 01/12/1998 - 31/08/2001 Project manager

Name and address of employer

Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities

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For more information on Europass go to European Communities, 2003

Main activities and responsibilities

- Staff managment (7 people), - Participation in strategy definition especially as the interface between computer and pedagogical entities. AFT-IFTIM Monchy Saint Eloi Vocational training in Transport and Logistic 01/09/1996 - 31/08/1998 Assistant for Multimedia Project Managment - Assistant for the project manager - Participation in multimedia content development offline and online CRDP - Regional Center for Pedagogical Documentation Amiens. France French National Education

Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer

Type of business or sector

Education and training

Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects / occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training 01/09/1996 - 01/09/1998 Master degree in Educational Science - Learning sociology - Educational Technology UNIVERSITY PICARDIE-JULES-VERNE Chemin du Thil 80025 AMIENS CEDEX 1 France Level II - Master 01/09/1995 - 01/09/1996 DESS SIM - Master degree in multimedia information system Multimedia technology eLearning DIRECTION DE L'EDUCATION PERMANENTE 10 rue Frdric Petit 80048 Amiens Cedex 1 France Level I - Master 01/09/1993 - 01/09/1995 (Titre d'Ingnieur-Matre en Informatique Industrielle) Licence and master degree in computer science and mathematics Informatique Mathmatique Electronique Traitement du signal IUP Gnie Electrique et Informatique Industrielle UFR de Sciences 76821 Mont Saint AIGNAN CEDEX France Level II - Master 01/09/1992 - 01/09/1993 DUT Informatique (Computer sciences)
For more information on Europass go to European Communities, 2003

Level in national or international classification Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects / occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Level in national or international classification Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects / occupational skills covered

Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Level in national or international classification Dates Title of qualification awarded

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Principal subjects / occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Computer science IUT Informatique Place Robert Shuman 76610 Le Havre France Level III 01/09/1990 - 01/09/1992 DUT GMP ( Mechanics and Productics engineering) - Mechanics/Industrial data processing - Computer-integrated manufacturing IUT Gnie Mcanique et Productique Avenue des Facults - Le Bailly 80025 AMIENS Cedex 1 France Level III

Level in national or international classification Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects / occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Level in national or international classification

Personal skills and competences

Mother tongue(s) Other language(s) Self-assessment
European level (*)


Listening B2 Independent user C1 A1 Basic User A1 Reading Proficient user Basic User

Spoken interaction Spoken production


en de Social skills and competences

B2 Independent user B2 Independent user B2 Independent user A1 Basic User -

(*) Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level

- Team spirit (communication and conflict management); - Good ability to adapt to multicultural environments, gained though my work experience abroad; - Good communication skills gained through my experience as conference and seminar organizer;

Organisational skills and competences

- Leadership (responsible of a team of 7 people); - Sense of organisation (experience in conference organisation and several european projects participation); - Good experience in multicultural project or team management (especially true the organization of interoperability sessions demonstrations 'Plugfests' with european participants linked with conferences).

Technical skills and competences Computer skills and competences

- Competencies in Mechanics/Industrial data processing - Expert in standard and specifications (XML, XHTML, XSL, XML-RPC, SOAP, WSDL, IMS, HR-XML, SCORM, IEEE, CEN/ISSS, Liberty Alliance, Jabber/XMPP...). Especially as the leader of the Europass WG of HR-XML, Expert for the CEN/ISSS WS/LT, Member of the IEEE LTSC. - Expert in services integration (PHP, ASP, Python, Javascript, Flash...) - Good command of office (Microsoft, OpenOffice) and Internet (mail, search engines...) tools; - Knowledge of graphic/audio/video design applications (Adobe, Macromedia...) - Knowledge of server administration (Debian, Windows, Apache, IIS, Zope, PHP, MySQL, mailman, DNS...)

Artistic skills and competences

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Music: Drum
For more information on Europass go to European Communities, 2003

Other skills and competences Driving licence

Sport: Aikdo, Swimming Car and Motorbike

Additional information Links to my different web identities (social newtorks):

Annexes Look at my Europass CV ePortfolio (copy of diploma, syllabus...):

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For more information on Europass go to European Communities, 2003

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