Bulletin 9-8-13

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We lift up our elders and their wives: Sam and Sharon, Ron and Gen, Sherrod and Joyce, Dan and Pam, Bob and Cherie, and George and Ruth. We pray for their strength and wisdom in their leadership roles. We particularly pray for Sherrod and Joyce, as Sherrod prepares to retire in November so that they can move closer to family. May Gods richest blessing be upon them during this transition we will miss them dearly. Praise that Sherrods cataract surgery was successful. We give thanks for Christians around the world who are bringing the message of the Good News to all who will hear. We pray for their safety and effectiveness. We lift up Alan, Ben, Joshua and Richard in the Philippines: Nancy Thomas, Ryan and Rebecca Montgomery and the Wells family. We pray for Earl and Ellie and their home Bible Studies in Mesquite NV. We are mindful of our servicemen and women and their families: James Cushman, Austin Baker, Eric Peterson and Blaine Torrpa. Please pray that Gods protection and peace will be upon Blaine during a difficult time for him. We pray for a cure for cancer and lift up the following cancer fighters and their families: Sonny Anderson, Joel Bauer, Susan Burr, Kim Ebel, Rob Hartley, Rhonda Juarez, Rhonda Kneeland, Dan Lee, Billie Gay Lawrence, Terry McCulloch, Bob Owens, Randy Rasmussen, Ken Ratliff, Patty Spradlin, Richard Swint, Tammy, Stephanie VanDamme, Rosie Wilbanks, Twila Zeller. We pray for those with ongoing health problems: Sam Allen, Harriette Bowen, Dean Brown, John Carter, Sherri Hagar, Janet Hailey, Lee Henry, Robert Lane, Bob Lee, Sherrod and Joyce Lee, Paul Love, Mark Mumma, Sheila Stevens, James Watson, Mary Kay Whitehead and Todd Whitehead. Pat Watson recovering from his brain scan procedure. Praise that Blair Torrpa, granddaughter of Harriette Bowen, is recovering from serious injuries to her right hand. We pray for quick and complete healing for her. We pray for Brian Orf following a stroke; for Jacqueline Smith with a blood disorder and for Peggy McGowan with abdominal problems. Thanks that Kim Loves lumpectomy went well and that all tissue was clear. Betty Morses granddaughter Faith Pray is scheduled to have heart surgery on Sept 13 at Swedish Hospital in Seattle. It is risky surgery please pray for successful results and complete healing for her. Betty thanks us all for our prayers. Please continue to pray for Amanda Gleason and her family. We pray for Natasha Allen and Felicia Crutcher during their pregnancies. Mike Blood in critical condition due to infection. Chris Opolsky Family at the sudden death of their loved one. Cy and Diane in their travels to North Dakota. We give thanks for the many visitors who choose to join in worship with us. We pray for safety for their travels. Special prayers for Jerrol and Cynthia Gibbs, and Jerry and Mary Jane Hunt, as they return home to Arkansas. They are such a joy to us, and we will miss them. We look forward to their return here next summer. Pray for Gods peace to come upon this troubled world, particularly the massive unrest in the Middle East.

Lincoln City Church of Christ Bulletin September 8, 2013

Volume 1 No. 24

Pam and I are always on the lookout for places to kayak that have a launch and calm waters. Recently we took a drive very close to our house on someones recommendation. Just east and south of us is a couple of man assisted lakes that only allow non-powered vessels and is a favorite fishing spot for our recommender. Weve seen the first lake before because it is in eye shot of a trail we hike from time to time. On the edge of the number one lake is a power line that is draped in fishing line from obvious over-zealous anglers and novices. It makes me giggle. Not in that sinister sort of rejoicing over misfortune fostered by such TV programs as Americas Funniest Home Videos but that empathetic chortle of remembering wrestling with sorted objects when I took my boys fishing (plus there is a lot and I mean a lot of fishing line on the power lines). Yes, casting is a skill! Peter exhorts all of the weary life travelers that have been tangled up in this worlds power lines to cast their anxiety on God because he cares for them (1 Peter 5:7). Its a much easier cast and always hits its target because it depends on Him and not us! The difficulty comes with the only successful spiritual anglers are the ones who are humble God opposes the proud and self-absorbed! God exalts only those who wait on Him those who commit to His timing and not our own. But this is the guarantee Your cast will be perfect and He will lift you up in due time. Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding are ancient words that will always bear true. Smart spiritual anglers will take aim at godly shores and trust in a God who is always true and faithful! Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you!

Welcome we are glad you are

here to share this time with us!

Sunday Services: Bible Class.. 9:30 am Worship..11:00 am Evening Worship. 6:00 pm

The Lincoln City Church of Christ is a church

belonging to Christ, longing to be filled with the Spirit of God and secured in the grace of Christ that receives all who seek God through Jesus. If you have any questions please feel free to ask any of our members or our leadership.

Web Site
Make sure to check our Web Site and share it with others
www.lincolncitychurchofchrist.org. For those interested in receiving the bulletin you will be able to see it on the web site in the future or request it as an email. Contact Jason Love for more information.

Current News
Pray for Sherrod and Joyce Lee as they prepare for the transitions
that will follow Sherrods retirement. If you have time to help in packing, cleaning or other chores please let us know.

Our Leadership
The Lincoln City Church of Christ is shepherded by six men
dedicated to equipping the saints for works of service. They (and their wives) are: Sam and Sharon Allen Ron and Gen Hudson Sherrod and Joyce Lee Dan and Pam McQuiddy Bob and Cherie Miller George and Ruth Moore
Please keep these men and women in your prayers and remember the exhortation of Paul: Now we ask you brothers, to respect those who
work hard among you, who are over you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13).

Dont forget to keep in your heart, plans and prayers the building
fund. Updatethey have accepted our offer on the new building and now its time to do our part. Dont forget to use the small envelopes for contributions we have almost $80,000 in the fund.

Please keep the many in our congregation who are working through
differing ordeals in mind and prayer and dont forget to grab a basin and a towel when needed as well.

Remember to keep our servicemen and our brothers and sisters in

Syria in prayer and heart. Pray for leadership to end the strife.

Thanks to Byron and to Troy for their hard work on the web site for
the church. If you have any suggestions please contact them. If you havent visited the web site please do so and see what a great job they have done!

The Lord God Almighty the Lord is His name of renown!. Hosea 12:5

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