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GENERAL INFORMATION Name Michelle Levine Lesson Title Vascular and nonvascular Grade level(s)/Course 8th grade general biology Day 3 INFORMATION ABOUT THE LESSON Content Standards: Understand and apply knowledge of the complementary nature of structure and function and commonalities in organisms. Enduring Understanding and/or Essential Question: The way a plant works is similar to how a human body works. Instructional Objectives: After students have been informed about vascular and nonvascular plants, they will be able to identify them by outside traits with 80% accuracy. Prior Learning/Prior Thinking Students have been having a discussion on plants each day. No specific instruction was given on subject; however, students can make connections to it for photosynthesis. We also have a connection to this lesson through the discussion of what do plants need in order to survive on land. Possible misconceptions would include confusing nonvascular with vascular plants. All plants have roots when nonvascular plants have Rhizoids instead. LESSON IMPLEMENTATION Anticipatory Set/Elicit Prior Knowledge If you look outside a window, you can usually see a tree. What is it that allows trees and other plants to grow tall? Focus/Purpose Statement Today we will be covering what two types of plants there are. Keep in mind the advantages and disadvantages of each type.


Procedures The class will begin with the students turning in their homework assignment into the bin. They have gone through this procedure before, so they know what to do. Once they have done that they are to go check out the seeds they planted and see if they have developed at all. There will be three seeds planted into a pot with a glass window, so they can see that the seeds are growing roots. Once they have finished they are to sit back down at their desks. This will be written on the board. (5minutes) I will then segment the students into the subject by asking them What do plants need in order to grow tall? I will be looking for transportation of materials and support. I will then inform the students that this is done with vascular tissue, and so we have two different types of plants; vascular and nonvascular. I will then ask the students which one is a tree? Answer is vascular. Nonvascular plants are plants like liverwort and hornwort. Anything that is not hugging the ground and is not in an environment with a large supply of water is likely to be vascular. I will inform the students that vascular plants have a xylem and phloem. A xylem transports water and minerals up the plant. Phloem goes with the flow and goes down the plant. It is also important to note that nonvascular plants do not have seeds; however, they both rely on photosynthesis. What is the chemical equation for photosynthesis? Nonvascular and vascular have different parts. I will now draw on the board to show that nonvascular plants have rhizoids and stalk instead of the stem and roots that vascular plants have. Discuss with the people next to them what are the pros and cons of being vascular or nonvascular. I will be moving around the classroom listening to them talking and directing conversations. (35-40 minutes) The students will then do an exit slip stating a vascular and nonvascular plant that was not stated in class. Write down any questions you have about the lesson.(5 minutes) Differentiation The students who have difficulty in being able to write and listen will be given a fill in the blank note sheet. Students who are ahead of others will be expected to lead the in class group discussions. This way they will be explaining it to the other students and gaining a deeper understanding. Closure The students will discuss in groups different vascular and nonvascular plants. They will then need to write and exit slip showing they covered the material and understand/have questions. Materials and Resources White board, marker, eraser Science notebooks, pen/pencil Textbook Glencoe Science Level Red by Glencoe McGraw Hill


Classroom Management/Democratic Practices I will have the system of making sure that my students are able to speak, but they must raise their hand first. I will call on these students as they raise their hand; however, I must monitor myself to make sure I do not repeatedly call on the same students. I must keep a positive attitude and watch what I say because it would be bad if I deny students ideas. I will use those ideas instead to further the discussion. Classroom rules will clearly be posted on the wall. If a student speaks out of turn, I will turn to the student and say, _______ thank you for the input, but you know you know it is __________ turn to speak. So, please wait to be called on. If the student continues to talk one the lecture is over I will go up with them and discuss their behavior with them and make sure they know that this is not ok and if it continues there will be repercussions. ASSESSMENT Before the lesson We will be having in class discussions throughout this unit. I will be taking note of any mentions of vascular or nonvascular information the students might be aware of. I will have been with the students for over half the year already, so I will be familiar with their likes and dislikes, family, and academic abilities. I will be using discussions, labs, quizzes and tests to determine this information. During the lesson I will be watching students expressions to see if it appears the information is going over their heads or if they are bored. I will also be listening to students questions and answers to see if they show an understanding of the material. I will also be looking to make sure students are taking notes they will have something to review later. I will also be monitoring my own behavior to make sure I am showing the correct verbal and nonverbal signs. I will acknowledge students who get the answer correct and help students who have a misconception, so they gave the wrong answer. At the end of the lesson The students will have a discussion and an exit slip. I can look at the answers and determine whether or not they understood the lesson. Also, see what it is they did not understand with their question. I will be guiding the students who have difficulty more and the higher level students I will be asking them more difficult questions.

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