Lesson Plan Vascular and Nonvascular2

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GENERAL INFORMATION Name Michelle Levine Lesson Title Vascular and nonvascular day 2 Grade level(s)/Course 8th grade general biology Day 4 INFORMATION ABOUT THE LESSON Content Standards: Understand and apply knowledge of the complementary nature of structure and function and commonalities of organisms. Think critically and logically to make the relationship between evidence and explanation. Enduring Understanding and/or Essential Question: The way a plants body works is similar to humans. Instructional Objectives: After the students have completed the vascular lab, they will be able to identify the xylem and phloem with 90% accuracy. Prior Learning/Prior Thinking This is the second day of covering the material, so they have already been informed of the information. Students often get vascular plants and nonvascular plants mixed up, and they also mix up xylem and phloem. LESSON IMPLEMENTATION Anticipatory Set/Elicit Prior Knowledge Have you ever noticed the tubes in your celery? When you bite your celery in half, it often leave a random strip of celery. What do you think that is and what is its function? Focus/Purpose Statement Today we will be continuing to go over vascular and nonvascular plants, so we will be able to identify the traits and why they appear that way.


Procedures The lesson will start with me asking my students to raise there hands and tell me what vascular and nonvascular plants they have seen today, and how they identified them as vascular or nonvascular. What vegetable is commonly eaten that we can see the xylem and phloem? (celery) Where is it in this plant?(10minutes) Now what does vascular plants have that nonvascular plants dont have? (xylem and phloem) The students will be assigned to groups of two because of the amount of resources for this lab, and it will allow some discussion. It is important we are able to identify these import tissues in a plant. The xylem looks like a monkeys face and the phloem are the big circles. The lab sheets will be handed out. The students will need to draw in the circles, the students will be drawing the xylem and the phloem. (20 minutes) Once they have finished looking at the slides they are to draw a nonvascular plant and a vascular plant and label the different part on their lab sheet. I will then have them add in the xylem and phloem and inform them that they need to draw arrows showing in which direction the vascular tissue moves the resources. (10 minutes) They will then spend the remainder of the class discussing why the phloem and xylem are located in their positions. (5minutes) Differentiation For students who are unable to listen and write at the same time. I will print off fill in the blank notes, so they can focus on what is being said. I will also be differentiating based off of the help I will be giving groups with the labs. The higher level students will be asked difficult questions during the lab. I will use plants that are more common in the area and kitchen in order to help the students better identify the xylem and phloem. I will also use more common examples of nonvascular in the area. I will also be checking the notebooks every once in a while to help identify what the students who do not like to speak up are getting all the information down. Closure Students will be required to write an exit slip on the location of the xylem and phloem and why it is there. The students will be able to think about this and look at their labs to help them understand why they are in their current locations. Materials and Resources Microscope and slides Lab paper Notebook, pen/pencil Color pencils Whiteboard, marker, eraser


Textbook Glencoe Science Level Red by Glencoe McGraw Hill Classroom Management/Democratic Practices I will have the system of making sure that my students are able to speak, but they must raise their hand first. I will call on these students as they raise their hand; however, I must monitor myself to make sure I do not repeatedly call on the same students. I must keep a positive attitude and watch what I say because it would be bad if I deny students ideas. I will use those ideas instead to further the discussion. Classroom rules will clearly be posted on the wall. If a student speaks out of turn, I will turn to the student and say, _______ thank you for the input, but you know you know it is __________ turn to speak. So, please wait to be called on. If the student continues to talk one the lecture is over I will go up with them and discuss their behavior with them and make sure they know that this is not ok and if it continues there will be repercussions. Students will also be aware of lab rules. If students are seen goofing off. They will be given a warning if it continues they will be required to return to their desks. These rules will have been set and on the board from the beginning of the class. I will also manage the lab by constantly walking around the room. ASSESSMENT Before the lesson We have already started covering this material the day before. I will refer to the notes taken on the students appearing to understand material and their exit sheets to make sure they have a good level of understanding. I will have been with students for over half the year at this point, so I will have a good understanding of the students background and their likes and dislikes. During the lesson I will be watching students expressions to see if it appears the information is going over their heads or if they are bored. I will also be listening to students questions and answers to see if they show an understanding of the material. I will also be looking to make sure students are taking notes they will have something to review later. I will also be monitoring my own behavior to make sure I am showing the correct verbal and nonverbal signs. I will acknowledge students who get the answer correct and help students who have a misconception, so they gave the wrong answer. I will be looking at what they are doing in the lab and monitoring their progress. I will also have the labs to look at while they are answering to make sure they are understanding the concept while they are answering instead of just informing them afterwards though I will not say what exactly they were wrong with or what the answer is. At the end of the lesson I will be determining the students understanding based off of the discussion at the end of the


lesson. We will be talking about the xylem and phloem. I can differentiate this by leading lower level students through their thinking while for higher level students I will ask them harder questions that will involve more thinking. I will also have the lab they are answering to review to make sure they are able to answer the questions involving xylem, phloem and vascular and nonvascular.

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