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Scripting Web Tests

Watir Cheat Sheet

Getting Started with Watir
require 'watir' Load the Watir library
ie = Watir::IE.start('http://localhost:8080') Start IE using the local
timeclock server.
ie.close Close IE.
ie = Watir::IE.attach(:title, 'title') Attach to an existing IE
window, so you can drive it
with Watir.

Manipulating Controls with Watir

ie.text_field(:name, 'name').set('value') Set the text field specified name
specified value.
ie.button(:value, 'value').click Click the button with the specified
value (label)
ie.button(:name, 'name').click Click the button with the specified
ie.checkbox(:name, 'name').set Check the check box named
"name". (Uncheck: clear)
ie.object(:attribute, 'name').flash Cause the specified control to

A Special Testing Function For Timeclock

require 'toolkit/testhook' Delete any database records for the named
ensure_no_user_data 'name' user.

Accessing Page Contents with Watir

ie.contains_text('text') Return true if the current page has the
specified text somewhere on the page.
Otherwise, false.
ie.title Return the title of the current page.
ie.html Return all the HTML in the body of
the page
ie.table(:id, 'recent_records).to_a Return an array containing the text in
the table's rows and columns.
ie.table(:id, Return the text from the first column
'recent_records')[2][1].text of the second row of the table id'd

assert_equal(expected, test_method) Test whether the expected value
matches the actual value returned by
the test method
assert_match(regexp, test_method) Test whether the regular expression
matches the actual value returned by
the test method.
assert(expression) Test whether the expression is true.
Scripting Web Tests

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