Adams, Backus and Chapian

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ADAMS WITH BACKUS AND CHAPIAN A Critique of Two Theoretical Models: How to Help People Change by Jay E. Adams and Telling Yourself the Truth by William Backus and Marie Chapian Introduction

This paper will offer a thorough critique of two Biblical Counseling theories as proposed by Jay E. Adams in How to Help People Change and William Backus with Marie Chapian in their book Telling Yourself the Truth. The focus of both theories presented is to aid in change for an individual all the while growing in Christ. In this paper the author will present a thorough precise summary, the perceived strengths and weaknesses and personal reflection and application of each model. Summary In todays society there is a constant tug of war battle over the integration of psychology and Christianity in regards to successfully counseling people. The stance taken by many Christian counselors today is that the Word of God does not need psychology or any of its practices or techniques to facilitate healing for counselees; this is the view of Dr. Jay Adams as well. Dr. Adams objective in his theory is change in a person which is pleasing to God and not others (Adams, 1986). In his book Adams (1986) boldly suggests that the absolute truth can only be found in the bible and any source needed by a Christian counselor can only be found there; he believes that psychology and Christianity have no need to mingle amongst each other. With this view, Adams (1986) created a four- step Biblical process that he based on the scripture 2 Timothy 3: 14-17; from this scripture Adams states that Christian counselors are equipped with the skills to facilitate the process. The four steps presented by Dr. Adams (1986) which must happen one behind the other are teaching, conviction, correction and discipline training in righteousness. According to Adams (1986) before a Christian counselor attempts to

ADAMS WITH BACKUS AND CHAPIAN facilitate this process, he/she must be knowledgeable as well as a doer and follower of Gods

word. A Christian counselor must engage in teaching the counselee the true word of God. While teaching the client the way God will have them to go; the counselor should show an undeniable love and respect for God and His standards set for His people (Adams, 1986). With the fulfillment of step one the door is opened for step two where one begins to feel conviction within their heart and begin to recognize Gods commandments (Adams, 1986). Step three encourages the client to take the word of God and stand firm on it; which focuses them on walking in the light if the Lord. Lastly, step four which committed practice, if you will, to the will of God (Adams, 1986). In their book Telling Yourself the Truth Drs. William Backus and Marie Chapian (2000) suggest that many of the issues that people face stem from the way they think. Faulty thinking, referred to as misbeliefs, can evoke wrong emotions, wrong behaviors which lead to the so called mental problems seen by counselors today (Backus and Chapian, 2000). Backus and Chapian (2000) puts the focus on helping the client battle the misbeliefs they have developed and help them find the truth which can only be found in the bible. The suggestion is that the client take their negative self-talk and replace it with positive biblical self-talk (Backus and Chapian, 2000). Backus and Chapian (2000) define self-talk as the words we tell ourselves in our thoughts; these thoughts may be about personal life experiences, in reference to others and many other issues in ones life. The process presented by Backus and Chapian (2000), called Misbelief Therapy, begins with determining the misbeliefs one has developed. The counselor then aids the client in comparing these misbeliefs to the truths of the bible and then together they discredit the lies and faulty thoughts. The client then begins to replace the previously believed lies with the truth of


God. When the client is able to see the absolute truth of God, then He begins to make them free. When one is able to know the truth they can develop healthy positive feelings, emotions and behaviors (Backus and Chapian, 2000). Strengths and Weaknesses How to Help People Change by Dr. Adams (1986) is definitely not a comprehensive model. A good comprehensive model recognizes the practices of psychology and Christianity Dr. Adams only credits the Scripture of God and Christianity as the avenue to helping anyone. Dr. Adams (1986) feels that there is no need for psychology to be considered during Christian counseling. His view is a reflection of Crabbs (1986) Nothing Buttery approach to integration; which ignores psychology altogether. This weakness makes what could have been a great model very difficult to utilize with the nonbeliever. Adams (1986) also has positioned his model to the believer that may have fallen from the way of the Lord, but what about the person who does not know the Lord? Does he not need help or a way to Christ as well? I believe that God has allowed the advancement of psychology, which represents His modern day works, to aid in understanding and helping His people. I do however believe that Adams (1986) counseling process enables clients to face their life experiences armed with the word of God to be convicted in their spirit in order for change to take place; this should be the ultimate goal. Backus and Chapian (2000) present a great self-help Christian perspective counseling model which is comprehensive in nature; specifically being that it utilizes and is even considered a type of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. This model considers psychological matters of development stemming from childhood as well as the sin and distance from God that leads to the faulty thoughts and maladaptive behaviors that one may present with (Backus and Chapian,

ADAMS WITH BACKUS AND CHAPIAN 2000, p. 17). Backus and Chapian (2000) respect that all people need to be helped not just Christians and this model is easily adaptable for all, all while offering the truth of God. Personal Reflection and Application Personally I have a stronger connection to the model posed by Backus and Chapian (2000) over that of Dr. Adams (1986).

References Crabb, L. J. Jr., (1977). Effective Biblical counseling: A model for helping caring Christians become capable counselors. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House. Hawkins, R. E. (n.d.). [Speaker]. Model for guiding the counseling process. Lynchburg, VA: Liberty University.



COUN 507- Theology and Spirituality in Counseling

Please include the following topics for each section of your theory critique Points Content Earned: Concise Summary of Theory (40 points) Comments:

At least one page of typed text Summary demonstrates a solid understanding of the material presented

Summary presents the core ideas of each Christian theory of counseling

Summary is sufficiently thorough (covers the essential concepts of the theory) but also

ADAMS WITH BACKUS AND CHAPIAN concise (tightly worded and eliminates peripheral ideas)

Evaluation of Strengths and Weakness (25 points)

One page This section demonstrates critical thinking in the analysis and critique of the material.

This section identifies the strengths/weaknesses of the theory (from your perspective) and provides your rationale for your critique. With what do you agree and disagree? This section does not merely add more information about the theory, but provides critique.

This section comments on the efficacy of the theorydoes the theory provide a comprehensive theory of counseling?

ADAMS WITH BACKUS AND CHAPIAN Personal Reflection and Application (20 points)

One page This section provides personal example(s) of how you personally relate to the content of the theory

This section provides clear connections between the life episode and the core concepts (not peripheral ideas in the theory)

This section describes what you may use from the theory in your own counseling Writing 10 Points Points Earned Comments

Paper is written in an organized manner, following graduate level writing expectations

Paper is free from mechanical errors APA 5 Points Points Earned Comments:

The paper follows current APA guidelines for format and includes a title page as well as a reference page; each page utilizes a running head and page number.

All pages double spaced, per APA. Citations and reference listings follow APA guidelines.

ADAMS WITH BACKUS AND CHAPIAN Total Points Total 100 Points Earned Comments Final

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