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Grade Math Ms. Fillingham 2013-2014

6th Grade Math Classroom Procedure

1. As you enter the classroom, you will sit down in your assigned seat based on the group you are assigned to (Ada Lovelace, Benjamin Banneker, or Pythagoras). Write down the homework in your assignment notebook. If Ms. Fillingham moves you to another group, she will let you know. 2. For the first ten minutes of class, get out the homework from last night that you completed. You will discuss this with your group. Compare answers with each other and make any corrections before turning your homework in. a. If you do not understand a problem or concept, ask help from your group members first before raising your hand to ask Ms. Fillingham for help. b. If you do understand a problem or concept, please help others in your group. 3. Keep your homework from last night out on top of your desk. The expert of the day (Named each day by Ms. Fillingham, the Expert of the Day is a fellow student in class who has mastered the mathematical concept or idea that were currently learning about) will go around to collect the homework. Please do not get out of your seat unless theres an emergency or you have to pick up a worksheet. 4. For the rest of class, the work you do in class will vary from day to day. Some days, your group will receive a mini-lecture from Ms. Fillingham, complete a group or individual project, enrichment activities, or other math problems in order to master specific mathematical concepts and ideas. a. Every class day after homework has been assigned, Ms. Fillingham will post the daily classwork on the whiteboard that you are expected to complete. b. If you have a question, first ask someone in your group. If you still have a question, stay in your seat quietly and raise your hand. i. Either the expert of the day or Ms. Fillingham will be circulating to help answer the question that you have. 5. At the end of the class (after Ms. Fillingham dismisses you), please turn the work that you completed in the Homework Bin at the front of the class. You will be graded on the work you do in class, so please do not forget to turn it in.

6th Grade Math Ms. Fillingham 2013-2014

6th Grade Math Classroom Guidelines

Sit down in your seat, unless you are the expert of the day, there is an emergency, or you are getting a worksheet to complete. Talk at a quiet level. Complete the work you are supposed to do and keep socializing to a minimum...thats what lunchtime is for. Moving groups: Your differentiated groups are not permanent throughout the entire school year. I may ask you to move to a different group from time to time, but I will decide that and let you know. The changes will also be made on the bulletin board. Help each other: If you understand a mathematical concept or can help explain a problem, please help your fellow peers. There are three groups: Ada Lovelace, Benjamin Banneker, and Pythagoras (named after famous mathematicians). There are no easy, medium, or hard groups! I assign students to groups based on what concepts you understand and can master. This is to help everyone maximize classroom time. There is no penalty or extra prize for being in one group or another. Expert of the day: Ms. Fillingham will name this person at the beginning of each day. The Expert of the Day is to circulate the classroom after the first 10 minutes of class (after Step 3 of 6th Grade Classroom Procedure) to help students with math questions and problems, when Ms. Fillingham is working with other students.

Pythagoras Ada Lovelace Benjamin Banneker

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