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6 theSun | MONDAY JUNE 22 2009

news without borders

Five more rehab centre

inmates nabbed
Suksis trainees to be
absorbed as reserves
BUTTERWORTH: Five more inmates, who
escaped from a drug rehabilitation cen-
tre in Kampung Selamat, Tasek Gelugor
during a riot on Friday, were detained
They were picked up in Kubang Se-
MACC needs in-house
KUALA LUMPUR: Police Undergraduate mang and Padang Serai between 8am
Voluntary Corp (Suksis) trainees who suc- and 8pm, said Seberang Perai Utara balance system.”
cessfully completed their basic training will police chief ACP Zulkifli Ilias. He said the MACC should es-
be appointed as police voluntary reserves, With the arrest, 16 of 30 inmates tablish an internal investigations
said Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri who made their getaway were in police division to probe its own members
Musa Hassan. custody, he said today. similar to the police, which has
He said they would be posted in areas “Thirty inmates escaped during the a criminal inspectorate division
where they lived depending on the avail- riot and not 27 as reported. This means that sacks or suspends policemen
ability of vacancies. we are hunting for 14 more inmates. by Tim Leonard tions division should be set up who commit any offence.
“If there are no vacancies, we will keep Two persons, who sheltered one of the to prevent any malpractice or He said such a measure will
them on our list for future postings.” inmates, were arrested at 3am yester- abuse of power by commission ensure the MACC projects a cred-
Musa disclosed this at the completion of day,” said Zulkifli. PETALING JAYA: The Malay- officers. ible image to the public.
training of Suksis Corp members at Univer- The riot erupted at the centre at sian Anti-Corruption Commission “We don’t want the guards to He told about 400 MACC of-
siti Putra Malaysia yesterday. 6.40pm on Friday due to a misunder- (MACC) must have a mechanism become poachers,” Navaratnam ficers at a meeting last week that
A total of 762 Suksis Corp trainees from standing between the inmates and the to carry out checks and balances said, referring to officers who it was important for the com-
15 public institutions of higher learning wardens before calm was restored at among its members, especially to might be susceptible to wrong mssion to show a difference from
completed their training and received their 10.15pm. ensure there are no black sheep practices. the days of the Anti-Corruption
certificates at the event. The inmates made their escape by in the commission. He said although most officers Agency (ACA).
Musa said Suksis Corp trainees would climbing over the perimeter fence after Its Corruption Consultation of MACC uphold high standards “The public expect MACC
also be given priority to fill the post of police torching the administration and reha- and Prevention Panel chairman of moral ethics and integrity, to perform and there is no sig-
inspectors should they choose to work in bilitation blocks, the sentry post and Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam told the fact that some officers might nificant evidence that the MACC
the police force as their career. – Bernama several vehicles. – Bernama theSun that an internal investiga- compromise their values can’t be is performing better than the
ruled out. ACA.”
“I don’t think the problem (of Recently, there were news re-
corrupt officers) is widespread,” ports that an officer from MACC
said Navaratnam. was under probe for malpractices
“But it could happen on an and abuse of power.
individual basis. That is why we The MACC subsequently de-
must have a proper check and nied the allegations.

Press Digest
by Kong See Hoh

Triple nine date for couples

THE date 09.09.09, which occurs “It is going to be a record mass
once in a century, is a hot pick with marriage registration ceremony,”
couples getting married this year. said a spokesman for the associa-
The number nine is pronounced tion in charge of marriage registra-
jiu in Mandarin which sounds like tion.
and is symbolic of perpetuity and Based on the responses received
permanence. The triple-nine date by other associations tasked with
– Sept 9, 2009 – is extra auspicious registering marriages, close to 1,000
for Chinese who wish for something couples will register their marriages
everlasting. To many courting cou- on 09.09.09 in the Klang Valley
ples, it is a chance of a lifetime that alone.
is not to be missed. Thean Hou Temple, another
According to a report in Sin popular venue for wedding couples
Chew Daily, the Klang Hokkien As- to exchange their vows, said it will
sociation hopes to register a record start to accept registration for its
300 couples in a single day come mass wedding on July 9.
Sept 9. It targets to register 400 couples.
Last year, the association saw Hua Zong (Federation of Chinese As-
a record number of couples ex- sociations of Malaysia), which has
changing matrimonial vows on the signed up 35 couples so far, hopes
triple-eight date 08.08.08, which to register 99 couples for its mass
was another auspicious day as eight wedding ceremony.
– ba in Mandarin – sounds like and Meanwhile, a renowned Hong-
is symbolic of prosperity. kong feng shui master Mak Ling-ling
The daily said so far, 238 cou- said 09.09.09, which is the 21st day
ples have already registered with of the seventh lunar month in the
the association to confirm their lunar calendar, is an auspicious
participation in the mass marriage day to get wedded or hold other
ceremony. celebrations.
With more than two more She noted that 9am on Sept
months to go, the association 9 is exceptionally auspicious to
believes its target of having 300 exchange marriage vows especially
couples exchanging vows en masse for those born in the years of the
on Sept 9 is within reach. Monkey, Ox and Rooster.

‘Compel EPF contributors to

nominate their wives’
WANITA MCA urges the govern- worse by the fact that only about
ment to consider making it manda- 39% of Malaysians have life insur-
tory for Employees Provident Fund ance coverage for retirement and
(EPF) contributors to nominate non-working women do not usually
their wives, especially those who have retirement plans.
are housewives, as one of the main “Now is the time for the govern-
beneficiaries, China Press reported ment to make the consideration (for
yesterday. EPF contributors to name wives as
It chief, Datin Paduka Chew Mei beneficiaries) to protect the welfare
Fun, said statistics showed that on of women – especially those who
average Malaysian women outlive stay at home to look after the family
their spouses by five years, which – and ensure that they do not be-
means women eventually end up come helpless once their spouses
widows. pass away,” she said at a function
Once they lose their spouses, jointly organised by MCA and EPF
those who are neither working in Puchong on Saturday.
nor financially independent will be Chew disclosed that there had
cash-strapped unless they have been cases of women discovering
filial children to look after them, on their husbands’ death that their
she said. spouses had named other women
Chew said the situation is made as beneficiaries.

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