Thesun 2009-06-22 Page12 Theft of Pblic Land Is No Petty Crime

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WHEN Subang Jaya Municipal Council the council called for a public hearing three
president Datuk Adnan Md Ikhsan chaired a
public hearing on a planning application on
Nov 13, 2007, he moaned and groaned that
he had been working on an empty stomach
– and kept repeating the fact that he had not
had a drink all morning, that the people do
Theft of public land months AFTER issuing the development
In this case, the damage can be repaired
by revoking the development order and
the state acquiring the land for a public
purpose, in this case a recreational facility

is no petty crime
not understand him and lamented that his job for the residents. However, that is not the
was a difficult one. point. This is not the first time land meant
Having treated residents with utter con- for public amenities has been hijacked for
tempt by keeping them waiting for an hour, commercial purposes. It has happened before
he then went to “lecture” them on who is in Bandar Utama. But the state government
qualified to attend. He viewed the residents has remained silent with folded arms as
as “nosy parkers” who were hell-bent on those responsible keep creaming off what is
preventing politicians and their cronies from meant for the public.
plonking a 15-storey commercial complex on that followed have hallmarks took office on July 1 but at no time The theft of public land must stop. We
where the balai raya in SS15 stands. Only a of heavy-handedness by MPSJ were they told that the application are told this is the modus operandi of some
telephone call from the chief secretary to the officials. In November 2005, had been rejected THREE times. politicians and their cronies aided and
government, Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan, MPSJ rejected an application by Neither were they told that the abetted by civil servants in using public
jolted him back into reality and realising TM to sub-divide the land on the previous decisions were valid and land for private purposes. Layout plans with
that he works for the people, that their views grounds that it would remain as even the appeal had been rejected. the land demarcated for public amenities
have to be heard and that their needs have a reserve for TM’s use. In Febru- But the planning committee ap- are approved, only to be changed later by
to be met. ary the following year, an appeal proved the application, and MPSJ concealing facts and figures from the
Mohd Sidek has a proclivity for going by was filed but turned down as it informed the applicant accordingly. authorities. The same methods are used all
the book and in the next few days, no would was described in the records as Residents protested and the issue over the state to take over land meant for
be surprised if Adnan is cited again for what “ditolak dengan alasan tapak was raised at the state assembly on the public. This is an act of fraud and those
is now becoming known as the “Telekom tersebut merupakan tapak kemu- CitizenNades March 12. responsible must be punished.
land scandal” in USJ6. dahaan awam (rezab telekom)”. What is worrying is that the facts For a start, Adnan has a duty to explain
Some background to the case: A piece of by R. Nadeswaran why no one was informed of rejection of the
Despite that, another applica- of the case were hidden from the
land was sold to Telekom Malaysia Berhad tion was submitted and on June state planning committee when three previous applications. They were kept
(TM) in 1988 by the developer, UEP at 17 last year, a public hearing was held on it decided to give the approval. Who with- secret to all and sundry – from the mentri
that time, later Sime-UEP and now Sime the application where residents and those held vital information such as the previous besar down to the ordinary ratepayer. The
Darby Properties, for a telecommunication affected objected on the grounds that no rejections when the committee met? usual excuse would be: “I left it in the hands
facility. When Sime submitted the layout plan traffic impact assessment (TIA) report was According to the minutes of the meeting, of the town planner.”
to the state planning committee, it remained submitted. Those present questioned the there is neither mention of the rejections nor The buck stops with the boss and he must
so, and TM has since built an office on part legality of the change in the land use. No the requirement of the TIA report. Ironically, take responsibility for such errors and omis-
of the land. Sime developed the area which answers were forthcoming. After the March the TIA report surfaced in May this year, sions. He has a duty not only to explain to
is now called USJ6 and those who bought 8 elections, no council meetings were held nine months AFTER the approval was given. the chief secretary but also to the thousands
the houses were given a layout plan which until July when the new councillors were How could the approval be given without the of ratepayers in Subang Jaya. Anything less
showed the existence of the TM building. sworn-in. So, the public hearing was held TIA report? Shouldn’t the residents have a would be unacceptable.
In 1989, the use of the land was changed to without any endorsement of the councillors right under the Town and Country Planning
“commercial” and the residents believed that or the full council or the one-stop-centre Act to view the report and then make their
it would be used as an exchange or an office (OSC). (Note the dates because the timings objections known? R. Nadeswaran says stealing from the people
by TM. are crucial.) Perhaps, MPSJ has not learnt the lesson is no petty theft and wants the perpetrators
No one would apportion blame on Adnan. In June, the OSC (without councillors that its neighbour, the Petaling Jaya City of fraud on the people to be brought to book.
He was not part of the decision-making body sitting as members) was again asked to look Council (MBPJ) is paying for not following He is editor (special and investigative
and neither were his fingerprints anywhere at the application and it referred it to the state procedures in the Mentari case. Residents reporting) at theSun. He can be reached at
on or near the documents. But the events planning committee. The new councillors of Taman Desa Ria successfully sued when


All together now

AROUND this time last year Umno was split over Merdeka, in the tenets of Rukun Negara, in the
the need for a new president. Supporters of the conglomerate of a Bangsa Malaysia and in the
then Umno President Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad construct of a fully developed Wawasan 2020
Badawi said he should stay for the sake of party echoes throughout the nation again in the
unity. Supporters of Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak concept of 1Malaysia!
said he should take over for the sake of Malay However, the very people responsible for
dignity. translating the vision into reality, into meaningful
Much debate and argument occupied main- policies and projects, that is the MPs and state as-
stream media space, cyberspace as well as semblymen seem oblivious to this call. They pay
coffee shop and gerai space. Malays of all ages lip service to it in their rhetoric but fail dismally in
and affiliations intensely defended their loyalties their political ploys and stances.
and their political heroes. Equally animated were Now PAS is seriously divided after their muk-
the attacks on political foes. We said we did it for tamar as Umno was before the general assembly.
the sake of bangsa, agama dan negara! No one And the “contentious” issue is that of Malay unity
would admit they did it for selfish ends! and by extension whether we like it or not, na-
The Umno general assembly in March saw tional unity. While one group led by president Hadi
efforts to consolidate the party and to come and deputy president Nasharudin has proposed
to sensible compromises. The new line-up was unity talks with Umno, another group led by spir-
accepted grudgingly by some and heralded as itual leader Nik Aziz is dead against it. Once again
holding new promises by others. Impassioned there is a split within a major Malay political party
speeches accompanied by much hugging and and the bigger Malay political community.
hand kissing ended the assembly in true Malay Once again the Malays and Malaysians will
style. be preoccupied in great argumentations about
Once again the promise of Malay unity within right and wrong, truths and untruths, moral and
Umno would help to alleviate what has always immoral, sincerity, trustworthiness, uprightness,
been Umno’s platform, ie the Malay agenda. justice – all ingredients of integrity. Now the
With renewed vows comes the promise of new questions will be: who has better integrity Umno
vigour. Except that this time the Malay agenda or PAS? Who is more sincere in helping the
must go hand in hand with the national agenda Malays? Who is more correct in their interpreta-
of ensuring that the other ethnic groups are not tion of Islam and in their translation of Islam’s
marginalised in the equation true to the spirit of tenets? Who is more just and fair in its dealings
the Federal Constitution. with Malaysia’s other ethnic groups? Meantime,
The prime minister has vowed that he is the other political parties in the BN versus PR
going to be a people’s PM. Najib has promised equation will join in the foray in the true spirit of
that 1Malaysia will be his clarion call and his one togetherness inherent in 1Malaysia!
outstanding vision for the country. The national
goal of a united people made up of diverse ethnic Halimah Mohd Said
groups and cultures manifested in the cries of Kuala Lumpur

Thumbs down for new bus station

I FORESEE problems with Pontian’s new bus sta- cannot accommodate the new shophouses.
tion. The all-concrete building is not a pleasing Finally, at the edge of the bus station, erosion
sight and there are no trees to provide shade. has already taken place. A pedestrian walkway is
The roads leading to the bus station have not also missing.
been well conceived and as a result daily traffic
jams are likely. Housewife
The carrying capacity of this small area also Pontian

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