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September, 2013

*Connect with girls thru writing*

The Work Of His Hands

In this issue

- Facts about Jellyfish ! - Shells: Showing Gods wonderful Design - Featuring: Jell-O Pretzel Salad!

A very, big THANK YOU to those who put effort in contributing for this issue!

We ask that you request to copy any portion of this magazine, section, wording, or even format .If you wish to copy any idea as designer or any other-wise please ask.

Editor: Elisa Knicely Co-Editor: Elesa Stoltzfus

Designer of this issue: Elisa Knicely

Compilation: Word 2013 Theme: Dolphins and Ocean Cover Photo: Pinterest

Our Theme Verse:

You did not choose me- I chose you.

Table of Contents:
- Note From the Designer - New Readers! - Birthdays and New Word

Questions Dolphins- Laurel Weaver Dolphin- Cake and Crafts Shells

Regular Sections: - His Princess - Yours Sincerely

The Way We live in: Poll Laugh My Most embarrassing moment! Wonders of CreationMystery Photo Recipes- havin fun in the kitchen Stories and Poems I love Photography Sneak Peak! Closing Word

Ocean- Gods power is showed through many different ways- but when I think of Gods power, the ocean seems most fitting. The oceans power is simply endless; the way it can whip out a city and clear out countryside. Even though Gods power is endless; its a comfort to realize that he wont bring anything into our lives he doesnt think we can take- and with his help; we will be able to face those difficulties without any fear.

Psalm 32: 7 NIV: You are my hiding place, you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.

- Editor: Elisa Knicely

Age: 16 Birthday: July, 16 City/State: Pink Hill, North Carolina School: Cedar Fork Mennonite Hobbies: Photography, sports, Scrapbooking, reading and writing.

I love driving and hanging out with friends and everything else about being a teenager! love living in North Carolina and wouldnt trade it for the world! -

Age: 14 Birthday: April 2, 1999 City/ Stat: Pink Hill, NC School: Cedar Fork Mennonite Hobbies: Swimming Singing writing stories and poetry drawing and training dogs I love the ocean, and I want to go to Hawaii when I get older. I also love dogs. People that know me would call me very outgoing and wild, but your first impression of me might be that I am a little quiet.

Full Name: Age: 14 Birthday: February 5, 1999 City and Country: Lisbon Ohio School: Homeschool Hobbies: photography, childcare.

Age: 13 Birthday: February 5th School: homeschool City/country: Rustburg, VA Hobbies: taking pictures, writing, baking, sewing and drawing

Age: 12 Birthday: January, 19 City/State: Woodland, CA School: Homeschooled Hobbies: Crafting, Reading, and baking I love to do pretty much anything crafty like sewing crocheting, beading working with polymer clay and making just about anything. I have a small craft business called Crazy for Craftin I make dresses out of pillowcases and send them to impoverished girls around the world. If you are interested in making some- visit this website for instructions.

Age: 13 Birthday: April 21 City and Country: Whiteville, TN School: Whiteville Mennonite School Hobbies: training horses, rip sticking swimming and more. I am the youngest with three siblings. One brother and two sisters. I and my sister had a four wheeler accident with our friend. I love the Wild West.

Age: 16 Birthday: January, 13 City and Country: Prairie City, US School: homeschool Hobbies: baking, working, singing, making herb stuff (like slave, tincures and more), hanging out with friends and my gr8 cuzins, riding horses etc. I have two bros, 1 sister. I am the baker for a coffee shop. I enjoy pen pals anyone can email me if wanted.

New Word:
Addlepated /AD-ul-pay-tud
Definition: adj Being mixed up or confused Example: The patient was blabbering like an addlepated fool.

Birthdays for September:

- Kayla Weaver turns 14 on: September 2 - Joan Yoder turns 16 on: September 4 - MariElla Reinford turns 16 on: September 10 - Victoria Martin turns 14 on September 11 - Bethany Gehman turns 14 on September 11 - Moriah Garza turns 12 on September 11 - Carina Geigley turns 13 on September 13 - Kristen Miller turns 13 on September 15 - Addie Imel turns 14 on September 18 Letitia Wadel turns 15 on September 23 Miss your birthday? We are so sorry! Remind us for next time or prior towards your next birthday.

Coming Soon: The forms for these people are on our website!

What are you looking forward to the upcoming school year?

- Change of Schedule and volleyball! Hana Knicely - We are going to have a man teacher this year! Connie Zimmerman - Math and our new teacher! Sylvia Yoder - I am going to be homeschooled: ) Elesa Stoltzfus - I am excited about possibly learning Spanish! Brianna Reinford - Probably just school- or maybe all the activity. Katriel Knicely - I enjoy school in general- but being with my friends all the time and volleyball would probably be why I am most excited. Elisa Knicely - Being In the Big room and having an experienced teacher. (had enough first time students)- Laurel Weaver - What I like most about school is its going to be my last full year of school! Mary Brubaker

If you had twin boys what would you name them?

Kaden and Jaden: Shana Nolt Isaac and Isaiah: Laura Danner Cole and Chase- Brianna Reinford Micah and Miciah- Adrianna Ropp Justin and Jade- Brittney Swartzendruber Damon and Dillon- Brooklyn Weaver Jack Wynston and Wynn Jackson- Mandie Derstine Jonathon Mark and Edward Derrick- Laurel Weaver Oliver and John- Macy Sheaman Ian and Isaac- Kristina Smoker Caleb and Joshua- Andrea Martin David and Daniel or Aragorn and Legalos- Brittney Johnson Landon Clay And Logan Dayne- Mary Brubaker Cody and Tony- Kaylynn Haines I heard the names Pete and Repeat- but that wouldnt be my choice! : ) Probably Trent and Brent- Katrina Byler - Kyle and Nathan- Katriel Knicely - Zayn Nial and Zachary James- Elisa Knicely -

It was so interesting to hear the names! I really enjoyed hearing your responses!

My interest inDolphins - Laurel Weaver

Dolphins are amazing creatures God has created. I have been interested in dolphins for a long time. The spark died for a while until this summer I found three books called the Dolphin Diaries and I bought two of them. The spark returned more than ever.

Dolphins are a part of the cetacean family and are closely related to whales which are part of the cetecea family and porpoises which are part of the delphinoidea family. Many people think Killer whales are dolphins enemies but they are the same family- (they are enemies as well).
There are 4 species of river dolphins and 36 species of ocean dolphins. Of the river dolphins 2 are found in China and 2 are found in South America (Brazil and Peru) The ocean dolphins are found all over the world. I think the most unique dolphin is the Amazon River Dolphins of Peru. They have Bubble Gum pink on the underside and gray on the top. God has created them so they can move their head so they can catch fish in the river. They have a long snout which also helps them to catch fish because its a river and the water is not as deep so they need to be more flexible. They can squirm around and catch their fish so they do not starve. I love dolphins because they are so happy free and I love the beach/ocean. Dolphins are amazing creatures that God created. To find out more about dolphins and see the pink dolphin go to:

Dolphin Cake and Crafts

This month has been very eventful for our family- the last two weeks- we have
been trying to move out of our house- as fast as possible. Since we dont have internet here at home- I was trying to search for a Dolphin Craft and Cake- and I couldnt find much when I was there. I am hoping that Ill find something a little later. When I do- it will be on our blog- on the page of- Extras. If any of you find anything- why dont you tell us about it?*

iF only they could talk!

For next time:
Caption what the little girl is saying!

Showing Gods great design

Its fascinating how you can see Gods design in almost every part of his creation. To the tiniest grain of sand- to the gigantic whale you can find characteristics in each one that point to the evidence of God. A seashell or sea shell, also known simply as a shell, is a hard, protective outer layer created by an animal that lives in the sea. The shell is part of the body of the animal. Empty seashells are often found washed up on beaches. The shells are empty because the animal has died and the soft parts have been eaten by another animal or have rotted out. The term seashell usually refers to the exoskeleton of an invertebrate (an animal without a backbone). Most shells that are found on beaches are the shells of marine mollusks, partly because many of these shells endure better than other seashells. Apart from mollusk shells, other shells that can be found on beaches are those of barnacles, horseshoe crabs and brachiopods. Marine annelid worms in the family Serpulidae create shells which are tubes made of calcium carbonate that are cemented onto other surfaces. The shells of sea urchins are called tests, and the moulted shells of crabs and lobsters are called exuviae. While most seashells are external, some cephalopods have internal shells. Seashells have been used by humans for many different purposes throughout history and pre-history. However, seashells are not the only kind of shells; in various habitats it is possible to find shells from freshwater animals such as freshwater mussels and freshwater snails, and it is also possible to find the shells of land snails.

You areMy Princess

Pray with Power

My powerful princess, do not waste your walk through life today! Open your spiritual eyes. Prayer is needed everywhere. Anywhere you walk today I can and will order your steps if you will let Me. Pray while you are doing laundry or doing dishes pray to Me in any part of your day. Of all the weapons in the world, prayer is your most powerful resource. Dont let the day begin or end without letting your prayers to Me pave the way in all you do. Where ever you go, remember that part of your royal privilege is raising your voice to heaven. Sop hold on to the promises that are yours and pray! Love, Your King and Intercessor

Pray at all times and on every occasion in the power of the holy spirit. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all Christians everywhere. - Ephesians 6:18

Inspiration Center-

continue of-

Summer Williams- as she faces the trials of being the oldest- with the difficulty of her mother leaving. The mother is pregnant. Sylvia Yoder Peter, my dads boss and the guy everyone knew, took his life on August 15. In his last days he was overcome with depression and shot himself. He left his wife, Ellen, a daughter, Elizabeth (15) a little son, John (10) to grieve his death. His death is a blow to the whole community. They were a very Christian family. This isnt easy for them. Pray that God can touch their lives for the good and that we can be an awesome light for Him! Mary Brubabaker

Yours Sincerely-

Hi, My name is Connie Lynn Zimmerman. My parent's names are Mike and Naomi and I have 1 sister Linzey and she is 14 . I am 11 . My birth-date is October 21, 2001. On Monday , August 26 our school starts and I am going to be in 6th grade! I go to Hope Christian School and church ! My hobbies are scrap-booking, baking, emailing girls and hanging out with Friends and much more! And I love Horses! Email me at:

Hey! My name is Mary Derstine, and I have a friend Jennah, whose life is very hard right now, as her dad and her brother are not Christians. I thought it would be nice if she could get some scrapbook sheets with a card or a letter in the mail (I think shell enjoy it more if you send a card/letter with it). Just something that has encouraging verses, poems, or small stories. If you want to, include a picture of yourself. Most of all, tell her you are praying for her (and pray hard!).If you send a scrapbook sheet, please send it in a plastic sleeve. they are going to be moving sometime, so dont send anything to her after December, unless you want to contact me at for her new address. Jennah Lagostki 402 Wood Sage Circle Fayetteville NC 28303

The way we live inNorth Carolina

- MariElla Reinford- age 15
When I say Iam from North Carolina people go, Isnt it terrible hot?! or Ahhh! I am glad I am not living down there. All those snakes.. Which I always laugh at because I have only seen about a handful of snakes in the five years of living here. I have seen one live rattlesnake and that was right before we drove over it: ) The weather gets hot, although its not terrible much hotter than anywhere else I have lived: the humidity makes it sweltering. We live on 33 acres. About 20 acres of that is woods that we use for hunting. My brothers have 2 shooting lanes and about three stands where we sit during hunting season. My dad has a big shop with all his tools and shop stuff. He is in the process of getting his gun room/office built inside the shop. Our house sits in a little shaded spot of the clearing. Our place is not finished yet. We just moved onto our own land after renting for 4 years. In time we want to plant more yard and have a garden and little orchard. Dad wants to get beef cows and mom wants chickens. We children told her if she wants chickens that thy have to stay in a pen and NO letting them out! We live 45 minutes from the beach and we visit just enough to keep it from getting lonely! We have had Sunday evening suppers out there on a pavilion over the water and then we go on holidays or just for some relaxation, to ride the waves or just sit in the sun! Our area is very populated. From where we live is not populated but just a skip down the road then theres houses, houses, houses. We rarely get snow which is sometimes hard on this northern born girl! So this is our little part of NC. It took a while to get used to it and lots of visitors hate it but I have come to love it and its HOME! Even the boiling hot days and the freezing winter days!

What Sea Animal Would you rather be?
Dolphin Jellyfish Crab Whale

Dolphin: 7 people Jelly fish: 2 people Crab: 1 person Whale: 0

Note: We run low on ideas for Polls- think of one? Please tell us!

The boss of a big company needed to call one of his employees about an urgent problem with one of the main computers. He dialed the employee's home phone number and was greeted with a child's whispered, "Hello?" Feeling put out at the inconvenience of having to talk to a youngster the boss asked, "Is your Daddy home?" "Yes," whispered the small voice. "May I talk with him?" the man asked. To the surprise of the boss, the small voice whispered, "No." Wanting to talk with an adult, the boss asked, "Is your Mommy there?" "Yes", came the answer. "May I talk with her?" Again the small voice whispered, "No". Knowing that it was not likely that a young child would be left home alone, the boss decided he would just leave a message with the person who should be there watching over the child. "Is there anyone there besides you?" the boss asked the child. "Yes" whispered the child, "A policeman." Wondering what a cop would be doing at his employee's home, the boss asked, "May I speak with the policeman?" "No, he's busy," whispered the child. "Busy doing what?" asked the boss. Talking to Daddy and Mommy and the fireman," came the whispered answer. Growing concerned and even worried as he heard what sounded like a helicopter through the ear piece on the phone the boss asked, "What is that noise?" "A hello-copper," answered the whispering voice. "What is going on there?" asked the boss, now alarmed. In an awed whispering voice the child answered, "The search team just landed the hellocopper." Alarmed, concerned and more than just a little frustrated, the boss asked, "Why are they there?" Still whispering, the young voice replied along with a muffled giggle, "They're looking for me."

Why were the elephants kicked off the beach? Because they kept throwing their trunks into the water!
- Mary Brubaker
A very proper lady began planning a week's camping vacation for her and her Baptist Church group. She wrote to a campground for reservations. She wanted to make sure that the campground was fully equipped and modern, but couldn't bring herself to write the word "toilet" in her letter. So, she decided on the old-fashioned term "Bathroom Commode." Once written down she still was not comfortable. Finally she decided on the abbreviation "B.C." and wrote, "Does your campground have its own "B.C.?" When the campground owner received the letter, he couldn't figure out what she meant by "B.C." He showed it to several of the campers, one of whom suggested the lady was obviously referring to a Baptist Church since there was letterhead on the paper which referred to a Baptist Church. So he sent this reply. Dear Madam: The B.C. is located nine miles from the campground in a beautiful grove of trees. I admit it is quite a distance if you are in the habit of going regularly. No doubt you will be pleased to know that it will seat 350 people at one time, and it is open on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday of each week. Some folks like to take their lunch and make a day of it. The acoustics are very good, so everyone can hear even the quietest passages. It may interest you to know that my daughter met her husband there. We are also having a fund-raiser to purchase new seats, as the old ones have holes in them. Unfortunately my wife is ill and has not been able to attend regularly. It's been a good six months since she last went. It pains her very much not to be able to go more often. As we grow older, it seems to be more of an effort, especially in cold weather. Perhaps I could accompany you the first time you go, sit with you, and introduce you to all the other folks who will be there. I look forward to your visit. We offer a very friendly campground. Camp Director John Doe

My Most embarrassing Moment!

Being a normal girl, I have had lots of embarrassing moments. I had this problem--I kept tipping over my water glass or spilling food at the supper table. It happened once or twice when a friend of the family was at our place and I got teased. After that whenever that person would come I would get all nervous and often repeat the same thing. Finally I outgrew that awkward stage!:) So if you have the same problem---Remember that it will pass!:)

- Brianna Reinford
My cousin Trenton and I argue a lot. He was in the grade lower than me; and we went to school together for four years. The one school day our room had went to the Hospice Center to sing for my teachers neighbor. On the way home he said something that I didnt agree with so I told him so. Of course, he came back at me with something else. And I told him- I am not going to argue. He says- Yes you are! and I said, No I am not! The van erupted in laughter and I quickly changed the subject.

- MariElla Reinford

School has always been enjoyable to me. However there were quite a few things I didnt wish to repeat. :) One of them was at a 5th grade Thanksgiving celebration. Everyone was there- (homeschoolers, moms and all of the grades) Our teacher was telling us how to play some game- and I was excitedly listening. *I might add- my younger sister was with me in the desk* I dont know exactly what happened next- but somehow my sister and I were on the floor and the desk was swung on top of us. I quickly got up- and I dont think I was hurt- but everyone was laughing and I was quite embarrassed!
- Elisa Knicely

Wonders of

Jellyfish or jellies are the major non-polyp form of individuals of the phylum Cnidaria. They are typified as free-swimming marine animals consisting of a gelatinous umbrella-shaped bell and trailing tentacles. The bell can pulsate for locomotion, while stinging tentacles can be used to capture prey. Jellyfish are found in every ocean, from the surface to the deep sea. A few jellyfish inhabit freshwater. Large, often colorful, jellyfish are common in coastal zones worldwide. The English popular name jellyfish has been in use since 1796. It has traditionally also been applied to other animals sharing a superficial resemblance, for example ctenophores (members from another phylum of common, gelatinous and generally transparent or translucent, freeswimming planktonic carnivores now known as comb jellies) were included as "jellyfishes,

A group of jellyfish is sometimes called a bloom or a swarm. "Bloom" is usually used for a large group of jellyfish that gather in a small area, but may also have a time component, referring to seasonal increases, or numbers beyond what was expected. Another collective name for a group of jellyfish is a smack although this term is not commonly used by scientists who study jellyfish.

Mystery Photo
Last Issue:

Where is this?

Answer: Maine

What about this?

Oreo Chocolate Cheese Cake:
- 2 Oreo cookie crumbs (about 20 Oreos crushed - 3 tbs. melted butter - 2-8 oz. cream cheese - cup sugar - cup cocoa - 1 tsp. Vanilla - 2 eggs - 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips. Mix melted butter and Oreo crumbs together and press in cheese cake pan. Beat cream cheese, sugar, cocoa, and vanilla. Beat till smooth. Add Eggs. Stir in chocolate chips. Pour on to crust. Bake 20 min. At 375 Stir together 1 cup sour cream. 2 tbsp. sugar and 1 tsp. Vanilla. Spread over baked cheese cake. Bake 10 minutes longer at 425. Cool and Enjoy! *Note: This cheese Cake is rich, but delicious!!

-Shana Nolt

Peanut Butter Smores

Preparation Time: 10 Min. 8 large Chocolate cookies (can be store bought) 4 tsp. hot fudge ice cream topping 4 large marshmallows 4 peanut butter cups Spread the bottoms of four cookies with fudge topping- using long handled fork, grill marshmallows six inches from medium hot heat until golden brown. Carefully place a marshmallow and a peanut butter cup on each fudge topped cookie. Serve immediately. Yield: 4 cookies Great for Camping! Also great for a fun project!

-Kristen\ Miller

Italian Soda
- 2 Tablespoons Torani Syrup (there is Raspberry, Blackberry, Lime, Orange flavors at least) - 18 oz. of Sprite Squirt or Lemon-Lime Soda - 2 Tablespoons of Whopping Cream Put some ice and pop in a cup. Stir the syrup into the pop. Put the whipping cream on the top and stir again. You will have to stir it occasionally because the cream separates. Enjoy!

- Laurel Weaver

2 cups crushed pretzels cup melted butter teaspoon cinnamon 3 tablespoons sugar 8ounces cream cheese, softened 8ounces Cool Whip, thawed 1/4 cup sugar teaspoon vanilla 1 tablespoon grated fresh lemon rind 6 ounces berry gelatin 2cups boiling water 2 packages frozen berries (10 oz)

Mix together the crushed pretzels, melted butter cinnamon and the sugar. Press into a 9 by 13 pan and bake at 400 degrees for 8 minutes. Mix together the softened cream cheese. Cool Whip, sugar, vanilla and grated lemon rind. Spread on the cooled crust in pan. Dissolve the Jell-O in the boiling water and mix in the frozen berries Carefully pour into pan and refrigerate until set. Enjoy!

- Kayla weaver

1 3 1 1

Package Yellow cake mix cups quick oats cup Butter melted 16 oz jar raspberry jam

Preheat oven to 375*, combine cake mix, oats, and melted butter. mixture will be crumbly. press 2/3 of the oat mixture into a 9 by 13 inch pan. covering the bottom evenly. spread raspberry jam over oat mixture, and add the rest of the oat mixture on top of the jam and pat firmly. bake 20 minutes. Cool and cut into bars.

this recipe is DELICIOUS! :):) please try it!

- Sarah Ebersole

Sheer Joy O the sheer joy of it! Living with Thee, God of the Universe, Lord of a tree, Maker of the Mountains, Lover of Me! Oh the sheer joy of it! Breathing Thy air, mourning is dawning, Gone every care, all the worlds singing, Gods everywhere. Oh the sheer joy of it! Working with God, Running his errands, waiting his nod, Building his heaven, on common sod. Oh the sheer joy of it! Ever to be! Living in glory, Living with thee! Lord of tomorrow, Lover of Me! _Ralph Spaulding Cushman


One dolphin. One silver shadow. A blade that cuts the ocean Without a ripple Another dolphin. Another silver blade. Gliding through the sea-jewel Not leaving a scratch. Now the blade joins the shadow. The blade is the shadow, the shadow, the blade. They smile, laugh, and swim together, And the ocean glimmers with the sun. One giant leap together, And the shadows are gone. The shadows like the blades That laugh.

-Contributed by: Sarah Ebersole

'I cannot go to school today, ' Said little Peggy Ann McKay. 'I have the measles and the mumps, A gash, a rash and purple bumps. My mouth is wet, my throat is dry, I'm going blind in my right eye. My tonsils are as big as rocks, I've counted sixteen chicken pox

MariElla Reinford

And there's one more-that's seventeen,

And don't you think my face looks green?

My leg is cut-my eyes are blueIt might be instamatic flu.

I cough and sneeze and gasp and choke,

I'm sure that my left leg is brokeMy hip hurts when I move my chin, My belly button's caving in, My back is wrenched, my ankle's sprained, My 'pendix pains each time it rains. My nose is cold, my toes are numb. I have a sliver in my thumb. My neck is stiff, my voice is weak, I hardly whisper when I speak. My tongue is filling up my mouth, I think my hair is falling out. My elbow's bent, my spine ain't straight,

My temperature is one-o-eight.
My brain is shrunk, I cannot hear, There is a hole inside my ear. I have a hangnail, and my heart is-what? What's that? What's that you say? You say today is...Saturday? G'bye, I'm going out to play! '

A Life Worth Loving- Brittney Johnson
Part 1 of 3 parts
I hate my life! screamed Valerie throwing her pianos sheet music against the wall in frustration, I hate it! Hate it! Hate it! she screamed. Valeries mom, Mrs. Branson ran down the stairs, Valerie! Why are you screaming? Settle down! I cant! screamed Valerie tears running down her grey eyes, I hate my life! she said again sliding to the floor. Oh, Honey! said Mrs. Branson, Please dont say that! Please dont! You should be thankful for your life. You should be thanking God that you still are alive. Valerie looked up her, eyes full of hatred, I wish he would have let me die! When Valerie Branson was six months old her father dropped her on her head. All of the doctors said that she would surely die from the serious concussion that the baby Valerie had. But they were wrong, Valerie survived, but she would be blind for the rest of her life! The concussion had robbed her of her vision for life. Mrs. Branson never forgave her husband for accidently dropping her only child, after the dramatic event she had tried to file a divorce

but her husband did not consent knowing that divorce was wrong and because he still loved his wife with all his heart. But yet Mrs. Branson still held deep bitterness towards her husband. Valerie was now fifteen years old and was as miserable as could be. She hated her life; she wanted to be able to see! She blamed God for taking her sight away and she was bitter at everyone around her. Her parents were trying to get her to learn piano but Valerie would have outbursts of anger every time she missed a note and couldnt figure out her piece. She was making her life miserable as long as her parents life also. The Bransons were living a life without love. Valerie, I was looking online the other day and I found this lady who helps the blind. Mrs. Branson was telling her daughter, She seems like a very lovely lady, and she also teaches piano! I was thinking that it would be great if she could come meet you and maybe help you. Help me! yelled Valerie, what do you mean help me? Am I not good enough for you? Whats wrong with me? Nothing, said Mrs. Branson, its just that I was thinking that you could use the company. I have you! Yes, but I work and so does your father! said Mrs. Branson. I dont want no help! said Valerie firmly, Just stay out of my life. I will stay in your life! said Mrs. Branson firmly, I have already asked this kind lady to come! Her name is Eloise Glacier. I hate you! screamed Valerie, You always have to go and make things worse for me! Valerie stomped up the stairs and locked herself in her room. Mrs. Branson still sat where she had been sitting tears rolling down her eyes, Oh how hard it was to hear her daughter tell her she hated her. Something needed to happen with Valerie! Maybe, just maybe this Eloise lady could help.

Hello dear! You must be Valerie; who I have heard so much about! said Miss Eloise the day she arrived a few days later. Valerie stood in front of the lady a frown on her face, and her arms crossed, hello. Valerie said drawing out each syllable in a nasty tone. Valerie that is not the way you introduce yourself! said Mr. Branson gently but firm. Valerie stood still and did not utter a word. Miss Eloise smiled, well I will enjoy working with you! Should we start by doing a piano lesson? I cant do it! screamed Valerie at Miss Eloise who was reviewing a song they had been going over. Your right, said Miss Eloise flatly. Valeries head shot back in surprise, she had never heard that response before. Usually people told her that she could do it, and felt sorry for her. What did you just say? asked Valerie. I said Your right How dare you started Valerie. I said you are right because you cannot do it! said Miss Eloise interrupting Valerie, you cant do it with that attitude! Of course it is possible for you to do it, but only if you let God do it through you! None of us can accomplish anything without God doing it through us. Valerie stiffened, I dont believe that God will help me. Well I do! stated Miss Eloise, He will help you if you ask him to! God doesnt help blind people do amazing things! Oh, yes he does! said Miss Eloise in a firm voice. Prove it! said Valerie with her hands on her hips.

Well, I know a man, his name is Kurt Labouve. He is an amazing pianist, he writes his own music and then plays it, and he also sings! He is truly an amazing man! So, said Valerie, I have heard of lots of great pianists, what makes him so special? He is blind, said Miss Eloise, and all of his music is glorifying to God! He does it all for God, because God gave him his talent. He wouldnt be able to do what he does without God doing it through him. Valerie sat in silence, why do you help the blind if you are not blind? asked Valerie after a few moments. Miss Eloise looked down in surprise, well I guess it is because when I was a little girl, I had a brother. When I was nine and he was five we were climbing a tree. He did something to make me mad and I I pushed him! He fell out of the tree onto the ground hard. tears came into Miss Eloises eyes, I thought he was dead, but he lived. But he was blind. I always blamed myself and lived with guilt and regret. Many years later my brother killed himself. He killed himself because he hated his life. He hated having to live without being able to see. At first I blamed myself, but then I realized that I could help other people like I could have helped my brother. I could show them how beautiful life really was. Life is beautiful; God put us all on this world to live, and to love the life he had given us. You dont understand! You arent blind! said Valerie. Your right, said Miss Eloise said, I dont know what it is like to be blind. But I still know that your life is precious, if you want to be. You can also make other peoples life precious. But if you dont love life you arent going to have a good one! After a pause Miss Eloise said, Think of a piano piece for instance, said Miss Eloise, Lets say you have to do a piano piece for a recital and then all of a sudden you miss one of the notes, what do you do? You have two choiceseither keep on playing the piece or stop playing. If you finish the piece people will not remember that little missed note, they will remember how you kept

on going! But if you stop going there is nothing for the people to be blessed by! Valerie sat in silence, I guess that kind of makes sense, Said Valerie, But Valerie looked up at Miss Eloise with tears in her eyes, How does God use me to be a blessing to others? How will he make me love life when I dont? Valerie said Miss Eloise softly Have you ever trusted God as your savior? No, I never really felt like God could do anything good for me. He took my sight away, why then would he want to comfort and help me? Valerie, if you give your heart to God, I know he will give you peace, and I know he will give you a love for life! You really think so? asked Valerie. No, I know so! said Miss Eloise with a smile.

To be Continued.

Fun Fact
Did you know that the Gianot Arctic Jellyfish have tentacles that can reach over thirty six meters in length!?



Brooklyn Weaver

Sylvia Yoder:

Addie Imel:

Shanna Nolt:

Elisa Knicely:

Note: I am so sorry! I had problems with downloading the pictures- and I mixed some contributions up! If you dont see your photography here- please send it in again!

A Sneak

Fall Leaves

- Our next theme:

- The Upcoming Question:

What would you like your wedding colors to be?

Forever His Princess Form:

- Name: - Age: - Birthday: - State: - Email: - At least two sentences about yourself:

Last Note-

It seems like life flows by extremely fast! Wasnt it just a couple weeks ago, when school closed its doors, and we excitedly left? I realize not all of us attends school- but life even out of school tends to move pretty quickly! I was hoping to add some sections concerning school- but it didnt work out- maybe next year! : )This month for our family; has been pretty jammed! The last two weeks of August had us packing so we could move before September. We are hoping to finish our house before Christmas- so in order to do that we have to be at the land at all times so we can constantly work on it. So we moved up to a little camper that we are living in right now. So (again) this issue is a bit rushed. However the contributions flooded in so it helped A LOT!

This Issue, was pretty interesting to design and edit. I even learned a few new things when researching Dolphins! They surely do show Gods unique design! Laurel, thanks so much for the suggestion! It looks like we will reach our goal of 60 members in the next few issues! We actually just need about 9 more- so keep it up! We want to thank everyone who told their friends! It was greatly appreciated. I will send the outline- asap- hopefully either this week or the next.
Have a wonderful month of September!
Elisa for Foreverhisprincess

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