Tugas Kuliah Virologi Kelas B Siti Nur Azizah B1J011086

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PETUNJUK: 1. Anda saya minta untuk memberikan koreksi jika ada soal dan jawaban yang salah, kurang tepat, atau membingungkan/ambigu. 2. Jika Anda ditunjuk, Anda saya minta menjelaskan jawaban Anda pada saat kuliah 3. Saya akan berterima kasih jika Anda mengirimkan jawaban sebelum kuliah dilaksanakan ke hendropram@facebook.com. 1 Which of the following is NOT true regarding transcription factors? A. Transcription factors are proteins that bind specifically to promoter and enhancer sequences to control gene expression B. Transcription factors are involved in the repression of gene expression C. The cell transcription factor that bind to enhancers is Sp1 D. Transcription factor IID (TFIID) binds to the TATA box E. Viruses can not produce their own transcription factors JAWABAN: E PENJELASAN/ALASAN: Because Some viruses produce their own transcription factors, such as herpes simplex virus VP16, which is a component of the virion (Section11.5.2), and human Tcell leukaemia virus I Tax protein, which is produced in the infected cell. Page 74. Select the INCORRECT statement. A. Transcriptase is a general term for an enzyme that carries out transcription B. Viruses that carry out transcription in the cytoplasm generally use the cell RNA polymerase II C. DNA-dependent DNA polymerase An enzyme that synthesizes new DNA using a parental DNA strand as a template. D. A DNA virus needs a DNA-dependent RNA polymerase to transcribe its genes into mRNA E. Viruses that replicate in the nucleus generally use a cell enzyme JAWABAN: B PENJELASAN/ALASAN: Because. All the viruses that carry out transcription in the cytoplasm, except the plus-strand RNA viruses, Have the transcriptase in the virion so that the enzyme is immediately available to transcribe the virus genome when a cell is infected. Page 75 All of the following are true about capping transcripts, EXCEPT A. The cap is a guanosine triphosphate joined to the end nucleotide by a 55 linkage, rather than the normal 53 linkage. B. Most eukaryotic cell and viral mRNAs have a cap at their 5 end C. The cap is thought to aid mRNA transport from the nucleus to the cytoplasm D The cap is thought to protect the mRNA from degradation by exonucleases E. The cap is thought to be required for the initiation of translation JAWABAN: Tidak ada jawaban pak Semuanya benar. Page 75-76

Select the INCORRECT statement about polyadenylation of transcripts A. A poly(A) tail) is added to the 3 end of most primary transcripts of eukaryotes and their viruses B. Polyadenylation probably increases the stability of mRNAs C. Poly(A) tail plays a role in the initiation of transcription. D. The reoviruses do not polyadenylate their mRNAs E. In most cases there is a polyadenylation signal about 1030 bases upstream of the polyadenylation site JAWABAN: PolyadenylationprobablyincreasesthestabilityofmRNAs,andtheTRANSLATIONINEUKARYOTES 77 poly(A)tailplaysaroleintheinitiationoftranslation. PENJELASAN/ALASAN: Penjelasan disertai penulisan nomor halaman pustaka rujukan (ebook) B1J010160 TRIA FAUZI P. H. B1J010161 WAHIB ABDILLAH B1J010168 SAHRUL WAHID B. B1J010171 NOOR WAHYU ANISAH Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. A primary transcript may be cut and spliced in more than one way to produce two or more mRNA species B. Some primary transcripts are functional mRNAs, but most eukaryotic cell primary transcripts contain sequences (introns) that are removed C. A typical eukaryotic mRNA is monocistronic D. Enhancers contain sequences that bind transcriptase. E. Ambisense is a single-stranded virus genome that contains genetic information encoded in both the positive (i.e., virus-sense) and negative (i.e., complementary) orientations. JAWABAN: PENJELASAN/ALASAN: Penjelasan disertai penulisan nomor halaman pustaka rujukan (ebook) Which of the following is NOT a determinant of viral disease? B1J010172 RISNA AYU KUSUMAWATI B1J010182 MUHAMMAD ABDULLAH KAMAL MUKTAR B1J010184 IVI ROSALINA B1J010189 WISIVA TOFRISKA PARAMAISWARI Which of the following statements is NOT true A. Cap is a methylated guanosine triphosphate joined to the 5 end of an mRNA by a 55 bond B. Transcription factors are proteins that bind specifically to promoter and enhancer sequences to control gene expression. C. TATA box is a DNA sequence in a eukaryotic promoter, typically 1525 nucleotides dwonstream from the transcription start. D. Viruses that replicate in the nucleus generally use a cell enzyme . E. Ambisense genome is a virus genome composed of ssRNA or ssDNA that is partly exons and partly introns. JAWABAN: PENJELASAN/ALASAN: Penjelasan disertai penulisan nomor halaman pustaka rujukan (ebook) B1J010206 SAIFUR ROKHMAN B1J010210 HENDRI APRIYADI

B1J010238 ABDUL MALIK B1J011008 NEPTU ISLAMY RAHARJA Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Splicing is the process of removing introns from primary transcripts and joining the exons to form mRNA B. Reverse transcriptases have DNA-dependent DNA polymerase activity. B. RNA polymerase II is RNA-dependent DNA polymerase C. RNA-dependent RNA polymerase is an enzyme that synthesizes RNA from an RNA template D. Reverse transcriptases use both RNA and DNA as the template. E. Poly(A) polymerase is an enzyme that adds adenylate residues to the 5 end of a eukaryotic mRNA JAWABAN: PENJELASAN/ALASAN: Penjelasan disertai penulisan nomor halaman pustaka rujukan (ebook) B1J011014 MITHUN SINAGA B1J011028 ISTI KHOSIYATUN B1J011048 HASTIA SAHADIAN N B1J011054 PENI SETIAWATI Select the INCORRECT statement? A. Plus strand (positive strand, (+) strand) is a nucleic acid strand that has the same sequence as the mRNA. B. Polyadenylation is the process of adding adenylate residues to the 3 end of a eukaryotic mRNA C. Open reading frame (ORF) is a sequence of nucleotides, starting with an initiation codon and finishing with a termination codon, that encodes the amino acids of a protein D. Baltimore classification is a scheme that classifies viruses into seven groups on the basis of the type of the genome and the way in which it is translated. E. Monocistronic mRNA is an mRNA with one open reading frame JAWABAN: D PENJELASAN/ALASAN: Because - True.Polyadenylation is the addition of a poly(A) tail to an RNA molecule. A series of adenosine residues (a poly adenylate tail;poly(A)tail) is added to the 3 end of most primary transcripts of eukaryotes and their viruses (Page 76). -True. Nucleic acid strand that has the same sequence as mRNA is labeled (+) . (Page 70). - True There is one Open reading frame (ORF), usually starting at the rst AUG codon from the 5 end of the mRNA, and ending at a stop codon (UGA, UAA or UAG) (Page 77) - False. Baltimore classification is a scheme that classifies viruses into seven groups on the basis of the type of the genome and Transcription of virus genomes not in the way in which it is translated (Page 70-71) - True Monocistronic mRNA is an mRNA with one open reading frame (Page 77) B1J010223 TARUNA DWI SATWIKA B1J011056 TRI YULIA NINGSIH B1J011080 ULI NURJANAH B1J011086 SITI NUR AZIZAH Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Minus strand (negative strand, () strand) is a nucleic acid strand that has the nucleotide


sequence complementary to that of the mRNA B. Introns are common in eukaryotes and their viruses, but rare in prokaryotes and their viruses C. Guanylyl transferase is an enzyme that adds guanosine 5-monophosphate to the 5 end of mRNA when it is capped. D. Intron is a non-coding sequence interrupting coding sequences (exons) in a gene. E. The intron is joined by a splicing reaction during processing of the primary transcript into mRNA JAWABAN: PENJELASAN/ALASAN: Penjelasan disertai penulisan nomor halaman pustaka rujukan (ebook) B1J010225 DWI RETNOWATI B1J011108 KORRIE SALSABILA B1J011141 NIKI SYLVIA R B1J011153 GYNEAERI AISYAH H W B1J011175 R.A. NUR ADITA K.S. Which of the following statements is NOT true?. A. Exon Part of a eukaryotic gene that is transcribed and usually translated into protein B. Most eukaryotic cell and viral mRNAs have a cap at their 5 end. C. Enhancer is a short DNA sequence that can increase the frequency of transcription initiation D. The cap is thought to aid mRNA transport from the cytoplasm to the nucleus E. DNA-dependent RNA polymerase is an enzyme that synthesizes RNA from a DNA template JAWABAN: PENJELASAN/ALASAN: Penjelasan disertai penulisan nomor halaman pustaka rujukan (ebook) B1J010154 SEPTI ANGGRAINI S B1J010144 EKA SINDY PRADANTI B1J010118 OKTAVIANI UTAMI DEWI B1J010112 NURUL LUTFIANI B1J010166 TEGUH PRASETYO

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