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F:i. I'" 'C:' t
little attention Nas
F:r"(:?ud, !"'! -,:?!. in t:. "\ i ::::.
dcc:cc":. i:,E'ci
...... i. "" ")
;;.:.; C) t- q CI t,t. f:';,' .. ']. t. E' rn ,') t.-. II + t r'" .::;\ n :1. j"'] .1 c: j. C) n
Tcn pOInt.,,:
convey the of erotic PlaviwlnE55
cultivated at the court of Louis XV?
;:::: ,:J ,j u :; e
: ::: G 0 P J::' u .. ("""I E: H p :'
famous talk ShON host. Spell the first name backwards 2nd Harpo
is what you'll aet. FTP what 15 the full Chicaqo
..... ,/;f ... ' ....... ,
{" .'
{"" Ofrt."'. tJl

novel was first published
accidentally urinted ahead D+ ch C":\!Jt.E'I'" h!D DrH2
t. his H (':':!f": r" '/
James nDvel about a m2n sent to Paris to his fiancee's
son and whose 1955 and 1058 paperback edItions contained the same
!'i: i "s t. .,,". k E? '::>
... J 11
h J. cl
E.'. h' :L t'::: t h (,."
2\0 J:) 1 i. c""i::, 1
.; ..
J. ,_,
orlnciule bv which the OJ 11 of RiGhts n25
t. 0 thE! t. t i.':' .:;:" F T H j'''j c,\ t t:. h o" t '::':' ," ;"I, ':.
6. Of the world's si inhabited continents? this one l5
1. n' i" t .. E:-,.!.
FTP name it?
! This author st:cks to the genteel
on correct and etiquette
... ..g.?..._ .. .. .. .. ..
however, were mare an
9i {"'I\.}
!::: UCf')
a;j\/i ce
cabinet member ever killed in a roCeo ]. 'w_ I-IE
common last name of these siblIngs?
f4 : .. .c.:.!.Q.E'_ ( L .. f:' tit i. a,:: . n d r"'! 0:\ 1. c Co 1 m ;,
( Le. tee - )
8. In recent years the term perk has been used to mean
or bonuses
executlve washroom
these benefits have anything to do with perkIng up
9. Of pa.nthpi !:om. the i. s:rn and
represents the acceptance of the existence
revelation, but as a hypothesis required by
ag n os tic i. :::In c 1-'1
of God, nat

10. Florence Kling Dewolfe, known as the Duchess, was a cold,
forbidding and it was no secret that she and this
President had a difficult marriage, and that he sought more
congenial female companionship elsewhere. While on a Goodwill
tour. rumors sprang up_that had slipped him some poison
v"hf2n cli?c! ::[1""188.1'1 F"r-anci,:;co. n.s.fnf:: t.hi,; F"r-f?,;j.dent
who was said to have suffered mental collapses in his
?i: ('JSI'Ten G.
11. L.A. Law. The Rockford Files. Hill Street Blues. Hooperman.
';"-PI'' -"',i .... _., .. , "'''/,'' -,,'1'" ..tir- -11 I'"",'>':;' t;: .... ,
',lo,_:C} ..... , :::'.11 .... ' ... ' __ ' .. _ 11;:::<. 1:, ' .... ,_If,,r ::::" ... JI'I::'I\ - . .JA m .._f, .. JII 1,",,< ...... .Jfl.::: ... "J.f:',] .Lrl
common, the composer of their whistleable theme songs. FTP name
this and for vour own satisfaction whistle few
from any of the aforementioned theme
12. His 42 year tenure as poet laureate. is an unparalleled
record. A spokesman for the values of the Victorian age. he is
still recognized today for his mastery of poetic techniaue,
superb use of sensuous language and profundity of thought. F"TP
n c:\ met: his c:' u. t. r'; C! r- Cj 1: n cl J .. .. c:\ n(;:'
E' \' Ci}, u. t. i. ,:H) "n- '/
,:::t 11e:::j 1. cj 1 n (J
.::j Cl (n r-j .::';\ 1: ... j, CH"I C! f 1'1 ::;., ""1 t \; I;;: c:: (J 1...1. q t r
' ...... t::) ,::J " .. I:'::" 1-" i. q \") t. 1 n
side In his countrv
14. Irl t.hf:2 i.t',,;; a 5,,mciJ.J. pJ,3.ct;;'d or'!
table to mark the place of tne officer Hho is thE
served. In the cont.ext. of responsibility in government.
President Reagan's that
FDincjF2;, it 1,Iit.1-: him.
orig:nally popularized by President Truman?
vJ rn 0:1. ",'
vJCJr rj
l:'::i. In J\:?42 he fi.r=.t. In his. anci :i.!") 19;:;'::;'
cam (? hi", t h i r" d rn "'<. k i 1"1 9 him t h ,,2 0 n 1 v t h r" e i:2 tim e 0 s r" l. l"\ n e r" i 1-1 1::. 1'1 e
D j. ;-. ec:: t. Ot- c:: t. eq Dr" y . FTF' n c\mE.' t his. rn.:;:\s t. er' + i. 1. f1HTlc\ k cd: i"1r-
f'h rJi \.l Ib.'== e;:>, !:'::.iL.f2i._JJ U I and . en -" f:tu r?

'--(.,- ..
, L.os: AnqE'1
ImDDt-tc-?d t.o .-r.s.pc\n in the 1
<>Ys: C'o.S: <:.,.. children
on "3.fter is though onomatDpoeic. It started to catch
WWII and is played by 30 million Jaoanese. generating 70
billion dollars in annual revenue. FTP name this parlor pastime,
that became more pooular after ball bearings were no longer as
needed for the war effort?
1+. JlO. [<or" ,I i. n Dunot'" ':;:'.. F'enns:.yJ. VE<.n i. 2." t t) i =. b a1 1. p 1. 2l. ',ler ,-Jon h i.
league battIng title seven times and was MVP thrEe times during
his 22 year career. Pete Rose broke his leaGue record for career
('lit::; on hi,,:. I,I-Ia/ to th0? (J)::i<."iot- r"ecCJr"d. FTF' n;:,\(fl(:2 this
National Leaque

)8, Its roots Genetrate 50 feet Into the ground in search of
wood 1S used tor name th:
fibers are added tn some brandS c

: ..:t; ..
to make bread 2nd
spiny tree, whose
Iq u!.1. l_;:(ke CJ.i:;\!'"k,l'j"-'3ngell-"::5t:., E:li.,3.'==. f'::obuk I<::;;,t,ri)"',,i <::',r-',eI

others 3r0 among the eIght National Nhich is more
2,O,M., In thE': li:\te ninetl'.'f.;!nth CI'.-:,,",tUt""/, E;'! D-i' F:'!'-'ench
used oartitive mixing -- the blending together of small 500tS of
color to achieve a certain effect -- in their works.
name IS given to this style of painting?
iIi.. The -formula
multIplied by 100
p r- od u,c e?
-for i. t
hJ;-'1'21- f2
I"j is
the quantity M divided
the mental aoe and C
what indicator does this
by C,
i", the
+ Ctt- rnu 1
In 1966. a team of scientists extracted a
fertIle egg from a female -frog. removed the nucleus of the cell
contaIning the genetic material, then replaced it with thE
nucleus of a body cell from a tadpole. The egg Nas then replaced
in the frog and allowed to develop. The result was a tadoole
identical to the donor tadpole and not
to the -female who provided the egg.
d i (JV f2l"- ,;/'?
at all geneticallY related
term COined this
22 1ZJ)
}, .
F,...'ectE';cj by Queen Artemisia in memory of her nusband who diec
it stood 1400 feet high. All that remains nON are a
feN remnants of the structure which can be found in the British
Museum 2S well 2S a Nord meaning an above-ground tomb. FTP n3me
this fifth wonder of the ancient world?
metr"(JC! uf
('Jl ttl IT1Cl tf:'c:i
which i5 then diooed
.j n C) t r" c 2. ',.' (.:.::"
:i. n
decorating fabrIc
wax, a deSIon 15
the colored FTP name
c: :::.:.:, n t. L1 r- j, 1. n
tD t.hf:? -:::.1oth
./ ...... _.
'... ! it::.'
2i; '!!!/;J. F' ". "". c: C) n 1 ":'. a IJ i E( , c:'\h:'.r i 3 L. Co m b 2:1.r" d V T us c:: an V' F::r D V f"l c:: :;;:, E:'. f"i c:i
t !-) F'! F' ;;:" 1 t El .. E' :::" r- ',,2 T F' ,'-5 t t E,';:: CJ of ,"J 1'1 i. c h f: 1 '-":J c:I Cl!li ')
.i: " I.'" ""
" J ;:;:
j ... j f L! t'" t::. ,
conceit. emolovlng
VJ 1 i.:.. 1 e::\ 1"- Il cj :3.n ci :; 1 .. \1::) -1::. J f2
2 -' . 1:1 j:::' c, : f"! t. .:;:;
Whlle know to
see how mallY nEI.fflC;'cj ::,chou1s
you can associat.e wlth
in t ::: .. (:JI'--
r pat"'E"r,t
1. Amos Tuck School of Business
Wilson School of Public & /
Internatiof"!::\l Affairs
unlverslties. You'll earn 5
\iOLl C identifv
p'p. r- t !!J 0
E:: r- inc
::::; L.. \/ r-: C Ci n E{ c"i. i n F:: E: Cj h n c, n E; c r't c. D 1. of F' u. b 1 i c:: (4f -to; .:.. j, !::Ln
IE>:'; 2. ( t :. r'i ::'
.q E; E. 1. 4:. 1'-/2. 1 1 c: h CJ Ci 1 CJ f 1_ 3. \.AJ n i \.' w f .:;;. ..
Most of the elements of the periodic table have dates of
DIscover ... ', But: therE arE a feN that have been knuwn to humans for
SC) J i;} t. h c.;. t .Ie. h i::tr" E' i, :TIfJ 1 \/ c:: Ei.l1 E'd ; J t. h e Ei. n c: t .. 11 II J 1") + '::'I.C t. t e:n
apleC2, name 6 the ten?
D L.'.h 1 Q. ::: h e,j
puint.s ";'.[:<:.,?c:.:: fDr' namincl t.hE' t.op fi.vE' e.lburns: "'inC: i-f,cl...', "",C7 ,"'s'al],,-/
n t. un \"DU' l:l CJ =='.n E'2;:: t t-:-", f i \/E' DO in t i:, -f Cll'- n i. n ':.:l th ell: i 1"'1 (:.)1'- iJ er
from first to fifth?
:[. b.9JI __.. ( thE,,' C 1 <:1 h )
L:. ..L ...... ( F' y- inc: e '.:'\ n d the F:;.: \/ C:. 1 u. t i Cj n) /
2; .. .. .. e .: L! )
4 .. .. _J:: ..L(J h_:t (T a J. k i. nq He E:\ c! s: )
5 ... ( F' 3. Lt J. S i fl1 0 f! )
1. 1_ 1 ._ ..-'.-: DC):Lnts
It's a laroe Roman buildIng used to transact busIness and legal
t C-?!-- ::;." (Jf t.iE'n t:./'-j f--C::rC)t j 1. t \/
ir"1t.r::::'!"icij'- ':':;.nd '::\f""! E:\t C)(" L' .. It hl.::t::;

CIiU''" ct, c::.f 1::.he i"iD.t.i\ in bf.:'thJ.e!il'::'fn. j:::OC)i.nts; rlc\mE; t.hi.",
:::'. !"' ':::: h 1 t.;-::: C 1:: u. '" ,:;;.'l i: D " .. rn CJ f t h (-2 m :;:.::; i \ ... ('2 F< () in n e :::. C11 ... 1. '"0' ':::: r-I U "- c he,::;
1. 1. -2':) DC)], n 1:". ,-:=
D-f Eight
C::l ::
cat2gory and you'll

H i lJ /
"> t1J.....::;:y; ..J LLI i e

1:::-::::0 points
q uc;",t i. on I' lIn 3m\,2 -101 . ..1."
provide the authors.
l'Ji Il i am But 1 er-,2
Au Cl L! .:::; t t:: t b ..
H f? n r i k ..
:':;:0-20--10 f":irtist
"i::./.') i s
.! 1::;,::OI-n 1 n r"iDn t r- ,:J i '::;1 , <3. i 1"-1 in 1 '711 9 , h ('2 \'Jen t to F' \'\11"-; f?l'- f:? he
heloed establish the Surrealist movement in the 19205.
-" Ilt.S:;
Utooian Soclal i5t5.
World of Thorsteln
The World of r"'1 ",:':":1, \' . 'r \/ ':J e
John Maynard
A.I-F:"3.11'- title::::; in thi::o 19':;::' vJe!-f,:, E'. chl'or-ID1.
;)()y of
the lives. times and ideas of the oreat eCDnDmic t.hinkers. For
ten point.s nafne this book.
And -few t.en points nElme
H :: F< CJ b t !::Ig UJU:':'':'::J..!:J.!L
t:. h E? + Unn\/
c 2_r-' ,j::; l n t'-'jDr\ up U 1 \' ,::'11'1 cJ t i'-', F' ::}h '.-'. t :\ ,"? C i :::: 1-:1 in +:_ hE'? He)l"- 1 d's
largest in real estate and transportation. no doubt a
you name thIS
Given the name 0+ the major league baseball team.
the 3ite of Its triple A minor league afiiliate?
1. New York Yankees
.. .. E{ () ';:- \:'::::01'1 F< E! d (J
De1.:r-ult Ti(:!et"'::;
!"1 i n fl e,,, u t ::'1 T ,1 ill'::;
/'-<:0 poi nts

t 'J:f:l..5.'_t.._, __ BI .
E: C) 1:::_:;) ___CJ R.
Before she was the first professional English female author.
circumstances required her to earn her own liVIng SD she wurked
as a spy in Holland. Dangerous an spying at least
provided her with her pseudonym Astrea which she adooted from her
spy c",\reer. For twenty poJ.nts name thi.s woman pla.y\'>Jrig'-)t 0+
F( 0 v eL i n i ,:) 7 7 a.I-, d t h '2 .1 68 i_::l novel, Qr. 00 n 0 k q" 1'-1 h i c h v-I c'. ;,5 t. h E.';' fir s t
English philosophical novel.
While most National Parks are contained within the boundaries
one some spread across two or more states. I'll name
National Parks and you tell me in which states the Park
located. Five point::; for each state.
1. The 2 states that contain Great Smoky Mountains N.P.
2. The 3 states of Yellowstone N.P.
9 poi nt s
]. s
Five points each will be
holding these cabinet
'lours if
t- 2.n k=5
C3n identify the

f i
c:\cjmi ni str-3ti. on:
Secretary of 'Bt3te
Secretary 0+ the Treasury
Secretary of War
Attornev General
Postmaster General
Th s: J ef -{ f t:."!.c.g.ol"l ..
Al tlami) ton ..
t; a rn u .:'2 I (J s:. Q9..2Q
1.,:>--'." Duint.s
]: t. :' 5j. i:"i. 1 '::'\ , .... 0 E:' F:;: .:::j en E:i. 1'"'1 bu. i 1. d i. n ':J Ll ':;: E:' c:! 1::. D t:. \". !''') :::; L', 1::) U '::: 3. n F: 2"\ n cj 1. f;l J.
it usu311v h3d an
c 1 e:::: t 0(' '/
l-.\I D I'" i CJ in
[:1"'1 ur- c: r"1 0+ t h c! j"I,:::d:. i \.1. t \1 i n h ]. ;::O'!"'; em, f::' Dr' t. VlE:!r,1::./ ::::. 0 J. n t
:::'. , .. ,::: hit i'2 c t i:!. 1 i 01'- IT! ':::' -(' t h 12 rn a ;::; ,;:; i \i ':.:: h. Cl m r-, f'" ::::. ':] 1 . ..1. (;" .:::: I-, U. r- c: h e
My copv Df E: i 9 h t
fJ on u,:, q U(':2,= t 1 on, I' 11 n:,rne" -I U!...ll' clays that fit this
category and you'll provide the authors.
1" i 1 e ' \;,.i i2t.r:..:.!J. d
tliQ.l2 (J lY..t_ Ll
1 2 - I) DC! i n t s
heloed establish the, in
'3un'- e2d i st.
: l.J i 1 1. i m fj u t ]. (7' ,,- Y E? ? ..
(.): t.v
A : Au Cl u. "';. t
(:i : H f2 n r- 1 k

H(?''', t t: D F' a.r- i::;
::. n the 1. '':;:':-,::Os,
He developed his c:: h 9.1'- :3.C t. i s tic ::.;. \..-1 (.;: cj U.t' 1. rl D
" (":j J DE.'<.n
- /
..10 - vhl1
1:: ...... ::: ':' poi n t
t:1 . .!:.L9..

:':., ;
llJo,....l d 0+
1< e v n E';,; .:",1'" f2
t.he 1. i 'v'?S,"
'fhc)r9.t.E:l n J D !''', n j"j.::: . \' :"': r' d
all chapter titles in this 1953 Nork, 3. chrDnology of
F:!n Etnd The 0+
times and ide35 of the preat economic
ten points name this book.
An d f 01' an ad d i t i. em 2.1 t:. en poi n n 3me t h p t h CiF" Df .. .:::::.
E' h S
1. it [Joi
Unfavorable winds halted the 5hl05 of her father Agammemnon on
TrOJans. To chanDe the winds, the Goddess
h15 dauqhter. Forced to cheose
Chlld. he chose
FTP name the
FTP name the mother?
1. !:J CJ in t
In last week c New York City mayoral election. there were no
fewer than ten different parties represented on the ballot alonq
with eight candidates. Lach canDidate's name was followed bv an
abbreviation of the partv name. 1"11 give you the party
abbreviation and you tell me the name. Sure D and Rare slmole,
but .about:
1. l_. 1". N. n: t ar i F t '/
2. .. PI: Pi.aU.t.. to'. Pat-t,'
3. f-; ..
(.; : t:;; 0 c i & i s k er:3i . ..J::..s..c ..
4. C ?;: .. F'artv
For an addit.ional 5 points who ran for the R. Land F parties?
16-20 poi nt<:::;
Israel has been a country in the news ever since it won its War
of Independence in 1948. Since that time, it has been engaged in
four more full-blown and numerous skirmishes along the way.
tweotv points. 5 points for each in the proper sequence,
place these 4 wars in
Six Dav War. War for Peace in the Galilee. Yom Kippur War.
Si I"")",.i,;',.i qn
1. f,J(Ji
For 25 points all Dr nothing, place the members of
House of in the correct chronolOGIcal order. 1485 to
1603 and ignore the nIne day reign L3dy Jane Grev.
Herman Wouk mIcht
written other I'll give YOU the piol0 _f three other
lJ..J c! r
' I:: ::; .:'''. n ;j \l C) U. c! .. C, ""." j ct !::::, h (.:.;. t:.:i. 1 ;:; "
career of an aspi.ring author.
.. :..... Jewish girl falls
but ends up a suburban housewlfe. A:',:::, t:.he
in love with show business
.. ... L? ...... t1.9..r..!._UJ, 0
C a r.:.\ t .:3. i n Gu. (.:? (::j
mi. f'lF!S' .. eeper.
is tne mentallY disturbed c3ptain of a U.S. h"":I.vy
: T h t-:! C:::::, .. J... ..!::L,Q ..... _'::1!:LtL'lL
Doi nts
8DI'- ri i n 11:r.:;0
the tea.chf-:?I'-
p er- i men t. ed
in the Virgin Islands. t.his French
and fr"lef'l(j of
with Seurat'e theories on color
o It-J r'( f t-,?e t- ,J!
n cHTH? t his
W D_:;:].s1??_?
ffiDre vital Interpretation
artist whose st.vle is best
of n
PCJi nts
impressionist was
a.nd Cassat, He
but developed his
For twenty points
Five points apiece are yours for naming the national
the following countries:
Bel 9 i. um
Th :0' . !\!E't. h e!'-l :::i.n d:",
3;;:: i 1
::1-<20 poin/.:.s
: Sa k:':!"'j a.
(::::: I<L .. I'1.
A : .'::\1'". _i..9.
(.':, : l::iu 1 f -B,1-... r ..
Here's that old College Bowl stand by bonus Question.
met on ,0\ blind':.l I'll qi\!.::? \'0'_1. rep_:.I" hi.c:ctDI'''\l
pers6nages and you tell me if they could have possibly been seen
tC'lqether-. 'you'll nec:,d a.t 1e:3.5t t.h,.:?e cDI-r-,?c:t. 'i::c) earT! o:lny points.
5 points for each correct answer.
1. John Locke and Catherine the Great
1632-1704 1729-1796
and I'1i 0
14n.j .... 1564
Joan of Arc and Christopher Columbus
1412-1431 1451-1506
4. James Monroe and Edouard Manet
1 883
j::) :
: Yes
::. 1\10
(\: No

\ ..

'-' .
O ..... .. :: ..
.. .. ...... .. ..
(:; : l,) 0 ill (;:,' (':;' c' t
A group of WBr captives and Christlan youths. they were converted
to Islam and under the strictest discipline. They became
an elite corps in the service Gf the Ottoman Empire. powerful
CoTI ouq I"" tc m:'9.f::f3';',i.l'1cJ ur",m,3,ke:::;ul':::::u""iC. F:\.' t'lf? ::::,(?vE'ntf!!'ETlth cE'ntu' .... Y
membership Nas hereditar:. For twenty five points name
the.':3(':" t.f2 v-Jho;::;(:,? L'jO!-"I(,:?!" to :;".n <'3.i:)""Upt end in 18:-26
when Sultan II had them massacred in the:r barracks?
24-20 points
You'll be given a definition of terms used in poetry and for five
points E2:h provide the term:
1. A pair of lines of the open or heroic variety?
2. ,,"h',ithn-:: unit of tv-m or' thn::'E' ,,;,':'lables:.'?
3. A four stanza of four line
F\3.ired 1 ines Df he:<ametJ'" Elnd pentamet(-:"'r-
usuallY lamenting a death?
25--20 poi nt'S
f:l : a u
?i: f.sJOt..
A r. ..
: 1. rI.' 9.l:
t'Jr <'3.c"i
Eight of top ten rated televs:ion shows
Bowl telecasts. FTP P2ch name the other two
of all time are Super
shoNS in the top ten?
(last installment)

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