Mood of The Nation-India at Its Toughest Times

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The Mood of a Nation-India at its toughest times

By Mahesh Kumar Chadalawada, Free Lance Journalist, Columnist and Socio-political Radio Presenter 08/09/2013, London
Today, the mood of the nation appears like it is looking forward for a change in the central leadership. BJP is assuming that it may gain from the in-competencies of congress party on the grounds of accountability, poor governance, credibility and economy management. Countering this, the argument Congress party is putting forward is the issues related to the internal acceptance of Mr. Narender Modi as the Prime Ministerial Candidate of BJP led NDA in the upcoming general elections and his outlook towards the issues pertaining to the polarisation of politics. Whatever, the BJP led NDA got an opportunity again after 10 years to expose the UPA 1 & UPA 2 Govts in front of voters with a main focus on the "Ten Great Scams" Policy Paralysis & Mal Governance that pushed India into the list of highly corrupted and backward nations. Gaining the confidence of the voter is one issue and getting the votes polled in return in favour is a separate issue. Indian politics have proved this case always as there is a deep cut difference between electoral politics, vote bank politics, ruling and opposition politics. But if we look at the trend in India all these 6 decades, one thing is very much evident, the voter is always intelligent and no single time he got a fractured mandate for his chosen rulers. But on the contrary it is the political parties that played with the numbers and tried to organise pre poll and post poll alliances to make and break governments after and before the voters clear mandates. The Horse trading and the Cash for votes are the best philosophies our Netas invented in the dharma of Indian Coalition politics. But today we have around 500 TV channels and thousands of news papers, blogs and social media sites to promote the argument and build the cohesion amongst the voters to get them into one mood to retain or root out the incompetent Government's that fail to serve the people who were elected with a hope. Convincing the faithful voters to change their minds and wooing the new voter to cast votes to their party always remained and regarded as a greatest task for any politician or political party. This adds strength to the argument it is not the oppositions that win elections but it is the govts that loose elections. I am not trying to give a clean chit to the opposition parties in India. The question today nation is asking "Why BJP maintains silence when the scams are building up in sheer silence behind the scenes and in the power corridors of New Delhi and opens mouth only in the parliament". Especially in the 2G scam issue BJP reacted only after CAG report and after the whole story was blown up and reported in the media and when Supreme court called the first shots on the Govt in November 2010.It was the Left and AIADMK that raised the voice first in 2009 followed by BJP which took a solid attacking spree on Congress in the parliament. The roots of the scam were laid in 2008 and country went for elections in 2009 nothing came out during that elections? This leaves a big question on the working style of the countrys main opposition party.

There were so many other instances when BJP is maintaining a strategic silence and attacking only after once the situation becomes more politically advantageous for them especially before or during the parliament sessions. There are so many issues on which the countrys main opposition can fight

and develop a favourable mood in the people to bring them back to power in 2014 general elections. Rather than stalling the Govt and Parliamentary proceedings on Robert Vadras DLF land deal they would have asked for a full length discussion on the floor of parliament on food security bill, the falling economy, a good debate on coal scam, missing files, children education and womens security in India. One interesting thing to note at least is the BJP has raised voice on missing coal scam files and falling economy since last week. But it is still maintaining a double stranded approach on food security bill and urged welfare schemes that are really puncturing the Indian economy at National level. The base line that we all as Indians should ask our Netas is what have you been discussing for the money we are paying you to attend parliament at a cost of Rupees 3Crs a day. When real issues start circulating in the media, we see their heat in the parliament and this is the modus operandi leaving a big question are we a media led nation or a policy led nation. In the midst of this high political drama one interesting thing to note is, for the first time in many decades the prime minister and finance minister requested outratedly the support of opposition to help to improve economy. But, the BJP argue Credibility is a political partys most valuable asset, which for the Congress, is now under question. The PMs Silence is very disturbing when things are burning. The country can't take it that lightly the philosophy of scholarly Prime Minister who keeps on saying "my Silence is my answer". The absence of an in depth face to face discussion with the opposition parties by a rarely speaking Prime Minister, scarcely speaking UPA Chairperson, never speaking congress future leader Rahul Gandhi and overly speaking congress party spokespersons on various issues is leaving a big confusion in everyones minds and raising so many unanswered questions. One thing is very clear the current UPA Govt still has the best chance to explain facts to at least to the public lest not to the opposition. If they want they can use the huge party network and mechanism across the nation and organise interactive sessions with public in a "town hall model like in USA. Where the Govt can make their status clear on every issue say it Mrs. Sonia Gandhi's Son-In laws assets issue, missing CBI files, falling economy and various CAG reports on very important subjects that were projected as scams by oppositions and of course on various pending matters in major courts of India. Accept the mistakes with a open heart and then go to seek mandate. To do this one need courage and charisma to face people."The big question today is weather the 125 year old congress has that person with that level of stamina to convince the 125 crores of Indians". Whatever the 2014 election seems to be more about alliances and allegations mixed with heated discussions on scams and mal-governance with the huge natural anti-incumbency wave that is prevailing against the ruling UPA which may be in-turn be translated into a substantial reduction in their strength in 2014. UPAs prospects to win another election third consecutive time are not looking that great at the moment with the day to day eroding, worsening and grim economic situation, absence of strong political leadership within the Congress and widespread corruption charges on some of the leaders and stake holders of the Govt. At the same time it is very hard to say straight away weather the BJP which has the largest nonCongress network in the country, will be the biggest beneficiary of this anti-incumbency wave, particularly in South, East and Central India. They should make all arrangements to get themselves even stronger particularly in the states where they are in power on their own. Winning friends and making best possible alliance network with old friends in each and every state in India where they are not in power. Work hard with unity and form Govt's in as many states as possible in Nov-Dec 2013 state elections. A booth wise Vote Bank analysis and a scientific work up to reach every citizen in India informing them clearly about their ideology with a very basic and easily understandable language and approach. Looking at this with afresh mind one can definitely say yes, Certainly India is at its toughest times!

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