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Alec LaBouchardiere

Francesco was born on March 27, 1416, (Good Friday) in Paola. St Francescos family was a family of five. His mums name was Vienna. His dads name was Giacomo he had two siblings one was a sister called Brigida. And the other there is no record of. When Francesco was born he got a type of lung disease. But he was saved when St Francis of Assisi came to Francesco and held Francesco. Francescos mum and dad decided to call the Italian version after, Francesco by St Franciss of Assisi name. Francescos mum and dad felt really close to St Francis of Assisi because he saved their son and did good things for their family. In the year 1429 when Francesco was 13 years old he went on a pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi with his parents. Francesco decided to live a strict rule of religious order. Still at the age of 13 he entered Franciscan Convent and became a monk. At the age of 14 he became a hermit. When St Francesco de Palo was a monk he lived in a cave by himself, he was a vegan that meant he could not eat meat, fish, egg, butter, cheese and milk. n 1436 Francesco and two other people began a community that is now considered of the foundation of the friars. 1454 the Archbishop asked St Francesco de Paola to build a large monastery and a church. In 1492 he changed the name of the monks to Minim because he wanted to be known as the least in Gods household. Francesco was patron saint of Italy, was named a St by Pope Pius XII in 1963 because he made many miracles happen. St Francesco de Paola was sent by Pipe Sixtus IV to help King Louis XI of France to have a holy death. St Francesco felt like God was calling him and Francesco heard a voice saying help the poor first. Devils bridge is a story in Calabria, Italy The story goes that St Francesco Paola was trying to build a bridge but he need help by the Devil so the Devil help he but he wanted something back he wanted the Soul of the first person how walked on the bridge. So St Francesco Paola got a dog to cross so that the Devil have to take the dogs stole the Devil was not happy with that so they had an argument and the Devil was trying to kick him and left a mark on the wall. The most awesome thing about him was he brought 6 people back from the dead and saved the same persons life two times one by getting crashed by a tree and two jumping off a church steeple. Over St Francesco de Paola years he has shown the Gift of Knowledge by choosing the dog over the human (Devil bridge) and the Gift of Love by agreeing with Pipe Sixtus IV to have a holy death for King Louis of France. St Francesco died on April, 2, 1507 (his feast day).

Alec LaBouchardiere

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