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Assignment #3


Assignment #3

Performance Measurement Techniques

Assignment #3 built-in performance tools




External Tools

Shell time command

Profiling perf

Assignment #3

Consists of your Assignment #1 with some

new code:

Fileops layer
_open(), _read(), _getchar(), _close()

Key index building, storage, and querying

Scan all files, read them, enter words in index

New code is simple, but poorly performing

Your job is to optimize it

Hint: Consider algorithms first!

Understanding the system

Your first step should be to understand the


Already know the file system part (assn #1)

Study the indexer and new fileops layer

Tools available:


Stat counters

TooI - Debug printf

Example in scan.c
DPRINTF('s', ("Scan_Pathname(%s)\n", pathname));
DPRINTF('s',("Scan_Pathname discard dup (%s)\n", inpathname));

nvoke: ./disksearch -d s .

Use to understand code operation

Trace execution

dentify common code paths

Add your own to help understand program's

TooI - Existing stats framework

Example in scan.c
static long long numfiles, .., numdups, ..;
pathname = Pathstore_path(store,inpathname,discardDups);
if (pathname == NULL) {
return 0;

Scan_dumpstats(FLE *file)

printf() various counters in the Scan module

TooI - Existing stats

Each module dumps stats on program exit:

************ Stats ***************
Disksim: 583 reads, 0 writes
Diskimg: 583 reads, 0 writes
Scan: 3 files, 3 words, 15 characters, 1 directories, 5 dirents, 0 duplicates
Index: 3 stores, 3 allocates, 0 lookups
Pathstore: 3 stores, 0 duplicates
Pathstore2: 3 compares, 3 checksumdiff, 0 comparesuccess, 0 comparefail
Fileops: 4 opens, 6 reads, 99 getchars, 4 isfiles
Usage: 1.784111 usertime, 2.872179 systemtime, 0 voluntary ctxt switches, 396
involuntary ctxt switches
Mallinfo1: arena 135168 ordblks 1 smblks 2 hblks 0 hblkhd 0
Mallinfo2: usmblks 0 fsblks 32 uordblks 1016 fordblks 134152 keepcost 134120
Stats framework

Use stats to identify frequency of paths

Something invoked 0 times isn't a good target for


Code is only real documentation for stats

Look where stats counter is modified

Some stats

disksim Number of /Os Metric to optimized

Two system stats. See man pages:

getrusage CPU time (user, system) context switches

mallinfo malloc usage

ManuaI Instrumentation -
startTime = Debug_GetTimenMicrosecs();
Do some function()
endTime = Debug_GetTimenMicrosecs();
totalTime = endTime startTime;
printf(Function took %d time\n, totalTime);

Easy to do. Just bracket call

ExternaI tooI - sheII time cmd

nvocation: time command

Documentation: man time

Quick look at disksearch execution:

% time ./disksearch -f simple.dat simple.img
0.000u 0.000s 0:06.99 0.0% 0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
% time ./disksearch -f medium.dat medium.img
nterrupted after about an hour
0.000u 0.000s 55:45.16 0.0% 0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w

CPU Utilization is close to zero

CPU optimizations won't help

Need to do fewer /O
TooI - perf

A powerful Linux tool.

At regular intervals, takes snapshots of your

program's stack as it is running.

Provides very helpful call graph information

Modification guideIines

Any changes to code you want

Both assignment #1 and #3 code


Can't disable disk latency simulation.

Need to support fast query even if this

assignment doesn't test it.

Means you can't just skip on building the index

The query functionality used in assignment #4

Must bound memory used for caching

See assignment handout for details on what

counts as part of the bounded cache.

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