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Mau forest evictees to be paid Kshs 832m, President says The Government has set aside Kshs 832

million to resettle the over 2,000 households evicted from the Mau water catchment, President Uhuru Kenyatta has said. He said each family would receive Kshs 400,000 to enable them settle down and engage in income generating activities to improve their livelihoods. Speaking at Kaptembo and Kipkoris IDP camps in Nakuru County where he presented cheques to the forest evictees, the President advised beneficiaries to spend the money prudently. President Kenyatta said, Spend the money to acquire land and start businesses that will improve your lives and contribute to development in the country. He urged the forest evictees and other internally displaced persons to forget the past and join other Kenyans in growing the economy. He assured that Government would remove caveats placed on land in Kuresoi area to enable residents to transact land businesses. The President added that removal of the restrictions would enable IDPs to purchase land and settle in a familiar environment. The President directed Lands Cabinet Secretary Charity Ngilu, who was at the meeting, to ensure the caveats were removed in a fortnights time. President Kenyatta appealed to all Kenyans to maintain peace, saying harmonious co-existence would accord leaders the chance to address other development challenges facing the country. He said, Live in peace with your neighbours. Every community in the country counts in development. Let us resolve differences amicably. The President called for concerted efforts to conserve forests and asked Kenyans to plant trees in their farms as a commercial enterprise. Deputy President William Ruto affirmed the Jubilee Coalitions commitment to ensuring the issue of IDPs was resolved once and for all. He said the resettlement of IDPs was fulfilling one of the pledges the Coalition made during the campaign period. Saying it was unfortunate the Mau forest evictees have remained in camps over a long period of time, the Deputy President assured them that the Government would not relent in addressing their plight. The beneficiaries of the IDP Cash Payment Programme thanked the Government for facilitating them to engage in productive activities. According to Devolution Cabinet Secretary Ann Waiguru, each of the forest evictees will receive Sh. 10,000 cash to enable then relocate from the IDP camps and a cheque for sh. 390,000 to start their lives afresh.

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