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PCELT Portfolio

The portfolio is your final assignment on the PCELT Course. This project will give you the chance to reflect on and synthesize your learning on the course, and to create a record of your PCELT experience. The portfolio will include 9 sections: 1. Learning Statement 2. Participant Record Book 3. My Favorite Eight Collection 4. Reading& Video Log with Reader/Viewer Responses 5. Focus on Learning Essay 6. Focus on an Individual Learner Case Study 7. One Extended Reflection on Teaching 8. Observed-Teaching Record 9. My Three Favorite Lessons with a short paragraph about why you chose each of these lessons (include lesson plans and related handouts, your initial reflections, plus trainer observation notes). 10. My Professional Development Plan Each section of the portfolio is described below. 1. Learning Statement The Learning Statement is a synthesis of your learning on the course. Write an essay (about 500 words, typed, double spaced) to explore the following questions: What were your key learnings on the course (consider yourself, your teaching, learners, learning, etc.)? Why are these learnings important to you? How will you apply these learnings in your own classroom? What are two areas you hope to improve or explore more in the future? What is your action plan to do this (remember SMART actions). 2. Participant Record Book This is the self assessment book you maintained throughout the course. 3. My Favorite Eight Collection The My Favorite Eight Collection is a synthesis of meaningful items from the course , with commentary about why you chose these items for inclusion in your portfolio. Choose eight things from the course that are most meaningful to you. You may like to choose from among your class notes, handouts, journal entries, visuals, quotes, particular paragraph/section from an article you read, descriptions of activities you learned, photographs of your peers/students, etc. Using the form provided, provide a name for each item you choose, along with a brief description of the item and an explanation of why you chose to include it. In your explanation, make links to your learning/teaching practice. In your portfolio, include both the My Favorite Eight Collection cover page, and the items (or a photo if you cant put item in your portfolio) you are including. Items should be organized in the order in which they are listed on the My Favorite Eight Collection summary page.

4. Reading & Video Log with Reader/Viewer Responses This is a record of the articles you read and videos you watched during the course. You are required to read/watch a minimum of six articles/videos during the course. Your trainers will give you four articles/videos to read/watch. You will choose two other articles/videos to read/watch that are related to your particular areas of interest. Using the Reading/Viewing Log Form included in your binder, list all of the articles/videos and rate them in terms of how useful or interesting you found them. On a separate piece of paper for each article/video, write your Reader/Viewer Response. Please include both the Reading/Viewing Log cover page, followed by your six Reader/Viewer Responses (in the order that they appear on the cover page). You do not need to include a copy of the articles you read. 5. Focus on Learning Essay This is the essay about learning, which you wrote in the first week of the course. 6. Focus on an Individual Learner Case Study This is the case study you carried out during the second half of the course. 7. Extended Reflection on Teaching This is the long reflection you completed during the middle of the course (using the form). 8. Observed Teaching Record This is the Observed Teaching Record (for Practice Teaching), which you maintained throughout the course. You must sign it before putting in your portfolio. . 9. My Three Favorite Lessons Look over all of the lessons you taught during the course. Review all of your lesson plans and related handouts/materials, your initial reflections, and trainer observation notes. Choose your three favorite. For each of the lessons you wish to include in your portfolio, write a short paragraph about why you chose it. In your paragraphs, be sure to discuss your key learnings from the lessons. Following the three paragraphs, you should include your lesson plans, related handouts, initial reflections and trainer observation notes. 10. My Professional Development (PD) Plan This is the plan you completed at the end of the course. Include it in your portfolio.

Your Portfolio should be well organized, and easy for readers to follow: Please include a cover page with your full name (and nick name) clearly visible Please clearly label each section of the portfolio. Sections should be ordered as outlined above. The portfolio should be easy to navigate for the reader If you want to use sleeves, you may, but they are not required. If you do use sleeves, please do not put multiple documents into one sleeve. The reader should not have to remove items from sleeves to read your portfolio. Before submitting your portfolio, double check that you have included all required items, each in the correct section, and in the correct order. In sections where you must include a cover page (for example, My Favorite 8 Collection), it should appear first, followed by related documents.

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