Holistic Risk Assessment

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Detailed Description of Impact

Potential Risk (What can go Probabilty Score Project Impact Total Risk Factor Score
ID Risk Event wrong?) Risk Category Score (P) ( C) Area RF=P+C-(P*C) Probability Risk Response
1 Commerical
1.1 Competing Projects

1.2 Competitive Pressure

1.3 Market Growth

2 General Contracts
Changes to standard
2.1 language
Conditions for
2.2 acceptance
General Conditions
(Are we aware of
contents and
2.3 implications?)

2.4 Insurance, idemnities

2.5 Legally binding
2.6 Prompt payment
2.7 requirements, quality
2.8 Variations

Contracts Third
3 Party
Abilty to meet
3.1 commitments
Speed of response to
3.2 previous issues
3.3 willingness to pay
Expereience with
3.4 organization
Failure to pay or late
3.5 payments
3.6 Future Business

4 Economic
4.1 Demand Growth
4.2 Demographic Trends
4.3 Discount Rates

5 Environment
5.1 (land, air, water)
5.2 Dust
Chemicals and
5.3 Materials

Legislative and
5.4 regulatory constraints
5.5 Noise
5.6 Recycling

6 Financial
6.1 Debt: equity ratios
Funding and
6.2 ownership
6.3 Financing costs
6.4 Funding sources

6.5 Investment conditions

Working capital
6.6 liquidity

7 Industrial Relations
7.1 Award suitability
Labor laws,
7.2 regulations
7.3 Strength of unions
7.4 Potential of strike
Strike leading to
7.5 delays

8 Requirements
Misunderstanding of
8.1 user expectations
Poor technicial
knowledge in new
8.2 area
Quality and detail of
8.3 specification
8.4 Quality level not met
Requirements not
8.5 understood
8.6 Timetable not met

9 Legal/regulatory
Inadequate terms
9.1 and conditions
9.2 Unclear contract
9.3 UL standards
9.4 ANSI standards
9.5 compliance
9.6 IP
9.7 Trademark

Product Life cycle

10 stage
10.1 Mature
10.2 New
10.3 R&D
11 Resources
Additional capital
11.1 investment needed
Availability of critical
components or
11.2 material
Availability of critical
11.3 equipment
Availability of funds
11.4 (internal/external)
New equipment
11.5 required

12 Safety
12.1 Contract Safety
12.2 Equipment Failure
12.3 Ergonomics
12.4 regulations

Safety guidelines
issued in or
12.5 referenced in contract

13 Security
13.1 IT database

14 Skills
Availabity of skilled
14.1 staff
Poorly defined skill
14.2 requirements

Loss of critical skills

14.3 (to illnes, competitor)
14.4 Recruitment
14.5 Staff Turnover
14.6 Training internal

Training of
14.7 contractors/suppliers

15 Software

15.1 Database complexity

15.2 required
15.3 Software complexity
15.4 Software maturity
15.5 System size
15.6 aspect

Suppliers &
16 subcontractors
Ability to deliver,
skills, quality of
16.1 equipment
16.2 Accrediation
Alternate suppliers &
16.3 Subcontractors
16.4 Availabilty
16.5 Claims history
16.6 Commerical Terms
Cost of goods and
16.7 services provided

Delivery of goods and

16.8 services provided

16.9 Lead times for orders

Limited number of
suppliers or
16.20 producers
Overseas vs local
16.21 supplier
Overseas vs local
16.22 subcontractor

Quality of goods and

16.23 services provided
16.24 Reliabilty of supplier
Stabilty of joint
16.25 partnerships
16.26 Timeliness
Transferabiltiy of
warranties and
16.27 guarantees
Warranty of goods
and services
16.28 provided

17 Technology
Availabiilty of key
17.1 components
17.2 Failure rates
Lack of technical
17.3 knowledge
17.4 Maintenance
Need for further
17.5 development

New or non standard

performance or
17.6 quality requirements
17.7 Obsoloscence
Relability, availability,
17.8 maintainability
incomplete or
17.9 misleading

Technicial standards
17.10 or regulations change

Technicial standards
17.11 or regulations unclear
17.12 change
Technology not
17.13 available

18 Transport
Acceptable forms of
18.1 transport
18.2 Availability
18.3 Duration
18.4 Local conditions
18.5 Product demensions
Road, bridge, water
18.6 contraints
18.7 Special Equipment
Detailed Description of Impact Project Total Risk
Potential Risk (What can Risk Probabilty Score Impact Factor Score
ID Risk Event go wrong?) Category Score (P) ( C) Area RF=P+C-(P*C) Probability Risk Response

20 Communications
20.1 Channel
20.2 Reliability
20.3 Time Zone

21 Culture and Customs

21.1 Agents Fees
21.2 Agents Expectations
21.3 Foreign Business Culture
21.4 Hours of work
21.5 Miscommunication
21.6 Quality culture

22 Language
Accuracy of technical
22.1 translation
Channels of
22.2 Communication
22.3 Use of Interpreters

23 Legal/Regulatory
Unfamiliar legal
23.1 environment
23.2 Imoprt/Export regulations

24 Foreign Manf Location

Equipment (will it
24.1 operate?)
24.2 Material availability
Proximity to critical
24.3 locations
24.4 Voltage compability
24.5 Weather, climate
25 Foreign Manf Skills
Skills do not fit work
25.1 breakdown
Skills not available at this
25.2 site
Suitable personnel to be
25.3 sourced from elsewhere

26 Political
Relationship with home
26.1 country

26.2 Stability (unrest, riots, etc)

27 Religion
Holy Days and festive
27.1 seasons
27.2 Prayer periods
27.3 Births, deaths, marriages

28 Security
National and community
28.1 acceptance of foreigners
28.2 Political situation
28.3 Site Security

29 Staffing
Domestic visits and
29.1 communications
29.2 Stability of employment
Impact Project Score
Detailed Description of Potential Risk Probabilty Score Impact RF=P+C-
ID Risk Event Risk (What can go wrong?) Category Score (P) ( C) Area (P*C) Probability Risk Response

30 Tooling
30.1 Quality
30.2 Consistency
30.3 Capacity

31 Components
31.1 Lamps
31.2 Ballast
31.3 Caps
31.4 Housings
31.5 Wiring
31.6 Sockets
31.7 Optics

32 Process
Human Resource
32.1 Capacity
Poor technicial
32.2 knowledge in new area
Quality and detail of
32.3 specification
32.4 Quality level not met
Requirements not
32.5 understood
32.6 Timetable not met
Availabity of skilled
32.7 staff
Poorly defined skill
32.8 requirements
Loss of critical skills (to
32.9 illnes, competitor)
32.10 Recruitment
32.11 Staff Turnover
32.12 Training internal

33 Technical

33.1 New product/technolgy

Lack of technical
33.2 knowledge
33.3 Maintenance
Need for further
33.4 development
New or non standard
performance or quality
33.5 requirements

Detailed Description of Impact Project Total Risk

Potential Risk (What can go Risk Probabilty Score Score Impact Factor Score
ID Risk Event wrong?) Category (P) ( C) Area RF=P+C-(P*C) Probability Risk Response

40 Skills
40.1 Availabity of skilled staff

40.2 Poorly defined skill requirements

Loss of critical skills (to illnes,
40.3 competitor)
40.4 Recruitment
40.5 Staff Turnover
40.6 Training internal

40.7 Training of contractors/suppliers

41 Product Life Cycle Stage

41.1 Mature
41.2 New
41.3 R&D

42 Legal/regulatory

42.1 Inadequate terms and conditions

42.2 Unclear contract
42.3 UL standards
42.4 ANSI standards
42.5 Regulatory compliance
42.6 IP
42.7 Trademark

43 Understanding Requirements
Misunderstanding of user
43.1 expectations
Poor technicial knowledge in new
43.2 area

43.3 Quality and detail of specification

43.4 Quality level not met
43.5 Requirements not understood
43.6 Timetable not met

44 Commerical
44.1 Competing Projects
44.2 Competitive Pressure
44.3 Market Growth

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