Coherence (Statistical Optics)

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Coherence Coherence

This is based on
Chapter 10. Statistical Optics, Fundamentals of Photonics Bahaa E. A. Saleh, Malvin Carl Teich and Lecture Note on Laser Technology and Optics Prof. Matti Kaivola Optics and Molecular Materials, Helsinki University of Technology and Coherence and Fringe Localization T. D. Milster and N. A. Beaudry Optical Sciences Center, University of Arizona

Coherence Coherence
Coherence is a measure of the correlation between the phases measured at different (temporal and spatial) points on a wave Coherence theory is a study of the correlation properties of random light which is also known as the statistical optics.

Coherence Coherence theory theory

Coherence and Fringe Localization, T. D. Milster and N. A. Beaudry,

Coherence Coherence as as Statistics Statistics

Statistical Statistical Properties Properties of of Random Random Light Light

Second order average of a function

Mutual Mutual coherence coherence function function

Mutual coherence function

Degree Degree of of Coherence Coherence

Coherence and Visibility

Youngs double pinhole interferometer (YDPI)

Temporal Temporal Coherence Coherence

The temporal autocorrelation means the time average at the same position

J G JG r1 = r2
Note, we use both notations of

G ( ) = ( ) and g ( ) = ( )

See the next example

Degree Degree of of Temporal Temporal Coherence Coherence

Coherence Coherence Time Time and and Length Length

Coherence time

Note, it is different from width, 1/e width,

Coherence length Coherence length

lc = c c

Later, we will similarly define the spectral width

Temporal Temporal Coherence Coherence

c = ave = 1/
lc = c c = c / = 2 /

Actually, what is the definition of v , why is satisfied the relation ?

Coherence Coherence Time Time and and Spectral Spectral Width Width
Fundamentals of Photonics, Bahaa E. A. Saleh, Malvin Carl Teich


Coherence Coherence Time Time and and Spectral Spectral Width Width

FWHM (full width at half maximum)

Example : A wave comprising a random sequence of finite wave train.

Note, it is not a monochromatic wave A truncated monochromatic wave Is not monochromatic, any more.

t v = 1

Example 10.1-1. A wave comprising a random sequence of wavepackets decaying exp.

Quasi -monochromatic waves Quasi-monochromatic waves

Now, start to investigate concretely a relation between the visibility and the coherence from a 2-wavelength light source up to a polychromatic light source.

A A point point source source with with two two wavelengths wavelengths
Youngs double pinhole interferometer (YDPI)

d << zo

OPD = vt

A Apoint pointsource sourcewith withtwo twowavelengths wavelengths

T = 2/m = neq /c, where


2 m c/n

A Apoint pointsource sourcewith withtwo twowavelengths wavelengths

Now, under the constraint that d << zo


2 1 1 1 c = C.L. = eq 2 2 2

= a b and = a b

Coherence length

A A Polychromatic Polychromatic light light source source

3 s

V decreased

5 s

A APolychromatic Polychromaticlight lightsource source

A APolychromatic Polychromaticlight lightsource source

Fringe visibility

y =

zo c d v

dy sinc o = sinc l c zo c c l=


y =

zo c d v

Coherence length Coherence time

vm v

2l =

Spatial Spatial Coherence Coherence


Spatial Spatial Coherence: Coherence: point point source source

Spatial Spatial Coherence: Coherence: two two point point source source

lc ~ /

Basic Basic Spatial Spatial Coherence Coherence

Basic Basic Spatial Spatial Coherence Coherence

Basic Basic Spatial Spatial Coherence Coherence

Basic properties of spatial coherence

Basic Basic Spatial Spatial Coherence Coherence

Now, extend to a continuous source distribution (an ensemble of incoherent point sources)

OPDs =

ys d ys A zs

Basic Basic Spatial Spatial Coherence Coherence

Fringe visibility

Basic Basic Spatial Spatial Coherence Coherence

Fringe visibility

van Cittert-Zernike Theorem : Degree of Spatial Coherence is Fourier Transform (or, Fraunhofer Diffraction Pattern) of the source irradiance distribution

Appendix I

Example: Spatial coherence length from a circular source

Lc ~ /

OPDs =
Since OPDs =
A =

ys S f

d ys d and A = zs zs
S f


Concept Concept of of Coherent Coherent area area

= 500 nm A = 1 mm d = 3 mm


Terminology Terminology Used Used in in Coherence Coherence Theory Theory


Define the normalized mutual coherence function, or complex degree of coherence

Terminology Terminology Used Used in in Coherence Coherence Theory Theory

Normalized mutual coherence function Complex degree of coherence

Control Control of of Coherence Coherence

Making Light Coherent Making Light Incoherent

Ground Glass to Destroy Spatial Coherence

Spatial Filter for Spatial Coherence Wavelenth Filter for Temporal Coherence

Move it to Destroy Temporal Coherence

Appendix Appendix II
van Cittert-Zernike Theorem for Spatial Coherence Chuck DiMarzio Northeastern University

Summary of van Cittert-Zernike Theorem for Spatial Coherence

Van Cittert-Zernike Theorem: 1

Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University

Van Cittert-Zernike Theorem: 2

Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University

Van Cittert-Zernike Theorem: 3

Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University

Van Cittert-Zernike Theorem: 4

Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University

Van Cittert-Zernike Theorem: 5

Source Irradiance

Far-Field Correlation Function

Chuck DiMarzio, Northeastern University

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