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E PE 2012-PA/Doha/Document 5

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Draft 2013 Associations Business Plan

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

European Union Affairs Committee (EAC) ................................................................................. 5 UPU and Restricted Unions Affairs Committee (UAC) ............................................................... 9 Operational Activities Circle (OAC) ......................................................................................... 11 Market Activities Circle (MAC) .................................................................................................. 14 Corporate Social Responsibility Activities Circle (CSR-C) ....................................................... 17 Best Practice Wider Europe Transversal (BP-WE) ................................................................... 19 Security and Customs Transversal (SCT) ................................................................................. 22

Botond Szebeny Secretary General

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Page 3 of 24 1. Introduction to the Business Plan

The 2013 Associations Business Plan is based on the new PostEurop strategy as approved in April 2012 in Belgrade. The cornerstones of the new Strategy which lay the foundation for the Business Plan are described in points 1.1 (Vision), 1.2 (Mission), as well as in point 2 (Organisation). 1.1 Vision PostEurop is the link to postal expertise. As a member driven association, through interaction and co-operation, PostEurop supports its Members throughout the evolving market and promotes their interests to relevant stakeholders. 1.2 Mission PostEurop brings added-value to its Members by functioning as a platform for cooperation, communication, innovation and providing solutions matching its tasks and priorities. It provides Members with interconnectivity, common development initiatives, sharing of best practices as well as facilitation and customised support upon request, taking into account the ultimate customers perspective and sustainable development aspects. PostEurop aims to be an effective platform of influence within the postal regulatory environment. PostEurop is a Restricted Union of the UPU, and aims at being an influential voice by meeting the demands that are related to UPU matters. PostEurop represents and supports its Members with external stakeholders where relevant and appropriate.



The overall organisational framework supports the implementation of the Associations strategy and therefore reflects the priorities and focus of this strategy. For this reason, activities need to be reviewed and prioritised on a regular basis to ensure necessary focus and attention. With this in mind, activities of the Association are defined as either core or technical activities. Core activities are common for the whole membership while technical activities are determined on the basis of the commitment of members that have elected to participate. Activities of core nature are grouped into two committees: European Union Affairs Committee (see Chapter 3.1) UPU and Restricted Unions Affairs Committee (see Chapter 3.2)

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Page 4 of 24 Furthermore there are three Circles for technical activities: Operational Activities Circle (see Chapter 4.1) Market Activities Circle (see Chapter 4.2) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Activities Circle (see Chapter 4.3) By decision of the individual Committees and Circles, these can establish intra-committee and intra-circle working groups for particular work. These working groups are more or less of permanent nature depending on the specific issues that they cover. Transversal structures are used where topics and activities concern more than one Committee or Circle. In 2013, these will be as follows: Best Practice Wider Europe (see Chapter 5.1) Security and Customs (see Chapter 5.2) Headquarters support all Committees, Circles and Transversals within the limits of available resources (see Chapter 6). The overall organisational framework is shown graphically in the following chart.

Main Color

The Organisation in 2013

Best practice - Wider Europe

Operational Activities

EU Affairs Committee

UPU & RUs Affairs Committee

Market Activities

Security and Customs

HQ Support

CSR Activities

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Page 5 of 24 3. Core activities



Strategic objectives (as defined in the Strategy) Shape the EU regulatory environment according to the industry and Members best interests; Be the European centre of excellence on postal regulatory affairs Detailed objectives for 2013 Objective 1: To provide a solid platform for a constructive dialogue with EU institutions, Regulators KPI: Number of contacts with EU institutions, Regulators Objective 2: Initiate and carry out lobbying activities on regulatory topics, where appropriate KPI: Number of EAC common positions; Number of contacts with EU institutions Objective 3: Disseminate all relevant information to members on regulatory issues with an impact on postal services KPI: Number of EAC articles in the PostEurop PENews or other support media to members (monitoring reports, flashes, progress reports, etc....) Working Groups and Monitoring Activities Postal Directive WG VAT WG SGI WG WTO/GATS WG Aviation Security WG Transport and Energy Legislation WG Public Procurement WG Data Protection WG E-commerce Green Paper WG Monitoring activity on Standardisation Monitoring activity on Financial Services Legislation Monitoring activity on Digital Services Planned 2013 Activities for reaching the objectives General provisions EAC activities can be regularly reviewed and if necessary EAC structure will be fine-tuned. The EAC can take on board / discontinue working groups and monitoring activities, where felt necessary. EAC will liaise with the other committees/circles/transversals in order to ensure early detection of potential regulatory initiatives in their area of responsibility and ensure the

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Page 6 of 24 appropriate intra-organisational support. EAC will provide regular inputs to the PostEurop Newsletter (at least twice a year) communicating the results achieved within the committee. EAC Plenary 2 meetings (Q2 Q4; one in Brussels, one in non-Brussels location, if possible linked to Postal Directive WG meeting) with dedicated focus themes on EU regulation impacting postal business with invitation of guests such as relevant people from EU institutions, EU presidency, regulatory community, etc. EAC is the platform to discuss issues that are not covered by a specific EAC WG or MA. Elaboration of lobbying activities, where felt appropriate. Since EAC plenary includes all EU postal operators plus the postal operators of EFTA and EU accession countries. EAC plays a crucial role in information dissemination regarding the progress of all EAC working groups and monitoring activities. Working Groups Postal Directive WG 2 meetings, with an aim to link at least one of them to EAC plenary. Potential ad-hoc meetings in between if needed (e.g. coordination of positions in view of response to ERGP consultations, meetings with consultants in charge of 2013 EC studies). Monitoring activities and information of members (e.g. minutes of EC public workshops on studies, benchmarking questionnaires on specific regulatory points). WG meetings will focus on the different implementation aspects of the third Postal Directive as 2013 will see the complete transposition in the 27 Member States (and eventually in some EEA States or candidate countries). This activity will be made through exchanges with the European Commission, presentation by members of the WG of their postal law and the update by each of the members of the transposition table. The European Commission is required by the postal directive to publish an implementation report before the end of 2013. The Postal Directive WG will closely follow the preparation and the publication of this report. The WG will follow the two new studies that the European Commission will undertake in 2013 (on the latest developments in the postal markets and on the parcel markets) through the participation to the public workshops organized by the EC and direct contacts with the consultants if felt necessary. The Postal Directive WG will also pay attention to the developments in CERP and ERGP activities. Exchanges with CERP on the basis of the dialogue installed for some months will be pursued. Common answers to ERGP consultations will also be discussed among the members of the WG. VAT WG 2 meetings to assess the status of the VAT legislation at European and national level in order to evaluate the impact for postal operator and the progress of European Court of Justice judgements in the field. Where felt appropriate, dedicated lobby strategy and activities can be elaborated and activated.

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SGI WG Activities of the working group and subjects in 2013 will depend on EU initiatives or policies in the field. For the time being no new developments or initiatives of relevance for the postal industry in sight. WTO/GATS WG Key objectives of the WG: 1, Providing to the working group members a better understanding of market access negotiations and international trade rules within the European postal industry; 2, Representing the sectors interests to the European Commission Directorate -General for Trade and to the European Services Forum (ESF) Attending the market access workshops on Postal and Courier organized by the Commission (DG Trade) Attending the European Services Forum when debating on Postal and Courier on Free Trade Agreements negotiating by the Commission (DG Trade) Organising a working group meeting to inform the members on the most recent developments on market access, especially regarding Postal and Courier Aviation Security WG Key objectives of the WG: 1, Proactively advise the EU Commission in relation to current and future aviation security regulations, examine and assess possible impact on POs activity; 2, Represent PostEurop within the EC Technical Groups (SAGAS ); 3, Define possible actions to undertake (position paper, letters, statements and lobbying actions); 4, Communicate and exchange information on the issue and ensure liaison with other working groups handling related issues (Customs WG, Energy and Transport WG) PEGAS participation in Sagas meetings and Air Cargo Aviation Security WG with EC Following the workshop on regulation ACC3 and the implementation of the 185/2010 regulation in each PEGAS member country Maintaining a permanent representation to EU institutions and keeping clause contacts with national AvSec Authorities Organisation of PEGAS meetings as often as necessary (The group will closely co-operate with the Security and Customs Transversal.) Transport and Energy Legislation WG Set up action plans for the year to come based on the outcome of a meeting early Q4 2012 with new Chair and members; regular calls to provide update, discuss issues and positions and elaborate advocacy strategy when required; additional face-to-face meeting Q1 or Q2 2013; Public Procurement WG 2 meetings. Key objectives of the WG: 1, Follow closely the legislative process of the modernisation of EU public procurement rules monitoring the Council WPs work and vote in EP committees; 2, Support PE amendments and/or compromised solutions continuous and coordinated lobbying steps are vital. Data Protection WG

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Page 8 of 24 2 meetings + conference calls. Key objectives of the WG: 1, Follow closely the legislation process of the review of the EU data protection regulation; 2, Prepare positions and agree on lobby plan + execute lobby at coordinated level with the WG and EAC. E-commerce Green Paper WG 4 meetings, in line with the developments subsequent to the publication of the Green Paper on parcel delivery. Participation in the public consultation based on the Green Paper. Positioning of PostEurop and promoting its members interests in the policy debate on postal delivery in the context of e-commerce, in particular against the background of the envisaged Commissions action plan. Monitoring Groups Deepening of the activities of EAC on the areas covered and raising the level of awareness of members regarding these topics. EAC monitors for the time being the following regulatory areas: standardisation, financial services legislation, digital services. Budget 2013 European Union Affairs Committee (EAC)
EAC general Postal Directive WG VAT WG SGI WG WTO/GATS WG Aviation Security WG Transport and Energy Legislation WG Public Procurement WG Data Protection WG E-commerce Green Paper WG Monitoring Activities 7,700 2,350 200 200 2,200 300 200 200 200 300 500



Required support from HQ Support from Secretary General, Communications, Strategy and Regulatory Support Assistance of PostEurop Headquarters: Give technical and administrative support to the work of the European Union Affairs Committee. Involvement in the maintenance of contacts with the different bodies of the EC, participating in EU public meetings. Technical support in keeping contact with the association of regulators (e.g. CERP).

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Page 9 of 24 Monitoring ad-hoc EU issues impacting the postal sector not covered by EAC, and report to the EAC. Support communication of EAC Position Papers, technical support for the lobbying activities organized around them.



Strategic objectives (as defined in the Strategy) Ensure strategic relationship with the Universal Postal Union and its Restricted Unions; Shape the world-wide regulatory environment according to the industry and Members best interests. Detailed objectives for 2013 Objective 1: To provide a platform for all PE members to analyse and discuss UPU related matters. KPI 1.1: Number of UPU proposals analysed KPI 1.2: Number of PE Members sharing and/or sending their positions to the UAC Objective 2: To provide all 51 PE Members with an influential voice within the UPU arena. KPI 2.1: Number of Committees, WG or subgroups chaired by PE Members KPI 2.2: Number of approved POC proposals presented/supported by PE Members KPI 2.3: Number of contacts with UPU IB to voice PE interests / Number of Common positions or opinion papers (reflecting different views) produced by the UAC on relevant key subjects Objective 3: To ensure strategic relationships with other key international Organisations, including the UPU RU's, etc. as well as the dissemination of relevant information and studies from other organizations related to postal services KPI 3.1: Number of meetings with other international organizations KPI 3.2: Number of studies disseminated by the UAC Working Groups Letter and Parcels WG. Depending on the number and content of proposal the WG will meet just before the UAC Plenary. If the number of proposal is not significant, teleconference may be organized.

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Page 10 of 24 Planned 2013 Activities for reaching the objectives At least two UAC Plenaries will be held to prepare POC and CA sessions each year. In addition to POC and/or CA key issues the Plenary will also disseminate studies, articles etc analysing the business and regulatory environment affecting postal services. Depending on the developments of the works at the UPU, WG on specific subject may be created. Budget 2013 UPU and Restricted Unions Affairs Committee (UAC)
UPU and RU Plenary Letters and Parcels WG 3,500 600 4,100


Required support from HQ Support from Secretary General, Communications, Project Manager, Strategy and Regulatory Support Assistance of PostEurop Headquarters: o Give administrative support to the work of the UPU and Restricted Unions Committee. o Involvement in the maintenance of contacts with the different bodies of the UPU o Support in keeping contact with the other RUs. o Support in seeking funds from the UPU and other international organizations for PE Projects

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4.1 OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES CIRCLE (OAC) Strategic objectives (as defined in the Strategy) Drive quality, efficiency and common standards across Member networks; Be the platform for exchange of best practices among Members in the operational and interconnectivity area of letter and parcel services. Detailed objectives for 2013 Objective 1: To achieve and maintain high-quality standards within the European postal network through different Working Groups activities and Quality Improvement Processes. Objective 2: The Circle has the aim of providing the Working Groups with the necessary tools and information to drive quality and operational excellence and to provide platforms for operational knowledge exchange in the light of the future challenges of the sector KPI (Objectives 1-2): 1. QoSWG, OpsWG: Level of participation of the non-IPC postal operators in the WG activities (goal: 85% of the non-IPC postal operators) 2. TDF: Level of participation of the non-IPC postal operators in the WG activities (goal: 65% of the non-IPC postal operators) 3. TDF: Level of participation of the non-EU postal operators in the WG activities (goal: 65% of the non-EU postal operators) 4. Number of PostEurop Members participating in the activities i. AESF goal: minimum 30% of PostEurop Members ii. Retail NW goal: minimum 50% of PostEurop Members iii. Crisis and security managers network (goal: minimum 50% of PostEurop Members) 5. Number of Process Reviews in 2013 (goal: 1, Georgia) 6. Number of Process Assessments in 2013 (goal: 5, Montenegro, Moldova, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Armenia) 7. Number of quality improvement projects in postal operators that receive a Process Review (goal: minimum 2 projects per PPO) 8. Amended diagnostic quality measurement 9. Monitor process development projects (KPIs) versus completion and expected results 10. Evaluation from WG meetings Feedback questionnaire (goal: minimum average level 3) 11. Every major incidents occurring within the PostEurop community to be reported at the crisis website

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Objective 3: To provide a platform to exchange views and promote the development of current and future Terminal Dues systems that contribute to high quality of service levels KPI: 12. Exploring of common European Positions regarding TD issues, if wanted and decided by the Members Meetings and workshops can be conducted jointly by two Working Groups or in cooperation with other associations such as UPU or RCC in order to increase efficiency and to save travel costs for the participating Members. Interpretation to Russian language provided if financed by the host company and/or the participating posts Working Groups Quality of Service Working Group (QoS WG) Operations Working Group Terminal Dues Forum European Crisis- and Security Managers Network Advanced Electronic Solutions Forum Retail Network Forum Planned 2013 Activities for reaching the objectives OAC Two circle meetings, ensuring the discussion and revision of strategy according to Members demands QoS WG One or two WG meetings, ensuring the planning and follow-up of activities according to Members demands and providing a platform to knowledge exchange on Quality of Service issues and to expand the QoS activities to domestic letter mail and parcels One to two quality related workshops combined with the WG meeting Two coordination meetings with IPC to further develop upgrading activities and UPU to cooperate in the UPU Regional Development Plan One process review (Georgia Post) Three process assessments ( Montenegro Post, Posta Moldovei, TajikPost) Challenge each Member to commit to minimum 2 process improvement actions per year Matrix with QoS KPIs on a Member level in order to retrieve more detailed information about QoS performance Operations WG Two WG meetings, ensuring the planning and follow up of activities according to Members Feedback questionnaire demands and providing a platform to knowledge exchange on operational issues Organize two site surveys in postal facilities related to the topics of WG meetings Terminal dues Forum

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Page 13 of 24 Two Fora, ensuring the planning and follow up of activities according to Members demands and providing a platform to knowledge exchange on Terminal Dues issues Advanced Electronic Solutions Forum One forum, presenting innovative products and services to the Members Postal Retail Network WG One working group meeting conducted as conference to share best practices of managing retail outlets including a site visit of postal facilities Budget 2013 OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES CIRCLE (OAC)
Quality of Service WG Operations WG Terminal Dues Forum WG Advanced Electronic Solutions Forum Postal Retail Network WG OAC General 6,000 2,000 4,000 3,000 1,500 10,500

Total Dedicated budget for the Process Review and Process Assessments

27,000 17,500

Required support from HQ 1 Operations Manager 1 Audit Manager (25%) for parcels operations 1 part-time office support to the Operations and Audit Manager Support from the Communication manager to ensure the visibility of implemented activities performed for instance by an active communication routine.



Strategic objectives (as defined in the Strategy) Protect and extend the value of core postal activities, also by synergies with electronic services; Promote innovation in the postal industry, explore the growth opportunities; Give Members and Stakeholders a forum for exchange, be a knowledge centre on postal market developments.

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Page 14 of 24 Detailed objectives for 2013 Objective 1: To establish a platform and network of Members forming the foundation of MAC KPI: Regular Steering Committee meetings (min. 2) with increased and active participation of PostEurop Members Objective 2: To promote innovation and growth opportunities in the Postal Industry KPI: Follow-up of the e-commerce questionnaire (OPEC project) by a study/seminar, also to provide EAC and OAC with efficient support in the area of e-commerce Objective 3: To promote the Value of Mail KPI: Further participation in the activities of Print Power project to further enhance DM in the business environment - increasing the number of participating PostEurop Members (currently: 9) Objective 4: To promote the Image of the Postal Industry KPI: Successful Europa Stamp competition in 2013 with increased Members and public participation Objective 5: To foster synergy with the partner industries by collecting and communicating arguments in favour of the postal industry . KPI: Further activities within the EMIP, regular meetings (at least 3-4) with the partner stakeholders to improve perception of mail towards the EU decision makers Working Groups Steering Committee EMIP Stamp and Philately WG Print Power project Planned 2013 Activities for reaching the objectives Market Activities Circle Steering Committee (SC) 2 MAC Steering Committee meetings to align the activities of the MAC according to the new PostEurop strategy with the main objective of fostering a closer support from the PostEurop members. In this context, in Q4 2012 and Q1 2013, a detailed analysis will have to be made to identify those Members who would be interested in driving the MAC. E-commerce initiatives Beyond the general role of the SC to supervise the activities implemented in the different WGs, projects or platforms (see below), the SC would also have the task to give input to the initiatives of PostEurop related to e-commerce. In this respect, a follow-up study/seminar would be held to analyse in depth and build on the results of the OPEC project (directory based on e-commerce

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Page 15 of 24 questionnaire). Moreover, it is also important the partnering with the EAC and OAC for activities related to e-commerce, based on a transversal approach. Special emphasize will be placed on supporting the work of the EAC E-commerce Green Paper WG or OACs AES Forum European Mail Industry Platform (EMIP)
In order to realise its objectives, EMIP brings together key players in the European Mail Industry, such as CEPI, Intergraf, FEPE, EMOTA, FEDMA etc. The EMIP platform functions in co-operation with the Print Media Group. 3-4 meetings are planned for 2013.

Specific tasks:; support Print Power and the direct mail aspect of it; participate in the WG of the EC and liaise with the EAC around e-invoicing and data protection; . identify possible co-operation aspects on e-commerce (e.g. with EMOTA). Stamp and Philately WG (SPWG) In general: exchange information on Philatelic matters, promotion of stamps in general and Europa stamps in particular, control and follow the use of the Europa logo, select theme for Europa stamp issues and coordinate national issues, organize annual most beautiful Europa stamps competitions, start the preparations for Philatelic Forum 2014. Key parameters: o themes until 2016 have been adopted; o all PE member countries will issue Europa-logo stamp(s), (maximum 2); o active working group meetings (4) + to get new members to the working group; o new record of given votes in the competition 2013; o celebrate PostEurop 20 years anniversary with the Europa stamp theme 2013 (The postman van). Planned concrete activities: o New chair and vice-chair, and 2 to 3 new members for the Working group; o Organize two competitions, public voting and the choice of the professional jury; o Produce and release the official PE press release and draft press release about the results to member countries to be used locally; o The best possible international and national press coverage to the results of the competition with close co-operation with press, media and philatelic bloggers; o Activate member countries to promote the voting on PostEurop website and results also; o Send 4 to 6 newsletters to member countries about topical issues. Print Power (PP) project The PP project is a joint venture of the paper-based industries (printing, paper production, post, envelope, newspapers and magazine publishers, etc.) to promote the efficiency of the print media (which includes DM), as business medium as well as its environmental aspects. It is

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Page 16 of 24 run by a Board of Directors (PostEurop is Member of it) as well as a Marketing Group and a Sustainability Group with experts participation. The project currently covers 13 countries, with 9 PostEurop Members (Austrian Post, bpost, Correos, CTT Correios, Itella, La Poste, Norway Post, Poste Italiane, Swedish Post) actively participating in the project implementation (e.g. B2B DM efficiency campaign, B2C sustainability campaign) within their specific country groups. PostEurops role in the project is to represent the interest of Member postal operators in th e project by emphasizing the importance of the DM in the campaign mix, as well as to support the participating Members in achieving the maximum benefit from the project (e.g. by benchmarking, best practice exchange). The first phase of the campaign lasted from 2010 till 2012, a next round of B2B and B2C campaigns are planned for 2013-2015, along similar objectives. Budget 2013 Market Activities Circle (MAC)
MAC general Stamp and Philately WG EMIP Print Power project 9,300 9,300 2,300 20,000 40,900


Required support from HQ Market and Intelligence support person Part-time support from the Communications manager

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Strategic objectives (as defined in the Strategy) Support fulfilment of corporate social responsibility (HR, environment, etc.); Give Members and Stakeholders a forum for exchange, be a knowledge centre on CSR developments; Increase synergies between the PostEurop CSR Activities and the EUs Social Dialogue Committee. Detailed objectives for 2013 Objective 1: Achieve a more efficient functioning of the CSR activities through phone meetings, project-oriented work KPI: o o Regularity of Steering Committee phone meetings (WG chairs and vice-chairs) and level of attendance Number of EC funded projects launched with support and active participation of members Objective 2: Ensure the effective exchange of best practices between members KPI: o o o KPI: o o KPI: o o Number of joint projects Feedback from SDC members Number of active countries from Eastern and wider Europe Better understanding of the CSR issues and needs in these countries Number of best practices exchanged and/of conducted actions Number of active members Regularity of phone meetings and level of attendance

Objective 3: Increase the participation of Eastern and wider Europe countries

Objective 4: Ensure constructive social dialogue at EU level

Working Groups Environment WG Health WG Training WG

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Planned 2013 Activities for reaching the objectives CSR activities-transversal: o Panorama of CSR evolutions in the wider European region through desk research and if necessary organisation of regional visits (if possible in cooperation with Wider Europe) Environment WG: o o o o o o o o o o o Work on new green topics to be defined in the September seminar Management of the Green cities project if approved by the EC, otherwise set up of a new project Continue the GHG Reduction Programme 2008-2011 through new activities Communication of PostEurop initiatives to European Commission through a report Follow-up of Commission initiatives on green issues Phone conferences cycle, in particular about actions initiated by operators to improve health and safety at work (especially to reduce the sick-leave rates) Monitoring of the current health activities at European and global Level (WHO) and at UPU Publication of a best practice brochure Elaboration of a new funding demand for a 2nd Leonardo project on training and stress management with preparatory visits to prepare the project Benchmark on absenteeism in cooperation with the Health working group Follow-up of the EC work on CSR reports and links between financial and nonfinancial reports and any European or international initiative on CSR Social Affairs Committee : o o New Training Project co-financed by the EC Matching skills and Jobs in the postal sector with a technical seminar in April 2013 New Postal Sector Evolution project co-financed by the EC with 6 listening sessions on a selection of good practices and a final conference Societal WG : Training WG : Occupational Health WG :

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Page 19 of 24 o Accident Prevention: Age-management project with the objective to analyse how NPOs handle this issue and integrate different aspects related to Accident Prevention, Training and CSR o CSR: Follow-up on technical seminar from March 2012 with a focus on postal companies green strategies and employee engagement in terms of training, communication and mobilization for green measures Budget 2013 CSR Activities Circle
SRC Health WG Social Affairs Committee Training WG Societal WG Environment WG 4,000 3,000 10,500 5,500 1,000 6,000 30,000 20,000

GHG programme

Required support from HQ Seminars and phone meetings organisation Communication on CSR activities Activities and working groups global support: Expertise and support to build EC financed projects Intelligence network

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5. TRANSVERSALS 5.1 BEST PRACTICE WIDER EUROPE (BP-WE) Strategic objectives (as defined in the Strategy) Act as a platform for transfer of knowledge and best practice between Members, in particular between Eastern European Members and other Members. Detailed objectives for 2013 1. Postal reform and development (0-6) KPI: Government decision about the restructuring (0-1) Adoption of National postal strategy (0-1) Process of restructuring (0-4)- (corporate governance (0-1), organizational structure (0-1), strategic plan (0-1), marketing plan (0-1)) 2. Harmonisation of national legislation with EU regulation (0-3) KPI: Implementation of II postal directive (0-1) Implementation of III postal directive (0-1) Level of quality of service in accordance to EU legislation (0-1)

3. Redefinition of Universal Service Obligation and Financing the USO (0-4) KPI: Implementation of cost accounting system (0-1) Organization of Process reviews in Eastern European countries (0-1) Established mechanism for financing the USO (0-1) Exemption from uniform tariffs (0-1)

4. Fostering international trade trough project of exporting goods trough simplified customs procedure (0-5) KPI: co-operation with WTO (number of entry barriers) (0-1) changes in Customs Code (0-1) and other secondary legislative acts (0-1) political willingness (0-1) integrated solutions (level of IT involvement) (0-1)

5. Relation with Regulators (0-4) KPI: issuing licensing parameters (0-1)

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Page 21 of 24 common position on various issues (0-3) - (market opening (0-1), research of the postal market (0-1), access to postal network (0-1))

Working Groups No working groups planned currently

Planned 2013 Activities for reaching the objectives To be defined at a later stage, based on the outcome of the kick-off meeting of the newly formed Transversal


Transversal meetings 2, 500



Required support from HQ Technical support for organising meetings Project Management support

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5.2 SECURITY AND CUSTOMS TRANSVERSAL (SCT) Strategic objectives (as defined in the Strategy) Non-permanent transversal to cover a current issue of particular importance for the Association and its Members: in this case, the security and customs Detailed objectives for 2013 Objective 1: To provide a solid platform for an exchange of information regarding the security and customs developments, including also the crisis network KPI: Number and efficiency of internal meetings or other type of exchanges on these topics Objective 2: Initiate and carry out lobbying activities on security and customs, where appropriate KPI: Number of common positions; number of contacts with EU and global institutions Objective 3: Provide a common platform for PostEurop Members to support the implementation of SAFEPOST project KPI: Efficient implementation of the SAFEPOST project following the Posteurop Strategy Working Groups Customs WG Crisis and Security Managers WG SAFEPOST project WG The Security and Customs Transversal will closely co-operate with the EACs Aviation Security WG. Planned 2013 Activities for reaching the objectives Customs WG (to be possibly fine-tuned in the coming days) Key topics: Intellectual Property Rights. Given the increasing number of cases that violates the IPR the EC is considering the need of new legislation, in which the responsibilities on IPR violations would fall on transporters of goods. Thus postal operators would become the main focus. In case of a concrete proposal, the WG would take a clear position to underline that postal operators are not in the role of an enforcement authority. Electronic pre-advice In the aftermath of the Yemen incident, the Council endorsed the High Level Working Group report and action plan on Strengthening Air Cargo Security. The report recommends ".reviewing existing Customs derogation procedures for mail courier services". The Group also commenced a close dialogue with the WG and examined available international standards for messaging and electronic data interchange (EDI) and existing international

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Page 23 of 24 initiatives i.e. IPC Medici. Closely liaising with experts from the WG, COM considered the appropriateness and usefulness of testing / piloting the provision of advance electronic cargo data to Customs in the EU environment. PE has agreed on the terms of reference (ToR) of the pilot which provides the common methodological framework on how the pilot is to be implemented by the participating EU Member States, COM and WG members in the global UPU framework. Further close follow-up of this initiative is needed. Modernised Customs Code / Union Customs Code The WG is starting the analysis of the UCC and its delegated and implementing acts. Major issues need to be monitored closely, e.g. simplifications for small consignments, abolition of the verbal declaration, simplified procedures for customs clearance and the still existing exception for electronic pre-advice in the postal sector. It is believed that a modernised Customs Code will be introduced by the end of 2013, in principle putting to an end the postal operators exemption. Thus, more regulatory/political discussion on the Modernised Customs Code and its Implementing Provisions will follow within the WG and with European institutions. At least 3-4 meetings/conference calls of the WG will be held. Crisis and Security WG - European Crisis- and Security Managers Network One or two meetings, ensuring the planning and follow-up of activities according to Members demands and providing a platform to knowledge exchange on crisis and security management issues Maintenance of the crisis managers website SAFEPOST Project WG The objective of this newly formed WG is to gather those PostEurop Members who are Members of the SAFEPOST project, as well as those who are interested in being part of the process of project implementation as a partner in order to support the efficient implementation of the project following the PostEurop Strategy. The aim of the SAFEPOST project is to further raise the current level of postal security by integrating innovative detection and screening solutions. SAFEPOST will provide the necessary and sufficient security level to satisfy evolving international regulations and standards while efficiently supporting the complexity of the evolving postal services market across Europe. Very importantly, it will do this without increasing costs, as the improvements in processing time will more than compensate for increased screening requirements, both in terms of elapsed time and overall distribution cost. Starting from the perspective of the partner postal operations, the project will use a cost-benefit method to identify the main security gaps and will describe security measures to maintain or augment the efficient and secure operation of these ports. After making an inventory of security gaps these will be developed into generic postal security models which will be integrated into a European Security Framework for Postal Supply Chains, which will enable postal operators, customs and other relevant actors to securely exchange information related not only to security but also optimization of postal flows.

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Budget 2013 Security and Customs Transversal

Customs WG Crisis and Security Managers WG Safepost project WG (covered by the project) Transversal meeting 1,500 1,500 500



Required support from HQ Support from Strategy and Regulatory Support, Communications, as well as Project Manager, Assistant project Manager

6. HEADQUARTERS SUPPORT Based on the needs formulated by the Committees/Circles/Transversals in the Associations Business Plan (see in the previous chapters), and taking into account the available resources, the detailed description of the HQ support will be outlined in the HQ Business Plan to be approved after the Doha Plenary Assembly by the Management Board.

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