Chemtrails ... HERE's The Evidence !!!

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Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? 463 like this.

3 hours ago

Gary Jones must be terribly embarrassed or something ... why else delete all his posts ... shame that ...

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Douglas Baker-Patch lol i love how theres still like three o you here doing nothing but dishing out abuse and disin ormation...still havent seen any eviden!e" haha

Like #eply 2 hours ago

eo!! Chisholm $still havent seen any eviden!e"$ $%ey &ot' what(s going on)$* +ettle

Like , 2 hours ago

Douglas Baker-Patch wow thats some !onvin!ing eviden!e. im sold.

Like 2 hours ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? -ot this pages .ob to prove !hemtrails real ... sin!e !hemtrails are !hemtrailers !laims then it is /%01#0 .ob to prove /%01# !laims right.

Like , about an hour ago

Douglas Baker-Patch http233www.dailymail.!o.uk3s!ien!ete!h3arti!le* ,24545336tta!k*vapours**.et*trails*blo!k*sunshine.html

http233www.dailymail.!o.uk3s!ien!ete!h3arti!le*2,7747839limate*engineering* !ure*global*warming*turn*sky*:%1/0*!laim*s!ientists.html http233www.naturalnews.!om384,,33;geoengineering;!hemtrails;organi!; oo d.html http233www.reuters.!om3arti!le328,83,832,3us*geoengineering* id<S/#065+,4328,8,82,!.!o.uk3,3hi3te!hnology34334473.stm http233www.s!ienti i!ameri!an.!om3arti!le.! m)id=has*the*time*!ome*to* !onsider*geoengineering http233www2.eng.!am.a!.uk3>hemh3S&1903S&190.htm http233be oreitsnews.!om3spa!e328,33843geoengineering*is*destroying*the* o?one*layer*o *the*!hart*uv*levels*not*being*dis!losed*24635,4.html http233iops!ien!e.iop.org3,@44*53263@3338348,53arti!le http233support.radiosha!k.!om3support;tutorials3weather3images3! http233earthobservatory.nasa.gov3GlobalAaps3view.php)d,=ABC6L2;A;60#; BC!om3wat!h)v=96, 0#tC,LDE eature=share!om3wat!h)v=k4a&FyhLSdw http233www.ted.!om3talks3david;keith;s;surprising;ideas;on;!limate;!hange. html http233k!ovino.hubpages.!om3hub3List*o *9hemtrail*&atents http233www.independent.!o.uk3news3world3ameri!as3!ia*ba!ks*638888*study* into*how*to*!ontrol*global*weather*through*geoengineering*4@2478,.html http233www.nb!news.!om3s!ien!e3!ia*said*ba!k*study*ways*ha!k*global* !limate*69,8648837


Like about an hour ago

Douglas Baker-Patch Gthey(re

Like about an hour ago

Douglas Baker-Patch 1ts 6erosol Geoengineering. 9hemtrails is a u!king stupid word.

Like about an hour ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? -B-0 o thse a!tually prove !hemtrails real ... or they are either .ust S&09<L6/1H0 arti!les or gu like the patents list. Iou do know a patent is -B/ proo something a!tually eJists surely """

Like , about an hour ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? Bh" and 6-I/%1-G by -atural-ews is garbage by de ault ...

Like , about an hour ago

Douglas Baker-Patch wow. none o them) ok. this !ounter eviden!e you provide is so strong. im sold.

Like about an hour ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? 6-C that !retin Cane :igington is LI1-G ... <H is -B/ $o the !harts$ whatsoever.

Like about an hour ago

eo!! Chisholm $9hemtrails is a u!king stupid word.$ /hen why do so many o your !o*religionists use it)

Like , about an hour ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? Ies Couglas -B-0 o that even remotely Kuali ies as proo ... your standards must be in!redibly low to ind any o that as meeting proo .

Like about an hour ago

Douglas Baker-Patch 1 dont. noone i knows does in seriousness. 1ts a u!king stupid word' abri!ated to have the e e!t it does. 6t least we !an agree on something"

Like about an hour ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? Lets talk about your patent list then ... :%I do you think it proo o !hemtrails ))) %6H0 you 6-I proo the patents inventions even eJist or that they have anything to do with the weather or planes ))) C1C you a!t*!he!k them all or .ust in blind aith like a aith ul sheep post them L096<S0 a !hemtrail site /BLC you they proved !hemtrails then Couglas Laker*&at!h """

Like about an hour ago

Douglas Baker-Patch 0Jplain this!om3wat!h)v=k4a&FyhLSdw then ill be sold"

why do a small ew o the planes passing leave a large spreading trail) hot eJhaust gas should not all and spread or hours' its not !ompli!ated. /heyre similar planes all on the same light paths. &lease try and address my Kuestion not divert and insult.

"Best" o! t#o $ears


1ts all rom the same pla!e in 6a!hen3Germany Mree to use "http233www.dedal ilm...See more Like #emove &review about an hour ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? Simple ... %B: do 9LB<CS eJpand )))

Like about an hour ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? Nhot eJhaust gas should not all and spread or hours' its not !ompli!ated.O -o ... it isn(t ... tell me :%6/ happens when you !ombust %IC#B!arbon uels )))

Like about an hour ago

Douglas Baker-Patch !loud !ondensation nu!lei. whi!h u dont get at 35k eet" u replied within 2 mins' its a 7 min video. please wat!h it.

Like about an hour ago

Douglas Baker-Patch u get hot gas >55P and unburned uel3soot >,P. same as any modern !ombustion engine.

Like about an hour ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? Iour video too .ust shows various !ontrails ... some short*lived' some persisting. 0Ja!tly as how !louds are ... some short*lived' some persisting.

Like about an hour ago

Douglas Baker-Patch due to !loud !ondensation nu!lei' whi!h do not naturally o!!ur at 35k eet.

Like about an hour ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? 6a!hen is under LB/S o air routes ... http233www.routerank.!om3en3lo!ations3germany3landQnordrheinQwest alen3a a!hen3

routeR%&' - the !astest and chea(est #a$ !rom % to B www.routerank.!om 6 travel sear!h engine whi!h !ombines !ar' plane and train routes and !omputes the !arbon dioJide emissions' pri!e and travel time or ea!h .ourney. Like about an hour ago

Douglas Baker-Patch that doesnt eJplain the persisten!e o some o the trails though does it)

Like about an hour ago

Douglas Baker-Patch even high reKuen!y air tra i! should not !reate !louds.

Like about an hour ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? /ype in AS/ ... designation or Aaastri!ht*6a!hen 6irport and see .ust how A6-I air paths are over where that video was ... http233skyve!tor.!om3

Sk$)ector* +light Planning , %eronautical Charts skyve!tor.!om SkyHe!tor is the most popular way to view aeronauti!al !harts online. 6lways !ur...See more Like about an hour ago

Douglas Baker-Patch eJa!tly' so why do only a ew planes leave these persisting spreading trails)"

Like about an hour ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? N!loud !ondensation nu!lei. whi!h u dont get at 35k eet" u replied within 2 mins' its a 7 min video. please wat!h it.O Iou are not as well in ormed o meteorology as you seem think ... :%6/ happens to the !loud nu!lei ... it 1S-(/ the nu!lei responsible or the !loud growing ... 6nd I0S you !an get !umulus !louds up at 35'888 eet ... but :%6/ are you on about 35'888 eet or anyway ... :%6/ relevan!e does that eJa!t height have )))

Like about an hour ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? Nu get hot gas >55P and unburned uel3soot >,P. same as any modern !ombustion engine.O -ope' .et engines are 9L06-0# and AB#0 e i!ient burners that !ars are ... but :%6/ is 1- that $hot gas$ )))

:%6/ is !oming B</ o the eJhaust then )))

Like about an hour ago

Douglas Baker-Patch average height o air tra i! in the video. alto* !umulus are a very very rare phenomenon.

Like about an hour ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? Nthat doesnt eJplain the persisten!e o some o the trails though does it)O :%I not ... !louds persist ... so :%I not !ontrails ... they are essentially the eJa!t same thing )))

Like about an hour ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? Neven high reKuen!y air tra i! should not !reate !louds.O :%I )))

Like about an hour ago

Douglas Baker-Patch hot gas eJa!lty' they are more e i!ient than 55P so where do the 99-s !ome rom) 9arbon AonoJide N9BO 9arbon CioJide N9B2O BJygen NB2O BJides o -itrogen N-BRO :ater N%28O

Like about an hour ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? NeJa!tly' so why do only a ew planes leave these persisting spreading trails)"O :%I do B-LI some !louds last longer and spread too )))

Like about an hour ago

Douglas Baker-Patch nope. !ontrails !onsist o .ust water vapour. 9louds need 99-s to persist. simples.

Like about an hour ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? Naverage height o air tra i! in the videoO 6nd you +-B: that ... %B: ... 0R69/LI )))

Like about an hour ago

Douglas Baker-Patch addressing 6 points at on!e isnt really !ondusive to a logi!al dis!ussion" lol

Like about an hour ago

Douglas Baker-Patch you have only asked me !ounter Kuestions. i you dont know the answers i suggest you ind out"

Like about an hour ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? Nalto*!umulus are a very very rare phenomenon.O Sorry' but wrong ... alto*!umulus are A1C*#6-G0 !louds and !ommonpla!e. http233www.weatheronline.!o.uk3reports3wJ a!ts36lto!umulus.htm

Weather +acts* %ltocumulus - Weather -' - www.weatheronline.! 6lto!umulus N6!O * the name derives rom the latin words altus = high and !umulus = mass or heap. 6lto!umulus is a member o the Like about an hour ago

Douglas Baker-Patch sorry i meant !irro*!umulus" thats what you were re erring to no)

Like about an hour ago 0dited

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? N hot gas eJa!lty' they are more e i!ient than 55P so where do the 99-s !ome rom) 9arbon AonoJide N9BO 9arbon CioJide N9B2O BJygen NB2O BJides o -itrogen N-BRO :ater N%28OO Aodern .et engines are SB e i!ient at burning that they produ!e AB#0 water than they burnt uel ... so the L1GG0S/ emission is :6/0# and water M#00F0S in !old air and 96- 9B-C0-S0 i humidity gets L0IB-C the C0: &B1-/.

Like about an hour ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? Nnope. !ontrails !onsist o .ust water vapour. 9louds need 99-s to persist. simples.O /he 190 9#IS/6LS are the !loud !ondensation nu!lei ... or dust ... or even the

tiny spe!k o soot rom the !ontrails ... !louds and !ontrails simply 6#0 the basi! same thing.

Like about an hour ago

Douglas Baker-Patch yep' it !an ree?e through entropi! !ooling. how !an it persist though) and yes you are right but its still around , gal uel to , gal water out the ba!k NapproJO

Like about an hour ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? Naddressing 6 points at on!e isnt really !ondusive to a logi!al dis!ussion" lolO So :%I don(t you .ust sti!k to B-0 &B1-/ 6/ 6 /1A0 then ... you were the one that bombarded A<L/1&L0 !laims. :ere you .ust trying to prevent C00& dis!ussion by a data dump ta!ti! then )))

Like about an hour ago

Douglas Baker-Patch yes' so how !an these i!e !rystals spread and remain visible) /he sun melts !irrus !louds whi!h are also i!e*nu!leated. so how do these persist and all into warmer air and spread out wide)

Like about an hour ago

Douglas Baker-Patch you asked or eviden!e' i gave you a small se!tion o the list i have. i dont see the problem.

Like about an hour ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? Nyou have only asked me !ounter Kuestions. i you dont know the answers i suggest you ind out"O

Iou must still be very young i you CB-(/ re!ognise the rhetori!al Kuestion te!hniKue. Cid you #06LLI think 1 didn(t and don(t know the answers ))) 1 ask them to get IB< to think /%#B<G% your points ... when 1 asked :%I !louds persist it was to get you to think as to :%I :6/0# H6&B<# 0R&6-CS and so that might L06C you on to #06L1S1-G that sin!e !ontrails Nas you yoursel saysO 6#0 .ust water vapour too ... then maybe by some logi!al .oined up thinking the penny A1G%/ C#B& that the answer is right be ore you in the answer as to :%I !louds !an persist as well.

Like about an hour ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? Nyes' so how !an these i!e !rystals spread and remain visible)O :ater vapour is 1-H1S1LL0 ... but the sky is M<LL o it ... but on!e that vapour 9B-C0-S0S then it be!omes a visible !loud.

Like about an hour ago

Douglas Baker-Patch eJa!tly' it has !ondensed" so when it eJpands again how !an we still see it)

Like about an hour ago 0dited

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? N/he sun melts !irrus !louds whi!h are also i!e*nu!leatedO Sorry' but 9BA&L0/0LI :#B-G ... the sky gets 9BLC0# the higher you go ... the sun simply does -B/ $melt$ !louds ... sorry but you really need go ba!k to s!hool again or a while and learn about simple meteorology. /he sun does -B/ $melt$ !louds ...

Like about an hour ago

Douglas Baker-Patch ok so where do !irrus !louds go) lol

Like about an hour ago

Douglas Baker-Patch !mon mr.!ontrail in ormation you(re not providing mu!h o a !ase here"

Like about an hour ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? Nyou asked or eviden!e' i gave you a small se!tion o the list i have. i dont see the problem.O So :%I were you !omplaining about addressing siJ points being an issue then """

Like 75 minutes ago

Douglas Baker-Patch and now ba!k to the topi! at hand2

Like 74 minutes ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? NeJa!tly' it has !ondensed" so when it eJpands again how !an we still see it)O 1 see you really -00C go ba!k to basi!s ... http233www.weatherwi?kids.!om3weather*!louds.htm

Weather Wi. 'ids #eather in!ormation !or kids

www.weatherwi?kids.!om :eather :i? +ids is a un and sa e website or kids about all the weather in o t...See more Like 7@ minutes ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? Nok so where do !irrus !louds go) lolO :hat a dumb Kuestion ... they go to a partaaay ... why don(t you know this """

Like 7@ minutes ago

Douglas Baker-Patch how !an i see eJpanded !ondensation) lol thats not a hard one. you !ant"

Like 7@ minutes ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? N!mon mr.!ontrail in ormation you(re not providing mu!h o a !ase here"O 1 suspe!t you too young to understand 1#B-I yet ... but you show it in abundan!e here !hild.

Like 76 minutes ago

Douglas Baker-Patch more abuse lol

Like 76 minutes ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? Nhow !an i see eJpanded !ondensation) lol thats not a hard one. you !ant"O Cear God ... this is L0IB-C dumb ... !louds !an be $seen$ L096<S0 they

have eJpanded by 9B-C0-S1-G and so have AB#0 water and i!e !rystals all sKuished together and so be!ome visible like how 190 9<L0S are not see through like water is. 6dd the reality o L1G%/ being #0ML09/0C instead o passing through the invisible vapour. :%6/ age are you ... 4 """

Like 73 minutes ago

Douglas Baker-Patch yup' so how !an one small trail spread out wide' where does the eJtra !ondensation !ome rom' what is !ausing it to !ontinue !ondensing)

Like 72 minutes ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? Nmore abuse lolO Ae re!ognising you showing irony is -B/ abuse !hild ... seriously.

Like 7, minutes ago

Douglas Baker-Patch like you said. air is ull o water you .ust !ant see it till its !ondensed' so how !an an eJpanded trail still be visible)

Like 7, minutes ago 0dited

Douglas Baker-Patch im pretty sure the opposite o !ondense is eJpand....derp

Like 78 minutes ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? Nyup' so how !an one small trail spread out wide' where does the eJtra !ondensation !ome rom' what is

!ausing it to !ontinue !ondensing)O -B/ very good at working things out or yoursel ... are you ))) /he sky is M<LL o water in the orm o vapour ... are you really so la!king in edu!ation not to know that or work it out or yoursel . /he !loud grows L096<S0 it has LB/S o water around it ...

Like 45 minutes ago

Douglas Baker-Patch what !auses the surrounding air to !ondense then on!e the eJternal energy input * the plane engine * has passed)

Like 45 minutes ago

Douglas Baker-Patch <S1-G !apitals J<S/ makes you look like a 9%1LC btw

Like 44 minutes ago

&os$ Bugger very aggressive argument against Stratospheri! 6erosols here... /hey are tea!hing !hildren now that !louds are manmade... +ids know that some !louds signal rain and other mean air weather. /hey need to know that !ontrails are a!tually manmade !louds ...See Aore

Contrail Watching !or 'ids / 01 &%S% D%2% mynasadata.lar!

Le!ause kids are natural sky wat!hers' they are !urious about both !louds and !o...See more <nlike , 4@ minutes ago

&os$ Bugger http233royalso!iety.org3poli!y3publi!ations328853geoengineering*!limate3

eoengineering the climate* science3 governance and uncertaint$ / Ro$al Societ$ royalso! 6 report whi!h provides a detailed assessment o the various methods o geoengin...See more Like 46 minutes ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? Nim pretty sure the opposite o !ondense is eJpand....derpO S!ien!e 61-(/ your strong point kid ... the phase !hanges o water seem beyond you ... but to $!ondense$ in meteorlogi!al terms A06-S to eJpand as the water has 9%6-G0C rom a G6S NvapourO to liKuid or solid.

Like 44 minutes ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? Nwhat !auses the surrounding air to !ondense then on!e the eJternal energy input * the plane engine * has passed)O /here is -B/ $energy imput$ rom the engines ... .ust water eJpelled in H6&B<# whi!h takes a ew se!onds to M#00F0 into i!e and whi!h then 1M the ambient humidity is high then M<#/%0/# !ondensed into !loud.

Like 43 minutes ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? N<S1-G !apitals J<S/ makes you look like a 9%1LC btwO -ope ... or sin!e IB< are -B-0 too L#1G%/ you seem -00C the #0L0H0-/ words!uled or C0M1-1/1B-.

Like 42 minutes ago

Douglas Baker-Patch !ondense and eJpand are opposites in every realm o s!ien!e lol

Like 4, minutes ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? Nvery aggressive argument against Stratospheri! 6erosols here... /hey are tea!hing !hildren now that !louds are manmade...O :ee hint ... the S/#6/BS&%0#0 is -B/ where !louds happen.

<nlike 2 4, minutes ago

Douglas Baker-Patch B+ i the ambient humidity is .ust right' why do only a ew o the hundreds o planes leave a trail)

Like 48 minutes ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? N!ondense and eJpand are opposites in every realm o s!ien!e lolO -ope ... s!ien!e is 9B<-/0# 1-/<6/1H0 ... whi!h is why so many like you struggle with !on!epts.

Like 35 minutes ago

&os$ Bugger i you read the #oyal So!iety 6rti!le Nwhi!h is a ellowship o the most distinguished s!ientists' do!tors and engineersO you will understand.

Like 35 minutes ago

Douglas Baker-Patch http233bit.ly3,,0,KSr

Like 34 minutes ago

Douglas Baker-Patch so s!ien!e is !ounter intuitive and !ondense and eJpand are the same thing now. ama?ing stu . really.

Like 3@ minutes ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? NB+ i the ambient humidity is .ust right' why do only a ew o the hundreds o planes leave a trail)O L096<S0 the sky is -B/ the eJa!t same !onditions all over. :%I do !louds have G6&S in them )))...See Aore

htt(*,,!arm4.static!,5467,5589766:66;69!99<da9e;..= (g arm2.stati! li!kr.!om Like 3@ minutes ago

Douglas Baker-Patch :hy do some planes on the same light path leave a trail that spreads a!ross the whole sky while the hundreds o others have a short trail) is there a big straight po!ket o $di erent !onditions$)

Like 36 minutes ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? Ni you read the #oyal So!iety 6rti!le Nwhi!h is a ellowship o the most distinguished s!ientists' do!tors and engineersO you will understand.O 1ndeed it is a C1S9<SS1B- do!ument o the need or governan!e L0MB#0 any su!h a!tion is taken ... it is -B/ proo geo*engineering is happening.

Like 37 minutes ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? Iour proud wee LAG/MI ails as the stratosphere is -B/ where weather happens ...

Like 37 minutes ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? Nso s!ien!e is !ounter intuitive and !ondense and eJpand are the same thing now. ama?ing stu . really.O #eally ...

Like 34 minutes ago

&os$ Bugger right so it(s .ust a !oin!iden!e that eJa!tly what is des!ribed in the royal so!iety arti!le is 0R69/LI what is o!!urring in our skies)

Like 34 minutes ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? -ope ... you .ust :%1-0 L096<S0 you ailed here ... big time ... and you will be too immature to even re!ognise that too.

Like 33 minutes ago

Douglas Baker-Patch so you(re sti!king with the story that !ondense and eJpand are the same thing) lols

Like 33 minutes ago

Douglas Baker-Patch su!h a strange !oin!iden!e eh)...

Like 33 minutes ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? N:hy do some planes on the same light path leave a trail that spreads a!ross the whole sky while the hundreds o others have a short trail) is there a big straight po!ket o $di erent !onditions$)O Co you have 6spergers or something or this is like trying to eJplain lightning to a !aveman )))

Like 32 minutes ago

Douglas Baker-Patch good god nearly ,88 !omments and still no eviden!e......:%0#0(S the eviden!e )))

Like 32 minutes ago

Douglas Baker-Patch you de initely need to !ondense your mind' i mean eJpand' no wait they(re the same...

Like 3, minutes ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? Iou %6H0 had eviden!e ... you are obviously .ust too stupid to see it ...

Like 3, minutes ago

Douglas Baker-Patch 1 asked or you not to post abuse at the start' its a shame you !ouldnt represent your side o the argument in a !ivil manner as it detra!ts rom the rankly ground breaking s!ien!e that has been revealed here.

Like 38 minutes ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? Nright so it(s .ust a !oin!iden!e that eJa!tly what is des!ribed in the royal so!iety arti!le is 0R69/LI what is o!!urring in our skies)O :%0#0 ... 0R69/LI does the #oyal So!iety say geo*engineering looks like white lines in the sky seen !oming rom air!ra t eJhaust. &age no and paragraph )))

Like 38 minutes ago

Douglas Baker-Patch maybe try reading it) you(re the one asking or 0H1C0-90 """

Like 25 minutes ago

Douglas Baker-Patch be!ause three pun!tuation marks triples the power o the message' aw yeah

Like 25 minutes ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? N1 asked or you not to post abuse at the start' its a shame you !ouldnt represent your side o the argument in a !ivil manner as it detra!ts rom the rankly ground breaking s!ien!e that has been revealed here.O Says he whom Gish*Galloped the whole time and when he did ask a Kuestion

they were L0IB-C !hildlike ... and :%0#0 eJa!tly was 1 less that !ivil too you. /he lady doth protest too mu!h methinks ...

Like 26 minutes ago

Douglas Baker-Patch long day in the o i!e...)

Like 27 minutes ago

Douglas Baker-Patch 1m not getting into how many time you insulted me' read it or yoursel i you want"

Like 27 minutes ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? NS#A methods aim to !ool the planetO -B-0 o whi!h entail white lines !oming rom air!ra t eJhausts ... not to mention that they are all J<S/ A0#0LI LL<0*S+I /%1-+1-G &#B&BS6LS and -B/ a!tual methods in use.

Like 27 minutes ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? 6nother wee hint as you are undoubtably going to .ump on the$re le!tive aerosols into the stratosphere$ bit ... %B: many times do you need told the S/#6/BS&%0#0 is -B/ where planes ly or weather happens.

Like 23 minutes ago

Douglas Baker-Patch how many times are you going to try and insult someone thinking itll somehow get your non eJistent point a!ross)

Like 22 minutes ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? N1m not getting into how many time you insulted me' read it or yoursel i you want"O 9alling out IB<# la!k o edu!ation is -B/ an insult ... .ust plain simple old* ashioned /#</%. Lut 1 !an see :%I you need pretend it is ... or it 96-(/ be ni!e or you having your stupidity pointed out.

Like 2, minutes ago

Douglas Baker-Patch you !ould ?ip the ile' you know' eJpand it...

Like 2, minutes ago

Douglas Baker-Patch at least i know the di eren!e between eJpand and !ondense...lols

Like 28 minutes ago

Douglas Baker-Patch yeah good point' i you want the eviden!e' its all out there """

Like 28 minutes ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? Nyou should try reading instead o insulting and !ondes!ending.O 1 %6H0 read it and it 1S J<S/ 6 C1S9<SS1B- BM H6#1B<S &#B&BS6LS and -B/ any sort o proo o doing ... you deserve ridi!ule though or you M61L at simple reading !omprehension.

/hat arti!le is -B/ proo geo*engineering is happening ... end o """

Like ,5 minutes ago

Douglas Baker-Patch hey where did my ry pi!ture go) too !lose to the bone)

Like ,4 minutes ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? N:hy are you arguing with me about it) Send an e*mail o !omplaint to the #oyal So!iety' as you seem to know a lot more than they do' Bh Aighty LrainO :%I0H0# would 1 need $!omplain$ to the #S ... 1 know or a a!t it is merely a C1S9<SS1B- o &#B&BS0...See Aore

Like ,@ minutes ago

Douglas Baker-Patch ah the mysti!al reading !omprehension without having read someone' bow down to the mighty brain..

Like ,6 minutes ago

Douglas Baker-Patch seriously how mu!h do they pay you) like do you work in an o i!e or rom home) 9an 1 get a .ob doing this is it worth it)

Like , ,7 minutes ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? Nit took me the best part o an hour to read the 76 page do!ument. Iou are ast at reading Bh Aighty Lrain.O /his 61-(/ my irst time kid ... .ust be!ause it is -0: to you does -B/ mean it

is to me ... it was published in 2885 ... 1 have been a debunker sin!e L0MB#0 then.

Like ,7 minutes ago

Douglas Baker-Patch hey stop deleting my ry pi!ture"" grrr lol

Like ,7 minutes ago

Douglas Baker-Patch ah debunking' remember the debunking se!tion in s!ien!e !lass' where you had to use !ounter*intuition to solve problems) those were the days...

Like ,4 minutes ago

Douglas Baker-Patch serious Kuestion please respond' how mu!h do they pay you) like do you work in an o i!e or rom home) 9an 1 get a .ob doing this) 1t seems Kuite entertaining.

Like , ,2 minutes ago 0dited

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? Nhey where did my ry pi!ture go) too !lose to the bone)O -ope ... .ust doing you a avour' you wouldn(t want the world to think you nothing more than a !hildish troll posting da t !artoons that in the end are utterly moot now ... would you' sin!e you are pretending to yoursel to be all grown*up and s!ien!y """

Like ,3 minutes ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? 1 see too the little boys here are getting somewhat petulant now ... must be past their bed*times' so o

you go !hildren' 1 think 1 hear your mothers !alling you or supper and bath* time ...

Like ,, minutes ago

Chemtrails ... WHERE'S the evidence ??? L16# ... 1 am .ust deleting you as you are .ust trolling and its boring ...

Like 2 minutes ago

There were also numerous comments deleted at the end, facebook was warning me not to post anymore! and all of Nosys posts are gone now! This is the fry picture i was referring to that kept getting deleted!:

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