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Categories of Recreation and Leisure Pauline Marie L.

Tan College of Human Kinetics Categories of Recreation and Leisure

1. Sports

Definition: Sports is all forms of competitive physical activity which through casual or organized participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical fitness and provide entertainment to participants. Concerns: Sports can be very costly and may cause injury when using incorrect form or technique. Though there are some sports which do not really require much equipment. Application: Sports can be a form of entertainment, recreation, physical fitness.
2. Camping and Outdoors

Definition: Camping is an outdoor recreational activity. The campers leave urban areas, their home region, or civilization and enjoy nature while spending one or several nights outdoors, usually at a campsite. Concerns: Camping can only be done if you are knowledgeable of the dos and donts in camping. Either that or you must bring along an experienced camper. Camping also requires good camping equipment like a tent. These equipment can also be expensive. Application: Camping can teach you correct survival skills without the use of technology. Also, it will teach you the importance of nature and how to preserve it.
3. Media and Entertainment

Definition: The means of communication, as radio and television, newspapers and magazines that reach and influence people widely. Concerns: Media and entertainment are one of the types of recreation and leisure that do not require any form of physical activity. This shouldnt be a main source of recreation. Application: Media and entertainment is a form of relaxation for most people. Some media can be informative and some may be just entertaining.
4. Fitness

Definition: A general state of good health, usually as a result of exercise and nutrition. Concerns: To be able to be fit, proper knowledge of correct forms of exercise and diet is needed. Application: Physical fitness is advised for all ages. It may be the best form of recreation and leisure because it will do well for all people. Some forms of fitness may be sports or just exercise like running, cycling, weight training and the like.

5. Travel

Definition: Travel is the movement of people or objects (such as airplanes, boats, trains and other conveyances) between relatively distant geographical locations. Concerns: Travelling is one of the more costly forms of recreation and leisure. Travelling means transportation and transportation means cars; which also means gas. Though travelling may also be done by walking or cycling but most people prefer car or train. You may travel with minimal cost if you commute. Travelling may also be dangerous especially if you do not have a guide in the area. Application: Travelling will increase knowledge of the area and how to get there.
6. Campus L.E.

Definition: Campus L.E. is any event based inside the UP Diliman campus. Concerns: Campus L.E. usually involves fund raising for certain organizations, groups and Student Councils. Because of this, prices of tickets become overpriced and students wont want to go to the event. Application: Campus L.E. are usually shows or talks, mainly for informational, educational or entertainment purposes.
7. Support a Classmate

Definition: Supporting a PEd 173 classmate in his or her UAAP Season. Concerns: The schedule of the games may be in a school day or the venue may be too far. E.g. Basketball at SM MOA Arena or Badminton at Rizal Memorial. Application: Support a classmate may be a subcategory of sports since we support our classmates in their respective sports.
8. Volunteering

Definition: Volunteering is considered as serving the society through own interest, personal skills or learning, which in return produces a feeling of self-worth and respect, instead of money. Concerns: Volunteerism includes charity work. In these cases, you will need sponsors or else, you will have to use your own money. If the population of the charity house you are going to help is large, it will be hard to raise funds. Application: The skills learned in the activities may help in the long run.
9. Festivals and fairs

Definition: A festival is an event, usually and ordinarily staged by a local community, which centers on and celebrates some unique aspect of that community and the festival. In the Philippines, a festival is called Fiesta.

Concerns: The best festivals usually occur in provinces like Cebu, Aklan, and other far places. If you want to experience the best festivals, you have to involve travelling to get there. Application: Going to places to watch fiestas will make you learn what the provinces culture is, and their traditions.
10. Literature

Definition: Literature is the art of written work. Concerns: Reading for some people may be a boring recreational activity. Application: Reading literature will boost your vocabulary and knowledge about facts on things that you read. It will exercise the mind.

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