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thomas* PP< PPA PROFILE: David W Johnstone Private && Confidential SELF IMAGE - GRAPH Ill D I S C David WJohnstone hes an equal siving for organisation end correctness. He tends to be quite systematic, logical and conservative, David W Johnstone displays a lot of patience/follow through Beingnon-demonstrative, he shows very litte emotion, yet, he could be quite sensitive if needs are not met. He may also keep feelings to himself rather than discuss them. He can be quite exacting and may even frustrate others in his drive to be correct. The emphasis is on seeing a tak through. r to its natural conclusion, tying up all Loose ends. / ‘Aushority hou be vented in expert ed apcilsing in his job Sitotone whic rmite hand WJ or disciplinary actions should, where possible, be avoided, except where they relate to his, putculer ills or expertise, The working environment shouldbe structured: David W Jotmstone rates loyalty, sincerity and genuineness very highly, both in himself end others He makes decisions based on factual data, even though he needs supportive date He wants a secure relationship in his personal end professional life. Due to his innate need for secusity, he prefers to be able to plan shead Due to his need for structure and accuracy, David W Johnstone may appear somewhat sigid end inflexible SELF MOTIVATION David W Johnstone has a desire for a secure environment and prefers to work towards a planned, stable life pettern. The job should offer security and structured working environment. Not being aggressive, he will avoid, where possible, antagonistic situations. David W Johnstone will stive for the correct and total completion of a tesk He may avoid being personelly involved with others in the work situation, JOB EMPHASIS ‘The Completion ofa Tasicto its Logical Conclusion ‘The main function of the job should be the achievement of « correct and logical end result. The job emphesis should be task rather then people-criented, preferably within the areas of administration, technology, production, operations or organisstion Authority should be vested in expertise, There should be a requirement to motivate, on a day-to-day basis, people who share David W Johnstone's interests, norms and value system. The working environment should be structured with cleerly defined tasks and objectives which have a logicel conclusion Thoroughness and attention to detail should be a natural element of the function (© Thoms Itemational Linted 1990-2013, 2p Jin shomasintemationalnet 1 thomas* DESCRIPTIVE WORDS ‘Thorough, precise, steady, organised, amiable, specific, accurate, quiet, non-aggressive, perfectionist, sincere, gemuine, asks "how" and ety" WORK MASK - GRAPH | D I S C __ Inorder to succeed in his cuxent work situation this nomelly reserved and serious individual is attempting to increase his people skills, Although Devid W Johnstone is trying to be alittle more friendly and communicative the degree of change is minor end in behavioural terms will herdly show through. He will therefore remein feisly quiet and serious, BEHAVIOUR UNDER PRESSURE - GRAPH II D I S C __ Theselfimage indicates thet David W Johnstone is exceedingly logical and systematic in his approach to resolving « problem. However, his behaviour under pressure shows that whilst he retains these characteristics, he may become slightly less compliant and not as highly disciplined as the self-image suggests ‘This is not likely to lead to major inaccuracy. GENERAL COMMENTS ‘There are no frustrations, problems or pressures showing in David W Johnstone's profile ‘The suggestion therefore is thet he is able to cope with the behaviowral requirements of the job, organisation and boss (© Thoms Itemational Linted 1990-2013, 2p Jin shomasintemationalnet 2 thomas* Motivators David W Johnstone is motivated by security of situation, the status quo, historical procedure and limited exposure. Equally standard operating procedures, reassurance and no sudden or ebrupt changes are important motivators Should David W Johnstone have a boss, then ideally that person will be a democratic leader, who remembers that ifthe best results are to be achieved, this person should be given the security of e structured work environment and work parameters should be clearly defined. Equally it is important thet the bossis at hand to help in the decision making process if David W Tobastone is alittle unswe, or if the decisions are outside his area of expertise Please note ‘The above report is « guide. The Personal Profile Anelysisis work orientated inventory. This report is designed to assist in the selection, appraisal, development or coaching and mentoring process. ‘The report should never be used in isolation but always in conjunction with both an interview and a process whereby a person's experience, education, qualifications, competence and trainability can be assessed, Other reports are available on the Thomas program which will provide additional useful infcrmetion about this person. ‘Thomes recommend thet consideretion be given to using these further reports when appropriate (© Thoms Itemational Linted 1990-2013, 2p Jin shomasintemationalnet 3

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