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ENGLISH 2 PRONUNCIATION AND STRESS Which underlined part is pronounced differently? 1. A. ache B. stomach C. chemical 2. A. trees 3. A. smoker 4. A.

mosquito 5. A. crossed 6. A. inhaler 8. A. statue B. factories B. minority B. quiet B. afforded B. appetite B. status C. deserts C. authority C. queue C. stopped C. tablets C. therapy C. notice

D. couch D. systems D. shock D. mosque D. switched D. allergy D. dreadful D. tutor

7. A. depression B. anxiety

Which word is stressed differently from the others? 9. A. deadline B. pretend C. install 10. A. license 11. A. chaos 12. A. depression 13. A. honey 14. A. shoulder 15. A. factory B. lorry B. essential B. decision B. appointment B. drowsiness B. temperature C. predict C. historic C. generous C. aspirin C. tornado C. apologize

D. assume D. panic D. surround D. apologize D. murdering D. vomit D. appetite

GRAMMAR : 16. If you _____enough time, please paint the chair before you leave. A. had B. have C. will have D. wont have 17. Ill give you a call if I ____ some help tomorrow. A. needed B. would need C. need D. will need 18. If you ____ tomorrows lecture, you ____ do the assignment. A. dont miss cant B. miss can C. will miss are able to D. miss wont be able to 19. People ____ eat food to stay alive. A. can B. have to C. cant D. dont have to 20. Personally, I love tomatoes, so I always ___ have tomatoes on my pizza! A. had to B. could C. have to D. can 21. The doctor ___ I need to lose weight. A. said B. told C. asked D. said to 22. The student ____the teacher if he could turn off the electric fan. A. said B. asked C. told D. suggested 23. I _____ I _____ you somewhere before. A. knew had seen B. had known had seen

C. had known - saw D. knew - saw 24. We were surprised he ____ so well in his exams. A. did B. was doing C. had done D. has done 25. I suddenly remembered I ____ to bring my homework A. forgot B. had forgotten C. would forget D. have forgotten 26. I hired ___boat and sailed down ____ River Nile. A. a / the B. / the C. the / a D. a / 27. Let me give you ___ advice if you like. A. many B. any C. some D. a few 28. I havent done ____ travelling in the last two years. A. a lot of B. much C. some D. many 29. ____ if you are taking that medication. A. To drive B. Driving C. Dont drive D. Not drive 30. Most days, I have ____ fried rice for ____ breakfast, sometimes with ___egg on top. A. // B. //an C. the//an D. the/a/ 31. What a terrible thing for him to do. You ________leave him. A. should B. ought to C. need to D. have to 32. _____ is the most important thing in life. A. The money B. Money C. Much money D. Few money 33. There are ______ good restaurants here, so I must drive to the downtown to have dinner. A. no B. any C. a few D. much 34. A: Its a secret. Youre the only person that knows! B: Dont worry. I________anyone. A. will tell B. tell C. didnt tell D. wont tell 35. - Do you mind if I use your computer? - ________. One minute. Ill start it for you. A. Yes, of course B. No, of course not C. Id rather you didnt D. Help yourself 36. - Is it OK if I close the window? Its too windy. - _________. A.No, of course not B. Yes, it is C. No, it isnt D. Yes, go ahead 37. Your dad has called you. Thanks. I ___ call him back. A. am going to B. will C. wont D. am calling 38. _______ pay extra for the bills or are they included? A. Do you have to B. Can you C. Did you have to D. Should you 39. Can you tell me how to get to the museum, please? - Take the first turning ____your left. A. on B. in C. by D. at 40. We missed _______ last train into the city, so we had to get _____ taxi to our hotel A. the / an B. the / a C. the / the D. a / a

VOCABULARY 41. A lot of mental diseases are _________ now A. treat B. cure C. curable D. accept 42. Can you _______the kids to after school? A. take B. led C. treat D. come 43. You have to cross________ this big road here. A. over B. in C. to D. opposite 44. Its _______ your right. A. at B. on C. by D. like 45. Do you need a ________ to ride the motorbike? A. plaster B. licenses C. bandage D. licence 46. I cycle to work. Theres a good ________ that goes from my house, so I dont need to go on the road. A. cycle lane B. bicycle lane C. line D. lanes 47. Its a state in the West. It ______ France and Luxembourg. A. bordering B. borders C. is D. town 48. One of the most _________ things you learn after living home is that everything costs money. A. depressed B. happy C. luck D. depressing 49. ____________, the traveler continued on his way, while the farmer returned to his work. A. Disappointed B. Disappoint C. Disappointing D. appoint 50. At least a quarter of us will suffer from a ______ disease. A. mental B. mind C. physics D. blind 51. This is a very _______ town. There are lots of old churches and you can even see parts of the old city wall. A. musical B. industrial C. historic D. rural 52. My mother comes out in a ______ if she eats seafood. A. nosebleed B. temperature C. sore throat D. rash 53. We spent hours throwing and _______ a ball or kicking a football against a wall. A. removing B. playing C. catching D. taking 54. I had a very _____ evening with your family, Hannah. Theyre lovely people. A. affordable B. enjoyable C. acceptable D. reliable 55. She was really satisfied with the service, so she gave the waitress a big ______. A. tip B. fine C. commission D. salary 56. Fill the bread with a _________ of lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers A. mixture B. substance C. ingredient D. material 57. Students held a _______ march against the war. A. crowd B. protest C. riot D. chaos 58. There are heavy ______ for drink-driving. A. tips B. fines C. commissions D. incomes 59. The menu includes a wide selection of vegetarian _________. A. view B. services C. dishes D. staff 60. In Vietnam, you can often buy banh mi sandwiches at a street ________. A. stall B. restaurant C. line D. shop

READING: Read the following passage and choose the correct answer (A,B,C or D) to each question: Colors are one of the most exciting experiences in life. I love them, and they are just as important to me as emotions are. Have you ever wondered how the two are so intimately related? Color directly affects your emotions. Color both reflects the current state of your emotions, and is something that you can use to improve or change your emotions. The color that you choose to wear either reflects your current state of being, or reflects the color or emotion that you need. The colors that you wear affect you much more than they affect the people around you. Of course they also affect anyone who comes in contract with you, but you are the one saturated with the color all day! I even choose items around me based on their color. In the morning, I choose my clothes based on the color or emotion that I need for the day. So you can consciously use color to control the emotions that you are exposed to, which can help you to feel better. Color, sound, and emotions are all vibrations. Emotions are literally energy in motion; they are meant to move and flow. This is the reason that real feelings are the fastest way to get your energy in motion. Also, flowing energy is exactly what creates healthy cells in your body. So, the fastest way to be healthy is to be open to your real feelings. Alternately, the fastest way to create disease is to inhibit your emotions. 61. What is the main idea of this passage? B. Colors are one of the most exciting. B. Emotions and colors are closely related to each other. C. Colorful clothes can change your mood. D. Colors can help you become healthy. 62. Which of the following can be affected by color? A. Your need for thrills B. Your mood C. Your appetite D. Your friend's feelings 63. Who is more influenced by colors you wear? A. Anyone B. The people around you are more influenced C. You are more influenced D. Your family 64. According to the passage, what do color, sound, and emotion all have in common? A. None is correct B. They are all forms of motion C. They all affect the cells of the body D. They are all related to health 65. According to this passage, what creates disease? A. Ignoring your emotions B. Exposing yourself to bright colors C. Being open to your emotions D. Wearing the color black 66. The term "intimately" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to A. closely

B. simply C. clearly D. obviously 67. The term "they" in paragraph 3 refers to A. people B. colors C. none of these D. emotions 68. Why does the author mention that color and emotions are both vibrations? A. To prove the relationship between emotions and color. B. Because they both affect how we feel. C. To show how color can affect energy levels in the body. D. Because vibrations make you healthy 69. The phrase "saturated with" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to A. bored with B. lacking in C. in need of D. covered with 70. What is the purpose of the passage? A. to give an objective account of how colors affect emotions B. to show that colors are important for a healthy life C. to persuade the reader that colors can influence emotions and give a person more energy D. to prove the relationship between color and emotion Read the following passage and choose the best word (A,B,C or D) to fill each blank: Statesmen define a family as a group of individuals having a common dwelling and related by blood, adoption or marriage, (71) includes common-law relationships. Most people are born into one of these groups and (72)________live their lives as a family in such a group. Although the definition of a family may not change, (73) ________relationship of people to each other within the family group changes as society changes. More and more wives are (74) paying jobs, and, as a result, the roles of husband, wife and children are changing. Today, men expect to (75) for pay for about 40 years of their lives, and, in todays marriages (76) _________which both spouses have paying jobs, women can expect to work for about 30 to 35 years of their lives. This mean that man must learn to do their share of family tasks such as caring for the children and daily (77) chores. Children, too, especially adolescents, have to (78) with the members od their family in sharing household tasks. The widespread acceptance of contraception has meant that having (79) is as matter of choice, not an automatic result of marriage. Marriage itself has become a choice. As alternatives (80) common-law relationships and single-parent families have become socially acceptable, women will become more independent. 71. A. which 72. A. must 73. A. a B. that B. need B. any C. what C. would C. some D. it D. will D. the

74. A. taking 75. A. live 76. A. in 77. A. home 78. A. carry 79. A. time 80. A. similar to

B. making B. work B. for B. family B. deal B. families B. like

C. keeping C. hope C. with C. house C. cooperate C. happiness C. such as

D. performing D. ask D. to D. household D. combine D. children D. or else

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