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METHODS and TOOLS for QUESTIONING I. INTERVIEW A. Types of Research Interview 1. Standardized Interview 2. Unstructured Interview B.

3 Techniques of Communicating in an Interview 1. 2. 3. Personal Interview Telephone Interview Self- Administered Interview


QUESTIONNAIRE A. Forms of Questions 1. Open- Ended Format 2. Multiple Choice Format 3. Checklist Format

METHODS and TOOLS for QUESTIONING III. INTERVIEW Two-way conversation initiated by an interviewer to obtain information from a participant. A. Types of Research Interview 1. Standardized Interview set of questions formulated in a standardized way, as in questionnaires. utilizes an instrument called Interview Schedule; used in well- structured types of research problems where the variables are delineated. applicable to quantitative type of research

2. Unstructured Interview freedom to pursue unanticipated topics or directions to arise utilizes an instrument called Interview Guide; asking a set of questions derived by the interviewer from a list of key topics or guides applicable to qualitative type of research

B. 3 Techniques of Communicating in an Interview 1. Personal Interview

(Hand Respondent Card. Please look at this card and tell me the letters that indicate what toppings, If any, you usually add to a pizza other than cheese when ordering a pizza for yourself from Pizza Hut.) Interviewer: Record all mentioned toppings by encircling the letter below, and make sure you probe for any other toppings: a. anchovies d. black olives g. green peppers j. hot peppers m. pepperoni b. bacon e. extra-cheese h. ground beef k. mushroom n. sausage c. barbecue beef f. green olives i. ham l. onions o. some other toppings: ______


Telephone Interview
I am going to read to you a list of pizza toppings. As I read each one, please tell me whether or not that topping is one that you usually add to a pizza when ordering a pizza for yourself from Pizza Hut. Interviewer: Read each topping category slowly and record all mentioned toppings by encircling their corresponding letter below, and make sure that you probe for any other toppings. d. barbecue beef c. bacon b. anchovies f. green olives e. extra-cheese d. black olives i. ham h. ground beef g. green peppers l. onions k. mushroom j. hot peppers o. some other toppings: ______ n. sausage m. pepperoni


Self- Administered Interview

Among the pizza toppings listed below, what toppings, If any, you usually add to a pizza other than cheese when ordering a pizza for yourself from Pizza Hut. Please check as many boxes as applicable:

anchovies black olives green peppers hot peppers pepperoni

bacon extra-cheese ground beef mushroom sausage

barbecue beef green olives ham onions some other toppings: ______


QUESTIONNAIRE A set of questions asked in standardized manner to each participants or respondents and the researcher asks only questions that are listed in the interview guide. A. Forms of Questions 1. Open- Ended Format respondents are allowed to answer any questions they wish to answer based on their understanding. unstructured type

Advantage: more authentic answer to the question Disadvantage: analysis and degree of variations of the responses

2. Multiple Choice Format presents a question which is followed by a set of options pre-determined by the researcher or based on a pre-survey. structured type Advantage: responding is much easier and data analysis is not difficult Disadvantage: limitations

3. Checklist Format considered as totally structured questionnaire format which is used exclusively or with some use of the free-response opinion. difference from Multiple Choice: respondents can answer a single question with one or more options.

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