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In Celebration of the Life of

John Mangialardi

There is no amount of words that can do John justice. He was, above all else, a devoted husband, father, son, and brother. He loved his parents, his sisters (whom he teased mercilessly), brother-in-law and sister-in-law, in laws, nieces and nephews so much and would do anything for them. He was a loyal friend to all who knew him and an unforgettable presence to all he met. Always one to keep calm in the storm, John dealt with whatever was thrown at him with grace, levelheadedness and perseverance. No matter the situation, no matter the hour or circumstance, the word "impossible ceased to exist in his vocabulary. John touched the lives of people in so many different circles. He was a rock and provider who loved to serve, always putting others above himself. From the grade school gang, to the cabin crew, to the Bronx ADAs, to courthouse friends, to the New York Guard brigade, Johns friends spanned across time and space. Friends he made were friends he forever kept. He was the master chef. His unsurpassed biscotti were the product of more than a decade's worth of baking, and recipe samples were always a sure highlight at gatherings with family and friends. You could always find John in the kitchen by the chopping block, or outside by the grill with a lit cigar in one hand and a bottle of seltzer in the other. As an aspiring politician, John worked tirelessly to run a hands-on and honest campaign. He was one to keep life interesting, and the political scene was the next step for him; the next ring he was ready to throw his hat into. He loved the thrill of the race, and campaigning was yet another new adventure for him. Serving "God and country" was more than a saying for John. His work with the 5th Legal Support Detachment, 56th Brigade, New York Guard was his livelihood. Just as he cared for his family and friends, ensuring that the needs of our troops were welltended to was of utmost importance to him. He had just begun his career as a lector at St. Augustin Church, and loved to joke about his newfound status as a "holy man". John would do anything for a laugh. Although we will miss him terribly, we hope that you will remember the happiness that was an inseparable fixture from his personality, and that you will hold these moments forever in your hearts. We will always love and miss you, John. With love forever, Arlene, Katie and Linlee

The Nightmare By John A. Ferro, brother-in-law The phone rang and I could not believe my ears. Heart wrenching, sobbing, with no breath to gasp, He is gone, gone from our world of seeing. I fell asleep and dreamed, There was no time for me in the past.. No Arlene, Katie, Lin Lee, No Phil or Rose, No Alice, Christine, or Michael, No Joe or Barbara. There was no time in the past.. No "Who is your favorite child Mom?" An exasperated cry from mom, "Johnnnnn.." No holidays or birthdays with laughter over his antics. No scotch and soda, no beer, no cigars. There was no time in the past.. For nighttime calls, for "What's up Emmy?" For no "pee pee", no weak coffee, no pork. There was no time in the past.. For a night walk with Willow, For a game of Bocci, For a patio fire and marshmallow fry. I awoke with a start, a fright, in a sweat, For the nightmare was not the loss, The real nightmare was if he had never been born. We have all experienced the persona, The gift of John Mangialardi. He now lives in our hearts, not our visual world. Listen, listen now, listen now with your hearts and you will hear his laugh you will hear him joke

Look, look now, see with your hearts, you will see his antics, you will see him making a face, a smile.. Smell, smell now, smell with your hearts, you will smell his cigar, his cologne, the scent of the sangria, you will smell the barbecue aromas.. Taste, taste now, taste with your hearts, you will taste his Italian cooking, his biscotti, his scotch. Love, love now, love now with your hearts, For John is here with us, Just live with your hearts, Remember with your hearts, Talk to him with your hearts. He will answer, for the real nightmare was only a dream, Reality now is painful, but filled with so much richness and gift. For he was born, he shared his life with us, God's gift to all of us here, He lives.. Don't look with your eyes, Feel with your hearts. We love you John Mangialardi, thanks for sharing your life with us! You are still and will always be, our best Son, Brother, Husband, Father, Uncle, and Friend.

Over thirty years ago, John bought a poster of the poem "If" for Arlene that still hangs in her bedroom at her parents' house. It was a nd still is their favorite poem. Several years after they were married, John and Arlene found a framed copy of the poem for $14.99 at a roadside tanned. This poem continues to hang in the entryway of their ohm, and has been there to provide strength to guide them through the light days and the dark. "If" fully embodies John's values and beliefs. The $14.99 frame exemplifies John's humility, and the values that he lived out are present in the poems's verse: in the way he loved, in the way he worked, in his faith, in his sense of humor, and in the way he loved his family, his friends, and his country. A "gentle giant" and "smiling Jack" in all that he did, John was a larger than life presence who had the power to light up any room he walked into. He was the embodiment of all of these qualities and he lived every moment of his life to the fullest.

John Mangialardi May 3, 1958 - September 3, 2013

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