Costa Rica vs. Usa Pesentation On Scribd 9-9-2013

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Victor Stanculescu Fondator

1. Fotbalul: Stiinta, Arta & Business 1. Dragoste P-tru Fotbalului 2. Credinta in Tine & God 3. Speranta de Maine

Victor@SoccerAcademy 3. Personalitatea Antrenori, Jucatori & Staff 1.Genetica 2.Profesionala 3.Sociala



2. Performanta in Football: Conceptul de Joc Conceptul de pregatire Conceptul de recuperare

Football for 21ST Century is:

1. SCIENCE made by Coaches & Staff

2. ART-made by the PLAYERS + STAFF

3. BUSINESS = Professionals + Performances

1631 Whitcomb, Des Plaines, 60081. IL. USA ; Tel: 1-312-823-2166 & Fax: 1-208-575-5453 ; ;

Importance of the game: All qualifications games are important: 1. 3 Points; 2. Qualification! 3. Team-training into the official competitions! 4. Using various strategies, training for the WORLD CUP 2014! 5. Use more players to introduce the team into SUPERIOR strategies! 6. International PRESTIGE! Etc. Game situations: Costa Rica, has a tradition, developed well and the game was expected, as one of the best in the CONCACAF Qualified several times to the World Cup! USA- was confident that they will win! But, this is FOOTBALL and thats why, its so interesting, unexpected and wonderful game of the games! Soccer Academy of America & Association of Professional Football Coaches without Frontiers, present few technical, scientific and strategic considerations about the game:

Using the analysis, through a MODERN GAMES PROFILE; Evaluating in marks scale from 1-10, 10 being the highest;

The main factors are the components of our PERFORMANCE FOOTBALL CONCEPT, USING THE 3-Dimentional Analysis Method, applied to the football game; The Games Profile will have three aspects: 1. Evaluation, in marks from 1-10; 2. Diagnosis, dividing the results in three categories of games value:
2.1. Qualities:

the best marks (minimum 3 factors) 2.2. Unprepared Qualities and Capacities: marks: (Minimum 3 factors) 2.3. Weaknesses: marks (The rest of the factor) 3. Decisions and Implementation the Master-Plan-Program for the next game: The conclusions: SOS- For the next official game of USA with MEXICO, after 3 days! For the rest of the official games to qualify; SOS ALL Teamwork: 1. Maximum Concentration; 2. Better Decisions; 3. Confidence and positive attitude! Enjoy the presentation! * For COACHES WITHOUT FRONTIERS, is a routine of learning from the Champions whats good and bad, regarding the Official Competitions; * Evaluation of the last game; * Preparation for the next game; * The winning strategies of the official game; * Reinforcement the entire concept of qualifications, in the way for the final tournament!

Special Strategies;
For Special Professional Coaches; Without Frontiers of Systems and Concepts; The Professional Coaches Mind - Map

Tip: No. 1: Professional Games Profile:

10 chapters X 3 factors = Profile on 30 Main Factors

No: I. 1.1. 1.2 1.3 II. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. III 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. IV. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. V. 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. VI. 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. VII. 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. GAMES FACTORS COSTA RICA vs. USA INDIVIDUAL PLAYERS VALUE Mental Physical Skills MENTAL TEAM/PLAYERS VALUE Commitment in stress games conditions Management of mental concentration Special strategies: go ahead & come back? PHYSICAL FITNESS & Energy Management: Speed + Agility in group of 3-4 players Power +Fight winning in 1 vs. 1 play Endurance using 3 Zones of the Play-Field SKILLS FOR PLAYING IN Attack: Passing Ball possessions individual+group Dribbling ball control + dont lose the ball Shooting- TIMING the shoot and score? SKILLS FOR PLAYING IN DEFENSE: 1 VS. 1 = Pressing + stop the opponent 3 v. 1-2 = Interception in 3-4 players Tackling the ball in 1 vs. 1, and control-Ball 3-DIMENSIONAL GAME: Playing in attack = to score goals Playing in defense = dont receive goals SET PLAYS = to score/dont receive goals THE MAJOR 3 STRATEGIES TO WIN? TIMING Superior mind game strategy PRESSINGWith & without ball total Fotbal CONCENTRATION & RELAXATION in 3 Zones C,Rica 8 8 8 24 9 8 8 25 8 8 8 24 8 8 8 24 9 8 8 25 8 8 7 23 7 8 8 USA 6 6 6 18 6 6 4 16 6 6 5 17 6 5 4 15 5 7 6 18 4 5 7 16 4 6 5 Total 14 14 14 42 15 14 12 41 13 14 13 40 14 13 12 39 14 15 14 43 12 13 14 39 11 13 13 Place Observation
No Freshness USA No ENERGY - USA NO Energy to win

USA-TIRED? Less will to WIN! No Mental Energy

USA = 3 speed only Yellow card = USA No energy-No life!

Absent LATIN Pass No support energy No concentration

1vs.1 (3rd goal?) No total fitness Fault without ball

NO! Chance! Were surprised Even penalty bad!

Latin Mind Art! In Attack & Defense Games Biochemistry


23 VIII. 8.1. 8.2. 8.3. ix. 9.1. 9.2. 9.3. x. 10.1. 10.2. 10.3. THE MODERN PLAYING 3x3x3x3 Playing in 3 zones of the field (1-2-3) Playing in 3-4 groups of players X 3 Zones Playing in 3 EFFORTS/SPEED (1-2-3) WINNING STRATEGIES: The team shows a Concept of performance Team shows a PLAYING TO WIN-FIGHT? The team shows WINNING STRATEGIES? FINAL GAMES CONCLUSION ON STAFF? Referee changed the result of the game? PLAYERS: STARS contribution to the game? COACHES: Contribution to the result? TOTAL FACTOR 10 TOTAL GENERAL TEAMS Classifications 8 9 8 25 8 9 8 25 8 8 9 25 3

15 6 6 4 16 4 4 5 13 8 4 4 16 1

37 14 15 12 41 12 13 13 38 16 12 13 41

VII Win possession! Triangles + Squares Anaerob+Aerob+Mix III. They know a System Willing vs. can win?
Any game strategies

VI. Referees-correct! Players play to win?

Coaches prepared teams?



N0 1 2 3 4 5 QUALITIES (best) 43 = Skills playing defense 42 = Individual players value 41= Mental games factor 41= Modern Play 3x3x3x3 41= Staff games conclusion No 1 2 3 4 5 UNPREPARE qualities 40.=Management of Fitness 39.= Skills Playing Attack 39.= 3-D: Att+Def+Set Play No. 1 2 3 4 5 WEAKNESSES (Less) 38. = Wining Strategies! 37.= 3-game strategies.

We can make different evaluation for each team! Practical implementation for the next game, next season, all competitions!
1. Recovery of the injury players; 2. Recovery for the entire team/players, for the next game; 3. Study the special strategies for qualification; 4. Mental Recovery; 5. Physical Recovery 6. Glandular Recovery; 7. Playing Recovery and eventually the playing 11+ 8 reserves 8. Winning Strategies; 9. Referee Strategic-Scenario! 10. Again, complete NEXT GAME MASTER-PLAN-PROGRAM:`


Professional Coaches Dialogue COSTA RICA - USA: 3-1

Few Technical professional notes and tips after: COSTA RICA Vs. USA 1. The first aspect we identify, is the TEAMS DISCIPINE, to play (As professionals) to win! The 2 yellow cards received without any reason, just because they were mad on the opponent team! (Besler-2nd yellow card and its not playing Mexico); 1. The big DONOVAN, in the first half, in the penalty area, with a ball in control, the GK2.
jumped and get the ball, and .MASTER DONOVAN, was living the left foot, to go in the head of the GK! Simple: 1. Red card, or 2. Yellow, or 3. Tell his something! Mister REFEREE? You are a super-star Mr. Donovan, Your attitude its the first showing that you are close to the last part of your playing Job! Better prepare to go for coaching the USA national team, for sure, good for all parts!

3. 4. Faulting the opponents without ball! (YOU are professional: PAID TO PLAY & AND HONOR TO PLAY FOR THE NATIONAL TEAM OF USA!) 5. SOS! You are already qualified. But! No Discipline, for the World Cup BRAZIL 2014! 2. The 2nd aspect, The USA NT, was not complete recovered! Incomplete Individual & team SPORT ESTATE! They were the 2nd in almost everything in the game: playing the ball, in running (See all three goals, and another 3 situations to score), in intercepting, passing, shooting, as all games situations and of course the goals; 3. The team was No Ready to Play an Official big Game, with COSTA RICA! Too much confident that you are USA NATIONAL Team. You need to play to win! No mental concentration to play a very good team! 4. There are 3 aspects of this game: USA COSTA RICA: 4.1. Happed to biggest National Teams (and Clubs), to lose-too! This is part of the game! COSTA RICA WAS PLAYING BETTER FOOTBALL FROM ALL PONTS OF VIEW THAN, USA. We are sportsman to understand, to accept and prepare for the next game with Mexico and the qualification for the World Cup 2014, its almost done!


Second aspect, is that, If this is the good sport estate for USA, THAN, THE PLAYERS ARE 3nd CLASS value! But, this variant is not correct, because the team was plaid several games, well and very well!(but with the other opponents equal or inferior)?!? 4.2. Third aspect is than a PROFESSIONAL COACH & TEAMWOK must know that there are three game situations: I.- The team is developing normal & own team is controlling the opponent team; II.-There are during the game Situations when UN-CONTROLLED GAME the opponent team is better than our team, and; III.-There are another special events during the official game, as UNEXPECTED GAME SITUATIONS (As injuries, bad day for the super-stars as BRADLY, DONOVAN, etc.) 4.4. But, what make us very curious is to know: What was the HEAD COACH thinking to impose to the team to change the way of playing modern football and turn the result (coming back)? The Coach has not a concept of performance to be imposed during the official games; The Costa Rica Coach was standing up-all game and the USA COACH, was seating down, without doing nothing that a superior-smiling when the USA NATIONAL TEAM received goals! The last aspect was the incapacity of the head coach of USA, to HAVE A COMMUNICATION PROFESSIONAL FOOTALL CODE! Just nothing, even the BEST CHAMPIONS, WANT TO PLAY BETTER! Strange! 4.3.

5. The USA NATIONA TEAM has not a CONCEPT OF PERFORMANCE, to play any game situations and win!: 1. Against a LATIN FOOTBALL NATIONAL TEAM as COSTA RICA! 2. The USA, National Football Team and Clubs, are STILL AngloSaxon Concept of Performance? After their game against COSTA RICA, they are not yet playing PHYSCALLY Exceptional, like England, Germany or Nederland!

So, they have ANGLO-SAXON concept of performance!

3. But, USA National Team wants to PLAY AS LATINO FOOTBALL BEST NATIONAL TEAMS/CLUB: Yes! But when they are playing in CONCACAF (With another AngloSaxon National Football Concept); NO! They cant playing against a LATIN CONCEPT National Team, AS Costa Rica! The National team of USA was playing a classical 20 Century AngloSaxon Concept & System 5-10 passes in own field and then LONG BALL, FIGHT AND IF WE CAN SCORE, WE ARE WINNING, IF NOT! WE ARE LOSING, AS has been with COSTA RICA! 4. THE QUESTION FOR coaches without frontiers association IS SIMPLE: How do you want to play (to win, with ANGLOS SANXON SUROGAT CONCEPT), when the world of football is oriented in the last 20 years to the LATIN CONCEPT: THE LAST 5- WORLD CUPS CHAMPIONS ARE NATIONAL LATIN TEAMS: *1994-Brazil; *1998-France; *2002-Brazil; *2006-Italy and *2010Spain! 5. *More than this, The world FOOTBALL IS PLAYING A NEW LATIN CONCEPT - SYSTEM, CALLED: (By the COACHES WITHOUT FRONTIERS): PLAYING IN 3 ZONES OF THE FIEL; Playing IN GROUPS OF 3-4 PLAYERS; Using 3 EFFORTS: Zone 1: 100%; Zone 2: 50-75% & Zone 3: 25% etc. Playing 3-SUPER/STRATEGIES: 3.1.-TIMING( to be able to use the INTELLIGENCE to control, watch and pass, simple, fast, accurate; 3.2.-PRESSING (to be able to have the ball and to obtain, recovering the ball, jumping on the opponent and get again the ball, WITHOUT fault! 3.3.-CONCENTRATION AND RELAXATION, according to the 3 zones, we presented, this being the scieneitifc eplanation of Latin Concept! 6. But (Again, the BUT!) .USA NATIONAL TEAM, wants to play A NEW CONCEPT of performance, called: American Football Concept, for that they employed a German Football Manager Coach (A 100% Anglo-Saxon Concept Football Manager);


7. So, the National team of USA, its between very strange complex: They are not the Latin NT, as: Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay; S. America They are not between the LATIN Europeans: Spain. Italy, France, Portugal They are not yet Anglo-Saxon elite as: Germany, Holland, England; Maybe can be more close between the Mix Football Concept, as: Ghana, Nigeria, Croatia, Japan, family where is more close to the reality of their capacities, abilities, instruction, coaching and goals of performances. 8. In the same time, we need to recognize that the National Football PLAYERS are not on the FIRST LINE/CATEGORY, or WORLD SUPER-STARS, playing on the best world class football Clubs!
The National USSF is not strong enough to promote the best their YOUNG SUPER-STARS, who are losing every year, thousand SUPER-TALENTED, JUST BECAUSE of ALMOST THE SAME COMPLEX, WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE NATIONAL TEAM!

9. The NATIONAL MLS-Professional Football League, is in a very big progress, BUT STILL NOT YET READY to compete with the world famous professional National Leagues and Clubs! 10.Finally, the WORLD OF FOOTBALL IS RUNNING FAST and the National Football Associations & Federations interested to promote their national CONCEPT OF PERFORMANCE are successful! 11. The qualification its already done, but the most interesting aspect is the international PRESTIGE in the world, but first, in our home, CONACAF! This is the most distinguish and wonderful game of the game, FOOTBALL!


We are presenting angher professional exercise for: GLOBAL VISION


6 Chapter X 3 Factors X 3 Games aspects=54 games factors

Professional Coaches Official Games Mind - Map 1.INDIVIDUAL PLAYERS 2.SKILLS & STRATEGIES
3.PLAYIN IN 3 Field Zones: 3X3X3
1. Intelligence . 2. Talent 3. Character/Attitude

1. Speed 2.Power 3. Endurance

1. For Attack 2. For Defense 3. For Set Plays

1. Timing+ Passing=possession 2. Creative+Timing= Dribbling 3. Timing+ Creative = Shoot.

1. Challenge/Pressing 2. Interception/creative 3.Tackling /without violent fault


1. Free Kicks; 2. Corners; 3.Penalty

Zone 1: 1-15/20m: 100% effort Zone 2: 20-35m: 50-75% effort Zone: 3: 35-end: 25% effort

Playing 3-4 players-group= 1. Tandem (2 player); 2. Triangles 1+2;2+1, line33. Square: 2+2; 3+1; 1-2-1, etc ENERGY MANAGEMENT:
1. Play-3-effort zone /Oxygen; 2. Timing+Pressing+Support; 3. Concentration & Relaxation when the game needs!

Playing in 3 efforts/speeds Zone 1=100% =Anaerobe; Zone 2 = 50/75%: Mix- & Zone 3 = 25% effort-recover


6.Micro-Circle for 1-week with 1-2-3 Official GAMES

1. Playing 2. Training & 3. Recovery

1. How we play at: 0-0 2. How we pay at 0-1? 3. How we are playing when score is on our side?


ENERGY MANAGEMENT: 1. Nutrition+ Rest + Sleep 2. Energy for Life+ Fotbal 3.Farmaceutical support


1.Support+Your Genetic Code 2. Junior, Youth, Adult, Old; 3. General + Professional education, important Goal

GAME ANALYSIS: 1. Evaluation 2. Diagnosis 3. Plan-Program




THIS IS A PROFESSIONAL COACH MIND-MAP: 1. Individual Players 2. Skills & Strategies; 3. Playing in 3zone of the field X 3 X 3 X 3 4. Playing STRATEGIES 5. SPORT ESTATE 6. Micro-circle of a week with three, two and one official game!

Conclusions: 1. There are three important period of time:

1.1. Before the official game: Analysis: Evaluation, Diagnosis and Conclusions Establishing the game plan for next official game:

1.2. During the Game: Evaluation; Suggestions from the teamwork Decision to modify positively the game! 1.3. After the Game: Recovery; Preparation for Reserves; Firs 11 + 11 second team + 11- third team: Youth Team Game Strategies; Sport Estate; Life Discipline;



2. We want to remember to the professional football coaches without frontiers: This presentation, its another professional exercises!Dialogue! For anyone interested, to know what we are doing, please, open the following address:, where we posted today, the 63rd FOOTBALL RESEARCH PAPERS, ON THE Electronic Dr. Victor Stanculescu s Professional FOOTBALL LIBRARY
Good luck to the USA - National Team in BRAZIL 2014, AT THE WORLD CUP 2014!

Dr. Victor Stanculescu FIFA Instructor For any question, comment, professional dialogue, please, Contact us: From Chicago September 7-2013



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