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What is administration? Differently defined by different people, and different people use it to main different things. At a general level, administration is used to mean four different things o Administration as a field of study, particularly in higher learning that is related to how be affairs of people are managed to accomplish social goals. o Administration as a process of managing affairs of groups/public affairs (intended to achieve shared goals) o As a profession/vacation, a specialized profession that requires skills related to managing affairs of the people to make things done o As an executive part of the organization, a government for instance including the president and his ministers. Those who set direction of public policy in a country.

As a process, administration is as old as the age of man on earth. However, as a field of study and profession dated back to 1887 when Woodrow Wilson elevated it in his seminal paper, The Stu Study dy of Administration It therefore depends on which of the four someone may be referring to. Individual Scholars have defined administration in different ways. Some of the popular definitions are provided below:
1 Scholar Woodrow Wilson (1887), The Study of Administration, John McDonald Pfiffner (1960), Definition /Quoted Statement Administration is the most obvious part of government; it is government in action, it is the executive, the operative and the most visible side of the government. Administration is the organization and direction of human and material resources -1-

Administrative Organization Edgar Norman Gladden (1949), An Introduction to Public Administration Luther Gullick (1937), Papers on the Science of administration Felix A. Nigro (1970), Modern Public Administration L.D. White

to achieve desired ends. Administration is a long and slightly pompous word, but it has a humble meaning, for it means to care for or look after people, to manage affairs. is determined action taken in pursuit of conscious purpose. Administration has to do with getting things done, with the accomplishment of defined objectives. Administration is the organization and use of men and materials to accomplish a purpose.

The art of administration is the direction, co-ordination, and control of many persons to achieve some purpose or objective. In its broadest sense, the administration Simon, Smithburg can be defined as the activities of group & Thompson(1950), cooperating to accomplish common goals. Public Administration

Generally, administration refers to the art and science of conceiving, initiating, planning, coordinating, and executing collective, conscious, and cooperative affairs of the people to achieve specified objectives/goals. It is about how people come together to decide, implement, and execute collective actions directed towards shared and defined ends by assembling and pressing together different resources into tangible actions/results. Is Administration the Same as as Management? Both of the two are used in organizations (public and private). Administration is the force, which lays down the object for which an organization and its management are to strive and the broad policies under which they are to operate. Management Management on the other hand, is that which leads guides and directs an organization for the accomplishment of pre-2-

determined object. While administration is concerned with setting the goal, management is concerned with achieving the goal. However, the boundaries between management and administrative functions in organizations tend to be dark. COMPONENTS OF ADMINISTRATION According to Simon et al (1950), administration as a process has certain rudimental components, in this view, which simplify the understanding of the process of administration. The essentials of administration according to them are (1) cooperative effort, effort and (2) pursuit of common objectives. objectives Their well known sentence;

When two men cooperate to roll the stone that neither of the two would have moved alone, the rudiments of administration has appeared. (Pp. 1)
(From their simple example) of two men cooperating to roll the (big) stone we can directly identify more than just two components of the process of administration. These include Presense Presense of cooperative efforts:efforts:-Meaning that more than one person investing their mental and physical energies to achieve a purpose. Presense of the Shared Purpose/objectives:-the Purpose/objectives: cooperative efforts are mounted towards achieving certain known purposes There should be Coordination:Coordination: as in the case of rolling the stone, there should be somebody to say what should be done at what time, who should do what, and what has to begin and what to follow. Choice of technology:technology: How to do it/the methods (whether to use a pulley to roll the stone, use a jib of crane, use heavy ropes and pull, use hands e.t.c. It must be noted that administration is not the process of rolling the stone, but rather how the shared need to roll the stone to a certain point is reached, coordinated, and brought into action.


DEFINING PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: (PUBLICNESS VS. PRIVATENESS DEBATE) What is Public Public Administration then? As in the case of administration, there are many definitions. Some of the most popular are summarized below: Scholar Definition /Quoted Statement
Public administration is the detailed and systematic application of law. Every particular application of law is an act of administration. Public administration consists of all those operations having for their purpose the fulfillment or enforcement of public policy. In other words, While attributed the word public in public administration as denoting the government-thus administration of the government. It includes many activities of government institutions (court, military, police, legislature) and civil administration like delivery of a letter, the sale of public land, the negotiation of a treaty, the award of compensation to an injured workman, the quarantine of a sick child, the removal of litter from a park, manufacturing uranium 235, and licensing the use of atomic energy John McDonald Public Administration consists of getting the work of Pfiffner (1960), government done by coordinating the efforts of people Administrative so that they can work together to accomplish their set Organization tasks. Administration is the organization and direction of human and material resources to achieve desired ends pp.481 Simon, Smithburg & Public Administration is meant, in common usage, the Thompson(1950), activities of the executive branches of national, state Public and local governments, government corporations and Administration certain other agencies of a specialised character. Specifically excluded are judicial and legislative agencies within the government and non-governmental administration. Luther Gullick Public Administration is that part of the science (1938) of administration which has to do with government Woodrow Wilson (1887), The Study of Administration, L.D. White

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Dwight Waldo Nicholas Henry

and thus concerns itself primarily with the executive branch where the work of government is done, though there are obviously problems in connection with the legislative and judicial branches. Public administration is the art and science of management as applied to the affairs of State. Public Administration is a broad-ranging and amorphous combination of theory and practice; its purpose is to promote a superior understanding of government and its relationship with the society, it governs, as well as to encourage public policies more -4-

responsive to social needs and to institute managerial practices attuned to effectiveness, efficiency and the deeper human requisites of the citizenry. consider public administration to be a F.A. Nigro and L.G. They cooperative group effort in public settings, which Nigro covers all branches of government and their interrelationship, and has an important role in policy formulation (thus part of political process). In some ways, it is significantly different from private administration, but closely associated with numerous individual private groups that provide services to communities.

Generally; Some definitions have emphasis on the knowledge and skills part of public administration, while some look at it as just an activity aimed at achieving collective matters of the people in government. Public administration may be defined as an art and science of managing the public affairs of the government. It is a business side of the state as it is concerned with delivery of services to the people, serving the interests of the people, but still executing the will of the state. As an art, public administration is associated with doing. Thus, it uses creative skills that involve imagination. Its emphasis is more on practice than theory. Administrative problems are artistic and thus they condition Public officials to work artistically thinking and doing depending on talents rather than theorizing. As a science (as Gullick, Urwick, Woodrow, Willoughby, Fayol, and Taylor believed) apply certain fundamental principles. Principles used in public administration are a result of scientific knowledge and systematic research (Gladden, 1964:3). Administrators use scientific techniques, research, data, techniques, and skills to solve problems. If viewed from the side of the academic discipline/profession-it becomes a science. As also argued by Donnel and Werich (1982:2) the process of administration is an art, but the systematic knowledge used is more a science. This makes public administration both an art and science.

What makes An Administration Public (publicness?) The focus and locus of public administration Focus: what is its core business (what is done in public administration). Locus: Where is public administration done?

Generally, defining the scope calls for two different perspectives (that disagree with one another) regarding the answers to the question such as what is the concern of public administration and where is public administration done. The Narrow perspective That public administration is concerned with five major activities that are always performed in the executive branch of the government. There are Planning, Organizing, Directing, Staffing, Coordinating, Reporting, and Budgeting (PODSCORB), which are only executive functions of the government. The Broad Perspective That public administration is conducted in all branches of government and institutions of the government. They argue that even the PODSCORB functions are carried out in other branches of government and sometimes they are political in nature. Is public administration different from Private Administration? Some scholars say that it is different while some say that it the same as private administration. There are two general arguments regarding the difference and similarity between public and private administration. Argument 1: Public administration is different from private administration Benin and Gaus suggest that for one to understand the difference between public and private administration, there is a need to use three major bases (Benin and Gaus, 1983, Herbert Simon, Peter Drucker, and Paul H. Appleby). These are;

Agency: whether the agency is serving in public ambit or its own? Interest: whether the agency serves the interests of the people in a particular organization or the whole public. Access: In a public entity, there is more access to processes and information compared to private entities. Some scholars who believe that there is a difference between public and private argue that the publicness and Privateness of administration depends on what type of Good Good is being administered. They argue that a good will always range from pure public good, public good, to private good. Pure public good: is not rival, it is non-excludable, and its extension to another person does not mean reduction of effectiveness (public health, public security, and defense, prison services). Public Good: it is non-excludable, non-rival, but its extension to the other persons may imply cost on the side of provider. E.g. Higher education, (in some countries even secondary education) Private Good: Is rival and excludable in the sense that extending it for others to enjoy imply cost. E.g., beer in the bar, Zuku TV, etc Hebert Simon et al (1950) provide three differences between public and private administration. There are; While public administration is bureaucratic, private administration is business like. Whereas public administration is political, private administration is non-political While public administration is characterized by redtape, private administration is not. Other scholars argue that the two differ since uniform laws regulate public administration, has external financial control, accountability of officials to politically elected leaders, returns that cant be measured in terms of money (Sir Josiah Stamp), and accountability to public (according to Appleby).

While some of the distinguishing features seem to have been disapproved by the changes in the administration of modern governments, most of the distinctive features of public administration continue to provide basis for distinction between public administration (government) and private (business) administration. Argument2: Argument2: Public Administration is the same as private administration Scholars like Gullick, (1968) have suggested that there is no difference between private administration and private administration. They suggest that administration is administration be it in the business or the government. Administration is primarily concerned with 7 functions which are performed in both government and market organizations. These are commonly abbreviated as POSDCORB:
P O D S C R B Standing Standing Standing Standing Standing Standing Standing for for for for for for for Planning Organizing Directing Staffing Coordinating Reporting Budgeting Both Both Both Both Both Both Both public public public public public public public and and and and and and and private private private private private private private sectors sectors sectors sectors sectors sectors sectors use use use use use use use it it it it it it it

From this point of view, they see the attempt to differentiate public from private administration is like trying to retain outdate-and indeed the negative features of the old administrative models (such as inefficiency, rigid rules, and red-tapism) in public administration. Traditional Difference Administration
1 Basis of Distinction Motive





Public Administration

Private Administration

Operate with a primary aim Primarily operate to make of delivering public good- profit and not promoting welfare not profit There is no close public watching over the administration of businesses Private administration work free from close control by

Public Gaze The business of public and Scrutiny administration operate under strict public gaze and scrutiny-anything bad Politicality Public administration is more influenced by -8-

political process The legal Public administration is framework regulated by the law and abide by constitutional rules and officials exercise powers in defined legal bounds Constituency Public officials are required to treat the people equally (not favoring one over the other) Monopoly of In public administration, services governments may choose to monopolize essential services and restrict competition in those areas e.g. security services.

political actors The directors and owners of private organizations apart from the law they may develop their own rules and regulations (differing from the government law) Businesses can choose to provide special treatment to their special customers (in relation to income or social classes). The private sectors operate through competition and no Firm can exercise monopoly over a given type of service

However, changes in administration and management approaches suggest that the differences above are partial in the sense that features attributed to public administration also apply to private administration and vice versa. Thus, it is suggested that public administration and public administration are similar. Similarities between Public and Private Administration Processes and procedures (even skills-e.g clerical, accounting, managerial) of administration apply in both public and private organization Today the public enterprises are changing in the way that operating to avoid loss (profit motive) is no longer a peculiar motive. Public organizations must also operate productively in the modern world (think of TANESCO). Private concerns of the private sector are also regulated by the laws, regulations, and policies of the government Both seek maximum contact with the public: Private and public administration serve the people (as customers/clients or citizens). Therefore, both must maintain working with people.


Topic 2: Approaches and Administration [6 lectures]




2.1. Development of Public Administration (activity, and field) Paradigmatic Shifts (core landmarks)

A paradigmIs dominant belief that guides intellectualization about a social phenomenon at a given time. Influences the definition, understanding, and debates about phenomena. 1. Politics/administration dichotomy (1900-1926) 2. Principles of Administration (1937-1927) 3. Public Administration as political Science (1950-1970 4. Public administration as management (1956-1970) 5. Public Administration as Public Administration 1970-1990s 6. Current movement NPM Old versus New models of Public Administration
The (old) traditional model as characterized by Hughes (2003) refers to an administration under the formal control of the political leadership, based on a strictly hierarchical model of bureaucracy, staffed by permanent, neutral and anonymous officials, motivated only by the public interest, serving any governing party equally, and not contributing to policy but merely administering those policies decided by the politicians. This model derives from Woodrow Wilson and Frederick Taylor, and Max Weber. The Weberian Bureaucratic model for example; assumed that bureaucracy (as a modern form of organization in Germany) was an expression of the best form of legitimate authorities. Max Weber classified legitimate authority into three types a) Traditional Authority: includes two forms of in which social organization; Household acceptability and legitimacy is based on blood ties (relatives), favourites and servants (e.g. family, and Vassals, Vassals which include rule of feudal lords who swear loyalty to monarch
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and hold land in exchange for military service. In the traditional authorities, actions depend on customs and values. Charismatic Authority: In this form of authority, legitimacy comes from personal traits and charisma of a leader. Equally, legitimacy and actions depend on values, beliefs, and personality. Legal Rational Authority Webers Authority (bureaucracy): (bureaucracy bureaucracy was an ideal type of organization. He argued that bureaucracies were increasingly moving towards this pure type (ideal type which he characterized as follows). Each administrative official i. Specialization: has a clearly defined area of responsibility and competence. ii. Hierarchy: A chain of command and responsibility is established whereby officials are accountable to their immediate superior for their conduct and for those below them. iii. Express Rules and Regulat Regulations: ions: The functioning of a bureaucracy is governed by a consistent system of abstract written rules which define the limits of their officials authority, are applied to specific cases in fulfilling their tasks, and improve strict discipline and control, leaving little chance of discretion. iv. Impersonality of Officials: there is a clear distinction between offices and their incumbent. Bureaucrats performance comes from the spirit of formalistic impersonality, and working according to calculable rules and without regard for persons. v. Appointment and Career Growth on Basis of Merit (Meritocracy): Officials are appointed based on technical knowledge, skills, and expertise they possess. vi. Permanent of Tenure: Full time salaried officials who are full-time paid employees with a career. Promotion based upon seniority, achievement, or a combination of the two.


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The effect of shifts in models and paradigms on

law enforcement functions

2.2. The Core approaches Administration Managerial Approach Political Approach Legal Approach for Studying Public

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