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Table of Contents

S.No. Topic Page No.

1. Executive Summary 2

2. Profile: Bloom Solutions 3

3. Vision, Mission & Values 4

4. Company Overview 5

5. Services: Bloom Solutions 6

6. HR Services: Bloom Solutions 8

7. Clients: Bloom Solutions. 11

8. Basic Concepts. 13

9. Survey Questionnaire 15

10 Data Analysis & Interpretation 20

11 Research Findings & 39

. Recommendations

Executive Summary

HR Consultancy Firm offers it’s customers a continuum of services to meet

their HR needs throughout their business cycle. These firms mainly
specialize in Recruitments (Talent Search), Flexi Staffing (Flexi Talent),
Training, HR Services, Institutional Services and Assessment Centre. Nation
wide network of offices enables the company to meet the needs of its
Clients, including the world's largest multinational corporations and Major
corporations of India Inc, as well as small and medium size enterprises in all
industry sectors.

These firms have succeeded in changing its strategy to Globally Service

Clients by embracing the entire range of HR Services. Thus, raising
productivity through improved quality, efficiency and cost-reduction to
enable Clients to concentrate on their core business activities.

Bloom Solutions has aggressively expanded its network which is intrinsic to

their strategic plans. Consequently, they are opening our doors to more
applicants and employers each year with a broader range of excellent
available positions to fill and a healthier base of candidates to place in those


Bloom Software Solutions is a privately owned company offering

Off-shore outsourcing and development services. The services and solutions
are designed with a focus on secure and scalable business systems. Through
the low cost, high quality and reliable software services, we serve our clients
giving them value for money and thus client satisfaction.

Bloom Software Solutions works in a flexible environment for offering

Off-shore outsourcing and software development process, adjusting as per
the clients' requirements. Quality work is a prerequisite for every task
undertaken at Bloom Software Solutions.

Attempting to provide world-class services, they always strive to provide

quality work and consider "every effort counts". Excellent and consistent
quality at low cost is what drives the business and the company plays by
rules of the game.

People are the key resources in any service industry. Company highly values
its people and their performance. Bloom Software Solutions ensures
providing an environment to develop their skills and offers them a
rewarding career.
Culture at Bloom Software Solutions is governed by:
3 I’s - Innovate Constantly, Illuminate its environment & Integrate with
knowledge sharing.

”To earn global admiration as an IT Outsourcer, by building and

maintaining long lasting relationship with people and technology
and deliver functional software and excellent services.”

”To lead in the various avenues of Software Outsourcing market,
implements novel ideas in project development and deliver cost
effective and required solutions to its prospective clients.”

”We cherish and nurture our values and interactions with all our
employees and clients. We have high regards for individual value
that creates a transparent atmosphere ensuring outstanding
teamwork and rapport, built within the company. We promise to
live up to our values.”

Bloom Software Solutions technology and process expertise is the
foundation of all of our service offerings. Bloom Software Solutions clients
have discovered the unbeatable combination of the highest-quality services
with the unmistakable bottom-line benefits of software outsourcing.

Bloom Software Solutions Delivers:
--- On-demand access to over 2,800 highly skilled professionals worldwide.
--- Real cost savings by combining local and offshore IT development
--- Fastest delivery with 24x7 operations.
--- Quality in everything they do.
--- Leading edge technology and research with applied R&D organization.
--- Proven track-record of successes world-wide in projects of all scale and



1. Product Development:

Product Development is a complex process and requires deep expertise to

deliver a robust product. Recognized as an Off-shore Product Development

leader, Bloom Software Solutions understands the associated challenges,
and with its vast experience, has devised strategies to overcome them.

2. Migration & Porting:

Bloom Software Solutions is a migration and porting specialist who can take
care of cross platform compatibility challenges, while the Client can stay
focused on product innovation. Bloom Software Solutions has specialized
skills in this domain and has enabled several technology companies migrate
their products to newer technologies.

3. Web – Designing & Multimedia:

Bloom Solutions is an expert in website template design, portal
development, Flash multimedia, brand creation and web based graphics.
They have an integrated team of web designer, creative designers, writers,
web programmers and web marketing professionals to make web site more
attractive as well as content reach. On the bases of their customize web
design process they are different from typical web design companies. They
have built a reputation for creating a lot of web portals for Governments,
Corporate as well as in Offshore World.

4. Infrastructure Solutions:

Maximize ROI’s— while one benefits from higher quality of services and
innovative solutions to your business challenges with Infrastructure
Solutions from Bloom Software Solutions.
They provide a comprehensive infrastructure assessment & consulting,
implementation & migration, project & program management, security, and

support services to organizations worldwide.


Bloom Software Solutions is a leader in the HR Services industry, offering
customers a continuum of services to meet their HR needs throughout their
business cycle. They specialize in Recruitments (Talent Search),
Flexi Staffing (Flexi Talent), Training, HR Services, Institutional Services
and Assessment Centre. Nation wide network of offices enables the

company to meet the needs of its Clients, including the world's largest
multinational corporations and Major corporations of India Inc, as well as
small and medium size enterprises in all industry sectors.

Bloom Software Solutions has succeeded in changing its strategy to

Globally Service Clients and as India's Premier HR Company embraces the
entire range of HR Services .Thus, raising productivity through improved
quality, efficiency and cost-reduction to enable clients to concentrate on
their core business activities. The main aspects of HR Services are:

a). Skill Areas:

We specialize in the practice of recruiting and resource management and
apply this expertise across a breadth of technology stacks. Categorized
below are some of the skills we have provided to our clients.

b). Recruiting Talent:

Bloom Software Solutions Account Leaders and Technical Recruiters
understand the technology areas and are experts at assessing the client
requirements, interpreting them and qualifying the candidates using the
Bloom Software Solutions's own sourcing methodology perfected over the
years. As is required by changes in technology, the Account team members
undergo continuous training in IT areas and resourcing methodologies. They
are also members of recruiting SIGs (Special Industry Group) where they
share and learn industry best practices.

They qualify candidates through strict adherence to the traditional and time-
tested process of multi-point contact, in-person interviews, tech-checks and
reference checks. They recruiters develop a strong understanding of a
candidate's skills, preferences, strengths and weaknesses to ensure the best
match in terms of assignments, as well as to help them further their career.
As required by their client, we also perform a background check and drug

c). Value Proposition:

Value Proposition to their clients is made up of several essential success
criteria while offering IT staffing services.

d). Experience:
Their professionals understand the technology challenges that companies
face and have the skills to provide qualified resources to our clients. They
specialize in the practices of recruiting, staffing and resource management.

e). Cost Savings:

Pyramid offers its clients our services utilizing a competitive, small
company cost structure, thereby maximizing savings to our clients. They
clients save 20-30% over their existing cost by employing our services.

f). Quick Turnaround:

Their average response time to a job requisition is less than 2 business days.
They achieve a quick response by developing access to a local, readily
available consultant pool. In some instances or with some special skills, they

utilize the services of sub-tier relationships. They have identified key
partners that specialize in niche technology areas. This allows them to bring
their expertise to the benefit of our clients.

g). Closed Positions:

Providing long term, on-time talent to an organization is the essence of
Human Resource Consulting. Bloom Software Solutions's methodology of
managing top, middle and junior management hires is based on the
foundation of establishing the bonafide of the candidate. Keeping the
industry pre-requisites firmly in mind, their team selects aspirants with an
in-depth understanding of your organization’s discrete identity. Focused
conversations with the candidate draws out a vital fact file outlining his
conditioning, personal goals, ideal job, trust mechanism, etc. A complete
brief such as this arms us to effortlessly place a round peg in a round hole.
Bloom Solutions Executive Search team has intense experience of working
with some of the most discerning organizations.


1. AMD India. 17.TCGI Information Tech.
2. Mindtree Consultancy Firm. 18.INS Zoom Software Solutions.
3. Tata Consultancy Services. 19.Eagle Software Solutions.
4. Challaw Law Firm. 20.Perot Systems Ltd.
5. Wipro Ltd. 21.ITPL Technologies.
6. HCL Technologies. 22.Fragomen Software Solutions.
7. Hewlett Packard (HP). 23.Global Edge Software Ltd.

8. CMS Computers. 24.Geodesic Information Systems
9. Fakhoury Law Group. 25.Mphasis Solutions.
10.Oracle. 26.Pico Systems Ltd.
1. Atrenta Solutions.
11.Huawei Technologies. Logix Micro
10. Systems.
2. Rambus Pvt.Ltd.
12.Novozymes Ltd. 11.Nvidia
3. Usi Technologies.
13.Proteans Software Solutions. 12.SAP
29.SLKIndia Pvt. Ltd.
Software Systems.
4. Broadcom
14.Sasken Pvt. Ltd.
Communications. 13.Siemens Systems.
30.L&T Infotech.
5. Intel India
15.Subex Ltd.
Technologies. 14.Delphi
31.VediorPvt. Ltd. Solutions.
6. Netlogic Pvt.
16.Symphony Ltd.
Services. 15.FCG
Pvt. Ltd.
7. Cognizant Ltd. 16.Hughes Software Systems.
8. Convergys Pvt. Ltd. 17. Honeywell Technology Ltd.

9. ITC Infotech. 18. iGATE Global Solutions Ltd.


The research objective is to understand the client satisfaction level for the
Human Resource Services provided by Bloom HR Consultancy Firm.

This provides a summary of survey results critical for Human Resource

Services. The results highlights the satisfaction levels, benefits & non-
benefits of the clients of Bloom HR Consultancy Firm. The report gives a
scope for Bloom HR Consultancy Firm to provide better Human Resource
Services to its clients and maintain a long run relationship with its clients so
that they can get benefited by Bloom’s HR Services.

Demographic Summary:
Provides a breakdown on the amount of clients by the demographic group.

Dimensions Summary:
Provides a summary of aggregate scores by the Performance Dimensions.

Distribution of Scores:
Provides detailed results for each question asked in the questionnaire of the

Written Comments:
Describes the written feedback as provided by clients.

Ten common concepts to measure the satisfaction levels of the

clients towards its HR Consultancy Firm with respect to
Human Resource Services are as follows:

1. Knowledge and Client rating for the Consultancy Firm.

2. Quality & Standard of the Human Resource Services.
3. Quality of Client Service.
4. Future availing possibility of the clients.
5. Knowledge, Standard, Attitude, Professionalism, etc. of the IT

6. Time taken to close a particular Job requirement by the firm.

7. Methodology and Procedure of the IT Recruiters to undertake a Job

8. Possibility of handling complex job requirements.
9. No. of job approvals through the consultancy firm to the client in a
period of one month.

10.Quality and Standard of the candidates approved by the consultancy
firm to its client.

Dear Customer: Please help us serve you better by taking a couple of
minutes to tell us about the service that you have received so far. We
appreciate your business and want to make sure we meet your

1. How did your company come to know about Bloom Software

o Other IT Companies.
o Other Consultancy Firms.
o Internet.
o Magazines & Newspaper.
o Through professionals.

2. Are you satisfied with the services from Bloom Solutions?

o Extremely satisfied

o Very satisfied
o Neutral
o Very dissatisfied
o Extremely dissatisfied

3. What was the quality of customer service you received from the
recent experience with Bloom Solutions?
o Excellent service.
o Satisfactory service.
o Unsatisfactory service.

4. For the future Job Requirements how likely are you going to avail

the services from Bloom Solutions?

o Definitely would avail.
o Probably would avail.
o Might or might not avail.
o Probably would not avail.

5. Did Bloom Solution’s IT Recruiter?

o Quickly identify the problem.

o Appear knowledgeable and competent.

o Help you get appropriate candidates.

o Handle issues with courtesy and professionalism.

6. How much long did it take to get the appropriate candidates for a

particular Job requirement?

o Around 15 days.
o Between 15 to 30 days.
o More than a month.
o The job requirement is still not closed.

7. What is your perception about Bloom Solution’s IT Recruiters?

Strongly Somewhat Neither Somewhat Strongly

Disagree Disagree Agree or Agree Agree
IT Recruiters [] [] [] [] []
are well
IT Recruiters [] [] [] [] []
are well
IT Recruiters [] [] [] [] []
adhere to
standards of
IT Recruiters [] [] [] [] []
act in client’s
best interest.
Overall, I am [] [] [] [] []

satisfied with
the IT
Recruiters of

8. What degree of confidence did you have in the

knowledge/professionalism of the IT Recruiter(s) who provided

the service(s) from Bloom Solutions?
o Confident.
o Not Confident.
o Can’t Say.

9. Are you satisfied with the methodology and procedure in which

Bloom Solutions processes the job requirements?
o Extremely satisfied.

o Very satisfied.

o Neutral.

o Very dissatisfied.

o Extremely dissatisfied.

10. According to you can Bloom Solutions handle complex Job

Requirements in the IT field?

o Definitely can handle.
o Can’t say.
o Surely cannot handle.

11. What is the approximate number of the job approvals through

Bloom Solutions in a period of one month?

o 50 approvals.
o More than 50 approvals.
o Less than 50 approvals.

12.The candidates short listed by Bloom Solutions, do they satisfy the

all the criteria for getting selected to the client company and are
those the appropriate candidates?
o Most of them satisfy.
o Some of them satisfy.
o Few of them satisfy.

13. Thinking of similar services offered by other companies, how

would you compare Bloom Solutions services?

o Best, based on experience.
o Similar service.
o Worse, based on experience.

14. Would you recommend Bloom Solutions to another Software

Company looking for consultancy services?

o Yes.

o No.

o Might or might not.

15.Overall, how would you rate Bloom Solutions for its HR Services?

o Excellent service.

o Good service.

o Average service.

o Unsatisfactory service.

Thank you for your feedback. We sincerely appreciate your honest

opinion and will take your input into consideration while providing
services in the future. If you have any comments or concerns about this
survey please let us know.


Table 1: How did your company come to know about Bloom Software

Options No. of Respondents Percentage

Other IT Companies. 9 18
Other Consultancy Firms. 15 30
Internet. 9 18
Magazines & Newspaper. 5 10
Through professionals 12 24
Total 50 100

Chart 1
Other IT Companies.

Other Consultancy
24% 18% Firms.

10% Magazines &

18% 19 Newspaper.
Through professionals
The above table and chart shows that most of the companies came to know
about Bloom Solutions through other consultancy firms dealing in same or
different field i.e., 30%. Professionals in the same or different field also
have much to know about Bloom Solutions i.e., 24%. Internet also serves as
a major source of information about Bloom Solutions along with other IT
Companies dealing with Bloom Solutions i.e., 18%. Then finally Magazines
and Newspapers act as a source i.e., 10%.
Table 2: Are you satisfied with the services from Bloom Solutions?
Options No. of Respondents Percentage
Extremely satisfied 20 40
Very satisfied 24 48
Neutral 5 10
Very dissatisfied 1 2
Extremely dissatisfied 0 0
Total 50 100

Chart 2
10% 0%
Extremely satisfied
40% Very satisfied
Very dissatisfied
48% Extremely dissatisfied

The above table and chart shows that 48% of Bloom’s clients are satisfied
with its HR services and 40% of clients are extremely satisfied and have no
complaints about Bloom’s HR services. 10% of the clients are both satisfied
and dissatisfied depending upon the situation i.e., they are neutral. Finally

2% of the clients are dissatisfied with Bloom Solutions based on some
experiences. So overall the maximum no. of clients are satisfied with Bloom
Solutions HR Services.

Table 3: What was the quality of customer service you received from the
recent experience with Bloom Solutions?
No. of
Options Respondents Percentage
Excellent service. 18 36
Satisfactory service. 30 60
Unsatisfactory service. 2 4
Total 50 100

Chart 3

Excellent service.
Satisf actory service.
Unsatisf actory service.

The above table and chart shows that on the basis of the recent experience
with Bloom Solutions around 60% of the clients received a satisfactory
service and 36% of the clients received excellent service from Bloom
Solution. Only 4% of the clients received unsatisfactory service due to some

reasons. Therefore, Bloom Solutions provides good and commendable
service to its clients.

Table 4: For the future Job Requirements how likely are you going to
avail the services from Bloom Solutions?

Options No. of Respondents Percentage

Definitely would avail. 34 68
Probably would avail. 12 24
Might or might not avail. 4 8
Probably would not avail. 0 0
Total 50 100

Chart 4

8% 0%
Definitely w ould avail.
Probably w ould avail.
Might or might not avail.
Probably w ould not avail.

The above table and chart shows that for the future job requirements 24% of
the clients would avail the HR services of Bloom Solutions as usual and
68% of the clients would definitely without any doubts avail the services of
Bloom Solutions. Only 8% of the clients would are not sure whether to avail

the services or not. Therefore maximum no. of the clients are satisfied with
the HR services of Bloom Solutions and would like to avail the services in
the future too.

Table 5: Did Bloom Solution’s IT Recruiter?

A. Quickly identify the problem.
B. Appear knowledgeable and competent.
C. Help you get appropriate candidates.
D. Handle issues with courtesy and professionalism.
Options Respondents Percentage
A&B 9 18
A&C 5 10
A&D 7 14
B&C 14 28
B&D 12 24
C&D 3 6
All of the above. 0 0
Total 50 100

Chart 5

6% 0% 18% A&C
10% A&D
The above table and chart shows that around 28% of the clients feel that Bloom
Solutions IT Recruiters are knowledgeable 14%
and competent and help get appropriate
candidates. 24% feel that IT Recruiters are along with knowledge andabove.
All of the competency they
can handle requirements very well. 18% feel that the IT Recruiters are knowledgeable,
competent and quickly understand the job requirement. 14% feel that they can quickly
identify the requirement and can handle the requirement very well. 10 % feel that they
quickly identify the requirement and help get appropriate candidates. 6% feel that they
help get right candidates and can handle
23situations well.
Table 6: How much long did it take to get the appropriate candidates
for a particular Job requirement?

Options No. of Respondents Percentage

Around 15 days. 20 40
Between 15 to 30 days. 20 40
More than a month. 8 16
The job requirement is still not closed. 2 4
Total 50 100

Chart 6

Around 15 days.
40% Betw een 15 to 30 days.

More than a month.

40% The job requirement is still

not closed.

The above table and chart shows that 40% of the clients feel it took 15 to 30
days to get appropriate candidates through Bloom Solutions. 16% feel that it
took more than a month to get appropriate candidates. For 4% of the clients
the job requirement is still not closed due some reasons. Therefore overall

Bloom Solutions is able to provide the service in the time specified by its

Table 7: What is your perception about Bloom Solution’s IT Recruiters?

Ques a) Are the IT Recruiters are well trained?

Options No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Disagree 0 0
Somewhat Disagree 2 4
Neither agree nor disagree 6 12
Somewhat Agree 18 36
Strongly Agree 24 48
Total 50 100

Chart 7 (a)
12% Strongly Disagree
Somew hat disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somew hat disagree
Strongly Agree

From the above table and chart 36% of clients somewhat agree that Bloom
Solutions IT Recruiters are well trained with their work and 48% strongly
agree that the IT Recruiters are very well trained with the work. 12% of the
clients are not sure. Only 4% somewhat disagree that the IT Recruiters are

very well trained based on some experiences. Overall, Bloom Solutions IT
Recruiters are very well trained by the company and know their job well.

Ques b) Are the IT Recruiters are well supervised?

Options No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Disagree 0 0
Somewhat disagree 0 0
Neither agree nor disagree 12 24
Somewhat Agree 15 30
Strongly Agree 33 66
Total 50 100

Chart 7 (b)
20% Strongly Disagree
Somew hat disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
55% Somew hat disagree
Strongly Agree

The above table and chart shows that 66% of the clients strongly agree that
the Bloom Solutions IT Recruiters are well supervised and 30% somewhat
agree that Bloom Solutions IT Recruiters are well supervised. 24% of clients
are not sure about Bloom Solutions supervision. Overall, IT Recruiters of
Bloom Solutions are very well supervised by the management.

Ques c) Do the IT Recruiters adhere to professional standards of

Options No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Disagree 0 0
Somewhat disagree 0 0
Neither agree nor disagree 0 0
Somewhat Agree 9 18
Strongly Agree 41 82
Total 50 100

Chart 7 (c)

0% 18% Strongly Disagree

Somew hat disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somew hat disagree
82% Strongly Agree

The above table and chart shows that the 82% of the clients strongly agree
that Bloom Solutions IT Recruiters adhere to professional standards of
conduct and 18% somewhat agree with the statement. Overall, Bloom
Solutions IT Recruiters are true professionals and adhere to professional and
corporate standards of conduct.

Ques d) Do the IT Recruiters act in client’s best interest?

Options No. of Respondents Percentage

Strongly Disagree 0 0
Somewhat disagree 0 0
Neither agree nor disagree 0 0
Somewhat Agree 5 10
Strongly Agree 45 90
Total 50 100

Chart 7 (d)

0% 10% Strongly Disagree

Somew hat disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somew hat disagree

90% Strongly Agree

The above table and chart shows that 90% of the clients strongly agree that
Bloom Solutions IT Recruiters act in client’s best interest and 10%
somewhat agree about the statement. Overall, Bloom Solutions IT
Recruiters fully work for client’s best interest and are interested in client’s
growth as much as possible.

Ques e) Are you satisfied with the IT Recruiters of Bloom Solutions?

Options No. of Respondents Percentage
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Somewhat disagree 0 0
Neither agree nor disagree 3 6
Somewhat Agree 5 10

Strongly Agree 42 84
Total 50 100

Chart 7 (e)

0% 6% 10% Strongly Disagree

Somew hat disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Somew hat disagree

84% Strongly Agree

The above table and chart shows that 84% of clients are fully satisfied with the IT
Recruiters of Bloom Solutions and 10% are not so satisfied.6% of the clients can’t say
whether they are satisfied or not. Overall Bloom Solutions IT Recruiters keeps there
clients fully satisfied and they truly work for their clients interest.

Table 8: What degree of confidence did you have in the

knowledge/professionalism of the IT Recruiter(s) who provided the
service(s) from Bloom Solutions?
Options No. of Respondents Percentage
Confident. 43 86
Not Confident. 0 0
Can’t Say. 7 14
Total 50 100

Chart 8

Not Confident.
Can’t Say.


The above table and chart shows that 86% of the clients have full confidence
in the IT Recruiters of Bloom Solutions and 14% of the clients are not sure
about their confidence level. Overall, the clients have full trust, faith &
confidence in the knowledge and professionalism of IT Recruiters of Bloom

Table 9: Are you satisfied with the methodology and procedure in which
Bloom Solutions processes the job requirements?

Options Respondents Percentage

Extremely satisfied. 12 24
Very satisfied. 34 68
Neutral. 4 8
Very dissatisfied. 0 0
Extremely dissatisfied. 0 0

Total 50 100

Chart 9
8% 24% Extremely satisf ied.
Very satisf ied.
Very dissatisf ied.
Extremely dissatisf ied.

The above table and chart shows that 68% of the clients are satisfied with
procedure and methodology in which Bloom Solutions processes the job
requirement and 24% of the clients are extremely satisfied and have full
confidence in the way Bloom solutions works for them. 8% of the clients are
not sure whether and are neutral about the statement. Overall, Blooms
Solutions works and adopts the methodology suitable and favorable by its

Table 10: According to you can Bloom Solutions handle complex Job
Requirements in the IT field?

Options No. of Respondents Percentage

Definitely can handle. 42 84
Can’t say. 8 16
Surely cannot handle. 0 0
Total 50 100

Chart 10

16% 0%

Def initely can handle.

Can’t say.
Surely cannot handle.


The above table and chart shows that 84% of the clients believe that the
IT Recruiters of Bloom Solutions can handle any type of job requirement
whatever amount of complexity it may have and 16% are not sure about the
handling of complex requirements by Bloom Solutions IT Recruiters.
Overall, the clients believe in the capability and potential of the IT
Recruiters of Bloom Solutions.

Table 11: What is the approximate number of the job approvals through
Bloom Solutions in a month?

Options No. of Respondents Percentage

50 approvals. 8 16
More than 50 approvals. 3 6
Less than 50 approvals. 39 78
Total 50 100

Chart 11

50 approvals.
More than 50 approvals.
Less than 50 approvals.

The above table and chart shows that 78% of the clients make less than
50 job approvals in a month through Bloom Solutions, 6% more than 50 job
approvals and 16% have around 50 job approvals in a month.

Table 12: The candidates short listed by Bloom Solutions, do they satisfy
the all the criteria for getting selected to the client company and are
those the appropriate candidates?

Options No. of Respondents Percentage

Most of them satisfy. 41 82
Some of them satisfy. 7 14
Few of them satisfy. 2 4

Total 50 100

Chart 12

14% 4%

Most of them satisf y.

Some of them satisf y.
Few of them satisf y.


The above table and chart shows that 82% of the clients say that most of the
candidates satisfy their criteria in the candidates short listed by Bloom
Solutions, 14% of the clients say that some of them satisfy and 4% say only
a few of them satisfy there criteria for selection. Overall, maximum no. of
candidates short listed by Bloom Solutions are the right and potential
candidates for its clients.

Table 13: Thinking of similar services offered by other companies, how

would you compare Bloom Solutions services?

Options No. of Respondents Percentage

Best, based on experience. 28 56
Similar service. 22 44
Worse, based on experience. 0 0
Total 50 100

Chart 13

44% Best, based on
Similar service.
Worse, based on

The above table and chart shows that 56% of the clients feel that services
provided by Bloom Solutions is better than other consultancies in the same
field, 44% feel that almost the services provided by Bloom Solutions is the
same as compared to other consultancies and their is no difference and none
of the clients feel that Bloom Solutions services is worse than other
consultancies. Overall, the services provided by Bloom Solutions is par
above excellence than other consultancies.

Table 14: Would you recommend Bloom Solutions to another Software

Company looking for consultancy services?

Options No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes. 38 76
No. 0 0
Might or might not. 12 24
Total 50 100

Chart 14


0% Yes.
Might or might not.


The above table and chart shows that 76% of the clients would recommend
Bloom Solutions to other software companies looking for consultancy
services and 24% of the clients are quite not sure whether they would
recommend Bloom Solutions to other companies or not.

Table 15: Overall, how would you rate Bloom Solutions for its HR
Options Respondents Percentage
Excellent service. 17 34
Good service. 28 56
Average service. 5 10
Unsatisfactory service. 0 0
Total 50 100

Chart 15

10% 0%
34% Excellent service.
Good service.
Average service.
Unsatisf actory service.

The above table and chart shows that 56% of the clients feel that Bloom
Solutions provide good service and 34% feel that Bloom provides excellent
service as they are fully satisfied with the firm. 10% of the clients feels that
Bloom Solutions needs little more improvement in their service and feel that
the firm provides average service. Overall, Bloom Solutions provides
commendable service which is very much satisfied by its clients.


1) Maximum numbers of Bloom’s clients are satisfied with its Human
Resource Services and also with standard, quality & professionalism
of the IT Recruiters of Bloom Solutions.
2) On the basis of the survey and its results Bloom Solution still has to

improve its procedure and methodology of undertaking job

requirements according to some clients.

3) Bloom Solutions has to increase the number of its IT Recruiters as

more and more job requirements would come in the future from its
clients through various recruitment sources. The only recruitment
source prevailing in Bloom Solution is recruitment through Job
Portals like,,, etc. or
through employee referrals.
4) Some clients who are not so much satisfied with Human Resource

Services of Bloom Solutions due to some reasons, for them Bloom

Solutions has to take necessary measures such as standardization of
the service and the IT Recruiters, increasing the pace of closing job
requirements, more effectiveness of the methodology and procedure
used by Bloom Solutions to close job requirements, ensuring
customer satisfaction to the fullest, increasing the no. of job approvals
in a month and ensuring the capability of the IT Recruiters to
undertake complex job requirements.
5) Enhancing the level of training and development of the IT Recruiters
in Bloom Solutions from the prevailing level and enhancing the
recruitment and selection procedure for the IT Recruiters.


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