Meenakshi Lekhi Atomized by An Estranged Non Congressi Indian Patriot

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is why electronic media is showing a pro-Congress-BJP bias :

Arshad Mohsin to Meenakshi L ekhi

While pleading the Electronic Media [oh, sorry, MSM (Main Stream Media ) which doesn't include Astha TV , Sudarshan TV and Shree Ram channels fortunately] to keep Indian democracy on track poor Meenakshi lekhi doesn't seem to realize that she is barking up the wrong tree. Even a lesser known Arundhati Roy knows who calls the shots at the idiot box. One can't expect such naivety from the national spokes person of the BJP ( some call it Bharat Jalao Party).By the way she is not asking for the media to speak the truth but to bring those non-issues in lime light that can put congress in jeopardy consequently paving the way for her super hero Rambo (the abandoned husband of Yashoda Ben) to ascend the throne of India and together they devour the booty called Indian treasury. But turning the table on congress is not a few lies away for the fledgling Sanghis and their crippled

slaveminds. While calling the Congress regime rogue, corrupt and totalitarian, Ms Lekhi is deliberately covering up the sins of the cabal of saffron fundamentalists that sits in the opposition and of which she is a co-conspirator. Whoever is obstructing the truth from coming out is actually offering her a blessing in disguise for the pandora box of BJP's misdeeds had better remain closed until 2014 elections. The day the truth is laid completely bear nothing on earth can save Modi , their PM in waiting, from going to the gallows. Now ladies and gentlemen brace yourselves for the frightening allegations by Ms Lekhi and my stormy rebuttals point by point.

Allegation 1. The congress regime continues to engineer a separatist mindset, by

fortifying ethnic groups as vote banks and by dividing India.

Rebuttal 1: The separatist mindset of congress has forced one such state to secede
from the Indian union, that is Gujarat where they bank on ethnically pure votes each casted after pran pratiksha puja.

Allegation 2 : Congress is using religious fundamentalism as weapons of political

mobilization and mayhem.

Rebuttal 2: Religious fundamentalism is strictly prohibited in her ideal state and the
CM has denied any collusion with Vanzara, Babu Bajrangi and Maya Kodani while prohibiting the use of skull cap for himself for medical reasons ( hair transplant may be ).

Allegation 3 : Deceit and criminal intimidation have become legitimate tools for
governance by congress.

Rebuttal 3: Haren pandya and Ehsan Jafri are two key figures testifying the
barbarity of the congress regime of blood and terror.

Allegation 4 : The Congress partys 57 years of rule have created artificial pressure
groups to deceive the masses. It has planted its supporters in the executive, the media, and industry to justify and legitimize its sins.

Rebuttal 4 : APCO is brainstorming on how not to deceive the masses while trying

to sell an idiot for Socrates (without a skull cap).The supporters however have been planted in British parliament, American executive and Arabic media to internationally legitimize the sins of a mass murderer.

Allegation 5 : While India is reeling under inflation,corruption and unemployment

MSM is focused on Asaram Bapu, the self styled Godman who claims to have blessed some unimportant people like Atalji and Modi into governance. Rebuttal 5 : Implicating Godmen is indeed contemptuous and triggers mass frustration specially when the crime is as trifling as deflowering a minor girl or dissecting a couple of live dalit kids for medical reasons. Allegation 6 : There are no updates on gigantic scandals such as Satyam, NREGA, Augusta Westland, and sale of Railway Board jobs.

Rebuttal 6 : True, no media house is courageous enough to blow the whistle on

BALCO scam, UTI scams and Cybertron Technopolis scam leave alone Kargil coffin scam. In a bid to outmaneuver the congress regime the vocal right wing lady has ended up calling their kettle black while her own pot is still over the smoldering wood. Arshad Mohsin @arshadmohsin

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