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600-1450 CE: Postclassical SocietyUnit Two Review Ch. 13The Commonwealth of Byzantium 1.

How did the Byzantine Empire develop (what were its influences)? Was it long-lasting? - Constantine designated Byzantine as the new capital -The Byzantine Empire was influenced by the Greek and Roman culture, they spoke Greek. 2. In what ways did the Byzantine Empire influence Russia? - Russia made a building based off Byzantines Hagia Sophia - Kiev in Russia was based off Constantinople in Byzantium 3. What are the causes of the Great Schism of 1054 (iconoclasm, etc.)? Results? - E. Orthodox and R. Catholic church differed on many points such as iconoclasm (East: no icons. West (Romans): icons), beards (East: no beards, West: beards) and bread (East: leavened, West: unleavened). 4. What was the impact of a written Slavic language? - enabled to organize political structure, traditions and literature. Cyrillic Alphabet made people want to convert to Orthodox Christianity. 5. What was political structure of the Byzantine empire and its leadership? How does this compare to other civilizations? - Byzantine Empire used theme system which placed a province under a general who assumed military defense and administration. 6. Describe Byzantine architecture. - Byzantine Empire created mosaics and buildings with high domes. Most famous building= Hagia Sophia Ch. 14The Expansive Realm of Islam 1. What are the essential beliefs of Islam? How does the religion develop? How does it compare to other religions and philosophies we have studied? - believed in Quran, 5 pillars of faith, Allah and sharia law - Islam was spread by armies conquering lands and converting people 2. Where does Islam develop? How and where does it spread? What facilitates its spread? - Spread to Byzantine, Sassanid empire, Palestine Syria, N. Africa, conquered lands and spread Islam 3. How does the spread of Islam compare to the spread of other religions (i.e. Buddhism, Christianity, etc.)? - Islam spread with brute force while Judaism spread peacefully. Christianity also used armies in the crusades to spread their religion. 4. Discuss how tribal values in Arabia affect the development of Islam. - Many Arabian tribes were Bedouin before Islam -tribal values incorporated into Islam

5. How do early Muslims interact with members of other faiths? - let conquered territories keep their own religions 6. What disagreement leads to divisions within Islam? What are those divisions? - who should succeed Muhammed as caliph, Shia and Sunni 7. What is significant about the Umayyads? The Abbasids? -Umayyad: dar-al islam, centralized rule, umma, leaders alienated from Arabs, conquered much - Abbasid Dynasty: more cosmopolitan than Umayyad, no special favor for military, didnt conquer lands, defeated Tang Dynasty, dar al islam 8. How do Muslim leaders create a unified empire? - Umayyad ranked merchant clans and their reputation and alliances brought stability to their community 9. Describe Muslim art, architecture, culture, etc. -Art- forbade representation of Muhammed or Allah -culture: looked to Quran, looked to qadis and ulama who held positions in court , created madrassahs (religious schools) 10. Discuss the role and status of women throughout the Islamic empire. - Women could divorce husbands, inherit property and do business - Quran gave security to women, made them not seem like property - sharia law enforced male dominance with male heirs, veiling of women and men having multiple wives. Ch. 15The Resurgence of Empire in East Asia 1. What were the unifying factors of the Sui Dynasty? How did they influence the following Tang Dynasty? - created strong, centralized govt and ordered constructions of palaces, repaired walls and demanded labor services -tang empire also used Grand Canal (created in Sui dynasty), and a strong govt. 2. How did the Grand Canal impact China? - Facilitated trade from north to south China, integrated their economies, politics and culture 3. What were the civil service exams? - Tests given to officials to see if their qualified for being in the government, they were based of the Confucian education system. 4. Discuss the role of Buddhism and Confucianism in Imperial China. What was Neo-Confucianism? - Buddhism attracts China because of morals, salvation and monastic communities - Neo Confucianism: philosophy trying to combine Buddhism and Confucianism, Zhu Xi 5. How and why did the Tang Dynasty fall apart? -rebellions, govt and army fell apart, because of unstable rulers (after Taizong)

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