Store Refresh Module

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Store Refresh Module

Store refresh is a template engine which can generate templates for web pages in
web application. The templates generated are defined with a structure to display
different components in a page. The engine is driven by campaigns concepts where
time is bound to the application.

The template engine is controlled by a web interface called WebM module. The
WebM Module is administered by the customers to design or pre-configure the web
pages and preview the display. The template engine is design to handle multiple
campaigns such as current campaign and default campaign. Template engine
maintains the access to catalogue information, customer information and digital
assets of a web application like video, audio and pictures. All the information is
available in a single window to configure the multiple layouts for the campaigns.

The template engine allows building the templates and layout the components and
the resources accordingly. These templates can be reassigned for multiple
campaigns and but the features for the components should be configured to provide
template for any targeted section of the web pages.

Usually web pages are designed to provide various sections like header, footer, right
panes, left panes and other handful sections to display the activities of the
customers in their visit to the website. In order to target the sections specific to
region, customer and occasion template engine can make the job of the
administrator easy to push the information and the make the content more
interesting to the customer. The customers are encouraged with discounts,
promotions and new arrivals based on the campaign.

Store refresh contains concepts like Campaign, Template or layout, Catalogue,

Category Level, Customer Group, Geo-Location, Expiry of Campaign, Apply-
template, Approval Process, Sub-category, Default Template, Preview Template and
Design of Template.

Store refresh is targeted to any web application which can extract the data from
database and other sources. It has capability to interact with web Applications
where business logic is accessible by URLs and the web Application should support
placeholders to apply the design dynamically based on the defined criteria the
administrator targeted.

Store Refresh functionality is divided to two different sections

1. Web Template Integrator a.k.a “Web API for Template Engine”

2. Template Engine Configurator a.k.a “WebM Module”

Web Template Integrator

Any e-commerce will have the capability to drive the data and manipulate the data.
But applying the source code as data is done using Web Template Integrator. It
is a set of API used to apply the template defined by the WebM Module in any web
application driven by database.

Using the Web Template Integrator, web Applications can integrate templates
generated by template engine and relative digital media is configured to make the
template live on a web page. Templates created on the WebM module are date
driven where campaign can optionally chosen from set of template attributes like
customer id, region id and customer group.

The following the features of the Web Template Integrator

• Template Integrations for various levels

• Default Template
• Customer based Campaigns
• Campaigns Promotions
• Region based campaigns
• Customer targeted components
• Template Preview on Web Application

Template Integrations for various levels

The templates are designed to the specific sections of the application. Usually a
section is any part of the web page, which acts as placeholder for templates. The
structure of the template should match with the section of the web page to which
the template is applied. Any deviations will result in page distortions.

Any template contains set of component where each component can be represent
as image and link can be applied for the component to redirect to different resource
in the application. Also the image media should be in same alignment with
measurements as component designed.

Any link used in the component is identified as four types

• No Link
• Category link
• Product Link
• Internal Link
• External Link
• Coupon Link

No Link: It is the value that indicates the web application as no URL is available for
the resources.
Category Link: It is the value that indicates the definite category section of the web

Product Link: It is the value that indicates the definite product section of the web

Internal Link: It is the value that represents the internal resources of the web

External Link: It is the value that represents the External resources in internet.

Coupon Link: it is the value that represents the Coupon section of the web

Templates are driven by Campaigns and Campaigns are driven by dates. An

Campaign defines set of Templates that are associated with the occasion. These set
of templates act as Theme of the campaign. An Campaign may not be configured
with templates at all levels of the application. Multiple campaigns will address the
incomplete campaigns by providing the default templates.

An application may have different levels which are landing page, Header, Footer,
Category, Sub-Category, Catalogues, Banners and special sections like New Arrivals
and Promotions of the web application.

Default Template

A default template is a template which is preselected and applied to the section of

the application where the placeholder is designed to display the templates. The
default template is one of the templates of the default campaign which is having
long expiry date when compared with other past campaigns.

Default template helps in providing stability to the web application as web page
structure of the application is replaced with default structure of the section.

Default campaigns can be changed by assigning higher dates to any one of the
expired campaigns. Web application will pick corresponding template applicable for
the section of the application.

Customer based Campaigns

WebM module can configure a campaign specific for customer group and the same
will be displayed in the webapplication when any customer navigates to the web
page by the custom URL provided in the email.

Groups are created by WebM Module to group all the email id of the web customers
based on the certain criteria. To be determine ???

Campaigns Promotions

Promotions can be in different formats like Email, Voice and Mobile.

Promotions is an offer promoted by the client to it web customers and non-web
customers as well.

Region based campaigns

WebM module can configure a campaign specific for geo-locations and the same will
be displayed in the webapplication when any customer navigates to the web page
by the custom URL provided in the email.

Regions are classified by Country.

Customer targeted components

Customers are targeted with special promotions within a component of the

templates. The criteria is based on … To be determine ???

Template Preview on Web Application

In order to preview the campaigns with the web application before going Approval
process, Web Template Integrator provides the option to preview the templates
of the campaign and test the links which is having production information to
validate by WebAdmin to determine the functionality of the design on the web

If no template is design, a default template is picked based on the longer expiry


The campaigns cannot be viewed if they are approved for production.

A specific user group is created to test the functionality on the web application
before going to Approval process.

Template Engine Configurator

WebM Module has the capability to build templates based on the multilingual
concept and can define customer templates for the web page.

It has the following features

Campaign Management
• Campaign is created based on the Customer Type, Region, and Catalogue.
• Campaign creation is not allowed with same start date and End date.
• Planned sales for the campaign are added.
• List of Campaign is displayed when the campaign page is viewed for the
first time.
• Campaign mandatory fields are Campaign name, Preview start date,
preview end date, Start date, End date, WebM Approval date and
Executive Approval date.
• Campaign optional fields Customer type, Campaign type, Region, Planned
• Planned sales should contain maximum of 7 digit numeric values with
comma separator.
• Customer type is retrieved from the Tiger database which contains Party
group, Party relation, party_type table contains keyword named
‘webmerchentize_group’ for retrieving Customer type.
• Campaign search is based on the Preview, Production within the range
date selected from and To date.
• Campaign contains list option search are All, Active, Closed, Pending.
• Region type is retrieved from the Tiger database using tables as follows
party,party_contact_mech,contact_mech,postal_address,person, geo
• All option which will display all the list of Campaign irrespective of the
date range.
• If Active is option selected with Production or Preview and searched it will
filter campaign based on the range of dates chosen by the user.
• If Closed Option selected and searched it will displays which all are not
active means start and end of the campaign less than the current date of
the system.
• If Pending Option is selected and searched it will display campaign which
are not been approved till the date.

Template design page:

• Click on the design template page it will display list of template created.
On mouser over the template it will displays the details of the template
like No of sections , Layout type, structure of the template.
• Search of the template is based on the name with wild characters search.
• Template name , Image template , Layout type are mandatory fields for
creating the template
• Layout type describing the name for the page where it is being placed.
• Template image where we define the structure of the layout to place
• Number of sections retrieved based on the columns defined in the
structure layout.
• Template image we can specify the width, height for each cell.

Assign Template to Campaign

• To assign template we need to select the language, Campaign, Layout
• On selecting the layout type it will display list of template structure
created for the layout type with radio button option to assign the template
structure for the assigning to campaign.
• On clicking the save button it will redirect to the page where they can add
image for each section.
• For selecting the image options we provide to select the images available
in the site or upload new image from the client desktop.
• Each image will have Link type and Link value.
• Link type as follows
I) Link to category
II) Link to product
III) Link to Coupon
IV) Link to External
V) Link to Internal
VI) No Link.
• When they select link to category, link to product, link to coupon it will
display the details of the category, product from the tiger database.
• Link to External, Link to Internal they need to specify the url of the site in
the link value of the page.
• Each section image is providing with Supplier Revenue, Assign customer
type, promotion campaign.
• Supplier Revenue with the Option “yes” or “No”. If they select “yes” option
Type of Revenue are displayed are Flat Amount, Per Link, Per Conversion,
user has to select option provided with Amount should be entered.
• Assign Customer type link where we can assign separate section to
customer type with images, link type and link value.
• Promotion campaign List of promotion shown are Voice promotion, Email
promotion, mobile promotion with the option “Yes” or “No” with customer
type is assigned eligible for the promotion.
• Assign template search, if user selects the campaign type then click on
the search it will list of templates assigned to campaign.
• Assign template can be assigned to any sub department of the category
up to level 6.
• Catalogue, Category level are retrieved from tiger database.

Approval Process

Two types of approvals 1) Section level Approval 2) Template level Approval.

Section level approval

Each section will have approve and unapproved link will be shown if the role
has right to approve the section. There is provision provide to approve all the
section in single click.

Template level approval

Template level Approval is done when they campaign it will display list of
templates assigned to the campaign. User will be given facility to select the entire
template by single click approval.

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