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A note about the Anthem of Catalonia, Els Segadors

Els Segadors (The Reapers) refers to The Reapers War

(1640-59), a Catalan revolt against Spain. The revolt
began when, during the Thirty Years War (between
Spain and France), Catalan peasants were forced to
quarter and feed Spanish troops. The Catalan people
felt that they were being treated unfairly. The Catalan
people revolted. After a Segador (reaper), a Count,
and a Viceroy were murdered by the Spanish, the
revolt escalated into all out war.
Ocial languages: Catalan, Spanish and Aranese
Government -Autonomous government rule within
a constitutional monarchy
President - Jos Montilla
Governing body - Generalitat de Catalunya
Capital Barcelona
Provinces: Barcelona, Girona, Lleida and Tarragona
Population (2010) - Total 7,504,881 (16% of Spain)
1,200 - 800 8C: the reg|on was seu|ed by Iber|an tr|bes, who
deve|oped re|anons w|th seafar|ng hoen|c|an and Greek
800 - 200 8C: Ce|nber|an Cu|ture
Compr|sed of nanve Iber|ans and Ce|ts from Gau|
Advanced |n meta|work|ng, stone carv|ng
1he Woman of L|che, po|ychrome stone, Ce|nber|an 4th Century 8CL
8ronze |ate, date unknown, Ce|nber|an
Scepter, Ce|nber|an, date unknown
C|rca 200 8C: Absorpnon |nto koman Lmp|re
koman Amph|theatre |n 1arragona (1arraco), wh|ch was the rov|nc|a| cap|ta|
1he koman Cccupanon |asted from 200 8C to 410 AD
koman Aqueduct outs|de of 1arragona
vlslgoLhlc/re-8omanesque erlod clrca 400Au - 1000Au
St. edro de |a Nave, predates 680AD - a|though not |n Cata|on|a, |t |s the best
examp|e of V|s|goth|c re-komanesque arch|tecture |n Spa|n that sn|| ex|sts
Moor|sh bathhouse, G|rona, bu||t c|rca 1194, 200 years aher Moors are dr|ven out
Sant C||ment de 1a||, 8o| Va||ey, c|rca 1000-1100
Pontocrotor, Sant C|emente de 1a||, 8o| Va||ey, c|rca 1000-1100
Cathedra| of 1arragona, c|rca 11S4
Cathedra| of 1arragona, c|rca 11S4
Monesnr kea| de Santa Mar|a de ob|et, c|rca 11S1
Sant ere de Ga|||gants, G|rona, c|rca 11S1
Santa Mar|a de Manresa, c|rca 1322
a|au de |a Genera||tat, 8arce|ona, faade by ere 8|a|, 1S96
Ig|es|a 8etem, 8arce|ona
Deta|| of n|ed wa|k, asse|g de Grc|a
L|u|s Domnech, nospito/ de 5ont Pou, 1901-30
Iosep u|g, coso de /es Punxes, 190S
Anton| Gaud|, 5oqrodo lomi/io
5e/f Portroit, 1901
Portroit of 5ebosn lunyer i vido/, 1903
Les uemoise//es d 4viqnon, 1907
Sa|vatore Da||, unnt/ed
Sa|vatore Da||, unnt/ed, art of Don u|xote Ser|es
Courtyard, Da|| 1heatre and Museum, I|gures
cornivo/ of nor/equin
1he lorm
Lo coresse ues toi/es
Lo coresse ues toi/es

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