Americans Oppose Syrian Strike, Await Explanation of U.S. Goals

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CBS NEWS/NEW YORK TIMES POLL For release: Monday, September 9, 2013 6:30 PM EDT

Americans Oppose Syrian Strike, Await Explanation of U.S. Goals September 6-8, 2013 Six in ten Americans oppose military air strikes against Syria, and a majority - 56% disapproves of how President Barack Obama is handling the matter. As the President prepares to make his case to the public, only 14% of Americans say the administration has explained its goals for a strike. 79% say it has not. There is widespread concern among the public that action now would lead to prolonged war: 66% are very concerned about a long and costly involvement.

61% currently oppose air strikes in response to the reported chemical weapon attacks used by the Syrian government. Opposition is stronger among Republicans and independents than it is among Democrats. Favor or Oppose Military Strikes Against Syria? All Reps Dems Inds Favor 30% 28% 41% 23% Oppose 61 65 50 67 More than eight in ten Americans are at least somewhat concerned that a U.S. strike would lead to a long and costly involvement in Syria, including a 66% majority who are very concerned about that. Americans of all political stripes are concerned. How Concerned a Syria Strike Would Lead to Long Involvement? Very concerned 66% Somewhat concerned 21 Not too/not at all concerned 11 Ahead of President Barack Obamas address to the nation about the situation in Syria, 79% of Americans (including majorities of Republicans, Democrats and independents) say the Obama administration has not yet clearly explained what U.S. goals are in Syria. Has Obama Administration Explained U.S. Goals in Syria? All Reps Dems Inds Yes 14% 10% 22% 9% No 79 88 69 80 The President receives low marks for his handling of the situation in Syria. Overall, a majority -- 56% -disapproves of how the President is handling it, and just 33% approve.

President Obamas Handling Syria Situation All Reps Dems Inds Approve 33% 17% 52% 28% Disapprove 56 77 35 60 _________________________________________________________________________
This poll was conducted by telephone from September 6-8, 2013 among 1,011 adults nationwide. Data collection was conducted on behalf of CBS News/The New York Times by Social Science Research Solutions of Media, PA. Phone numbers were dialed from samples of both standard land-line and cell phones. The error due to sampling for results based on the entire sample could be plus or minus three percentage points. The error for subgroups may be higher. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish. This poll release conforms to the Standards of Disclosure of the National Council on Public Polls.

CBS NEWS/NEW YORK TIMES POLL Americans Oppose Syrian Strike September 6-8, 2013 Q4. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling the situation in Syria? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 33 17 52 28 56 77 35 60 11 6 13 11

Approve Disapprove Don't know/No answer

Q10. How much have you heard or read about reports that the Syrian government used chemical weapons against Syrian civilians - A lot, some, or not much? A lot Some Not much Don't know/No answer 57 26 15 61 26 12 2 56 29 13 1 55 23 19 2

Q11. In response to the Syrian governments use of chemical weapons, do you favor or oppose the United States launching military air strikes against Syrian military targets? Favor Oppose Don't know/No answer 30 28 61 9 41 65 7 23 50 9 67 10

Q14. Do you think the Obama Administration has clearly explained what the US's goals are in Syria, or haven't they done that yet? Clearly explained Haven't done that yet Don't know/No answer 14 10 79 8 22 88 2 9 69 9 80 10

Q23. How concerned are you that U.S. military action in Syria would be a long and costly involvement--very concerned, somewhat concerned, not too concerned or not at all concerned? Very concerned Somewhat concerned Not too concerned Not at all concerned Don't know/No answer 66 21 8 4 2 66 22 9 4 61 25 6 3 1 70 17 4 3

Total Respondents Total Republicans Total Democrats Total Independents

Unweighted 1011 291 318

Weighted 263 (26%) 339 (34%) 409 (40%)


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