Lost Unfinished

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Lost I have a demon inside of me.

It, she, came when my mother died and when I started wearing black. It knows about things that even I didn't know. It knows about the thoughts of those around me and what they think about me. I know because it's been with me the whole while and it whispers things to me. "HEY! Get up you Gothic Monster!" yelled my stepsister Danielle I knew she was going to say that even through I was already up, "I'm already up." I said. "Then get your butt down here and eat breakfast cause I'm going to school without you." So I came down the stair to see that my stepsister Danielle and Kristin were ready to leave without me. "It's ok." I said. Danielle looked at me up and down, "You have no fashion sense at all." Danielle said and left with Kristin. As they were walking out I looked at myself in the mirror below. I was decked in all black, with black skinny jeans, a black ripped tee, black converses, and my hair was black with my skin so pale like a vampire's, I thought I looked fine. So I ate breakfast, gathered my school materials, and went outside, waiting. Hey, nice to meet you. The name's Alice Fae but you can call me Al and yes my last name is Fae as in fairy. So as you know I'm weird and have one evil stepsister and one nice stepsister. I guess I don't have an evil stepmother or anything so it's a little different from the Cinderella story you were thinking of. And you can say I have no emotions whatsoever cause of . . . you know up there in the beginning paragraph. So here is my story.

As I waited outside for my ride I read the book Bloodlines, all about vampires and the supernatural stuff and that lovey dovey crap, then I heard a loud BEEP and knew that it was Jarred. I don't even know why he even hangs out with me since he's like . . . Idk some good-looking guy. He's got that surfer thingy going with all that blond hair and blue eyes and muscles with a slight tan and stuff but it's too bad cause he likes nerdy things like me and he's got some cool glasses that make you think he's a nerd but not . . . but I think those are fake but I ain't saying anything. Anyway he's a nice guy and he's been my best friend since I was 5. The thing I love about him is that he drives me around places. I walked up to his shiny new car that he got when school started from his dad. He rolled the window down. "Get in." Jarred shouted, cause he was listening to his Jpop/Kpop/anime songs, which I happened to like very much. I got in and shut the door and put on my seat belt. Music surrounded me, "Hey is this the newest 'Sistar' song? 'Give it to me'?" I asked excited. "Yeah it is, it took a lot of work to get the new song." Jarred proudly said as he started out of the driveway and onto the road. We listened in silence and when the song was done we were at school. Jarred parked in the school student parking lot, since I rode with him I had to pay half of the parking price which was $25, our school was really cheap in ways cause it only cost $50 for parking while other schools cost like $150, so I'm happy. We walked outside and into the school. We walked to our lockers, which were by each other, and got our stuff ready for classes. "See you in history?" asked Jarred while we were about the part ways. "Yeah, save me a seat?" I asked. "Yep." Jarred smiled and then we were off to our classes. The thing about being an Asian in a school full of other Asians is that we have connections with everyone in the school. Thank god I was born an Asian because everybody in the school looks up to Asians. Not trying to be racist or anything but when you're an Asian in this school everybody and I mean EVERYBODY leaves you alone, but I don't really care if they want to be racist about us.

When I got into class I was really early so I decided to pick my seat. If you don't hurry and pick your seat early the teacher will assign you one if you're late, that means if even one person is late to class it's all assign seats for the rest of the year. I picked a nice dark spot in the very back of the room that had a window to the side. Even if I do like the soft sun in the morning, to take a nap in this class will make the teacher pick on you for the rest of the year. Outside the window was a big oak tree that I like to sit there while I read books or just take a nap under. The bell snapped me out of my daze. As I watched a few struggling students hurry inside, trying not to be tardy. As the last bell rung our teacher, Mr. Stan, came in. As he was taking attendance the classroom door opened and a guy came inside. "Why Mister Fergus what a great time to walk in we were just about to take attendance, please go sit down." Mr. Stan said. Now this was a shock to the whole class who have ever known Mr. Stan. The only time he won't egg you about why you're late or ask someone to sit down without asking everyone to stand up to arrange seats is when you're the star of the school. I mean literally the star of the school. Well if by playing in all the sports in this school and winning games for the school that it, so basically the jocks and cheerleaders of the school. I wasn't the least bit shocked because I knew the guy that just walked in. His name is Peter, Peter Fergus. He is my crush ever since I was 6 years old. We used to be the best of friends until my mother died. My mother was everything to me, she taught me everything I've ever known in life and how to be kind to others. Ever since she died Peter and I grew apart. He didn't call me and he stopped hanging out with me. He got popular while I stayed in my same black clothes and thinking about things that would never happen with me and him. Peter sat down with the other jocks and cheerleaders asking about his summer and stuff. Then I heard it.

Look at her. She's a fashion disaster. I bet no boy would ever go out with her. Yeah, I mean who would even let her out of the house with those kind of clothes? I was used to those whispers in my head. I knew they came from the cheerleaders. Somehow my demon knows that and will tap into their heads to get a signal on there inner voices. I ignored them and started drawing in my new notebook. I mostly drew random things but today I drew someone dying. It was a rough sketch of a girl hanging herself with the words of, "No one loves me, my boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend. They all backed her up and not me, they tease me, they hate me, they wish I was dead so now I am." I knew someone close to me had this image in their head. It was the girl in the front, she was the vice-caption of the cheer leading squad. She was popular and actually really nice which will make other people take advantage of her. I knew I had to do something before she decided to die. But I did nothing. I need to talk to Jarred. Jarred would know what to do. So I waited and waited until the bell rang and rushed out of class to history. I saw Jarred and sat next to him. "Hey Al. How's it going?" he said. "I-I drew something again." I said. This alarmed Jarred to see me scared so I kept my cool but that didn't fool him. "What was it?" he asked calmly. I took the drawing out and showed him. "It's the vice caption of the cheer leading squad." I said. "We have to do something." Jarred said. "QUIET!!!" Everybody jumped at the sound of the teacher's voice. Ms. Laura was her name, I've heard nothing but good things from others by eavesdropping in on them. She's

cool and young and about all the guys that meet her fell in love with her AND she doesn't assign that much homework unless you don't understand the lesson. I was glad that for once history was my greatest subject because I memorize all that I read. Just look in the text to find the answer. I looked at Jarred and saw something in his eye, I think it was lust, so I pointed it out to him. "You LIKE her." I said. He shook his head and looked back at me. "Of course I don't." he said innocently. "Yeah right." I teased. "Seriously, I think she's hot but she's as old as my sister and also I have someone else I like." he said. "Really? You've never told me." I pressed. I mean I'm his best friend right? We tell each other everything and I mean EVERYTHING, like how the first time I had my period and when he first dated and girl. I mean best friends do that right, talk about who they like and shit. "You wouldn't know her." he said. I can tell he wanted the change the subject because his left eye is twitching and when he lies it twitches too. So I dropped the subject.

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