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Monday 23/9/13 Make a Bug Catcher Tuesday 24/9/13 EXCURSION: Nambucca Cinema Wednesday 25/9/13


Sport around the world a day of different games Races & sports

Buskers Festival

Thursday 26/9/13

Friday 27/9/13

Jewellery Making

Meet our Silkworms!

Cost: $17.00 includes movie, popcorn, drink & bus fare

Jeremy Penguin, Rhys Trickster, Magic Jake at Macksville ExServices Club

Woodwork Activities

Make a yum ice cream cone tepee!!


Cost: $11.00 (bus fare & 2 hour show)

Monday 30/9/13 EXCURSION TO:-

Tuesday 1/10/13

Wednesday 2/10/13

Thursday 3/10/13

Friday 4/10/13

Make a Kaleidoscope

Meet Sally & guide dog Kent Surprise visitors to talk about animal kindness during the week. Cost: $19.00 includes bus fare, entry fee, reptile display, marine magic show and dolphin & seal kisses (optional 2 photos $15.00 extra)

Games, prizes, yummy party food & music JELLY EATING COMPETITION No hands or spoons allowed!

Lets make a Be Kind To Animals Awareness Book.

ets make a pull toy for your favourite friend and lend a helping PAW!

Cooking: DOGCAKES!!

Macksville Ex-Services Club Cost: $8.00 includes bus fare, lunch

For bookings & information please phone 65681474 or email Dear families,
Welcome once again. We hope your children will enjoy the program we have created for them. The activities are based on past feedback from the children and input from the educators (staff). Please note that most of our excursions are held at local venues in order to avoid excessive travel on the highway and to keep costs down for families. We are very fortunate to have a wonderful community partnership with the staff at Macksville Ex-Services Club to enable entertainment to be provided in a safe setting for your children and the other families who access these events. In combination with the visit from Guide Dogs Australia, there will be the opportunity for a coin donation to the cause. Please consider this as a way of saying thank you for educating our children about the needs of others in our community who live with disabilities. We have recently discovered a website with email link that may be of interest to some of you. Our Living Coast ( is a joint project by Coffs, Bellingen and Nambucca Shires to provide information on sustainable living. Take a look if this interests you!

FAMILY NEWSLETTER - September/October 2013

Congratulations to Taylor Adair who is the winner of the design a Logo for our service competition & to Teagan Craig who was the runnerup. Both have been awarded with gift vouchers. Thanks to all children who participated. A few requests and reminders: We would be grateful if you could save recycled items (cardboard paper towel tubes, small boxes, art/craft materials, ice cream/yoghurt tubs, corks, etc.), also pine cones, seed pods, shells, pebbles, driftwood etc. for use in our craft activities. Our silkworms would love donations of leaves from Mulberry Trees too! Do you have any unwanted dress-up clothes which are a suitable for the children? If they need a new home we would love them please! If you have a tent or other camping equipment which we could borrow for our Camping Day, it would be appreciated. Please ensure that children bring a hat, water bottle (preferably labelled with childs name) and sufficient food for the day. Please note, educators are happy to reheat food, but will not cook food such as two-minute noodles. Children need to wear sensible shoes (no thongs, crocs or high heels please for safety reasons) and appropriate clothing for children to play in (and probably get dirty) at the centre and on excursions. In accordance with the new National Quality Framework, we have now submitted our Quality Improvement Plan and a copy is available at the centre or via email if any parent would like to access this. We will be visited by an assessor sometime in the next few months but do not as yet have a definite date. Fees owing over $10.00 need to be paid before a booking for these holidays will be accepted . If there has been little or no attempt to pay outstanding accounts previously, the parent will be advised that they need to pay fees up-front daily before their children will be taken into care. Fees owing under $10.00 are to be paid on the first morning of care. If you want an account balance, please phone Gail or Natalie on 65681474. Fees are to be paid daily or weekly unless an agreement has been made between parent and coordinator for an invoice for fees to be issued after the conclusion of the holiday period. Excursion & activity costs must to be paid on or before the day of the event . The daily fee and an additional charge of up to $10.00 per child will be charged to families who book excursion dates and do not advise beforehand that they will not be attending. This fee is necessary to cover extra educators, bus & excursion costs incurred. Fees will be charged for all nonattendances unless at least 24 hours notification of cancellation is given. Parents can let us know about Monday cancellations by Sunday morning via email, answering machine at the office 65681474 or coordinators mobile 0407141804.

Have a great day

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