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THE SALEM WITCHCRAFT PAPERS VOLUME III Verbatim Transcripts of the Legal Documents of the Salem Witchcraft Outbreak

of 1692 IN THREE VOLUMES Compiled and Transcribed in 1938 by the Works Progress Administration Under the Supervision of Archie N. Frost Clerk of Courts, Essex County, Massachusetts Edited and with an Introduction and Index by PAUL BOYER and STEPHEN NISSENBAUM VOLUME III DA CAPO PRESS NEW YORK 1977 Main entry under title: The Salem witchcraft papers. Bibliography: v. 1, p. Includes index. 1. Trials (Witchcraft) -- Massachusetts. 2. Massachusetts -- History -- Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775. I. Boyer, Paul. II. Nissenbaum, Stephen. III. United States. Work Projects Administration. KFM2478.8.W5S24 345'.744'0288 77-7530 ISBN 0-306-70755-5 (v. 3) Grateful acknowledgment is made to Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, for permission to reprint documents from Volume II of Thomas Hutchinson: The History of the Colony and Province of Massachusetts-Bay , Lawrence Shaw Mayo, Ed. (London, 1768; reprint edition Cambridge, Mass., 1936), pp. 24-25, 26, 30-31, 31-32, 32-33, 34, 35, and 40 (Copyright 1936 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College). Grateful acknowledgment is made to Barnes and Noble Import Division, Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc., for permission to reprint documents from Narratives of the Witchcraft Cases, 1648-1706 , George L. Burr, Ed. (New York, 1914; reprint edition New York, 1968), pp. 196-202, 250, 347-48, 350-52, 353-55, 359, 36264, 365-66, and 419-20 (Copyright 1914 by Charles Scribner's Sons; All Rights Assigned to Barnes & Noble, Inc., 1946; Reprinted 1968). The Salem Witchcraft Papers is the first edition ever published of all the legal documents concerning the 1692 outbreak of witchcraft in Salem, as compiled and transcribed in 1938 by the Works Progress Administration under the supervision of Archie N. Frost, Clerk of Courts, Essex County, Massachusetts. The work contains all of the WPA transcripts, rearranged in a few instances to facilitate their use, and augmented by copies of several documents that are no longer extant in the Essex County Archives in Salem. Copyright 1977 by Da Capo Press, Inc. Introduction Copyright 1977 by Paul Boyer and Stephen Nissenbaum Published by Da Capo Press, Inc.

A Subsidiary of Plenum Publishing Corporation 227 West 17th Street, New York, N.Y. 10011 All Rights Reserved Manufactured in the United States of America



Contents Contents of Volume III

CASES (Continued) Page

Ann Pudeator (Salem Town) 701

Wilmott Reed (Marblehead) 711

Sarah Rice (Reading) 719

Abigail Roe (Gloucester). See Esther Elwell -- Warrant; "Additional Documents" section: Petition of Ten Prisoners at Ipswich (pp. 880-881).

Susannah Roots (Beverly) 721

Henry Salter (Andover) 723

John Sawdy (Andover) 725

Margaret Scott 727

Ann Sears (Woburn) 729

Susannah Sheldon 731

Abigail Somes (Salem Town) 733

Martha Sparks (Chelmsford) 739

Mary Taylor (Reading) 741

Tituba (Salem Village) 745

Job Tookey (Beverly) 759

Jerson Toothaker (Billerica) 765

Mary Toothaker 767

[] Toothaker (daughter of Mary). See Martha Carrier -- Complaint.

Roger Toothaker (Billerica) 771

Johanna Tyler (Andover) 775

Martha Tyler (Andover) 777

-viii[] Vincent . See "Additional Documents" section: Petition of Ten Prisoners at Ipswich, (pp. 880-881).

Mercy Wardwell (Andover) 781

Samuel Wardwell (Andover) 783

Sarah Wardwell (Andover) 791

Mary Warren (Salem Town) 793

Sarah Wilds (Topsfield) 805

Ruth Wilford (Haverhill). See Francis Hutchins -- Warrant; "Additional Documents" section: William Starling's Petition and Account (p. 961).

John Willard (Salem Village) 819

Abigail Williams (Salem Village) 853

Sarah Wilson, Sr. (Andover) 855

Sarah Wilson, Jr. (Andover). See Sarah Wilson, Sr. -- Recognizance.

Mary Witheridge (Salem Village) 857


Two Letters of Governor William Phips (1692 -- 1693) 861

Preparation for the Court of Oyer and Terminer (May -- August 1692) 867

List of Eleven Accused Persons and Their Accusers, May 1692 871

Death Warrants Folder and Census of Prisoners (May -- July 1692) 873

Petitions from Relatives of Prisoners and Others (October 1692 -- January 1693) 875

A Bill Against Conjurations, Witchcraft, and Dealing with Evil and Wicked Spirits (December 1692) 885

Superior Court of Judicature: Warrants for Jurors and Returns (December 1692 -- January 1693) 887

Superior Court of Judicature: Witchcraft Trials (January -- May 1693) 903

Officials' Expense Accounts for 1692 945

-ixPetitions to the General Court, with Responses (1696 -- 1709) 963

Reversal of Attainder and Restitution (1710 -- 1750) 975

INDEX 1049


Ann Pudeator Executed, September 22, 1692 (See also: George Jacobs, Sr. -- Mittimus.)

(Warrant for Arrest of Ann Pudeater and Alice Parker)

To: To the Marshall of Essex or Constable in Salem You are in theire Majes'ts names hereby required forthwith to apprehend and bring before us Alice parker the wife of John parker of Salem and Ann pudeator of Salem Widdow who stand Charged with sundry acts of Witchcraft by them Committed this day Contrary to the Laws of our Sov'r Lord & Lady. faile not Dated Salem. May the. 12'th 1692 us *John Hathorne [unclear: ] Assists *Jonathan. Corwin May 12'th -- 1692 I have apprehended the a bove named persons and Brought them att the place apointed

by your honors r mee *George Herrick Marshall of Essex (Reverse) copyed ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 109 )

(Sarah Churchill v. Ann Pudeator, Bridget Bishop, and George Jacobs, Sr.)
Sarah Churchwell confesseth that Goody pudeater brought the book to this Examin't and she signed it, but did not know her at

-702that tyme but when she saw her she knew her to be the same and that Goody Bishop Olliver appeared to this Examinant & told her she had killed John Trask's Child, (whose Child dyed about that tyme) & said Bishop Olliver afflicted her as alsoe did old George Jacobs, and before that time this Examin't being afflicted could not doe her service as formerly and her s'd Master Jacobs called her bitch witch & ill names & then afflicted her as #[before] above and that pudEater brought 3: Images like Mercy Lewis, Ann putnam, Eliza' Hubbard & they brought her thornes & she stuck them in the Images & told her the persons whose likeness they were, would be afflicted & the other day saw Goody Olliver [fitt] sate upon her kneee, Jurat in Curia by Sarah Churchill This Confession was taken before John Hathorne and Jonathan Corwin Esq'rs 1'0 Jun y 1692, as attests *Tho Newton ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 110 )

(Examination of Ann Pudeator)

An Puddeater: examined before the Majestrates of Salem July 2: 92 Sarah Churchwell: was bid to: say what she: had to say of her: You have charged her with bringing the book to you:

A Yes said: Churchwell have you seen her since. A no: goodwife puddeater: you have: formerly: bin complaynd of: we now further enquire: here is one person: saith you brought her: the book Sarah Churchell: look on the person: ses Churchill: you did bring me the book: I was at Goodman Jacobses Puddeater s'd I never saw the Woman before now::it was told puddeater this mayd charged you with: bringing her: the book: at the last examinat'n Puddeater s'd I never saw: the Devils book nor knew that he had one Lt Jer: Neal: was asked what he could say of this woman Neal s'd she had been an ill carriaged woman: & since my wife has bin sick of the small pox: this woman has come to my house pretending kindnes: and I was glad to see it: she asked: whether she might use our morter: which was used: for my wife: and I consented

-703to it: but I afterward repented of it: for the nurs told. me my wife was the wors: for senc she was very ill of a flux: which she had not before When the officer came: for puddeater: the nurs s'd you are come to late for my wife grew wors till she dyed: s'd Pudeater had often threatned my wife: Eliz Hubard: s'd she: had seen s'd Pudeater [] s'd Mary Wolcot: but she had not hurt her she had seen her with goodwife Nurs goody puddeater what did you doe with the ointments that you had in the hous so many of them:she s'd I never had ointment nor oyl but neats foot oyl in my hous since my husband dyed: but the Constable Joseph Neal affirmd she had: she had near 20 that had oynment or greas: in them: a little in a thing: she s'd she never had any oyntment but neats foot oyl: in the hous but what was in these things the Constable speakes of. A. It was greas: to make sope of::but: why: did you put them in so many things when one would have held all: but answerd not the porpose: but the constabl. s'd oyntments were of several sorts Sarah Vibber did you ever se this woman: before now answered no An putn[u]m s'd she had never seen: her but since she come: to Salem Town last: s'd Putman fell into a fitt: & s'd Puddeater was commanded to take her by the wrist & did & s'd Putnum was well presently: many warin fell into: two fitts quickly after. one another: & both times was helped: by s'd Puddeaters: taking her by the wrist ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 111 )

(Summons for Witnesses v. Ann Pudeator and Alice Parker)

Wm & Mary by the Grace of God of England Scotland France & Ireland King & Queen defend' s &c.

To the Sheriff of Essex or deputy Greeting

We Co nd you to Warn John Wesgate John Bullock Martha Dutch Susanna Dutch Lt. Jeremiah Neale John Beckett John Best Jun'r Jno Loader Sarah parott

-704That they & Every of them appear at the Next Court of Oyer & Terminer holden at Salem on the Next Tuesday at Twelve of the Clock There to Testify the Truth to the best of thier knowledge On certain Indictments to be Exhibited against Alice Parker & Ann Pudeater hereof Make return fail not dated in Salem Sep'r 5'th 1692 in the fourth yeare of Our Reign. *Stephen Sewall Cle (Reverse) Sept 5'th 1692 I have Sumoned and have Warned all the within named persons John Best Jun'r Except s'd Best beeing Removed to Ipswich that thay and Every of them appeare to Give in their Evid: &c: att time and place within written 'r me *George Herrick Dep't Sheriff ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 111 )

(Indictment v. Ann Pudeator)

Essex in the Province of [unclear: ] the Massachussetts Bay In New England ss Annoq'e R R's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Quarto Annoq'e Do 1692 // The Juriors for our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King & Queen sent That Ann Pudeator of Salem in the County of Essex #[Widow] aforesaid Widdow The second day of July in the Yeare Aforesaid and divers others days and times as well before as after Certaine detestable Arts called Witchcraft & Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously and felloniously hath used practised and Exercised At and within the Township of Salem aforesaid in & upon & against one Mary Warren of Salem aforesaid Single Woeman, by which said Wicked Acts the said Mary Warren the second day of July aforesaid and

divers other days and times both before and after was and is Tortured Afflicted Pined Consumed Wasted & Tormented, and also for sundry other Acts of Witchcraft by the said Ann Pudeater Comitted and done before and Since that time Ags't the peace of Our Sov'r Lord & Lady the King

-705& Queen theire Crowne and Dignity and ags't the forme of the Stattute in that Case made and Provided Witnesses Mary Warren Jurat Sarah Churchel Jurat Ann Putman Jurat (Reverse) Ann Pudeator on Mary Warren ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 108 )

(Sarah Churchill v. Ann Pudeator)

Sarah Churchel: affirmd: to: the Jury of inquest: that Ann Puddeatee: has: greatly afflicted her s'd Churchel by: choaking her pinching her & sticking pinse into her: & by pressing of her: &: making her sett her hand to: the book upon: the oath she hath: taken Sept: 6: 1692 Sworn in Court. & brought poppets to her to stick pins to w'ch she did & the 'sons aflicted by it ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 112 )

(Mary Warren v. Ann Pudeator)

Mary Warin upon her oath: that she hath taken affirms: to the Jury of inquest that Ann Puddeater hath often: afflicted me: by biting me pinching me sticking pins in me: & choaking me: and particularly on the 2

day of July: att her examination: s'd Puddeater did: afflict me greatly: also she or her Apperition did offer: me the book to sign to: she told me also that she was the caus of Jno Turners falling

-706off: the cherry tree: to his great: hurt: & which: amazed him in his head & almost kild him: she told me also: she was the caus of: Jeremiah Neals wifes death: & I saw her hurt: Eliz Hubbard: Mary Walcot: & An Putnam: the last night she: afflicted: me also: last night: by her wichcrafts & I doe veryly: beleev: s'd Ann Puddeater is a: wich: she affirms puddeater: told her: she kild har husband Puddeater: & his first wife and that she was an instrument of Jno Bests: wifes death: Sept 7: 1692 Sworne in Court ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 112 )

(Elizabeth Hubbard v. Ann Pudeator)

Eliz Hubberd affirmd: upon: the oath she hath taken thatt: she hath seen: Ann: Puddeate: Afflict Mary: Warin: & that she or her Apperition did hurt me and Mary Warin the last night before. the Jury of inquest: Sep'r: 7: 1692 & that she hath aflicted her since she came into Court Jurat in Curia. ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 112 )

(Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Ann Pudeator)

An Putnam affirmed: upon: her oath: to: the Jury of inquest: that: she: hath seen Ann Puddeater: afflict Mary Warin: Mary Walcot: & Eliz Hubbard: often: and perticulerly: att the time: of her: last examination: before the Majestrates: at Mr Tho. Beadles: she also: hath afflicted me: both then and at other times: Sept'r 7: 1692 Owned her Evidence in Court ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 112 )


(Sarah Bibber v. Ann Pudeator)

Sarah Vibber: upon: her: oath affirmed to the Jury of inquest that shee: hath seen: An Puddeater afflict: Mary Warin: Mary Walcot & An Putnam: both at the time of her examination at Mr Tho Beadles; and the last night she: together with goodwife Parker. did afflict: the forenamed: Warin Walcot & Putnum: s'd Puddeater: hath afflicted: me: to: and i do beleeve she is a wich Sep'r 7: 1692 ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 112 )

(Mary Walcott v. Ann Pudeator)

Mary Walcot: upon oath affirmd to the Jury of inquest: that: she hath seen An Puddeater: afflict Mary: Warin: An Putnam: & Eliz Hubbard: at the time of her examination: at Mr Tho Beadles: and also the last night: I saw: her: afflict Mary Warin #[Mercy Lewis] An Putman & Eliz Hubbard: by wichcraft: & I verily beleev: s'd Pudeater: is a witch September: 7: 92. & that this day she hath afflicted this deponent. Jurat in Curia Sep'r 10. 92. Attest *S Sewall I find: by: my Characters: which I took: at the examination of An Puddeater that it was on the 2 day of July: that she was examined: at mr Tho Beadles thay bearing: date so: Septr 7: 1692 *Simon Willard: (Reverse) Several Witnesses against An Pudeator ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 112 )

(Samuel Pickworth v. Ann Pudeator)

The testimony of Samuall Pikworth Whou testifieth that a bout six weckes agoo: I this deponant was coming along salim strete tween ann pudeaters hous and Captin higison hous. it being in the evening:

-708and I this deponant saw awoman: neare Captin higisonn Cornar. the which I sopposed to be ann Pudeatar. and in a moment of time she pasid by me as swifte as if a burd flue by me and I saw said woman goo in to ann Pudeat [eat] ers hous Jurat in Curia *S Sewall Cl Sam'll Pickworth: affirmeth: that the above written evidence is the truth: upon oath: to: the Jury of Inquest: Sept'r 7: 92 ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 112 )

(Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Ann Pudeator)

(Reverse) September the 7. 92 ann Putnam afarmid to the grand Inquest that ann pudeatar: tould har that she flu by aman in the neight in to a hous (Reverse) Sam Pickworth ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 112 )

(John Best, Sr. v. Ann Pudeator)

The testimony of Jno Best Senior aged about 48 years Testifieth & saith that some years Last past that I this Deponat did often hear my wife saye that Ann pudeater would not Lett her alone untill she had killd her By her often pinching & Bruseing of her Till her Earms & other parts of her Body Looked Black by Reson of her soer pinching of her in the Tyme of her sickness of my wife did affarm that itt was an pudeater that afflict her & stood in the Belefe of itt as Long as she Lived. Jurat in Curia *S Sewall Cle Sep'r 7'th 92


Jno Best: afirmed: to the truth of the above written: before the Jury of inquest. Sept'r 7: 1692 (Reverse) Jno Best Oath ags't An: Pudeator -( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 113 )

(John Best, Jr. v. Ann Pudeator)

The testimony of John best Junear hou testifieth uppon his oath before the grand Inquest that his Mother did severall tims in har siknis complain of ann pudeatar of salim the wife of Jacob pudeatar how she had beewiched har and that she did believe she would kill har before she had dun: and soo she said severall times duering hear siknis: until har death allso I this deponant: did severall times goo in to the woulds to fech my fathars Cowes: and I did drive goode pudeatars Cow back from. our Cowes: and I being all alone: ann pudeatar would Chide me when I Came houm: for turning the Cow bak: by Reson of which I this deponant did ConClude said pudeater was a wich Jurat in Curia (Reverse) John best Junior against pudeatar ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 113 )

(Petition of Ann Pudeator)

The humble Petition of Ann Poodeater unto the honoured Judge and Bench now Setting in Judicature in Salem humbly Sheweth: That Wheras your Poor and humble Petitioner being condemned to die and knowing in my own conscience as I shall shortly answer it before the great God of heaven who is the searcher & knower of all hearts: That the Evidence of Jno Best Sen'r and Jno Best Jun'r and Sam'll Pickworth w'ch was given in against me in Court were all of them altogether false & untrue and besides the abovesaid Jno Best hath been formerly whipt and likewise is r rded for a Lyar I would humbly begg of yo'r honours to Take it into your Judicious and Pious

-710consideration That my life may not be taken away by such false Evidence and wittnesses as these be likewise the Evidence given in against me by Sarah Church and Mary Warren I am altogether ignorant off and know nothing in the least measure about it nor nothing else concerning the crime of witchcraft for w'ch I am condemned to die as will be known to men and angells att the great day of Judgment begging and imploring your prayers att the throne of grace in my behalfe and your poor and humble petition'r shall for ever pray as she is bound in duty for your hon'rs health and happiness in this life and eternall felicity in the world to come (Reverse) Ann Pudeaters Peti ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 113 )


Wilmott Reed Executed, September 22, 1692 (See also: Martha Carrier -- Complaint.)

(Warrant for Arrest of Wilmott Reed)

To: To the Constables of Marblehead You are in theire Majest's names hereby required to apprehend and bring before us willmot Reed the wife of Samuell Reed of Marblehead, on Tuesday next being the 31'st day of this Instant moneth of May aboute ten of the Clock in the forenoon at the house of Lt Nathan'll Ingerslls in Salem Village: who stands Charged with haveing Committed Sundry acts of Witchcraft on the bodys of Mary Walcot and Marcy Lewis and Others of Salem Village to theire great hurt &c, in order to her Examination Relateing to the aboves'd premises and hereof you are not to faile Dated Salem May 28'th 1692 P us *John Hathorne [unclear: ] Assis'ts *Jonathan. Corwin (Reverse) In answer to the withinmentioned warrant I have apprehended Willmot Reed wife to Sam'll Reed of Marblehead & brought her to the house of Lt Ingersals, May the 31'th 92.

*James Smith Const' for Marblehead ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 3 )


(Indictment v. Wilmott Reed, No. 1)

Essex in the Province [unclear: ] of the Massachusetts Bay in New England ss Anno RR's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Annoq'e Domini 1692 The Juriors for our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King & Queen doe present That Willmott Redd Wife of Samuel Redd of Marblehead In the County of Essex fisherman upon the Thirty first day of May In the Yeare afores'd and divers other days and times as well before as after Certaine detestable arts called Witchcraft and Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously and felloniously hath used practised and exercised At and in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex-aforesaid in upon and against one Eliza' Booth of Salem Aforesaid Single Woman -- by which said Wicked acts the said Eliza' Booth the day & Yeare afore said and divers other days and times both before and after was and is Tortured Aflicted Consumed Pined Wasted and Tormented and also for Sundry other Acts of Witchcraft by the said Willmott Redd Comitted and done before and Since that time against the peace of our Sov'r Lord & Lady the King & Queen theire Crown and DignityDignity and the forme Of the Stattute in that case made and Provided. (Reverse) Indictm't Vs Willmott Redd for:bewitching Eliza' Booth Ignoramus ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 3 )

(Indictment v. Wilmott Reed, No. 2)

Essex in the province [unclear: ] of the Massachusetts Bay in New England ss Anno RR's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Quarto Annoq'e Domini 1692 The Juriors for our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King & Queen doe present that Willmott Redd wife of Samuel Reed of Marblehead In the County of Essex fisherman upon the Thirty first day of May In the year aforesaid and divers other days and times as well before as after Certaine Detestable Arts. called Witchcraft and Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously and felloniously hath used practised and Exercised at

-713and in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid in Upon and against one Eliza' Hobert of Salem aforesaid in the County of Essex Essex aforesaid Single Woman by which said wicked Acts the said Eliza' Hobert the day & Yeare aforesaid and Divers other dayes and times both before and after was and is Tortured aflicted Consumed Pined Wasted and Tormented and also for sundry other Acts of Witchcraft by the said Willmot Redd Comitted and done before and since that time against the peace of o'r Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen theire Crowne and Dignity And the forme Of the Stattute Stattute in that Case made and Provided -(Reverse) Indictm't ags't Willmott Redd for bewitching Eliza' Hobert Billa Vera-Ponet Se ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 4 )

(Examination of Wilmott Reed)

The examination of Wilmot Redd wife of Sam'll Red of marble hed fisherman 31 May 1692 When this examinant was brought in Mercy Lewes Mary Walcot & Abigail Williams fell into fits Mercy Lewis said this Woman hath Pincht me a great many times. Mary Walcot sais this Woman brought the Book to her. Ann Putman jun'r saith she never hurt her, but she hath seen her once upon Mercy Lewes & once upon Mary Walcot the last fast day. Eliz: Hubbard said this Examinant had brought the book to her, & told her she would knock her in the head, if she would not write. Ann Putman said she brought the Book to her just now Eliz: Booth fell into a fit, & Mary Walcot & Ann Putman said it was this Woman afflicted her. Susan: Sheldon was ordered to go to the examinant but was knock down before she came to her, & being so carryed to said Redd in a fit, was made well after said Redd had graspt her arm. Eliz: Hubbard dealt with after the same manner This examinant was bid by the Magistrates to Look upon Eliz: Hubbard, & upon the examinants casting her eye upon said Hubbard, she the said Hubbard was knockt down.

-714Abig: Williams & John Indian being carried to the examinant in a grevious fit were made Well by her grasping their arms. This examinant being often urged what she thought these Persons ailed; would reply, I cannot tell. Then being askt if she did not think they were Bewitcht: she answered I cannot tell And being urged for her opinion in the case All she would say was my opinion is they are in a sad condition. (Reverse) Examination of Willmott Redd ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Vol. 2 Page 4 )

(Summons for Witnesses)

Essex ss. Wm & Mary by the Grace of God. of England Scotland France & Ireland King & Queen defend'rs of the faith &ca To the Sheriff of Essex or deputy or Constable of Marblehead Greeting We Comand you to Warne & give Notice unto the Wife & daughter of Thomas Dodd the Wife & daughter of Thomas Ellis John Caley David Shapley Wife & daughter John Chinn Marthah Beale, Elias Henly jun'r & wiffe. Benjamin Gale, Joane Bubbee, Charity Pittman, & Jacob Wormwood, That they & Every of them be and personally appear at the Court of Oyer and Terminer holden at Salem tomorrow at Eight of the Clock in the Morning there to testify the truth to the best of your knowledge on Severall Indictments Exhibited against Wilmot Redd herof Make return fail not dated in Salem Sep'r 13'th 1692. & in the fourth yeare of Our Reign: *Stephen Sewall Cle (Reverse) I have warn & sumonsed all the persons withinmentioned accordingly except John Calley & Ellis henly who are at sea, & benj. gale not well. Sept'ber the 14'th by 7 O'clock in the morning P mee *James Smith Cons't in Marblehead (Reverse) Wilmot Redd ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 4 )


(Mary Walcott v. Wilmott Reed)

The deposistion of Mary Walcott who testifieth and saith I was for a considerable time afflected by a woman which tould me hir name was Redd: and that she came from marblehead but on the 31: of may 1692 being the day of the examination of willmott Redd then I saw that she was the very same woman that tould me hir name was Redd: and she did most dreadfully afflect and torment me dureing the time of hir examination for if she did but look upon me she would strick me down or almost choak me: also on the day of hir examination I saw willmott Redd: or hir Aperance most greviously afflet and torment marcy lewes Eliz: Hubburd and Ann putnam and I beleve in my heart that willmott Redd is a wicth and that she has often affleted and tormented me & the afores'd persons by acts of wicthcraft Jurat in Curia Mary Walcot: upon her oath Affirmed to the grand Inquest that the above written evidence is the truth:Sep'r 14: 1692 (Reverse) Mary Walcott Evidence against Willmott Redd ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 5 )

(Mary Warren v. Wilmott Reed)

The deposistion of mary warren who testifieth and saith that I cannot say that willmott Redd ever hurt me but I saw willmott Redd on the 31 may 1692 most greviously afflect and torment mary walcott Abigail williams and Eliz. Booth & elizabeth Hubbard and Ann putnam and I verily beleve in my heart that wilmott Redd is a wicth & that she has often hurt the above said persons by acts of wicthcraft Mary:Warin upon oath: affirmed to the grand Inquest: to the truth of the above written evidence: Sept'r 14'th 1692 & this day, she hath aflicted this deponant most Greviously Jurat in Curia (Reverse) Mary Warren depo ags't Willmot Redd ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 5 )


(Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Wilmott Reed)

The deposition of Ann putnam who testifieth and saith that I was for a considerable time afflected by a woman that tould me hir name was Redd and that she came from marble head but on the 31 may 1692 being the day of the examination of wilmott Redd then I saw that she was the vary same woman that tould me hir name was Redd and she did most greviously torment me dureing the time of hir examination for if she did but look on me she would strick me down or almost choak me:also on the day of hir examination I saw willmott Redd or hir Apperance most greviously afflet and torment mary walcott Eliz: Hubbard Eliz: Booth and Abigail williams: and I very beleve that willmott Redd is a wicth and that she has often affleted me and the afforesaid persons by acts of wicthcraft An Putnum ownd the truth of the above written evidence; to the grand Inquest: Sept'r 14: 1692 upon oath Jurat in Curia (Reverse) An Puttnam Evidence against Willmott Redd ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 5 )

(Elizabeth Hubbard v. Wilmott Reed)

The deposistion of Eliz. Hubburd who testifieth and saith that I was a #[a] considerable time afflected by a woman w'ch tould me hir name was Redd and that she came from marblehead; but on the 31 may 1692 being the day of the examination of willmott Redd then I saw that she was the very same woman that tould me hir name was Redd: and she did most greviously afflect and torment me dureing the time of her examination for if she did but look upon me she would strick me down or almost choake me: also on the day of hir examination I saw willmott Redd or hir Apperance most dreadfully afflect and torment mary walcott Abigail williams and Ann putnam and I beleve that willmott Redd is wicth and that she hath often affleted me and the affore said persons by acts of wicthcraft Eliz Hubbert: upon her oath; to the grand Inquest to the truth of the above written: evidence; Sep'r 14: 1692 Jurat in Curia (Reverse) Eliz Hobert agst. Willmott Redd ( Essex County Archives Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 5 )


(Charity Pitman v. Wilmott Reed)

The Testimony of Charity Pitman of Marblehead. This deponent aged twenty nine years affirms, that about five years agoe, Mrs Syms of the Towne having lost some linnen which she suspected Martha Laurence the girle which then lived with Wilmott Redd had taken up, desired the deponent to goe with her to Wilmott Redds, and demanding the same, having many words about the same, mrs Syms told her, that if she would not deliver them she would go to Salem to mr Hathorne and gett a speciall warrant for her servant girle; upon which the s'd Redd told her in my hearing, that she wished that she might never mingere, nor cacare, if she did not goe, and some short time after the deponent observed. that the s'd Mrs Syms was taken with the distemper of the dry Belly-ake, and so continued many moneths during her stay in the Towne, and was not cured whilst she tarryed in the Countrey, -Jurat in Curia, (Reverse) Charity Pittman ags't Willmott Redd ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 6 )

(Sarah Dodd v. Wilmott Reed)

Sarah Dod: Affirmed:upon her oath to the grand Inquest: that: she heard Mrs Simse threatned to have Wilmot Redd: before a Majestrate for some of s'd Redds misdemeanures. s'd Redd. wisht s'd Simse might never any wayes ease nature before she did it: & soon aftar; to this deponants knowledge it fell out with: Mrs Simse: according. s'd Redds wish this she ownd before: s'd Jury of inquest: Sept'r 14: 1692 (Reverse) Sarah Dodd evidence ags't Willmott Redd ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 6 )


(Ambrose Gale v. Wilmott Reed)

Mr Ambros Gale: Affirmd that: Mrs Simse was:abo't that time: or soon after so: aflicted: as was then Reported Septem'r 14, 1692 Jurat in Curia. ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 6 )


Sarah Rice (See also: Martha Carrier -- Complaint; John Alden -- Mittimus.)

(Warrant for Arrest of Sarah Rice)

To: To the Constables in Reding You are in theire Majesties names hereby required to apprehend and bring before us Sarah Rice the wife of Nicholas Rice of Reding on Tuesday next being the 31't day of this Instant moneth. at the house of Lt Nathan'l Ingersalls at Salem Village aboute ten of the Clock in the forenoon, who stand charged with haveing Committed. sundry acts of Witchcraft on the Bodys of Mary Walcot and Abigail Williams & others, to theire great hurt: &c in order to her Examination Relateing to the premises aboves'd faile not Dated Salem May 28'th 1692 us *John Hathorne [unclear: ] Assis'ts *Jonathan. Corwin (Reverse) In obedence to this warant I have brought the Body of Sarah Rice the wife of Nicolas Rice of Redding to the house of Leut nathanal Ingersons in Salem Viledg the: 31 of this Instant May: 1692 Atest *John Parker Constable of Redding ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 52 )


(Petition of Nicholas Rice)

To: To the honoured Generall Court now Sitting in Boston The humble Petition of Nicholas Rist of Reading Sheoweth that whereas Sara Rist wife to the petition'r was taken into Custody the first day of June last and ever Since laine in Boston Goal for witchcraft, tho in all this time Nothing has been made Appear for w'ch shee desur'd Imprisonment or death, the petition'r has been a husband to the Said woman above Tweinty years, in all w'ch time he never had reason to accuse her for any Impietie or witchcraft, but the Contrary Shee lived w'th him as a good Faithfull dutifull wife and alwise had respect #[to the respect] to the ordinances of God while her Strength Remain'd and the petition'r on that Consideration is Obliged in Conscience and Justice #[oblige] to use all lawfull means for the Support and preservation of her life, and it is deplorable that in old age the poor decriped woman should ly under Confinment so long in a Stinching Goal when her Circumstances rather requires a Nurse to Attend her

May it therefore please yo'r hon'rs to take this matter in to yo'r prudent Considerations.and derect Some speedy Methods whereby this ancient decriped person may not for ever ly in such Miserie wherein her life is made more afflictive to her than death, and the petition'r Shall as in dutie bound

Ever pray Dated the 19'th october 1692 (Reverse) 1692 The humble petition of Nicholas Rist of Reading ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 63 )


Susannah Roots (See also: Sarah Proctor -- Complaint.)

(Warrant for Arrest of Susannah Roots)

Salem May 21-1692 To the Constables of Beverly. Whereas Complaint hath been this day made before us, by Sergent Thomas Puttnam and John Puttnam: both of Salem village yeomen against Susannah Roots of Beverly widdow for sundry acts of witchcrafft by her Commited on the bodys of Mary wallcott Abigal williams Marcy Lewis Ann Puttnam and others. You are therfore in their Majesties names hereby Required to apprehend and forthwith bring before us Susannah Roots of Beverly widdow, who stands charged with Committing Sundry acts of witchcraft as aboves'd to the wrong and Injury of the bodys of the above-named Persons, in order to her Examination Relateing to the aboves'd Premises faile not Dated Salem May the 21'st 1692 John Hathorne Jonathan. Corwin r order of the Govener & Councell To the Marshall of Essex or his Deputy vera Copia attest May 21 -- 1692 *Geor: Herrick Marshall of Essex I doe apoint mr Jonathan Biles to bee my Lawffull Deputy to serve this warrant *Geo: Herrick Marshall of Essex

-722(Reverse) I have prosecutted the within written warant and have apprehended the person of the within mentioned Suzannah Roots and Brought her befour awthority. 23: may 1692 By me *Jonathan Biles Constible of Beverly ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 133 )

(Andrew Elliott v. Susannah Roots)

An information if it might be any help in the examination of the person before you goode Roots I being in the house of Mr Laurence Denni's some time since she was suspected for what shee is now before you & there was Likewise Leonard Austen of our Town of Beverly s'd Austen then s'd that he thought she was a bad woman, his reason was that he Living in the house with s'd Roots not Long since and when he went to prayer at any time with his wife & thought s'd Roots would acompany them in s'd Duty but Did not at any time but would withdraw & absent herselfe: & further when my self were gone to bed & she unto her bed. she would rise in the night & we Could hear her talk in the roome below I lying in the Chamber over s'd roome as if there #[there] were: 5: or six persons with her more s'd Austen might speak if caled thereunto as far as know more concer[n]ing Roots *Andrew Eliott (Reverse) Andrew Elliot ag't G. Roots ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 133 )


Henry Salter

(Examination of Henry Salter)

The Examination of Henry Salters. Taken before Jno Hauthorn Esq'r & other their Majesties Justices. In the tyme of his Examination He struck down with his eye [unclear: ] Warrin Mary Walcot Rose foster & Mary C Lacey And [unclear: ] them by touching of them with his hand. Mary Walcot said he [unclear: ] her the last thursday, & almost choaked her to Death upon the [unclear: ] sabath Day she saw him afflict Timothy swan [] Barnam [unclear: ] Goody Bigsby. Mary Warren and Mary Walcot saw him afflict [unclear: ] tha Sprague saw him afflict hannah Post. Mary Warrin said he [unclear: ] her he used his witchcraft by the Key & bible & sometimes by [unclear: ] seive & seissors. She also saw the black man -- 2 women one man [unclear: ] a company of Litle ones before him. when was it that the company [unclear: ] witches were at yo'r house and the whyte men Drove them away A never knew of any such thing, but

afterwards said he had told [unclear: ] Goody Lovejoy something but knew not what -- He ownes he [unclear: ] told Lyes before now and been in drink also I underwritten [unclear: ] appointed by oath to take in wryteing the above examination [unclear: ] testify upon oath taken in Court that this is a true coppy of the [unclear: ] stance of it, to the best of my knowledge -5 January 1692/3 *Wm Murray The above Hen Salter was Examined before their Majesties [unclear: ] of peace in Salem Attest *John Higginson Just'e [unclear: ] (Reverse) Hen'y Salter Exa.7.7.92 Owned before


afflicted: Mary Walcot Mary Warren Rose foster Mary lacy Timo Swan Goody Bigsby Martha Sprage the Grand Jury attest: *Robert Payne foreman: ( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2702 Page 24 )

(Indictment v. Henry Salter)

Essex in the Province [unclear: ] of the Massachusett Bay in New England Anno RR & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Quarto Annoq'e Domini 1692 ss The Juriors for our Soveraigne Lord & Lady the King and Queen doe present that Henry Salter of Andover in the County of Essex husbandman upon or about the Seventh Day of September In the yeare aforsaid and divers other Dayes and times as well Before as after Certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcraft and Sorceries wickedly malitiously and feloniously hath used practised and Exercised at and in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex in and upon and against one Rose foster of Andover Singlewoman by which said wicked Acts the said Rose Foster The Day and yeare aforesaid and Divers other Dayes and Times both before & after was and is tortured afflicted Consumed wasted Pined and Tormented against the peace of our Sovraigne Lord & Lady the King and Queen their Crowne & Dignity and the Law in that case made & Provided -Witnesses Rose foster Mary Wolcott Mary Warren Martha Sprage [alis Tyler] (Reverse) Ignoramus *Robert Payne foreman ( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2702 Page 24 )


John Sawdy

(Recognizance for John Sawdy)

Know all Men By these presents that I Walter Wright Weaver of Andover in the Cownty of Essex in New England and I Francis Faukner of the Same Town and Cownty Afforesaid Husbandman Are holden & firmely Bownd Joyntly & Sevirally to theire Majesties King William & Queen Mary of England Scottland france & Ireland King & Queen Defenders of the faith the full & Juste Sum of five Hundrid pownds Sterling for the True & Just paymente of w'ch Said Sum of five hundrid pownds to theire Majesties King William & Queen Mary wee do Bind our Selves our Heires Executtors administrators and Assignes -- firmely by these presents Dated in Salem the Sixth day of October in the Year of Our Lord One thowsand Six hundrid Ninety & Two and in the fourth Year of the Reigne of theire Majesties King William and Queen Mary, King & Queen of England Scottland france & Ireland Deffenders of the faith -The Condition of this Obligation is Such that whereas the abovenamed Walter Wright Weaver & francis faukner Husbandman of Andover in the Cownty of Essex In New England have Taken into theire Care & Custody the body of John Sawdy Aged about thirteen years who was Comitted to th'r Majesties Goale in Salem In the Cownty of Essex in New England for having Used practised & Committed Divers Acts of witchcraft Upon the bodyes of Sundrye persons who him Self hath also Confessed the Same, is that the Aforesaid walter Wright Weaver & Francis faukner of the Towne & Cownty Aforesaid Shall well & Truly keep the Aforesaid John Sawdy & him Secure Untill they shall Receive Order from George Corwin Sherriff of the Cownty of Essex to deliver the Aforesaid John Sawdy Unto William Downton Now Keeper of theire Majesties Goale in Salem or to any Other Whome the Aforesaid George Corwin shall Appoint -- And [that] they shall according to his Order forthwith delliver the Afforesaid John Sawdy, And if the Above bownd do perform The Above

-726mentioned Articles & shall pay Unto George Corwin the Sherriff aforesaid the forfieture of S'd Bond for theire Maj'es Use in Case of Default then this Obligation to be of None Effect & Void Or Otherwise to Stand in full force & Virtue, In Wittness Hereof we the Above bownd have Sett to Our hands & Seales, this Sixth of Octob'r in the yr of Our Lord One thousand Six hundrid ninety two and in the fourth Year of their Majest's Reigne -- Walter Wright his mark Wittness

*Joshua Conant *Elizur Keysar *Francis Fauk'r

*Joseph Phippen Juner ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 55 )


Margaret Scott Executed, September 22, 1692

(Frances Wycom v. Margaret Scott)

The deposistion of frances wycum who testifyeth and saith that quickly after the first court at [Salem] about wicthcraft margerit Scott whom I very well knew: or hir Apperance came to me and did most greviously torment me by choaking and almost presing me to death: and so she did continue affleting me by times tell the 5'th August 1692 being the day of hir examination allso during the time of hir examination margerit scott did most greviously afflect me: and also severall times sence: and I beleve in my heart that margerit Scott is a wicth and that she has often afflected me by acts of wicthcraft frances Wycum owned: to the grand Inquest: that the above written evidence: is the truth upon oath: Sept'r 15: 1692: Jurat in Curia. (Reverse) frances Wycomb ags't Margaret Scott ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, Page 45 )

(Phillip Nelson and Sarah Nelson v. Margaret Scott)

#[also] phillip Nellson and Sarah his wife doe testifie and say that for Two or three years be fore #[the said] Robert Shilleto dyed we have often hard him complaining of margerit Scott for hurting of him and often said that she was a wicth and so he continewed complaining of Margarit Scott saying he should never be well so long as margerit Scott lived & so he Complayned of Margret Scott: att times untill he dyed

-728Phillip Nelson and Sarah his wife affirmed: upon their oath to the grand Inquest that the above written

evidence: is the truth Sept'r 15: 1692 Jurat in Curia (Reverse) Sarah Nelson Depo ag'st Mary Scott ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 45 )


Ann Sears

(Warrant for Arrest of Ann Sears, Bethiah Carter, Sr., and Bethiah Carter, Jr.)
Whereas Complaint hath benne this day Exhibited (before us) by Thomas putnam and John putnam Jun'r both of Salem Village Yeoman on behalfe of theire Majesties Against Ann Seeres the wife of John Seeres of Woburne and Bethiah Carter of s'd Towne of Woburne widdow and Bethya Carter the daugter of s'd Carter widdow, for high Suspition of Sundry acts of Witchcraft donne by them upon the Bodys of Ann putnam Marcy Lewis Mary Walcot &c of Salem Village whereby much hurt and wrong is donne unto them therefore Craves [Justice]. These are therefore in theire Majest's Names to require you, to apprehand and forthwith bring the persons of the abovenamed before us at Salem Village at the house of Lt Nathaniell Ingersalls in order to theire Examination Relateing to the abovesaid premises and hereof you are not to faile Dated Salem May 8'th 1692 To the Constable of Woburne us *John Hathorne [unclear: ] Assis'ts *Jonathan. Corwin (Reverse) I Ephraim bouck counstabel of Woburn have sarved this warant acording to [Law] hav apurhanded the parson of anah Sauris and of the wado cartter and hauf broit tham to Lautanant ingursons hois as warant due exprest In pursuance to the within specifyed warrant I have apprehended the bodies of the within mentioned Anna Seers and Bethia Carter sen'r and brought them to the place within ordered this 9 May 1692 *Ephraim Bock Constabil of woburn

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 48 )


(Recognizance for Ann Sears)

Memorand'm That on the Third day of December 1692 & in the fowerth year of Reign of our Soveraign Lord & Lady William & Mary by the Grace of God of England & King & Queen defenders of the faith personally Appeared before us James Russell & Sam'l Heyman Esq'rs of their Majes'ts Councill & Province of the Massachusets Bay in New Eng d & Justices of Peace within the Same Jonathan Prescot of Concord and John Horton of Lancaster in the County of Middlesex & Acknoledged themselves & Each of them to be indebted unto our Said Lord & Lady the King & Queen & the Survivor of them their Heires & Successors in the Some of two hundred pounds to be leavied on their or Either of their goods or Chattels Lands or Tennement for the use of our Said Lord & Lady the King & Queen or Survivor of them if Default be made in the performance of the condition under written in the Condition of the Above Recognizance is Such that whereas Ann Seere the Wife of John Seere of Wooburn in the County Aboves'd was committed to Cambridge Goal on Suspition of Witchcraft If therefore the Said Ann Seere\ shall make her personal Appearance before the Justices of our Said Lord & Lady the King & Queen at the next Court of Assize Oyer & Terminer & General Goall delivery to be holden for or within the County of Middlesex Afores'd to Answer what shall be objected against her in their Majest'es behalf refering to Witchcraft, and to do & receive that w'ch by s'd Court shall be then & there injoined her & not Depart w'thout licence then the Above Recognizance to be void or Elce to remain & abide in full force & virtue -[Cap't] & Recognit die diet Coram *Ja: Russell J. P. *Samuel Hayman (Reverse) Reco n Ann Seere appearance at Next Court in Middlesex ( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2692 Page No. 20 )


Susanna Sheldon

(Robert Moulton v. Susannah Sheldon)

the testimony of Robart Moulton sener who testifith and saith that I waching with Susannah sheldon sence she was afflicted I heard her say that the witches halled her Upone her bely through the yeard like a snacke and halled her over the stone walle & presontly I heard her Controdict her former: disCource and said that she Came over the stone wall her selfe and I heard her say that she Rid Upone apoole to boston and she said the divel Caryed the poole *Robart Mouelton Samuel Nurs and Joseph Trumball saw Robart moulton sine this wrighting ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 59 )


Abigail Somes

(Warrant for Arrest of Abigail Somes)

To: To Constable peter Osgood You are in theire Majest's names hereby required to apprehen and forthwith bring before us Abigaile Soames Single Woman, [unclear: ] Liveing at the house of Sam'l Gaskill in Salem; who stand accused

[unclear: ] Sundry acts of #[Sundry] Witchcraft, (or high suspition there [unclear: ] donne or Committed by her Lately. on the Body of Mary Warren & faile not Dated Salem, May the 13'th 1692 us *John Hathorne [unclear: ] Assis't *Jonathan. Corwin (Reverse) Abigaile Soames I heave Aprehended the person of Abigall Soams Acordinge to [unclear: ] rante exprest on the other side and heave broughte hir to the how of mr Thomas Beadles r me *Peter Osgood Constable in Selem May the 13; 1692. ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 50 )

(Examination of Abigail Somes, May 13, 1692, at Salem)

Upon the glance of her Eye she struck Mary Warren into a [unclear: ] fit at her first appearance, and s'd Warren continually Crying out [unclear: ] it was this very Woman tho She knew her not before, only [unclear: ] that She herself in apparition and told her that her name was [unclear: ]

-734and also that this was the very woman that had afflicted her all this Day, and that. she met her as she was comeing in att the gate, and bit her exceedingly att her first Examining there was found in her Apron a great Crotching Needle about the midle of it near her Belly, which was plucked out by one of the Standers by. by ord'r of the Magistrates, which the s'd Soams affirmed. She knew not how it came there; Mary Warren affirmed that she never saw the s'd woman before only in apparition, and then she told her that her Name was Abigail Soames and that she was sister to John Soams of Preston Cooper and that she lived att Gaskins, and that she had lain Bedrid a year. Being asked whether she was Sister to John Soams she answered peremptorily she would not tell for all was false that Warren said furthermore Warren affirmed that she told her that she was she s'd Soams was the Instrumental means of the Death of Southwick: Upon which s'd Soams casting her Eye on Warren [pincht] her into a dreadful fitt, and bitt her so dreadfully that the Like was never seen on any of the aflicted, which the s'd Warren Charged the s'd Soams with doeing off, saying that the s'd Soams told her this day she would be the death of her further Warren Affirms that she the s'd Soams ran two pinns into her side this day, which being plucked out the blood ran out after them. Goody Gaskin being present att this examination affirmed she had kept her Bed for most part these thirteen months. Warren further affirms she told her that when She did goe abroad att any time it was in the Night which Goody Gaskin being present Confirmed the same that that was the usual time off her goeing abroad -- further more

Warren affirmed that this Abigail Soams would have had her to have made a bargain with her, telling her if she would not tel of her being a sickly woman, she would not afflict her any more, and that then She should goe along with her, for this s'd Soams told her she was her God, Upon w'ch Warren answered she would not keep the Devils Councel. Soams told her she was not a Devil but she was her God. Q. Mary Warren is this true: A. It is nothing but the truth. Soams being asked who hurt Warren in the time of her fitt she answered it was the Enemy hurt her. I have been said she myself Distracted many atime, and my [senses] have gone from me, and I thought I have seen many a Body hurt mee, and might have accused many as well as she doth. I Really thought I had seen many persons att my Mothers Campe at Glowster, and they greatly aflicted me as I thought. Soams being Commanded while Warren was in a dreadful fit, to take Warren by the hand, the said Warren immediately recovered;

-735This Experiment was tryed three times over and the Issue the same. Warren after a Recovery being commanded to touch the s'd Soams altho she Assayed severall times to do it with great Earnestness she was not able, But fell down into a dreadful fit. Upon which the s'd Soams being Commanded take Warren by the hand, she immediately recovered her again. Warren affirming she felt something soft in her hand (her Eyes then being first shut) which revived her very heart. Warren being asked what the Reason was she could not Come to touch Soams affirmed she saw the apparition of Somes come from her Body, and would meet her, and thrust her with Vialunce back again, not suffring her to Come near her -- Sometimes Soams, would say it was Distraction in talking she would often Laugh, upon which Laughing the aflicted person would presently fal into a fitt. Soams being asked whether she thought this was Witchcraft or whether there were any Witches in the world, answered she did not know anything but said itt was the Enemy or some other Wicked person or the Enemy himself that forces persons to afflict her att this time, presently this Warren fell into a trance comeing out of which she affirmed that Soams told her in the Prime of her trance that she would thrust an Awl into her very heart and would kil her this night. Soams could never cast her Eye upon Warren, but immediately she struck her down, and one time she affirmed s'd Soams struck her such a Blow as almost killed, which made the s'd Warren break out into abundance of tears. Soams being Charged with it, instead of bewailing itt Broke forth into Laughter. Warren being also afflicted by the [wringing] of her mouth after a strange and prodigious manner, Soams being Commanded to look upon her in that fit, premptorily answered she would not. Soams being by him ordered to turn her face about to look on the afflicted, which being accordingly done she shut her Eyes Close, and would not look on her being then ordered to touch her She did and immediately Warren Recovered, which no sooner done but Soams opened her Eyes and looked on the afflicted; and struck her into another most dreadful and horible fit, and in this manner she practised her Witchcrafts several times before the Court. Mary Warren Looking on her affirmed this to be the very woman that had so often afflicted her dureing the Examination and Charged her with it to her face. sometimes dureing the Examination Soams would put her oun foot behind her other leg, and immediately Warrens Legs would be Crossed and that it was impossible for the strongest man there to [uncrosst] them, without Breaking her Leggs,

-736as was seen by many present After this Examination Warren says the apparition of Proctor, Nurse and Burroughs, that appeared before her, and Burroughs bitt her which bite was seen by many. Also Burroughs att the same time appeared to Margaret Jacobs who was then present, and told her as Jacobs affirmed, that her Grandfather would be hanged Upon which the s'd Jacobs wept. it was also observed by the Rev'd Mr Noyse,

that after the needle was taken away from Soams, that Warren was neither bit. not pinched by the s'd Soams, but [pincht] so dreadfully on her throght that she cryed out she was almost killed. ( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2703 Page 25 )

(Mary Warren v. Abigail Somes)

The Deposition of Mary Warren who Testifieth & saith that Abigaill Somes of Gloster hath often aflickted mee by bitting pricking & pinching of mee & halling me about under the Table & s'd Somes s'd she had been bed Riden a twelvmoneth or their about & that she had never been out in the Day time [in that] time but had been very often abroad in the night & when she was sent for to the village, I see her Aflict Ann Putnam & Mary walcot owned before the Grand Jury upon the oath she had taken Jan'y 6'th 1692 Attests. *Robert Payne, foreman: ( Suffolk Court Records -- Case No. 2703 Page 25 )

(Indictment v. Abigail Somes)

Essex in the Province of the Massathusetts Bay in New Eng'd// Anno R R's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Quarto Annoq'e Do i: 1692

-737The Jurors For Our Sovereign Lord & Lady the King & Queen doe present that Abigaill Soames of Salem Late of Glosster in the County of Essex Singlewoman upon the thirteenth Day of May in the yeare afores'd & Divers other Dayes & times as well before as after Certain Detestable arts Called Witchcrafts & sorceries Wickedly and felloniously hath used practised and Exiercised att & in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd in upon & against One Mary Warren of Salem Single Woman by which Said Wicked acts the Said Mary Warren the day & yeare afores'd and Divers other Dayes & Times both before & after was & is Consumed Pined Wasted & Tormented Against the peace of Our Sovereign Lord & Lady the King & Queen Thier Crowne & Dignity & The Laws in that Case made and provided. Witnesses

Mary Warren Mary Walcott Eli. Hubbard (Reverse) Ignoramus *Robert. Payne Foreman ( Suffolk Court Records -- Case No. 2703 Page 25 )


Martha Sparks

(Recognizance for Martha Sparks)

Memorand'm That on the Sixth day of Decemb'r 1692 in the fowerth year of the Reign of our Soveraign Lord & Lady William & Mary by the grace of God of England &c King & Queen Defenders of the faith: Personally Appeared before us James Russell & Samuell Heyman Esqs of their Majesties Councill & Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, & Justices of peace within the Same: Thomas Barrat of Chelmsford in the County of Middlesex Mason & acknowledged himself to be indebted unto our S'd Lord & Lady the King & Queen and the Survivor of them their Heires & Successors in the Some of Two hundred pounds to be leavied on his Goods or Chattells Lands or Tennements for the use of our said Lord & Lady the King & Queen or Surviver of Them if Default be made in the performance of the Condition underwritten, viz The Condition of the Above Recognizance is Such that where as Martha Sparks of Chelmsford in the County of Middlesex was Committed to Boston Goall being Accused & suspected of perpetrating or Committing Divers Acts of Witchcraft, If therefore the Afors'd Martha Sparks Shall make her personall Appearance before the Justices of our s'd Lord & Lady the King & Queen, at the next Court of Assizes Oyer & Terminer & Generall Goall Delivery to be holden for, or within the County of Middlesex Aboves'd to Answer what Shall be Objected Against her in their Maj'ties behalfe refering to Witchcraft and to Do & Receive that which by said Court shall be then and there Injoined her, and not Depart without Licence then the Abovesaid Recognizance to be void or Elce to Abide in full force & virtue

Recognit Die Pdiet oram *Ja: Russell, Esq'rs *Samuell Hayman

-740(Reverse) Thomas Barrete Recogn. Martha Sparks appear. at Middlesex Court. ( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2696 Page 21 )

(Petition of Thomas Barrett)

To: To his Exc'y Sr William Phips Knt Capn Gen'll and Governor in Cheife of their Maj'ties Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England and to the Hon'rd Council thereof The Humble Petition of Thomas Barrett of Chelmsford in New England, in behalf of his Daughter Martha Sparkes, wife of Henry Sparkes who is now a Souldier in their Maj'ties Service att the Easterne Parts, and soe hath beene for a Considerable Time -Humbly Sheweth That yo'r Petition'rs Daughter hath Layne in Prison in Boston for the Space of Twelve months and Five dayes, being Comitted by Thomas Danforth Esq'r the Late Dep'ty Governor upon suspicion of Witchcraft; Since which noe Evidence hath appeared against her in any Such matter, neither hath any Given bond to prosecute her nor doth any one att this day accuse her of any such thing as yo'r Petitio'r knowes of. That Yo'r Petition'r hath eversince kept two of her children the one of 5 Yeares the other of 2 yeares old w'ch hath beene a considerable Trouble and charge to him in his poore & meane Condition, besides yo'r Petition'r hath a Lame antient & Sick wife who for these 5 yeares & upwards past hath beene soe afflicted as that shee is altogether rendred uncapable of affording her self any help, w'ch much augments his Trouble, Yo'r Poore Petition'r Earnestly and humbly Intreates yo'r Ex'y & hon'rs to take his distressed Condition into yo'r consideracon And that You will please to order the releasem't of his Daught'r from her confinem't whereby shee may returne home to her poore children, to Looke after them, haveing nothing to pay the

charge of her confinem't And Yo'r Petition'r as in duty bound shall ever pray &c ( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 64 )


Mary Taylor

(Examination of Mary Taylor)

Mary Tayler examined before their Majest's Justies at Salem Sept'r 5'th 1692 Jno Hawthorn Esq & others It was sayd to her you are acused for afflicting Mrs. Mary Marshall by witch craft: but she s'd she knew nothing of it Mrs. Marshall did you acuse this woman or do you acuse her for hurting you [by] by witchcraft: A. Yes: she has beat me & came to purswade me to worship her god: & told me my god could not save me & she has brought images to me. S'd Tayler Was bid to look on Mrs Mary Marshall: & did & Sd Marshall Was struck Down by it & S'd when she could speak it was s'd Tayler that struck her down: Mary lasey s'd also that s'd Tayler was upon s'd Marshall: Tayler was told she had a dangerous eye: that struck folk down which give ground to think she was a witch: but she s'd she was not sencible. she was one S'd Tayler: look't on Hannah Post: & Mary Lasey: & they fell Down & Susan Post s'd Taylor was upon them: Mary Warin fell Down also when she was to look on: s'd Whether Tayler hurt: Post & Lasey: s'd Tayler was asked how she kild Wm Hooper: but she dishond any knowledge of it: but Sam'll Wardwell asked her: if she never had falln out with: his bro Hooper: Maj'r Swayn s'd her falling out with Hooper would easyly be proved: Wardwell s'd their falling out was becaus s'd Hooper took his child from s'd Tayler: that she had to suckle: Mary Warin fell into a fitt: & was helped up again: by a touch of Taylers hand: she was asked if she had bin babtized: she s'd [the] at Charlstown: when she was a child but ownd nothing of witchcraft except: she had in a passion wished bad wishes becaus Mrs Marshall had complayned: of her. Maj'r Swayn told her she had used thretning words both to his sister & others. S'd Tayler was asked about burning Hoopers hous: when the fire began first: but s'd knew nothing of it she was att home in her hous: but Sam'll Wardwell told s'd Tayler: they had a meeting: in


Tryumph after: the hous of Hoopers was burnt & Drank the wine that was provided for Hoopers funerall: & that s'd Tayler & Jane Lilly was there at the Drinking of it & one from Billerica: Maj'r Swayne s'd the wine for the buriall of Hooper was Drank: Sam'll Wardwell told Tayler she might remember the shoke & the shoke and the Double shoke: the shoke was the killing: the man the other shoke was: the firing the hous: being asked what the Duble shoke was s'd Wardwell knew not but that it might be the Destroying the rest of Hoopers family: the Reddin Constable s'd that: s'd Tayler yesterday s'd who ever lived to see would finde Mrs. Marshals cace like Mary Warins & That there was a hott pott now: & a hotter pott preparing for her here & being asked what she ment by the hotter Pott S'd that if Mrs Marshall wronged her hell would be prepared for her: but after ward she s'd she would tell: & Desired prayers that she might tell the truth: but was much hindred: but was asked if the last sabath was seven night. was not the first time of her hurting Mary Marshall: which at last she in a manner owned: & she s'd to Mr Noise & Mr Keyzer. The Devill [that] guids Destiny brought her a birch Rhine which she signed to: she owned she had promised the Devill to serv him worship him & trust in him: & to give up soul & body to him but: the first of her being a witch was her frequenting Good wife Dastins hous & Good wife Dastin had bin twice at her hous in the night to her: but she would not own that the Devil had babtized her: nor that she joyned in killing Hooper: nor burning his hous the time of her frequenting Dastins hous was the last winter she owned she had bent her fist & wished ill to Mrs. Marshall & that good wife Dastin & her Daughter was with her. & it was at Jane Lillyes hous & she begd forgivn's did aforesd. this is the substance of what: Mary Tayler: s'd at her examination & of what was s'd there: taken out of my Charactors: *Simon Willard I und'r writen: being appointed by Authority: to take the above examination Doe testify upon oath taken in Court that this is a true Coppy of the substance of it to the best of my knowledge: 5 Janu'y 1692/3 *Simon Willard

-743(Reverse) The within Mary Tayler was examined before their Majesties Justice of the peace in salem atest *John Higginson Just peace. Owned before the Grand Jury 5 January 1692/3 *Robert Payne foreman. Maj'r Jeramiah Swaine and one William Arnold Swoarn in Court to the truth of the within Confession being present at her examination. Test

*Jona' Elatson Clerk. ( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2710 Page 43 )

(John Parker and Josiah Eaton v. Mary Taylor)

Sworne [unclear: ] in Court Jno Parker Josiah Eaton Say that Mary Taylor thretened them Saying they were high but they should have a down fall and Used other thretening words and also thretened Goodwif Marshall saying shee was the Cause of her displeasure aginst them and they should see what would become of her for her god would deceive her The said Parker said her god what do you mean by her God I [doubt] you have been somewhere to often/ but afterward goeing home ward one came runing and sed his son was redy to dy and he was prest almost Choked. and his wife s'd that if he the s'd Parker did not goe to Mary Taylor her husband would die & so soon as she had named her Parkers name his son became well Imideately and: Sundry times his son was strangly handled and was som times blind in one Ey and som times on the other Ey And the s'd Eaton Sweares to all but what related to s'd Parkers son. ( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2710 Page 43 )


(Indictment v. Mary Taylor)

Province of the Massachusetts [unclear: ] Bay in New England ss Att a superior Court of Judicature held at Charleson Jan'ry 31'th 1692 Annoq RR's & Reginae & Gulielmi Mariae Angliae &c Quarto The Jurors for o'r Sov'r Lord & Lady the King & Queen rsent -- that Mary Taylor of Reding Wife of Sebread Taylor of Reding aforsaid In or about the last Winter in

the yeare 1692 at & in the Towne of Reding in the County of Middlesex aforesaid Wickedly Mallitiously & felloniously A Covenant with the Devill did make, and made hir mark upon A Burch Lyme to Confirme the Said Couvenant & promised the Devill to Serve him & trust him & to give up hir Soule & body to him, By which diabollicall Covenant made with the Devill in Maner & forme aforsaid the Said Mary Taylor is become a Detestable Witch Against the peace of o'r Sov'r Lord & Lady the King & Queen their Crowne & Dignity & the laws in that Case made & provided -Billa Vera Atest *Simon Stone foreman ( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2710 Page 43 )


Tituba (See also: Sarah Good -- Examination and Mittimus.)

(Warrant vs. Tituba and Sarah Osborne)

Salem febr' the 29'th day. 1691/2 Whereas m'rs Joseph Hutcheson Thomas putnam Edward putnam and Thomas preston Yeomen of Salem Village, in the County of Essex. personally appeared before us, And made Complaint on behalfe of theire Majesties against Sarah Osburne the wife of Alexa' Osburne of Salem Village afores'd, and titibe an Indian Woman servant, of mr. Sam'l parris of s'd place also; for Suspition of Witchcraft, by them Committed and thereby much injury do to Elizabeth Parris Abigail Williams Anna putnam and Elizabeth Hubert all of Salem Village afores'd Sundry times with in this two moneths and Lately also done, at s'd Salem Village Contrary to the peace and Laws of our Sov'r Lord & Lady Wm & Mary of England &c King & Queene You are there fore in theire Maj'ts names hereby required to apprehend and forthwith or as soon as may be bring before us the aboves'd Sarah Osburne, and titibe Indian, at the house of Lt. Nath'l Ingersalls in s'd place. and if it may be by to Morrow aboute ten of the Clock in the morning then and there to be Examined Relateing to the aboves'd premises -- . You are likewise required to bring at the same tyme Eliz. parris Abig'l Williams Anna putnam and Eliz Hubert or any other person or persons that can give Evedence in the Aboves'd Case. and hereof you are not to faile

Dated Salem febr' 29 1691/2 *John Hathorne [unclear: ] *Jonathan. Corwin Assis'ts To Constable Joseph Herrick Const' in Salem (Reverse) ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 11 )


(Officer's Return)
according to this warrant I have apprehended the persons with in mentioned and have brought them accordingly and have mad diligent sarch for Images and such like but can find non Salem village this 1. march 1691/92 p me *Joseph Herrick Constable ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 11 )

(Summary of Examinations of Tituba, Sarah Good, and Sarah Osborne)

Salem Village March 1'st 1691 Titiba an Indian Woman brought before us by Const' Jos Herrick of Salem upon Suspition of Witchcraft by her Commited according to the Compl't of Jos. Hutcheson & Thomas putnam &c of Salem Village as appeares p Warrant granted Salem 29 febr'y 1691/2 Titiba upon Examination and after some denyall acknowledged the matter of fact according to her Examination given in more fully will appeare and who also charged Sarah Good and Sarah Osburne with the same Salem Village March the 1'th 1691/2 Sarah Good Sarah Osborne and Titiba an Indian Woman all of Salem Village Being this day brought before us upon Suspition of Witchcraft &c by them and Every one of them Committed. titiba an Indian Woman acknowledging the matter of fact. and Sarah Osburne and Sarah Good denying the same before us: but there appeareing in all theire Examinations sufficient Ground to secure them all. And in order to further Examination they Ware all p mittimus sent to the Goales in the County of Essex.

Salem March 2'd Sarah Osburne againe Examined and also titiba as will appear in their Examinations given in titiba againe acknowledged the fact & also accuse the other two. Salem March 3'd Sarah Osburn and titiba Indian againe Examined the Examination now Given in titiba againe s'd the same

-747Salem March 5'th Sarah Good and titiba againe Examined. & in theire Examination titiba acknowledg the same she did formerly and accused the other two-aboves'd -titiba againe s'd the same p. us. *John Hathorne [unclear: ] Assis'ts *Jonathan. Corwin ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 7 )

(Examination of Tituba)
The Examination of Titibe (H) Titibe what evil spirit have you familiarity with (T) none (H) why do you hurt these children (T) I do not hurt them (H) who is it then (T) the devil for ought I know (H) did you never see the devil. (T) the devil came to me and bid me serve him (H) who have you seen

(T) 4 women sometimes hurt the children (H) who were they? (T) goode Osburn and Sarah good and I doe not know who the other were Sarah good and Osburne would have me hurt the children but I would not shee furder saith there was a tale man of Boston that shee did see (H) when did you see them (T) Last night at Boston (H) what did they say to you they said hurt the children (H) and did you hurt them (T) no there is 4 women and one man they hurt the children and then lay all upon me and they tell me if I will not hurt the children they will hurt me (H) but did you not hurt them (T) yes, but I will hurt them no more (H) are you not sorry you did hurt them. (T) yes.

-748(H) and why then doe you hurt them (T) they say hurt children or wee will doe worse to you (H) what have you seen a man come to me and say serve me (H) what service (T) hurt the children and last night there was an appearance that said Kill the children and if I would no go on hurting the children they would do worse to me (H) what is this appearance you see (T) sometimes it is like a hog and some times like a great dog this appearance shee saith shee did see 4 times (H) what did it say to you (T) the black dog said serve me but I said I am a fraid he said if I did not he would doe worse to me

(H) what did you say to it (T) I will serve you no longer then he said he would hurt me and then he lookes like a man and threatens to hurt me shee said that this man had a yellow bird that keept with him and he told me he had more pretty things that he would give me if I would serve him (H) what were these pretty things (T) he did not show me them (H) what else have you seen (T) two rats, a red rat and a black rat (H) what did they say to you (T) they said serve me (H) when did you see them (T) Last night and they said serve me but shee said I would not (H) what service (T) shee said hurt the children (H) did you not pinch Elizabeth Hubbard this morning (T) the man brought her to me and made me pinch her (H) why did you goe to thomas putnams Last night and hurt his child (T) they pull and hall me and make goe (H) and what would have you doe Kill her with a knif Left. fuller and others said at this time when the child saw these persons and was tormented by them that she did complain of a knif that they would have her cut her head off with a knife

-749(H) how did you go (T) we ride upon stickes and are there presently (H) doe you goe through the trees or over them (T) we see no thing but are there presently

(H) why did you not tell your master (T) I was a fraid they said they would cut off my head if I told (H) would not you have hurt others if you could (T) they said they would hurt others but they could not (H) what attendants hath Sarah good (T) a yellow bird and shee would have given me one (H) what meate did she give it (T) it did suck her between her fingers (H) Did not you hurt mr Currins child (T) goode good and goode Osburn told that they did hurt mr Currens child and would have had me hurt him two but I did not (H) what hath Sarah Osburn (T) yesterday shee had a thing with a head like a woman with 2 leggs and wings Abigail williams that lives with her uncle mr Parris said that shee did see this same creature and it turned into the shape of goode osburn (H) what else have you seen with g osburn (T) an other thing hairy it goes upright like a man it hath only 2 leggs (H) did you not see Sarah good upon elisebeth Hubbar last Saturday (T) I did see her set a wolfe upon her to afflict her the persons with this maid did say that shee did complain of a wolf (T) shee furder said that shee saw a cat with good at another time (H) what cloathes doth the man go in (T) he goes in black clouthes a tal man with white hair I thinke (H) how doth the woman go (T) in a white whood and a black whood with a tup knot (H) doe you see who it is that torments these children now (T) yes it is goode good she hurts them in her own shape (H) & who is it that hurts them now (T) I am blind noe I cannot see

Salem Village March the 1't 1691/2 written by Ezekiell Chevers Salem Village March the 1't 1691/2 ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 6 )


(Examination of Tituba -- A Second Version)

Tittuba the Ind'n Woem'ns Examn March. 1. 1691/2 Q. why doe you hurt these poor Children? whatt harme have thay done unto you? A. thay doe noe harme to me I noe hurt them att all. Q. why have you done itt? A. I have done nothing; I Can't tell when the Devill works Q. what doth the Devill tell you that he hurts them A. noe he tells me nothing. Q. doe you never see Something appeare in Some shape? A. noe never See any thing. Q. whatt familiarity have you w'th the devill, or w't is itt if you Converse w'th all? tell the truth whoe itt is that hurts them A. the Devill for ought I know. Q. w't appearanc or how doth he appeare when he hurts them, w'th w't shape or what is he like that hurts them A. like a man I think yesterday I being in the Lentoe Chamber I saw a thing like a man, that tould me Searve him & I tould him noe I would nott doe Such thing. she charges Goody Osburne & Sarah Good as those that hurt the Children, and would have had hir done itt, she sayth she Seen foure two of w'ch she knew nott she saw them last night as she was washing the Roome, thay tould me hurt the Children & would have had me gone to Boston, ther was.5. of them w'th the man, they tould me if I would nott goe & hurt them they would doe soe to mee att first I did agree w'th them butt afterward I tould them I doe soe noe more. Q. would they have had you hurt the Children the Last Night A. yes, butt I was Sorry & I sayd, I would doe Soe noe more, but tould I would feare God. Q. butt why did nott you doe Soe before? A. why they tell mee I had done Soe before & therefore I must goe on, these were the.4.woemen & the man, butt she knew none butt Osburne & Good only, the others were of Boston. Q. att first begining w'th them, w't then appeared to you w't was itt like that Got you to doe itt A. one like a man Just as I was goeing to sleep Came to me this was when the Children was first hurt he sayd he would kill the Children & she would never be well, and he Sayd if I would nott Serve him he would do soe to mee Q. is that the Same man that appeared before to you that appeared the last night & tould you this? A. yes. Q. w't Other likenesses besides a man hath appeared to you? A. Sometimes like a hogge Sometimes like a great black dogge, foure tymes. Q. but w't did they Say unto you? A. they tould me Serve him & that was a good way; that was the black dogge I tould him I was afrayd, he tould me he would be worse then to me. Q. w't

-751did you say to him after that? A. I answer I will Serve you noe Longer he tould me he would doe me hurt then. Q. w't other Creatures have you seene A. a bird Q. w't bird? A. a little yellow Bird. Q. where doth itt keep? A. w'th the man whoe hath pretty things there besides. Q. what other pretty things? A. he hath nott showed them [yet] unto me, butt he s'd he would show them me tomorrow, and he tould me if I would Serve him I should have the Bird. Q. w't other Creatures did you see? A. I saw 2 Catts, one Red, another black as bigge as a little dogge. Q. w't did these Catts doe? A. I dont know; I have seen them two tymes. Q. w't did they say? A. thay say serve them. Q. when did you see them? A. I saw them last night. Q. did they doe any hurt to you or threaten you? A. they did scratch me. Q. when? A. after prayer; and scratched mee, because I would not serve them and when they went away I could nott see but thay stood before the fire. Q. what Service doe thay Expect fro you? A. they Say more hurt to the Children. Q. how did you pinch them when you hurt them? A. the other pull mee & hall me to the pinch the Childr, & I am very sorry for itt, what made you hould yo'r arme when you were Searched? w't had you there? A. I had nothing Q. doe nott those Catts suck you? A. noe never yett I would nott lett them but they had almost thrust me into the fire. Q. how doe you hurt those that you pinch? doe you gett those Catts? or other thing to doe it for you? tell us, how is it done? A. the man sends the Catts to me & bids me pinch them, & I think I went over to mr Grigg's & have pinched hir this day in the morning. the man brought mr Grigg's mayd to me & made me pinch hir. Q. did you ever goe w'th these woemen? A. they are very strong & pull me & make me goe w'th them. Q. where did you goe? A. up to mr putnams & make me hurt the Child. Q. whoe did make you goe? A. man that is very strong & these two woeman, Good & Osburne but I am Sorry. Q. how did you goe? Whatt doe you Ride upon? A. I Rid upon a stick or poale & Good & Osburne behind me we Ride takeing hold of one another don't know how we goe for I Saw noe trees nor path, but was presently there. when wee were up. Q. how long Since you began to pinch mr parriss Children? A. I did nott pinch them att the first, butt he make me afterward. Q. have you Seen Good and osburne Ride upon a poule? A. yes & have held fast by mee: I was nott att mr Grigg's but once, butt it may be Send Something like mee, with or would I have gone, butt that they tell me, they will hurt me; last night they Tell me I must kill Some body w'th the

-752knife. Q. who were they that told you Soe A. Sarah Good & Osburne & they would have had me killed Thomas putnam's Child last night. the Child alsoe affirmed that att the Same tyme thay would have had hir Cutt #[hir own throat] of hir own head for if she would nott then tould hir Tittubee would Cutt itt off & then she Complayned att the Same Time of a knife Cutting of hir when hir master hath asked hir about these things she sayth thay will nott lett hir tell, butt Tell hir if she Tells hir head shall be Cutt off. Q. whoe Tells you Soe? A. the man, Good & Osburnes Wife. Goody Goody Came to hir last night w'n hir master was att prayr & would not lett hir hear & she Could not hear a good whyle. Good hath one of these birds the yellow bird & would have given mee itt, but I would not have itt & prayer tyme she stoped my eares & would nott lett me hear. Q. w't should you have done with itt A. give itt to the Children. w'ch yellow bird hath bin severall tymes Seen by the Children I saw Sarah Good have itt on hir hand when she Came to hir when mr parris was att prayr: I saw the bird suck Good betwene the fore finger & Long finger upon the Right hand. Q. did you never practise witch-craft in your owne Country? A. Noe Never before now. Q. did you #[ever] See them doe itt now? A. yes. to day, butt that was in the morneing. Q. butt did you see them doe itt now while you are Examining. A. noe I did nott See them butt I Saw them hurt att other tymes. I saw Good have a Catt beside the yellow bird w'ch was with hir Q. what hath Osburne gott to goe w'th hir? Some thing I dont know what itt is. I can't name itt, I don't know how itt looks she hath two of them one of them hath wings & two Leggs & a head like a woeman the Children Saw the Same butt yesterday w'ch afterward turned into a woeman. Q. What is the other Thing that Goody Osburne hath? A. a thing all over hairy, all the face hayry &

a long nose & I don't know how to tell how the face looks w'th two Leggs, itt goeth upright & is about two or three foot high & goeth upright like a man & last night itt stood before the fire In mr parris's hall. Q. Whoe was that appeared like a Wolfe to Hubberd as she was goeing fro proctures? A. itt was Sarah Good & I saw hir Send the Wolfe to hir. Q. what Cloathes doth the man appeare unto you in? A. black Cloaths Some times, Some times Searge Coat of other Couler, a Tall man w'th white hayr, I think. Q. What apparrell doe the woeman ware? A. I don't know w't couller. Q. What Kind of Cloathes hath she? A. I don't know w't couller. Q. What kind of Cloathes

-753hath she? A. a black Silk hood w'th a White Silk hood under itt, w'th top knotts, w'ch woeman I know not but have Seen hir in boston when I lived there. Q. what Cloathes the little woeman? A. A Searge Coat w'th a White Cap as I think. the Children having fits att this Very time she was asked whoe hurt them, she Ans'r Goody Good & the Children affirmed the same butt Hubbard being taken in an extreame fit after she was asked whoe hurt hir & she Sayd she Could nott tell, but sayd they blinded hir, & would nott lett hir see and after that was once or twice taken dumb hirself.

Second Examination. March. 2 1691/2

Q. What Covenant did you make w'th that man that Came to you? What did he tell you. A. he Tell me he god, & I must beleive him & Serve him Six yeares & he would give me many fine things. Q. how long a gone was this? A. about Six weeks & a little more fryday night before Abigall was Ill. Q w't did he Say you must doe more? did he Say you must write anything? did he offer you any paper? A. yes, the Next time he Come to me & showed me some fine things, Some thing like Creatures, a little bird something like green & white. Q. did you promiss him then when he spake to you then what did you answer him A. I then sayd this I tould him I Could nott believe him God, I tould him I ask my maister & would have gone up but he stopt mee & would nott lett me Q. whatt did you promiss him? A. the first tyme I beleive him God & then he was Glad. Q. what did he Say to you then? what did he Say you must doe? A. then he tell me they must meet together. Q. w'n did he Say you must meet together. A. he tell me wednesday next att my m'rs house, & then they all meet together & thatt night I saw them all stand in the Corner, all four of them, & the man stand behind mee & take hold of mee to make mee stand still in the hall. Q. where was your master then? A. in the other Room. Q. What time of Night? A. a little before prayr time. Q. What did this man Say to you when he took hold of you? A. he Say goe & doe hurt to them and pinch them & then I went in, & would nott hurt them a good while, I would nott hurt Betty, I loved Betty, but they hall me & make me pinch Betty & the next Abigall & then quickly went away altogether & I pinched them. Q. did they pinch A. Noe, but they all lookt on & See mee

-754pinch them. Q. did you goe into that Room in your own person & all the rest? A. yes, and my master did nott See us, for they would nott lett my Master See. Q. did you goe w'th the Company? A. Noe I stayd & the Man

stayd w'th mee. Q. whatt did he then to you? A. he tell me my master goe to prayer & he read in book & he ask me what I remember, but don't you remember anything. Q. did he ask you noe more but the first time to Serve him or the secon time? A. yes, he ask me againe, & that I Serve him, Six yeares & he Come the Next time & show me a book. A. and when would he come then? A. the next fryday & showed me a book in the day time betimes in the morneing. Q. and what Booke did he Bring a great or little booke? A. he did nott show it me, nor would nott, but had itt in his pockett. Q. did nott he make you write yo'r Name? A. noe nott yett for mistris Called me into the other roome. Q. whatt did he say you must doe in that book? A. he Sayd write & sett my name to itt. Q. did you write? A. yes once I made a marke in the Booke & made itt with red Bloud. Q. did he gett itt out of your Body? A. he Said he must gett itt out the Next time he Come againe, he give me a pin tyed in a stick to doe itt w'th, butt he noe Lett me bloud w'th itt as yett butt Intended another time when he Come againe. Q. did you See any other marks in his book? A. yes a great many Some marks red, Some yellow, he opened his booke a great many marks in itt. Q. did he tell you the Names of them? A. yes of two note more Good & Osburne & he Say thay make them marks in that book & he showed them mee. Q. how many marks doe you think there was? A. Nine. Q. did they write there Names? A. thay made marks Goody Good Sayd she made hir mark, butt Goody Osburne would nott tell she was Cross to mee. Q. when did Good tell you, She Sett hir hand to the Book? A. the same day I Came hither to prison. Q. did you See the man thatt morneing? A. yes a litle in the morneing & he tell me the Magistrates Come up to Exa in mee. Q. w't did he Say you must Say? A. he tell me, tell nothing, if I did he would Cutt my head off. Q. tell us [tru] how many woemen doe use to Come when you Rid abroad? A. foure of them these two Osburne & Good & those two strangers. Q. you Say that there was Nine did he tell you whoe they were? A. noe he noe lett me See but he tell me I should See them the next tyme Q. what sights did you see A. I see a man, a dogge, a hogge, & two Catts a black and Red & the strange monster was Osburne that I mentioned before this was was the hayry Imp. the man would give itt to mee, but I would nott have itt. Q. did he show you in the Book w'ch was Osburne & w'ch was Goods mark? A. yes I see

-755there marks. Q. butt did he tell the Names of the other? A. noe s'r Q & what did he say to you when you made your Mark? A. he sayd Serve mee & always Serve mee the man w'th the two women Came fro Boston. Q. how many times did you goe to Boston? A. I was goeing & then Came back againe I was never att Boston. Q. whoe Came back w'th you againe? A. the man Came back w'th mee & the woemen goe awa y, I was nott willing to goe? Q. how farr did you goe, to what Towne? A. I never went to any Towne I see noe trees, noe Towne. Q. did he tell you where the Nine Lived? A. yes, Some in Boston & Some herein this Towne, but he would nott tell mee wher thay were, X ( New York Public Library -- Manuscripts and Archives Division )

(Indictment v. Tituba)
Province of the Massachusetts [unclear: ] Bay in New England Essex ss At a Court of Asisise & Generall Goale Delivery held in Ipswich for the County of Essex aforesaid the Ninth Day of May 1692. In the fifth Yeare of their Maj'ts Reigne

The Jurors for o'r Sov'r Lord & Lady the King & Queen pr'sent -That Tittapa an Indian Woman Servant to mr Samuel Parris of Salem village in the County of Essex -aforesaid -- upon or about the latter end of the Yeare 1691 In the Towne of Salem Village afors'd Wickedly & felloniously A Covenant with the Devill did make & Signed the Devills Booke with a marke like A:C by which Wicked Covenanting with the Devill she the Said Tittapa is become A detestable Witch Against the peace of o'r Sov'r lord & lady the King & Queen their Crowne & Dignity & the lawes in that Case made & provided. (On reverse side of paper) Ignoramus *Abraham Haseltine foreman of the Grand Jury ( Suffolk Court Records, Case No. 2760 Page 102 )


(Elizabeth Hubbard v. Tituba)

The Deposistion of Elizabeth Hubbard agged about 17 years who testifieth that on the 25'th february 1691/92 I saw the Apperishtion of Tituba Indian which did Immediatly most greviously torment me by pricking pinching and almost choaking me: and so continewed hurting me most greviously by times tell the day of hir examination being the first of march and then also at the beginning of hir examination but as soon as she began to confess she left ofe hurting me and has hurt me but litle sence (Reverse) Eliz: Hubbard contra Titaba ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 11 )

(Ann Putnam, Jr. v. Tituba)

The deposition of Ann putnam who testifieth and saith that on the 25'th of february 1691/92 I saw the Apperishtion of Tituba Mr. parishes Indian woman which did tortor me most greviously by pricking and pinching me most dreadfully tell the first day of march being the day of hir examination and then also most greviously allso at the beginning of hir examination: but senc she confessed she has hurt me but little

(Reverse) Ann putnam ag'st Tittuba Indian ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 11 )

(Samuel Parris v. Tituba)

The Deposition of Sam: Parris aged about thirty & nine years testifyeth & saith that Eliz: Hubbard were most grevously & severall times tortured during the examination of Sarah Good, Sarah Osburne & Tituba Indian before the Magistrates at Salem village I. March. 1691/2 And the said Tituba being the last of the abovesaid that was examined they the aboves'd afflicted persons were grievously distressed

-757until the said Indian began to confess & then they were immediately all quiet the rest of the said Indian womans examination. ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 11 )

(Thomas Putnam & Ezekiel Cheever v. Tituba)

Also Tho: Putman aged about fourty years & Ezek: Cheevers aged about thirty & six years testify to the whole of the aboves'd & all the three deponents aforesaid farther testify that after the said Indian began to confess she was her self very much afflicted & in the face of authority at the same time & openly charged the abovesaid Good & Osburne as the persons that afflicted her the aforesaid Indian Sworne Salem May the 23'd 1692 Before us * John Hathorne *Jonathan. Corwin P ord'r of the Govern'r & Councill mr paris on his oath owned this to be the truth before the Juryars for inquest this 28 of Jun: 1692 Jurat in Curia (Reverse) The depion of S. Parris Tho putnam & Ezek Cheevers ag't [unclear: ] Sarah Good Sarah Osburne

Tituba Indian ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 11 )


Job Tookey

(Mary Warren, Susannah Sheldon, Ann Putnam, Jr., Sarah Bibber, Mary Walcott, Elizabeth Hubbard, and Elizabeth Booth v. Job Tookey)
June the 4. 1692 Mary Waren Susanah Shelden Ann putnam: Sarah Viber Mary Walcot Eliz. Hubert and Eliz booth all accused Job Tuckey that he came in person; also in his shape to them and this day afflicted them; and also in our presence greatly afflicted them. as thay all declared and told Mary Warren and Ann putnam And Susanah Shelden that he had Learneing and could Raise the Divell W'n he pleased Susanah Shelden sayth that he told her he was not only a Wizard but a Murtherer to mary walcot ann putnam Jur in Cur. ( Mass Archives Vol. 135 No. 26 )

(Examination of Job Tookey)

present [unclear: ] Maj'r Bart' Gedney Jonat' Corwin Jno Hathorne Job Tuckey sayth its not he but the divell in his shape that hurts the people Mary Warren and Ann Putnam and Susannah Shelden all Made Oath before Us that Job Tukey did this day tell them #[that] in his owne person that he had Learneing and could Raise the divell when he pleased --

-760Sworne all three aboves'd Mary walcot & Ann Putnam Before Us Jur in Cur. Salem June the 4'th 1692 Susannah Shelden Mary Warren and Ann putnam all Testified that this 4th of June when Job Tuckey was Examined before the Majestrats wee did all see five people that arose from the dead two of them men two Women & one Child. w'ch all Cryed Venganc vengance Job Tuckey being asked before us w't child that was that arose and Cryed Vengance he Answerd, it was Jno Trasks child. And Ann putnam. told her that it was John Trasks child Before -- *John Hathorne Just peace ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 26 )

(James Darling v. Job. Tookey)

James Darling Sworne Saith That Job Tookey Said he was not the Devills servant but the Devill was his -Jno Loader Sworn saith (In right margin, vertically) Evidences ver. Tookie ( Mass. Archives. Vol. 135 No. 26 )

(John Louder, Samuel King, and Daniel Bacon v. Job Tookey)

John Lauder aged about 32 yeares testifieth that Job Tuckey of Beverly Labourer, did this day say; that he can #[could] as freely discourse the Divell as well as he speaking to him s'd Lauder, #[Capt

-761Jona' Walcot] Samuell King & Daniele Bacon also Testifieth that thay heard him say soe to John Lauder as above s'd Sworne by all the three above named Salem June the 4 1692 Ju in Cur *Jona' Elatson Cler ( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 27 )

(John Stacy and John Putney, Jr. v. Job Tookey)

John Stacy aged aboute 30 Testifieth and sayth that this day wee heard Job Tuckey of Beverly Labourer say that he would take mr Burrows his part. and then the afflicted perons viz Mary Warren Mary Walcot & others ware greately afflicted and did then Complaine of him -- for afflicting them John pudney Jun'r aged aboute 28 yeares testifieth to all the aboves'd Sworne p both the above named Salem June 4th 1692 -Jur in Cur (Reverse) Jno Louder &ca Evidence Ve. Job Tookie ( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 27 )

(Examination of Job Tookey)

7 June 1692 Before Major Gidney Mr Hauthorn & Mr Corwin The examination of Job Stuky After propounding Severall questions and negative answers returned Q Did you not say the other day that you saw the Devil. Answer I knew not then what I said. -- The said Stuky lookeing upon

-762the afflicted persones struck them down with his eyes & recovered them by takeing of them Severally by the hand or wrist Mary warrin in a trance said that Gamaliel Hawkins was dead in Barbados and Job Stuky #[had] did stick a great pin into him Being out of her trance she affirmed as before and added one Andrew woodverry more. and that Stuky had bewitched Betty Hews Susanna Shelden said that Stuky had killed one Andrew Woodberry And one Gamaliel (but was just then choakt) A litle efter she proceeded & said that Tuky had murdered Trasks child And that he run a great pin into a poppets heart which killed the said Hawkins. Warrin said she saw a young child under the table cryeing out for vengean[e] upon Stuky Elizabeth #[Mary] booth pointed to the same place but could not speake Sheldon said that Stukyes apparaition told her he would never reveale again what he had said before. Mary warrin then saw a man rise up also before Stuky Mary walcot saw 3 men 3 women and two childrens Apparitions who all cryed for vengeance. against Stucky (and then her mouth was stopt) within a litle while she said she knew not the persones, but they appeared in their winding sheets and looked pale upon her but Red upon Stuky Elizabeth Booth #[Mary Warrin] & Sus: Shelden saw the same 8 persones cryeing out for vengeance upon Stuky and looked as red as blood Shelden said that John Trasks child was one, As also Gamaliel Hawkins and Andrew Woodberry. Shelden said that Stuky had pinched & choaked her this day Mary warrin saw the apparitions of Hawkins and severall more but knew them not, she saw also the apparitions of [seargin] & her child; had [torn] a fitt & cryed out upon one Burse. I under subscrybing being appointed by the justices of the peace in Salem to take down in writing the Examination of Job Tooky doe testify the above written to be a true coppy of the original as to the substance of it *Wm Murray (Reverse) Examina on of Job Tookie 7. June 1692 ( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 32 )


(Indictment v. Job Tookey, No. 1)

Essex in the Province [unclear: ] of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Anno RR's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Quarto Annoq'e Do 1692/ The Jurors for our Sov'r Lord & Lady the King & Queen doe r'sent that Job Tukie of Beverly In the County of Essex Waterman upon the fouerth Day of June In the Yeare aforesaid and Divers other days and times as well before as after Certaine detestable arts Called Witchcraft & Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously & felloniously hath used practised and Exerciesed at and in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid in upon and against one Eliza' Booth of Salem -- aforesaid Single Woman -- by which s'd Wicked Acts the said Elizabeth Booth the Day & year aforesaid and divers other days and times both before & after was and is Tortured aflicted Consumed Pined Wasted and Tormented, & also for sundry other acts of Witchcraft by the said Job Tukey -- Comitted and done before and Since that time against the Peace of our Sov'r Lord & Lady the King & Queen theire Crowne & Dignity and the forme of the Stattute In that case made and Provided. ( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2670 Page 2 )

(Indictment v. Job Tookey, No. 2)

Essex in the Province [unclear: ] of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Anno RR's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Quarto Annoq'e Domini 1692 The Jurors for o'r Sov'r Lord and Lady the King & Queen doe Present That Job Tookie of Beverly -- in the County of Essex Waterman -- Upon the Seaventh Day of June -In the year aforesaid and divers other Dayes and Times as wel before as after Certaine Detestable Arts Called Witchcraft and Sorceries Wickedly Mallistiously and Felloniously hath used practised and Exercised

-764at and in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid in upon and against one Susana Sheldon of Salem -- aforesaid Single Woman -- by which Said Wicked acts the said [Susana] Sheldon the day & yeare aforesaid and divers other Dayes and Times both before and after was and is Tortured aflicted Consumed Pined Wasted and Tormented against the Peace of o'r Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen Theire Crowne and Dignity and the Laws in that Case made and Provided. ( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2670 Page 3 )

(Indictment v. Job. Tookey, No. 3)

Annoq R Rs & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Quarto Annoq'e Do 1692 [Torn] [Torn] [Torn] The Jurors for our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King & Queen doe present That Job #[S] Tooke y of Beverl y -- In the County of Essex -- Waterman The Seaventh day of June -- In the Yeare aforesaid and divers other days and times as well before as after Certaine detestable Arts Called Witchcraft and Sorceris Wickedly Mallitiously and felloniously hath used practised and Exercised At and in the Towne of Salem -- in the County of Essex aforesaid in upon and against one Mary Warren of Salem -- aforesaid Single Woman -- by which said Wicked Acts the said Mary Warren the day & Yeare aforesaid and divers other days and times #[as] both before and after was and is Tortured Aflicted Consumed Pined Wasted and Tormented, and also for Sundry other acts of Witchcraft by the said Job Stuky -- Committed and done before and since that time against the Peace of our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen theire Crowne and Dignity and the forme of the Stattute In that case made and Provided (Reverse) Ponet Se Non Cull 5 ( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 28 )


Jerson Toothaker

(Mary Warren and Mary Ireson v. Jerson Toothaker)

one may the 24 mary waren being in afeet and grevosly aflectted then was in atranc for sum tim we hard her say who ar ye what is your name and agin she said what toth aker Doktr toothekers wiffe wee often herd her say I wont i wonte i will not touch that book and then the fet was over then she told us that Dockter toothekers wiff. brought the book to her and a basen and a winding shet and grav cloths and said that she must set her hand to the book or elce she would kil her and stil she urged to touch the book or elc be wrapt in

that sheet this have ben Done this Day by tooth ekers wiff mary iyerson, wiff to bengamin iyerson at lin hoe in the same maner hav tormented almost to deth and brought the book to her (Reverse) Mary Warren ag't Jerson Toothaker ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 55 )


Mary Toothaker (See also: Martha Carrier -- Complaint.)

(Examination of Mary Toothaker)

30 July 92 The Examination and confession of widow Toothaker Taken before Major Gidney Mr Hauthorn Mr Corwin & Cap'n Higginson. After many questiones and negative answers returned and her Stricking Down of severall of the afflicted persons with her looks, she was Desyred to tell the truth in this matter She then said that this May last she was under great Discontentednes & troubled w'h feare about the Indians, & used often to dream of fighting with them. Being asked what was the Devils temptation under her discontent t she said she would confess if she could But that there was something at her breast that hindered her. she said she had often prayed but thought she was the worse for praying and knows not but that the Devil has tempted her not to pray, for her breath has been often Stopt as it was just now; Being asked if the Devil did not Desier her to renounce her baptisme, she answered that she had thoughts she was rather the worse for her baptisme and has wished she had not been baptised because she had not improved it as she ought to have done she saith she used to get into a corner alone and Desryed to prey but her mouth would be Stopt but sometymes she had been helped to say Lord be merce full to me a sinner. Being again asked how far she had yeilded to Satan she said the Devil promised her she should not be discovered and if she was discovered & brought down that she should goe home Innocent & cleare but now find he has deluded her. Being again asked how long it is since saten furst wrought with her in this manner she said she could not well tell how long but thinks it is not two years. And confesses that she went In her Spirit [to Timo' Swans] and did often think of him &


her hands would be clinched, and that she would grip the dishclout or anything else and so think of the person; And by this & afflicting of others since She came down she is convinced she is a witch -- she saith now, the Devil appeared to her in the shape of a Tawny man and promised to keep her from the Indians and she should have happy dayes with her sone -- she was asked if she did not signe the Devills book; answered he brought something which she [took] to bee a piece of burch bark and she made a mark with her finger by rubbing off the whit Scurff. And he promised if she would serve him she should be safe from the Indians (she was then a litle stopt again & believed it was the Devil that did it)// Being asked if the Devil did not say she was to serve him Answered Yes, and signed the mark upon that condition and was to praise him w'h her whole heart, and twas to that appearance she prayed at all tymes for he said he was able to delyver her from the Indians And it was the feare of the Indians that put her upon it. she confesses she hurt Timothy Swan and thinks she was twice at salem Village witch meeting and that Goody Bridges was one of her company -- she said as she came along in order to examination she promised herself twenty tymes by the way (but [seald] it was to the Devil) That if she should Dye upon the Gallowse yet she would not say any thing but that she was Innocent. & rejoyced In the thought of it that She Should goe home Inocent -- she saith that Goody Green and Goody Broomage were also her companions and that Broomage afflicted Swan by squeezing his arms, And is afrayd that she the s'd Toothaker squeezed his throat -- she said further that when Goody Bridges (who had confessed before) urged her also to confess she had then no remembrance of this but with the justices Discourse and the help of god it came into her mind. she saith she thought that that appearance was God her creator & being asked if she did not know otherwise answered The Devil is so subtel that when she would confess he stops her and deludes also by scripture and being asked what scripture he made inser of to her she mentioned that in the Psalmes where it is said Let my enemies be confounded, And so she had wished them all Destroyed that raised such reports of her she confesses that her sister was with her at all the meetings & particularly at Salem Village & there went with her Goody Bridges Goody foster Goody Green & Goody Broomage Several afflicted persons said they saw the black man before her in the tyme of her examination And she now, her self confesses

-769she saw him upon the table before her. She sayes further there was a minister a litle man whose name is Burroughs that preached at the Village meeting of witches, and she heard that they used read & write at these meetings And, that they did talk of 305 witches in the country. she saith their discourse was about the pulling down the Kingdom of Christ and setting up the Kingdom of satan, and also Knew Goody How emong the rest. Being asked if there was not a woman that stirred them up to afflict Swan Answered yes there was a pretty [Elderly] woman that was most busie about him and encouraged the rest to afflict him. she thinks she set her hand to that book at Salem Village meeting. And thinks the [End] of all their setting their hand to that book was to come in, and afflict & set up the Devils Kingdome. she being asked if her husband did not speak to his daughter to Kill one Button a reputed witch answered yes, and that they used to read many historyes, especially one book that treated of the 12 signes, from which book they could tell a great Deale. -- she saith she never knew her daughter to be in this condition before this summer, But that she was at Salem Village meeting once with her, she cannot tell that her daughter did then signe the book but a great many did. Being asked how many were of her Society she said Goody Broomage, foster, green, the two Mary Laceyes older and younger, Richard Carrier, her sister Carryer and another aged woman -- she saith she heard the Beating of a drum at the village meeting And think also heard the sound of a trumpet. I underwritten being appointed to take the above & within examination in wryting Doe testify upon oath taken in Court That this is a true coppy, of the substance of it, to the best of my knowledge

6't Jan'ry in 1692/3 *Wm Murray The within named Mary Toothaker was examined by their Majesties Justices of the peace in Salem Mary Toothaker:Examined 30 July 1692 -- acused Goody Bridges 2 lacys Goody Gren Goody Brumage Rd. Carier *Atest Jno Higginson Just'es peace. owned before the Grand Jury: 6 January 1692 Atest.

-770Goody Carrier Goody Foster Mr. Burroughs Goody How Math. Emerson afflicted Timo Swan *Robert Payne Foreman ( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2713 Page 50 )

(Indictment v. Mary Toothaker)

Province of the Massachusetts [unclear: ] Bay in New England ss At A Superior Court of Judicature held in Charlston for the County of Midlesex the 31: Jan'ry: 1692 Annoq'e RR & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Quarto The Jurors for our Sover lord & lady the King & Queen present that Mary Toothaker of Billrica in the County of Midlesex Widow on or about [] at & In the Towne of Balerica in the County of Midlesex -aforesaid -- Wickedly felloniously And mallitiously A Covenant with the Devill did make & for Confirmacon of the Said Covenant made a Marke upon a peece of Birch Ryne which the Devill brought to

her & promised to Serve the Devill, & to praise him with hir whole heart by which Diabolicall Covenant with the Devill made in maner & forme aforesaid the Said Mary Toothaker is become A Detestable Witch Against the peace of o'r Sov'r lord & lady the King & Queen their Crowne & Dignity & the Laws in that Case made & provided. Billa Vera Attest *Simon Stone foreman (Reverse) "Pon't Se, Non Cull" ( Suffolk Court Records Case No. 2713 Page 50 )


Roger Toothaker Died in Prison, June 16, 1692

(Warrant v. Roger Toothaker)

To: To: the Marshall of Essex or his dept or Constables in Salem You are in theire Majest's names hereby required to apprehend forthwith and bring before us ( Roger Toothaker of Bilrica who stands Charged with sundry acts of Witchcraft by him Committed or donne on the bodys of Eliz-Hubert Ann putnam Mary Walcot &c of Salem Village in order to his Examination Relateing to the premises faile not Dated Salem May 18'th 1692 *John Hathorne [unclear: ] #[Assists] *Jonathan, Corwin order of the Gover'r and Councill the parson spesefied in this warrante was Apprehended this day and broghte befoore the corte Acordinge to the tenner of this warrante by mee *Joseph Neall

Constable in Salem May 18'th 1692: (Reverse) Agst Toothaker ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 117 )


(Mittimus for Roger Toothaker, John Willard, Thomas Farrar, and Elizabeth Hart)
To: To the Keeper of Theire Majest's Goale in Boston You are in theire Majest's names hereby required to take into your care and safe Custody the Bodys of Roger Toothaker of Bilrica: John Willard of Salem Village, husbandman Thomas farrar of Lyn husbandman, and Elizabeth Hart the wife of Isaac Hart of Lyn husbandman, who all stand charged with Sundry acts of Witchcraft, by them and Every one of them Committed, on the Bodys of Mary Walcot Abigail Williams Mary Lewis Ann putnam and others of Salem Village or farmes, whom you are well to secure in order to theire tryall for the same. and untill they shall be delivered by due order of Law and hereof you are not to faile Dated Salem May 18'th 1692 *John Hathorne [unclear: ] *Jonathan. Corwin by order of the Goven'r & Councill (Reverse) Toothaker Hart ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 117 )

(Thomas Gage and [] Pickworth v. Roger Toothaker)

The Deposition of Thomas Gage Aged aboute #[six &] thirty six years #[of age] this Deponant saith & doth testifie that sometime this Last spring of the year, that Doctor Toothaker was in

his house in Beverly (upon some occasion) & we Descoursed aboute John Mastons Childe of salem that was then sick & haveing unwonted fitts: & Likewise another Childe of Phillip Whites of Beverly who was then strangly sick. I perswaded s'd Toothaker to goe & see s'd Children and s'd toothaker answered he had seen them both allready and that his opinion was they were under an Evill hand And farther s'd Toothaker s'd that his Daughter had kild a witch & I asked him how she Did it, & s'd Toothaker answered readily that his Daughter had Learned something from

-773him I asked by what means she Did it, & he s'd that there was a [a] Certaine person bewitched & s'd person Complained of beeing afflicted by another person that was suspected by the afflicted person: & farther s'd Toothaker s'd that his s'd Daughter gott some of the afflicted persons Urine & put it into an Earthen pott & stopt s'd pott very Close & putt s'd pott #[very Close] [in] to a hott oven & stopt up s'd oven & the next morning s'd [witch] was Dead other things I have forgotten & farther saith not [] ias Pickworth Aged aboute thirty foure years testifieth to all that is above written (Reverse) Sworne by Thomas Gage Salem Village May. 2[0th 1692] before us *John Hathorne [unclear: ] Assists *Jonathan. Corwin Gage [] Toothaker ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 117 )

(Coroner's Warrant)
Suffolk To the Constables of Boston, or either of them By Vertue of mine office, These are in the names of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady, King William and Queen Mary of England &c. -to will and Require to Immediately, upon the Receipt and sight hereof, to Summons, and Warne, twenty four able and Suffisient men to be and appear before me at the prison forthwith, then and there, to do and execute such things, as on Their Majesties behalfe, shall be given them in charge, whereof faile ye not, as you and every of you, will answer the contrary at your perille, Dated Und'r my hand, & seal, the 16'th Day of June, in the year of our Lord 1692 By me *Edw Wyllys, one of the Coronoers of the County of Suffolk [SEAL] ( Suffolk County Court Records, Vol. 32, Case No. 2690 )


(Return of the Coroner's Jury on the Death of Roger Toothaker)

We whose names are underwritten being summoned by vertue of a Warrant from Mr. Edward Willis one of their Maj'sts Coroners of the County of Suffolk to view the body of Roger Toothacker who dyed in the Goal of Boston, in abovesaid, to which we have viewed the same and obtained the best Information we can from the persons near and present at his death and doe finde he came to his end by a natural Death as witness our hand, this 16 of June 1692 The s'd Toothacker was an Inhabitant of the Town of Bellricka in the County of Essex *Benja' Walker foreman *Enoch [illegible] *Thomas Barnard *Dan'll Powning *Roger Gubberidg *James Thornboro *William Jaine *Andrew Cunningham *William Man *John Shelby *John Roulston *Abraham Buk *John Riggs *Sam'l Wentworth *Francis Threshor ( Suffolk County Court Records, Vol. 32, Case No. 2690 )


Johanna Tyler (See also: Dorothy Faulkner -- Confession.)

(Examination of Johanna Tyler)

The Exa of Joanna Tyler taken Before Jno Higginson & Capt Wade their Majesties Justices of the Peace for the County of Essex 16th Se 1692 about 2 Months agoe (but was stopt) he saith somthing speak to her & s'd that she should not Confes she s'd Goode falkner 'rswaded her first & the black Man w'th her & he asked me if I would sett my hand to his book he would lett me have fine Cloaths & when he Baptized me if he s'd I should be his for Ever & Ever she s'd she promised to serve the Divel & if I wished so & so w'th Respect to afflicting P'rsons it should be done she made a Red Mark & he brought the [trad] w'th & she afflicted Sarah Wilson & Sarah Phelps she saith she knows the Divel went in her shape to Mr Bernards Where Sarah Wilson was Conffesing to hind'r her & asked me if I was Willing he Should goe in my Shape She S'd Goode falkner was before her now on the table to hind'r her She was at a witch metting at Chandler's pasture *John Higginson *Tho: Wade ( Essex Institute MSS. Collection )

(Indictment v. Johanna Tyler)

Province of the Massachusetts [unclear: ] Bay in New England Essex ss Anno RR's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae &c Quarto Annoq'e Do 1692.

-776The Jurors for o'r Sov'r Lord & Lady the King & Queen Present That Hannah Tyler of Andivor in the County of Essex aforesaid Single Woman On or about the Seaventh Day of September last in the Yeare of our lord 1692 aforesaid, And divers other days & Times as Well before as after Certaine detestable Arts Called Witchcrafts & Sorceries, Wickedly Mallitiously & felloniously hath Used practised & Exercised at and In the Towne of Andevor aforesaid Upon & Against One Rose foster of Andivor aforesaid [] by which Said Wicked Arts The Said Rose foster The day & Yeare aforesaid & divers other days & times as Well before as after was & is aflicted Tortured Consumed pined Wasted & Tormented Against the Peace of o'r Sov'r lord & Lady the King & Queen Their Crowne & dignity And the laws in that Case Made & Provided. (Reverse) Indictment Vs Hannah Tyler for bewitching Rose foster -- -- Billa Vera: Robert Payne foreman: Ponet Se Not Guilty The folly of former times. (In a later hand) ( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 53 )


Martha Tyler (See also: Dorothy Faulkner -- Confession; Johanna Tyler -Recognizance)

(Rev. Increase Mather's Report of his Conversation in Prison with Martha Tyler)
Goodwife Tyler did say, that, when she was first apprehended, she had no fears upon her, and did think that nothing could have made her confess against herself. But since, she had found, to her great grief, that she had wronged the truth, and falsely accused herself. She said that, when she was brought to Salem, her brother Bridges rode with her; and that, all along the way from Andover to Salem, her brother kept telling her that she must needs be a witch, since the afflicted accused her, and at her touch were raised out of their fits, and urging her to confess herself a witch. She as constantly told him that she was no witch, that she knew nothing of witchcraft, and begged him not to urge her to confess. However, when she came to Salem, she was carried to a room, where her brother on one side, and Mr. John Emerson on the other side, did tell her that she was certainly a witch, and that she saw the Devil before her eyes at that time (and, accordingly, the said Emerson would attempt with his hand to beat him away from her eyes); and they so urged her to confess, that she wished herself in any dungeon, rather than be so treated. Mr. Emerson told her, once and again, `Well, I see you will not confess! Well, I will now leave you; and then you are undone, body and soul, for ever.' Her brother urged her to confess, and told her that, in so doing, she could not lie: to which she answered, `Good

brother, do not say so; for I shall lie if I confess, and then who shall answer unto God for my lie?' He still asserted it, and said that God would not suffer so many good men to be in such an error about it, and that she would be hanged if she did not confess; and continued so long and so violently to urge and press her to confess, that she thought, verily, that her life would have gone from her, and became so terrified in her mind that she

-778owned, at length, almost any thing that they propounded to her; that she had wronged her conscience in so doing; she was guilty of a great sin in belying of herself, and desired to mourn for it so long as she lived. This she said, and a great deal more of the like nature; and all with such affection, sorrow, relenting, grief, and mourning, as that it exceeds any pen to describe and express the same. (Charles W. Upham, Salem Witchcraft [Boston, 1867] II, 404-405.)

(Recognizance for Martha Tyler and Johanna Tyler)

Memorandum That on the Thirteenth day of Jan'ry 1692, in the Fourth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady William & Mary by the Grace of God of England &c: & Queen Defenders of the faith &c: Personally appeared before Wm Stoughton Esq'r Cheife Justice of their Maj'ies Province of the Massachusets bay in New Englaand Hopstill Tyler & Jno Bridges both of Andiver Blacksmiths in the County of Essex & acknowledged themselves to be joyntly & severally indebted unto our sd sovereigne Lord & Lady & the survivor of them their Heires & Successers in the sum of one Hundred Pounds to be levied on their or either of their Lands and Tenniments goods, & Chattles for the use of our s'd soverigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen or survivor of them on Condition that Martha Tyler and Johana Tyler haveing stood Committed for suspition of Witchcraft shall make their sonall appearance before the Justices of our s'd Lord & Lady the King & Queen at the next Court of Assizes & Generall Goale Delivery to be holden for the County of Essex then & there to answer to all such matters & things as shall in their Maj'ties behalfe, be alleadged against them & so do & receive that which by the s'd Court shall be then & there Injoyned them & thence not to departe without licence Attest'd *Jona Elatson Cle


(Reverse) Recogce Hopestill Tyler & [unclear: ] Martha Tyler & Johana Tyler Jno Bridges May 10 Appeard ( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 1 )


Mercy Wardwell

(Examination of Mercy Wardwell)

1st Sept 1692 . Before Maj'r Gidney Mr Hathorne Mr Corwin & Jno Higginson Esq'r The Examination & Conffession of Mercy Wardwel Daughter of Sam'll Wardwell of Andivor She Conffesses she hath been in the snare of the Divel a quartter of a Year the Cause of her being Inticed was her discontent & the occation of her discontent was because that people told her that she should Never hath such a Young Man who loved her & he finding no Encouragement threatned to drown himself at w'ch she was much troubled Somtime after to her Apprehention he that mad love to her came & Intreated her to be his & she did not then Consent & soe dismist him w'th that Answer the Next time he appeared in the [shape] of adogg & told her she must be his for he was god & Christ & she should Serve him and she did then beleve him & promised to Serve him He told her she must always wish the Divel had this or that & that she must Curse & lye she Conffeses she Covenanted to Serve the Divel twenty Years & he promised that she should be happy & she made a red Mark Upon a peace of Paper wher she saw no other names And thinks he keeps thee paper becaue He Carried it away w'th him, she owned she Afflicted Martha Spraug & Rose fostter but Never any before -- Here Companians ware her father Mother sister sarah hawks & Wm Barker she s'd furth'r (w'ch is Remarkable) that when she lookt dwone Upon the Table she Could Conffese nothing -- She Conffesses she was Baptized at home in a pale of Watt'r in Which He dipt her face telling her she must serve him & that it is about aQuarter of a Year agoe since she was Baptized she say also that shee afflicted Timo Swan by Squeezing her hands & Thinking Upon him & the Divel made #[him] her doe it whome she hath not seen @ 4 Times -- Noate Here athing Remarkable that Notwithstanding

-782all this Conffession yett the afflicted 'rsons Could Nott Come Near her But upon the Maj'r asking of her if the Divel had not made her Renounce her former baptizime and she Answering Yes then they Could all take one another by the Hand without any hurt Mercy Wardwell signed & owned the [unclear: ] above s'd Examination & Conffession before me *Jno Higginson Just'e peace 15 Septemb'r 1692 -Marcy Wardwell owned all the above s'd Examination & Conffession (only s'd she did not know her farther & Mother ware witches as witness her hand

The Mark of March Wardwell ( Essex Institute MSS. Collection )

(Indictment v. Mercy Wardwell)

Province of the Massachusetts Bay [unclear: ] in New England Essex ss Anno RR's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Quarto Anoq'e Do 1692 The Jurors for o'r Sov'r lord & lady the King & Queen present That Mercy Wardwell daughter of Samuel Wardwell late of Andivor in the County of Essex aforesaid Sometime in this present Year 1692, Wickedly Mallitiously & felloniously A Covenant with the Divel Did Make and Signed A pap to the Divill with a Red Marke & Beleived the Devill & promised to Serve him & was Baptized by the Deivill & Unto him Renounced hir form'r Baptizme By which Diabollicall Covenant With the Devill by the Said Mercy Wardwell in forme aforsaid made She is become a detestable Witch Contrary to the peace of o'r Sov'r lord & Lady the King & Queen Their Crowne & dignity & the Lawes in that Case made & provided. (Reverse) Mercy Wardwell for Covenanting with the Devill Salem January 1692 Billa Vera Robert Payne foreman ponet Se Not Guilty 24 Salem Court of Oyer & Terminer Janu'r 1692/3 No 1 ( Mass. Archives. Vol. 135 No. 101 )


Samuel Wardwell Executed, September 22, 1692

(Examination of Samuel Wardwell)

The Examination and Confession of Sam'll wardwell. taken Sept 1st 92. before John Higginson Esq one of theire majties Justices of peace for the County of Essex After the returneing of negative answers to severall questions He said he was sensible he was in the snare of the devil, He used to be much discontented that he could get no more work done, and that he had been foolishly Led along with telling of fortunes, which sometymes came to pass, He used also when any creature came into his field to bid the devil take it, and it may be the devil took advantage of him by that Constable foster of Andover said that this wardwell told him once in the woods that when he was a young man he could make all his cattell come round about him when he pleased. The said wardwell being urged to tell o truth he proceeded thus, That being ones in a discontented frame he saw some catts together with the appearance of a man who called himself a prince of the aire & promised him he should live comfortably and be a captain and requyred said wardwell to honor him which he promised to doe, and it was about twenty yeares agoe. He said the reason of his discontent then was because he was in love with a maid named Barker who slighted his love, And the first Appearance of the catt then was behind Capt bradstreets house, about a week after that A black man appeared in the day tyme at the same place and called himself prince and lord and told him the said wardwell he must worship and believe him, and promised as above, with this addition that he should never want for any thing but that the black man had never performed any thing, And further that when he would goe to prayer in his family the devil wold begin to be

-784angry He saith also that at that tyme when the devil appeared & told him he was prince of the aire that then he syned his book by makeing a mark like a square with a black pen and that the devil brought him the pen and Ink He saith further he Covenanted with the devil untill he should arryve to the age of sixty years and that he is now about the age of 46 years. And at that tyme the devil promeised on his part as is above exprest, he said it was about a 4tnight agoe since he began to afflict, and confesses that mary Lilly and Hannah Tayler of Ridding were of his company Further he saith that martha Sprague was the first he afflicted, that the devil put him upon it and threatned him there unto And that he did it by pincheing his coat & buttons when he was discontented, and gave the devil a co ission so to doe, He sayes he was baptised by the black man at Shaw shin river alone and was dipt all over and beleeves he renounced his former baptisme.

*John Higginson Sam'll Wardwell: owned: to the grand Inquest: that: the above written: Conffession: was; taken: from his mouth and that he had said it: but: he s'd he belyed: himselfe: he also s'd it was alone one: he: knew he should dye for it: whether: he ownd it or no Sept'r 13'th 1692 (Reverse) Samuel Wardell his Exa minat ion & Confesion ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 28 )

(Indictment v Samuel Wardwell, No. 1)

Essex in the Province [unclear: ] of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Anno R R's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Quarto Annoq'e Domini 1692. ss/ The Juriors for our Sov'r Lord and Lady the King and Queen doe present That Samuel Wardell of Andivor In the County of Essex Carpenter on or about the fifteenth day of August In the yeare aforesaid and divers other days and times as Well before as after Certaine detestable Arts called Witchcraft and Sorceries Wickedly

-785Mallitiously and felloniously hath used practised & Exercised at and in the Towne of Boxford in the County of Essex aforesaid in upon and against one Martha Sprague of Boxford in the County of Essex Aforesaid Single Woman by which said Wicked Acts the said Martha Sprague the day & Yeare Aforesaid and divers other days and times #[both] before and after was and is Tortured Aflicted Consumed Pined Wasted and Tormented, and also for sundry other Acts of Witchcraft by the said Samuel Wardell Comitted and done before and since that time against the peace of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen theire Crowne and dignity And the forme in the Statute in that case made and Provided. (Reverse) Indictm't against Samuel Wardell for bewitching Martha Sprague Billa Vera Ponet Se ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 27 )

(Indictment v. Samuel Wardwell, No. 2)

Essex in the province [unclear: ] of the Massachusetts bay in New England ss

Ano R R's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Quarto, Anoq'e Dom. 1692 -The Juriors for o'r Sov'r Lord and Lad y the King & Queen r'sent Samuel Wardell of Andivor In the Count y of Essex Carpent'r About Twent y Years agoe in the Towne of Andivor In the County of Essex aforesaid Wickedl y & felloniousl y he the Said Samuel Wardell with the Evill Speritt the Devill a Covenant did make Wherein he promised to honor Worship & beleive the devill Contra y to the Stattute of King James The first in that behalfe made & provided, And Against the peace of Soveraigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen their Crowne & dignit y. (Reverse) 1692 Billa Vera Ponet Se Indictm't ags't Sam'l Wardell for Covenanting w'th the Devill ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 27 )


(Martha Sprague v. Samuel Wardwell)

Martha Spreag : Aged 16 years Affirmd to the grand Inquest: that Sam'll Wardwell: has afflicted her: both before: his examination & at the time of it: by pinching & sticking pinse into her & striking: me downe: & yesterday: when I had a warant to come to court said wardwell: did greviously afflict me: I also have seen s'd wardwell afflict Rose foster & her mother: and I veryly beleev he is a wizzard & that he afflicted me &: the above mentioned by acts of witchcraft Sept'r 14; 1692 Jurat (Reverse) Wittnesses ver Wardwell Martha Sprague Mary Warren Mary Walcott ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 28 )

(Mary Warren v. Samuel Wardwell)

Mary Warin affirmd: to: Jury of Inquest that Sam'll Wardwell: hath: often afflicted her & that: he now.

before the grand Inquest hath: afflicted her: also: she s'd #[that] that on the day & at the time of s'd wardwels examination he did afflict Martha Spreag: & she veryly beleevs: s'd Wardwell is a wizzard and that he afflicted her and martha Spreag: by witchcraft. Jurat Sep'r 14: 1692 upon her oath ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 28 )

(Mary Walcott v. Samuel Wardwell)

Mary Walcot affirmd to the grand Inquest: that she saw Sam'll Wardwell or his Apperition pull Martha Spreag off from her horse: as she was #[going] riding out of Salem & verily beleevs he did it by witchcraft: Sept'r 14: 1692 upon oath Jurat ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 28 )


(Ephraim Foster v. Samuel Wardwell)

The deposetion of Ephraim foster of Andovr: aged about thirty four years this deponant testifyeth and sayeth: that he heard: Samuell Wordwell: the prisoner now at the barr #[tell] my wife: that she should have five gurls: before: she should: have: a son: which thing is come to pase: and I heard him tell dority Eames hur forten: #[which he did] and I have heard: said dority: say after that she belived wardwall was a witch or els he Cold never tell what he did: and I took knotes: that: said wardwall: would look in their hand: and then would Cast his Eyes down upon the ground allways before he told Eny thing this I have both seen and heard severall times: and about severall persons & that he Could make Cattle come to him when he pleased Jurat in Curia (Reverse) foster & Martin Vs Wardwell ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 28 )

(Thomas Chandler v. Samuel Wardwell)

The tistimony of Thomas Chandler aged about 65 who saith that I have often hard Samuell wardle of Andovr till yung person thire fortine and he was much adicted to that and mayd sport of it and farther said not Jurat in Curia (Reverse) Thomas Chandler Depo' ags't Sam'l Wardwell ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 29 )

(Joseph Ballard v. Samuel Wardwell)

the testimony of Joseph Ballard of andover eaged about 41 yeares saith that my brother John ballard told me that Samuel wardel told him that I had reported that he had bewiched my wife these wordes

-788weare spoken before I had any knolidg of my wife being aflicted by wich craft after I meting with said Samuel wardel prisnor at the bar I told him that I douteed that he was gilty of hurting my wife for I had no sutch thoughts nor had spoken any sutch wordes of him or any other parson and theare fore I doe not know but you are gilty & further that Sam'll Wardwell Owned to this deponent that he had spoke it to my Brother Jurat in Curia (Reverse) Joseph Ballard Depo' ags't Sam'l Wardwell -( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 29 )

(Abigail Martin and John Bridges v. Samuel Wardwell)

the deposetion of Abigell Marten of Andavr Aged about sixteen years this deponant Testifyeth and sayeth that some time last winter: Samuel wordwall being at my fathers house: with John farnom: I heard said John farnon ask: said wordwall his forteen; wh[ich] he did: and told him that: he was in love with a gurll: but should be crost; & should goe to the Sutherd: which said farnom oned to be his thought: said wardwell further: told he had like to be shot with a gon: & should have a foall of from his hors or should have: which: said farnom, after oned that he told Right:

And further I heard him tell Jeams bridges his forten: that he loved a gurll at forteen years ould: which: said bridges: oned to be the truth: but could not imagin how said wordwall knew: for he never: spake of it: John bridges father of said jeams bridges sayeth: he heard Jeam say I wonder how wordwall cold teell so true Jurat in Curia, by both (Reverse) Abiga'l Martin & James Bridges Depo' Vers Sam'l Wardwell ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 29 )


(Petition from Andover Selectmen)

To: To the Honored Court now sitting at Ipswich The Petition of the Select men of Andover Sheweth; That wheras Samuel Wardwell and his wife of Andover , were lately apprehended and comitted to prison for witchcraft, and have left severall small children who are uncapable of provideing for themselves, and are now in a suffering condition: we have thought it necessary and convenient that they should be disposed of in some familyes where there may be due care taken of them. We therefore humbly pray yo'r Hon'rs to inform us what is our duty in this case, and to give order so to dispose of them that their necessitys may be releived, and to grant liberty to improve so much of their fathers Estate as is necessary for their present Supply. And yo'r Petition'rs Shall ever pray &c *John Abbott. and *John Aslabee by order of the select men (Reverse) Select Men of Andover peti ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 45 )


Sarah Wardwell (See also: Samuel Wardwell -- Petition from Andover Selectmen.)

(Confession of Sarah Wardwell)

The 1st Septemb'r 1692. Before Maj'r Gidney Mr Hathorne Mr Corwin Jno Higginson Esq'r The Confession of Sarah Wardwel wife of Sam'll Wardwel of Andivor after many Denials of w't She was accused for & 'rticularly of tormenting the afflicted 'rsons by looking on them w'th her Eyes before the Justices w'ch not withstanding was Evident to the behold'rs She was required to declare the truth in the fear of God, & then She Conffeses as followeth that She thinkś She has been in the Snare of the Divel 6 years at w'ch time aman appeared to her & required her to worship him & doe him Service he said he was god & Should be worshiped & promised Me such thing as I wanted as Cloathing & the like She Saith She Signed a peice of paper by putting her finger to it which (as She thinks) made a black mark being asked why she did not weep & lament for it She answered She could not weep. She S'd She was baptized in Shawshin River & he dipt her face in the Watter & at her baptizme She gave her Self Soul & body to him & he told her she was his Servant She Says She both went & Retturned on foot & was alone She was also once at Salem Village Witch metting where their ware many people & that She was Carried upon a pole in Company w'th 3 more Viz Goody Fostter Goody Carrier & Goody Lawrence their was also aminister there & Some Men w'th pretty handsome apparell & that She Saw a woeman Cary wine & amongts them She S'd She knew Goody Carrier to be awitch She S'd She afflicted none butt Martha Sprauge last night -- being asked how She did it Said that Marthr Spraue was ameans of taking up her husband & because he was gone from home & she much Vext at it & thereupon Suddenly Catcht up her child in her armes & wished Sprauge might

-792be afflicted a little after S'd She Squezed her Child w'th an Intention that the 'rsons should be afflicted she s'd she never new her husband to be a witch till she was such an one her self & thinks her daughters have been so butt a little while not above amonth she ownes she is sorry for w't she has done & promises to renounce the Divel & all his works & serve the true Liveing god -- Noate she is accused for afflicting Sprauge Martin & Rosse fostt.'r & In the time of her Examination struck them dwone w'th her Eyes & Recovered them by her touching of their armes as also struck dwone Sarah Bridges & Hanah Post & Mary Warren Mary lacy Jun'r & Martha Sprauge Testified they saw her afflict Abigal Martin in the Court & Hannah Post s'd she saw her afflict Sarah Bridges Sarah Wardwell signed & owned the above s'd Examination & Conffession Before me

The Mark of Sarah Wardwel *John Higginson, Justice peace ( Essex Institute MSS. Collection )


Mary Warren (See also Giles Corey -- Warrant.

(Examination of Mary Warren, April 19, 1692)

The Examination of Mary Warren At a Court held at Salem Village by John Hauthorne [unclear: ] Esq'rs Jonath: Corwin As soon as she was coming towards the Bar the afflicted fell into fits. Mary Warren, You stand here charged with sundry acts of Witchcraft, what do you say for your selfe, are you guilty, or not? I am inocent. Hath she hurt you (speaking to the sufferers) some were Dumb. Betty Hubbard testifyed ag'st her, & then said Hubbard fell into a violent fit. You were a little while ago an Afflicted person, now you are an Afflicter: How comes this to pass? I looke up to God, & take it to be a great Mercy of God. What do you take it to be a great mercy to afflict others? Betty Hubbard testifyed that a little after this Mary was well, she the said Mary, said that the afflicted persons did but dissemble.

Now they were all but John Indian grievously afflicted, & Mrs Pope also, who was not afflicted before hitherto this day: & after a few moments John Indian fell into a violent fit also. Well here was one just now that was a Tormentor in her apparition & she owns that she had made a league with the Devil. Now Mary Warren fell into a fit, & some of the afflicted cryed out that she was going to confess, but Goody Korey, & Procter, & his wife came in, in their apparition, & struck her down, & said she should tell nothing.

-794Mary Warren continued a good space in a fit, that she did neither see, nor hear, nor speak. Afterwards she started up, & said I will speak & cryed out, Oh! I am sorry for it, I am sorry for it, & wringed her hands, & fell a little while into a fit again & then came to speak, but immediately her Teeth were set, & then she fell into a voilet fit, & cryed out, Oh Lord help me, Oh good Lord save me! And then afterwards cryed again, I will tell, I will tell, & then fell into a dead fit againe. And afterwards cryed, I will tell, they did, they did, they did, & then fell into a violent fit again. After a little recovery she cryed I will tell, I will tell, they brought me me to it; & then fell into a fit again: which fits continuing, she was ordered to be had out, & the next to be brought in, viz: Bridget Byshop Some time afterwards she was called in again, but immediately taken with fits, for a while. Have you signed the Devils book? No. Have you not touch it? No. Then she fell into fits againe, & was sent forth for air. After a considerable space of time she was brought in again, but could [not] give account of things, by reason of fits, & so sent forth. Mary Warren called in, afterwards in private, before magistrates & Ministers. She said, I shall not speak a word: but I will speak Satan -- She saith she will kill me: Oh! `she saith, she owes me a spite, & will claw me off -Avoid Satan, for the name of God avoid And then fell into fits again: & cryed will ye I will prevent ye in the Name of God, --

Tell us, how far have you yeilded? A fit interrupts her again. What did they say you should do, & you should be well? Then her lips were bit so that she could not speak. so she was sent away Note That not one of the sufferers was afflicted during her examination after once she began to confess, thom they were tormented before.

-795Salem Village Aprill 19'th 1692. Mr Samuell parris being desired to take in wrighting the Examination of Mary Warren hath delivered it as aforesaid And upon hearing the same and seeing what wee did then see; togather with the Charge of the afflicted persons then present. Wee Committed said Mary Warren *John Hathorne [unclear: ] Assis'ts *Jonathan. Corwin (Reverse) (3) The exa ncon of Mary Warren 19. Apr. 1692 ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 29 )

(Examination of Mary Warren in Prison)

Mary Warrens Examination in Salem Prison She Testifys that Her master Proctor was always very averse to the putting up Bills for publick prayer. Qu: Did you not know it was the Devils book when you Signed? A: No. But I thought it was no good book. Q: after you had a Mark in the Book what did you think then? A: Then I thought it was the Devil's book.

Q. How did you come to know your Master and Mistriss were Witches? A. The Sabbath Eve after I had put up my note for thanks in publick, my Mistris appeared to me, and puld mee out of the Bed, and told mee that Shee was a witch, and had put her hand to the Book, She told me this in her Bodily person, and that This Examination might have known she was a Witch, if She had but minded what Books she read in. Q. What did she say to you before you tormented the Children? A. The night after she told me she was a Witch, she in son told mee this Examinant, that my self and her Son John would quickly be brought out for witches. This Examinant saith that Giles Cory in apparition told her, the night before that the Magistrates were going up to the farms, to bring down more witches to torment her. Moreover being in a dreadful fit

-796in the prison she Charged it on Giles Cory, who was then in Close prison, affirming that he came into the Room where she was, and afflicting her, Charged her not to Come into the Other Room while he was Examining, But being sent for and he Commanded to look upon her, He no sooner turned his face to her but shee fel into a dreadful fit again, and upon her Recovery Charged him to his face with being the procurer of it. Moreover the said Cory in prison formerly threatened her that he would fitt her for itt, because he told her she had Caused her Master to ask more for a peice of Meadow than he was willing to give she likewise in her fitt in the Other Room before she had seen Giles Cory in person, Charging him with afflicting off her, described him in all his garments, both of hat Coat and Colour of them, with a Cord about his wast, and a white Cap on his head and in Chains, as severall then in Company Can affirm. ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 30 )

(Examination of Mary Warren, April 21, 1692)

Mary Warins examination of April 21: 1692 Being Asked by the Hon'd Majestrates: whether the bible that then was Showed her: was the book: that was brought: to her to touch: & that she saw the flurrish in answered no: she see she was decieved being asked whether she had not told Mercy Lewis that she had signed to a book: Answered no she was Asked: whether her: Mistris had brought a book to her to sign Answerd her mistris brought none. but her Master brought one being Asked whether she signed to it: answered: not unless putting her finger to it was signing. being Asked whether she did not se a spot where she had put her finger Answerd there was a spot:

she was Asked what couller the spot was: Answered black she was Asked whether. her Mast'r did not thretten her to run the hot tongs downe her throat if she did not sign Answered that her M'r threttned her to burn her out of her fitt being Asked whether she had made a mark in the book Answered she made no mark but with her top of her finger

-797she was asked what she dipt her finger in when it made the mark: Answered: in nothing: but her mouth she was Asked whether her finger was wett when she touched the book w'h it Answered she knew not that it was wett: or whether it was wett w'h sweat or with sider: that she had bin drinking of she knew not: but her finger did make a mark and the mark was black she was asked whether any but her M'r and Mr's was with her: when she was threttoned with the hott tonges: answerd none but them She s'd her Mast'r put her hand to the book and her finger made a black spott which made her tremble: then she s'd she was undon body and soul and cryed out greivously. she was told that it was he[r] own Vollantary act: she would have denyed it: but she was told the devil could have done nothing: if she had not yeilded and that she for eas to her body: not for any good of her sould: had done it with this she much greived and cryed out: she s'd her Mast'r & mistris thretned to drown her: & to mak her run through the hedges She was Asked whether she had not seen her Mast'r & mistris since she came to prison answered she thought she saw her Maste' and dare say: it was he: she was Asked wh[h] at he sayd to her: answerd nothing after a fitt she cryed out I will tell: I will tell: thou wicked Creature it is you stopt my mouth: but I will confess the little that I have to confess being asked: who she would tell off whether goodwife proctor or no::answered O Betty procter it is she: it is she I lived with last she then cryed out it shall be known: thou wrech; hast thou undone me body and soul she said also she wishes she had made me mak: a through league she was again Asked what her finger was blacked with when she toucht the book Answered she knew not that her finger was black: till she se it black: the book and after she had put her finger to the book: she eat: bread and butter and her finger blacked the bred and butter also being asked what her mistris now said to her: when she complaind of her mistris she s'd her mistris bid her not tell that her mistris was a wich Coming out of another fit s'd she would tell she would tell: she s'd her Mast'r now bid her not tell: that he: had some times gone: to make away with himselfe for her Master had told her that he had bin

-798about sometimes to make away with him self becaus of his wives quarrilling with him being Asked how she knew: goodwife procter was a wich she coming out of a fit s'd she would: tell she would tell: and she s'd her mistris procter s'd she might know she was a wich if she herkend to what she used to read she sayd her Mistris had many books and her mistris carried one book with her to Reddin when she went to see her sister. being Asked whether she knew her Mistris to be a wich before she touched the book, and how she knew it: she s'd her mistris told her she had set her hand to the devils book that same night: that: I was thrown out of bed: s'd she: which was the same night after she had a note: of thanksgiving: put up at the meeting house she s'd her mistris came to her: her body: not her shape as far as she knew she afirmd: her mistris was a wich being Asked whether: she had seen any of the wiches: since she came to prison: s'd she had seen goodman Cory: & Sara Good: they brought the book to her to sign but she would not own that she knew her master to be a wich or wizzard being asked whether she did not know her finger would make a mark if she touched the book with it: she answerd no: but her master and mistris asked her to read:and she s'd the first word she read was moses: the next word she could not tell what it was but her M'r and Mistris bid her: if she could not pronownce the word she should touch the book being asked why she would not tell the wholle truth: she s'd she had formerly not told all the truth. becaus she was thretned to be torn in peices: if she did but now she would and had told the truth being Asked whether she did not suspect it was the devils book that she touched answerd she did not suspect it before: she se: her finger blacked it she was Asked why: she yeilded to do as she did: answered that her master s'd if she would not: when she was in her fit she should run: into the fire or: water if he would and destroy her selfe being Asked whether she had not bin instrumentall to afflict the afflicted parsons Answerd no but when she heard: they were aflicted in her shape: she began to fear it was the devil [that hurt in her shape] being Asked whether she had immages to stick pins or thorns into to hurt people with: answerd no:

-799she was asked whether the devil never asked her consent: to: hurt in her shape answerd no: she had heard her master and mistris tell of images and of sticking of thorns in them: to hurt people with she was asked: whether she knew of any Immages in the hous: sayd no

being asked if she knew of any oyntment they had in the hous she s'd her M'rs oynted her once:for some ayll she had: but it was with oyntment that came from Mrs Bassits of Linn the coullour of it was greenish she was asked how it smelt: sayd very ugly to her she s'd when: she toucht the book she went to put her finger to another line but still her finger went to the same place: where her finger had black't Mr Noys told her she had then touched the book twice: and asked her whether she did not suspect it to be the devils book before she toucht it the second time: she s'd she feare it was no good book: being asked what she ment by no good book: she s'd a book to deceiv (On Reverse) Mary Warens Examination ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 30 )

(Examination of Mary Warren, May 12, 1692)

Mary Warrens Examination May 12'th 1692 Q. Whether you did not know that itt was the Devills book when you signed? A I did nott know itt then but I know itt now, to be sure itt was the Devills book, in the first place to be sure I did sett my hand to the Devills book; I have considered of itt, since you were here last & itt was the Devills book that my Master procter brought to me, & he tould me if I would sett my hand to that book I should be well; & I did sett my hand to itt, butt that w'ch I did itt was done w'th my finger, he brought the Book & he tould me if I would take the book & touch itt that I should be well & I thought then that itt was the Devills book.

-800Q. Was there nott your consent to hurt the children, when you were hurt? A. Noe sir, but when I was afflicted my master Procter was in the Roome & said if ye are Afflicted I wish ye were more Afflicted & you and all: I said Master, w't make you say soe he Answered because you goe to bring out Innocent persons. I tould him that could nott bee & whether the Devill took advantage att that I know not to afflict them and one Night talking about them I said I did nott care though ye were tormented if ye charged mee: Q. Did you ever see any poppetts? An. yes once I saw one made of cloth in Mistris procters hand.

Q. whoe was itt like or w'ch of the Children was itt for? An. I cannot tell, whether for Ann putnam or Abigail Williams, for one of them itt was I am sure, itt was in my mistri's hand. Q. What did you stick into the poppitt? An. I did stick in a pin about the Neck of itt as itt was in proctors hand. Q. How many more did you see afterwards? An. I doe nott remember that ever I saw any more. yes I remember one and that Goody parker brought a poppitt unto me of Mercy. Lewis & she gave me another & I stook itt some where about the wasts; & she appeared once more to me in the prison, & she said to me what are you gott here? & she tould me that she was comeing here hirself. I had another person that appeared to me, itt was Goody. Pudeator & said she was sorry to se me there, itt was in apparition & she brought me a poppitt, itt was like to Mary Walcott & itt was a peice of stick that she brought me to stick into itt & somewhare about hir armes I stook itt in. Q. Where did she bring itt to you? An. up att procters. Goody parker tould me she had bin a Witch these. 12 years & more; & pudeator tould me that she had done damage, & tould me that she had hurt James Coyes child takeing itt out of the mothers hand. A. whoe brought the last to you? -An. my mistris & when she brought itt, she brought itt in hir owne person & hir husband w'th his owne hands brought me the Book to Sighne, & he brought me an Image w'ch looked yellow & I beleive itt was for Abigall Williams being like hir & I putt a thing like a thorne into itt, this was done by his bodily person after I had sighned the

-801night after I had sighned the book: while she was thus confessiong parker appeared & bitt her extreamly on hir armes as she affirmed unto us. Q. Whoe have you sene more? An. Nurse & Cloys and Goods Child after I had sighned. Q. What sayd [th'y] to you? An. They sayd that I should never Tell of them nor anything about them, & I have seen Goody Good hirself. Q. Was that true of Giles Cory that you saw him & that he Afflicted you the other day? An. yes I have sene him often & he hurts me very much & Goody Oliver hath appeared to me & Afflicted me & brought the Book to tempt mee, & I have seen Goody Cory. the first night I was taken, I saw as I

thought the Apparition of Goody Cory & catched att itt as I thought & caught my master in my lap tho I did nott see my master in that place att that time, upon w'ch my master said itt is noe body but I itt is my shaddow that you see, but my master was nott before mee as I could descerne, but Catching att the Apparition that looked like Goody Cory I caught hold of my master & pulled him downe into my Lap; upon w'ch he said I see ther is noe heed to any of your talkings, for you are all possest with the Devill for itt is nothing butt my shape, I have sene Goody Cory att my masters house in person, and she tould mee that I should be condemned for a Witch as well as she hirself, itt was att my masters house, & she said that the children would cry out & bring out all. Q. was this before you had signned? An. yes, before I had any fitts. Q. Now tell the truth about the Moutebank what writeing was that? An. I don't know. I asked hir what itt was about but she would not tell mee saying she had promised nott to Lett any body see itt. Q. Well, but whoe did you see more? An. I don't know any more. Q. how long hath your Mast'r & Mistris bin Witches? An. I don't know, they never tould me. Q. What likeness or appearance have you had to bew'ch you? An. they never gave me any thing. while I was reading this over upon the comeing in of mr Higginson & mr Hale as soon as I read the name parker, she imediately fell into dreadfull fitts as she affirmed

-802after hir fitt was over by the appearance of Goody parker, & mr Hathorne presently but Naming Goody pudeator she alsoe appeared & tormented hir very much. and Goody parker in the time of hir examination in one of Warrens fitts tould this examinant that she had bewitched the examinants sister & was the cause of hir dumbness as alsoe that she had lately killed a man aboard a vessell & tould me that his name was Michaell Chapleman aboard the vessell in the harbour after they ware come to Anchor & that he dyed with a paine in his side & that she had done itt by striking something into his side & that she had strook this examinants sister dumb that she should never speak more. and Goody pudeater att the same tyme appeared & tould this examinant that she had throwne John Turner off of a chery tree & almost killed him & Goody parker s'd that she had cast away Capt prices ketch Thomas Westgate master, & Venus Colefox in itt & presently tould her that Jno Lapshorne was lost in itt and that they were foundred in the sea and she saith that Goody pudeator tould hir that she went up to mr Corwins house to bewitch his mare that he should nott goe up to the farmes to examine the witches, also mr Burroughs appearing at the same tyme and Afflicting her tould hir that he went to tye mr Hathornes horses leggs when he went last to Boston & that he tryed to bewitch him `tho he could not his horse. Goody pudeator tould hir that she killed hir husband by giving him something whereby he fell sick and dyed, itt was she tould hir about 7 or 10 years since and Goody parker tould her that she was Instrumentall to drowne Orne's son in the harbour also shee s'd she did bewitch Jno Searles's boy to death as

his master was carrying him out to sea soe that he was forced to bring him back againe, alsoe Burroughs tould her that he killed his wife off of Cape Ann parker tould hir alsoe that Margarett Jacobs was a wittness against hir and did charge hir yesterday upon hir (that is Jacobs's) examination. ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 31 )

(Edward Bishop, Sarah Bishop, and Mary Eastey v. Mary Warren)

Edward Bisshop Aiged Aboute 44: Yeares Sarah Bisshop Aiged Aboute 41: yeares And Mary Eastey Aiged Aboute 56: Yeares all Testifie and Say that ABoute three weekes Agoe to day when wee

-803was In Salem Goale then and There wee Heard Mary Warrin Severall times Say that the Majestrates Might as well Examine Keysars Daughter that has Bin Distracted Many Yeares And Take Noatice of what Shee Said: as well as any of the Afflicted pe'sons for Said Mary warrin when I was Aflicted I thought I saw the Apparission of A hundred persons: for Shee said hir Head was Distempered that Shee Could not tell what Shee Said, And the Said Mary tould us that when Shee was well Againe Shee Could not Say that Shee saw any of Apparissons at the time Aforesaid -(On reverse) Sarah Bishop Mary Eastey depno as to Mary Warrin ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 32 )

(Mary English v. Mary Warren)

1. June 1692 Mary English Aged about 39 years. Testifyeth that about-a Month agoe at Salem-That I heard the Said Mary Warrine to Spake-the Same words (as is-Testifyed too-by Edward Bishop-Sarah Bishop-And Mary-Easty) that She Said that-the Majestrats-might as well-Examen Keysers-Daughter-that had bene Distracted many-years And take Notice of what She Said as well as any of the Eflicted persons -- &c as witness my hand -(On reverse) *Mary English Mary English Mary Waren ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 32 )

(Elizabeth Booth v. Mary Warren and Daniel Andrew)

Salem May the 18'th 1692 Elizabeth Booth aged 18 years or thereabouts, Testifieth and saith that the three first fitts she had, she saw nothing: but afterwards in her fitts this Deponent saw Daniell Andross who told her though Mary Warren could nott hurt her the night before now he would: and

-804withall Brought: a Book and bid this deponent sett her hand to it: but the night before as she Lay in her Bed Mary Warring went to her bed side and brought a little Baby to this Deponent and told her that she might sett her hand to the Book. and not know of it: but this Deponent told the said Andross she would not: then he told the said Deponent that he would Afflicted Still since this Deponent hath been afflicted severall times by the said Andross: & others that she knows not. (On reverse) Eliz Booth against Daniell Andrew ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 32 )

(Elizabeth Hubbard v. Mary Warren)

mary waring brought the book to eliSibath houbard and would have Sat hur hand to the book which She brought unto hur and She said i wont i wont i wont a if you Sat your hand to the book you Shall be well for i did So and i am well and i told hir i would not then she told me i Should never be well then i told hur i would not if i am never well o you wicked rech mary waring why will you do So ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 32 )


Sarah Wilds Executed July 19, 1692 (See also William Hobbs -- Mittimus; George Jacobs Sr. -- Mittimus; Sarah Good -- Death Warrant)

(Warrant for Arrest of Sarah Wilds, William Hobbs, Deliverance Hobbs, Nehemiah Abbott Jr., Mary Easty, Edward Bishop, Jr., Sarah Bishop, Mary Black, and Mary English)
Salem Aprill the 21'th 1692 There Being Complaint this day made (before us) by Thomas putnam and John Buxton of Salem Village Yeomen, in behalfe of their Majest's for them selfes and also for severall of theire Neighbours, Against Wm Hobbs husbandman and Delive' his wife, Nehemiah Abot Jun'r weaver. Mary Easty the wife of Isaac Easty and Sarah. Wilds the wife of John Wilds all of the Towne of Topsfield. or Ipswitch and Edward Bushop husbandman & Sarah his wife of Salem Village, And Mary Black a negro of Leut Nath Putnams of Salem Village also And Mary English the wife of philip English Merchant in Salem for high Suspition of Sundry acts of Witchcraft done or Committed by them Lately upon the Bodys of Anna putnam & Marcy Lewis belonging to the famyly of the aboves'd Thomas putnam Complain't and Mary Walcot the daugter of Capt Jonat' Walcot of s'd Salem Village and others, whereby great hurt and dammage hath benne donne to the bodys of said persons above named therefore Craved Justice You are therefore in theire Majest's names hereby required to Apprehend and bring before us William Hobs husbandman and [] his wife Nehemiah Abot Jun'r weaver Mary Easty the wife of Isaac Easty and all the rest above named to Morrow aboute ten of the Clock in the forenoon at the house of Leiut Nath'll Ingersalls in

-806Salem Village. in order to theire Examination Relateing to the premises abovesayd and hereof you are not to faile Dated Salem Aprill 21'th 1692 *John Hathorne [unclear: ] Assists *Jonathan. Corwin To: Geo: Herrick Marshall of Essex and any or all of the Constables in Salem -- or Topsfeild or any other Towne. ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 53 )

(Examination of Sarah Wilds)

The examination of Sarah Wilds At a Court held at Salem Village [torn] 1692 by the wop:_John Hathorn & Jonathan Corwin. The Sufferers were siezed with sou[torn] the accused came into the Court Hath this woman hurt you? Oh she is upon the beam. Goody Bibber that never saw her before sayd she saw her now upon the beam, & then said Bibber fell into a fit What say you to this are you guilty or not? I am not guilty Sir. Is this the woman? speaking to the afflict[ed] Thay all, or most, said yes, & then fell into fits. What do you say, are you guil[ty] I thank God I am free. Here is a clear evidence that [you have] been not only a Tormenter [but that] you have caused one to sig[ne the] book, the night before last [What] you say to this? [I n]ever saw the book in my life [and I never] [saw these per]sons before [Some of th]e afflicted fell into fits

-807[Do] you deny this thing that is [torn] All fell into fits, & con[firmed] that the accused hurt th[em] Did you never consent that [these should] be hurt? Never in my life. She was charged by some [with] hurting John Herricks mo[ther]

The accused denyed it. Capt How gave in a relation [and] confirmation of the charge before made. She was ordered to be taken away, & they all cryed out she was upon the Beam, & fell into fits. ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 54 )

(Indictment v. Sarah Wilds)

Anno Regis et Reginae Willm et Mariae nunc Angliae &c Quarto Essex ss The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen pr'sents That Sarah Willes wife of John Willes of Topsfield Husbandman the Twenty Second Day of Aprill in the forth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France and Ireland King and Queen Defenders of the faith &c and divers other Dayes and times as well before as after, certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcrafts and sorceries wickedly and felloniously hath used Practised and Ex[e]ercised at and within the Towneship of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid in upon and against one Marcy Lewis of Salem Villiage Single Woman by which said wicked Acts the said Mercey Lewis -- the Twenty Second Day of Aprill aforesaid in the forth Year aboves'd and Divers other Dayes and times as well before and after, was and is Tortured Afflicted Pined Consumed wasted & Tormented and also for Sundery orther Acts of Witchcraft by said Sarah Willes. Committed and Done before and since that time ag't

-808the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King and Queen, and ag't the form of the Statute in that Case made and Provided. Witnesses Marcy Lewis Ann Putman Mary Wolcott (On reverse side of paper) No. (1) ( Essex Institute MSS Collection )

(John Wilds for Sarah Wilds)

John Wiells testifieth that he did hear that Mary the wife of Jno Reddinton did raise a report that my wife had Bewitched her and I went to the saide Jno Reddinton & told him I would arest him for his wifes defaming of my wife but the said Reddinton desired me not to doe it for it would but waste his Estate & that his wife would a done w'th it in tyme:and that he knew nothing she had ag'st mye wife -- after this I got my Bro: Averell to goe to the said Sarah Reddinton & my s'd Bro'r told me that he told the said Sarah Reddinton that if she had anything ag'st my wife he would be a means & would help her to bring my wife out; and that the said Sarah Reddinton replyed that she knew no harm mye wife had done her: yet ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 55 )

(Ephraim Wilds for Sarah Wilds)

The testimonny of Ephraim Willdes Eged about 27 or theabouts testifieth and saith that a bout fouer yers a gow there. was som likly hode of my haveng one of goodiey Simonds daugters and as the maid towld me har mother and father were veriey willing I should have hare: but after some time I had a hint that goodiey Simonds

-809had formerlly she beleved my mother had done har wrong and I went to hare and took marke how that is now ded who dyed at the Estward: along with me and before both of us shee denied that ever she had eniey grounds to think eniey harme of my mother only from what goodiey Redington had siade and afterwards I left the hous and went no mor and ever sence she bene veriey angriey with me and now she will re ward mee *Ephraim Willdes (Reverse) Behalfe Sarah Wiles ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 55 )

(Ephraim Wilds for Sarah Wilds)

This may inform this Honred cort that I: Ephraim Willdes being constabell for topsfelld this yere and the marshall of sallem coming to fetch away my mother he then shued me a warrant from athority derected to the constabell of tops felld wherin was william hobs and deliveranc his wife with maniey others and the marshall did then re quire me forth with to gow and aprehend the bodies of william hobes and his wife which a

cording ly I ded: and I have had serous thoughts maniey tims sence whether my sesing of them might not be some case of hare thus a cusing my mother there by in some mesuer to be re venged of me the woman did show a veriey had sperit when I sesed: on might all most se revenge in her face she Looked so molishsly on mee: as for my mother I never saw aniey harm by har upon aniey sutch a cout naither in word nor action as she is now a cused for she hath awlwais in structed me well in the cristion religon and the wais of god ever sence I was abell to take in structions: and so I leve it allto this honred cort to consider of it _ *Ephraim Willdes (Reverse) Sarah Wildes ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 55 )


(Rev. John Hale v. Sarah Wilds)

I John Hale of Beverly aged 56 years beeing su oned to appeare & give evidence against Sarah Wiles of Topsfeild July.2. 1692; Testify that about 15 or 16 yeares agoe came to my house the wife of John Hirrek of Beverly w'th an aged woeman she said was her mother. Goody Reddington of Topsfeild come to me for counsel beeing in trouble of spirit. When the said Reddington opned her greifs to me thir was one that she was assaulted by witchcraft that Goody wiles her neighb'r bewitched her & afflicted her many times greiviously, telling me many particular storys how & when she troubled her, w'ch I have forgotten. She said allso that a son in law of said Wiles did come & visit her (shee called him an honest young man named John as I take it) & did pitty her the said Reddington, signifying to her that he beleived his mother wiles was a witch & told her storys of his mother. I allso understood by them, that this Goody Wiles was mother in law to a youth named as I take it Jonathan Wiles who about twenty yeares agoe or more did act or was acted very strangly Insomuch that I was invited to [joyn] with Mr Cobbet & others at Ipswich to advise & pray for the said Youth; whome some thought to counterfeit, others to be possessed by the devill. But I remember Mr Cobbet thought he was under Obsession of the devil. Goody Reddingtons discourse hath caused me to have farther thoughts of the said Youths case whether he were not bewitched. Jurat in Curia ( Essex Institute MSS. Collection )

(Ann Putnam, Jr. vs. Sarah Wilds)

The Deposistion of Ann putnam Jun'r who testifieth and saith I have been afflected ever sence the begi[n]ing of march with a woman that tould me hir name was willds and that she came from Topsfeild but on the 22 April 1692 Sarah willd did most greviously torment me dureing the time of hir Examination and then I saw that Sarah willds was that very woman that tould me hir name was willds and also on the day of hir Examination I saw Sarah willds or hir Apperince most greviously tortor and afflect mary walcott, Mircy


lewes and Abigail willia [ms] and severall times sence Sarah wilds or hirs Apperance has most greviously tortored and afflected me with variety of torturees as by pricking and pinching me and almost choaking me to death Ann Putnam Jun'r declared: the above written: evidence: to be truth: before the Jury of inquest: June: 30'th 1692: upon oath. (On reverse side of paper) Ann Putman ( Essex Institute MSS. Collection )

(Mary Walcott v. Sarah Wilds)

The Deposistion of mary walcott aged about 17 years who testifieth and saith that in the begining of Appril 1692 there came to me a woman which I did not know and she did most greviously torment me by pricking and pinching me and she tould me that hir name was wilds and that she lived at Topsfeil and she continewed hurting me most greviously by times tell the day of hir Examination which was the 22 day of Appril 1692: and then I saw that Sarah wildes was that very same woman that tould me hir name was wildes and sarah wilds did most greviously torment me dureing the time of hir Examination for when ever she did but look upon me she would strick me down or almost Choak me to death: also on the day or hir Examination I saw sarah Wilds or hir Apperance most greviously torment and afflect mercy lewes [s] Abigaill Williams and Ann putnam Jun'r by stricking them down and [almst] Choaking them to death. also severall times sence Sarah willds has most greviously tormented me with variety of tortor and I verily beleve she is a most dreadful wicth Jurat in Curia Mary Walcot declared to the Jury of inquest: that the above written evidence is the truth: upon oath: June 30'th 1692

(On reverse side of paper) Mary Walcot. ( Essex Institute MSS. Collection )


(Nathaniel Ingersoll v. Sarah Wilds)

The Deposistion of Nathaniell Ingersoll agged about 58 years and Thomas putnam aged about 40 years who testifieth and saith that wee haveing been conversant with severall of the afflected parsons as namely Mary walcott mercy lewes Abigaill williams and Ann putnam jr we have often seen them afflected and hard them say that one gooddy wilds of Topsfeild did tortor them: but on the 22 April 1692 being the day of the Examination of Sarah wilds of Topsfeild: the affore mentioned parsons ware most greviously tortored dureing the time of hir Examination for if she did but look on them she would strick them down or allmost choak: them and if she did clinch hir hands or hold hir head asid the afflected parsons above mentioned ware i [n] like maner tortured: and severall times senec wee have seen th[e] aforementioned parsons tortored and have seen the marke in ther. flesh which they said Sarah wilds did make by tortoring them and wee beleve that sarah wilds the prisoner att the barr has severall times Afflected and tormented the afore named parsons by acts of wicthcraft: Jurat in Curia (On reverse side of paper: Na: Ingersoll Tho. Putnam ( Essex Institute MSS. Collection )

(Elizabeth Symonds v. Sarah Wilds)

The Depotion of Elizabath Symons aged about 50 yeares Whoe testifieth and saith that about twelve or thirteene yeares sence theire abouts being in Company With my Mother Androus, after a Lecter in Topsfeild my mother and I ware agoeing to give Goodwife Redington a Visiat and as wee went wee over tooke Goodwife Wilds and my Mother fell into discourse about a syee that my Brother[s] John and Joseph Androus had borede of Goodman Wilds for one day: and my mother tould Goodwife Wilds how John and Joseph Androus ware trobled about gitting home a Load of hay then good -- Wife Wilds replied and said all that might bee and I know nothing of it, then my

-813mother replied and said to her whie did ye threaten them and tould them thay had better aLet it aLone then she did threaten my mother and tould her that she would make her prove it and then my mother Coaled to mee and bid mee bare Witnes Elizabath what she saith, and then she did Looke bake apon mee and Emedatly I did fale into such atrembling condition that I was as if all my joynts did knoke togather so that I could hardly goe along, and the night faling after I was a bed I did see somthing stand betweene the Wale and I, I did see somthing stand theire and I did Looke apon it a consideradabell time so Long that I was afraid to Ly one that sid of the bed and asked my husban to Let mee Ly one the other sid of the bed and he did, and then I did feele it come apon my feete as if it had bin a cat and Crope up t[o] my breast and Lay apon mee and then I Could not move nether h[and] nor foot nether Could I speeake a word I did strive to cale to m[y] husban but I Could not speake and so I Lay all night, and in the morning I Could speeake and then I tould my husban thay talke of the old w [torn] but I thinke she has ride mee all this night and then I tould [torn] [hus] ban [how] it had bin with mee all the night, we had a Lec[tor] once a month in Topsfeild and the next lectter day after the first a[bove] named, as I was sitting in my seate Goodwife Wilds Coming by the end of the seeat I sat in I was Emedatly taken with such apay[n] in my bake that I was not abell to bare it and fell doune in the seea[t] and did not know wheaire I was and some pepall tooke me up and [d] Caried mee out of the meeting house but I did not know nothing of i[t] tell afterwords when I Came to my selfe I did wonder how I Come theire up to mr Hubbard house and when I did Come to my selfe an[d] a great many pepall Come about mee to aske mee what was the matter with mee Goodwife Wilds Come and stood at the End of the tabell and I Replied and said theire she is and my mother bid mee goe and ser[ve] her but I Could not sture, and so I have Contined at times Ever senc som times with paynes in one plase and som times in another plase soe as I have not bin abell to doe any thing in my fameliey at seve[rall] times I have bin at the Docters but thay cannot give mee any thing that doe mee any good this is in short of what I Can say being heire in the heart of what I Can speeake too. I am verey Willing to Come and ateste to all above wrighteen and if the Lord give mee streanke but at present I am not abell to come Jurat in Curia


(On reverse side of paper) Elisabeth Symons ag't Sarah Wiles to be Sumoned Abraham Reddington Sen. Joseph Bixbey Jun'r ( Essex Institute MSS Collection )

(John Gould and Zacheus Perkins v. Sarah Wilds)

The Depotion of John Gould aged about 56 yeares or theire about Testifeth and saith that some time sence whether it be fivfteen or sixteene yeares agoe I am not sarting but I take it to be theire abouts sister Mary Redington tould mee as she was Coming from Salam With her Brother Redington that GoodWife Wilds did strive two or three times to pul her doune of her horse one time she did strive to pul her doune in a brooke but she did set her selfe with all her strenke she Could and did git out of the brook and soone after she was got out of the brooke she said that GoodWife Wilds did pul her doune bakwords of her horse and held her doune so as she Could not helpe her selfe tell her Brother Redington and Sarg't Edmon Townes did Come and helper, and my sister did desier mee to Come and Wright what she Could say how GoodWife Wilds did a flicte her for she would Leafe it in Wrighting so as it might be seene when she was dead and I did goe doune to wright it once or twice but when I was redy to wright it sister was taken so as she Could not declare any thing, also sister Mary tould mee that When Johanthan Wilds was ele at her house in astraing maner so as he Could goe out at the Chimey tops into the barne hed git her henes and put them in to his brich[es] and kiled them, sister Mary did aske GoodWife Wilds to take som of the dead henes and Let her have som Liveing henes and she did but sister said thay went moping about tell thay died and so shall I said sister Redington and the Last words I herd sister Redington say was that it was GoodWife Wilds that brought her into that Condition she did stand to it tell her death forder I doe testifie #[th] that as I was afeching two or three Load of hay for Zacheus perkins, the s'd perkins tould mee that I must Lay the hay fast or eles his ant Wilds would not Let mee Cary it for she was angrey with him and as I went with one Load it did slipe doune in plaine way and I Lay it up againe and then I Came almost at home with it it fell doune againe and I Went

-815and feched him another Load and when I Came wheare the first Load sliped the seckond did slipe doune then I got some of our frinds to helpe me Up with it and wee bound it with two Cart ropes but it did slipe Up and doune so as I did never see hay doe soe in my Life and when I Came wheare I Left the first Load the hay went all of the Cart apon the ground and did bring the Cart over and it was rising ground I did thinke that it was don by WichCraft. Jurat in Curia Zacheus Perkins made Oath to the latter part of this Evidence relating to the Hay Jurat in Curia (On reverse side of paper) Zacheus Perkins. ( Essex Institute MSS. Collection )

(Humphrey Clark v. Sarah Wilds)

the deposition of humpry Clark aged about 21 yere saith that about a yere agoo I was asleep and about midnight the bed Shook & I awaked and saw a woman stand by the bed side which when I well Looked semed to me to be goodwif wills which jumpid to the tother corner of the house & then I saw hir no more.

Jurat in Curia (On reverse side of paper) Humphey Clerk. ( Essex Institute MSS. Collection )

(Thomas Dorman v. Sarah Wilds)

the deposition of Thomas Dorman aged 53 yers saith goody wils was arnest with me to by one hive of beese and sins goodwife wils had thes beese I lost many Creturs and she Came to my hous one day

-816and said She how doth your geese thrive and she went to the pen whare thay were fatting, and thay were very fat and we we cept them a grat while longer feding them with Corne and thay pind away so as thay were good for litle and I lost six brave Cattle Six yere agoe which was frozen to death in the midell of Jenewary; now sum time this summer my wif went to Salem vilidg and my wife tould me that an putman the aflicted parsun tould hur that good wif wils had whoried away my Cattell and I wondred an putman should know I lost my Cattle so long agoe Jurat in Curia (On reverse side of paper) Thomas Dorman. ( Essex Institute MSS. Collection )

(John Andrew and Joseph Andrew v. Sarah Wilds)

The deposistion of John Andrew aged about 37 years and Joseph Andrew agged about 33 years: both of Boxford who testifieth and saith that in the year 1674: we were a mowing to gether and one of us broak our sith and not haveing oppertunity jest then to mend that nor by another wee went to the house of John willes sen'r of Topsfeild to borow a sith: but when we came there there was no man att whom: but the said willes wife who is now Charged witch acts of wicthcraf: was with in: and we asked hir to lend us a sith but she said had noe siths to lend: but one of hir neighbors being also there said to us there is John willes jun'rs sith hanging in that tree which stood by the house you may take that and spake with him as you goe to your work for he is at worke neare the way as you goe along: and accordingly we took down the sith out of the tree and tould the old woman that we would ask leave of John willes jun'r for his sith before we used it but she was very angry and said it was a brave world that every one did what they would. however we went away with the sith: but we had not been gon very fare from the house but a litle lad came affter us whose name was Efraime willes: and tould us that his mother said we had best bring the sith back againe: or Elce it should be a

dear sith to us: however. we went on our way with the sith and asked the Right owner of it leave for it before we

-817used it and went to our work and cutt down as much grass that day as made about three load of hay: and Returned the sith to the owner: and after wards made up our hay: and afterwards went to carting of our hay and went into the meadow and loaded up one load very well and caried it whom: and went againe into the meadow and loaded a second load and [bound] it and went to Drive it whom: but when we came to drive our oxen wee could not make them stire the load tho we had six good oxen and the Two foremost oxen ware on the upland and the meadow very firme where we carted constantly: but we strived awhile to make our oxen goe but could not fit them along; att last one of our wheales fell in up to the stock altho the meadow was feirme: then we threw allmost all the hay ofe our cart and thought to trie to git out the cart with sum hay upon it but we could not then we said one to another it was in vain to s[t] rive for we thought gooddy willes was in the cart and then we threw of all the hay and then we tried to make our oxen draw out the emty cart which at first they could not doe: but att last the whele jumpt up at once we knew not how almost redy to thro down our oxen on their knees then againe we loaded up our load of hay very well and bound it: and away wee went with it very well tell we came near to a very dangeros hill to goe down with a load of hay: and then I the said Joseph Andrew was by the foremost oxen and[d] saw sumthing about as bigge as a dogge glance from a stump or root of a tree along by me and the oxen #[and the oxen] began to jump: but I could not stire from the place for I know not how long: and I the said John Andrew being by the hindmost oxen saw nothing but the oxen begining to jump I cast hold of one of the oxen boxes & was caried down violently that dangerouse hill I know not how: where was a brooke at the bottom of it with a bridge and a ford: and the oxen ran into the ford and over thrue the load of hay their: and when I came to To understand where I was and saw the oxen ware all well I bega[n] to bethinke my self of my Brother Joseph: and Immediatly called him but he gave no answer. and I began to be trobled for him and went backward to wards the place where the oxen were affrighted and I called severall times but he gave me no answer at last I calle[d] and said the load is overthron then Immediatly he answered me and came unto me: but how the load should keep upon the wheles runing so violently down that dangerous hill: & being over throne whare it was we can give no account unless it was don by summ diabolicall

-818art: then againe we gott up our cart and loaded up our hay very firme resolving to gitt hom our load if we could tho it was night and wh[en] we had loaded we went to bind our load: but by all the Skill [and] strength we had we could now wayes bind our load with our Cart rope but it would hang lose on our load: however we went away whom with our load and it laid very well for all it was night and [our] load unbound: also before we got whom many of our friends and neighbors meet us being consarned for us because we ware so latte & they also saw our cart Rope hang lose and tould us of it. and wee tould them what mishap we had that day: and they also tried to fasten the Rope but could not: all which made us then to think and ever sence have thought: and still doe thinke that Gooddy willes who now stands Charged with High suspition of severall acts of wicthcraft had a hand in our Mishap at that time. Jno Andrew: and Joseph Andrew. declared: the evidence written on these two sides to: be the truth on: their oathes: declared: before the Jury of inquest: June 30. 92.

Jurat in Curia by both sons. (On reverse side of paper) Jno & Joseph Andrew agg't Wilds. hay. bewitchd ( Essex Institute MSS. Collection )


John Willard Executed August 19, 1692 (See also John Proctor -- Physical Examination; Roger Toothaker -- Mittimus.)

(Warrant for Arrest of John Willard)

To: To the Constable of Salem You are in theyr Majestyes Names Required to Apprehend & Bring before us the Body of John. Willard of Salem Village husbandman to morrow being the eleventh day of this Instant May by one of the Clock afternoone att the house of Thomas. Beadle in Salem, whoe Stand accused of high Suspition of Severall Acts of Witchcraft done or Comitted upon the Bodyes of Sundry persons in Salem Village to theyr great hurt & injury & hereof you are nott to fayle. dated Salem May. 10'th 1692 *John Hathorne [unclear: ] Assis'ts *Jonathan. Corwin (Reverse) In prosecution of this warrant I went to the house of the usuall abode of John Willards and made search for him, and in Severall other houses and places butt could not find him, and his relations and freinds then gave me accompt that to theire best knowledg he was fleed Salem May 12'th 1692. *John Putnam. Jun Constable in Salem John Willard, Warrant

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 91 )


(Warrant for Arrest of John Willard)

To: To the Marshall of the County of Essex or to the Constables in Salem or any other Marshal or Marshalls Constable or Constables within this theire Majest's Colony or Terretory of the Massachusetts in New England -You are in theire Majest's names hereby required to Apprehend John Willar d of Salem Village husbandman, if he may be found in your precints who stands charged with sundry acts of Witchcraft by him donne or Committed on the Bodys of Bray Wilkins and Daniell Wilkins the son of Henery Wilkins both of Salem Village and others -- according to Complaint made before us by Thomas fuller Jun'r and Benj'n Wilkins sen'r both of Salem Village afores'd yeomen; who being found you are to Convey from Town to Towne from Constable to Constable, untill he be Brought before us or such as may be in Authority here in Salem, and hereof you are not to faile Dated Salem May the 15'th 1692 p us *John Hathorne [unclear: ] Assist's *Jonathan. Corwin To be prosecuted according to the [unclear: ] direction of Constable John putnam of Salem Village who goes with the same. (Reverse) I have apprehended John Wilard of Salam Veleg according to the tener of this Warant and brought him before your Worships Dated 18 May 1692 by me *John putnam Constable of Salem Goody wheat mrs Hall of [Groton] ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 94 )

(George Herrick and Others v. John Willard and Sarah Buckley)

To: To the Hon'ble John Hathorne and Jonathan Corwin Esq'rs att Boston Humbly Thees Dated Salem Village

May 17'th 1692

-821This day Goeing to Salem village by yo'r order I found all the five persons brought their which wee was in persute of we had no sooner secured them in the watch house but Counstable John Puttnam came i n with John Willard haveing seized him att Nashaway hee beeing att worke w'th a howe, he No sooner arrived butt the afflicted persons made such an out crye that I was forced to pinion him I have an accompt from thees whoos names are under written that on the 14'th day of Instant may Daniell Willkins about tenn of the clock in the morning was taken speechless and never spoak untell the 16'th day in the intervale of time wee often Endeavoured to make him take something in A spoon but what hee took in which was but little hee spitt it out in our faces w'th that wee sent to the french Doctor but hee sent word againe that it was not a naturall Cause but absolutly witchcraft to his Judgment that same day two of the afflicted persons came up to vissett to Daniell Willkins The last night beeing the 16'th day Marcy Lewis and Mary Wallkott beeing their both did see the s'd John Willard and Goodwife Buckly upon the s'd Daniell Willkins and said that they would Kill him and in three hours after the s'd Daniell Departed this life in a Most dolful and solome Condition Therefore wee humbley begg of Yo'r Honnors to Dispach A Returne for an Examination to prevent any farther murther in the afflicted creatours who Continue in a lemetable Condition and so wee Remaine yo'r Hon'rs most humble servants *G Herrick This breeiffe accompt was taken from Benj Willkins by the consent of wee whoos names are under written and sent by me Ezekiell Cheever * Geo. Herrick Marshall * Joseph Neale Cos'tt * John Putnam Cos'tt * Jonathan putnam Constable * Nathaniel Putnam * John putnam sen * Jonathan Walcott * Thomas Flint * Edward Putnam * John Buxton * Thomas Putnam Mr. pariss is gon to Salem

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts [1939 acquisition] )


(Return of a Jury of Inquest on the Death of Daniel Wilkins)

We whose names are underwritten being warned by Constable John Putnam of Salem this 17 of may 1692 to view the body of daniell wilknes of Salem village deceased and we find several brussed places upon the back of the said corps and the skin broken and many places of the gratest part of his back seemed to be prickt with an instrument about the bigness of a small awl and own side of his neck and ear seemed to be much bruised to his Throat and turning the corps the blood Run out of his nose or mouth or both and his body not swel'd neither did he purge elce where: and to the best of our judgments we cannot but #[think] apprehend but that he dyed an unnatural death by sume cruell hands of witchcraft or diabolicall act as is evident to us both by what we have seen and heard consarning his death. Salem Village this 17'th of May 1692 * Nathanell Putnam * Thomas Fuller Sen. * Jonathan Walcott Sen. * Nathanail Ingersoll * Thomas Flint * William Way * Thomas Fuller * Joseph harrick * Thomas Haynes * Edward Putnam * Daniell Rea * John Putnam Jun. All the abovenamed twelfe men the Jury of Inquest made oath to the truth of there aboves'd Returne Salem

May the 18'th 1692 Before us * John Hathorne * Jonathan Corwin per ord'r of the Governor & Councill ( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts [ 1939 acquisition ])


(Examination of John Willard)

The Examination of John Willard. 18 May 1692 All the afflicted in most miserable fits when he came in, except John Indian When the Warrant was read, he lookt upon severall & they fell into fits. Here is a returne of the warrant that you were fled from Authority That is acknowledgment of guilt, but yet notwithstanding this we require you to confesse the truth in this matter. I shall, as I hope, I shall be assisted by the Lord of Heaven, & for my #[flying away I] going away I was affrighted & I thought by my withdrawing it might be better, I fear not but the Lord in his due time will make me as white as snow. What do you say? Why do you hurt them, it is you or your appearance? I know nothing of appearance. Was this the man? Severall said yes. They charge you, it is you or your appearance. I know nothing of appearance, & the God of Heaven will clear me -Well they charge you not only with this but with dreadfull murthers, & I doubt not if you be guilty, God will not suffer evidences to be wanting.

Eliz: Hubbard testifyed against him & he lookt upon her, & she fell into a fit. Mercy Lewis testimony read. If you desire mercy from God, then confesse & give glory to God. S'r as for sins I am guilty of if the Minister askt me I am ready to confess. If you have thus revolted from God you are a dreadfull sinner Mary Warren cryed out, oh! he bites me Ann Putnam cryed out much of him Open your mouth, don't bite your lips I will stand with my mouth open, or I will keep it shut, I will stand any how, if you will tell me how An: Putnams testimony read.

-824Do you hear this evidence read? Yes I do hear it Sus: Sheldons testimony read. What do you say to this murdering and bewitching your relations? One would think (said he) that no creature except they belong to [torn] their Cradle would be guilty of such things. You say you would bewitch your Grand-father because you, or your appearance saith he prays that the Kingdom of Satan may be thrown down. He offered large talk We do not send for you to preach Benja. Wilkins gave in evidence of his unnatural usage to his wife. You had much need to boast of your affections There are a great many lyes told, I would desire my wife might be called Peter Prescot testifyed that he with his own mouth told him of his beating of his wife

He urged Aaron Wey to speak Aaron Wey thereupon said if I must speak, I will, I can say you have been very cruell to poor creatures. Let some person go to him Ann Putman said she would go. He said let not that person but another come John Indian #[said] cryed out he cuts me Susan: Sheldon said there is the black man whispering in his ear, & he should not confesse What do you say to this Sr. I heard nothing nor see any thing. Susan: Sheldon tryed to come to him but fell down immediately. What is the reason she cannot come near you? They cannot come near any that are accus'd. Why do you say so, they could come near Nehemiah Abbot, the children could talk with him Mary Warren in a great fit carryed to him, & he clapping his hand upon her arm, she was well presently. They all or most of the afflicted testifyed that the dead those that he had murdered were now about him.

-825Do you think these are bewitcht. Yes, I really believe it. Well, others they have accused it is found true that they are the guilty persons, why should it be false in you? Susan: Sheldon & Mary Warren testified that now his appearance comes from his body & afflicts them. How do you think of this, how comes it to pass? It is not from me, I know nothing of it. If you can find in your heart to confess it is possible you may [torn] & therefore bethink your [torn]

Sr I cannot confess that [torn] of I do not know Well but if these things are true Heaven and Earth will rise up against you. I am as innocent as the child that is now to be borne. Can you pray the Lords prayer? Yes Let us hear you. He stumbled at the thresh hold & said Maker of heaven & earth He began again & mist It is a strange thing, I can say it at another time. I think I am bewitcht as well as they, & laught Again he mist Again he mist & cryed well this is a strange thing I cannot say it Again he tryed & mist Well it is these wicked ones that do so overcome me Joshua Rea gave in testimony that last night he said he hoped he should confesse, but had a hard heart, but he hoped he should confesse. Well say what you will confesse I am as innocent as the child unborne. Do you not see God will not suffer you to pray to him? Are you not sensible of it? Why it is a strange thing? No it is no strange thing that God will not suffer a wizard to pray to him. There is also the jury of Inquest that will bear hard against you -- therefore confesse. Have you never wisht harm to your neighbors? No never #[in my life] since I had a being.

-826Well confesse & give glory to God, take counsell whilst it is offered I desire to take good counsell, but if it was the last time I was to speak, I am innocent

(On Reverse) John Willards Examination Exam[ination] ag't Willard ( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts [ 1939 acquisition ])

(Examination of John Willard -- Second Version)

The Examination of John Willard 18. May 1692 The afflicted in most miserable fits upon his this examinants drawing near After several of them were recovered, he lookt upon them, & they again fell into fits, whilst the warrant & returne was reading. Here is a returne of the warrant that you were fled from Authority that is an acknowledgment of guilt, but yet notwithstanding we require you to confess the truth in this matter. I shall, as I hope, I shall be assisted by the Lord of Heaven, & for my going away I was affrighted, & I thought by my withdrawing it might be better, I fear not but the Lord in his due time will make me as white as snow. What do you say? Why do you hurt these? it is you, or your appearance. I know nothing of appearance. Is this the man? Several of the afflicted said yes. They charge you, it is you or your appearance. I know nothing of appearance, & the God of Heaven will clear me. They charge you, not only with this, but with dreadfull murders, & I doubt not if you be guilty, God will not want evidence. Eliz: Hubbard testifyed that he afflicted her, & then he lookt upon her & she fell into a fit. Mercy Lewis testimony read. If you desire mercy from God, then you must confesse & give Glory to God.

-827Sr. as to sins I am guilty of, if the minister asks me I am ready to confesse If you have revolted from God you are a dreadful sinner. Mary Warren cryed out, oh he bites me Ann Putnam cryed out much of him Open your mouth, don't bite your lips. I will stand with my mouth open, or I will keep it shut: I will stand any how, if you will tell me how. Ann Putnams evidence read Do you hear this evidence read? Yes I do hear it. Susan: Sheldons testimony read What do you say to this murdering & bewitching your relations? One would think (said he) that no creature except they belong to hell from their cradle would be guilty of such things. You say, you will bewitch your Grandfather because he prays that the Kingdom of Sathan may be thrown down The examinant began a large oration We do not send for you to Preach. Ben: Wilkins testifyed for all his natural affections he abused his wife much & broke sticks about her in beating of her You had need to boast of your good affections There are a great many lyes told, I could desire my wife might be called Peter Prescot testifyed that he with his own mouth told him of beating his wife. It seems very much one of your confidence & ability to spek, should be no more #[in] courageous than to run away: by your running away you tell all that #[world] you are afraid The examinant called upon Aaron Wey & urged him #[before] to speak if he knew anything against him Aaron Wey if I must speak I will, I can say you have been very cruel to poor creatures Let some persons goe to him

Ann Putnam said she would go. He said let not that person but another come. John Indian cryed out Oh! he cuts me. Susan: Sheldon said there is the black man whispering in his ear, & he should not confess

-828What do you say to this? S'r, I heard nothing, nor see nothing. Susan: Sheldon tryed to come near him but fell down immediately, & he took hold of her hand with a great deal of do, but she continued in her fit crying out, O John Willard, John Willard & #[the ex] What was the reason you could not come near him? The black man stood between us. They cannot come near any that are accused. Why do you say they could not come near any that were accused: You know Nehemiah Abbet They could talk with him. Mary Warren in a great fit carried to him & he clasping his hand upon her arm was well presently. Why said he was it not before so with Susannah Sheldon? Because said she the standers by you did not clasp your hand before. The like said the Constable and others. They all or most testifyed that the dead those that he had murdered were now about him. Do you think these are Bewitcht? Yes, I verily believe it. Well, these they have accused it is found true on & why should it be false in you? Sus. Sheldon & Mary Warren testify that now h[torn] appearance come from his body & afflicts them. What do you think of this? How comes this to pass?

It is not from me. I know nothing of it You have taxt your self wonderfully, it may be you do not think of it. How so? You cryed up your tender affections and here round about they testify your cruelty to man & beast, & by your flight you have given great advantage to the Law, things will bear hard upon you, if you can therefore find in your heart to repent it is possible you may obtain mercy & therefore bethink yourself S'r I cannot confess that I do not know Well but if these things are true Heaven & Earth will rise up against you I am as innocent as the child that is now to be born. Can you pray the Lords prayer?

-829Yes Well let us hear you. 1. He stumbled at the threshold (that is the beginning) & said Maker of Heaven & Earth. 2. He began #[against] again & mist. It is a strange thing, I can say it at another time. I think I am bewitcht as well as they & laught 3. Again he began & said trespass against & mist us. 4. He began again, & cryed being pushed Well this is a strange thing I cannot say it. He begun again & could not say it Well it is these wicked ones that do so overcome me Jos: Rea Sen'r gave in testimony that last night he said he hoped he should confess tho he had a hard heart, but, but he hoped he should confess. Well say w't you will confess. I am as innocent as the child unborn. Do not you see God will not suffer you to pray to him, are not you sensible of it? Why it is a strange thing.

No it is no strange that God will not suffer a wizard to pray to him. There is also the jury of inquest for murder that will bear hard against you. Therefore confess. Have you never wisht harm to your Neighbours? Never since I had a being. Well confess & give glory to God. Take consell. I desire to hearken to all good counsell. If it was the last time I was to speak I am innocent. This is a true account of the Examination of John Willard without wrong to any party according to my original from Characters at the moments thereof Witness my hand *Sam: Parris On Reverse: John Willard's Examination ( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts [ 1939 acquisition ])


(Indictment v. John Willard, No. 1)

Anno Regni Regis et Reginae & et Mariae nunc Angliae &c Quarto: Essex ss The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King & Queen pr'sent That John Willard of Salem Village in the County of Essex husb. -- the Eighteenth Day of May -- in the fourth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William & Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France & Ireland King & Queen Defenders of the faith &c and Divers other Dayes & times as well before as after, certaine detestable arts called Witchcrafts & Sorceries wickedly & feloniously hath used Practised & Exercised at & within the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd in. upon. and ag't one Mercy Lewis of Salem Village afores'd in the County afores'd singlewoman by which said wicked arts the s'd Mercy Lewis -- the s'd Eighteenth Day of May -- in the fourth Year aboves'd and divers other Dayes & times as well before as after was & is hurt. tortured afflicted consumed Pined wasted & tormented. ag't the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen. and ag't the forme of the Statute in that case made & Provided Wittnesses Mercy Lewis

Abigail Williams Mary Walcott Susanna Sheldon Ann puttnam sen'r Ann puttnam Jun'r Elizabeth Hubbard [Willim] -- omitted (Reverse) No. 1. bill a vera *John Rucke foreman in the name of the Rest (Reverse) Jno Willard ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 92 )


(Indictment v. John Willard, No. 2)

Anno Regni Regis et Reginae Wellim et [] nunc Angliae &c Quarto Essex ss. The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King [] pr'sents That John [Willage] of Salem Village in the County of Essex husb: the Eighteenth day of May in the fourth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady, William and Mary by the Grace of God of England, Scottland France and Ireland King & Queen Defenders of the faith &c and Divers other Dayes & times as well before as after, Certaine detestable Arts called, Witchcrafts & Sorceries. Wickedly and felloniously hath used and Exercised at and within the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd in upon and against one Ann puttnam Jun'r of Salem Village afores'd in the County afores'd singlewoman by which said wicked arts the said Ann puttnam Jun'r the s'd Eighteenth Day of May in the fourth year aboves'd and Divers other dayes & times as well before as after was and is hurt tortured afflicted, pined Consumed Wasted & Tormented against the Peace of our said Sovereigne Lord & Lady #[the King and Lady] the King & Queen, and ag't the forme of the Statute in that case made and Provided. Witnesses Ann puttnam Jun'r Abigaile Williams

Mary Walcott. Susanna Sheldon Mercy Lewis Ann puttnam sen'r Elizabeth Hubbard (Reverse) No. 2 billa Vera *John Rucke foreman in the name of the Rest (Reverse) Jno Willard ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 92 )


(Indictment v. John Willard, No. 3)

Anno Regni Regis et Reginae Willim et Mariae nunc Angliae &c Quarto: Essex ss The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen pr'sent that John Willard of Salem Village in the County of Essex husb: the Eighteenth Day of May in the fourth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady William & Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France and Ireland King & Queen Defenders of the faith &c and Divers other Dayes & times as well before as after certaine detestable arts called Witchcrafts, and Sorceries wickedly and felloniously, hath used practised at & within the Towne Ship of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd in & upon and against one Susanna Sheldon Sheldon of Salem Village afores'd in the County afores'd singlewoman, by which said wicked arts the said Susanna Sheldon the s'd Eighteenth Day of May in the fourth year aboves'd and Divers other Dayes & times as well before as after, was and is hurt tortured afflicted pined consumed Wasted & tormented ag't the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady King & Queen and ag't the forme of the Statute in that case made and Provided Witnesses Susanna Sheldon Abigail Williams Mary Walcott

Ann puttnam sen'r Ann puttnam Jun'r Mercy Lewis Elizabeth Hubbard (Reverse) No 3: Ignoramus Jno Willard ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 92 )


(Indictment v. John Willard, No. 4)

Anno Regni Regis et Reginae Willim et Mariae nunc Angliae et Quarto: Essex ss The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen pr'sent: That John Willard of Salem Village in the County of Essex husb: -- the Eighteenth Day of May in the fourth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady William & Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France and Ireland King & Queen Defender of the faith &c and Divers other Dayes & times as well before as after certaine detestable arts called Witchcrafts & Sorceries wicked and felloniously hath used practised & Exercised at and within the Towneship of Salem, in the County of Essex afores'd singlewomen by which said wicked arts. the said Abigail Williams the s'd Eighteenth Day of May in the fourth Year aboves'd and Divers other Dayes & times. as well before as after, was and is hurt tortured. Afflicted Pined Consumed, wasted and Tormented ag't the Peace of our said Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen and ag't the forme of the Statute in that Case made and Provided. Wittnesses. Abigail Williams Mary Walcott Susanna Sheldon Ann puttnam Jun'r Mercy Lewis

Ann puttnam sen'r Elizabeth Hubbard (Reverse) No. 4. bill Avera *John Rucke foreman in the name of the the Rest (Reverse) Jno Willard Note: Indictments No. 5 and 6 are missing. ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 93 )


(Indictment v. John Willard, No. 7)

Anno Regni Regis et Reginae [Willm] et Mariae nunc. Angliae &c Quarto Essex ss The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen pr'sent That John Willard of Salem Village in the County of Essex husb -- the Eighteenth Day of May in the fourth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady William & Mary by the Grace of God of England. Scottland France & Ireland King & Queen Defend'rs of the faith &c and Divers other Dayes & times as well before as after certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcraft and Sorceries wickedly & felloniously hath used Practised & Exercised at & within the Towneship of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd in upon, and ag't one Elizabeth Hubbard of Salem Village afores'd in the County afores'd singlewoman by which said wicked arts the said Elizabeth Hubbard the said Eighteenth Day of May in the fourth year aboves'd and divers other Dayes & times as well before as after. was & is hurt: tortured: Afflicted consumed Pined. wasted & tormented ag't the Peace of our Said Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen and ag't the forme of the Statute in that Case made & Provided Wittnesses Elizabeth Hubbard Mary Walcott. Abigail Williams Susanna Sheldon. Ann puttnam sen'r

Ann puttnam Jun'r Mercy Lewis. (Reverse) No 7. bill Avera *John Rucke foreman in the name of the Rest (Reverse) Jno Willard ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 93 )


(Summons for Witnesses v. John Willard)

William & Mary by the Grace of God of England &c King &c. To Abigall Williams Mary Walcott Susanna Shelden Nathaniel Putnam Ann Putnam Mercy Lewis. Greeting: Wee comand you all Excuses laid aside to be & personaly appear before Our Justices of Court of Oyer & Terminer Held at Salem for the County of Essex on Thursday the second of this Instant June at Nine of the Clock in Morning there to Testifie the Truth of your knowledge upon certain Endictments to be Exhibited at our said Court ag't John Willard of Salem Villiage hereof you are not to fail 1'st June 1692. & in the fourth year of Our Reigne: *Stephen Sewall, Cle. & Benj: Wilkins. To the Constable of Salem Subpoena ag't Willard (Reverse) I have warned the parsons within Named P me *Jonathan putnam Constable in Salem Wittnesses ag't Jno Willard ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 94 )

(Summons for Witnesses v. John Willard and Martha Carrier)

William & Mary By the Grace of god of England Scotland france & Ireland King defenders of the faith &c

To John Rogers Allen Toothaker Ralph farnum Jun'r John farnum Son of Ralph farnu Sen'r Benjamin Abbott & his wife Andrew foster. Mark Graves & his wife and Daughter Sarah Whight Phebe Chandler daughter of Will Chandler. Greeting Wee Co and you & Every of you to appear at the pr'sent Court of Oyer & Terminer holden Att Salem w'th out delay There to Testifie the truth of the Best of yo'r knowledge on Certain Indictments Then

-836& There to be #[indicted] Exhibited Against John Willard & Martha Carrier Hereof Make return fail not: Dated in Salem June 28'th 1692 And in the 4'th year of #[the reigne] our Reign Stephen Sewall Cleri To the Constables of Andov'r & Bilrica This is a Trew Coppey Compared w'th Vera Coppia Comporata &c. This is a trew Coppy Compared with the Origeonall &c. June 29'th 1692 ( Massachusetts Historical Society )

(List of Evidence v. John Willard.)

Evidences ag't John Willard. Exaiion vide. abigail Williams. Mary Walcott Susanna Shelden Nath'll putnam &c upon murder Ann puttnam

Coron'rs Enquest Mercy Lewis Ann puttnam sen'r Sarah Churchill [unclear: ] that Willard diswaded from confession -Margaret Jacobs (On reverse side of paper) Evidences ag't John Willard ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 95 )


(Susannah Sheldon v. John Willard)

The 9'th of may 1692 this #[this] Is the first to bee Read the testimony of Susanah Shelton Aged 18'ten yers or there About testifieth And saith the day of the date hereof I sawe at natt Ingersons house the Apparitions of thes 4 persons William Shaws first wife the widdow Cooke gooman Jons And his Child And Among these Came the Apparition of John Willard to whome these 4 said you have murdered us these 4 haveing said thus to willard thay turned As Red As blood And turning About to look on mee they turned As pale as deth these 4 desiered mee to tell Mr. hathorn willard hering them pulled out a knife saying If I did hee would Cut my throate the second to be Read The sam day ther Apeared to mee eleasabath Coolson and shee took a book and would have mee to set my hand to it and I would not and then shee Profered mee a blak Peas of monny and seaid I might touch that and I shall be well -- may the 10 on tusday ther a Peared to mee the sam appearations and another with them In the liknes of a man and they seaid I should Gooe and tell mr hathorn of it then the seaid willard seaid he would break my head and stop my leegs that I should not gooe there did Appeared to Mee a shineing Man whoe tolde I should goe And tell w't I had heard And seen to Mr hathorn this willard being there present tould Mee If I did hee would Cutt my throate At this same time and place this shining man told Mee that If I did goe to tell this to Mr Hathorn that I should bee well goeing And Coming but I should bee Afflicted there then said I to the shining man hunt willard Away And I would beleve what he said that he might not chock mee with that the shining man held up his hand And willard vanished Away about two hours after the sam aPeared to mee againe and the seaid willard with them and I asked them wher ther wonds were and they seaid ther would Com a angell from heaven and would showe them and forth with the angell come I asked what the mans name was that A Peared to mee last and the angell tould his name was Southerek and the angell lifted up his winding sheet and out of his left sid hee Poolled out a Pitchfork tiang and Pot it in again and lik wise hee opened all ther winding Sheets and Showed all ther wound and the whit man tould mee to

-838tell Mr Hathoren of It and I tould him to hunt willard away and I would and he held up his hand and he vanished away ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 97 )

(Susannah Sheldon v. John Willard and Elizabeth Colson)

The second to be Read the Evening of the same day Came to mee the Appariton of these three John Willard Elizabeth Colson And one old man which I knew not whom tempted her with their Boocks and money And Afflicted her sorely All the fore parte of the night I saw this willard suckle the Apparition of two black piggs on his breasts And this Colson suckled As it Appeared A yellow bird this old man Which I knew not Suckled A black snake then willard tempted mee Again with his Boocke I said to Willard how long have you binn A wizard hee told mee twenty years and forth with they kneelled to Prayer to the Black man with a loung Crouned hat which then was with them and then they vanished away -may the-11-being on wensday -- 1692 as I was Coming to the bound by the brige I saw the seaid willard and the olld man coming overe the waters they landed by Gorge hakers In a dish and at the Preasant writige thes three apeared with a booke tempting mee after the sam maner Susanah Shelton. did this 3. dy of June onid this har testimony before us the Jurrors of Inquest to be the truth ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 98 )

(Susanna Sheldon v. John Willard, Elizabeth Colson, George Jacobs, Jr., Rebecca Jacobs, John Proctor, and Elizabeth Proctor)
May 17'th In the yeare 92 the com plainte of Sewzanah Shellten Saith that Elizabeth Colson Remaynes in Afflicting of the said Shellten night & day. And also mrs white also John willard Remaines in


Afflicting of hur both day and night also mr Inglish and his wife Remaines afflicting of hure both night and day George Jacobs and his wife afflicting of hur the last lords day and tempting the said Shellten to sete her hand to the booke thay both appearing yesterday againe And would. have hur sete hur hand to the booke the said Shelton said she would not then she said she would stabb hur then sudenly she Reseaved a sore wound on hur lifte side then: Ellizabeth Colson stabbing of hur one the back Right against the other woundes soe that she spente blood then goody prockter Appearing to her and Afflicting of hur and tempting hur to sete hur hand to the booke And last night goody procker Appearing againe and would have hur sete hur hand to the booke and tould hur that She hade sete hur hand to the booke a great while agoae. also s'd Shelden has severall times seen Jno procter and his wife afflict Mary Warin: -- senc they. s'd procker: & his wife were in prison (On reverse side of paper) Susannah Shelden ag't Jno Willard Eliz Coleson Geo. Jacob & wife and Eliz. procter ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 96 )

(Ann Putnam, Sr. v. John Willard, William Hobbs, and Martha Corey)
Hanah Putnam aged 30 years Saith that the shape of Sam'll Fuller & Lidia Wilkins this day told me at my Owne house by the bed side. who appeared in winding sheets that if I did not Goe & tell mr Hathorne that John Willard had Murdered them. they would tare Me to peices I knew them when they were living & it was Exactly thier resemblance & Shape & at the same time the appa icon of John Willard told me that he had killd Sam'll Fuller Lidia Wilkins Goody Shaw & Fullers second wife & Aron Ways Child & Ben: fullers Child & this deponents Child. Sarah 6 weeks old & Phillips Knights Child w'th the help of Wm Hobbs. & Jonathan Knights Child & 2 of Ezek: Cheevers Children with the help of Wm Hobbs. Anna Elliott & Isack Nicholls w'th help of Wm Hobbs:

-840& that if mr Hathorne would not beleive them (ie) Sam. Fuller & Lida Wilkins haps they would appear to the majistrates Joseph Fullers apparicon the Same day also came to me & told me that Goody Corey had Killd him the Spector afors'd told me that vengeance vengeance was Cried by s'd fuller This Relacon is true marke Ann Putnam

Sworne in Court June 2'd 1692 (On reverse side of paper) Ann Putnams Relacon Sworne ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 96 )

(Samuel Parris, Nathaniel Ingersoll, and Thomas Putnam v. John Willard)

The deposition of Samuel Parris aged about. 39. years, & Nathanell Ingersoll aged about fifty & eight yeares & also Thomas Putnam aged about fourty yeares all of Salem. testifyeth & saith that Eliz: Hubbard, Mary Warren & Ann Putnam & John Indian were exceedingly tortured at the examination of John Willard of Salem Husbandman, before the honoured Magistrates the. 18. May. 1692 . & also that upon his looking upon Eliz: Hubbard she was knockt down, & also that some of the afflicted & particularly Susannah Sheldon then & there testifyed that they saw a black man whispering him in the ear, & that said Sheldon could not come near to said Willard but was knockt down, & also that Mary Warren in a fit being carried to him the said Willard she said Warren was presently well upon his grasping her arm, & farther that severall of the afflicted also then testifyed, that divers of those he had murthered then rose up against him, & farther that he could by no means rightly repeat the Lords Prayer tho he made manifold assayes. mr samuel Parris and Nathaniel Ingerson and: thomas putnam did uppon the oath which they had taken did before us the Juris of Inqwest owne this their testimony: this 3. dy of June: 92.

-841Sworn in Court by Mr. Parris & Tho:Putnam (On reverse side of paper) The depo on of Mr Parris &c agst. John Willard ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 97 )

(Sarah Bibber v. John Willard)

june the. 3. 1692:

Sarah Vibber aged 36 years or thear a bouts testifie and saith the day befor Jno Welard was exammnend at the villeg I being in Left Ingorsols Chambor I saw the aperistion of john willard com to mary walcot & marcy luis & hurt them grivosly & almost choked Them Then I tould of it & emediatly the said wiliard fel upon me & tormented me grevesly & pinched me. & threw me down sarah vibber: ownid this har testimony before us the Jurriars for Inquest: this. 3. of June: 1692 Jurat in Curia. (Reverse) Sarah Vibber ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 99 )

(Elizabeth Hubbard v. John Willard)

The deposistion of Elizabeth Hubburd agged about 17 years who testifieth and saith that on the 11 may 1692 I saw the Apperishtion of John willard of Salem Village who did Immediatly torment me and urged me to writ in his book: but on the 18'th of may being the day of his examination John willard did most greviously tortor me dureing the time of his examination for if he did but look upon me he would immediatly strick me down or allmost Choak me: and also dureing the time of his examination I saw the Apperishtion of John willard goe from him and afflect the bodys of mary walcott mircy lewes Abigaill williams and Ann putnam Jun'r

-842elizabeth hubburt: did one this testimony aftar the Reding of it be fore us the Jurris for Inquest this. 3. dy of June: 92 (Reverse) Elizabeth Hubbard ag't John Willard ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 99 )

(Elizabeth Booth v. John Willard)

The Deposistion of Eliz: Booth agged about 18 years who testifieth and saith that severall times sence the later end of June 1692 I have ben most greviously afflected and tormented by John willard or his Apperans by pinching pricking and almost choaking me to death: also I have often seen John willard or his apperance most greviously tormenting and afflecting my Brother George Booth almost Redy to kill him:

Susannah Shelden also Testfieth that within this fortnight she hath seen John willard or his Apparancs most greviously torment and afflect George Booth allmost Redy to prese him to death. ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 100 )

(Lydia Nichols and Margaret Knight v. John Willard)

The deposition of Ledia Nicoles aged. 46 yeares and of Margaret knight. aged. 20. yeares who testefy and say. That the wife of John Willard being at her fathers house. when the say Willard lived at Groton. she made a lamentable complaynt. how cruelly her husband had beaten her: she thought her selfe that she should never recover of the blows he had given her: the next morninge he was got into a litle hole under the stayres and then she thought some things extra ordinary had befallen him then he ran out at the dore and ran up a steep hill. almost impossible for any man to run up: as she sayde then she tooke her mare and rid away/fearing some evil had been intended agaynst her and when she came to the house of Henery or Benjamin Willard she told how it was with her and the sayd Henery


Willard. or both went to looke after him and met him runninge in a strange #[strange] destracted [frame] (Reverse) Lidia Nichols ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 100 )

(Samuel Wilkins v. John Willard)

The Deposistion of Samuell Wilknes aged about 19 years who testifieth and saith that sence Jno: willard has ben in prizson I have been afflected in a strange kind of maner for about the later end of June or begining of July as I was a weaveing the yarn broak exceeding fast: and as. I was a tying a thread I had a stroak on my hand like a knife the blood being almost Redy to com out and I was also pinched several times by an unseen hand: also Riding to marblehead Just as I came to forrist River Bridge I was immediatly seazed with a violent wait on my back and I saw a black. hate: and was immediatly pulled ofe my horse or mare and almost pulled into the Rivere: but holding fast at last I gott up againe: awhile after as I was once in the woods and agoeing hom & a little boy with me. I thought I must run: and I said: to the boy let us Run: and as soon as I Ran there was a black hate Run a long by me: a while affter one morning about an hour by sun I was afflected and I saw John willard or his Apperance with a darke collored coot and a black hate very like that hate which I formerly saw: a litle while affter this one night as soon as I was a bed John willard whom I very well knew or his Appearance came in to the Room where I was a bed: and another man and woman along with him which I

did not know and they tould me they would cary me away before morning. Jurat in Curia (Reverse) Sam Wilkins ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 101 )


(Thomas Bailey v. John Willard)

The deposition of Thomas Baly aged 36 yeares who testefieth and sayth That I being at Groaton some short tyme after John Willard as the report went had beaten his wife I went to cal him home and comeinge home with him in the night I heard such a hideous noyse of strang creatures I was much affrighed for I never had heard the like noyse I fearinge they might be some evil spirits I enquired of the sayd Willard what might it be that made such a hideous noyse the sayd Willard sayd they ware Locust: the next days as I suppose the sayd Williards wife with a younge childe and her mother being upon my mare. ridinge. betweene Groaton Mil and Chensford they. being willing to goe on foote a litle desired me to ride: then I taking my mare being willing to let her feed a litle: there as I remember I aprehend I heard the same noyse agayne where at my mare started and got from me. Jurat in Curia. (Reverse) Tho. Bayley ag't Willard ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 101 )

(Elizabeth Bailey v. John Willard)

The Testimonie of Elizabth Bayly aged twenty seaven years or there a boutes testifyeth and saith that John Willard lookeing his oxen met w'th this deponant and told her that all the way from Francis Eliott s hous to his owne home hee veryly thought that the Divele Came before him or behind him all the way which dreadfully frighted him the s'd Deponant asked him why he thought so he answered hee could not tell and Emediately fell a singing

The marke of Elizabeth Bayley Jurat in Curia (Reverse) El Bayley ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 102 )


(Rebecca Wilkins v. John Willard)

The testomony of Rebeckah wilkins aged ninteen years Doe testifie that 29'th July at night shee se John wilard seting in the Corner and hee said that hee wold afflick me that night and forthwith hee did afflick me and the nax day I ded se him afflick me soer by Choaking & Polling me ear into Peases the nex day being the Lords day I being Going to meting I se John wilard and hee afflickted me very soer Jurat in Curia Rebeckah Wilkins (Reverse) Rebecka Wilkins vs. Willard ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 102 )

(Thomas Putnam and Edward Putnam v. John Willard)

The deposistion of Thomas putnam agged 40. years and Edward putnam agged 38 years who testifie and say that we haveing been conversant with severall of the afflected parsons as namly mary walcott mercy lewes Elizabeth Hubbert Abigail williams and ann putnam Jun'r and we have seen them most greviously tormented by pinching and pricking and being all most choaked to death most greviously complaining of John willard for hurting them: but on the 18'th day of may 1692: being the day of his examination the afforesaid afflected parsons weare most greviously tormented dureing the time of his examination for if he did but cast his eies upon them they ware strocken down or all most choak: also severall times sence we have seen the afforesaid afflected parsons most greviously tormented as if their bones would have been disjoyned greviously complaining of John willard for hurting them: and we veryly beleve that John willard the prizsoner at the barr has severall times tormented and afflected the afforesaid parsons with acts of wicthcraft

*Thomas putnam *Edward putnam. Jurat in Curia. (Reverse) Thomas & Edward Putnam their Evidence ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 103 )


(Henry Wilkins, Sr. v. John Willard)

Thwe Deposition of Henery Wilkins sen aged 41 yeares who testifieth and sayth that upon the third of may last John Willard came to my house: and very earnestly entreated me to go with him to Boston w'ch I at lenght consented to go with him. my Son Daniel comeinge and understanding I was goinge with him to Boston. and seemed to be much troubled that I would go with the sayd Willard: and he sayd he thought it were wel If the sayd Willard were hanged: w'ch made me admire for I never heard such an expression come from him to any one beeinge since he came to yeares of discretion but after I was gone in a few days he was taken sicke: and grew every day worse & worse where upon we made aplication to a phisitian who affirmed his sickness was by some preter natural cause & would make no application of any phisicke some tymes after this our neighbours comeing to visit my son Mercy Lewis came w'th them and affirmed that she saw the apperition of John Willard aflecting him: quickly after came An Putnam. and she saw the same apperition and then my eldest daughter was taken in a sad manner & the sayd An: saw the sayd Willard aflecting her. at Another tyme mercy lewes and mary walcut came to visit him and they. saw. the same apparition of Willard aflicting him. and this not but a litle tyme before his death. Sworne in Court. (Reverse) Henry Wilkins ag't Willard ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 104 )

(Benjamin Wilkins and Thomas Flint v. John Willard)

The Testimony of benjamin wilkins ged about [36 years] and Thomas Flint aged about: 46: years Testifieth [that] one the 16. day of may last: 1692: we being at the hous [of] henry wilkins where we saw his son danell wilkins [torn] [as] we judged at the point of death & marcy luis & mary [wolcot] being with us Tould us That john willord & goody buckly [were] upon his Throat & upone his brest and presed him & [choked] him & to our bes judgment he was

-847presed and choked [from the] time we saw him almost to death & the said benjamin wilkins continued with him til [torn] was about .3 howrs after & he altered not in the mannor [torn] Condisthtion only grew wors & wors till he died Jurat in Curia by Ben: Wilkins (Reverse) Ben Wilkins Tho: Flintt ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 105 )

(Bray Wilkins v. John Willard)

The Deposition of Bray Wilkins of Salem Village aged about eighty & one years with reference to John Willard of s'd Salem, lately charged with Witchcraft when he was at first complained of by the afflicted persons for afflicting of them he came to my house greatly troubled, desiring me with some other Neighbours to pray for him I told him I was then going from home, & could not stay, but if I could come home before night I should not be unwilling, but it was near night before I came home & so I did not answere his desire, but I heard no more of him upon that account. Whither my not answering his desire did not offend him, I cannot tell, but I was jealous afterwards that it did. A little after my wife & I went to Boston at the last Election, when I was as well in health as in many yeares before, & the Election day coming to my brother Lft Richard Way's house, at noon there were many friends to dine there, they were sat down at the Table, Mr Lawson & his wife & severall more, John Willard came into the house with my sone Henry Wilkins before I sat down, & s'd Willard to my apprehension lookt after such a sort upon me as I never before discerned in any, I did but step into the next room, & I was presently taken in a strange condition, so that I could not dine, nor eat any thing, I cannot express the misery I was in for my water was sodainly stopt, & I had no benefit of nature, but was like a man on a Rack, & I told my wife immediately that I was afraid that Willard had done me wrong, my pain continuing & finding no relief my jealousie continued: Mr Lawson, & others there, were all amazed, & knew not what to do for me: There was a Woman accounted

-848skilfull came hoping to help me, & after she had used means, she askt me whither none of those evil persons had done me damage. I said, I could not say they had, but I was sore afraid they had, she answered she did fear so too, as near as I remember. I lay in this case. 3. or. 4. dayes at Boston, & afterwards with the jeopardy of my life (as I thought) I came home, & then some of my friends coming to see me (& at this time John Willard was run away) one of the afflicted persons Mercy Lewes came in with them, & they askt whither she saw any thing: she said yes, they are looking for John Willard but there he is upon his Grandfathers Belly (&

at that time I was in grevious pain in the small of my Belly) I continued so in greivous pain & my water much stopt till s'd Willard was in chains, & then as near as I can guess I had considerable ease, but on the other hand in the room of a stoppage, I was vexed with a flowing of water, so that it was hard to keep my self dry. On the. 5. July last talking with some friends about John Willard some pleading his innocency & my self & some others arguing the contrary, within about 1/4 of an hour after that I had said it was not I, nor my son Benja Wilkins, but the testimony of the afflicted persons, & the jury concerning the Murder of my Grandson Dan: Wilkins that would take away his life if any thing did, & within about 1/4 hour after this was taken in the sorest distress & misery my water being turned into real blood, or of a bloody colour & the old pain returned excessively as before which continued for about 24. hours together (Reverse) Bray Wilkins Testimony ags't John Willard ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 106 )

(Philip Knight and Thomas Nichols v. John Willard)

The deposition of Philip knight aged 46 yeares and of Thomas Nichols 22 yeares who do testify and say That sometymes in Aprillast there was discourse at the house of the sayd Philip knight about several of the village that were taken up upon suspition of witchcraft. John willard being present then replyed. hang them. they ar all witches (Reverse) Philip Knight ( Essex County Archives Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 105 )


(Benjamin Wilkins v. John Willard and Sarah Buckley)

The Testimony of benjamin wilkns aged about. 36: years saith That about the 12: of may last marcy lues being at my fathers hous tould us that she saw john wilard and goody bucly upon my father wilkins presing his belly and my father complained of extreme paine in his bely at the same time: then John putnam struck at the aperistions then marcy luis fel down & my father had ease emediatly: ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 105 )

(John Putnam, Jr. v. John Willard and Sarah Buckley)

John putnam testifieth to the same above written (Reverse) Benj. Wilkins ag't John Willard ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 105 )

(Mercy Lewis v. John Willard)

The Deposistion of Mircy Lewes who testifieth and saith that I have often seen the Apperishtion of John Willard amongst the wicthes with in this three weeks: but he did not doe me much hurt tell the 11'th of may 1692 and then he fell upon me most dreadfully and [did] most greviously afflect me allmost redy to kill me urgeing me most vehemently to writ in his book: and so he hath continewed ever sence att times tortoring me most dreadfully beating and pinching me and allmost Ready to choak me threating to kill if I would not writ in his book: also I being caried to wi[lls] hill on the 14'th of may att evening to see the afflected parsons there I saw there the Apperishtion of John willard greviously afflecting his grandffather wilknes: and I also saw the apperishtion of John willard there greviously afflecting the body of Daniell wilknes who laid speachles and in a sad condition and John willard tould me he would kill Daniell wilknes with in Two days if he could: also I was at Henry wilknes the 16 may a little before night and their I saw the apperishtion of John willard a choaking Daniell wilknes also on the 18'th may being #[ing] the day of his examination I was most greviously tortored

-850by him dureing the time of his examination for if he did but look upon me he struck me down or almost choaked me to death and severall times sence the Apperishtion of John willard has most greviously afflected me by beating pinching and allmost choaking me to death: also dureing the time of his examination I saw the Apperishtion of John willard goe from him and afflect the bodyes of Mary Wolcott Abigail williams Elizabeth Hubburd and Ann putnam Jun'r (Reverse) Mercy Lewis ag't John Willard ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 107 )

(Evidence of Benjamin Wilkins, John Wilkins, and Nathaniel Richardson)

The deposition of benjamin Wilkins aged 36 years and John Wilkins aged 26 years these deponents testifieth and say that Lidia Wilkins wiffe of John Wilkins was well delivered with child. and was well the

next day after but the 2 day after shee was deleivered shee was taken with a violent feaver and flux as we supposed had in a litle time the flux abated but the feaver continued till she died which was about four dayes (Reverse) Nath. Richison tells of a Nashway man that speakes of a profound sleep that Willard was in ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 58 )

(Ann Putnam, Jr. v. John Willard)

The Deposition of Ann Putnam who testifieth and saith that on the 23 of April 1692 att evening I saw the Aperishtion of John Williard and I was very sorry to se him so: that one that had helpt to tend me was com to afflect me: and I bid him lett me alone and I would not complaine of him: but on the 24 of Appril being Saboth day he did soe greviously afflect me that he forced me to crie out against him before all them that were with me: and he being tould of it as he

-851tould me on the 25'th of Apr. he came personally to my fathers house to talk with me and I tould him to his face it was so that he did hurt mee: But he denyed it most dreadfully: but I also tould him that if he would leave ofe and hurt me no more that I would not complain of him: and for 3 or 4 days he did hurt me but very little but then againe he did sett upon me most dreadfully and beat me and pinched and almost choaked me to death; threatening to kill me if I would not writ in his book: for he tould me he had whiped my little sister sarah to death and he would whip me to death if I would not writ in his book but I tould him I would not writ in his book tho he did kill me: affter this I saw the apperishtion of my little sister Sarah who died when she was about six weeks old crieing out for vengance against John Willard I also saw the Apperishtion of a woman in in a winding sheat which tould me she was John Wilknes first wife and that John Willard had a hand in her death: also I being caried to Wills hill on the 15th of May att evening. to see the afflected parsons there I saw there the Apperishtion of John Willard afflecting of his grandfather Wilknes and Daniel Wilknes and Rebecka Willknes: & he also tould me that he would kill daniel wilknes if he could but he had not power enufe yet to kill him: but he would goe to Mr Burroughs and git power to kill daniel wilknes: and also on the 18'th may being the day of his examination I was most greviously Afflected by him dureing the time of his examination for if he did but look upon me he would Immediately strick me down or almost choak me to Death and also att the time of his examination I saw the Apperishtion of John Willard goe from him and afflect the bodyes of Mary Walcott Mircy lewes Abigail williams and Elizabeth Hubburd Ann putnam Jun: one har oath which she had taken did after the Reding of this to har did owne it to be the truth: before use the Jurris of Inqwest this 3 day of June: 1692. Jurat in Curia ( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts [1939 acquisition] )

(Mary Walcott v. John Willard)

The Deposishion of mary walcott agged above 17 years who testifieth & saith that on the 15'th of may 1692 I saw the apperishtion of

-852John willard who did Immediately affect me most greviously and urged me greviously to write in his book and so he hath contineued eversence greviously torturing by times and threating to kill me if I would not write in his book and he also tould me that he had bewitched his grandfather wilknes: and I being caried up to wills hill on the: 16'th of may a litle before night I saw their the Apperishtion of John #[Wilknes] Willard a choaking Daniell wilknes also on the 18'th may being the day of his examination I was most greviously tortored by him dureing the time of his examination for if he did but look personally upon me he would Immediately strick me down or allmost choak me to death: also severall times during the time of his examination I saw the Apperishtion of John #[Wilk] Willard go from him and afflect the bodyes of mircy lewes Abigail williams Elizabeth Hubburd. and ann putnam Junr Marry Wallcot: upone the Reading of this har testimony to har. did on the oath shi hath takin: owne it to be the truth before us the Juriars for Inquest: this 3'd of June. 92 Jurat in Curia (On Reverse) Mary Walcott ag't John Willard ( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts [ 1939 acquisition ])

(Abigail Williams v. John Willard)

The Testimony of Abigail Williams witnesseth & saith that sundry times she hath seen & been almost killed by the Appartion of John Willard of Salem Village Husbandman on & before the 18. May. 1692 . Abegall Williams did deliver this testimony to us the Jurriars for Inqwist this 3'd of June: 1692. and did afarme to the truth of it (On reverse) Abig. Williams ags't John Willard ( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts [ 1939 acquisition ])


Abigail Williams

(Joseph Hutchinson v. Abigail Williams)

The deposition of Joseph Hutchinson aged 59: year doe testifie as fourth Abigaill Williams I have heard you spake often of a booke that have bin offred to you. She Said that thare was two Books one was a short thike book & the other was a Long booke: I asked her w'h Coler the booke war of: she said the bookes ware as rede as blode I asked her if she had sene the booke opned: shee said that shee had sen it opned many times: I asked her if shee did see any ritinge in the #[in the] booke: She said thar was many lines riten & at the end of Evary line thar was a seall: I asked her whoe brought the booke to her: Shee towld me that it was the blacke man I asked her whoe the blacke man was: Shee towle mee it was the devell: I asked her if shee was not afraid to see the devell Shee said at the first shee was and did goe from him but now shee was not a fraid but Could talke with him as well as shee Could with mee ( Massachusetts Historical Society )


Sarah Wilson, Sr. (See also Mary Osgood -- Petition.)

(Rev. Increase Mather's Report of his Conversation in Prison with Sarah Wilson, Sr.)
Goodwife Wilson said that she was in the dark as to some things in her confession. Yet she asserted that, knowingly, she never had familiarity with the Devil; that, knowingly, she never consented to the afflicting of any person, &c. However, she said that truly she was in the dark as to the matter of her being a witch. And being asked how she was in the dark, she replied, that the afflicted persons crying out of her as afflicting them made her fearful of herself; and that was all that made her say that she was in the dark. (Charles W. Upham, Salem Witchcraft [Boston, 1867] II, 406.)

(Recognizance for Sarah Wilson, Sr. and Sarah Wilson, Jr.)

Memorandum That on the Thirteenth day of January 1692 In the fourth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady William & Mary by the Grace of God of England &c: King & Queen defenders of the faith &c: Personally appeared before W'm Stoughton Esq'r cheife Justice of their Maj'ies Province of the Massachusets bay in New England John Osgood of the Town of Andiver in the County of Essex husbandman & Joseph Wilson of the Same Towne and acknowledged themselves to be Joyntly and Severally Indebted unto our s'd Sovereigne Lord & Lady and the Surviver of them their Heires & Successors in the sum of One Hundred Pounds to be levied on their or

-856either of their Lands and Tennements, goods and chattles for the use of our said Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen or Survivor of them On Condition that Sarah Wilson the wife of Joseph and Sarah her daughter haveing stood committed for suspition of Witchcraft shall make their Personall appearance before the Justices of our s'd Lord & Lady the King & Queen at the next Court of Assizes & Generall Goale Delivery to be holden for the County of Essex then and there to answer to all such matters & things as shall in their Maj'ies behalfe be alledged against them and to doe & receive that which by the s'd Court shall be then & there injoyned them & thence not to depart w'th out licence Attest *Jona Elatson Cler -(Reverse) Recognizance of Jno Osgood [unclear: ] Joseph Willson Sarah Willson the wife of Joseph Willson and Sarah her daughter May the 10'th Appeared ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 145 )


Mary Witheridge (See also: George Jacobs, Jr. -- Complaint; Rebecca Jacobs -Warrant.)

(Indictment v. Mary Witheridge)

Essex in the Province [unclear: ] of the Massachusetts Bay in New England: ss Anno RR's & Reginae Gulielmi & Mariae Angliae &c Quarto Annoq'e Domini 1692 The Jurors for o'r Sov'r Lord and Lady. the King and Queen doe present That #[That] Mar y Witheridg of Salem Village Alias Salem in the County of Essex The Eighteenth day of Ma y in the Year aforesaid and divers other dayes and times as well before as after Certain detestable Arts called withcraft and Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously and felloniously hath used practised and Exercised at and in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex Afores'd in upon and against one Elizabeth Hobert of Salem afores'd Single Woman by which said wicked acts the said Elizabeth Hobert the day & Yeare aforesaid and divers other dayes and times both before and after was and is Tortured aflicted Consumed Wasted Pined and Tormented and also for Sundry other acts of witchcraft by the said Mary Witheridg #[the day & Yea] Comitted and done before and since that Time against the peace of o'r Sov'r Lord and Lady the King & Queen theire Crowne & dignity and the forme in the Stattute. In that Case made and provided. -(Reverse) Mary Witheridg: Billa Vera, Ponet Se Found not Guility ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 21 )


(Elizabeth Hubbard v. Mary Witheridge)

The deposistion of Eliz: Hubburd who testifieth and saith that I have a considerable time ben affleted by Mary witheridge: but on the 18'th may 1692 being the day of hir Examination Mary witheridge did most greviously torment me dureing the time of hir Examination for if she did but look upon me she would strick me down or almost choake also on the day of hir Examination I saw mary witheridge or hir Apperance most greviously afflet and torment mary walcott #[Sarah Vibber] and Ann putnam and I beleve in my heart that mary witheridge is a wicth and that she has often affleted and tormented me and the afforesaid parsons by acts of wicthcraft. Eliz. Hubbert ownd the truth of the above written evidence by the grand Inquest Sept'r 15: 1692 upon oath

Eliza' Hubbard Ju in Cur. (Reverse) Eliza Hobert depo agst Mary witheridge ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 21 )


Additional Documents 1692-1750


Two Letters of Gov. William Phips (1692-1693)

(Letter No. 1)
When I first arrived I found this Province miserably harrassed with a most Horrible witchcraft or Possession of Devills which had broke in upon severall Townes, some scores of poor people were taken with preternaturall torments some scalded with brimstone some had pins stuck in their flesh others hurried into the fire and water and some dragged out of their houses and carried over the tops of trees and hills for many Miles together; it hath been represented to mee much like that of Sweden about thirty years agoe, and there were many committed to prison upon suspicion of Witchcraft before my arrivall. The loud cries and clamours of the friends of the afflicted people with the advice of the Deputy Governor and many others prevailed with mee to give a Commission of Oyer and Terminer for discovering what witchcraft might be at the bottome or whether it were not a possession. The chief Judge in this Commission was the Deputy Governour and the rest were persons of the best prudence and figure that could then be pitched upon. When the Court came to sitt at Salem in the County of Essex they convicted more than twenty persons of being guilty of witchcraft, some of the convicted were such as confessed their Guilt, the Court as I understand began their proceedings with the accusations of the afflicted and then went upon other humane evidences to strengthen that. I was almost the whole time of the proceeding abroad in the service of Their Majesties in the Eastern part of the County and depended upon the Judgment of the Court as to a right method of proceeding in cases of Witchcraft but when

I came home I found many persons in a strange ferment of dissatisfaction which was increased by some hott Spiritts that blew up the flame, but on enquiring into the matter I found that the

-862Devill had taken upon him the name and shape of severall persons who were doubtless inocent and to my certain knowledge of good reputation for which cause I have now forbidden the committing of any more that shall be accused without unavoydable necessity, and those that have been committed I would shelter from any Proceedings against them wherein there may be the least suspition of any wrong to be done unto the Innocent. I would also wait for any particular directions or commands if their Majesties please to give mee any for the fuller ordering this perplexed affair. I have also put a stop to the printing of any discourses one way or other, that may increase the needless disputes of people upon this occasion, because I saw a likelyhood of kindling an inextinguishable flame if I should admitt any publique and open Contests and I have grieved to see that some who should have done their Majesties and this Province better service have so far taken Councill of Passion as to desire the precipitancy of these matters, these things have been improved by some to give me many interuptions in their Majesties service and in truth none of my vexations have been greater than this, than that their majesties service has been hereby unhappily clogged, and the Persons who have made soe ill improvement of these matters here are seeking to turne it all upon mee, but I hereby declare that as soon as I came from fighting against their Majesties Enemyes and understood what danger some of their innocent subjects might be exposed to, if the evidence of the afflicted persons only did prevaile either to the committing or trying any of them, I did before any application was made unto me about it put a stop to the proceedings of the Court and they are now stopt till their Majesties pleasure be known. Sir I beg pardon for giving you all this trouble, the reason is because I know my enemies are seeking to turn it all upon me and I take this liberty because I depend upon your friendship, and desire you will please to give a true understanding of the matter if any thing of this kind be urged or made use of against mee. Because the justnesse of my proceeding herein will bee a sufficient defence. Sir I am with all imaginable respect Your most humble Servt *William Phips.


Dated at Boston the 12'th of october 1692. Mem'dm That my Lord President be pleased to acquaint his Ma'ty in Councill with the account received from New England from Sir Wm. Phips the Governor there touching Proceedings against severall persons for Witchcraft as appears by the Governor's letter concerning those matters.

(George Lincoln Burr, ed., Narratives of the Witchcraft Cases, 1648-1706 [New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1914], 196-198. The letter was addressed to William Blathwayt, clerk of the Privy Council, and it is he who added the memorandum.)

(Letter No. 2)
Boston in New England Febry 21st, 1692/3. May it please yor. Lordshp. By the Capn. of the Samuell and Henry I gave an account that att my arrival here I found the Prisons full of people committed upon suspition of witchcraft and that continuall complaints were made to me that many persons were grievously tormented by witches and that they cryed out upon severall persons by name, as the cause of their torments. The number of these complaints increasing every day, by advice of the Lieut Govr. and the Councill I gave a Commission of Oyer and Terminer to try the suspected witches and at that time the generality of the people represented to me as reall witchcraft and gave very strange instances of the same. The first in Commission was the Lieut. Govr. and the rest persons of the best prudence and figure that could then be pitched upon and I depended upon the Court for a right method of proceeding in cases of witchcraft. At that time I went to command the army at the Eastern part of the Province, for the French and Indians had made an attack upon some of our Fronteer Towns. I continued there for some time but when I returned I

-864found people much disatisfied at the proceedings of the Court, for about Twenty persons were condemned and executed of which number some were thought by many persons to be innocent. The Court still proceeded in the same method of trying them, which was by the evidence of the afflicted persons who when they were brought into the Court as soon as the suspected witches looked upon them instantly fell to the ground in strange agonies and grievous torments, but when touched by them upon the arme or some other part of their flesh they immediately revived and came to themselves, upon [which] they made oath that the Prisoner at the Bar did afflict them and that they saw their shape or spectre come from their bodies which put them to such paines and torments: When I enquired into the matter I was enformed by the Judges that they begun with this, but had humane testimony against such as were condemned and undoubted proof of their being witches, but at length I found that the Devill did take upon him the shape of Innocent persons and some were accused of whose innocency I was well assured and many considerable persons of unblameable life and conversation were cried out upon as witches and wizards. The Deputy Govr. notwithstanding persisted vigorously in the same method, to the great disatisfaction and disturbance of the people, untill I put an end to the Court and stopped the proceedings, which I did because I saw many innocent persons might otherwise perish and at that time I thought it my duty to give an account thereof that their Ma'ties pleasure might be signifyed, hoping that for the better ordering thereof the Judges learned in the law in England might give such rules and directions as have been practized in England for proceedings in so difficult and so nice a point; When I put an end to the Court there ware at least fifty persons in prison in great misery by reason of the extream cold and their poverty, most of them having only spectre evidence against them, and their mittimusses being defective, I caused some of them to be lett out upon bayle and put the Judges upon considering of a way to reliefe others and prevent them from perishing in prison, upon which some of them were convinced and acknowledged that their former proceedings were too violent and not grounded upon a right foundation but that if they might sit againe, they would proceed after another method, and whereas Mr. Increase Mathew and severall other Divines did give it as their Judgment that the Devill might afflict in the shape of an

innocent person and that the look and touch of the suspected persons was not sufficient proofe against them, these things had not the same stress layd upon them as before, and upon

-865this consideration I permitted a spetiall Superior Court to be held at Salem in the County of Essex on the third day of January, the Lieut Govr. being Chief Judge. Their method of proceeding being altered, all that were brought to tryall to the number of fifety two, were cleared saving three, and I was enformed by the Kings Attorny Generall that some of the cleared and the condemned were under the same circumstances or that there was the same reason to clear the three condemned as the rest according to his Judgment. The Deputy Govr. signed a Warrant for their speedy execution and also of five others who were condemned at the former Court of Oyer and terminer, but considering how the matter had been managed I sent a reprieve whereby the execucion was stopped untill their Maj. pleasure be signified and declared. The Lieut. Gov. upon this occasion was inraged and filled with passionate anger and refused to sitt upon the bench in a Superior Court then held at Charles Towne, and indeed hath from the beginning hurried on these matters with great precipitancy and by his warrant hath caused the estates, goods and chattles of the executed to be seized and disposed of without my knowledge or consent. The stop put to the first method of proceedings hath dissipated the blak cloud that threatened this Province with destruccion; for whereas this delusion of the Devill did spread and its dismall effects touched the lives and estates of many of their Ma'ties Subjects and the reputation of some of the principall persons here, and indeed unhappily clogged and interrupted their Ma'ties affaires which hath been a great vexation to me, I have no new complaints but peoples minds before divided and distracted by differing opinions concerning this matter are now well composed. I am Yor. Lordships most faithfull humble Servant *William Phips To the Rt. Honble The Earle of Nottingham att Whitehall London R[i. e., received] May 24, 93 abt. Witches (George L. Burr, ed., Narratives of the Witchcraft Cases, pp. 198-202.)


Preparation for the Court of Oyer and Terminer (May-August 1692)

(Letter of Thomas Newton to Isaac Addington)

Salem 31: May 1692 To: Worthy S'r I have herewith sent you the names of the persons that are desired to be transmitted hither by habeas Corpus & have pr'sumed to send you a Coppy thereof being more as I pr'sume #[more] accustomed to that practise then yo'rselfe and beg pardon if I have infringed upon you therein, I fear we shall not this weeke try all that we have sent for, by reason the tryalls will be tedious, & the afflicted persons cannot readily give their testimonyes, being struck dumb & senceless for a season at the name of the accused, I have been all this day at the village with the Gent'n of the Council at the exaicon of [7]: persons where I have beheld most strange things scarce credible but to the spectators and too tedious here to relate, and amongst the rest Capt Alden & Mr English have their Mittimus & I must say according to the pr'sent appearance of things, they are as deeply concerned as the rest, for the afflicted spare no person of what quality soever neither conceale their Crimes tho: never soe hainous, we pray that Tittuba the Indian & Mrs Thatchers maid may be transferred as Evidences but desire they may not come amongst the prison'rs but rather by themselves with the records in the Court of Assis'ts 1679 ag't Bridgett Olliver & the records relating to the first persons comitted left in Mr Webbs hands by the order of the Council I pray pardon that I cannot now further enlarge & with my Cordiall service only add that I am S'r Yo'r most humble serv't *Tho: Newton


William & Mary by the Grace of God of England Scottland France & Ireland King & Queen Defend'rs of the faith &c To our sherriffe of our County of Suffolke Greeting We Comand you that the bodyes of Sarah Good the wife of William Good of Salem farmes husb: #[Rebeca] Rebeckah Nurse the wife of francis Nurse of Salem Village husb. John Willard of the same place husb. John Procter of Salem farmes husb. Elizabeth his wife Susanna Martin of Almesbury widdow Bridgett Bishop als Olliver the wife of Edw'd Bishop of Salem Sawyer Alice parker the wife of John parker of Salem seaman & Tittuba Indian in our prison und'r yo'r Custody as it is said detained together with the day & Cause of the taking & detaining of the s'd Sarah &c you have before our Justices of our Court of Oyer & Terminer to be held at salem on thursday the second day of June next for the County of Essex to do & receive what the same our Justices then & there shall thereof consider in that behaffe & have with you then & there this writt wittness Wm. Stoughton Esq'r the 31'st day of May in the fourth year of our Reigne Addington

[Superscribed] These To Issac Addington Esq'r at Boston poast hast pr'sent ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 25 )

(Oath of Thomas Newton as Attorney General)

You Thomas Newton Gent' being apointed to perform the Office of their Maj'ts Attorny-Gen'l in the prosecution of the several persons to be indicted and Tryed before their Maj's Justices of Oyer and Terminer now sitting, and from time to time to sit, by vertue of the Comission now published, and in all other matters that may be requisite in the Execution of the sam [] Do swear, that according to your best skill, you will act truly and faithfully on their Majesties behalf, as to Law and Justice doth appertain, without any favour or Affection. So help you God.

-869Salem, June 2'd 1692 Thomas Newton tooke the oath abovesayd in open Court before me *Wm. Stoughton. ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 1 )

(Oath of Stephen Sewall as Clerk)

You being Appointed to officiat as Clerk of this Court, Do Swear #[by the] that you will carefully, uprightly & truly execute and perform whatsoever unto your Duty in that Place of a Clerk doth appertain So help you God. Salem, June 2'd 1692. Stephen Sewall in open Court made oath as above to doe the duty of his place as Clerke. Coram me *Wm. Stoughton. (Reverse) The Oathes Given to Mr Tho: Newton & Step. Sewall ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 1 )

(Warrant for Jurors)

To: To the Sherriffe of the County of Essex./ You are Required in their Ma'ties Name to Impannel and return Forty good and lawful men of the freeholders and other Freemen of y'r Bailiwick duely qualified to Serve on the Jury of Tryals of life and death at the next Session of their Ma'ties Special Court of Oyer and Terminer, in Salem upon Tuesday the Sixth day of Septemb'r next at nine in the morning, whome you are by your Selfe, Under Sherriffe, or Deputy; to Summon to attend the said Court. at the time above specified, You are alike Required in their Ma'ties Name to give Notice (Seal) and Summon the Grandjurors that were Impanneled and Sworn at the last Session of said Court, to attend again upon Tuesday the said Sixth of September next by the time above mentioned;

-870Hereof you may not faile; Given under my Hand and Seal, At Boston the 31'th day of August. 1692. In the fourth year of their Ma'ties Reign *Wm. Stoughton (Reverse) Precepts to the Sheriffe for Impa a Jury Adj't Daputy ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 1 )


List of Eleven Accused Persons and Their Accusers, May 1692

(List of Eleven Accused Persons and Their Accusers, May 1692)

Complaint of Severall May 28'th 1692 Gooddy Carier of Andevor [unclear: ] Tho: Carriers wife -Mary Walcott Abigail William Gooddy fosdick of Maldin Goody pain: Mary Waren Mary Walcott Mircy Lewes Abigail William Ann Putnam Goody Read of marble head upon the hill by the meet'house Mary Walcott Mircy Lewes Abigail William Ann Putnam Gooddy Rice of Reding Ed. Marshals wife Mary Wal cott Abigall William Goody How of Topsfield on Ipswich bounds Capt Hows brother wife [unclear: ] vis Ja. Hows wife Mary Walcott Abigail Williams Two women there abouts much affleted and suspect hir but canot sartainly say Capt. Alldin complaind of a long time by Mary Walcott Mircy lewes Abigail Williams Ann Putnam Susana Sheldon [in a different hand]

-872Wm. proctor: Mary Walcot Susana Shelden Toothakors wife & daughter Mary Walcot Abig. Williams Capt. Flood Mary Walcot Abigail Williams & the rest (On reverse) Arthur Abot in a by place some thing neare Maj. Appletons Farms and lives be tween Ip'h Topsfeild & Wenham Complained of by Many

( Boston Public Library -- Dept. of Rare Books and Manuscripts [1939 acquisition] )


Death Warrants Folder and Census of Prisoners (May-July 1692)

(Death Warrants Folder)

Warrant for Execuion of Sarah Good Rebecka Nurse Eliz. How Susanna Martin & Sarah Wildes on Tuesday 19'th July 1692 ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 89 )

(Census of Prisoners)
Severall sent to Boston Goale on acco' of witchcraft Salem March 1'd first Exam sent boston . Sarah Osburne . Sarah Good . Titiba Indian . Martha Cory . Rebecka Nurce [unclear: ] Aprill 12'th sent to Boston . Dorothy Good . Sarah Cloyce . Eliz. procter

May. Lydia Dastin. Wido' of Rede 2 d. Susannah Martin of Amesb'r . Dorcas Hoar of Beverly Wido' . Sarah Murrell of Bev'r May. Bethya Carter [unclear: ] of Woburn [unclear: ] all sent to Boston 8'th Ann Seires . Sarah Dasting . George Burrows Salem May 12'th mittimas w'ch went May 13'th to Boston

1 George Jacobs sen'r

2 Giles Cory

3 W'm Hobs

4 Edw'd Bushop [unclear: ]

5 Sarah Bushop his wife

6 Bridget Bushop -- Alias Oliver

7 Sarah Wild

8 Mary Lt Nath putnams negro

9 Mary English

10 Allice. parker

11 Ann pudeater


-874In Salem Prison Easty Dele' Hobs Abigail. Hobs Mary. Warren Churchwell Jacobs #[Margret] Abigail Soames. Rebecca Jacobs Sarah Buckley Mary Witheridge Sarah procter _____ X Sent to Boston Wedensday the 18'th May. 1692 . Thomas Farror [unclear: ] of lyn . Eliz Hart . John Willard of Salem village

. Roger Toothaker of bilrica Sent to Salem Goale the 25'th May 1692 Sarah pease -Sarah procter -Sent to Boston Mary Easty Abigaile Soames Susannah Rootes Sarah Bassett munday the 23'd 1692 Mary Derrich [unclear: ] Benjamin procter Eliz Cary -( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 62 )


Petitions from Relatives of Prisoners and Others (October 1692-January 1693)

(Petition of John Osgood and Eight Others -- October 1692)

To: To the Honored Generall Court Now sitting in Boston this 12 of october 1692 Right honored Gentlemen and fathers We your humble petitioners whose Names are under written petition as followeth: viz: We would Not Trouble Your honours w'th a Tedious diversion: but brieffly spread open our distressed Condition and beg your honours favour and pitty in affording what Relieff may be thought

Convenient as for the matter of our Trouble: it is the distressed Condition of our wives and Relations in prison at Salem who are a Company of poore distressed creatures as full of inward grieff and Trouble as thay are able to bear up in life withall and besides That the agrivation of outward Troubles and hardships thay undergo: wants of food Convenient: and the coldness of the winter season that is coming may soon dispatch such out of the way That have Not been used to such hardships: and besides that The exceeding great Charges and expences that we are at upon many accounts which will be two Tedious to give a pertickular account of which will fall heavy upon us especially in a time of so great charge and expence upon a general accout in the Country which is expected of us to bear a part as well as others which if put all together our familys and estates will be brought to Ruin: if it Cannot in time be prevented: having spread open our Condition: we humbly make our adress To your honours to Grant that our wives and Relations being of such That have been approved as penitent Confessors might be Returned home to us upon what bond your honors shall see good we do not petition to take them out of

-876the hands of Justic but to Remain as prisoners under bond in their own familys wher thay may be more tenderly Cared for: and may be redy to apear to Answer farther when the honored Court shall Call for them: we humbly Crave Your Honors favour and pitty for us and ours herin. having lett down our Troubled state before you. we heartyly pray for your honors petitioners: *John Osgood in behalf of his wife John frey. in behalf of his wife John Maston. in behalf of his wife: mary maston *Christopher Osgood. in behalf of his daughter mary maston *Joseph Willson: in behalf of his wife #[& children] John Bridges: in behalf of his wife and children hope Tiler: in behalf of his wife and daughter *Ebenezer Barker: for his wife *Nathaniel Dane for his wife (In left margin)

John Osgood et al. Petition ( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 59 )

(Petition of the Andover Ministers and Twenty-Two Others -- October 1692)

To: To his Excellency the Governour, and Councill, & Representatives, now Assembled at Boston. The Humble Address of the ministers, and of some of the Inhabitants of Andover. We being deeply sensible of the heavy judgment that the Righteous God hath brought upon this place, thought it our duty (after our earnest prayers to the God of Heaven, to give us help from our trouble) to lay before this Honourable Assembly, our present distressed estate, and to crave a redress of our greivances. It is well known that many persons of this Town, have been accused of witchcraft, by some distempered persons in these parts and upon complaint made have been apprehended and committed to prison. Now though we would not appear as Advocates for any who shall be found guilty

-877of so horrid a crime, but we heartily desire that this place, and the whole land, may be purged from that great wickedness: yet if any of our #[freinds] friends and neighbours have been misrepresented, as tis possible some of them have been; wee would crave leave (if it might be without offence) to speak something in their behalf, haveing no other desighn therein, then that the truth may appear. We can truly give this Testimony of the most of them belonging to this Town, that have been accused, that they never gave the least occasion (as we hear of) to their neerest relations or most intimate acquaintance, to suspect them of witchcraft. Severall of the women that are accused were members of this church in full Communion, and had obtained a good report, for their blameless conversation, and their walking as becometh woemen professing godliness. But whereas it may be alledged, that the most of our people that have been apprehended for witchcraft, have upon Examination confessed it. To which we Answer that we have nothing to plead for those that freely and upon conviction own themselves guilty; but we apprehend the case of some of them to be otherwise. for from the information we have had and the discourse some of us have had with the prisoners, we have reason to think that the extream urgency that was used with some of them by their friends and others who privately examined them, and the fear they were then under, hath been an inducement to them to own such things, as we cannott since find thay are conscious of; and the truth of what we now declare, we judge will in time more plainly appear. And some of them have exprest to their neighbours that it hath been their great trouble, that they have wronged themselves and the truth in their confessions. We are also very sensible of the disstressed condition of severall poor familyes, on whom this great trouble is fallen; some #[more] of our neighbors are like to be impoverished & ruin'd by the great charge they are at to maintain such of their familyes as are in Prison, and by the fees that are demanded of them, whose case we pray may be considered. Our troubles which hitherto have been great, we foresee are like to continue and increase, if other methods be not taken then as yet have been, for there are more of our neighb'rs of good reputation & approved integrity, who are still accused, and complaints have been made against them, And we know not who can think himself safe, if the Accusations of children and others who are under a Diabolicall influence shall be received against persons of good fame.


We thought meet also to Signifye that not only persons of good creditt among our selves, but some Honorable & worthy men of other places, do suffer in their names by the acusations of afflicted people in this Town Thus haveing given your Honors some account of our present troubles, we crave pardon for our boldness in this Address, and humbly pray this Honored Court to take into their serious consideration our low and distressed estate: And that the only wise God may bless yo'r counsels & Endeavors for the welfare of his people, shall be the prayer of Dated at Andov'r 18'th Oct. 1692. Your Humble Petitioners *Timothy Osgood *Samuel Osgoode *Samuel Martin *William Chandler *William abbutt *Thomas Chandler *Christopher osgood *Ebenezer Barker *Stephen Barnott *Joseph Marble *Ephraim Daviss *Andrew peeters *Walter Rice *hooker osgood Francis Dane sen'r *Thomas Barnard *John Osgood *Thomas Johnson *Nathaniel Dane

*Hopestil Tiler *Ephraim Steevens *John Aslebee *James Frie *Joseph Willson *Joseph Steevens *Thomas Chandler Jun'r ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 61 )

(Petition of John Osgood and Seven Others -- December 1692)

To: To his Excellency the Governour, and Council now sitting at Boston. The humble Petition, of severall of the Inhabitants of Andover, Sheweth That whereas our Wives and severall of our neighbours, sometime since, were committed to Salem Prison, (for what cause your Hon'rs have been informed) and during their imprisonment have been exposed to great sufferrings, which daily encrease by reason of the winter comeing on; we had hoped that before this day they would have had a Goal delivery, but since that hath been so long deferred, and

-879we are very sensible of the extream danger the Prisoners are in of perishing, if they are not speedily released: have made bold to make our humble Petition to #[this Honored C] yo'r Honors, to consider the present distressed and suffering condition of our friends in Prison and grant them liberty to come home, upon such terms as yo'r Honors shall Judge most meet. If we might be allowed to plead their Innocency, we think we have sufficient grounds to make such a plea for them, and hope their Innocency will in time appear to the satisfaction of others, however they are at present under uncomfortable circumstances. So craveing pardon for the trouble we have now given your Honors, and humbly requesting that something may be speedily done for the releif of our friends. And yo'r Petition'rs, as in duty bound shall every pray &c Andover 6'th Decemb'r 1692 *John Osgood *Christopher osgood *John frie

*Nathaniel Dane *Joseph Willson *Hopestil Tiler *John Bridges *Ebenezer Barker (Reverse) 1692 Andover petcon ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 66 )

(Petition of George Herrick -- December 1692)

To: To his Excelency S'r William Phipps Knight Capt Gen'll & Governor of their Majesties Teritores & Dominion of the Massachusetts Bay In Newengland -And To: the Hon'ble William Stoughton Esq'r Leut Govern'r of said Province and To: the Rest of the Honored Councell -The Petition of yo'r Pore Serv't George Herrick -- Most Humbly Sheweth -That Whereas your Excellency & Hon'rs Porre Petitionor haveing been imployed as Marshall & dep't Sheriff for the County of Essex

-880for the Terme of nine months & upwards, in Serveing of Warrants and Apprehending many prisoners attending Examinations & Courts of Oyer & Terminer, as likewise by mitimus and writts of habeas Corpus have often conveighed Prisoners unto Prison & from Prison to Prisson it hath taken up my whole time and made me Incapeable to gett any thing for the maintainance of my Porre famally, & by that means become so impoverisht that Nesessity hath forcd me to lay downe my Place and must Certainly come to Wante if not in some Measure suplyd Therefore I humbly beseech your Hon'rs to take my case & Condition so fare into Consideration that I may have some supply this hard winter that I and my Porre children may not be destitute of sustenance & so inevitabley Perish for I have been bred A Gent' & not much used To Worke and am become Despicable in thees hard times and that yo'r Excell' & Hon'rs may not immagine that I am Weary of Serving my King & Country were but my habitation Graced with plenty in the Rooms of Pennury; there shall be no servis too dangerous & difficulte but your Pore Petitioner Will Gladly Except & to the best of my Power accomplish: I shall wholely #[through] lay my selfe att your Hon'ble feet for Releife & shall allwayes Pray for yo'r Excell' and Hon'rs health & hapyness and Subscribe my self hopeing for a Gennerus Returne Dated in Salem this Eigth day of Decemb'r in the year of our Lord 1692

Yo'r Pore & Humble Pettitioner *George Herrick (Reverse) Geo: Herrick his Petition 1692 ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 67 )

(Petition of Ten Prisoners at Ipswich)

To: To the Honourable Governer and Councell and Generall Assembly now sitting at Boston The humble petition of us whose names are subscribed hereunto now prisoners at Ipswich humbly sheweth, that some of us have Lyen in the prison many monthes, and some of us many weekes, who are charged with witchcraft, and not being consciouse to our selves of

-881any guilt of that nature lying upon our consciences; our earnest request is that seing the winter is soe far come on that it can not be exspected that we should be tryed during this winter season, that we may be released out of prison for the present upon Bayle to answer what we are charged with in the Spring. For we are not in this unwilling nor afrayed to abide the tryall before any Judicature apoynted in convenient season of any crime of that nature; we hope you will put on the bowells of compassion soe far as to concider of our suffering condicion in the present state we are in, being like to perish with cold in lying longer in prison in this cold season of the yeare, some of us being aged either about or nere four score some though younger yet being with Child, and one giving suck to a child not ten weekes old yet, and all of us weake and infirme at the best, and one fettered with irons this halfe yeare and all most distroyed with soe long an Imprisonment: Thus hoping you will grant us a releas at the present that we be not left to perish in this miserable condicion we shall alwayes pray &c. Widow Penny. Widow Vincent. Widow Princ[e] Goodwife Greene of Havarell, the wife of Hugh Roe of Cape Anne, Mehitabel Dowing. the wife of T[h] imothy Day, Goodwife Dicer of Piscataqua Hanah Brumidge of Havarell Rachel Hafield besides thre or foure men ( New York Public Library -- Manuscripts and Archives Division )

(Statement by the Rev. Francis Dane on the Andover Outbreak -- January 1693)
R'nd Sr; Whereas there have been divers reports raysed, how, and, by what hands I know not, of the Towne of Andover, and the Inhabitants, I thought it my bounden duty to give an account to others, so farr as I had the understanding of anything amongst us. Therefore doe declare, that I beleeve the reports have been Scandalous, and unjust, neither will bear the light, As for that, of the Sive, and Cisers I never heard of it, till

this last Summer, and the Sabboth after I spake publiqly concerning it since which I beleeve it hath not been tryed,

-882As for such things of Charmes, and ways to find their cattle, I never heard, nor doe I know any Neighbour that ever did so, neither have I any grounds to beleeve it. I have lived above Fortie fower yeares in the Towne, and have been frequent among the Inhabitants, and should certainely heard if so it had been. That there was a suspicion of Goodwife Carrier among some of us before she was apprehended, I know. As for any other persons, I had no suspicion of them, and had Charity been put on, the Divel would not have had such an advantage against us, and I beleeve many Innocent persons have been accused, & Imprisoned, the Conceit of Spectre Evidence as an infallible mark did too far prevaile with us Hence we so easily parted with our neighbours of honest, & good report, & members in full Co union, hence we so easily parted with our Children, when we knew nothing in their lives, nor any of our neighbours to suspect them and thus things were hurried on, hence such strange breaches in families, -severall that came before me, that spake with much sobrietie, professing their innocency, though through the Devils subtilty they were too much urged to Confesse, and we thought we did doe well in so doeing, yet they stood their ground professing they knew nothing, never saw the devil, never made a covenant with him, & the like; & some Children that we have cause to feare that dread has overcome them to accuse themselves in that they knew not. Stephen Johnson Mary Barker the daughters of Lieftenant Barker, and some others by what we had from them with suitable affections we have cause to beleeve they were in the truth, and so held to it, if after many indeavours they had #[been dismissed] not been overcome to say w't they never knew This hath been a trouble to me, considering how oft it hath been sayd you are a witch, you are guilty, & who afflicts this maid or the like, & more then this hath been sayd, charging persons with witchcraft, and what flatteries have past from: & threats and telling them they must goe to prison & this feare have caused many to fall. our Sinne of Ignorance wherein we thought we did well, will not excuse us when we know we did amisse but what ever might be a stumbling block to others must be removed, else we shall procure divine displeasure, & Evills will unavoidably breake in upon us. Andover Jan 2. 92 Yours Sr who am though unworthie a friend to them that are friends to Sion.

-883Concerning my Daughter Elizabeth Johnson I never had ground to suspect her: neither have I heard any other to accuse her, till [by] Spectre evidence she was brought forth, but this I must say, she was weake, and incapacious, fearfull. and in that respect I feare she hath. falsely accused her self & others. Not long before that she was sent for she spake as to her owne particular, that she was sure she was no witch, and for her Daughter Elizabeth, she is but simplish at the best, and I feare the comon speech that was frequently spread among us, of their liberty, if they would confesse, and the like expression used by some, have brought many into a snare, the Lord direct & guide those that are in place, and give us all submissive wills, & let the Lord doe with me, & mine, what seems good in his owne eys.

( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 142 )


A Bill Against Conjurations, Witchcraft, and Dealing with Evil and Wicked Spirits (December 1692)

(A Bill against Conjuration, Witchcraft and Dealing with Evil and Wicked Spirits)
For more particular direction in the Execution of the Law against Witchcraft. #[For Explanation of the Law against Witchcraft and more particular direction therein the Execution thereof and for the better restraining the said Offences, and more severe punishing the same,] Be it enacted by the Govern'r Council and Representatives in General Court Assembled and by the Authority of the same, That if any person or persons #[after] shall use, practice or Exercise any Invocation or Conjuration of any evil and wicked Spirit, Or shall consult, covenant with Entertain, Employ, feed or reward any evil and wicked Spirit to or for any intent or purpose; Or take up any dead man woman or Child, out of his, her, or their grave, or any other place where the dead body resteth, or the Skin, bone or any other part of any dead person to be Employed or used in any manner of Witchcraft, Sorcery, Charm or Inchantment, Or shall use, practice or Exercise any Witchcraft, Inchantment charm or Sorcery, whereby any person shall be killed, destroyed, wasted, consumed, pined or lamed in his or her body, or any part thereof, That then every such Offender or Offen-ders, their Aiders, Abetters, and Counsellors being of any the said Offences duly and lawfully convicted and attainted, shall suffer pains of death as a Felon or Felons. And further to the intent that all manner of practice, use or exercise of witchcraft Inchantment, charm or Sorcery, should be henceforth utterly avoided, abolished and taken away, Be it Enacted by the Authority afores'd That if any person or persons shall take upon him or them by Witchcraft, Inoffending,

-886and being thereof lawfully convicted, shall for the said offence suffer Imprisonment by the space of one whole year without bail or mainprise and once in every Quarter of the s'd year shall in some Shire Town stand openly upon the pillory by the space of Six houres, and there shall openly confess his or her Error and offence, which said offence shall be written in Capitall Letters & placed upon the breast of said offender And

if any person or persons being once convicted of the same Offence, and shall again commit the like Offence and being of any of the said Offences the second time lawfully & duely convicted and attainted as is aforesaid shall Suffer pains of death as a felon or felons. X'br.14.92: This Bill read orderly in This house of Representatives and voted passed in the Affirmative & Sent to his Excellency the Governor & Councill for Consent *William Bond speaker Read several times in Council, Voted, Ordered to be Engrossed and pass in to an Act, die predict And is consented unto P *William Phips ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 68 & 69 )


Superior Court of Judicature: Warrants for Jurors and Returns (December 1692January 1693)

(Warrant to the Town of Lynn)

(To try Witches Dec'er 1692) These are in their maj'ties Names to require you forthwith to Asemble the free holders and other the Inhabitants your towne who are hereby also required to Choose Six good and lawfull men of the Same towne each whereof to have a reall Estate of fourty Shillings Annum or a personall Estate of fifty pounds -- to Serve as Jurors two upon the Grand Jury and four upon the Jury of Tryalls at a Court of Assises and Gen'll Goal Delivery to be held at Salem for the County of Essex on tusday the third day of January next Ensueing the date hereof which persons so chosen you are to Summons to attend the Said Court by nine of the Clock in the Morning of the said day and make returne hereof with the names of the said persons the day before the Said Court and hereof not to faile Dated in boston the twenty third day of Decem To The Constable or Constables of Lyn Cu *Jona'Elatson Cle

( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 77 )

(Return of the Town of Lynn)

Lyn the 29'th Desem 92 Accoring to this warrant the town hathe Chose for grand Juryors Robert pottor sen'r Benjemen Rednap forr the Jury of tryalls Cornet

-888Johnson Leften't person John Witt & Benjemen Collins & I have Warned them to appear acording to this within Mencioned Warrant as atest *Samuel Ingals Constable of lyn ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 78 )

(Warrant to the Town of Ipswich)

These are in their Maj'ties Names to require you forthwith to Assemble the free holders and other the Inhabitants of your towne who are hereby also required to Choose eleven good & lawfull men of the same towne each wherof to have a reall estate of fourty shillings annum or a personall Estate of fifty pounds to serve as Jurors three upon the Grand Jury & eight upon the Jury of Tryalls at a court of Assises and Gen'll Goal delivery to be held at Salem for the County of Esex on Tusday the Third day of January next Ensueing the date hereof which persons So chosen you are to Summons to attend the said Court by nine of the Clock in the Morning of the said day and make returne hereof with the names. of the said persons the day before the said Court And hereof not to faile Dated in boston the twenty third day of December 1692 To The Constable or Constables of Ipwich or eitheir of them Cu . *Jona' Elaston Cle . ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 79 )

(Return of the Town of Ipswich)

Rec'd this warrant of Marshall Harris this 31. 10'ber 1692 By Vertue of this warrant the Inhabitants of Ipswich being Lawfully assembled: according to notice before given In order to the Chooseing Eleven Good & Lawfull men to Serve on the Jury to attend at the Court of assizes & Generall Goal Delivery to be holden at Salem in

-889the County of Essex on Tusedy the Third day of January Instant & These persons here under written were Unanimously Chosen & had notice. thereof most of them personally Warned & the rest that were not personally warned. Sumonses was read at thair dwelling houses. to Require them to attend accordingly the which thair severall families had notice of: January: the 2'd 1692: The Grand Jury are as [unclear: ] followes. Mr Robert Paine Mr Richard Smith Mr Thomas Boareman The Jury for Tryalls are Ens Thos Jacob. Sargt Nathaniel Emerson sen'r Mr Jacob. Perkins ju'r Mr Mathew. Whipple sen'r John Pengery Seth: Story Thos Edwards John Lamson In Testemony whereof we hereto Subscribe our names *Joseph fuller [unclear: ] Constabls of Ipswich *Mathew perkins *William Baker *John Chote ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 80 )

(Warrant to the Town of Salem)

These are in their Maj'ties Names to require you forthwith to assemble the free holders and other the Inhabitants of your towne who are hereby also required to Choose nine good & Lawfull men of the Same towne each whereof to have a reall Estate of fourty Shillings annum or a personall Estate of fifty pounds to Serve as Jurors three upon the Grand Jury & Six upon the Jury of Tryalls at a Court of Assises & Gen'll Goal Delivery to be held at Salem for the County of Essex on Tusday the third day of January next ensuing the date hereof which persons So Chosen you are to summons to attend the said Court by nine of the Clock in the Morning of the said day and make returne hereof with the names of the said persons the day before the

-890said Court And hereof not to faile Datted In Boston the twenty third Day of December 1692 To the Constable or Constables of Salem or either of them Cu . *Jona' Elatson Cle . ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 81 )

(Return of the Town of Salem)

In obedience to this warrante I heave warned the inhabitance of this towne to mett together the 30 of Desember 1692 who Acordingliey mett & in orderley prosedinge chose mr Benjamin Browne to be modiator the persens then Choson are as falloeth Chosen for Gran Jurors Joshua Ray [unclear: ] 3 Job Swinnerton Gilbert Tapley This Don by me *Joseph Neall and non of the persons so chosen in my ward I have referred it to the Nex. Constable by me *Joseph Neale Const'l in Salem

for Juris of Trialls 6 Capt Jno Putnam [unclear: ] mr Natha'll Howard Jno Traske Junior Ens Edward flintt Edward Hillird Sergt Step Gillis: Non fallinge in my ward I heve transmitted itt to the Nexte constable. *Peter Osgood constable in Salem I have warned Gillberd tapley sen'r & Left woord at Edward hilyards hous 31 of dec 92 by me *Richard Princ Constable This 31'te of December 1692 Then warned mr Edward Flint of Salem to Attend the Court to be held att Salem on the 3'd of January

-891Incewing next upon the Jerury of Trials p'r me *Thomas Rucke Constable at nine of the Clock -the 31 of december 1692 then I warned Eleaser Giles to a tend on the Jury of tryales at the Cort to be heald at Salem on the 3 of January next insewing by me at nine of the Cloke *Samuel Stone Constabel in Salem According to the tene of this warant I have warned as Jueriours Capt John Putnam mr Joshua Rea: Mr Nathaniell Howard John Trask Jun'r Capt putnam is Lame and he saith not able to sarve me *Jonathan putnam Constable in Salem

Accorden to the tener of this warent I have warned Job Sweneton to apere by nine: a Clock in the morning on the 3 Day of Jenerey -- 1692 -by me. *Jon' putnam Constable of Salam (Written vertically across the paper on the right hand side) Returnes of the warr'ts for Choosing Jurymen ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 Nos. 81 and 82 )

(Warrant to the Town of Gloucester)

These are in theire maj'ties Names to require you forthwith to Asemble the free holders and other the Inhabitants of your towne who are hereby also required to Choose three good & lawfull men of the same towne each wherof to have a reall Esstate of fourty shillings Annum or a personall Estate of fifty pounds to Serve as Jurors one upon the Grand Jury & two upon the Jury of Tryalls at a Court of Assizes & Gen'll Goal delivery to be held at Salem for the County of Essex on Tusday the third day of January next ensueing the date hereof which persons so Chosen you are to Summons to attend the said Court by nine of the Clock in the morning of the said day and make returne

-892hereof with the names of the said persons the day before the said Court and hereof not to faile Dated in Boston the twenty third day of December 1692 To the Constable or constables of Glocester or either of them Cu . *Jona' Elatson Cle . ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 83 )

(Return of the Town of Gloucester)

According to this warrant the free holders and other the Inhabitants of glocester Asembled togather and Chose James persons to serve upon the grand Jury and William Stevens and John davis to serve upon the Jury of Tryals Att a Court of Assises to be held att Salem the third day of January next Ensuing and these persons that are Chossen I did Summons to Attend the said Court dated in glocester december the 31'th 1692

*Thomas Riggs Constable ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 83 )

(Warrant to The Town of Marblehead)

These are in their Maj'ties Names to require you forthwith to Assemble the free holders and other the Inhabitants of your towne who are hereby also required to Choose foure good and lawfull men of the same towne each whereof to have a reall Estate of fourty Shillings annum or a personall Estate of fifty pounds to serve as Jurors two upon the grand Jury & two upon the Jury of Tryalls at a Court of Assises and Gen'll Goal delivery to be held at Salem for the County of Essex on Tusday the third day of January next ensueing the date here-of which persons so Chosen you are to sumons to attend the said Court by nine of the Clock in the morning of the said day and make return hereof with the names of the said persons the day before

-893the said Court and hereof not to faile Dated in Boston the twenty third day of December 1692 To #[the] The Constable or Constables of Marblehed or either of them Cu . *Jona' Elatson Cle . ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 84 )

(Return of the Town of Marblehead)

The inhabitants of our town being assembled made thair Joyc as followeth for grand Jurors [unclear: ] Wm Woods Ric: Reed for Jury of tryals [unclear: ] Wm Beale Ric: Groce Des: the 30 'th. 92 *James Smith Const: for Marblehead The persons above menti' ware sumonsed according to Law

mee *James Smith ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 85 )

(Warrant to the Town of Topsfield)

These are in their Maj'ties Names to require you fortwith to Assemble the free holders and other Inhabitants of your Towne who are hereby also required to Choose three good & lawfull men of the same towne each whereof to have a reall Estate of fourty Shillings annum or a personall Estate of fifty pounds to serve as Jurors one upon the

-894grand Jury & two upon the Jury of tryalls at a Court of Assises and Gen'll Goal Delivery to be held at Salem for the County of Essex on Tusday The Third day of January next ensueing the date hereof which persons so Chosen you are to summons to attend the said Court by nine of the Clock in the morning of the said day & make returne hereof with the names of the said persons the day before the said Court And hereof not to faile Dated in Boston the twenty third day of December 1692 To the Constable or Constable of Topsfeild or either of them Cu *Jona' Elatson Cle . ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 86 )

(Return of the Town of Topsfield)

At a lawfull Towne meeting by order of athoryty on the 30'th of december 1692: Ens Jacob Towne is Chosen to serve on the Grand Jury at Salem and John prichet and Corp'll John Curtiow are Chosen to serve on the Jury of Tryalls at the Court of assise to be houlden at salem the 3'd day of January 1692 or 93 This is a true Coppy taken out of the Towne book p me Ephraim Dorman Recorder for Topsfield Thes men above menchened Ere chosen acording to the tener of this Warant as atested by me *Ephraim Willdes constabill of topsfild ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 87 )

(Warrant to the Town of Beverly)

These are in their Maj'ties Names to requrie you forthwith to assemble the free Holders and others the Inhabitants of your Towne who are hereby, allso required to Choose foure Good and Lawfull men of

-895the same Towne Each whereof to have a reall Estate of fourty shillings Annum or a sonall Estate of fifty pounds to serve as Jurors two upon the Grand Jury and Two upon the Jury of Tryalls at a Court of Assises & Gen'll Goal Delivery to be held at Salem for the County of Essex on Tusday the third day of Janua' next Ensuing the day of the date hereof w'ch sons so Chosen you are to sumons to attend the said Court by nine of the Clock in the morning of the said Day. and make returne hereof with the names of the said sons the day before the said Court and hereof not to faile. Dated in Boston the Twenty third day of Decemb'r 1692 To the Constable or Constables of Beverley or either of them Cu . *Jona' Elatson Cle . ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 88 )

(Return of the Town of Beverly)

Beverly January the 2'd 1692 these are to certifie such Honor'd gentel men as may bee Concerned, that in the persuance of the within written the Inhabytance of our Towne beeing Asembled togeather on the 2'nd of this instant have made choice of John Louit se[n]'r and Roberd Cue for the grand Jury and Samuel Morgan and Edmong Gale for the Jury of Tryals to attend the service of the court within named -p'r *John Conant Constable of Beverly The above s'd persons I have allso summonsd to ated according to the with in written

( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 89 )


(Warrant to the Town of Haverhill)

These are in their Maj' ties Names to Require You forthwith to Assemble the free. holders and other the Inhabitants of yo'r Towne, who are hereby allso required to Choose. Three good and Lawfull men of the same Towne, Each whereof to have a reall Estate of fourty shillings Annum, or a sonall Estate of fifty pounds, to serve as Jurors one upon the Grand Jury, and two upon the Jury of Tryalls, at a Court of Assises and Generall Goal Delivery to be held at Salem for the County of Essex on Tusday the third day of Janua' next Ensuing the day of the date hereof, w'ch sons so Chosen you are to summons to Attend the said Court-by nine of the Clock in the morning of the said Day, and make-Returne hereof w'th the names of the said sons the day before the said Court and hereof not to faile Dated in Boston the Twenty third day of Decemb'r 1692. To The Constable or Constables of Haverhill or either of Them Cu . *Jona' Elatson Cle . ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 90 )

(Return of the Town of Haverhill)

Haverhill 31'st Dec 'r 1692 : at a meeting of the free-holders and other the Inhabitants of this Town, they then Chose: (according to the Tenor of this warrant) three Jury men, viz Corn't peter Aires to Serve on the grand jury: and Serg't Josiah Gage & James Sanders to Serve upon the jury of Tryalls, and also have summonsed the s'd three persons to attend the Court of Assises & Gener'll Goal Delivery to be held at Salem, for the County of Essex on Tuesday the third of Janu'r next ensuing as attest by me *William Starlin Constable of Haverhill ( Mass. Archives. Vol. 135 No. 91 )


(Warrant to the Town of Andover)

These are in Their Maj'ties Names to Require You forthwith to Assemble the free holders and other the Inhabitants of your Towne who are hereby allso required to Choose foure good and Lawfull men of the same Towne. Each whereof to have a reall Estate of fourty shillings Annum or a sonall Estate of fifty pounds to serve as Jurors Two upon the Grand Jury and two upon the Jury of Tryalls at a Court of Assises and General Goal Delivery to be held at Salem for the County of Essex on Tusday the third day of January next Ensuing the day of the date of w'ch sons so Chosen you are to summons to Attend the said Court by nine of the Clock in the morning of the said Day and make return hereof w'th the names of the said sons the day before the said Court and hereof not to faile Dated in Boston The Twenty third Day of Decemb'r 1692. To the Constable or Constables of Andover or Either of them Cu . *Jona' Elatson Cle .

(Return of the Town of Andover)

Andover: December 30'th 1692: In Obediance unto this Above Riten worant: I have Asembled the free holders & other the Inhabitance of Our Town Togither & thay Have Chosen #[Samuel] Joseph Marble: Sene'r & henery holt sene'r for the Jury of Tryals for the above mentioned Cort: & have Somonsed Them to apere acording to warant As atest *Ephraim foster Constable of Andover ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 92 )

(Warrant to the Town of Newbury)

These are in their Maj'ties Names to require you forthwith to Assemble. the free Holders and other the Inhabitants of your Towne who are hereby allso required to Choose Nine good and Lawefull men of the same Towne. Each whereof to have a reall Estate of fourty shillings


Annum or a sonall Estate -- of fifty pounds to serve as Jurors. Three upon the Grand Jury and six upon the Jury of Tryalls at a Court of Assises and Generall Goal Delivery to be held at Salem for the County of Essex on Tusday the third day of Janua' next Ensuing the day of the date hereof w'ch sons so Chosen you are to summons to Attend the said Court by nine of the Clock in the morning of the said Day and make returne hereof w'th the names of the said psons the day before the said Court and hereof faile not Dated in Boston the Twenty third day of Decemb'r 1692 Cu . *Jona' Elatson Cle . To The Constable or Constables of Newbury or either of Them ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 93 )

(Return of the Town of Newbury)

To the High Sheriff of the County of essex Esqu'r 29 desember 1692, then I warned the freeholders & other inhabi'ts of Newbury to assemble to gether to Choose nine Jurars men and according to warning the s'd freehol: & inhabitants mett together and Cose nine Jurors men to serve according to the teneur of this warant for the Grand Jury thomas Hale Richard Browne Richard Bartlet sener Jury of trialls Sarjant John Hale Sar't John Kent Sener Sar't Joseph Little Benayah titcomb

John Emery Juner John Ordway I alsoe Su d. the Jurors. a bove named. to make their personall, appearance, at Salem on tusday. next. the thurd of Janawary according

-899to the teneur of the within warant dated. 31. Desember 1692. by me *Samuel Hills, Constable for Newbury Newbury Decemb'r 1692 At a Meeting of the free hold'rs & Inhabitants of the Towne of Newbury. Convened by the Counstable, by Vertue of a Warant dated Decemb'r 23'd 1692 Then chosen to Serve as jurors at a Court of assises & Gen'll Goale Delivery to be held at Salem for the County of Essex on the third of January next -For the Grand Jury: Thomas Hale Richard Bartlett sen'r & Richard Browne -For the Jury of Trials -Serj'nt John Kent Serj Joseph Little. Serj John Hale John Emery Ju'r Benajah Titcomb & John Ordway -Taken out of the Towne Booke of Newbury pr *Henry Short cler ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 Nos. 94 and 97 )

(Return of the Town of Rowley)

sir In pursuance of a Warrant to mee derected from the [Court] Requireing mee to Call to Gather and Assemble the free holders of our town and other the inhabitants thereof to Choose juriors to attend the Court of Assices and Gen'll Goall delivery to bee held att Salem the third day of January next Ensueing the date Hereof, and accordingly wee have made Choyse of these men following viz: Capt Joseph Boynton [unclear: ] for the Grand Jury James Dickison

-900Jno pickard [unclear: ] for the Jury of tryalls Jno platts. Dated in Rowley the 31'th of decemb'r 1692 mee *Robt Greenough Constable for the Town of Rowley (Reverse) To Mr Jona' Elatson Clark of the Court of Assices to bee held att Salem The se with Care I pray ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 95 )

(Warrant to the Town of Wenham)

These are in Theire Maj'ties names to require you forthwith to Asemble the free holders and other Inhabitants of your towne who are hereby also required to Choose foure good and lawfull men of the Same Towne each whereof to have a reall Estate of fourty Shillings Annum or a personall Estate of fifty pounds to Serve as [Jurors] two upon the Grand Jury & two upon the Jury of Tryalls at a Court of assises and Generall Goal Delivery to be held at Salem for the County of Essex on Tusday the third day of January next Ens [torn] the date heareof which persons so Chosen you are to Summon [torn] attend the said Court by nine of the Clock in the Morning of the [torn] day and make returne hereof with the names of the said pers [torn] the day before the said Court And hereof not to faile Dated in Boston the Twenty Third day of December 1692 To The Constable or Constables of Wenham or either of them Cu . *Jona' Elatson Cle . ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 96 )


(Return of the Town of Wenham)

At a metting of the inhabitants of Wenham this: 30'th of december: 1692: Richard hutten and Samuell Kimball ware Chosen to sarve upon grand jurye and James freind and John abbye on the jurye of tryalls as wittness my hand *William faierfeild Constable of wenham ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 96 )


Superior Court of Judicature: Witchcraft Trials (January-May 1693)

Cases Heard ( in chronological order ): Rebecca Jacobs Margaret Jacobs Sarah Buckley Mary Witheridge Job Tookey Johanna Tyler Candy Mary Marston Elizabeth Johnson, Sr. Abigail Barker

Mary Tyler Sarah Hawkes Mercy Wardwell Elizabeth Johnson, Jr. Mary Bridges, Sr. Mary Post Hannah Post Sarah Bridges Mary Osgood Mary Lacey, Jr. Mary Toothaker Mary Taylor Sarah Cole ( of Lynn ) Lydia Dustin Sarah Dustin John Alden Susannah Post Eunice Fry Mary Bridges, Jr. Mary Barker William Barker, Jr. Suffolk ss. Att Their Maj'ties Superiour Court of Judicature Court of Assizes & Generall Goal Delivery Holden at Sallem In The County of Essex in their Maj'ties Province of the Massachusets Bay in New England in Amirica. Under the Government of his Excellancy S'r William


Phips Knt &c the 3'd January Anno RR's et Reginae Gulielmi et Mariae nunc Angliae &c. Quarto Annoq'e Domini 1692 Grand Jury Sworn Robert Paine foreman Job Swinerton Gilbert Tapley William Wood Richard Read Richard Hutton John Lovit Sen'r Robert Cue Joseph Marble Sen'r James Persons Benja Rednap Robert Potter Sen'r Richard Browne Thomas Borman Joseph Bointon James Dickeson Richard Smith Present The Hon'ble William Stoughton Esq'r Cheif JusThomas Danforth Esq'r [unclear: ] John Richards Esq'r Wait Winthrop Esq'r Samuel Sewell Esq'r The Court being opened the Grand Jury was sworn.

Severall Bills of Indictment against divers persons for felony by Witchcraft were committed to the Grand Jury and then the Court Adjourned to nine of the Clock next morning.

(Case of Rebecca Jacobs)

10 Jury of Tryalls Sworn Edward Flint fore Nathaniel Howard Eliezer Giles John Hall John Kent Joseph Litle Benayah Tidcomb Samuel Morgan Edmund Gale William Stephens John Lamson Seth Story Rebekah Jacobs wife of George Jacobs of Salem Villedge in the County of Essex husbandman was Arraigned being Indicted by the Jurors for our Soveraigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen upon their Oathes For that the said Rebekah Jacobs upon the Eighteenth day of May 1692 and divers other days and times as well before as after Certain detestable arts called Witchcraft and Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously and feloneously hath used practised and Exercised at and in Salem Village aforesaid in upon and against one Elizabeth Hobert of Salem

-905Singlewoman, by which said wicked Acts the said Elizabeth Howard the day & year aforesaid & divers other dayes and times as well before as after was and is Tortured Afflicted Consumed pined Wasted & Tormented against the peace of our Soveraigne Lord & Lady their Crowne & dignity & the forme in the Stattute in that Case made & provided. Upon which indictment the said Rebekah Jacobs was arraigned and to the indictment pleaded not Guilty

and put her selfe upon Tryall by God & the Country The first Jury of Tryalls being called whereof mr Edward flint is foreman and the prisoner making no challenge against any of them they were sworn for her Tryall and past upon her The Jury Bring in their Verdict, that is to say That they do not find Rebekah Jacobs Guilty of the felony by Witchcraft she hath been Indicted. The Court Ordered that the said Rebekah Jacobs be discharged upon her paying fees.

(Case of Margaret Jacobs)

Jury Swoarn James Freind foreman Richard Gross John Emery John Ordway John Abby John Witt Josiah Gage James Sanders Nathan'll Emerson Sen'r Thomas Edwards John Pritchard John Plats Margaret Jacobs of Salem in the County of Essex Singlewoman was Arraigned being indicted by the Jurors for our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen upon their Oaths For that the said Margaret Jacobs upon the Eleventh day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred Ninety and two and divers other dayes and times as well before as after Certain detestable arts called Witchcraft and Sorceries Wickedly mallitiously and feloniously hath used practised and Excised at and in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd in upon and against one Mary Wallcott of Salem afores'd Singlewoman by which said wicked Arts the said Mary Wallcott the day and year aforesaid and divers other dayes and times both before and after was and is Tortured afflicted Consumed Wasted Pined and Tormented and allso for sundry other Acts of witchcraft


by the said Margret Jacobs Comitted and don before and since that time against the peace of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen their Crowne and dignity and the forme in the Stattute in that Case made and provided. And upon one other Indictment That the said Margaret Jacobs on the Eleventh day of May aforesaid in the year afores'd and divers other dayes and times as well before as after Certain detestable arts called Witchcraft and Sorcerys wicked-mallitiously hath used practised and Exercised at and in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex Afores'd in upon & against one Elizabeth Hobert of Salem Singlewoman, by w'ch said wicked Acts the said Elizabeth Hobard the day and year aforesaid and divers other dayes and times both before & after was and is Tortured Afflicted Consumed Wasted Pined and Tormented and also for sundry other Acts of witchcraft by the said Margaret Jacobs Comitted and don before and since that time against our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen their Crowne and dignity and the forme in the Stattute in that Case made and Provided. Upon w'ch Indictments shee was Arraigned and to both the said Indictments pleaded not Guilty and put herselfe upon Tryall by God and the Country The first Jury was Called Edward flint foreman, and #[and] noe objection being made were Sworn to pass upon her Tryall And the Evidences in the Case were read and the Case was Committed to the Jury. The Jury Gave in their Verdict viz't They find that Margaret Jacobs the Prisoner at the Barr is not guilty of the felony by Witchcraft whereof Shee hath been Indicted. The Court Ordered that the said Margaret Jacobs be discharged paying her fees.

(Case of Sarah Buckley)

Sarah Buckley the wife of William Buckley of Salem in the County of Essex Shoomaker Was Indicted by the Jur'rs for our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King & Queen upon their Oaths That the said Sarah Buckley upon the Eighteenth day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred ninety and two and divers other dayes and

-907times as well before as after Certain detestable arts Called Witchcraft and Sorceries wickedly mallitiously and feloneously hath used practised and Exercised At and in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd in upon and against one Mary Walcott of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd Singlewoman By which said wicked Acts the said Mary Walcott the day and year aforesaid and divers other dayes and times both before and after was and is Tortured Afflicted Consumed Pined Wasted and Tormented And allso for sundry other acts of witchcraft by the said Sarah Buckley Committed and don before and since that time against our Soveraigne Lord & Lady the King and Queen their Crowne and Dignity And the forme in the Stattute in that Case made & provided. And upon on other Indictment for that the said Sarah Buckley the wife of William Buckley aforesaid of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd in and upon the Eighteenth day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred Ninety & two and divers other dayes #[other dayes] and times as well before as after Certain detestable arts called Witchcraft or sorceries wickedly malitiously and feloneousely hath used practiced and Exersised at and in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex Aforesaid in upon and against one Ann Putman of Salem aforesaid Single-woman, by w'ch said wicked Acts the said Ann Putnam the day and year afores'd and divers other dayes and times both before and after was and is Tortured Afflicted Consumed Pined Wasted and Tormen-ted, And allso for Sundry other Acts of witchcraft by the said Sarah Buckley Committed and don both before and since that time against our

Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen their Crowne and Dignity and the forme in the Stattute In that Case made & provided. Upon w'ch Indictments the said Sarah Buckley was araigned and to both of them pleaded not Guilty & put her selfe upon Tryall by God and the County. The second Jury was Called James freind foreman and noe objection being made were sworn to pass upon her Tryall and the Evidences in the Case were read and the Wittnesses appeared The Prisoner made her Defence. The Jury Returne their verdict. The Jury Returne their verdict. The Jury say that the said Sarah Bukley is not Guilty of the felony by witchcraft of which [she] stands indicted in the two Recited Indictments. The Court Ordered that the said Sarah Buckley be discharged paying her fees.


(Case of Mary Witheridge)

Mary Witheridge was Sett to the Barr and was Indicted by the Jurors for our Soveraigne Lord & Lady for that the said Mary Witheridge of Salem Village alias Salem in the County of Essex the Eighteenth day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred Ninety two and divers other dayes and times as well [before] as after Certaine detestable arts Called Witchcraft and Sorceries wickedly mallitiously and feloniously hath used practised and Exercised at and in the towne of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid in upon and against one Elizabeth Hobart of Salem afores'd Singlewoman by w'ch said Wicked Acts the said Elizabeth Hobert the day and year aforesaid and divers other dayes and times both before and after was and is Tortured Afflicted Consumed Wasted Pined & Tormented and allso for sundry other Acts of Witchcraft by the said Mary Witheridge Committed and don before and since that time against the peace of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen their Crowne and Dignity and the form of the Stattute in that Case made and provided. And the Jurors for our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen doe allso upon their oaths indicte the said Mary Witheridge In or upon the Eighteenth day of May in the year of our Lord One Thousand six hundred Ninety & two and divers other dayes and times as well before as after Certain detestable Arts Called Witchcraft and Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiousely and feloniously hath used practised and Exercised at and in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd In upon and against one Sarah Vibber wife of John Vibber of Salem aforesaid Husbandman by w'ch said wicked Acts the said Sarah Vibber the day and year aforesaid and divers other dayes and times both before and after was and is Tortured Afflicted Consumed Pined Wasted and Tormented, And allso for Sundry other Acts of Witchcraft by the said Mary Witheridge Committed and don before and since that time against our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen their Crowne and dignity And the forme in the Stattute in that Case made and provided. Upon both w'ch Indictements the said Mary Witheridge was Areigned, and to the said Indictments pleaded not Guilty and put herselfe upon Tryall by God and the Country.


Petty Jury James Freind fo: Rich'd Gross John Emery John Ardway John Abby John Witt Josiah Gage James Sanders Nathan'l Emerson Thomas Edwards John Prichard John Plats The second Jury was Called James Freind foreman and no exception being made were swoarn to pass upon her tryall. The Evidences in the Cace being read and Wittness appearing The Prisoner made her defence. The Jury Returne their verdict. The Jury Say That Mary Witheridge is not Guilty of the felony by Witchcraft of whitch Shee stands Indicted in the two recitted Indictments. The Court Ordered the said Mary Witheridge be Discharged paying her fees.

(Case of Job Tookey)

January 5th Jury of Tryall Edward flint fo m Nathan'l Howard Eliazer Gyles John Hale

John Kent Joseph Litle Benayah Tidcomb Samuel Morgan Edmund Gale William Stephens John Lampson Seth Storey Job Tookey of Beverley in the County of Essex Waterman was Indicted by the Jurors for our Soveraign Lord and Lady the King and Queen upon their Oaths For that the said Job Tookey The seventh day of June In the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred Ninety and two and divers other dayes and times as well before as after Certaine detestable Arts Called Witchcraft and Sorceries Wickedly mallitiously and feloniously hath used practised and Exercised at and in the Towne of Salem In the County of Essex aforesaid In upon and against one Mary Warren of Salem aforesaid Single woman by w'ch said wicked Acts the said Mary Warren the day and year aforesaid and divers other dayes and times both before and after was and is Tortured Afflicted Wasted Consumed pined & Tormented And all[so] for Sundry other Acts of witchcrafts by the said Job Tookey Committed and don before and since that time against the peace of our Soveraigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen

-910their Crowne & Dignity and the forme of the Statute in that Case made and provided. Upon w'ch Indictment the said Job Tookey was Arraigned and upon his Arraignement pleaded not Guilty to the Indictment and put himselfe upon Tryall by God and the Country. A Jury was called being the first Jury Edward flint foreman and were accordingly Swore to pass upon him (the prisoner makeing no Challeng) The Indictment being read as allso the Evidences and Examination the prisoner made his Defence the Jury returne their Verdict. The Jury Say that Job Tookey is not Guilty of the felony by witchcraft of which he stood Indicted. The Court Ordered Job Tookey to be discharged paying his fees.

(Case of Johannah Tyler)

Hannah Tyler of Andover in the County of Essex Singlewom being Indicted by the Jurors for our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen upon their Oaths by Two Severall Indictments, That is to say 1'st That shee the said Hannah Tyler of Andover in the County of Essex Singlewoman some time in the moneth of Aprill last in the year of our Lord One Thousand Six hundred ninety two aforesaid in the Towne

of Andover afores'd wickedly mallitiousely and feloneously A Covenant with the Devill did make whereby she Gave both her soule and body to the Devill and signed his booke and by him was Baptized and owned the Devill to be her God and promissed to hon'r and serve him forever And unto the Devill did renounce her Christian Baptisme and God and Christ By which Diab #[ab] ollicall & wicked Covenanting with the Devill as aforesaid the said Hannah Tyler is become a detestable Witch Contrary to the peace of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen their Crowne and Dignity and the Law in that Case made and provided. 2'ly For that She (the said Hannah Tyler) on or about the seventh day of September last in the year of our Lord One thousand Six hundred ninety Two aforesaid and divers other dayes and times as well before as after certaine detestable arts called Witchcraft and Sorceries wickedly mallitiousely and feloneously hath used practised & Exercised in the Towne of Andover afores'd upon and against one

-911Rose foster of Andover afores'd By which said wicked arts the said Rose foster the day and year aforesaid and divers other dayes and times as well before as after, was and is afflicted Tortured Consumed pined wasted and tormented against the peace of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King & [Queen] Their Crowne and dignity and the Lawes in that case made and Provided. -3'r Jury of Tryalls nathaniell Howard forem'n John Hale James freind Samuell Morgan James Sanders Richard Gross John Witt Nathan'll Emerson John Emery Benaiah Tidcomb John Platts John Lamson upon the aboves'd Indictments and each of them the said Hannah Tyler was then & there before our Justices of our Lord and Lady the King & Queen afores'd Arraigned & upon her Arraignem't the said Hannah did then and there the said day & year afores'd plead to them & each of them not Guilty & put her selfe upon Tryall by God & her Country.

A Jury being called Nathaniel Howard foreman & accordingly Sworne no Exception made by the prisoner the said Indictments being read together with Evidence & Examination and the Prisoners defence being heard the Jury went out to agree on their verdict who Returning did then and there in open Court deliver their Verdict That the said Hannah Tyler was not Guilty of the felony by Witchcraft for w'ch She stood Indicted in & by the said Indictm'ts & each of them The Court Ordered Hannah Tyler aforesaid to be discharged Paying her fees//

(Case of Candy)
January 6'th Petty Jurors Richard Gross foreman John Emery John Ardway James friend John Abby John Witt Josiah Gay James Sanders Nathaniel Emerson Thomas Edwards John Prick[ard] John Platts Candy a Negroe Servant to Mrs Mary Hawkes of Salem, in the County of Essex, being Indicted by the Jurors for our Soveraign Lord and lady the King and Queen upon Oaths by Two Severall Indictments; That is to Say, 1'st For that

-912the Said Candy Negroe Woman Servant to Mrs Mary Hawkes aforesaid of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid, did upon the Second Day of July last in the year 1692 and diverse other times before and after, certaine detestable Arts called witchcrafts and Sorceries, Wickedly, Malitiously and felloniously, hath used,

practised, and Exercised, in the Town of Salem aforesaid, upon and against One Ann Putnam of Salem Single Woman, by which wicked Arts the said Ann Putnam the day and Year aforesaid and divers other dayes and times both before and after was and is tortured, afflicted, consumed, wasted, pined and tormented, contrary to the Peace of our Sovereign Lord and Lady the King and Queen their Crowne and dignity, and the Lawes in that case made, and Provided. Petty Jurors Richard Gross foreman John Emery John Ardway James friend John Abby John Witt Josiah Gay James Sanders Nathaniel Emerson Thomas Edwards John Prickard John Platts Upon the abovesaid Indictements and each of them the said Candy was then and there before the Justices of our Lord and Lady the King and Queen afores'd Arraigned, and upon her Arraignment the said Candy did then and there the Day and Year aforesaid plead to them and each of them Not Guilty and put her self upon triall by God and hur Countrey. A Jury being called Richard Gross foreman Acordingly Sworne, no Exception made by the Prisoner the said Indictments and Every of them being read together with Evidences and Examinations and the prisoners defence being heard, The Jury went out to agree on their verdict, who Returning, did then and there in open Court deliver their verdict, That the said Candy was not Guilty of the fellony by witchcraft for which she stood Indicted In and by the said Indictments and each of them The Court Ordered Candy the Negroe Servant abovesaid to be discharged, Paying her fees.


(Case of Mary Marston)

Mary Marston #[wife of John Marston] wife of John Marston Jun'r of Andover In the County of Essex, husbandman being Indicted by the Jurors for our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen upon their Oathes by Two severall Indictments, That is to say. 1'st For that she the said Mary Marston wife of John Marston of Andover husbandman about Three years since in the Towne of Andov'r in the County of Essex afores'd A wicked and diabollicall Covenant wickedly mallitiousely and feloneously with the Devill did make and signe the Devills book, and promis to worship the Devill and serve him by which wicked Covenant with the Devill the said Mary Marston is becom a detestable Witch Contrary to the Peace of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen their Crowne & Dignity and the Lawes in that Case made and provided. 2'dly For that She the said Mary Marston on or about the twenty Eight day of August last in the year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred ninety two and divers other dayes and times as well before as after Certain detestable Arts Called Witchcraft and Sorceries Wickedly Mallitiously and feloneously hath used practised and Exercised at and in the Towne of Andover aforesaid in upon and against one Abigail Martin of Andover aforesaid by w'ch said wicked Acts the said Abigail Martin the day & year aforesaid #[aforesaid] and divers other dayes & times both before and after and is Tortured afflicted Consumed Pined wasted and Tormented against the peace of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen their Crowne and Dignity and the forme of the Stattute in that Case made & Provided. Upon the aforesaid Indictments and Each of them the said Mary Marston was then and there before the Justices of our Lord and Lady the King and Queen aforesaid Arraigned and upon her arraignement did then and there the day and year aforesaid plead to them and each of them not Guilty and put herselfe upon tryall by God & hir Country -Nath'll Howard fore John Hale Sam'll Morgan James Sanders Rich'd Gross John Witt Natha'll Emerson John Emery Benajah Titcomb John Platts John Lamson James Friend. A Jury being Called Nathaniel Howard foreman and accordingly Sworne no Exception being


made by the prisoner the said Indictments and every of them being Read together with Evidences and Examinations and the prisoners defence being heard, the Jury went out to agree on their verdict, Who Returning did then and there in open Court deliver their Verdict, That the said Mary Marston was not Guilty of the felony by witchcraft for which she stood indicted In and by the said Indictments and each of them. The Court Ordered Mary Marston aforesaid to be discharged Paying fees.

(Case of Elizabeth Johnson)

Elisabeth Johnson of Andivor in the County of Essex Widdow, being Indicted by the Jurors for our Soveraigne Lord & Lady the King and Queen upon their Oathes, by two Severall Indictments,: That is to say: 1'st For that shee the said Elisabeth Johnson of Andover in the County of Essex afores'd Widdow on or about [] and divers other times as well before as after in the Township of Andover aforesaid wickedly, malitiously, and felloniously, A covenant with the Devill did make, by which diabolicall Covenant Shee gave Selfe both Soule and body, to the Devill and Signd the Devills booke, and by him was baptized and unto him renounced her Christian baptism, and God and Christ, And owned the Devill to be her God, and promised to Serve, and obey him for ever, by which wicked Covenant shee the said Elisabeth Johnson is become a detestable witch, contrary to the Peace of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen, their Crowne, and dignity, and the Lawes in that case made, and Provided. 2'dly For that shee the said Elisabeth Johnson of Andivor, in the County of Essex, aforesaid, Widdow, On or about the 30'th Day of August, in the Year 1692 aforesaid, and diverse other days, and times, as well before, as after, certaine detestable Arts called Witchcrafts, and Sorceries wickedly, malitiously and felloniously hath used, practised, and exercised, at, and in the Towne of Andover, in the County of Essex aforesaid, upon, and against, one Sarah Phelps of [] by which said wicked arts the Said Sarah Phelps the day, and Yeare aforesaid, and divers other dayes and times, as well before,

-915as after, was and is, tortured, consumed, wasted, pined, afflicted, and tormented, contrary to the Peace of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen, their Crowne, and dignity, and the Lawes in that case made, and Provided. -John Blaney fore Edward flint Eleazar Giles John Kent Sen'er Joseph Litle John Abby

Edmund Gale Josiah Gay Seth Story John Ordway Thomas Edwards John Prickard Upon the aforesaid Indictments and each of them, the said Elisabeth Johnson, was then & there before the Justices of our Lord and Lady the King and Queen aforesaid, arraigned, and upon her arraignment, did then and there, the day, and Year aforesaid, plead to them and each of them, not Guilty and put her Self upon tryall, by God & her Country A Jury being called John Blaney foreman a ordingly sworne, no exception made by the Prisoner, the said Indictments, and Every of them being read, together with Evidences, and Examinations, and the Prisoners defence being heard; the Jury went out to agree on their verdict, who returning, did then, and there, in open Court, deliver their verdict; That the said Elisabeth Johnson was Not Guilty of the fellony by witchcraft, for w'ch she stood Indicted, in, and, by, the said Indictments and each of them -The Court Ordered Elisabeth Johnson aforesaid to be discharged, Paying her fees --

(Case of Abigail Barker)

Abigail Barker wife of Ebenezar Barker of Andover in the County of Essex, being indicted by the Jurors, for our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen, upon their Oathes, by three Severall Indictments; That is to Say: 1'st: -For that shee the said Abigaill Barker wife of Ebenezar Barker of Andover in the County of Essex, about Two yeares Since, at, & in the Towne of Andover aforesaid, wickedly malitiously, and felloniously, a Covenant with the Devill did make, and Signe the Devills Booke, and by the Devill was baptized, and renounced her former christian baptisme, and gave her Selfe up to the Devill, to Serve him and for the Devill, to be her Lord and Master, by which diabolicall,

-916and wicked covenant, Shee the said Abigaill Barker, is become a detestable witch Contrary to the Peace of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen their Crowne, and Dignity, and the Lawes, in that case made, and provided. 2'dly For that the said Abigaill Barker, wife of Ebenezar Barker of Andover, in the County of Essex aforesaid, in and upon the Eighth day of Septemb'r last, in the year of our Lord 1692, and diverse other

dayes, and times, as well before, as after; certaine detestable Arts called witchcrafts, and Sorceries, wickedly malitiously, and feloniously, hath used, practised, and exercised, at, and in the Towne of Andover afores'd in the County of Essex aforesaid, upon, and against One Ralph farnum Senior of Andover aforesaid by which said wicked arts aforesaid the said Ralph farnum the day and Yeare aforesaid, and diverse other dayes, and times, both before, and after was, & is, tortured, aflicted, consumed, wasted, pined, and tormented, contrary to the peace of our Soveraigne Lord, and Lady, the King and Queen, their Crowne and Dignity, and the Lawes in that case made, and provided. Jury of Tryall Nathan'l Howard for John Hale Samuel Morgan James Sanders Richard Gross John Witt Nathan'l Emerson John Emery Benayah Tidcomb John Platts John Lamson James freind 3'dly For that the said Abigaill Barker, wife Ebenezar Barker, of Andover, in, and upon the Eighth day of September last in the year of our Lord 1692 and divers other dayes and times as well before as after certaine detestable arts, called witchcrafts, and Sorceries, wickedly, mallitiously, and felloniously hath used, practised, and Exercised, at, and in the towne of Andover aforesaid, in the County of Essex aforesaid, upon, and against, one Rose foster, of Andover [] by which Said wicked Arts, the said Rose foster, the day, and year aforesaid, and diverse others dayes, and times both before, and after, was, and is, tortured, afflicted consumed,, pined and wasted, and tormented, against the Peace of o'r Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King, and Queen, their Crowne and dignity, and the Lawes, and Acts in that case made and Provided. -- Upon the aforesaid Indictments, and each of them, the said Abigaill Barker was then, and there, before the Justices of our Lord and Lady the King

-917and Queen aforesaid, arraigned, and upon her arraignment, did then, and there, the day, and Year aforesaid, plead to them, and each of them Not Guilty, and put her Selfe, upon triall, by God, and her Countrey --

A Jury being called [] foreman and A rdingly Sworne, no exception being made by the Prisoner the said Indictments, and each of them, being read, together with Evidences, and Examinations and the Prisoners defence being heard: the Jury went out to agree on their verdict, who returning, did then and there, in open Court, deliver their verdict; That the Said Abigaill Barker was Not Guilty, of the fellony by witchcraft, for which she stood Indicted, in, and by, the said Indictements, and each of them. The Court Ordered, Abigaill Barker aforesaid, to be discharged, paying her fees.

(Case of Mary Tyler)

January 7'th Mary Tyler wife of hopestill Tyler of Andover, Blacksmith, being Indicted by the Jurors for o'r Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen, upon their Oathes, by three Severall Indictments; That is to Say 1'st -- For that the said Mary Tyler, wife of hopestill Tyler, of Andover in the County of Essex Blaksmith about Seaven Yeares Since in the towne of Andover aforesaid, wickedly, malitiously and felloniously, a Covenant with the Devill did make and signed the Devills booke, and promised to serve the Devill as long as shee Lived, and by the Devill was baptized; and renounced her former Baptisme, by which Diabolicall, And wicked Covenant with the Devill, Shee the said Mary Tyler is become a detestable witch, contrary to the peace of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen, their Crowne and dignity, and the Lawes in that case made, and Provided. -2'dly For that shee the said Mary Tyler, wife of Hopestill Tyler of Andover in the County of Essex Blaksmith, on, or about the Seventh day of Septem'r last in the year 1692, and Divers others dayes and times, as well before, as after, certaine detestable Arts called witchcrafts, and Sorceries, wickedly, malitiously, and felloniously hath used, practised, and Exercised, in the Towne of Andover aforesaid,

-918upon, and against, one Ralph farnam Senior of Andover aforesaid by which wicked Arts, the said Ralph farnam Senior, the day and Yeare, aforesaid, and divers other dayes, and times, as well before as after, was and is, tortured, afflicted, consumed, wasted, pined, and Tormented contrary to the Peace of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen their Crowne and dignity, and the Lawes in that case made and Provided. -3'dly For that she the said Mary Tyler, wife of Hopestill Tyler, of Andover, in the County of Essex Blaksmith, on or about, the Seaventh Day of September last, in the Year 1692, and divers other dayes, and times, as well before, as after, certaine detestable arts, called witchcrafts, and Sorceries, wickedly, malitiously, and felloniously, hath used, practized, and exercised, in the Towne of Andover aforesaid, upon, and against One Hannah Foster, wife of Ephraim Foster, of Andover, aforesaid, by which wicked arts the said Hannah Foster, the day, and year aforesaid and divers other dayes, and times, as well before, as after, was, and is, tortured, afflicted, pined wasted, consumed, and tormented, contrary to the Peace of our Soveraign Lord and Lady the King and Queen, their Crown and Dignity, & the lawes in that case made and provided. The Jury Sworn

Nath: Howard fore. John Hall James freind Samuell Morgan James Horner Richard Gross John Witt Nathan'l Emerson John Emery Benay Tidcomb John Platts John Lampson Upon the aforesaid Indictments, and each of them the said Mary Tyler, was then, and there, before the Justices of our Lord and Lady, the King and Queen aforesaid, Arraigned and upon her arraignment did then, and there, the day and Year aforesaid plead to them, and each of them, Not Guilty, and put her selve, upon triall by God, and her Countrey. -A Jury being called Nathaniel Howard foreman and A ordingly Sworne, no Exception made by the Prisoner, the said Indictments, and each of them, being read, together with Evidences, and Examinations and the Prisoners defence being heard; the Jury went out to agree on their verdict, who returning, did then, and there, in open Court deliver their verdict, That the said Mary Tyler, was Not Guilty, of the fellony by witchcraft, for which shee stood Indicted, in & by, the said Indictments and each of them. --

-919The Court Ordered, Mary Tyler aforesaid, to be discharged, paying her fees. --

(Case of Sarah Wardwell)

January 10'th All the Judges present Except Wait Winthrop who was not at any of the following Tryalls --

Sarah Wardwell of Andover in the County Essex, being Indicted by the Jurors for o'r Soveraigne Lord and Lady, the King and Queen, upon their Oathes by two Severall Indictments -For that shee the said Sarah Wardwell widow, about Six Yeares past, wickedly, mallitiously, and felloniously, a Covenant with, and Signed, a peece of paper to the Devill, and was baptized by the Devill and gave her Self, Soule and body to him, promised to be his Servant, by which diabolicall and wicked Covenant with the Devill, by her the said Sarah Wardwell made, #[shee the said Sarah Wardwell made,] shee the said Sarah Wardwell, is become a detestable witch, against the Peace of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady, the King and Queen, their Crowne, and Dignity, and the Lawes in that case made and Provided -2'dly For that shee the said Sarah Wardwell widow, on or about the first Day of September last in the year 1692, aforesaid, and divers other dayes, and times, as well before, as after, certain detestable arts, called witchcrafts, and Sorceries, wickedly, mallitiously, and felloniously, hath used, practised and Exercised, in, upon, and against Martha Sprague, at, and in the Towne of Salem, in the County of Essex aforesaid, by which said wicked Arts, the Said Martha Sprague, the Day, and Year aforesaid, and divers other dayes, and times, as well before, as after, was, and is tortured, afflicted, and tormented, consumed, pined, and wasted, contrary to the Peace of our Souveraigne Lord and Lady The King and Queen, their Crowne, and Dignity, and the Lawes, in that case made, and Provided -- Upon the aforesaid Indictments, and each of them, the said Sarah Wardwell, was then, and there, before the Justices of our Lord and Lady, the King and Queen, aforesaid, arraigned, and upon her arraignment, did then, and there, the day and year aforesaid, plead to them, and

-920each of them, Not Guilty, and put her Selfe upon Triall, by God, and her Countrey. -Jury Sworn Nathan'l Howard John Hale James freind Samuel Morgan John Kent Richard Gross John Witt Nathan'l Emerson John Emery Benayah Tidcom John Platts

John Lamson A Jury being called Nathan Howard foreman and a ordingly Sworne, no Exception made by the Prisoner, the said Indictements, and each of them, being read, together with Evidences, and Examinations, and the Prisoners defence being heard, the Jury went out to agree on their verdict, who returning did then, and there in open Court, deliver their verdict, that the said Sarah Wardwell was Guilty of covenanting with the Devill, for which she stood Indicted, in the first Indictment as also Guilty of the fellony by witchcraft for which she stood Indicted, in the Second Indictment. The Court Ordered the Keeper of the Goale to take care of the Prisoner, A ording to Law.

(Case of Sarah Hawkes)

Sarah Hawkes of Andover in the County of Essex being Indicted by the Jurors, for our Sovereigne Lord and Lady, the King and Queen, upon their Oathes, by two Severall Indictments That is to Say; 1'st -For that shee the said Sarah Hawkes, of Andover Single woman, sometime in the beginning of this present Yeare 1692, and in the towne of Andover aforesaid, wickedly malitiously and felloniously, a Covenant with the Devill did make and Signed a Paper which he offered to her, and Promised to serve the Devill, and gave to him her Soule and body, and afterwards about the latter end of July or beginning of August last was baptised by the Devill, and renounced her former christian Baptisme, by which diabolicall covenanting with the Devill, shee the said Sarah Hawkes, is become a wicked, and detestable witch, against the peace of our Soveraign Lord and Lady, the King and Queen their Crown, and dignity, and the Lawes in that case made and Provided. 2'dly For that shee the said Sarah Hawkes, of Andover Single woman, On or about the first day of September last A'o 1692 certaine detestable

-921arts called witchcrafts, and Sorceries, wickedly malitiously and felloniously, hath used practized, and Exercised, in the Towne of Salem, in the County of Essex aforesaid, upon, and against Martha Sprague, by which wicked Arts, the said #[Said] Martha Sprague, was, and is tortured, afflicted, and tormented, consumed, pined, and wasted, against the Peace of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady, the King and Queen, their Crowne, and Dignity and the Lawes, in that case made, and Provided. -Upon the aforesaid Indictements, and each of them the said Sarah Hawkes, was then, and there, before the Justices of our Lord and Lady, the King and Queen aforesaid, arraigned, and upon her arraignment, did then and there, the day, and year abovesaid, plead to them, and each of them, Not Guilty, and putt her Selfe upon Triall by God, and her Countrey. -- A Jury being called Joseph Pike foreman and acordingly sworne, no Exception made by the Prisoner, the said Indictements, and each of them, being read, together with Evidences, and Examinations, and the Prisoners defence being heard; the Jury went out to agree on their verdict, who returning, did then, and there in Open Court, deliver their verdict That the said Sarah Hawkes

was not Guilty of the fellony by witchcraft, for which she stood Indicted, in and by the said Indictments and each of them. -Jury Sworn Joseph Pike Edward flint Eliazer Gyles Joseph Litle John Abby Edmund Gale Josiah Gage Seth Storey John Ordway John Pickard Edward Norris William Becket The Court Ordered [Mary] Hawkes aforesaid to be discharged, paying her fees --

(Case of Mercy Wardwell)

Marcy Wardwell, daughter of Samuell Wardwell, of Andover, in the County of Essex, being Indicted by the Jurors, for o'r Soveraigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen, upon their Oathes, by two Severall Indictments; That is to say: 1'st For that the said Marcy Wardwell, Daughter of Samuell Wardwell, of Andover, in the County aforesaid, some time in this present yeare 1692, wickedly mallitiously, and felloniously, A Covenant with the Devill did make, and Signed a paper

-922to the Devill with a Red marke, and believed the Devill, and promised to serve him, and was baptized by the Devill, and unto him renounced her former Baptism, by which Diabolicall Covenant, with the Devill, by the said Marcy Wardwell, in forme aforesaid made, she is become a detestable witch contrary to the Peace of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady, the King and Queen, their Crowne and Dignity, and the Lawes in that case made and Provided. --

2'dly For that the said Marcy Wardwell, Daughter of Samuell Wardwell, of Andover in the County of Essex aforesaid, On, or about the month of Aug'st last past, in the yeare aforesaid, and divers other dayes, and times, as well before, as after, certaine detestable Arts, called witchcrafts, and Sorceries, wickedly, mallitiously, and felloniously, hath used, practized, and Exercised, upon, and against Timothy Swan, of Andover aforesaid, by which said Timothy Swan, in the moneth of August aforesaid, and divers other dayes, and times as well before, as after, was, & is tormented, afflicted, and tortured, consumed, wasted, and pined, contrary to the peace of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady, the King and Queen, their Crowne, and Dignity, and the Lawes, in that case made and Provided. Upon the aforesaid Indictements, and each of them, the Justices of our Lord and #[the] Lady, the King and Queen aforesaid arraigned, and upon her arraignment did then, and there, the day, and Yeare abovesaid, plead to them, and each of them, Not Guilty and put her Self upon Triall by God, and her Country. Jury Sworn Edward Flint Thomas Flint John Williams Eleazer Gyles Joseph Litle John Abby Edmund Gale Seth Storey John Ordway John Pickard Edward Norris William Becket A Jury being called Edward Flint foreman and acordingly sworne, no exce con being made by the Prisoner, the said Indictements, and each of them, being read, together with Evidences, and Examinations, and the Prisoners deffence being heard the Jury went out to agree on their verdict, who returning, did then, and there, in open Court deliver the same, That the said Marcy Wardwell, was Not Guilty of the fellony by witchcraft, for which shee stood Indicted, in, and, by the said Indictements, and each of them The Court Ordered Marcy Wardwell, to be discharged, paying her fees --


(Case of Elizabeth Johnson, Jr.)

11'th [J'y] Elisabeth Johnson Junior of Andover, in the County of Essex, Single Woman, being indicted by the Jurors for our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen, upon their Oathes, by two Severall Indictments, That is to Say, 1'st For that shee the said Elizabeth Johnson Junior of Andover Single Woman, about three yeares since, wickedly felloniously and malitiously a Covenant with the Devill did make, and was baptized by the Devill, and Renounced her former Christian Baptisme, and God, and Christ, by which wicked -- and Diabolicall Covenant, with the Devill, in manner and forme aforesaid shee the said Elizabeth Johnson is become a detestable witch, against the Peace of Our Soveraigne Lord and Lady, the King and Queen their Crowne, and Dignity, and the Lawes in that case made and Provided -2'dly For that shee the said Elisabeth Johnson Junior of Andover in the County of Essex, Single woman on, or about the Elleventh day of August, last in this present Year 1692 aforesaid, and divers other dayes, and times, as well before, as after, certaine detestable Arts, called witch[c] rafts, and Sorceries, wickedly mallitiously, and felloniously, hath used, practised and Exercised, at, and in the Towne of Salem, in the County of Essex aforesaid, upon, and against, One Ann Putnam, of Salem, in the County of Essex, by which wicked Arts, the said Ann Putnam, the Day, and Year aforesaid, and divers other dayes, and times, as well before, as after, is Tortured, afflicted, tormented, consumed, Pined and wasted, against the Peace, of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady, the King and Queen, their Crowne, and Dignity, and the Laws in that case made, & Provided. Upon the aforesaid Indictments, and each of them, the said Elisabeth Johnson Junior, was then, and there, before the Justices of our Lord and Lady the King and Queen aforesaid, arraigned, and upon her Arraignment, did then, and there, the day, and Year abovesaid, plead to them, and each of them, Not Guilty, & put her self upon triall, by God, and her Country. Jury Sworn Eliazer Gyles John Hall Joseph Litle John Abby John Witt Seth Story John Ordway John Emery John Pickard Benayah Tidcomb Nathan'l Emerson

Edmund Gale

-924A Jury being called, Eliazer Gyles foreman, and a ordinly sworne, no exception being made, by the Prisoner, the said Indictments, and each of them, being read, together with Evidences, and Examinations, and the Prisoners defence, being heard; the Jury went out to agree on their verdict, who returning, did then, and there, in Open Court, deliver their verdict, that the said Elizabeth Johnson Junior was Guilty of covenanting with the Devill, for which shee stood Indicted, in the first Indictment, as allso Guilty of the fellony, by witchcraft, for which shee stood Indicted, in the Second Indictment. The Court Ordered the Keeper of the Goale to take care of the prisoner a ording to law

(Case of Mary Bridges)

12'th [J'y] Mary Bridges wife of John Bridges, of Andover in the County of Essex Blaksmith, being Indicted, by the Jurors for our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen, upon their Oathes, by two severall Indictments. That is to say 1'st For that shee the said Mary Bridges, wife of John Bridges, of Andover, in the County of Essex, Blaksmith, Sometime in the Year 1691, malitiously, wickedly, and felloniously, with the Devill, a Covenant did make, and Signed the Devills booke, and promised, and Covenanted, to worship him, and Severall times, hath worshipped the Devill, and frequented, witch meetings, by which Diabolicall Covenant, made by the said Mary Bridges, with the Devill shee the said Mary Bridges, is become a wicked, and detestable witch, contrary to the Peace of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen, their Crowne, and Dignity, and the Lawes, in that case made, and Provided. -2'dly For that shee, the [said] Mary Bridges, wife of John Bridges, of Andover in the County of Essex Blaksmith, on or about, the 28th day of July last, in the year 1692 aforesaid, and divers other dayes, and times, as well before, as after, certaine, detestable arts, called witchcrafts, and Sorceries, wickedly, malitiously, and felloniously, hath used, practized, and Exercised, at and in the town of Andover, in the County of Essex aforesaid, upon, and against, One Timothy Swan, of Andover, by which said wicked Arts, the said Timothy Swan

-925aforesaid, the Day, and Year aforesaid, and Severall other dayes, and times, as well before, as after, was, and is, Tortured, afflicted, tormented, consumed, pined, and wasted, contrary to the Peace, of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen their Crowne, and dignity, and the Laws in that case made, and Provided.

Upon the aforesaid Indictments, and each of them, the s'd Mary Bridges, was then, and there, before the Justices, of our Lord, and Lady the King & Queen aforesaid, arraigned, & upon her arraignment did then, & there, the day & Year aforesaid, plead to them, and each of them, Not Guilty, and put her selfe upon Trial by God, and her Country. Jury Sworn Benayah Tidcomb Eliazer Gyles John Witt Joseph Litle John Pickard Edmund Gale John Emery John Ordway John Abby Seth Story John Hall Nathaniell Emerson A Jury being called Benayah Tidcomb foreman and a ordingly sworne, no exception being made, by the Prisoner, the said Indictments, and each of them being read, together with Evidences, and Examinations, and the Prisoners defence, being heard; the Jury went out, to agree on their verdict, who returning, did then, and there, in open Court, deliver their verdict: that the said Mary Bridges, was Not Guilty of the fellony, by witchcraft, for which she stood Indicted, in, and by, the said Indictm'ts and each of them. -The Court Ordered the said Mary Bridges, to be discharged, paying her fees --

(Case of Mary Post)

Mary Post of Rowley, in the County of Essex, Single woman, being Indicted, by the Jurors, for our Soveraigne Lord and Lady, the King and Queen, upon their Oathes, by two Severall Indictments, That is to say: 1'st For that Shee the said Mary Post, of Rowley, in the County of Essex, Single woman, about three years agoe, In the Towne of Rowley aforesaid, wickedly, malitiously, and felloniously, a Covenant, with the Devill did make, and Signed the devills Booke, and was baptized, by the Devill, and renounced her former Christian Baptisme, by which Diabolicall Covenant, with the Devill made, she the said Mary Post, is become a detestable witch, contrary to the

-926Peace, of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady, the King, and Queen, theire Crowne, and dignity, and the Lawes, in that case made, & Provided. 2'dly For that shee the said Mary Post of Rowley, Single woman, Some time, in the month of July last in the yeare 1692 aforesaid, and divers other dayes, and times, as well before, as after, certain detestable Arts called witchcrafts, and Sorceries, wickedly, malitiously and felloniously, hath used, practized, and Exercised, at, and in the Towne of Andover, in the County of Essex aforesaid, upon, and against, One Timothy Swan of Andover aforesaid, by which said wicked Arts, the said Timothy Swan, the day and Year aforesaid and divers other dayes, and times, as well before, as after, was, and is, tortured, afflicted, tormented, consumed, Pined and wasted, against the Peace of Our Soveraigne Lord and Lady, the King and Queen, their Crowne, and Dignity, and against the Lawes, in that case made and Provided -- Upon the aforesaid Indictements, and each of them the said Mary Post, was then, and there, before the Justices, of our Lord and Lady, the King, and Queen aforesaid, arraigned, and upon her arraignment, did then and there, the day, and Year afores'd plead to them, and each of them, Not Guilty, and put her Self, upon triall by God, and her Country -Jury Sworn Benayah Tidcomb John Witt Joseph Litle John Pickard Edmund Gale John Emerson John Ordway John Abby Seth Story John Hall Nathan'l Emerson Eleazer Gyles A Jury being called Benayah Tidcomb foreman, and a ordingly sworne, no Exeption being made, by the Prisoner, the said Indictments, and each of them, being read, together with Evidences, and Examinations, and the Prisoners defence, being heard; the Jury went out, to agree on their verdict, who returning, did then, and there, in open Cout, deliver their verdict, that the Said Mary Post was Guilty of Covenanting with the Devill, for which Shee stood Indicted, in the first Indictment, as also Guilty of the fellony by witchcraft, for which shee stood Indicted, in the Second Indictement. --

The Court Ordered, the Keeper of the Goale, to take care of the Prisoner a ording to Law.


(Case of Hannah Post)

Hannah Post, of Boxford, in the County of Essex, being Indicted by the Jurors, for our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen upon their Oathes, by two severall Indictments, That is to Say: 1'st For that shee the said hannah Post, of Boxford, in the County of Essex aforesaid, sometime in the month of July, or August last, in the Year 1692, aforesaid, at the towne of Boxford, in the County of Essex aforesaid, wickedly, malitiously, and felloniously, a Covenant, with the Devill, did make and Signed the Devills booke, with her blood, and was baptized by the devill, by which wicked diabolicall Covenant with the Devill made, shee the said hannah Post, is become, a detestable witch, against the Peace, of our Soveraigne Lord, and Lady, the King and Queen, their Crowne, and Dignity, and the lawes in that case, made, and Provided. -Jury Sworn Beneyah Tidcomb John Witt Joseph Litle John Pickard Edmund Gale John Emerson John Ordway John Abby Seth Story John Hall Nath'l Emerson Eleazer Gyles 2'dly For that she the said hannah Post, of Boxford, Singlewoman, in. and upon the 23'd Day of August last in the year of our Lord 1692, and divers other dayes, and times, as well before, as after, certain detestable Arts, called witchcrafts, and Sorceries, wickedly, malitiously, and felloniously, hath used, practized, and

Exercised, at and in the towne of Boxford, in the County of Essex aforesaid, upon and against, one Martha Sprague, of Boxford, aforesaid, now wife of [] by which said wicked arts, the said Martha Sprague alias Martha Tyler, was, and is tortured, afflicted, consumed, wasted, pined, and tormented, against the Peace, of Our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen, their Crowne, and dignity, and the Lawes, in that case made, and Provided. Upon the aforesaid Indictments, and Each of them, the said hannah Post, was then, and there, before the Justices, of our Lord and Lady, the King and Queen aforesaid, the day, and Year aforesaid plead to them, and each of them, Not Guilty and put her Self upon triall by God and her Country. A Jury being called Benayah Tidcomb foreman and A ordingly Sworne, no Exception being made by the Prisoner, the said Indictments, and each of them being read, together with Evidences, and examinations, and the Prisoners defence being heard; the Jury went out

-928to agree on their verdict, who returning, did then, And there, the day, and year abovesaid, in open Court deliver their verdict, that the said Hannah Post was not Guilty, of the fellony by witchcraft, in, and by the said Indictments, and each of them -The Court Ordered, Hannah Post aforesaid, to be discharged, paying her fees. --

(Case of Sarah Bridges)

Sarah Bridges of Andover, in the County of Essex, Single woman, being Indicted by the Jurors for o'r Souveraigne Lord and Lady, the King and Queen, upon their Oathes, by two severall Indictements; That is to Say; 1'st For that shee the said Sarah Bridges, of Andover, Singlewoman, sometime in the Year of our Lord, 1691, at Andover aforesaid, in the County aforesaid, wickedly felloniously, and malitiously, a Covenant, with the Evill Spirit the Devill did make, and Signed to his booke, by making a red mark, renouncing God, and Christ, and gave her soule, and body, to the Devill, and was baptized by him, by which diabolicall Covenant, the said Sarah Bridges, is. become a detestable witch, contrary to the peace, of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady, the King and Queen, their Crowne, and dignity, and the Lawes, in that case made and provided -2'dly For that shee the said Sarah Bridges, of Andover in the County of Essex, Singlewoman, on the 25'th Day of August, in the year of our Lord 1692, in the County aforesaid, and divers other dayes, & times, as well before, as after, certain detestable arts, called witchcrafts, #[and Sorceries] wickedly malitiously, and felloniously, hath used, practised, and Exercised, at, and in the towne of Salem, in the County aforesaid, upon and against, one Martha Sprague alias Tyler, of Boxford in the County aforesaid, by which said wicked arts, the said Martha Sprague alias Tyler, the day and year aforesaid, and diverse other dayes, and times, as well before, as after, was, and is tortured, afflicted pined, consumed, and tormented, against the peace of our Soveraigne Lord, and Lady, the King and Queen, their


Crowne, and dignity, and the Lawes, in that case made and Provided -- Upon the aforesaid Indictments and each of them the said Sarah Bridges, was then, and there, before the Justices of our Lord and Lady, the King and Queen aforesaid, arraigned, and upon her arraignment, shee did then, and there, the day, and Year abovesaid, plead to them, and each of them Not Guilty, and put her self upon triall by God, and her Country -Jury Sworn Benayah Tidcomb John Witt Joseph Litle John Pickard Edmund Gale John Emerson John Ordway John Abby Seth Story John Hall Nathan'l Emerson Eliazar Gyles A Jury being called Benayah Tidcomb foreman, and a ordingly Sworne, no exeption, being made by the Prisoner, the said Indictments, and each of them, being read, together with Evidences, and Examinacons, and the Prisoners defence being heard; the Jury went out, to agree on their verdict; who returning did then, and there, in open Court deliver their verdict, that the said Sarah Bridges was not Guilty, of the fellony, by witchcraft, for which shee stood Indicted, in, and by the said Indictments, and each of them. The Court Ordered Sarah Bridges aforesaid, to be discharged, paying her fees.

(Case of Mary Osgood)

Mary Osgood wife of Capn John Osgood of Andover, in the County of Essex. being Indicted by the Jurors, for our Soveraigne Lord and Lady, the King and Queen, upon their Oathes, by two severall Indictments; For that is to say 1'st For that Shee, the said Mary Osgood, wife of Capn John Osgood, of Andover, in the County of Essex, about Elleven Yeares agoe, in the Towne of Andover aforesaid, wickedly, malitiously, and

felloniously, a Covenant with the Devill did make, and Signed the Devills Booke and took the Devill to be her God, and consented to serve him and worship him, and was baptized by the Devill and renounced her former Christian baptisme, and promised to be the Devills, both body, and Soule, for Ever, and to serve him, by which diabolicall Covenant, by her made, with the Divell, shee the said Mary Osgood, is become a detestable witch, against the Peace, of our Soveraign Lord and Lady, the King and Queen their Crowne, and Dignity, and the Lawes, in that case made, and Provided --

-9302'dly For that shee, the said Mary Osgood, wife of Capn John Osgood, of Andover, in the County of Essex aforesaid, sometime about the month of August, or September last, in the yeare of our Lord 1692, and divers other dayes and times, as well before, as after, Certain detestable arts, called witchcrafts, and sorceries, wickedly, malitiously, and felloniously, hath used, practised, and Exercised, at, and in, the town of Boxford, in the County of Essex aforesaid, upon, and against, One Martha Sprague, alias Tyler, by which wicked arts, the said Martha Sprague, alias Tyler, the day, and year aforesaid, and diverse other dayes, and times, as well before, as after, is Tortured, afflicted, tormented, consumed, Pined and wasted, ag'st the Peace of our soveraigne Lord and Lady, the King and Queen, their Crowne, and Dignity, and the Lawes, in that case made, and Provided -Upon the aforesaid indictments, and each of them, the said Mary Osgood, was then, and there, before the Justices, of our Lord and Lady the King and Queen aforesaid, arraigned, and upon her arraignment, shee did then, and there, the day and Year abovesaid plead to them, and each of them Not Guilty, and put her selfe upon Triall, by God, and her Country -Jury Sworn Nathaniel Howard James freind Samuel Morgan John Kent Richard Gross John Plats John Lamson Edward flint William Curtis Josiah Gage J [] Neal

francis Ellis A Jury being called Nathaniel Howard foreman, and A ordingly Sworne, no Exce con being made, by the Prisoner, the said Indictments, and each of them being read #[read,] together with Evidences, and Examinations, and the Prisoners defence being heard; the Jury went out to agree on their verdict, who returning, did, then, and there, in open Court, deliver their verdict, that the said Mary Osgood, was not Guilty of the felony of witchcraft for which shee stood Indicted in, and by the said indictments, and each of them -The Court Ordered Mary Osgood aforesaid, to be discharged, paying her fees.

(Case of Mary Lacey, Jr.)

13'th Janu'y Mary Lacey Junior of Andover in the County of Essex, being Indicted by the Jurors, for o'r soveraign Lord and Lady, the King and Queen, upon their Oathes, by two severall Indictments; For that is to say; 1'st For that Shee, the

-931said Mary Lacey Junior of Andover, Singlewoman, Sometime in the year 1691 at, and in the towne of Andover, in the County of Essex, wickedly, malitiously, and felloniously, with the Devill did make, and renounced her former christian Baptisme, and set her hand to the Devils booke, whereby the said Mary Lacey is become a wicked, and detestable witch, contrary to the Peace, of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen, their Crowne, and dignity, and the Lawes, in that case made, and Provided -2'dly For that shee, the said Mary Lacey, of Andover, in the County of Essex, Singlewoman, on, or about, the 15'th Day of July last, in the year 1692, and divers other dayes, and times, as well before, as after, certaine detestable arts, called witchcrafts, and Sorceries, wickedly, malitiously, and felloniously, hath used, practized, and Exercised, at, and in the towne of Andover, in the County of Essex aforesaid, upon, And against One Timothy Swan, of Andover in the County of Essex, by which wicked arts, the said Timothy Swan, the day, and year aforesaid, and divers other dayes, and times, as well before, as after was, and is, tortured afflicted, tormented; consumed, Pined, & wasted, against the Peace of our soveraign Lord and Lady, the King and Queen, their Crown and Dignity, and the Lawes, in that case made, and Provided -Upon the said Indictments, and each of them, the said Mary Lacey, was then, and there, before the Justices, of our Lord and Lady, the King and Queen, arraigned, and upon her arraignment, shee did then, and there, the day, and year abovesaid, plead to them, and each of them, Not Guilty and put her Self upon triall by God, and, her Countrey -Jury Sworne Mr Nath'l Howard James freind

Joseph Litle Benayah Tidcomb Sam'l Morgan John Pickard Edmund Gale John Abby Richard Gross John Ordway John Hall Nathan'l Emerson A Jury being called Nathaniell Howard foreman and a ordingly sworne, no Excep n being made, by the Prisoner, the said Indictment, and each of them, being read, together with the Evidences, and Examinations, and the Prisoners, defence being heard; the Jury went out to agree on their verdict, who returning, did then, and there, in open Court, deliver their verdict, that the said Mary Lacy was Not Guilty of the fellony by witchcraft for which she stood Indicted, in, and by the said Indictments, and each of them The Court Ordered Mary Lacey aforesaid to be discharged paying her fees --

-932Midlesex. ss. At a Superiour Court of Judicature Court of Assize & Generall Goall Delivery holden at Charles Towne in the Count [of] Middlesex in the Province of the Massachusets Bay in New England on 31'st day of January being the last Tuesday of s'd Month Anno Do . 1692/3 Annoq'e RR's & Reginae Gulielmi et Mariae Angliae &c Quinto Grand Jury Mr Symon Stone for Samuel Walker John Pearce

Edward Johnson John Spring Thomas Prentice Rich'd Martin Edward Willson Symon Davis Humphray Barret Nehamiah Hunt Rich'd Norcross John Moss Henry Spring John Sharp #[John Sharp] John Jackson Present William Stoughton Esq'r Cheif Justice Thomas Danforth Esq'r Wait Winthrop Esq'r Samuel Sewell Esq'r John Richards Esq'r Febru'y 1'st All the Justices present

(Case of Mary Toothaker)

Mary Toothaker of Billerica in the County of Mid'x Widow being Indicted by the Jurors for our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen upon their oaths by one Indictm't That is to Say 1'st Jury of Tryalls

Mr Samuel Hunting for James Thomson John Clark Dan'l Deane Nathan'l Bassam Stephen francis Josiah Converse Edward Jackson Jona' Carey Sam'll Hartwell Samuel Jones Sam'l Jenison For that shee the s'd Mary Toothaker of Billerica in the County of Midlesex Widow on or about [] at & in the Towne of Billerica in the County of Midlesex afores'd Wickedly feloneousely and malitiously a Covenant with the Devill did make and for Confirmation of the s'd Covenant, made a mark upon a peece of Birch Rinde w'ch the Devill brought to her and Promised to serve the Devill and to praise him with her wholl heart by w'ch diabollical Covenant with the Devill made in maner and forme afores'd The s'd Mary Toothacker is become

-933a detestable witch against the peace of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen their Crowne and dignity and the Lawes in that case made and provided 2'd Jury of Tryalls Henry Green fo:m Benj'a Symons George Read Jona' fuller William Hides Sam'l Whitemore

Thomas Welch Jun'r Thomas Pearce Thomas Bateman Abraham Temple Nathan'l Coolidge Stephen Willis Uriah Clark Upon the afores'd Indictment the s'd Mary Toothaker was then and there before the Justices of o'r Lord and Lady the King & Queen afores'd Arraigned and upon her arraignment did then and there the Day and year aforesaid plead Not Guilty and put her self upon Tryall by God and the Country. Jury of Tryalls Samuel Green for:m Sam'l Whitemore Sen'r Sam'l Thatcher Jonathan fuller Sam'l Hartwell Stephen Willis James Lowden Benja' Willington William Hides Joseph Willson Thomas Welch Jun'r Uriah Clarke A Jury being called Samuel Green foreman And accordingly Sworn, no Exception being made by the prisoner, The said Indictment Examinacon and Confession being read, and the prisoners defence being heard, The Jury went out to agree on their verdict who returning did then and there the day and year aboves'd in open Court deliver their verdict that the said Mary Toothacker was Not Guilty of the felony by Covenanting with the Devill in and by the said Indictment The Court Ordered Mary Toothacker to be discharged paying her fees.

(Case of Mary Taylor)

Mary Taylor of Reding wife of Sebread Taylor of Reding afores'd being Indicted by the Jurors for our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen upon their oathes by the Indictment That is to say

-934For that the s'd Mary Taylor of Reding Wife of Seabread Taylor of Reding aforesaid in or about the last Winter in the year 1691 at and in the Towne of Reding in the County of Midlesex afores'd wickedly mallitiousely and feloneousely a Covenant with the Devill did make and made her mark upon a peece of Birch Rinde to Confirme the said Covenant promising the Devill to serve him and to trust in him and to give up her soule and body to him by w'ch Diabollicall Covenant made with the Devill in maner & forme afores'd the s'd Mary Taylor is become a detestable witch against the peace of our Soveraigne Lord & Lady the King and Queen their Crowne and dignity and the lawes in that Case made and provided -Upon the aforesaid Indictment the said Mary Taylor was then and there before the Justices of our Lord & Lady the King and Queen afores'd Arraigned & upon her arraignement did then and there the day & year afores'd plead Not Guilty and put herselfe upon Tryall by God and the Country. Jury Swoarn Samuel Hunting Samuel Whitmore Nathaniel Bassam Stephen Willis Henry Green James Lowden Nathaniel Coolidge Thomas Welch Jun'r Daniel Dean Samuel Jenison Joseph Willson Josiah Convers

A Jury being Called Samuel Hunting foreman And accordingly Sworne no Exception being made by the prisoner the s'd Indictment Examination and Confession being read and the Prisoners defence being heard The Jury went out to agree upon their verdict who returning did then and there the day and year aboves'd in open Court deliver their verdict That the said Mary Taylor was not Guilty of the felony by Covenanting with the Devill in and by the said Indictment The Court Ordered the said Mary Taylor be discharged paying fees.

(Case of Sarah Cole [of Lynn])

Sarah Cole Wife of John Cole of Lynn in the County of Essex being Indicted by the Jurors for our Soveraign Lord and Lady the King and Queen upon their Oathes by one Indictment That is to say For that shee the said Sarah Cole wife of John Cole of Lynn in the County of Essex Cooper on or about the Twenty sixth day of

-935September in the Year of Our Lord 1692 and divers other dayes and times as well before as after Certaine detestable Arts called Witchcrafts and Sorcerys Wickedly Mallitiously and feloneously hath used practised and Exersised at and in the Towne of Reding in the County of Midlesex Upon and against one Mary Browne of Reding in the County of Midlesex afores'd by which Wicked Arts the s'd Mary Browne the day and year afores'd and divers other dayes and times as well before as after was and is Tortured, tormented afflicted Consumed pined & wasted against the peace of Our Soveraigne Lord & Lady the King and Queen their Crowne and Dignity & the Laws in that case made and provided. Upon the foresaid Indictment the said Sarah Cole was then and there before the Justices or Our Lord and Lady the King and Queen aforesaid Arrained and upon her Arraignement did then and there the day and year aforesaid plead Not Guilty and put her selfe upon tryall by God and the Country. Jury Sworne Samuel Hunting James Thomson John Clark Dan'l Dean Nathaniel Bassam Stephen Francis Josiah Convers Edward Jackson

Samuel Jenison Nathan'l Coolidge John Oldham Henry Green A Jury being Called Samuell Hunting foreman Accordingly Swoarn no Exception being made by the prisoner the said Indictment together with Evidences and Examination being read and the prisoners defence being heard the Jury went out to agree on their Verdict who returning did then and there in open Court deliver their Verdict That the said Sarah Cole was Not Guilty of the felony by Witchcraft for w'ch shee stood Indicted in and by the said Indictment. The Court Ordered the said Sarah Cole to be discharged paying her fees.

(Case of Lydia Dustin)

Lidiah Dastin of Reding in the County of Midlesex widow being Indicted by the Jurors for our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King & Queen upon their oaths upon one Indictment. That is to say. For that shee the said Lydia Dastin of Reding in the County of Middlesex, widow on or about the second day of May the year 1692 and

-936divers other dayes and times as well before as after Certain detestable Arts called witchcrafts and Sorceries wickedly mallitiousely and feloneously hath used practised and exercised at and in the Towne of Malden in the County of Midlesex aforesaid upon and against one Mary Marshall by which wicked arts the said Mary Marshall the day and year aforesaid & divers other dayes and times as well before as after was afflicted Tortured Tormented Consumed pined & wasted Contrary to the peace of Our Soveraign Lord and Lady the King and Queen their Crowne and dignity and the Lawes in that case made and provided. Upon the aforesaid Indictment the said Lidia Dastin was then and there before the Justices of our Lord and Lady the King and Queen aforesaid Arraigned and upon her Arraignment did then and there the day and year aforesaid Plead Not Guilty and put her selfe upon tryall by God and the Country. Jury Sworn Mr Samuel Green fo:m John francis Piam Blower

Thomas Pearce Samuell Jones Joseph Russell Benja: Symons George Read Jonathan Wyman Abraham Temple Samuell Hartwell David Demmon A Jury being called Samuel Green foreman and accordingly Sworne no exception being made by the prisoner the said Indictment being read together with the the Evidences and Examination and the prisoners defence being heard The Jury went out to agree on their verdict, who returning did then and there in open Court deliver their verdict, That the said Lidia Dastin was Not Guilty of the felony by witchcraft for which she stood Indicted in and by the s'd Indictm't The Court Ordered the said Lydia Dastin to be discharged paying her fees.

(Case of Sarah Dustin)

Sarah Dastin of Reding in the County of Midlesex being Indicted by the Jurors for our Soveraigne Lord & Lady the King and Queen upon their Oathes by one Indictment That is to say. For that the said Sarah Dastin of Reding in the County of Midlesex single woman on or about the month of May in the year 1692 And divers other dayes and times as well before as after certain detestable arts called Witchcraft

-937and Sorceries wickedly mallitiously & feloneously hath used practised and Exercised at and in the Towne of Reding in the County of Midlesex aforesaid upon and against one Elizabeth Weston of Reding daughter of John Weston of Reding by which wicked Arts the said Elizabeth Weston the day and year afores'd and divers other dayes and times as well before as after was afflicted tortured tormented pined and wasted against the peace of our Soveraigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen their Crowne and dignity and the Lawes in that case made and provided. Upon the aforesaid Indictment the said Sarah Dastin was then and there before the Justices of our Lord and Lady the King and Queen aforesaid Araigned & upon her Arraignement she did then and there the day and year aforesaid plead to the said Indictment Not Guilty and put her selfe upon Tryall by God and the Country. Jury Sworn

Mr Samuel Hunting Samuel Whitmore Nathaniel Bassam Stephen Willis Henry Green James Lowden Nathaniel Cooledge Thomas Welch Jun'r Daniel Dean Samuel Jenison Joseph Willson Josiah Convers A Jury being called Samuel Hunting foreman and accordingly sworne no exception being made by the Prisoner The Indictment being read together with the evidences And the prisoners defence being heard The Jury went out to agree upon their verdict Who returning did then and there in open Court deliver their verdict That the said Sarah Dastin was Not Guilty of the felony by witchcraft for which shee stood Indicted in and by the said Indictment. The Court Ordered the said Sarah Dastin to be discharged paying her fees. Anno RR's et Reginae Gulielmi et Mariae Quinto At a Superiour Court of Judicature Court of Assize & General Goal Delivery held at Boston for the County of Suffolk on the 25'th day of Aprill 1693 Present William Stoughton Esq'r Chief Justice Thomas Danforth Esq'r John Richards Esq'r Samuel Sewell Esq'r


(Case of John Alden)

John Alden of Boston Marriner who stood Recognized for his Appearance at this Court upon suspition of Witchcraft being called appeared and was discharged by proclamation.

(Case of Mary Watkins)

Mary Watkins Single woman Being accused of falce and Scandalous reports she had made and forged against her Dame [] Swift of [] as that she was a Witch and had murthered a child The said Mary Watkins being brought to the Barr upon her Examination acknowledged they were falsce reports and that she had ronged her the said Swift Where upon the Court order'd the s'd Watkins to find Suretyes for her good behaviour and her Appearance at the next Court of Assize And Generall Goal Delivery holden for the County of Suffolk and Stand Comitted untill the Same be performd. Grand Jury Mr Sam'll Apleton fo Richard Walker William Andrews Benja' Marston Benja' Allen John felton William Haberfield John Clifford Thomas Hawkins William Stone Samuel Blanchard William Chandler James Ordway Benja' Mors Thomas Dorman Abraham Hesleton Caleb Bointon

At a Superior Court of Judicature Court of Assize & Generall Goal Delivery. holden at Ipswich the second Tuesday in May 1693 for the County of Essex. Present Thomas Danforth Esq'r John Richards Esq'r Samuel Sewell Esq'r


(Case of Susannah Post)

1 Jury of Tryalls Thomas Burnamm ff. John Whiple John Mascoll John Ingarsoll Jacob Maning Daniel Hutchins Edward Holman Joseph Dodge Joshua Woodman John Hovey John Chandler James Baley 2'd Jury of Tryalls Capt Jno Putnam ff.

Samuel Phippen John Cogswell Nath'll Browne Dan'll Needham Jerem'a Gatchel William Eliot Joseph Baly James Coffin John Robinson Sam'll Marble Thomas Leaver Susanah Post of Andover in the County of Essex Singlewoeman being Indicted by the Jurors of our Soveraigne Lord & lady the King and Queen upon their oathes by Two Severall Indictments That is to Say 1'st For that she the said Susannah Post of Andover Singlewoman about Three yeares Since in the Towne of Andover in the County of Essex aforesaid Wickedly malitiously & felloniously A Covenant with the Devill did make & Signed the Devills booke & was Baptized by the Devill & promised to Serve the Devill By which diabolicall Covenanting with the Devill in manner and forme aforesaid by the said Susannah Post made she said Susannah Post is become a Detestable witch against the peace of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen their Crowne [and] dignity & the Laws in that Case made & provided 2'dly For that She the said Susanah Post of Andover in the County of Essex Single woeman, on the 25'th day of Aug'st in the yeare 1692 and divers other dayes and tymes as well before as after Certaine Detestable Artes Called Witchcrafts & Sorceries wickedly Mallitiously and felloniously hath used practised at & in the towne of Salem in the County aforesaid upon and ag'st one Rose foster of Andover Single woeman By which wicked Arts the said Rose Foster the day and yeare afores'd and divers other dayes and times as well as after was and is Tortured afflicted Tormented consumed pined & wasted ag'st the peace of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen their Crowne and dignity and the law in Case made and provided. Upon the aforesaid indictments and each of them the said Susana Post was then and there before the Justices of our Lord and Lady the King and Queen aforesaid arraigned & upon her arraignm't She

-940did then and there the day and year abovesaid plead to them and each of them not Guilty and put her Selfe upon Tryall by God and her Contrey -- A Jury being called Thomas Burnham foreman and accordingly Sworne noe exception being made by the prisoner The Said Indictm'ts and each of them being read together with Evidences, & Examinations and the prisoners defence being heard, The jury went out to agree on their verdict who returning did then and there in open Court deliver [their verdict] That the said Susannah Post was not Guilty of the fellony by witchcraft for w'ch she stood indicted in and by the s'd Indictm'ts and each of

them. The Court Order'd Susannah Post aforesaid To be Discharged Paying her fees.

(Case of Eunice Fry)

Eunice frie wife of John frie of Andov'r in the County of Essex being Indicted by the Jurors of our Soveraigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen upon their oathes by Two Severall Indictm'ts That is to Say 1'st For that shee the said Eunice frie the wife of John frie of Andov'r in the County of Essex aforesaid about two yeares agoe in the towne of Andover afores'd wickedly felloniously & Malitiously, A Covenant with the Devill did make, and Signed the Devills book and gave up her Selfe Soul and body to the Devil and by him was baptized and renounced her former baptizme & God & Jesus Christ By which wicked and diabolicall Coven't with the Devil made by her Eunice frie she is become a Damnable Witch against the peace of our Sov 'n Lord & Lady the King & Queen their Crowne & dignity and the laws in that case made and provided. 2'dly For that she the s'd E ice frie the wife of John frie of Andov'r in the County of Essex, On or about the begining of September last in the year 1692 aforesaid and Divers other dayes and times as well #[well] before and after Certaine Detestable arts called witchcrafts and Sorceries wickedly Malitiously and feloniously hath used practised and Exercised at & in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex afores'd upon and against one Martha Sprague alias Martha Tyler by w'ch wicked Arts the said Martha Sprague alias Tyler the day and yeare afores'd & divers other dayes and tymes as well before as after was & is Tortured afflicted Tormented Consumed pined

-941and wasted against the peace of our Soveraign Lord & Lady the King & Queen their Crowne and Dignity and against the Lawes in that case made and provided. Upon the aforesaid Indictm'ts and each of them the said Eunice frie was then and there before the justices of our Lord & Lady the King and Queen afores'd Arraigned and upon her Arraignm't She did then and there the day and year abovesaid plead to them and each of them not Guilty and put her Selfe upon triall by God and her Countrey. A Jury being called Tho: Burnam foreman and accordingly Sworne no exception being made by the prisoner the said Indictm'ts and each of them being read together with Evidences & Examinations and the prisoners defence being heard the jury went out to agree on their verdict who returning did then and there in open Court deliver their verdict That the said Eunice frie was not Guilty of the fellony by Witchcraft for which she stood Indicted in & by the said Indictm'ts and each of them The Court Ordered Enice frie aforesaid To be Discharged Paying her fees.

(Case of Mary Bridges, Jr.)

Mary Bridges Junior of Andover in the County of Essex Single woman being Indicted by the Jurors of our

Sove'n Lord and Lady the King and Queen upon their oathes by Two Severall Indictments That is to Say 1'st For that the said Mary Bridges Jun'r of Andov'r Single woeman In or about the moneth of July last in the yeare 1692 afores'd in the Towne of Andov'r in the County of Essex afforesaid wickedly malitiously & feloniously A Covenant with the Devil did make and Signed a pap to the Devil and was Baptized by the Devill, By which wicked Diabolical Covenant with the Divell made by the Said Mary Bridges Jun'r, She is become a detestable Witch Contrary to the peace of our Lord & lady the King & Queen their Crowne and dignity and the lawes in that Case made and provided. 2'dly for that she the said Mary Bridges Jun'r of Andover in the County of Essex Single woeman on or about the 25'th day of August in the yeare 1692 aforesaid and divers other days & times as well before as after Certaine detestable Arts called witch crafts and Sorceries

-942wickedly Maliciously and felloniously used Practiced & Exercis'd at and in the towne of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid upon and against one Rose foster of Andov'r aforesaid Single woman By which wicked arts the said Rose foster the day and year afores'd and divers other dayes and times as well before as after was and is Tortur'd afflicted Tormented Consumed Pined and wasted ag't the peace of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen their Crown & dignity & ag't the laws in that case made & pr'vided Upon the aforesaid Indictm'ts and each of them the said Mary Bridges Junior was then and there before the justices of our Lord and Lady the King and Queen afforesaid Arraigned & upon her Arraignment She did then and there the day and year aboves'd plead to them and each of them not Guilty and put her Selfe upon tryall by God and her Country. A Jury being Called Thomas Burnham foreman & accordingly Sworne no exception being made by the prisoner the s'd Indictm'ts & each of them being read together with Evidences & Examinations and the prisoners defence being heard the jury went out to agree on their verdict who returning did then and there in open Court deliver their verdict That the Said Mary Bridges Jun'r was not Guilty of the fellony by Witchcraft for w'ch she stood Indicted in and by the said Indictments and each of them. The Court Orderd Mary Bridges Junior to be discharged Paying her fees

(Case of Mary Barker)

Mary Barker of Andover in the County of Essex Single woman being Indicted by the jurors of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen upon their oathes by two Severall Indictments That is to say 1'st For that the said Mary Barker of Andov'r Single Woeman on or about the 29'th day of August last in the yeare 1692 afores'd and divers other dayes and times both before and after Certaine detestable arts called Witchcraft and Sorceries Wickedly and felloniously & Mallitiously hath used practised and Exercis'd in and upon the body of Abigail Martin of Andivor at and within the Township of Andiv'r afores'd by w'ch said wicked acts the said Abigail Martin the day aforesaid

-943in the year afores'd And at divers other dayes & tymes as well before as after was and is Tortured aflicted and Tormented consumed pined and wasted against the peace of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady King and Queen their Crowne & dignity and the Statute of the first of King James the first in that case made and provided. 2'dly For that she the said Mary Barker of Andover Single woman on or about the 29'th day of Aug'st last in the year aforesaid and divers other dayes and tymes as well before as after Certaine detestable arts Called Witchcraft and Sorceries wickedly Malitiously & felloniously hath used practised & Exercised at and in the Towne of Andover in the County of Essex aforesaid in and upon & against one Rose foster of Andover afores'd Single Woeman by which said Wicked acts the said Rose foster the day and yeare aforesaid & divers other dayes and tymes both before and after was and is Tortured afflicted Consumed pined Wasted and Tormented ag'st the peace of our Sove'n Lord and Lady the King & Queen their Crown and dignity and the forme of the Statute in that case made & provided. Upon the afores'd Indictm'ts and each of them The said Mary Barker was then and there before the Justices of our Lord and Lady the King and Queen aforesaid arraigned and upon her Arraignment She did then and there the day and yeare abovesaid plead to them and each of them Not Guilty and put her Selfe upon Tryall by God and her Countrey -- A Jury being called Capt Jno Putnam foreman & accordingly Sworne no Exception being made by the prisoner the Said Indictm'ts and each of them being read together with Evidences and examinations and the prisoners Defence being heard The jury went out to agree on their verdict who returning did then and there in Open Court deliver their verdict That the said Mary Barker was not Guilty of the fellony by Witchcraft for which she Stood indicted in and by the said Indictments and each of them. The Court Orderd Mary Barker aforesaid to be Discharged Paying her fees

(Case of William Barker, Jr.)

William Barker Jun'r of Andover in the County of Essex Being Indicted by the Jurors of o'r Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen upon their oaths by Two Severall Indictments That is to Say

-9441'st For that the said William Barker Jun'r of of Andover in the County of Essex Some time in the Month of August last in the yeare 1692 afores'd at or in the Township of Andover in the County of Essex afores'd wickedly Mallitiously & felloniously a Covenant with the Devill did make & Signed the Devills booke and by the Devill was Baptized & before him renounced his former Baptizme and promised to be the Devills for ever & ever, By which wicked and Diabolliacle Covenant the Said William Barker is become a detestable witch against the peace of o'r Sov'n Lord & lady the King and Queen their Crowne and dignity and the laws in that Case Made and Provided. 2'dly for that he the said William Barker Junior of Andover in the County of Essex aforesaid Sometyme in the moneth of August last in the yeare 1692 afores'd and divers other dayes and times as well before as after Certaine detestable arts called Witchcraft and Sorceries Wickedly Malliciously

and felloniously hath used Practised and Exercised at and in the Towne of Salem in the County of Essex afforesaid upon and ag'st one Martha Sprague alias Martha Tyler, By w'ch wicked arts the said Martha Sprague alias Tyler the day and year afores'd and divers other dayes and tymes as well before as after was and is Tortured Afflicted Tormented Pined & wasted ag'st the peace of o'r Sov'n Lord & Lady the King and Queen their Crown & Dignity & the laws in that Case made and Provided. Upon the affores'd Indictments and each of them The said William Barker Jun'r was then and there before the justices of our Lord and Lady the King and Queen aforesaid #[aforesaid] Arraigned and upon his Arraignm't he did then and there the day and yeare abovesaid plead to them and each of them Not Guilty and put himselfe upon his God and his Countrey. A Jury being Called Thomas Burnam foreman & accordingly Sworne no Exception being made by the prisoner the Said Indictm'ts and each of them being read together with the Evidences and Examinations and the prisoners defence being heard The jury went out to agree on their verdict who returning did then and there in open Court deliver their verdict That he the Said William Barker was Not Guilty of the fellony by witchcraft for w'ch he stood Indicted in and by the Said Indictm'ts and each of them. The Court Orderd William Barker aforesaid to be Discharg'd Paying his fees -(All cases in this section from Suffolk County Boston -- Mass. Superior Court of Judicature Records )


Officials' Expense Accounts for 1692 (Submitted 1692-1694)

(Order of the Superior Court of Judicature)

At a Superiour Court of Judicature holden at Salem for the County of Essex the 12'th December by Adjournem't from the last Tuesday in November past Ordered Whereas there hath arisen a great Charge in holding the severall Courts of Oyer and Terminer in the County of Essex in the year 1692 the payment of part of w'ch hath been ordered by the Governour & Councill out of the Publique Treasury and yet there remains due to several persons for their service and disbursem'ts one hundred and thirty pounds in money whose Acco'ts have been Examined and allowed by this Court the discharge of w'ch properly belongs to said County This Court doth therefore Order the Clerk therof to signifie and make known the same unto their Maj'ties Justices of the peace in said County Who are directed at their next Generall Sessions of the peace to make an Assessment on the Inhabitants of said County proportionally for the payment of the said Summ And that by an Order they Cause the same to be paid to the County Trear -- and that he pay the said su to the severall persons unto whom it is due according to the severall Acco'ts herewith Transmitted.

Vera Copia Taken out of the Record of s'd Court. *Jona' Elatson Cler Attest. (Reverse) Order of Super'ur Court ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 82 )


(Superior Court of Judicature: Statement of Sums Due)

An account of what is due to the severall persons hereafter named from the publique for their respective disbursem'ts and services according to their acco'ts Given in and & Examined by the Superiour Court holden at Salem by Adjournem't December the 12'th 1693 viz:

Thomas Beadle Cr by his acco of disbursm'ts Dr to what was p'd by the Sheriff Due to ballance Samuel Beadle Cr by his acco Dr to what p'd by the Sheriff Samuel Shattock Cr as p his accor Dr to whats p'd by the Sheriff John Cook Cr by his acco Mary Gedey Cr by her acco Dr by what's p'd by the Tr & Sherriffe John Stacy Cr by his acco. of disbursem'ts Mr Thomas Newton for his service John Putman Constable 30s [unclear: ] & Jonathan Putman 30s for their Extreordinary Service & Travell

58 11 5 17 17 6 40 13 11 21 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 07 02 00 03 00 00 04 02 00 02 13 00 70 00 00 55 13 00 14 07 00 04 00 0 02 05 0 03 0 0


Joseph Neal for his service and travel

02 0 0

Capt. Willard William [unclear: ] Murry & Thomas Putnam for their service 5 15 0 0 each Nathaniel Ingorsoll his acco of disbursem'ts George Herrick for his Great service 06 0 0 25 0 0

130 00 11 Allowed upon the acco above the severall summes there amounting to The Summ of One hundred and thirty pounds Eleven pence Wm Stoughton Vera Copia attest *Jona' Elatson Cle . (Reverse) ord'r from the Superiour Court ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 83 )

(Abraham Perkins' Account)

An Accompt of what was taken upon their Majesties accompt in the yeare 1692

Impr by Geo. Herrick und'r sheriff for him selfe & Priseners viz Jno Jackson sen'r Jno Jackson Jun'r Jno Howard and Guard To Entertainment for the Constables and their Prisoners from Haverill To Entertainement for the Constables & prisoners from Glossester

00: 08: 00 00: 06: 00 00: 04: 00


To Haverill Constable another time By Abraham Perkins

00: 02: 00 01: 00: 00

allow'd (Reverse) Ab. Perkins Ipswich witch cases Acco allow'd ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, Page 60 )

(Nathaniel Ingersoll's Account)

March the 1'st 1691/2 Uppon a meeteing of the Majestrates Mr Jno Hathorne and Jonathan Corwin Esq'rs in an Inquirere after Witchcraft Expences upon the Countrys Acco't for Majestrates Marshalls Constables & Asistance at my Howse Vizt --

s. d. Impr To the Majestrate Dinner & Drink To the Marshalls 2 Constables & Assistance Victeills To 43d Cakes 6 qts sider To 2 Constables att 2 qts of 3d Sider on Cake To Rum To Majestrates Horses To the Marshall & Constable Herricks Horses the 3'd Instant the Marshall Expences the Marshall & his Horse 1 pott Sider Upon Examination of Goodwife Corry To the Marshall for Horses & Drink To the Majestrates Horses; Drink [unclear: ] and Entertainment Upon Examination of goodwife Nurse [unclear: ] To the Marshalls Horse Standing, Supper Lodging one night and drink for his attendance To Constable Herrick Drink & Cake ""8" ""3" ""2" """9 """6 """6 """6 """6 """6 """6 ""4" ""3"6 """6


To the Majestrates Drink & Entertainemts [unclear: ] and Horses w'th the Majestrats Horses Aprill 19: 1692


A further Accont in Examina on of Witchcraft at Salem Villiage before the Worshipfull John Hathorn and Jonathan Corwin Esq'rs & Assist: for the County of Essex. To the Majestrates Intertainemt & Horses The 22 Majestrates Minesters & Attendance diners The 22 for 8 Horses Hey & Oates May 2'd for Majestrates Entertainem't for Horses hey & Oates for the Marshall & Assistance Victualls,lb> and Drink ditto 3'd for Drink for the Guard upon the Committed persons one Night ditto 3'd for Victualls & Drink the Next [unclear: ] Morning for the Attendance Guard Committed woman to Boston Goal by order of Mittimus s. d. ditto 3 for oates for the Cart Horses [unclear: ] & Marshalls Horse: May 9'th for Conveyance Mr Burrows and other [unclear: ] Prisoners for Victualls for the Majestrates & tendance & Horses & whole Charge at this Examinacon is May 18 & 19 dayes for Victuall & Drink [unclear: ] for the Guard in watching John Willard Tho. Farrier & others Carried over to the other side ""1" " "16 " " "16 " "5"4" 9 s. d. Brought over from the other side To drink for the Majestrates & Victualls [unclear: ] for Attendance & Horses Pastering May 20 To Sider for Majestrates & Attendance May 21 To Vitualls & Drink to Majestrates 23'd To Majestrats Horses Meat & Attendanc "5"4"9 ""5" ""5" ""2"6 ""3" ""6" " "16 " ""4" ""4" ""2" ""4" ""3"0


24 To Attendance Supper & drink next [unclear: ] Morning May the 21 1692


Upon the Examination of William Procter [unclear: ] and severall others to their Victualls Drink to " " 1 "10 the Majestrates & their Attendance & Horse meat and victualls & drink to the Attendance of the Prisoners

July 15 1692 Upon an Examination to the Majestrates [unclear: ] Constables an others to attend the Prisen'rs Meat Drink & Horse meat " "15 " " 8 "10 " 9 (Reverse) Nath'l Ingersolls Acco expenses in some of the witch cases ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 60 )

(Thomas Manning's Account)

Thomas Manning his Accumpt of work doun by him for the County of in that yare 1692

sd to mending & pouting one Rachalls fetters to John houard 1 pare of fetters to John Jackson sener 1 pare of fetters to John Jackson Juner 1 pear of fetters allow'd (Reverse) Tho. Manning Acco fetters for prisoners ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 60 ) 00-01-6 00-05-0 00-05-0 00-05-0 00-16-6


(Account of Isaac Little and John Harris)

The County of Essex is Dr 1692:

for 18 pound of iron that was prest from Isack

s. d.

Little: Alle for feetters for the prisoners: at a 4d a pound


An Account from John Harris: sherifs: deputy of fondry: Charges: at the Corts of ir and terminer: helld at Sallem in the yere 1692 Itt presing a hores: & man: to assist in Carring of Sary: good: from Ipswich goalle to Salem Itt for a man & horse: that was prest to Remove Sary good & Child from ipswich to Sallem Itt for pressing of hores & man to gard me with: [unclear: ] the wife: of John willes: & the widow pudeater from Ipswich to Salem my sellf: & gard for tending the Court at the second siting Itt: for providing a Jury: to make search upon [unclear: ] Cori & his wife: & CLenton \#\[Estty\]: Easty: hore: CLoiss: & mrs bradbury Itt: Tending the Court on a Jurnment August [unclear: ] the 2'd 1692 from Tuesday till Satterday Itt: for expenc: & Time: to: git 3 paire of feeters made: for the two Jacksons & John howard

s. d. 0-8-0 0-7-6 0-9-6 0-0400 0-4-0 04-0 2-0

Itt for going to Sallem to Carry: a Return: of the Juriars: of ipswich & Rowly: & Attending that siting 0-4-6

Itt: for \#\[barring\] Removeing of howard & the two: [unclear: ] M Jacksons & Joseph: Emmons: 6-0 from Ipswich Goall to Sallem & thare: Pending the Courts: pLeasur thre dayes till three of Them was sent back: to ipswich Goall: by me: which time: of: thre dayes: for mysellfe: & exspence: for Thos that assisted me in that sarves


for presing of men & horses for This designe: for bringing of mrs bradbury: from Sallem [unclear: ] To: ipswich goall: & a man to assist me: Att A Gen'll Sessions of the peace holden Ipswich March 27.94 as attest *John Harris Deputy Sheref This account is allowed provided it be not Included in the High Sheriffs acco attest *St: Sewall Cler (Reverse) Jno Harris acco Ipswich jailer witch cases.

0-02-0 0-4-0 2-18-6

allow'd Conditio ly ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 61 )

(Joseph Fuller's Account)

Joseph fuller as cunstablle for the yere 1692 for seasing of Rachall CLenton & bring of har before: Justis According to warrant for tending the Court of oyer & termener at Salem \#\[two: weeks\] tenn: days Cunstaball Choat for seaseing of good [unclear: ] penne & carreing of har to Sallem & bring of har back to Ipswich Goall from sallem by vertu of a mittemas: with one man to assist me for tending at the Court of Oyer & turmener two weeks 1692 James fuller & nathanell fuller thre dayes: a pese: at Salem being summoned s. d. 0-1-0 1-0-0 0-8-9 1-0-0


to give evedenc Against Rachell CLenton at the Court of Oyer & Turminer (Reverse) Joseph Fuller bill in witch cases Acc'ots Not Allow'd ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 61 )


(John Arnold's Account)

Boston The Countrey is ...... Dr. 1691/2 March 9. To Chaines for Sarah Good & Sarah Osbourn 14. To Keeping Lewis Hutchings 8 weeks 2s6d 1692 -" 14" 1"-"-

Apr. 5. To 2 blanketts for Sarah Goods Child order 29. To 500 footboards to mend the Goal & prison house To 4 locks for the Goal To 2C Nails To repairing the prison house May 10'th To 3 large Locks for the Goal 23. To Shackles for 10 prisoners 29. To 1 pr of Irons for Mary Cox

-" 10" 1" 10"-" 8"-" 3" 2" 8"-" 9" 9 2"-"-" 7"-

To Sarah Good of Salem villedge from the [unclear: ] 7'th of March to ditto 1'st June 12 weeks 1" 10"at 2s -- 6d To Rebecca Nurse of same place from the 12'th April 7 weeks and one day at 2s -- 6d To George Jacob 6 weeks & 4 dayes from the 12'th May To John Procter & Elizabeth his Wife [unclear: ] from the 12'th April. to the 1'st of June at 5s To Susanna Martin of Amsbury from the 2'd [unclear: ] May to the 1'st of June 4 weeks & 2 days -" 17" 10 -" 16" 4 1" 15"10" 10" 8


To Bridget Bishop a s Oliver of Salem [unclear: ] from the 12'th of May 20 days at 2s"6d week To Alice Parker of Salem from the 12'th of [unclear: ] May to the 1'st of June 20 days at 2s 6d To George Burroughs 7 weeks from 9'th of May To Sam'l Passanauton an Indian 8 weeks & 4 days from the 28'th of Aprill at 2s 6d week To Roger Toothaker of [unclear: ] Salem villidge 5 week & 5 days [unclear: ] from 18'th May To John Willard of [unclear: ] Salem villidge at 2s 6d p week [unclear: ]

"7"-" 7"-17" 6 1" 1"-5 1" 8"-

To the Keeping of Sarah Osbourn from the [unclear: ] 7'th of March to the 10'th of May when she 1" 3"died being the 9 weeks & 2 days To yearly Salery To mending the Prison 20"-"-" 13"40" 16" 6 *John: Arnald ( Mass. Archives. Vol 135 No. 24 )

(Thomas Fossey's Account)

The Acco't of Thomas fossey Prison Keeper of Ipswich

for Dyeting of Severall prisoners Comited by order of Authority & afterwards discharged by the same as follows

s. d.

it Dyetting of Rachell Clinton from the 11'th [unclear: ] of Aprill until the 12'th of January follow: 4: 10: 3 in the year 1692: it ditto of the two Jacksons from the 27'th of [unclear: ] August untill the 12'th of Janu'ry in the same year 410 it Ditto of John Howard from the 27'th of August [unclear: ] until the 12'th of Decem'er in the Same year 4: 10: 0 2: 0: 0


1693 it Ditto of Tho: Dyer from the 27'th of Aprill until the 8'th of 1: 03: 0 Jully \#\[it Tho: Battis his fees allow'd 12.3: 3d Total is 18 9sd 4-10-0 4-2 4-3 4-2 4-3 16-36 2 18 (Reverse) Tho Fosseys acco allow'd witch cases ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 88 ) 0: 05:-\] 12: 03: 3

(Samuel Graves' Account)

A note of what. Samell Graves hath bin out a bout the witches Imp: for Keeping Rachel Clinton in Ipswhich prison two weekes and fees 2 Sarah Good with her Child 3 dayes 3 Six dayes his wife tended said dayes [unclear: ] at Salem as wittnes 1 day to search them Samuell Graves was at the Charge for a hors. and man to bring his wife whome from Salem then Ebin harris to: Sallem to: carry doun one woman: mr graive: carred goodwife [unclear: ] Graves to sallem one day s. d. 0. 10. 0 0-6-0 0-12-0 3-0 3-0


the widdow bellsher 5 dayes at sallem [unclear: ] to give evdenc


mrs. dimand 5 dayes att sallem To give: Evedenc & har hosband to Carry: 4-0 har a man to carry & fech widdow bellsher (Reverse) Chargis for the Court of oyr & turmener Samuel Graves bill in witch cases. ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 89 ) 4-0

(William Baker's Account)

June th 28 92 Constabel Willam Bakers a Count sarveing at the Cort at salem my salf and my Hors a weeak Riding from salem Betwixt Wenham and Ipswich to fech Sarah Davis and Expencis of mony one shilling Riding from salam to salabery as a marshalls deambity to fech mistris Bradbery June the 29 92 and mony Expencis 2 shillings July the 4'92 for warning a jury of s d #[of] wiming and Expencenc of money 0 4 August the 2:92 Goode Green Braking out of Prison and Expencis of finding Hur is one shilling august the 23 1692 Goode Green Braking out of Prison and Expen [c] is of tyme finding

hur was one night and one Hafe day August the 27 1692 I Imprest Simon Adams and His Hors to Cary John Jackson sener to salem and John osborn and His Hors to Cary John Jackson juner to salem and thomas Norton and The widow Davis Hors to Cary John Howard to Salem

-957Alaxainder Lovell Impresed to Cary old Cory to salem and John Dennison Hors Sarving the 4 Cort at Salem my salf and my Hors one week 1 3 4 4 4 4 20. 1-0-0 (Reverse) Acco'ts of the County William Baker Ipswich witch cases ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 90 )

(Israel Cheever's Account)

An Acc't of the time that the psons Comitted for Witchcraft unto the Custody of Israel Cheever Keeper of the Prison in Cambridge Conti ed in said Prison

Lydia Dastin & Sarah Dastin were Comitted June 18'th 1692 & by the Sheriffe were taken out the 3'd of Janu'ry: following w'ch is 28 weeks & 3 days & amounts to Mary Colson Widow was Co itted Sept'r 5'th 1692 & was by the Sheriffe taken out said 3'd of Janu'ry is 37 weeks & one day

07 02 00 02 02 10

Elizabeth Colson Co itted Sept'r 14: 1692 was by the Sheriffe taken out 3'd of Janu'ry w'ch is 35 weeks & six days amounting to Sarah Cole Comitted Octob'r 3'd 1692 was by the Sheriffe taken out said 3'd of Janu'ry w'ch is 12 weeks and 6 days amounting to Lydia Dastin, Sarah Dastin Elizabeth Colson,

01 19 06 01 12 00

-958Sarah Cole Mary Toothaker & Mary Taylor were by order of the Sheriffe Co itted Janu'ry 28'th 1692/3 & taken out by said Sheriffe on the 31'st of sd Janu'ry w'ch is 3 days w'ch amounts to 00 06 04 Lydia Dastin, Sarah Dastin Elizabeth Colson & Sarah Cole were by the Sheriffes warrant (after the tryall of said sons) Comitted febru'ry 11'th 1692/3 -- Elizabeth Colson went out of rison the 2'd of March following: Lydia Dastin dyed the 10'th of said March: Sarah Cole & Sarah Dastin went out of Prison the 23'd of said March -- the time of said persons Continuance in Prison from said Co ittm't to their going out is as follows vizt Sarah Cole & Sarah Dastin 5 weeks & 5 days w'ch

amounts to Lydia Dastin 4 weeks amounts to

01 08 04 00 10 00

Elizabeth Colson two weeks & five days amounts 00 06 06 to 15 07 08 ( Middlesex County Archives, Cambridge )

(William Dounton's Account)

Salem The County of Essex is Dr to William Dounton Goale 1692 Keeper in Salem Decemb'r The.. 1693

To: Sarah Osburne i mo' dyet in prison [unclear: ] Except 3s Rec'd in part To: Sarah Good 6 weekes and for [unclear: ] her child Dorit' Good 1 mo' Dyet To: Giles Cory & his wifes dyet 3 weeks [unclear: ] remaines due there of To William Hobs 3 w. dyet To. Delive' Hobs 12 moneths dyet

0: 07. 00 1: 01: 03 : 11: 03 : 07: 06 4: 10: 00

To: Abigail Hobs 12 mo' dyet To: Eliz Scargen 6 mo' Dyet [unclear: ] and for her child 4 mo Dyet To: Alce parker 8 weekes dyet To. Mary Toothaker 37 w dyet To: Hen'y Salter 16 w:dyet

4: 10. 00 4: 00: 00 1: 00: 00 3: 07. 00 2: 00: 00


To: Rachel Hasell 10 w dyet To: the two Jacksons 4 weeks dyet Each To. Jno Hollen 4 w. dyet To: Ewd Wooland To: 9 yeares Salery at 5 P Anum

1: 05: 00 1: 00: 00 0. 10. 00 3. 00: 00 27: 09: 00

*William agreed on & Setled. out of w'ch I Dounton only Rec'd 23s Rest due 43: 17s 00 Allowed Wm Dounton for Salery since the Revolution or S'r Edm'd Andros Gov'r w'th w't might be due before his

S'd Governm't in full

12: 11: 00

Alowed 40: 00: 00 ( Dr. Frank A. Gardner's Papers )

(The Account of The Sheriff of Middlesex County)

Midd'x At the Court of Sessions held at

SS 1698 Aprill 22'd 1692/3 Jan 3'd Charlestown by the Speciall Appointment of his Maj'ties Justices for s'd Countey: The sheriffs allo'ts of Charges Expended upon prison'rs accused for Witch Craft and tryed at Charlestowne And for Diat to Severall. sd By Carrying Elizab: Colson to Salem To Carrying 6 prison'rs to Salem To Expenses on Prison'rs from Salem to Charlestowne To money for wood To the sons Tryalls To 7 days persuit by Hew and Cry To the Prison Keeper fo diat 1 00 00 4 05 00 2 00 00 0 09 00 0 15 00 1 00 00 15 00 00


To Henry Somers for diat To the Cryers fees in the Tryalls 8s [unclear: ] To assisting in persuit of the Hew and Cryes 10s Adjusted and allowed by the Justices Sitting in Court Att's *Sam'll Phipps Cler a ( Middlesex County Archives, Cambridge )

00 19 00 00 18 00 27 02 00

(Robert Lord's Account)

County Essix Dito July 92: Ittm for making fouer payer of Iron fetters and two payer of hand Cuffs and puting them on to the Legs and

hands of Goodwife Cloys estes, Bromidg and Green all at one pound a loven shillings money

sd 28'th March 28'th 94 A making a letter B att 1 11 0 010

1 12 0 This work was done by order from athority Requiring me thereunto attest Rob'tt Lord Smith. deduct pd by the Marshall 6s -- rest is 26s allow'd (Reverse) Robart Lords aco't for fetters & hancuffs in witch time vs Goodwife Cloys et als Note. The above is in different handwriting (Reverse) Robert Lord acco for fetters & handcufs ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 85 )


(William Starling's Petition and Account)

haverhill datt march 26: 1694 to the honouered Courte of quarter sessetions to be houlden att Ipswich on the 22th of this instant the humble Requst of william starlin constable for haverhill in the yeare 1692 is that this honouered Corte would be pleased to consider me and alow me for my charge expended for the Contreys or County by Comand of Authority to me given which charge is as foloweth on the 23 of july 1692 by warrant from bartholomew girdn John hathorn Jonathan Corwine John higgerson Esquiers for the sesuer of martha emerson I brought her doun to salam by the esistment of bartholomew heath mathew hereman which I did comand to assist me on the 29 of july by vartue of a warrant from the same hands as above: I brought doune to saleme goodwife brumidg and good wife green and by order of Authority: went with them to ipswich haveing to [unclear: ] me Josiah heath John givel #[Abraham] Israel hendrick which [unclear: ] I did Comand on the 4th of August by varture of a warrant from Cap'n bradstrit of Andver to sese goodwives

clarck I allso went with hur to Salam being assisted by John Ayer and helverd williams which I did Comand to assist me August the 18 by warrant by the same cap'n bradstrit goodwife hucthins and Ruth wilford and caried them downe to salam att two times haveing the first time for the first Josiah [gags] for my assistans and [and] peeter pato for the next time: and I was constrain to press horeses every time and two men to wacth with one of them the sabath day and night expended of my own mony in the performanc of the serves [unclear: ] mention of one pound and eight shilings Your sarvant *William Starling (Reverse)

s. d. 3 days . . of 2 hands 12: 00 3 days of 3 hands 3 days of 2 hands 3 days of 2 hands for horses 18: 00 12: 00 12: = 12: =

-962for 12 days Time of [unclear: ] his own And his Expencis 1: 10: 00 4: 16: -(Reverse) this acco allowd. For himselfe. & others herin Named. Petition of William Starlin of Haverhill for allowance in witch case. Acco'ts Respited ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 64 )


Petitions to the General Court, with Responses (1696-1709)

(Petition of Elizabeth Proctor)

To: To the Honourable Generall Court Asembled at Boston may twenty seventh 1696 the Humble petetion of Elizabeth procter widow and Relict of John proctor of salem decesed Humbly sheweth that in the yere of our Lord 1692 when many persons in salem and in other towns ther about were accused by som evill disposed or strangly Influenced persons, as being witches or for being guilty of acting witchcraft my s'd Husband John procter and my selfe were accused of such and we both: my s'd Husband and my selfe were soe farr proceded against that we were Condemned but in that sad time of darkness before my said husband was executed it is evident som body had Contrived awill and brought it to him to sign wher in his wholl estat is disposed of not having Regard to a contract in wrighting mad with me before mariag with him; but soe it pleased god to order by his providence that although the sentanc was executed on my dere husband yet through gods great goodnes to your petitioner I am yet alive; sinc my husbands death the s'd will is proved and aproved by the Judg of probate and by that kind of desposall the wholl estat is disposed of; and although god hath Granted my life yet those that claime my s'd husbands estate by that which thay Call awill will not suffer me to have one peny of the Estat nither upon the acount of my husbands Contract with me before mariage nor yet upon the acount of the dowr which as I humbly conceive doth belong or ought to belong to me by the law for thay say that I am dead in the law and therfore my humble request and petetion to this Honoured Generall Court is that by an act of his honoured Court as god hath Contenewed my life and through gods goodnes

-964without feare of being put to death upon that sentanc you would be pleased to put me Into acapacity to make use of the law to Recover that which of Right by law I ought to have for my nessesary suply and support that as I your petetioner am one of his majestyes subjects I may have the benifett of his laws soe Humbly prayeng that god would direct your honnours in all things to doe that which may be well pleasing to him I subscrib your honours humble petetioner Elizabeth procter widow Read 10th June. 1692 [sic] in Council (On reverse side of paper) Elizebeth Procter her petetion 1696 ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 )

(Petition of Sheriff Timothy Phillips)

To the Hon'ble William Stoughton Esq'r Lieutenant Governour and Commander in chief in and over his Ma'tys Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England and the Hon'ble Council of the s'd Province and Representatives of the same convened in General Assembly. The Petition of Timothy Phillips Sheriffe of the County of Middlesex Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner and the Keeper of his Ma'tys. Goale in Cambridge in the yeares 1692 & 1693 during the time of the great trouble by Witchcraft in the County afores'd. were at great Cost and Charges out of their own Pockets in removing the Persons then in custody for Witchcraft from place to place by writts of Habeas Corpus and in finding such persons with Provisions, besides the great trouble they were at, and time expended in that respect all which they did by order of the Superiour Court &c and have not yet received any Satisfaction for their time or money which they so expended and laid out as afores'd whereby they are in disburse on that Account between thirty and forty pounds, as yo'r Petitioner can make appear.

-965Your Petition'r therefore humbly prayes this Hon'ble Court to take the premisses into Consideration, and to grant an order for the payment of what your Petitioner and the s'd Prison Keeper have disbursed and expended as afores'd as also such satisfaction as yo'r honours shall think meet for their trouble and time imployed in the affair aforesaid -And your Pet'r as in duty bound shall ever pray &c *Timo Phillips Sheriffe March 18th. 1696/7 ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 110 )

(Response of the General Court to Timothy Phillips' Petition)

Province of the Massachusetts Bay Anno RR Gulielmi Tertii Angliae nono At a Great and General Court or Assembly begun and held at Boston upon Wednesday the 26th of May 1697 and continued by several prorogations unto Wednesday the 15th of December following & then met Upon reading the Petition and Accompt presented by Timothy Phillips Sheriff of the County of Middlesex amounting unto Forty two pounds thirteen shillings and ten pence for Dyat Expences and Fees for several Prisoners accused and tryed for Witchcraft within the s'd County in the year 1692 Voted That the Petitioner be allowed the Su of Ten pounds out of the publick Treasury towards his s'd accompt

And the Quarter Sessions of the Peace in s'd County of Middlesex are ordered and impowered to raise on s'd County the Remainder of s'd Accompt and pay the Ballance thereof upon their adjustment By Order of the Lieut Gov'r Council and Assembly *Isa Addington Secry ( Middlesex County Archives, Cambridge )


(Order for Payment to Timothy Phillips)

Decemb'r. 17th 1697 In the House of Representatives Ordered, That in Answer to the within Petition and Account Ten pounds be allowed and paid out of the publick Treasury towards s'd. Account; And #[that] the Quarter Sessions of the Peace in s'd County of Middlesex #[be] are Ordered and impowered to raise on s'd County the Remainder of s'd Account, and pay the Ballance thereof upon the petitioner their adjustm't -Sent up for Concurrance Dec'r. 18th 1697. In Council. Read & Vot'd a Concurrance. *Isa: Addington Se . *Penn Townsend Speak'r. ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 112 )

(Petition of Francis Faulkner et al.)

To: To his Excellency the Governour, and Councill, and Representatives now in Generall Court Assembled; at Boston: The Petition of severall of the Inhabitants of Andover, Salem village & Topsfield, humbly sheweth:

That whereas in the year 1692 some of your Petitioners and the near Relations of others of them, viz: Rebecca Nurse, Mary Estey, Abigail Faulkner, Mary Parker, of Andover John Procter & Elizabeth his wife: Elizabeth How, Samuel Wardwell & Sarah his Wife: were accused of Witchcraft by certain possessed persons, and thereupon were apprehended and Imprisoned, and at a Court held at Salem were condemned upon the Evidence of the aforsaid possessed persons; and sentence of Death hath been executed on them (except Abigail Faulkner, Elizabeth Procter & Sarah Wardwell) of whose Innocency those that knew them are well satisfyed. And whereas the invalidity of the aforesaid Evidence and the great wrong which (through Errors & mistakes in those tryalls) was then done, hath since plainly appear'd which we doubt not but this Honored Court is sensible of: Your Petitioners

-967being dissatisfyed and grieved, that (besides what the aforesaid condemned persons have suffered in their persons and Estates) their Names are Exposed to Infamy and reproach, while their Tryall & condemnation stands upon Publick Record: We therefore humbly Pray this Honored Court, that something may be Publickly done to take off Infamy from the Names, and memory of those who have suffered as aforesaid, that none of their surviving Relations, nor their Posterity may suffer reproach upon that account. And yo'r Petition'rs shall ever pray &c. Dated March 2d 1702/3 Francis Faulkner Abigail Faulkner Sarah Wardwel John Parker Joseph Parker Nathaniel Dane Francis Dane Mary How Abigail How Issac Estey Samuel Nurse Phebe Robinson Samuel Wardwell John Tarbel

John Nurse Peter Cloys sen'r Isaac Estey Jun'r Sarah Gill Rebecca Preston Thorndick Procter Benjamin Procter In the House of Representatives March. 18th 1702. Read & sent up (Reverse) Pet'con of Fra. Faulkner &C. ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 110 )

(Petition of Abigail Faulkner, Sr.)

To: To the Hon'rble the Greate and Generall Court of the province of the Massachusets Bay assembled att Boston -The petition of Abigall the wife of Francis faulkner of Andover in the County of Essex Humbly Sheweth That Whereas in the yeare 1692 when many were acused & Imprisoned att Salem as Witches and some Executed, my selfe was accused

-968by the afflicted who pretended to See me by theire Spectrall Sight (not with theire bodily Eyes) and that I afflicted them upon whose accusations (and theires only) I was Examined Imprisoned and brought to tryall these being all that gave in anny Evidence against me upon Oath yett the Jewry (upon only theire Testimony) brought me in guilty, & the Sentence of Death was passed upon me, But it pleased god to put it into the heart of his Ex'cy: Sir Will'm Phipps to grant me a repreve and att Length a pardon the Insufficiency of the proofe being in s'd pardon Exprest as the Inducement to the granting there of Soe that Through the greate goodness of God I am yett preserved The pardon haveing Soe farr had its Efect as that I am as yet Suffred [to] to live but this only as a Malefactor Convict upon record of the most henious Crimes that mankind Can be Supposed to be guilty off, which besides its utter Ruining and Defacing my Reputation, will Certainly Expose my selfe to Iminent Danger by New accusations, which will thereby be the more redily believed will Remaine as a perpetuall

brand of Infamy upon my family And I knowing my owne Inocency as to all such Crimes (as will att the last fully appeare) and being soe Defamed in my Reputation and my life Exposed besides the Odium Cast upon my Posterrity

Doe humbly pray that this high hono'ble: Court will please to take my Case into Serious Consideration and order the Defacing of the record against me Soe that I and mine may be freed from the Evill Consequents Thereof And your Petion er : as in duty bound Shall ever pray

Boston Jun 13: 1703 the Court orderd the Reading of hir tryall Reverse of Case # 113 & # 114 [Fau] Kner Pet'con [Ju]ly. 1703 Mess'rs: Sprague Seabury.. Savage ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 103 )


(Petition of Eleven Ministers from Essex County)

To: To his Excellency the Governor, Council and Representatives of the Province of the Massachusets Bay, in Generall Court Assembled June 1703 The Address of severall Ministers of the County of Essex. Whereas in the year 1692 some of our neighbours of a good conversation, were apprehended and imprisoned upon suspition of Witchcraft, upon the complaint of some young persons under Diabolicall molestations; and upon their Tryall at the Court at Salem were condemned; great weight being layd upon the evidence of the Afflicted persons, their Accusers Sentence of Death was Executed on severall of them, others were Reprieved. But since it is apparent and hath been Acknowledged, that there were Errors and mistakes in the aforesaid Tryalls; and notwithstanding the care and conscientious endeavour of the Honorable Judges to do the thing that is right: yet there is great reason to fear that Innocent persons then suffered, and that God may have a controversy with the Land upon that account.

We would therefore humbly propose to the consideration of this Honored Court, whether something may not, and ought not, to be publickly done to clear the good name and reputation of some who have suffered as aforesaid, against whom there was not as is supposed sufficient evidence to prove the guilt of such a crime and for whom there are good grounds of charity. Some of the condemned persons aforesaid, and others in behalf of their Relations who have suffered, have lately Petitioned this Honoured Court upon this Account. We pray that their case may be duely considered. *Thomas Barnard *Joseph Green *William Hubbard *Benjamin Rolfe *Samuel Cheever *Zech. Sy mes *Joseph Gerrish *John Rogers *Jabez fitch *Jno Wise *Joseph Capen *Thomas Symmes July 9th 1703 In Council Read and sent down.

-970July 16th: 1703. In the House of Representatives Read. (Reverse) referring to persons condemn'd for witchcraft. read. July 8th 1703. ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 110 )

(Response of the General Court)

In the House of Representatives July 20th. 1703 In Answer to the Petitions of Abigail faulkner, and Sundry of the Inhabitants of Andover, in the behalfe of sundry persons in and late of s'd Town, & Elsewhere, who in the Year 1692 were Indicted, accused and Condemned, & many of them Executed for the crime of Felony by witchcraft. And whereas it is Conceived by many worthy and pious Persons that the Evidence given against many of the s'd condemned Persons was weak and insufficient as to Taking away the lives of sundry so condemned &ca Wherefore it is thought meet and it is hereby Ordered That a bill be drawn up for Preventing the like Procedure for the future, and that no Spectre Evidence may hereafter be accounted valid, or Sufficient to take away the life, or good name, of any Person or Persons within this Province, and that the Infamy, and Reproach, cast on the names and Posterity of the s'd accused and Condemned Persons may in some measure be Roll'd away. sent up for Concurrence. *Jam's Converse Speaker. (Reverse) Order for bringing in a bill to reverse the attainder of Abiga' Faulkner &ca of witchcraft.

That a bill be brought in to acquit mary falkner and the other present petitioners severally of the penaltys to which thay are lyable upon the said Convictions and Judgments in the said Courts and Estate them in their Just Cred't and reputation as if no such Judgment had been had In Council July 21, 1703. agreed to. die dict. agreed to. ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 109 )


(Declaration of Mary Osgood, Martha (?) Tyler, Deliverance Dane, Abigail Barker, Sarah Wilson, and Hannah Tyler)
We whose names are under-written, inhabitants of Andover; whenas that horrible and tremendous judgment beginning at Salem village in the year 1692, by some called witchcraft, first breaking forth at Mr. Parris's house, several young persons, being seemingly afflicted, did accuse several persons for afflicting them, and many there believing it so to be, we being informed that, if a person was sick, the afflicted person could tell what or who was the cause of that sickness: Joseph Ballard, of Andover, his wife being sick at the same time, he, either from himself or by the advice of others, fetched two of the persons, called the afflicted persons, from Salem village to Andover, which was the beginning of that dreadful calamity that befel us in Andover, believing the said accusations to be true, sent for the said persons to come together to the meeting house in Andover, the afflicted persons being there. After Mr. Barnard had been at prayer, we were blindfolded, and our hands were laid upon the afflicted persons, they being in their fits and falling into their fits at our coming into their presence, as they said; and some led us and laid our hands upon them, and then they said they were well, and that we were guilty of afflicting them: Whereupon, we were all seized, as prisoners, by a warrant from the Justice of the peace and forthwith carried to Salem. And, by reason of that sudden surprizal, we knowing ourselves altogether innocent of the crime, we were all exceedingly astonished and amazed, and consternated and affrighted even out of our reason. and our nearest and dearest relations, seeing us in that dreadful condition, and knowing our great danger, apprehended there was no other way to save our lives, as the case was then circumstanced, but by our confessing ourselves to be such and such persons as the afflicted represented us to be, they, out of tenderness and pity, persuaded us to confess what we did confess. And indeed that confession, that it is said we made, was no other than what was suggested to us by some gentlemen, they telling us that we were witches, and they knew it, and we knew it, which made us think that it was so; and our understandings, our reason, our faculties, almost gone, we were not capable of judging of our condition; as also the hard measures they used with us rendered us incapable of making our defence, but said any thing and every thing which they desired, and most of what we said, was but, in effect, a consenting to what they said. Some time after, when we were better composed, they

-972telling us what we had confessed, we did profess that we were innocent and ignorant of such things; and we hearing that Samuel Wardwell had renounced his confession, and quickly after condemned and executed, some of us were told we were going after Wardwell. Mary Osgood, Mary Tiler, Deliverance Dane, Abigail Barker, Sarah Wilson, Hannah Tiler. ( Thomas Hutchinson , History of Massachusetts-Bay, II, 31-32 )

(Petition of Phillip English et al.)

To his Excelency the Governor and the Honorable Counsell and Generall Asembly for the Province of the Massatusetts Bay in New England Conven'd. at Boston May 25th 1709 The Humble Adress and Motion of Several of the Inhabitants of the s'd Province some of which had their near Relations Either Parents or others who suffered Death in the Dark and Dollfull times that past over this province in the Year 1692 under the suposition and in that Gloumy Day by Some (thought prov'd) of Being Guilty of witchcraft w'ch we have all the Reson in the world to hope and beleive they were Inocent off, and others of us that Either our selves or some of our Relations have Been Imprison'd impared and Blasted in our Reputations and Estates by Reson of the same. its not our Intent Neither Do we Reflect on the Judges or Jurors Concern'd in those Sorrowfull tryals whome we hope #[and beleive] Did that w'ch they thought was Right in that hour of Darkness. but that w'ch we move and pray for is that You Would Pleas to pass some sutable Acts as in Your Wisdom You may think meet and proper that shall (so far as may be) Restore the Reputations to the Posterity of the suffurers and Remunerate them as to what they have been Damnified in their Estates therby we Do not Without Remors and greif Recount these sorrowfull things But we Humbly Conceive that we are Bound in Consience and Duty to god and to our selves Relatives and posterity and Country Humbly to make this Motion praying God to Direct You in this and all Your Weighty Consultations. We subscribe Your sorrowfull and Distrest Supliants philip English Isack Estey sen John Tarbell John Parker Isaac Estey Joseph esty

-973Benjamin Procter John Procter Thorndik Procter George Jacobs Joseph Parker John Johnson Francis Faulkner

Samuel Nurs Benjamin Nurs john preston Samuel Nurs ju (Reverse) Original pe on ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 111 )

(Petition of Isaac Easty et al.)

To: To his Exelency the Governour and the Honourable Counsell and Generall Assembly for the Province of the Massatusetts Bay in New England convened at Boston May 25, 1709 The Humble adress and motion of several of the Inhabitants of the s'd Province some of which had their near Relations Either Parents or others who suffered Death in the Dark & Dolefull times that past over this province in the year 1692 under the suposition (and in that Gloomy Day) by some thought provd of Being Guilty of Witchcraft w'ch. we have all the Reason in the world to hope & beleive they were Inocent of. and others of us that. Either our selves or some of our Relations have been Imprisoned impared & Blasted in our Reputations and Estates by Reason of the same its not our Intent neither doe we Reflect on the Judges or Jurors Concern'd in those sorrowfull tryalls whome we hope did that w'ch they Thought was Right in that hour of Darkness [but] that which we move & pray for is that you Would Please to pass some suitable Act as in your Wisdome you may think meet & proper that shall so far as may be Restore the Reputations to the Posterity of the Suffurrers & Remunerate them as to what they have been Damnifid in their Estates thereby: we doe not without Remors & greif Recount these sorrowful things But we Humbly Conceive that we are Bound in conscience and duty to god & to our selves Relatives & posterity & County Humbly to Make this Motion praying God to Direct you in this & all your weighty Consultations Wee subscribe Your sorrowful and Distresst Supliants Isaac Esty Jno Nurse Joseph parker

-974Thorndick Procter

George Jacobs In the names & on Behalf of our selves and several others. (Reverse) Pe'tion May 1709. Pe'ions about the Witchcraft in 1692. ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 112 )


Reversal of Attainder and Restitution (1710-1750)


Individual Responses to General Court's Inquiry (September 1710)

Recommendations of the General Court Committee (September 1710)

Reversal of Attainder (October 17, 1710)

Committee's List of Sufferers and Amounts Allowed (November 1711)

List of Those Making No Claims (November 1711)

Expenses of the Committee (June -- October 1711)

Governor's Authorization of Payment (December 1711)

Individual Receipts, Etc., (December 1711 -- November 1712)

Additional Petitions of George Burroughs' Family (1712 -- 1750)


(Account of Ebenezer Barker -- Case of Abigail Barker)

To: To the Honorable Comittee

An Account of what Ebenezer Barker of Andover payd for his wife Abigail Barker who was accused 1-10-0 of witchcraft and suffered Imprisonment 18 weeks at Salem in the year 1692 Viz To the Keeper of the Goal it For Court Charges The su s abovs'd he was forcid to pay before his wife could be Released. Besides his maintaining his wife wholly in prison with provision and other necessaryes sd Totall. 5-7-4 *Ebenezer Barker I desire Capt Barker to give in this account to the Hon'rable Comittee *Eben. Barker (Reverse) Abigail Barker of Andover Imprisond not Condemnd ( Mass. Archives. Vol. 135 No. 146 ) 1-7-4 2-10-0

(Account of John Barker -- Case of Mary Barker)

An Account of what money was pay'd by John Barker of Andover, for his Daughter Mary Barker who was accused of witchcraft and suffered Imprisonment in the year 1692; which he was forc'd to pay before Releasment could be obtained. The time of her Imprisonment being six weeks. Viz s d To the Keeper of the Goal [unclear: ] in Salem 00-17-6

-978it To the Sheriffe for the [unclear: ] discharge of the prisoner upon Bail 00-6-0 (and for Bail Bond) it To the Clerk of the Court [unclear: ] for Provisions Expended in prison 01-17-4 0-15-0 3-15-10 *John Barker ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 139 )

(Account of John Barker -- Case of William Barker, Sr.)

An Account of what was payd by John Barker of Andover to the Deputy Sheriff in leiu of Cattel, which he had seised of the Estate of his Brother William Barker who was Imprisoned for Witchcraft, &c in the year 1692 Viz To the Deputy Sheriffe 2-10-0

To the Keeper of Salem Goal 1-1-0 'r *John Barker ( Massachusetts Archives Vol. 135 No. 138 )

(Account of John Barker -- Case of William Barker, Jr.)

To: To the Honourable Committee An Account of what was payd by John Barker of Andover for his kinsman William Barker Jun'r of Andover who was accused of Witchcraft and suffered Imprisonm't six weeks at Salem; which he was forc't to pay before he could obtain a Release for his Kinsman viz. To the Keeper of the Goal [unclear: ] at Salem 00-17-6

-979To Provisions Expended [unclear: ] in prison 00-15-0 it To the Sheriffe for Bail Bond 00-6-0 it To the Clerk of the Court 1-17-0 sd 'r *John Barker Totall 3:15:10 (Reverse) Jno Barkers Account of W'm Barker Jun'r [unclear: ] William Barker Imprisond Not condemnd ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 149 )

(Account of Edward Bishop -- Cases of Edward and Sarah Bishop)

Rehoboth Septem 9 -- 1710 to the honerabell Jentelmen of the Commitey greating It having plesed the grate and Jenerall cort to apiont your honers a Commitey to in quier who may be proper to be Justified in the bill Refering to the taking of the attainder and what loss and damidg has bene sustained by reason of the tryalls which were for witchcraft In the yere 1692 I with my wife were aprehended and examened and commited to Sallam prison and aftrewards cared to boston prison and in my absanc the Shrefe wente to my hous and tok a way so mutch of my housall goods as afterwards I payed tene pounds for to have It again Sixe cows was caried away which I never had a gain (four and [torn] swine carid away which I never had a gain. Sixe an fortiey Sheep of which I never had eney a gaine: the time that my sellf and wife were prisnors was thirtiey seven wekes all which tim cost me ten shillings pur weeake for our bord be sides other nesecri chardges and preson feese which amounted to five pounds and I was cept from making eney Improufment of my Estate to provide for food for my famiely and had at that time twelve children the which I Could have maintained out of the produce of my Esteat could I have had the liburty to med the Improufment of It which grat damidg I leve to your honers to Judg: -the hole lose and damedg I compute to be one hundred

-980pounds money praying your honers I may be righted In name and Esteat I Rest your honers humbl sarvant *Edward Bishop (On reverse side of paper) Edward Bishop & Wife long Imprisoned not Condemned ( Mass. Archives Vol. 132 No. 117 )

(Account of Henry and Jane True -- Case of Mary Bradbury)

Honred, Gentle men we have received your Notification & send this to Signify our Desiers that our good mother Mrs Bradburys name may be inserted in the bill proposed for the takeing off the attainder &c She throu faith obtained a good report among all Christians for her Exemplary piety & vertue & was ever Lookt on as an Innosent in Her Suffrings in that dark & gloomi day & we Doubt not but youl -- se cause as far as Can be in this Method to recover her reputation -- She Indured aboute Six months Imprisonment which putt our Honred father & Sum of her Children upon very great Expence of which we have Indeed no purticuler accounte but are well assured by what we have heard our father Capt Bradbury say of the money he Expended on that account or occasion & by our own observation & Concerne in the Case as well as others of the family that it Could not be Less then twenty pounds at the Lowest calculation besids time & trouble: -we doubt not but Sum others might Suffer more in their Estates & it Semes very just and reasonable that restitution be in Sum measure made as far as the Case will beare & therefore: we wold not discourage so just & good a desine by any Excessive demands but rather Comply with any thing which your Honers shall think meet to allow therefore we not Expressly fix upon any Sum but leave it to your honers faverable Consideration only pray that we may have that reasonable Consideration & allowance which you make to

others of Eaquall Surcomstances & which may be Consistant with & rather Incurrage then Discourage the gen' ll Desine now on foot our buisness is Shuch at home we Cant well attend your Honers at this Juncture but hope our writting may as Efectively Answer the Ende being Confident that Such is your Justice & Cander that you will not Improve

-981our Moderation in our Demands to our disadvantage we Subscribe -- your most Humble Servants & petisioners -Salisbury Sep'r -- 11-1710 Henry [unclear: ] True & Jane Executor to the will of Mrs Mary bradbury Condemned for Witchcraft Sep'r 1692 Not Executed: made her Escape (Reverse) Mary Bradbury Condemned Not Executed ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 120 )

(Account of Sarah Preston -- Case of Sarah Bridges)

To the Honourable Committee appointed by the Generall Court to Consider the Loss of dammage Sustained by those who Suffered upon the Account of the Supposed witchcraft in the year 1692 An account of what was payd for Sarah Bridges, now the wife of Samuel Preston Jun'r of Andover, who Suffered Imprisonment Six weeks at Salem for the Supposed witchcraft in the yeare 1692 Viz s d To the Keeper of the Goal 1-0-0 it To Court Charges upon her [unclear: ] Tryall 1-17-4 it money and provisions Expended [unclear: ] in Prison, & for A trial bond, and Expences in attending the Court a fortnight, which I judge could not be less then five and fourty shillings 2-5-0

If I may be allowed four pounds it Will be to my Satisfaction I was not notifyed of the time when the Honorable Committee met

-982at Salem, therefore could not give this account then. I humbly pray this Honourable Committee # [that I] to consider my Loss and damage. *Sarah Preston ( Massachusetts Archives Vol. 135 No. 140 )

(Account of William Buckley, Jr. -- Cases of Sarah Buckley and Mary Witheridge)
To: To The Honourable Committee The humble Representation of Will'm Buckly of the Damage sustained by our family in the year 1692 &c. 1 My Honored Mother Sarah Buckly & my sister Mary Witherige were both in prison from May until January following, dureing which time 2 we were at the whole charge of their Maintenance And when they were 3 cleared & came out of prison we were forced to pay for Each of them five pounds to the officers -We shall leave Your honours and the honourable Gen'll Court to judge and determine what our damage hath been by these sufferings -- and so Rest salem Sept 13. 1710 Your Honours humble serv't *W'm Buckly in the name of our family If we may be allowed fifteen pounds it will be to our satisfaction 15-00-00 (Reverse) Sarah Buckly & Mary Witheridge Imprisoned &c Not Condemnd ( Massachusetts Archives. Case #160 No. 136 )

(Account of Charles Burroughs -- Case of George Burroughs)

To the Honoured Comitte apoined by the Gennarll Court to Inquire into the Names of Such as may be Meet for takeing of the atta der

-983for the Makeing Some Restitucon & these Humbly & Sorroufully Shew that our Dear & Honourd father Mr George Burrough was aprehened in apriel -- 1692 at wells & Imprisoned Severall Months in Bostone & Salem Goales and at last Condemened & Executed for whichcraft which we have all the reason in the world to bleve he was innocent of by his carefull Chatecizing his Chilldren & upholding religion in his family and by his Solom & Savory written Instructions from prison we were Left a parsell of small Chilldren of us helpless & a mother in Law with one Small Child of her owne to take care of whereby she was not so Capable to take care of us by all which our fathers small Estate was most of it Lost & Expended and we Scattered we cannot tell Certanly what the lose may be but the Least we can Judge by best information was fifty poundes besides the damage that hath acrued to us many wayes thereby is Some hundreds of pounds wee Earnestly pray that the attainder may be taken of & if you please the fifty pounds may be restored *Charles Burrough Elder Son In the Name of the reast (On reverse side of paper) Mr. George Burroughs Condemned & Executed having been lately of Wells in the Countey of York ( Massachusetts Archives Vol. 135 No. 136 )

(Account of Thomas Carrier -- Case of Martha Carrier)

To: To the Honorable Committe Sitting at Salem this 13 day of Sept. 1710 These are to Inform your Honours that my wife Martha Carrier was condemned upon an Accusation of witchcraft, and Suffered Death at Salem in the year 1692. I payd to the Sherriff upon his Demand fifty Shillings. I payd the prisonkeeper upon his demand for prison fees, for my wife and four children four pounds Sixteen Shillings.

-984My humble request is that the Attainder may be taken off; and that I may be considered as to the loss and dammage I Sustained in my Estate Totall 7-6-0

*Thomas Carrier I found my wife and children provision during their imprisonment (In margin) Martha Carrier Condemned & Executed ( Massachusetts Archives. Vol. 135 No. 163 )

(Account of Sarah Cole)

Salem -- Sept 13: 1710 Where as the Great & Generall Court has made Choyce of a Committe to hear & Receve the accots of what Damage Severall persons Sustained that were accuesed and Imprisoned for witch Craft; in the yeare 1692. & I the Subscriber being one -- Doe pray Your honers to a Low me a proportion with other under Like Surcumstance. The acco't is as followeth Seventeen week Imprisonment

paid the Goaler ...40s writting bonds .... 6s paid 18 for Court Charges

02-0-0 0-6-0 0-18-0

Being Imprisoned the Second time writting of bonds 0-6-0 6s Carryed to Ipswig to be Cleared & paid 20 and more 1-0-0 I found my self provision *Sarah Cole (Reverse) Sarah Cole Long Imprison'd not Condemned. ( Massachusetts Archives Vol. 135 No. 132 ) 2-0-0 6.10.00


(Account of John Moulton -- Cases of Giles and Martha Corey)

To: To the Hon'rable Commite Apointed by the Generall Court to make Enquire with Respect to the suferings in The year 1692: &c

these are to give you a short a Count of our sorrows and suferings which was in the yere 1692 some time in march our honerd father and mother Giles Corey & Martha his wife ware acused for soposed wich Craft and imprisoned and ware Removed from on prison to another as from Salem to ipswich & from ipswitch to boston and from boston to Salem againe and soe remained in Close imprisonment about four months we were att the whole Charge of their maintenance which was very Chargable and soe much the more being soe farr a distance from us as also by Reason of soe many removes in all which wee Could doe noe less than Acompanie them. which further added both to our trouble and Charge and although that was very Great is the least of our greavence or cause of Thease lines but that which breakes our hearts and for which wee goe mourning still is that our father was put to soe Cruell and painfull a death as being prest to death our mother was put to death also though in another way. And as wee Cannot sufficiantly Express our Griffe for the loss of our father and mother in such away -- soe we cannot Compute our Exspences and Coast but Shall Comite to your wisdome to judge of but after our fathers death the sh'rife thretened to Size our fathers Estate and for feare thar of wee Complied with him and paid him Eleaven pound six shillings in monie by all which we have bee[n] greatly damnified & impovershd by being Exsposed to sell Creaturs and other things for litle more than half the worth of them, to get the monie to pay as afores'd and to maintaine our father & mother in prison but that Which is grieveous to us is that wee are not only impoverished but also Reproached and soe may bee to all generatians and that wrongfully two unless something bee done for the removeall thereof all which we humbly Committe to the honorable Court Praying God to direct to that which may bee axceptable in his sight and for the good of this land September the 13th 1710 -Wee subscrib your humble searvants in all Christiane obedience


We Cannot Judge our nesessary Expence to be less then Ten pounds (On reverse side of paper) *John Moulton who mared Elezabeth Corey daughter of the aboves'd in the behalf of the reast of that familie. Giles Corey & Martha his wife Condemnd & Executed, both of Salem. ( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135. No. 161 )

(Account of Nathaniel Dane -- Case of Deliverance Dane)

An Account of the Expences of Nathaniel Dane of Andover for his wife Deliverance who was accused of witchcraft and Suffered Imprisonment 13 weeks in the year 1692 And for his man Servant who was

Imprisoned eight weeks upon the same account. viz For prison fees and money and [unclear: ] provision necessarily Expended while they were in prison 3-13-0 it money to the sheriffe & the [unclear: ] Clerk and the keeper when my wife was discharged upon Bail 1-0-0 I desire mr Barnard to give in this Acc't to the Hon'rable comittee 'r *Nathaniel Dane N.D. (Reverse) Nathan'll Danes Account Deliverance Dane Imprisoned Not Condemnd ( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 147 )

(Account of Rebecca Eames)

Boxford Septem [unclear: ] to the honred Jentlmen of the commitey greating It having pleased the greate and Jenaral cort to a piont your honars a commity to inquire

-987who may be propr to bee Justified in the bill refering to the taking ofe the attainder and what loss and damedg has bene sustained by reasen of the tryalls whitch wer for witchcraft In the yere 1692 Rebecka Emes releck of Raborth Ems late of boxford dececed being aprehended for witchcraft In the yere 1692 some time the begineng of Ogust and sufered Imprisnment a bove seven months and condemned and afterwards re preved by gourner feps: I Rebecka[n] emes humbly pray and de sier that the attaintir may be tecken of and my neme may be re stored a gain with the cost and damedges Is sustained there by to [to] my husbands Esteat: paid in moniy to the prision keepr and cort chardges four pounds eaightten shillings for the repreve to the govrners clark 1-10s-0d. for provisons and other nesecriy chardgs whils inprisened and upon [upon] my tryall expended by my husband for mee whils under those dollful surcomstances I think I may sefly say amounted to ten poundes mor -- 10-00-00 Yete If the attaintur may be taken of and my neme re stored a gaine I am willing to take tene pounds witch I leve to your honers consideration I re maine

your humbell sarvant Rebeckah Emes (Reverse) Rebeccah Eames not Executed Extraordinary Confessor ( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 151 )

(Account of Isaac Easty -- Case of Mary Easty)

Topsfield Septemb'r 8th. 1710 Isaac Esty Sen of Topsfield in the county of Essex in N. E. having been sorely exercis'd through the holy & awful providence of God depriving him of his beloved wife Mary Esty who suffered death in the year 1692 & under the fearfull odium of one of the worst of crimes that can be laid to the charge of mankind, as if she had been guilty of witchcraft a piece of wickedness which I beleeve she did hate with perfect hatred & by all that ever I could see by her never could see any thing by her that should give me any reason in the lest to think her guilty of any thing of that nature but am firmly persuaded that she was as innocent of it as any to such a shameful death -- Upon consideration of a notification from the Honored Generall

-988Court desiring my self & others under like circumstances to give some account of what my Estate was damnify'd by reason of such a hellish molestation do hereby declare which may also be seen by comparing papers & records that my wife was near upon 5 months imprisoned all which time I provided maintenance for her at my own cost & charge, went constantly twice aweek to provide for her what she needed 3 weeks of this 5 months she was in prison at Boston & I was constrained to be at the charge of transporting her to & fro. So that I can not but think my charge in time and mony might amount to 20 pounds besides my trouble & sorrow of heart in being deprived of her after such a manner which this world can never make me any compensation for. I order & appoint my son Jacob Esty to carry this to the Honored Committee Appointed by the Honored Generall Court & are to meet at Salem Isak Esty sen'r aged about 82 years Sept 12 1710 (Reverse) Mary Easty of Topsfield Dated this 8th of Sept. 1710 Condem'd & Executed. ( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 115 )

(Petition of Phillip English -- Cases of Phillip English and Mary English)

To: To the Comittee Appointed to Distribute the money allowed to the Sufferers in 1692...... Gent. I request the favour of you to represent it to the Gen'll Court what a great Sufferer I have been in my Estate by reason of the Severe prosecution of me & my wife in that Dark time. It Cost me fifty pounds at Boston & we were forced to fly for our Lives at which time my Estate was Seised & Squandred away to a great Value & much of my provision used to Subsist the numerous Company of prisoners -- In the whole I am Exceedingly Damnifyed the most of

-989my personal Estate to the Value of many hundreds of pounds taken from me & Very Little of it Restored againe I pray to Consider my Extroardinary Sufferings I am Gent yo'r Serva. (Revse) Mr English To the Comitte ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 86 )

(Account of Phillip English)

To the Honered Commitey A pointed by the Generall Court to Inquire in to the names proper to be Insarted in the Bill for Tacking of the Attander amd What damages thay sustaned by thare prosceution These Are to signify that I Phillip English Whas Imprisoned togather With My Whife in salem Prison and then Carred to Boston Prison, and thare Lay Nine Weeks from Whance Whe Made our Escape in Which time besides our Charge in flying had the Estate heare aftor Menechened Loast and Tacking a Whay In the Ware Hous att the Pint of Rocks

To 20 hogsheds of Soatt To 32-lt 2'-qts 17-lb. of Spanish Iorn bought of Capt John Brown To 43 quantells of Rasedg Cod fish

025: 00: 00 065: 06: 00 025: 16: 00

To 2 hogsheds of Melases To 12 New axes In the Weare Hows behind Docktor Roundeys To 500 butchells of Vorginiy Whet To 203 butchells of Engen Corn To 3 pipes of Whine In the Weare Hows in the Lane To 2 Bootts of Suger To 2 hogsheds of Suger To 4 hoggheds of Melases \[torn\] ght Iorn

015: 00: 00 002: 08: 06 133: 10: 00 150: 00: 00 027: 00: 00 027: 00: 00 137: 12: 6 024: 00: 00 024: 00: 00 030: 00: 00 100: 00: 00


\[torn\] key \[torn\] 18-lt of New Cordeg \[torn\] of Nialls To I Chist of Glass In the Weare Hows Next to Cartors on the Wharlf To I hogshead of Rum To 8 bundells of Twine To 160 butchells of Whet To 500 Whate of Rope To 5 Ketch Ankours Whate 682 ls To 2 Shollops Ankours Whate 64 lb To 1 Bots Ankour Whate 20 lb One the Wharlf To 58 thousands of Bords or More To 10 thousands of Staves To 7 thousands of Slitwoork or more Carried Ower to the Other Side Brought over from the Other Side heare To 2000 of Clabbords To 28 thousands of Shingells

036: 00: 00 060: 00: 00 024: 00: 00 003: 00: 00 683: 12: 6 012: 00: 00 014: 00: 00 040: 00: 00 012: 10: 00 017: 01: 00 001: 12: 00 000: 10: 00 736: 05: 6 145: 00: 00 012: 10: 00 014: 00: 00 907: 15: 6 907: 15: 6 005: 00: 00 008: 00: 00

In My Dwelling Hous In a pine Chist 6 peses of Canton qt 31 anns To 5 duzen of Wosted Stockens To 40 yards of Broad Cloth To 3 gross of Thimbells To 27 yards of Carsey To 14 yards of Ticking To 43 yards of hiy Brinns In a Nother Chist To 2 half peses of fine Dowlis To 1 half pes of Buckrem To 8 peses Kenton qt 40 anna To 2 Duzen of fine Woosted Stockens To 1 pess of Sarge Luse In The Shop Chamber To 13\mh\ yards of Sarge To 11 yards of Broad Cloth To 1 duzen of Wimons Shews

920: 15: 6 005: 00: 00 010: 10: 00 025: 00: 00 001: 10: 00 006: 05: 00 002: 02: 00 006: 09: 00 977: 11: 6 015: 00: 00 003: 00: 00 007: 10: 00 007: 04: 00 003: 10: 00 1013: 15: 6 0002: 14: 00 0001: 02: 00 0002: 08: 00


To 3 Ramnants of fine hollond qt 45\m?\ To 1 pess of Sant Johns qt 92 anns To 24 yards of New England Canvis To 31 yards of Bast Nialls To 35 yards of hambrow dowlis To 90 yards of Brinns is 9:.6:s0 To 29 yards of Navalls To 74 yards of fagures To 20 li of Brown Thread To 2 Small Caske of Stell To 1 thousand Whate of frantch Lines at Lest To A bought a thousand Whate of Ladd To 7 gross of Cod Hucks

0004: 18: 00 \[torn\] \[torn\] \[torn\] \[torn\] 0009: 00: 0 0004: 04: 0 0007: 03: 0 0003: 00: 0 0005: 00: 0 0075: 00: 0 0014: 00: 0 0010: 00: 0

To 1500 of Mackrell Hucks To 6 Swine Sold for To A Cow Carred Over to the other Side Brought ovr here from the other side

0002: 00: 0 0002: 00: 0 0002: 10: 0 1183: 02

The foregoing is a true Account of What I had Seized tacking away Lost and Embezeld whilst I was a prisoner in the yeare 1692 & whilst on my flight for my life besides a Considerable quantity of household goods & other things which I Cannot Exactly give a pertickolar Acco off for all which I Never Reseved any other or further satisfacon for them Then Sixty Pounds 3s payd Me by the Administrators of George Corwine Late Sherife desesd and the Estate was so seisd & Tackin away Chiefly by the Sherife and his under offisers not withstanding I had given fore thousand pound Bond with Surety att Boston *philip English ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 Nos. 127-129 )

(Account of Abigail Faulkner, Sr.)

To the Honourable Committee Sitting in Salem Sept. 13, 1710 An Account of the Sufferings of Abigail Faulkner of Andover and of

-9922 of her children for supposed witchcraft, and of the Damage she sustained thereby in the year 1692 1 I suffered imprisonment four moneths and my children were in prison about a moneth. And upon my Tryall I was condemned upon such evidence as is now generally thought to be insufficient, as may be seen in the court Records of my tryal. I humbly pray that the Attaindre may be taken off, and that my name that has been wronged may be restored. 2 I was at the whole charge of provideing for myself and my children during the time of our Imprisonment. 3 Money payed the Sheriffe, Keeper, [unclear: ] Kings Attorney [&c] for prison fees, court charges 10-0-0 & for Bonds and for my Reprieve & pardon 4 My Expences in providing for my self & children while we were in prison; time and expences in journeys and attending the Courts were considerable, which I leave to the Honourable Committe & the Gen'll Court to allow me what may be thought Reasonable, which will be to my Satissaction & If it be but [10] *Abigal Faulkner (Reverse) Abigail Faulkner of Andover Condemnd not Executed

( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 131 )

(Account of Abraham Foster -- Case of Ann Foster)

The Honorable Committee now Sitting at Salem Sept. 13, 1710 Whereas my Mother Anne Foster of Andover suffered Imprisonment 21 weeks and upon her Tryall was condemned for Supposed witchcraft, upon such evidence as is now Generally thought Insufficient And died in Prison. I being well perswaded of my mothers Innocency of the Crime for which she was condemned: Humbly desire that the Attainder may be taken off -The Account of my charges and expences for my mother During her Imprisonment is as followeth

To money which I was forced to pay the keeper before I could have the dead body of my mother to 2-10-0 bury


Money & provisions expended while she was in Prison 'r *Abraham Foster the Son of the Deceased


(Reverse) Anne foster of Andover Condemned dyed in prison Confessor ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 159 )

(Account of John Fry -- Case of Eunice Fry)

To: To the Honorable Committee An Account of the Expences of John Fry late of Andover for his wife Eunice Fry who suffered Imprisonment 15 weeks upon an accusation of witchcraft, in the year 1692 Viz For Prison fees and money and [unclear: ] provisions Expended in prison 3-0-0 it To the clerk for court charges 1-17-4 Totall 4-17-4 'r *John Frie Executor to the deceas'd I desire Capt John Barker to give in this account to the Honor able Comittee

J. [F] (Reverse) John Fry's Account Eunice Fry Imprisoned Not Condemnd. ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 148 )


(Account of William Good -- Cases of Sarah Good and Dorcas Good)

To: To The Honourable Committee The humble representation of Will'm. Good of the Damage sustained by him in the year 1692. by reason of the sufferings of his family upon the account of supposed Witchcraft 1 My wife Sarah Good was In prison about four months & then Executed. 2 a sucking child dyed in prison before the Mothers Execution. 3 a child of 4 or 5 years old was in prison 7 or 8 months and being chain'd in the dungeon was so hardly used and terrifyed that she hath ever since been very chargeable haveing little or no reason to govern herself. -- And I leave it unto the Honourable Court to Judge what damage I have sustained by such a destruction of my poor family -And so rest Your Honours humble servant *William Good Salem. Sept. 13. 1710 [And in another hand:] 30. proposed for to be allowed (On reverse side of paper) Wm Good Sarah Good of S ale m Condemned and Executed

( Prof. G. L. Burr Papers -- Ithaca, N. Y. )

(Account of Peter Green -- Case of Mary Green)

September 15 -- 1710 an a Kount of Peter Green of havarell his caust and charge a rising by reason of his wife's being apprehended for wich craft in the eayer

-99592 which is as foloeth for a sisting tha constabell with my wife to

salam and from thenc to ipswech


for a journey of myself and 1 man with me to give bond for my 01-4-0 wife and for riting the bond and for preson charges 19 weacks and upon her triall 00-2-0 02-7-6 01-2-6

and for my journe 4 days upon her triall 00-16-0 and I would pray youer honners to consider me as to her impresenment but that I desire to leave with youer honners to determen ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 170 )

(Account of Francis Johnson -- Case of Sarah Hawkes)

To: To the Honorable Comittee Sitting in Salem Sept. 13. 1710 The Account of Sarah Hawks, now the wife of Francis Johnson of Andover, who suffered Imprisonment 5 moneths in the year 1692 for the Supposed Witchcraft Viz

money payd to the Sheriffe and to [unclear: ] the Keeper before she could obtain a Discharge it Her Expences for her Provisions while [unclear: ] She was in Prison which I desire may be allowed

2-14-0. 2-10-0.

'r Francis Johnson on behalf of his wife. (Reverse) Sarah Hawks Imprisond Not Condemnd ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 142 )

(Account of John and Annis King -- Case of Dorcas Hoar)

An account of what Dorkeas whore had Taken from her who was condemned for witchcraft in the year 1692:


to 2 coues & one ox & mare to 4 shotes 10s pr 2 to bed & curtains & beding 5 to other house hold stuf 211s to 11 months diet at 12s per month which they found while she was in prison To expenses In carrying her from one prison to another and finding her wood and cloths S\mb\u Totall

4-0-0 7-0-0 2-11-0 6-06-0 2-0-0 21-17-0

marked p'r John King & Annis King daughter of the s'd Dorcas Hoar (On reverse side of paper) Dorcas Hoar of Beverly Condemned not Executed ( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 119 )

(Account of William Hobbs -- Case of Abigail Hobbs)

Topsfield 13 of September 1710 Where as the great & Honoured Court have apointed a Comity to consider what damieg persons sustained in there Estats in the yeare 1692 by what thay suffered in that as was called witch craft the odom wherof was

as the worst of mankind: William hobs ten month my charges And exspences Amounted to twenty pounds money besids Los of time which my damieg I think can not be less then 40 pounds: yet not withstanding upon Consideration that our names may be Repayred againe I am willing to take 20 pounds so leaveing it to your Honours consideration I remain your unworthy Servant *William Hobs. (On reverse side of paper) Abigail Hobbs Condemnd not Executed of Topsfield -- Confessor. ( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 156 )


(Account of Mary and Abigail How -- Case of Elizabeth How)

Ipswich the 9 of September 1710 Whereas the Honoured Generall Court have apointed a Commity To Consider what damieg persons have sustained in there names & Estats in the yeare 1692 by there sufferings in that as was Caled Witchcraft the odom wherof was as if they ware the worst of mankind We Mary how & Abegill How: we only sirvive in this familey: who doe Groundedly beleive that our honoured mother Elizabeth How suffered as innosent of the crym charged with as any person in the world & as to the damieg done to our Estat We Cannot give a pertiquler acount but This we know that our Honoured father went twise a week the whole Tim of her Emprisonment to carey her maintins which was procured with much difficulty & one of us went with him becaus he could not goe alone for want of sight also one jurny to boston for a Replency & for maintanance five shilling money left with her the first coming down 20 Shilings the secont time & forty Shilings. so that somtimes mo. som less yet never under five shillings per week which we know for charges for her & nesseary charg for our selvs & horses can not be less then 20 pounds mony: yet notwithstand so that the nam may be Repayard we are contented if your honours shall allow us twelve pounds yours to serve. Mary How & Abigell How This petition was 'sented to sayd Comitte by Capt Jono How & Abraham How uncles to s'd Mary & Abigail P Relief in the mises and pray the s'd p ons may be allowed the sum. (Reverse) Eliza How Condemnd & Executed of Ipswich ( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 116 )

(Account of George Jacobs, Jr. -- Case of George Jacobs, Sr.)

An a compt of what was seised and taken a way from my fathers Estate George Jacobs Sen'r Late of Salem dec'd by Sherif Corwin

-998and his assistants in the yeare 1692 When my s'd father was Executed and I was forced to fly out of the Countrey to my great damige and destress of my fameley my wife and daughter Imprisoned viz my wife 11 months and my daughter Seven months in prison it Cost them twelve pounds money to the officers besides other Charges

five Cows faier Larg Cattle 3 Per Cow Eight Loads of English Hay taken out of the Barn 35s per Load aparcel of appels that made 24 barils Cider to halves Viz 12 barils Cider 8s per baril 60 bussells of Ind'n Corn 2s-6d per busel a mare 2 good feather beds and furniture -- Rugs blankets sheets boulsters and pilous 2 brass Kittles Cost money 12s a Large goold thumb Ringg 20s five Swine a qu\mb\atity of wter which I cannot Exactly know worth por haps

15-00-0 14-0-0 14-16-0 7-10-0 2-0-0 10-0-0 6-0-0 1-12-0 3-16-0 3-0-0 67-13-0

besides a bundance of small things meat in the hous fowls Chaiers and other things took Clear 12-0-0 a way 79-12-0 Sixty Seven pounds thirteen *Georg Jacob Shillings my fathers Estate The Twelve pounds paid for my wife & Children (On reverse side of paper) George Jacobs Jun'r his acco/ George Jacobs Sen'r of Salem Condemned & Executed. ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 Nos. 133, 144 )


(Account of Francis Johnson -- Case of Elizabeth Johnson Jr.)

To: To the Honourable Committee Sitting in Salem Sept 13. 1710 The Account of Francis Johnson of Andover. Whereas my Sister Elizabeth Johnson Jun'r of Andov'r, was Imprisoned Six moneths, for the supposed witchcraft, and upon her Tryall was condemned by such Evidence as is now Generally thought to be Insufficient In the year 1692. She the Said Elizabeth Johnson Humbly prayes that the Attainder may be taken off. My expences for maintaining my Sister with provisions during her Imprisonment was............................. 30-0 Which I pray may be allowed. 'r *Francis Johnson on behalf of his sister (Reverse) Eliza Johnson Jun'r Imprisond not Condemned Confessor ( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 162 )

(Account of Francis Johnson -- Case of Elizabeth Johnson, Sr.)

To: To the Honourable Committee Sitting in Salem Sept 13, 1710 The Account of Elizabeth Johnson, Sen'r of Andover, of her Imprisonment for the Supposed witchcraft in the year 1692: viz. She was Imprisoned 5 moneths and found her self provision during that time 2-10-0 To money payd to the keeper and the Sheriffe [unclear: ] before she could obtain a Release 2-14-0 To charges for 2 of her children who were Imprisoned 5 weeks viz. Stephen & Abigail upon the account of the witchcraft


'r *Francis Johnson by order & one behalf of his mother Totall 7:10-0 (Reverse) Eliza. Johnson Imprisond Not Condemnd Confessor ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 133 )

(Account of John Johnson -- Case of Rebecca Johnson)

To: To the Honourable Committee An Account of what was payd & expended by Rebecca Johnson of Andover for herself and her Daughter Rebecca who were accused of Witchcraft, and Suffered Imprisonment at Salem thirten weeks in the year 1692

sd viz money & provisions expended [unclear: ] while they were in Goal it To the sheriffe for Bail Bonds [unclear: ] for each of them it To Court charges which she was [unclear: ] forcid to pay for her Self & Daughter before they could obtain a Release Total 6-0-4 There were sundry other 'r *John: Johnson Expences that I was at but shall be Satisfyd if Son of the s'd Rebecca this account may be allowed Jno son on behalf of his mother (Reverse) Rebecca Johnson of Andover & daughter Imprisoned ( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 142 ) 3-15-0 0-8-0


(Account of Lawrence Lacey -- Case of Mary Lacey, Sr.)

To: To the Honorable Committee Sitting at Salem Sept. 13, 1710 The Account of Lawrence Lacy of Andovr Whereas my wife Mary Lacy Suffered Imprisonment above seven moneths and upon her Tryall was condemned for Supposed witchcraft, but Reprieved in the year 1692 I humbly pray that the Attainder may be taken off.

My Expences were viz. To the Keeper of the Goal For Provisions Expended in Prison and other charges During her Imprisonment Total 'r *Lawrence Lacy

03-10-0 5-0-0 8-10-0

I desire Capt Jno Barker to give in this account to the Gent'n. of the Comittee *Lawrence Lacy (Reverse) Mary Lacey sen'r Condemned not Executed ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 134 )

(Account of Lawrence Lacey -- Case of Mary Lacey, Jr.)

To: To the Hon'r able Committee An Account of money payd. expended or disburst by Lawrence Lacy of Andover for his Daughter Mary Lacey who was Accused of wicthcraft and Suffered Imprisonment in the year 1692, which he was forced to pay before a Release could be obtained.

-1002The time of her Imprisonment was ten #[moneths] weeks


. s d

To the keeper of the Goal at Salem


it To the clerk of the Court 1-17-4 I desire Capt Barker to give in this account to the Hon'rable Comittee *Lawrence Lacy ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 137 )

(Account of John Marston -- Case of Mary Marston)

To: To the Honorable Committee An Account of the Expences of John Marston of Andover for his wife Mary who suffered Imprisonment upon Accusation of witchcraft, 20 weeks in the year 1692: which he was forced to pay before his wife could be Released

Viz To the Prison keeper it For Court Charges Besides his maintaining his wife with provision during the time of her Imprisonment and for other Expences Total 4: 19s 4d 'r *John Marston I desire capt. Barker to give in this account to the Hon'r able Comittee (Reverse) John Marstons Account Mary Marston Imprisond not Condemned ( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 143 )

1-7-0 1-7-4 2-5-0

(Account of Mary Morey -- Case of Sarah Morey)

To: To the honered Committy Now Setting apinted by The Ginerall Court The Humbell pition of Mary Morey Widdow of Peter Morey of bavrly


desert [sours] our Dautor Sarey Morey Whas folsly accused & Imprisened for the Sin of Whichcraft The Month of May one Thousand Six Hundred ninty Tew and remaned In prison, Teill Januarey following our Said daftor Whas Treyed & Cleared by Law Which Imprisonment Whas Much more To our Damage Then I Cann Think of know or Cann Speek but what fowlows Now Is What I have pade out of My pocket for her Charges & our Expenes In Jurning to Is Cist her

To 35 Wieks diet in prison att 3s To Savarall Jorneys to Boston & to Salem, To the Keeper

05: 05: 0 02: 00: 0 05: 00: 0 12: 05: 0

her Mary Morey marke (Reverse) Mary Moreys Acco ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 150 )

(Account of Samuel Nurse -- Case of Rebecca Nurse)

To: To the Honourable Committee Appointed to make Enquiry with respect to the Sufferings in the Tryalls in the year 1692 The humble Representation of Sam'll: Nurse of the damage sustained by our family in the year 1692 by reason of the Imprisonment condemnation and Execution of my Honoured Mother Rebekah Nurse for supposed Witchcraft 1. We were at the whole charge of provideing for her dureing her Imprisonm't in Salem and Boston for the space of almost four months 2. And also we spent much time and made many Journys to Boston & Salem & other places in order to have vindicated her Innocency. 3 And altho we produced plentifull testimony that my honoured and Dear mother had led a blameless life from her youth up -- yet she was condemned and executed upon such Evidence as is now Generally thought to be Insufficient, which may be seen in the court record of her tryall.


4 And so her Name and the name of her Posterity lyes under reproach the removeing of which reproach is the principal thing wherein we desire restitution. 5 And as we know not how to express our loss of such a mother in such a way; so we know not how to compute our charge but shall leave it to the judgm't. of others, and shall not be critical but ready to receive such a satisfaction as shall be by the Honourable Court judged sufficient -- so Praying God to Guide unto such Methods as may be for his Glory and the good of this land -- I rest Salem Septem. 13. 1710 Your Honours In all christian obedience *Sam'll Nurse In the name of my brethren Altho fourty pounds would not repair my Loss and damage in my Estate, yet I shall be satisfyd if may be allowed five and twenty pounds. Provided the Attainder be taken off. ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 141 )

(Account of Samuel Osgood -- Case of Mary Osgood)

To: To the Honourable Committee sitting at Salem Sept 13, 1710 An Account of the Expences of Capt John Osgood Late of Andover for his wife Mary Osgood who suffered Imprisonment 15 weeks upon accusation of witchcraft in the year 1692

viz. Money and Provisions Expended in Prison & for Prison 3-10-0 fees it. For Court charges [unclear: ] payd to the Clerk Elatson Totall There were other Expences which I do not charge. p'r *Samuel Osgood by order & on behalf of his mother (Reverse) Mary Osgood wife of Capt Osgood late Andover Dec'd Imprisond &c ( Mass. Archives. Vol. 135 No. 130 ) 1-17-4 5-7-4


(Account of Mary Post)

To: To the Honorable Committee sitting at Salem Sept 13, 1710 An Account of what was payd by Mary Post of Andover who suffered Imprisonment above eight months, and was condemned upon her tryall for witchcraft at Salem in the year 1692 Viz.

. s. d To the Keeper of the Goal. The Court charges to the sheriffe for provision I found myself in prison 4-7-6 1-17-4 2-10-0

The sums aboves'd she was forced to pay before she could obtain a 8:14:10 Release I humbly desire The Attainder may be taken off my Loss and damage by my imprisonment was not less than fourteen pound but I shall be satisfyed with 8-14-0 *Mary Post I desire Capt Barker to give in this account to the Gentlemen of the Committee *Mary Post (Reverse) Mary Post's Account Mary Post Condemnd not Executed ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. Page 130 )

(Account of Mercy Wright -- Case of Mercy Wardwell)

An Account of what was payd by mercy wardwell, now the wife of John wright of Andover; who suffered Imprisonment upon accusation of witchcraft, above five moneths. in the year 1692

viz. money to the Keeper of the prison it Four Court chages

1-4-0 01-10-0

Besides her maintaining herself w'th provision all the time she was in 2-10-0 prison 'r *mercy Wright

-1006Totall 5.-4-0 I desire Capt Barker to give in this account to the Hon'rable Comittee M. W. (Reverse) Mercy Wardwels Account Imprisond not Condemned ( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 141 )

(Account of Samuel Wardwell Jr. -- Cases of Samuel and Sarah Wardwell)

To: To the Honourable Committee Sitting in Salem Sept 13. 1710. An Account of what was seiz'd and taken away by the Sheriffe or his Deputy and assistants out of the Estate of Samuel Wardwell late of Andover Deceased who suffered the paines of Death under condemnation on the Sorrowfull tryalls for witchcraft in the year 1692. viz Seis'd and taken away

5 Cowes at 2 P 1 Heifer & a yearling 1 Horse 9 Hogs 8 Loads of Hay A set of Carpenters Tools 6 Acres of corn upon the ground.

10-00-00 2-5-00 3-0-00 7-0-0 4-0-0 1-10-0 9-00-00

36.15.00 Sarah Wardwell the wife of Samuell Wardwell aforesaid was condemned upon her Tryall for witchcraft, at Salem in the year 1692 -- I being well Satisfyed in the Innocency of my father and mother of the crime for which they were condemned humbly desire the attainder may be taken off 'r *Samuel Wardwell Eldest son of the Deceased (Reverse) Samuel Wardwells Account of Andover Condemnd & Executed ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 140 )


(Account of Ephraim Wilds -- Case of Sarah Wilds)

Topsfield Septem 11. 1710 To the honered Jentell men of the commitey greating: it having pleased the great and Jeneral cort to a piont your honars a comitte to inquier who may be proper to bee Justified in the bill refering to the taking ofe the attainder and what loss and damedg hes been sustained by reason of the tryalls which were for witchcraft in the yer 1692 under which soroful triall my mother Sarah Wild was Condemnd & executed: my father being now disseced and only my self left I here apere to give in som short acount of the cost and damedg we sustained in them tims: my mother was carried to Salem prison sum time in Epral we ware at the cost of it and chardg of ceping har there a considrabl whille and after wards shee was removed to boston prison we wer at the cost of it and chardg of ceping hare ther for about tow months and then from boston shee was removed back to Ipswech prison we ware at the cost of that and after a whill she was removed to Salam again we ware at all the Cost both of caring and pro viding for her maintance whill in all these prisons: be sids ether my father or my self went once a wek to see how she deed and what she wanted and some tims twis a weke which was a grat cost and damedg to our estate my father would often say that the cost and damedg we sustained in our esteate wase twenty pounds and I am in the mind he spok les then it was: besids the los of so dere a frind which cannot be mede up::all which I leve to your honers consideration: I remin your honers humbel sarvant *Ephraim Willdes yet not withstanding twas twenty pounds damedg to our Estate considring our nams may be repaired I am willing to take forten pounds (On reverse side of paper) Sarah Wilds of Topsfield Condemned & Executed -( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 133 )


(Account of Margaret Towne -- Case of John Willard)

Topsfield Septemb. 13 1710 To the Honored committee appointed by the Honored Generall Court (to make enquiry into the dammage sustained by any persons in the year 1692 by reason of the great disturbance in our land from the powers of darkness) the Committee aforesaid being to meet at Salem Sept the 14. Margarett Town of Topsfield in the County of Essex in N. England, formerly Margarett Willard Relict of John Willard Late of Salem who suffered death in that hour of the power of darkness as if he had been guilty of one of the greatest of crimes that ever any of the Sons of Adams have been left of God to fall into, Having been notified by order of the Generall court to appear before your Honors to give an account as near as I can what dammage my self together with my aforesaid former Husband did sustain in our Estate besides the fearfull odium cast on him by imputing to him & causing him to suffer death for such a piece of wickedness as I have not the least reason in the world to thinke he was guilty of I say besides that reproach & the grief & sorrow I was exposed to by that means I do account our dammage as to our outward estate to have been very considerable. for by reason of my said former Husband being seized by order of the civil Authority & imprisoned all our Husbands concerns were laid by for that summer we had not opportunity to plant or sow whereas we were wont to raise our own bread corn I Reckon (which your Honors may please more certainly to Inform your selves from the Records of those unhappy times & things that happened) I say according to my best Remembranc from the time of his first imprisonment to the time of his suffering was near upon half a year all which time I was at the trouble & charge to provide for him in prison what he stood in need of out of our own estate, my aforesaid Husband was 3 weeks a prisoner at Boston which occasioned me to be at yet more charge & trouble & altho I had after his sentence of death was past upon him obtained a Replevin for him for a little time which not coming as was expected at the time appointed I was forced to hire a horse at Salem & go to Boston to see what was the reason of the failure, I have nothing further to add but only to pray your Honors to guess at the dammage as well as you can by the Information I have here given & that God will direct you in & about what you are now

-1009concerned about, & so take Leave to subscribe my self Your Honors Humble & sorrowful servant

the marke of Margarett Town I Judge that my Loss and damage in my estate hath not been Less than thirty pounds, But I shall be satisfyed If I may have twenty pounds allowed me. (On reverse side of paper) John Willard of Salem Condemned & Executed ( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 143 )

(Account of Joseph Wilson -- Cases of Sarah Wilson, Sr. and Sarah Wilson, Jr.)
To: To the Honourable Committee. An Account of what was payd by Joseph Wilson of Andover for his wife Sarah and Daughter Sarah who Suffered Imprisonment at Salem, upon an Accusation of Witchcraft in the year 1692. the one was Imprisoned fifteen weeks the other Six weeks

Viz money and Provisions expended while they were in Prison it For Bail Bonds, to the Clerk [unclear: ] it To the Deputy Sheriffe for Court Charges 'r *Joseph willson

2-10-0 0-8-0 1-17-4

I Desire Capt Jno Barker to give in this Account to the Honorable Co itte (Reverse) Joseph Wilsons account Sarah Willson Sen'r Sarah Willson Jun'r Imprisoned not Condemned ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 145 )


(Summary of the Amounts Requested by the Victims and Their Relatives)

To: Mr. Sewall Hon'rd friend Sr. Respects mised [yo'rs] I received of yo'r son, bearing date the 27th of this Instant mo'th & according to yo'r desire I have drawne out the Names & Sums (of the Respective Sufferers) that the petition'rs pray'd for. 1st of those Executed.


Elizabeth How; Mary & Abigail her daughters pray'd for, George Jacobs, Georg Jacobs his son pray'd p: Sarah Wild: Ephraim Wild her son pray'd for Mary Easty. Isaack Easty her husband pr'd p Mary parker Joseph & Jno parker her sons pr'd. p Mr Georg Burroughs, Charles Burroughs his son pr'd. p Elizabeth Core. & Martha the wife of Jno Molton he pr'd p Rebecca Nurse. Samuell Nurse her son pr'd p Jno. Willard. Margeret Towne his relict pr'd p Sarah Good. William Good her husband pr'd p Martha Carrier. Thomas Carriar her husband pr'd p

12 0 0 79 0 0 14 0 0 20 0 0 08 0 0 50 0 0 21 0 0 25 0 0 20 0 0 30 0 0 07 6 0

Samuell Wardell. Executed & his wife Sarah Condemned. Samuell wardell their son 36 15 0 pr'd p John procter, Jno. & Thorndick his sons pr'd p 150 0 0


[\fig]sons Condemned & Not Executed Mrs. Mary Bradbury. Henry & Sam'l True her sons pr'd 20 0 0 p Abigail Faulkner for her & her children pr'd p Abigail Hobs. william Hobs her father pr'd p 10 lb Ann Foster Abraham Foster her son pr'd p Rebeccah Eames prayes p Dorcas King alias whore pr'd p Mary post prayes p mary Lacy Lawrence her husband pr'd p Elizabeth procter & [unclear: ] Elizabeth Johnson I find their names amongst the above condemned sons & no sum put to them 20 0 0 10 0 0 6 10 0 10 0 0 21 12 0 8 14 0 8 10 0

15 0 0 sons Imprison'd, & not Condemned petitioned for Allowances for their Imprisonm't charges &c Sarah Buckley & Mary witredg for so much they pay'd John Johnson for Rebecca his wife & daughter 604

Capt Osgoods wife Mary Sarah Cole for hers Edward Bishop petitions for Jno. Barker p Mary Barker his daughters expences he for her Rob't pease p his Nath'l. Dane p his Jno Fry p his Joseph Wilson p his Jno. Wright p his Mercy Woodell the wife of Jno. wright for hers Jno. Barker prayes for his Bro. W'm. Barkers

574 6 10 0 03 15 10 13 3 0 4 13 0 4 17 4 4 15 4 040 540 3 11 0


Lawrenc Lasy for his daugher Mary Jno. Marston p his wife Ebenezer Barker for his wife Francis Johnson for his wife then Sarah Hawks Francis Johnson for his mother & for his sister Elizabeth Totall -besides Mr English his demaunds Left

304 2 14 4 574 540 7 12 0 3 00 0 796 18 0

to the Courts Consideration & determination Ips. 28-9-1711 ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 67 )

(Letter of Nehemiah Jewett to Samuel Sewell)

Mr. Sewall S'r I thought good to returne you the Names of severall sons that were Condemned & Executed that not any person or relations appeared in the behalf of for the takeing of the Attainder or for other Expences. they I suppose were returned to the Genr'l Courts consideration for to act about according to their best prudence. Bridget Bishop alias Oliver, Susanna Martin.Alice parker An pudeter, Welmot Read Marget Scott.

S'r. I am y'rs Honrs to serve *Neh. Jewet (Reverse) Mr Jewets Note about the sons condemned & not returned to the Genr'll. Court ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 85 )


(Report of the Committee on the Reversal of Attainder, and Action of the General Court)
To: To the Hon'rd. Genr'll Court Sitting. We whose names are subscribed, In Obedience to yo'r Hon'rs Act at a Court held the ult of May 1710; for Inserting the Names of the severall sons who were Condemned for witchcraft in the year 1692. & of the Damages they susteined by their prosecution. Being Mett at Salem the 13th Sept 1710. for the Ends aforesaid upon Examination of the Records of the Severall sons Condemned: Humbly Offer to yo'r Hon'rs the Names as Follow to be Inserted Executed [unclear: ] for the Reversing of their Attinders: Elizabeth [unclear: ] How: Georg [unclear: ] Jacob Mary [unclear: ] Easty. Mary [unclear: ] Parker. Mr. George Burroughs: [unclear: ] Giles Core [unclear: ] & #[Martha Core] his wife. Rebeccah [unclear: ] Nurse. John [unclear: ] Willard. Sarah Good [unclear: ] . Martha [unclear: ] Carrier. Samuell Wardell [unclear: ] ..John Procter;Sarah Wild [unclear: ] Condemned & not Executed [unclear: ] Mrs. Mary Bradbury, Abigail [unclear: ] Falker Abigail Hobs.Ann Foster: Rebeccah [unclear: ] Eams. Dorcas [unclear: ] Hoar, Mary [unclear: ] Post Mary Lacey. And haveing heard the Severall Demaunds of the Damages of the afores'd sons & those in their behalf & upon Conference have soe Moderated their Respective Demaunds that we doubt not but that they will be Readily Complyd w'th by yo'r Hon'rs which Respective demannds are as follow. Elizabeth How 12. George Jacob. 79. Mary Easty 20. Mary Parker. 8. Mr. George Burroughs. 50. Giles Core. & Martha Core his wife 21. Rebeccah Nurse 25. John Willard 20. Sarah Good. 30. Martha Carrier. 7. 6'.s Samuel Wardell & Sarah his wife 36. 15.s John procter & [] procter his wife 150. Sarah Wild 14. Mrs. Mary Bradbury. 20 Abigail Falkner 20. Abigail Hobs. 10. Ann Foster. 6.10.s Rebecca Eams. 10. Dorcas Hoar. 21.17.s Mary Post 8.14.s Mary Lacey 8.10.s the whole amounting unto. 578.12.s Salem. the 15th Sept. 1710.

-1014Yo'r Honrs most Humble Serv'ts. *John Appleton -*Thomas Noyes -*John Burill *Ne Jewett

\#\[the Acco't. of yo'r servants. Charges 3 days a peic our selves & horses Entertainment at Salem. Mr pratts. Major Sewals attendance & sending Notifications to all Concerned

4. 0. 0 1. 3. 0 1-3-0

6-3. 0\] Octor:[23] 17ll. Read & Accepted in the House of Representatives, Sent up for Concurrence. *John Burrill speaker Octo 26'0. 1711. In Council Read and Concurr'd *Is: a Addington Se (Reverse) The Committies Returne of the Names of persons attained of Witchcraft and Damages Suffered accepted Octob'r. 1711. ( Mass. Archives, Vol. 135 No. 169 )

(Account of John Appleton)

Province Mass'ts -- Bay D'r: to Sundry charges of the Co ittee Appointed by the Generall Court in June 1710, to Inquire what Names were proper to be Inserted in the Bill for the Reversing of the Attainder of Persons condemn'd for Witchcraft. &ca: viz't:


To 3 daies \#\[entertainment of\] themselves and horses being four, \#\[at mr. Prat's at Salem\] To Entertainment at Mr. Prats at Salem To Majr. Sewal's Attendance; & sending of [unclear: ] Notifications to all concerned *John Appleton= In the House of Representatives Octo: 27th: 1711. Read &

4: 0: 0 1: 3: 0 1: 0: 0 6: 3: 0

Resolved That the Sum of Six Pounds & three Shillings be allowed, & Paid out of the publick Treasury to John Appleton Esq; to Discharge the said acco: Sent up for Concurrence. Octo: 30th: 1711. In Council. Read and Concurr'd *John Burrell Speaker *Isa: Addington Se (Reverse) Resolve for paym't of L 6: 3: 0 to Jno Appleton Esq'r. on behalfe of the Committee ab't the Witchcraft. ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 147 )

(Reversal of Attainder -- October 17, 1711.)

Province of the Massachusets Bay: Anno Regni Anna Reginae Decimo. An Act to reverse the attainders of George Burroughs and others for Witchcraft Forasmuch as in the year of our Lord one Thousand six hundred ninety two several Towns within this Province were Infested with a horrible Witchcraft or possession of devils; And at a Special Court of Oyer and Terminer holden at Salem in the County of Essex in the same year 1692. George Burroughs of Wells, John Procter, George Jacobs, John Willard, Giles Core, and [] his wife, Rebecca Nurse and Sarah Good all of Salem aforesaid Elizabeth How of Ipswich, Mary eastey, Sarah Wild and Abigail Hobbs all of Topsfield, Samuel

-1016Wardell, Mary Parker ; Martha Carrier, Abigail Falkner : Anne Foster, Rebecca Eames, Mary Post and Mary Lacey all of Andover, Mary Bradbury , of Salisbury, and Dorcas Hoar of Beverley Were severally Indicted convicted and attainted of Witchcraft and some of them put to death, others lying still under the like sentance of the said Court, and liable to have the same Executed upon them. The Influence and Energy of the Evil Spirits so great at that time acting in and upon those who were the principal accusers and Witnesses proceeding so far as to cause a Prosecution to be had of persons of known and good reputation, which caused a great disatisfaction and a stop to be put thereunto until theire Majesty's pleasure should be known therein: And upon a Representation thereof accordingly made her late Majesty Queen Mary the second of blessed memory by Her Royal Letter given at her Court at Whitehall the fifteenth of April 1693. was Graciously pleased to approve the care and Circumspection therein; and to Will and require that in all proceedings ag't persons accused for Witchcraft, or being possessed by the devil, the greatest Moderation and all due Circumspection be used, so far as the same may be without Impediment to the Ordinary course of Justice. And some of the principal Accusers and Witnesses in those dark and severe prosecutions have since discovered themselves to be persons of profligate and vicious conversation. Upon the humble Petition and suit of several of the s'd persons and of the children of others of them whose Parents were Executed. Be it Declared and Enacted by his Excellency the Governor Council and Representatives in General Court assembled and by the authority of the same That the several convictions Judgments and Attainders against the said George Borroughs, John Procter, George Jacob, John Willard, Giles Core and [] Core, Rebecca Nurse, Sarah Good, Elizabeth How, Mary Easty, Sarah W[ild] Abigail Hobbs, Samuel Wardell, Mary Parker, Martha Carrier, Abigail Falkner, Anne Foster, Rebecca Eame[s,] Mary Post, Mary Lacey, Mary Bradbury, and Dorcas [Hoar], and every of them Be and hereby are reversed made and d[eclared] to be null and void to all Intents, Constructions and purposes wh[atso] ever, as if no such convictions, Judgments or Attainders had ever [been] had or given. And that no penalties or forfeitures of Goods or Chattels be by the said Judgments and attainders or either of them had or Incurrd. Any Law Usage or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding. And that no Sheriffe, Constable, Goaler or other officer shall be Liable to

-1017any prosecution in the Law for anything they then Legally did in the Execution of their respective offices. Made and Pass'd by the Great and General Court or Assembly of her Majestys Province of the Massachusets: Bay: in New England held at Boston the 17th day of october. 1711. ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 63 )

(Governor Dudley's Order for Payment)

By his Excellency the Governor Whereas the Generall Assembly in thier last Session accepted the report of thier comitte appointed to consider of the Damages sustained by Sundry persons prosecuted for Witchcraft in the year 1692 viz't

s. d. To Elizabeth How George Jacobs Mary Eastey Mary Parker George Burroughs Giles cory & wife Rebeccah Nurse John Willard Sarah Good Martha Carrier Samuel Wardwell & wife John Procter and wife Sar\[a\]h Wild Mary Bradbury Abigail Faulkner Abigail Hobbs Anne Foster Rebeccah Eames Dorcas Hoar Mary Post Mary Lacey 12 0 0 79 0 0 20 0 0 08 0 0 50 0 0 21 0 0 25 0 0 20 0 0 30 0 0 760 36 15 0 309 1 0 150 0 0 014 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 6 10 0 10 0 0 21 17 0 8 14 0 8 10 0 269 11 0 309 1 0 578 12 0 The whole amounting unto Five hundred seventy eight poundes and Twelve Shillings. I doe by & with the advice and consent of her Maj'tys council hereby order you to pay the above sum of five hundred seventy eight poundes & Twelve shillings to Stephen Sewall Esq'r. who together

-1018with the Gentlemen of the Committe that Estimated and Reported the said Damages are desired & directed to distribute the same in proportion as above to such of the said persons as are Living. and to those that legally represent them that are dead according as the law directs & for which this shall be your Warrant. Given under my hand at BoSton the 17 Day of December 1711 *J Dudley (Reverse) Margaret Towne v-12-8 Margert Willard 3-4-6 (Reverse) Allowance to persons who were prosecuted for witchcraft [To Mr Treasurer Taylor By order of the Governor & Council Isa Addington Secrty.] ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 64 )

(Letter of Thirty-four Victims and Relatives)

Whereas we the subscribers are Informed that His Excellency the Governour: Honorable Council, and Generall assembly of this province have been pleased to hear Our Supplication and answer our Prayer in passing an act in favour of us respecting our Reputations and Estates: Which we humbly and gratefully acknowledge. And inasmuch as it would be Chargeble and Troublesome for all or many of us to goe to Boston on this affair: -- Wherefore we have and do Authorize. and Request our Trusty Freind the Worshipfule Stephen Sewall Esq'r: To procure us a Coppy of the said act, and to doe what may be further proper and necessary for the reception of what is allowed us and to take and receive the same for us and to Transact any other Thing referring to the Premises on our Behalf that may be requisite or Convenient. Essex. December 1711 . John Eames in behalfe of his mother Rebecca Eames *Abigail Faulkner Samuel Preston on behalf of his *Charles Burrough eldest son [] *John Barker Lawrence Lacy Abraham Foster

-1019wife Sarah Preston Samuel Osgood on behalf of his mother mary osgood Nathaniel Dane Joseph Wilson Samuel Wardwell John Wright Ebenezer Barker Francis Johnson on behalf of his mother, Brother & sister Elizabeth Joseph Emerson on behalf of his wife Martha Emerson of Haverhill Ephraim Willdes John moulton on behalf of his wife Elizabeth the daughter of Giles Coree who suferd Robert Pease on behalf of his wife Annies King on behalf of hir mother Doarcas hoare Willem town *Samuel nurs *Jacob estei *Edward Bishop John Parker [unclear: ] Joseph Parker the sons of mary Parker deceased. John Marston Thomas Carrier *John Frie

Mary Post *John Johnson in behalf of his mother Rebecca Johnson & his sister William Barker sen'r *George Jacob on behalfe of his father who suffered *Thorndik Procter on behalfe of his father John Procter who suffered *Benjamin.Procter son of the aboves'd (Reverse) psons Authorizing me to Transact the Matter about the money 11-14-0 9-8-0 2-6-0 ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 64 )

(Order of William Good)

S'r yo'r most humble servant *Nth:Jewet To: To The Committee appointed by the Governour & Council for the distribution of the money allowed by the Generall Court to the sufferers in the year 1692.

-1020Please to pay my part & proportion allowed me by the said court unto Deacon Benjamin Putnam whom I have desired to pay my part or share of the necessary charge, And his receipt shall be your full discharge. from your servant W' m Good his mark Salem Vill. Janua: 21.1711/12 Whereas the Governour and Generall Court have been pleased to grant a Considerable su

towards Restitution to those who where sufferers in the year 1692, & and have appointed a Committe to distribute the same amongst the persons concerned. ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 67 )

(Order of Thomas Carrier)

To: To the Gentlemen of the committee appointed by the Governor and Council to distribute the money allowed by the Gen Court, to such as were Sufferers in the year 1692. Please to pay and deliver unto Joseph Parker of Andover the su allowed unto me, and his Receipt shall fully discharge you from the same. Andover January 7, 1711-12 *Thomas Carrier. (Reverse) To the Gentlemen of the committee appointed by the Gen'll Court Tho. Carrier order to Parker ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 1 Page 71 )

(Order of John Parker)

To: To the Gentlemen of the Committee appointed by the Governour and Council to distribute the money allowed by the Gen'll Court to such as were Sufferers in the year 1692. Please to pay and deliver unto my Brother Joseph Parker the su allowed unto us, and his receipt shall fully discharge you from the Same. Andover January 7, 1711-12 *John Parker (Reverse) John Parkers Order ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, Page 79 )


(Order of Mary Post)

To: To the Gentlemen of the Committee appointed by the Governour and Council to distribute the money allowed by the General court to such as were sufferers in the year 1692

Please to pay and deliver unto Joseph Parker of Andover the sum allowed unto me, and his Receipt shall fully discharge you from the same

Andover mark Mary post hur January 7. 1711-12 (Reverse) Mary post order to parker ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 79 )

(Order of Mary Proctor)

To: To the Gentlemen of the Committee appointed by the Governour and Council to distribute the money allowed by the General court, to such as were sufferers in the year 1692. Please to pay and deliver unto my Brother Thorndike Procter the sum allowed unto me, and his Receipt shall fully discharge you from the same. January 15. 1711-12 -- mary Procter. (Reverse) Mary Procter ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 80 )

(Account of Sarah Parker)

To: To the Gentlemen of the Committee sitting at Salem this 22 of January 1711-12 Whereas I the Subscriber Suffered imprisonment at Salem, 17 weeks in the year 1692. and was put to great charges and Expences before I could obtain a Release And not having an oppertunity to give. your honors an account of my charges during my imprisonment

-1022when others of my neighbours and fellow sufferers, put in their accounts: I have thought meet to do it at this time, which is as followeth To the keeper of the Prison two pounds eight shillings and four pence For Court charges Thirty shillings & four pence

For necessary Expences while I attended the Court one pound four shillings For Provisions while I was in Prison four pounds five shillings *Sarah Parker. of Andover. (Reverse) Sarah Parker ans of Charges in prison &c ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 80 )

(Account of Mary Rich [De Rich?])

Mary Rich of Lynn widow in the year 1692 was Imprisoned & lost her bed & pot & other household about halfe year (Reverse) Mary Rich ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 81 )

(Division of the Burroughs Restitution)

Forasmuch as it's made Manifest that the Children of Mr George Burroughs De by his former wives did in the time of his Imprisonment administer unto him Necessary things & were at considerable charge thereabout & for his Inteerment & that the widow had most or all of the personal Estate. In Consideration Whereof Wee the Subscribers a Comittee [apointed] by the Generall Court & Consent agree & order that the six pounds 6d money yet remaing of the fifty pounds alowed by the Government shall by payd to the s'd Children in Equal Shares. January 3.d 1612


*John Appleton *Thomas Noyes *Stephen Sewall *Neh. Jewett ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 73 )

(Order of Peter Thomas et al. -- Case of George Burroughs)

Boston New England: Jan'r. 16th: 1711-12 Whereas we are Informed The Generall Court hath Appointed a Committee To Distribute To the Partys Concern'd: what the s'd Court have Allow'd To Make Repare Ation To the Sufferers In The Yere 1692: wherefore we desier And hereby Order: And.Impower Our Brother, Charls Burrough -- To Receive what is Allowed To Each of us And his Receipt shall be A sufficient Discharge *Peter Thomas *Rebekah Fowle *Jabex Fox *Jeremiah Burrough (Reverse) Jerem. Burroghs & Sisters order J & S.Borroughs order ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 73 )

(Order of Lawrence Lacey)

To: To the Gentlemen of the Committee appointed by the Governor & Council to distribute the money allowed by the Gen'll Court to such as were sufferers in the year 1692 Please to pay and deliver unto Abraham Foster of Andover the sum allowed unto me and his Receipt shall fully discharge you from the same. Andover January 7: 1711-12 his mark larance lace (Reverse) Lawrence Laceys order ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 85 )


(Witch Paper Folio)

[Torn] 711

[Torn] verse the Attainder for Witchcraft against George Burroughs & Witch papers Copy Ex 169) 1692 ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 85 )

(Order of Rebecca Eames)

To: To the Gentlemen of the Committee appointed by the Governor and Council to distribute the money allowed by the Gen'll Court to such as were sufferers in the year 1692. Please to pay and deliver unto my Son John Eames the sum allowed unto me and his receipt Shall fully discharge you from same. January, 1711-12 mark rebeckah Ames. har (Reverse) Reb Eames order ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 76 )

(Order of William Wardwell et al.)

To: To the Gentlemen of the Committee appointed by the Governour and Council to distribute the money allowed by the Generall Court to such as were sufferers in the year 1692. Please to pay and deliver unto Samuel wardel our Eldest Brother the sum allowed unto us, and his Receipt shall fully discharge you from the same.


Andover January. 1711-12. *William wardell *John Right *Eliakim wardel *Elizabeth wardell

*Ezekiel Osgood. The children of Samuel wardel deceased. (Reverse) Wardwells order ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 76 )

(Account of Samuel Wardwell, Jr. -- Case of Sarah Wardwell)

To: To the honourable, the Gentlemen of the Committee sitting at Salem Feb. 19. 1711-12 Whereas my mother Sarah Wardel was condemned by the court at Salem sometime in January in the year 1692, as I suppose will appear by the Records of the Tryalls at that Court, but her name is not inserted in the late Act of the Generall Court, for the taking of the Attainder of those that were condemned in that year my mother being since deceased, I thought it my duty to endeavour that her name may have the benefit of that Act. I therefore humbly pray your Honours to Represent this case to the Honourable Gen'll Court, that my mothers name may be inserted in the said Act. And whereas in the account which I gave to your Honors when you met at Salem the Last winter, I mentioned only what was seized of my Father's Estate by the Sherriffe, but gave no account of other charges which did arise from the imprisonment of my Father and mother, they having provided for their own subsistance while they were in Prison, and I suppose there was something considerable payd to the keeper of the prison, though I am not able now to give a particular account how much it was. If your Honours please to allow me something opon that account, It will be thankfully acknowledged by [you] Your honours most humble servant *Samuel wardel Feb. 19. 1711-12 (Reverse) Wardwell ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 76 )


(Petition of Nathaniel Dane et al.)

Whereas severall of the neer Relations of us the Subscribers suffered imprisonment at Salem in the year 1692. And we were put to great charges and expence to provide for them while they were in Prison, and for Prison fees and court charges, which we were forced to pay before we could obtain their Release: An account of which we have put in to the Gentlemen of the Committees appointed by the Gen'll Court: we do unanimously agree to make our supplication to the Gen'll Court to consider the sufferings of our Relations, and the Dammage we then sustained, and to allow us for it, according to the accounts which we have given to

the committee aforesaid. And to that end we humbly request the worshipfull Stephen Sewall Esq to write a Petition for us to the General Court at their next session: Andover January 21. 1711-12 *Nathaniel Dane *Joseph willson *Ebenezer Barker *francis Johnson *John Johnson *John: wright *Samuel Osgood *Sara parker (Reverse) Severall Andovr peoples prayer for allowanc ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 77 )

(Petition of Elizabeth Johnson, Jr.)

To: To the Honourable the Gentlemen of the Committee sitting in Salem Feb. 19. 1711-12. Whereas the Honouble Generall Court hath Lately made an Act for the taking off the Attainder of those that were condemned for witchcraft in the year 1692. I thought meet to Inform your Honours, that I was condemned by the Court at Salem. in January. in the year 1692. as will appear by the Records of the Tryalls at said court, but my name is not inserted in said act. Being very desireous of the favour of that Act, am bold humbly to pray your Honours to represent my case to the General court at their next Session, that my name may be

-1027Inserted in that Act, if it may be, and that the Honourable Court would please to allow me Something in consideration of my charges by reason of my Long Imprisonment, which will be thankfully acknowledged as a great favour. by your Honours most humble servant *Elizabeth Johnson jun'r

Andover Feb. 1711-12 (Reverse) Eliz. Johnson Jun'r petition ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 77 )

(Order of Mary and Abigail How)

Know all whom it doth or may consarn that we Mary and Abegill How both daughters of James How Juner of Ipswich Late deceast: being informed that the honred Generall Court hath aLowed som money for us in way of Restution for the damig we sustained in the yere 92 by that as was called witch craft, when our honoured mother was executed We pray your honours to send us the money alowed us: by our Uncle Abraham How whom we have desiered and employed to Recave the same for us dated in Ipswich 22 of January or 12 as witnes our hands

mark Mary How her her Abigill How mark (Reverse) Mary & Abigal Hows order ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2, Page 72 )


(Order of George Burroughs, Jr.)

To: To the Gent'm of the Comittie: to Distribute the Money [that] the Gener'll Court allow'd to the Famelyes of those [that] were Soffarers in the tyme of the Witch Crafte I request that you woold. deliver my p't of the mony [unto] Colo. John. Appleton: & his Recept shall bee accept'd. [date] Jan 22. 1711 *p'r George burrouhs ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 72 )

(Order of Nathaniel Gowing -- Case of John Proctor)

Wherefore inasmuch as I the subscriber Married with Martha Procter one of the daughters of John Procter late of Salem deced doe Request the Gentlemen of the committee to Deliver what part and proportion May belong to Me on behalfe of my said wife, unto Capt. Ebenezar Bancroft of Lynn and his Receipt shall be your full discharge. from your Serv't. *Nathanell Gowing Jan'ry 21st 1711. ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 68 )

(Order of Elizabeth Very -- Case of John Proctor)

To: To the Gentelmen of the Comitee appointed by the Governer and Councell to distribute the money allowed by the General Court to such as weare sufferers in the year. 1692. Please to pay and deliver unto my Brother Thorndik Procter the sume allowed unto me and his Receipt shall fully discharge you from the same February 18th 1711-12 * Elizabeth Very ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 68 )


(Order of Joseph and Abigail Proctor)

Whereas wee are Informed the Generall Couart hath a Pointed a Committee to distrubute to the pearties Consearnd what the s'd Court heath alowed to make Reparatian to such as weare sufferers in the yeare 1692. Whearfore wee doe desire-And heareby order and Impower our brother Thorndik Procter to recive what shall bee alowed to each of us and to give receit for the same-which shall fully dischargue you thearof

*Joseph Procter marke the of abigaill Procter

of abigaill Procter ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 68 )

(Order of Benjamin Nurse)

To the Comittey appointed by the Generall Court to distribute what was allow'd by the s'd Court towards restitution to the relations of those whoe suffered in the Sorrowfull times called the Witchcraft times. pleas to pay & deliver what share & proportion belongs to me on that score unto my Brother Mr Samuel Nurse of Salem & his receipt shall be a full & sufficient discharge from your friend &c. May 8th. anno Do 1712 *Benjamin Nurse ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 68 )

(Order of John Nurse et al.)

Wheareas wee are Informed the Generall Court hath apointed a Committe to ditribute to the parties Concearnd what the s'd Court hath alowed to make Reparatian to the Sufferers in the year 1692 Therefore wee doe desire and herby Impowr our Brother Samuel Nurs to receive what is alowed to us and to give receipt for the same

-1030*John nurs *John tarbell *Rebeka preston *willem rusel *martha boud[e]n *francis nurs (Reverse) Nurses's order ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol 2 Page 69 )

(Order of Abigail Hobbs)

Whereas the Governour & Generall Court have been Pleased to grant a Considerable sum towards restitution to those who were sufferers in the year 1692: & have appointed a Committee to Distribute the same amongst the persons Concernd. Wherefore I the subscriber (being then a sufferer) doe request the Gentlemen of the Committee to Deliver what Part and Proportion may belong to me unto my father William Hobbs, or my brother William Hobbs, (both of Topsfeild) and either of their Receipts shall be your full discharge from your servant. Thomas Tingley:be[ng]ing: the marke of Abigaill Hobbs Jeremiah Ingraham: present: February the 19: 1711/12 (Reverse) Abigail Hobbs p order To W'm Hobbs.who received her Share ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 69 )

(Petition of Peter Osgood -- Case of Mary Osgood)

To: To the honourable Comittee Salem february 19th 1711-12 Jentlemen In the Darke and sorroful tims in the yeare 1692 when so maney persons of undoubted Credett were accused of witchcrafte oure famelue as well as others: was under greatt truble & it costue us. veary considerable in owre nessarey Expencue for our Honoured and Tender Mother Duringe hir Imprismente

-1031Wherefore requeste of youre honours to maneft itt to the members of the Jennarall Courte that wee might heave som reasenable allowance, for owre charge therein which will ever oblidge your: Searvent To pray *Peter osgood in the name of the reaste of the familey.. ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 78 )

(Order of John and Mary Stanyan -- Case of Mary Bradbury)

Hampton March 24th 1711-12. Major Sewall S'r this is to desier you to diliver to my Brother Henry True for my wife that part of money that the gen'll Court have allotted to my wife as one of Capt Bradburys Daughters & his receipt thereof shall be your discharge from your frinds and Servants *John Stanyan *Mary Stanyan. (Reverse) Stanyans order to Capt True ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 78 )

(Order of Joseph Easty)

To: To the much honrede mager sewell pray f'r be pleased for to pay to the barer hear of John cumins my part of the money that the generall court did geve to the sofferers in the yere 1692 and his receit [and recit] shall be your descharg S'r I undourstand that you have payed of all my brothars; and so I would pray you for to pay the barer hearof so I rast your frind and sarvent *Joseph Esti from Dochestour novembour the 01 day 1712 as wetnes my hand (Reverse) This for John Comings in Topsfild ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 71 )


(Petition of Benjamin Proctor)

Salem feb'y. 19th 1711-12 To the Honour'd Committy The petition: of Benjamin Procter:humbly showeth: That 1. for as much as I your petitioner;was: Imprisoned. for several monthes In the time: they called wichcraft and was by that a great sufferer

2. for as much: as I was the eldest son of my father.& worked hard with my father: till I was about thirty years of age: and helped: bring up all my fathers children: by all his wives: one after another 3. for as much as: after my fathers death: I your petitioner was at great cost and trouble: In the disposition: of my s'd fathers: afairs as to the releiving:his s'd family: some of them: helples: with answering debts charges; legasies &c All which considered your petitioner; thinketh:he: deservs: a greater share of:this: that: the country hath bin please: to alow us then: the rest of our family. doe which: I leave: to consideration: of your hon'rs: and shall for ever remain yo'r hon'rs most humble serv't (Reverse) Benja. Proctor's Pet'o. to Committe *Benjamin Procter. ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 71 )

(Account of John and Annis King -- Case of Dorcas Hoar)

An account of what John King and Annis his wife one of the Daughters of Dorcas Hoare late of Beverly Deceased. disbursed and expended on their afores'd Mother during the time of her imprisonment and Great Troubles in the year 1692.


sd tt Subsistance for her 9 months when she was in Salem prison tt a Journey to Boston and money carryed to her while in prison there tt my Journey to Boston to carry her to Ipswich & Expence while there 900 10 0 15 0

tt my wife's going two Journeys to Ipswich & Exspence & attendance upon 10 0 her tt two Journeys to Boston to procure a repreive tt a Journey to fetch her from Ipswich to Salem 100 50

12 0 0 besides considerable cloathing & other things for her necessitys. *John king.

Annis hir marke King. ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 70 )

(Order of George and Hannah Abbott -- Case of Mary Easty)

Andover feb the 26: 1711-12 honoured sir thes are to dezier you to deliver to the bearer hereof John Farnum the money that falleth to my share of what the cort alowed to the sufferers in 92 I being the daughter of Goodwife Estey of topsfeeld: and now wife to George Abbut in andover. *George Abbut *Hannah abut (Reverse) for the honoured majer Suell in salem ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 70 )


(Receipts for Sums Paid in Restitution)

Whereas His Excellency the Governour and General court have been pleased to grant to the persons who were Sufferers in the year 1692 some considerable alowance towards restitution with respect to what they suffered in their Estates at that Sorrowfull time & have alsoe appointed a Comitte viz. John Appl[e]ton Esq'r Thomas Noyes Esq'r John Burrel Esq'r Nehemiah Jewet Esq'r. & Stephen Sewall to distribute the Same to & amongst the parties concern'd as in & by the records & Court orders May appear. Now Know yee that wee the Subscribers hereunto being Either the proper parties or such as represent them or have full power & authority from them to Receive thier parts & shares doe acknowledge to Have Received of & from the s'd Comitte the Severall Sums Sett against our respective Names in full of our parts & Shares of the money afores'd & such of us as have orders from some of the parties concerned to receive their parts & shares doe avouch them to be real & good so that for whomsoever wee take upon us to receive any such sum wee doe oblige ourselves to Indemnify the said Comitte to all Intents constructions & purposes, wee say Received this 19th day of February anno Domi 1711-12 & in the Tenth year of

*Abram How for Mary & Abigail How *Ephraim Roberdes for James Martha & Sarah [unclear: ] How children of John How

4-14-0 4-14-10

6-10-0 Abraham marke foster for mother 8-10-0 Abraham marke Foster for Mary lacey by order -*Samuel wardel *Benja putnam for Sarah Good William marke of Towne for wife widow of Willard *Isac Estey *John Estey William Clews John Ames ten pounds by order of his mother on file *Ephraim Wiles *Abigail Faulkner 2-9-0 2-9-0 11-0-0 10-0-0 14-0-0 20-0-0 36-15-0 30-0-0 6-12-8


George marke of Jacobs Anne marke of Andrews 23-0-0 [unclear: ] *John foster 08-7-0 Charge... 01-13-0 *John King for himselfe & Sister Anne Christopher marke Read Maried Eliz. Hoar. Joana marke Green for selfe *Joseph Parker for Mary post *Joseph Parker for M. Carrier *Joseph Parker Received on the foregoing side *Samuel Nurs for him selfe & John Nurse & John [unclear: ] Tarbell Rebeccah Preston William

46-0-0 79-0-0

8-0-0 8-14-0 7-6-0 sd 21-14-0

Russel Martha Bowden & francis Nurs Elizabeth marke Richards alias Procter

Benjam marke Procter *Ebenezer Bancroft for Martha Procter *William procter *John procter *Thorndik Procter. In behalf of my selfe and Joseph procter and Abigail Procter and mary procter and my sister Elizabeth Very.

Sarah marke Munion alias Procter

Elizabeth marke Procter

*Charles Burrough for myselfe and for Jeremiah


Burrough and Rebekah Fowle Hanah Fox & Elizabeth Thomas 4-2-0 each of 20-10-0 us John Appleton Rec'd for G'o. Burrough the same of fore poundes & two shills.


23d/Abigail marke Hoar both [unclear: ] s Rebeccah marke Hoar 20-4

9-15-0 Feb 23 William marke Hobbs 1711 for his sister Abigail Hobbs cha. 4-2 10 10-0-0 d Leonard marke Slue for selfe & sister Rachel 10-4 Mary marke Pittman alias How Rec'd as afores'd for George Abbott & Hanah sd

his wife daughter of mary Easty 2-9-0 March 4, 1711 by their written order forty nine shillings *John farnum March 5: Rec'd for my selfe forty nine shillings 2 9 0 *Jacob esti March 6. 1711. Received for my selfe three poundes 4s & 6e for my own share.

Hanah marke Willard March 6 Rec'd for our daughter Margaret Willard being under age three pounds four shillings 6d marke William Town

Margaret marke Towne wife of s'd W'm Town. March 22 Received for my daughter Mary Burroughs four pounds 2.s in full for her share. Mary marke Hall alias Burroughs marke March 22, 1711-12 Received for Mary Hall my selfe Ten poundes alias Burroughs April 5 1712 Rec'd of Stephen Sewall as afores'd 6 9 0

John marke


-1037May 1. 1712. Rec'd on behalfe of my wife Deborah How Two pounds seven Shilling in full. *Isaac How Rec'd for Benj. Nurse fifty four shillings & 6 d May 12, 1712. *Samuel nurs Rec'd for myself the subscriber & for my Bro'r in Law Peter Thomas in right of Elizabeth his wife & my sister Hanah fox wife of mr Jabez fox & Rebecca fowles four pounds Ten shillings. *George burroughs Received for my bro'r Jeremiah Burroughs & myselfe Two pounds five shillings. *Charles Burrough Newbury May 22d, 1712. Rec'ed for & in behalfe of my wife Jane True & Mary Stanion daughters of Mary Bradbury & for John Buss & Eliza Buss Children of Elizabeth Buss, the Sum of Nine Poundes fifteen shillings p me *Henry True May 22d 1712. Recec. for my Brethren & Sisters being six of us in number Children of Judah Moodey one of the daughters of the afores'd Mary Bradbury Dec'd. thre pounds five shill's *Caleb Moodey. May 22d 1712. Rec'd for my Sister Anne Allen & my selfe Children of Wymond Bradbury Dec'ed three pounds five Shillings p me *Wymond Bradbury. Reced for my Two Brothers William Bradbury & Jacob Bradbury myself Three pounds five shillings in full p me *Thomas Bradbury. July 27, 1712. Rec'd on the acct aforesaid Eleven pounds five shillings for my part Rec'd in full Samuel marke Procter Sep'r 3d 1712. Received for my Brother Joshua & my selfe 4 18 0 which I ingage to produce his order for & send to Sewall. *Benjamin Estie Sept 3d. 1712. Rec'd for my sister Sarah Gills forty nine shillings which I promise to send her receipt for *Benjamin Estie.

Rec'd for Joseph Estie [&] and by his written order forty nine shillings Nov'r 28, 1712 *John Commings. ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 65 )


(Summary of Receipts)
Receipts of the relations &c of the Sufferers in the year 1692 taken February 19th. 1712. Mr. Burroughs family Widow Charles Burroughs Jeremiah Burroughs Rebecca Fowle alias Burrougs Hannah Fox alias Burrougs Elizabeth Thomas Mary Burroughs Mrs. Mary Bradburys progeny has left Wymond Bradbury Decd. [unclear: ] Wymond Anne Judah Moodey Decd [unclear: ] Caleb Moodey [Hana] Moodey Joshua Moody Samuel Moodey Mary Hale

Judith Tappan William Bradbury Decd Mary Stanian Jane True William Bradbury Thomas Bradbury Jacob Bradbury Elizabeth Buss Decd [unclear: ] John Buss Elizabeth Buss Families Interested in the allowance following Children of Elizabeth How viz. [unclear: ] Daughters Mary How Deborah How wife of Isa How of Roxbury Abigail How Grandchildren [unclear: ] James How [unclear: ] Martha How & Sarah How being the children of her only son John How Decd.

-1039William Hoar Decd left 3 daughters

Dorcas Hoar [unclear: ] family

Mary Burt widow Elizabeth Read wife of Christopher Read Annis King wife of John King 4-0-0 12-0-0 1-0-0

Johanna Green \#\[wife of\] widow Tobitha Slue left 2 children Leonard Rachel

George Jacobs family.

George Jacobs only son Anne Andrews Margret Jacobs alias Foster [unclear: ] for her goods taken away The Charge

46-0-0 23-0-0 8-7-0 1-13-0

Mary Easteys family. x Isa Easty x John Easty x Ben. Easty x Jacob Easty x Joshua Easty x Joseph Easty p'd to Benj Rebeccah Nurse family Sarah Gill daughter Hanah Abbot of Andover John Nurse Sarah Bowden Rebeccah Preston Samuel Nurse Mary Tarbel Francis Nurse Elizabeth Russel Benj Nurse of framingham John Procters family Widow alias Richards Benj. Proctor John Procter Eliz Verey Martha Join

Mary Procter Thorndick Procter William Procter Joseph Procter

-1040Samul Procter Sarah Procter Eliz Procter Abigail Procter (Reverse) Receipts Feb 19th. 1711-12 ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 66 )

(Letter of Mary Burroughs)

Attel borow March the 14th 1711-12 Loving brother my Love Remembred unto you hoping that you eare well as I am att this present: I make bold to wright a few Lins unto you desiring you to be so kind unto mee as to send me that which is my right and proper due from the Jenerall court I pray you to send it by my mother which will take som care about it and Let me not be for gotten by you who am your sister till deth *Mary Burros. (Reverse) Mary Burroughs ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 74 )

(Petition of the Children of George Burroughs)

Boston, Decem'r: 16th. 1712. To the Honerable Gentlemen Appointed for A Committe Relateing To the affaire of Witchcraft In the yere 1692. Gentlemen We The Subscribers and Children of Mr Georg Burrough -- Late of wells, who suffered att Salem -- in the Trouble There Humbly offer for your Honours Consideration A few Lines Relateing our Case and Circumstances upon Acco'tt. of Our Mother in Laws Conduct and Carriage Towards us, after Our Father

was Apprehended and Taken Away Our Mother in Law Laide hands upon all she Could secure (the Children were Generally unable to shift for Themselvs) and what she Could Lay hands on was her Own without Any

-1041Person but her own Daught'r to share with her, whom she Says Was to bring up but may it Please your Honour to Consider there was Seaven Children more besides That that were to bring up the Eldest of which was but Sixteen years old att That Time; but insteed of shareing in what our father Left and she had Secur'd were Turn'd to shift for Our Selves without Any Thing for So much as A Remembrance of Our father. Tho Som of us Can Remember of Considerable in the House, besides his Liberary which she Sold and Rec'd the money for; then Lett it out att Intrest and was afterward Rec'd by another Husband; and not one farthing bestowed upon any Child but her Own: This being matter of fact we Humbly Leave it with your Honours to Consider wheather of what The Honourable Generall Court allow'd &c she have not allredy Rec'd To much And the Children To Little. We Subscribe Our Selves your Honours Humble Ser'tts. *rebaker fowl.

The mark of Eliz. Thomas *Jeremi Burrough *Charles Burrough *hannah fox (Reverse) Petition of George Borroughs ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2. Page 74 )

(Letter of Rebecca Fowle)

Boston Aprile the 3d Honnoured Sir: the favour which i would humbly ask of your honnour at this time is that you would please to let my brother George Burrough have what remains in your hands on the account of my deceased but Honnoured father Mr. George Burroughs Sir my request is that it may be don with out delay for every disscourse on this malloncely subject doth but give a fresh wound to my bleeding hart-but i desire to sit down in silence and remain: Sir: your Honnours most obedeint servant *Rebekah: Fowle. ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 75 )


(Petition of the Children of George Burroughs)

To the Gentlemen appointed. [unclear: ] A Comitte Relateing to the affairs of WitchCraft &C [unclear: ] Boston Apr'll. 8. 1713 Gentlemen we the Subscribers & Chilldren of Mr Georg Burrough who suffered in the Late Troubles att Salem. in the yere 1692. offer to your Consideration the Conduct of Our mother in Law, affter the Deth of our father: -- she made Sure of all that there was of household Goods &c togather with Our fathers Liberary which was of Som Value, Said Liberary was Sold affterward & part of the mony Came affterward into the hands of a Second husband, but Nothing thereof nor of the household Goods &c Ever Came into our hands. we were Turn'd Out into a wide world to shift for Our Selves haveing nothing to trust into but Divine Providence and the Generosity of frinds (not on the Side of our mother in Law) & som of us So young that we Can give no Acco'tt of perticular CirComstances of the family nor Capeable any of us to Give a perticuler Acco'tt of the wrong Don us Any further then we are informed by Others, but Can assure you we never had the value of Six pence to Remember Our father with when Dead and gon. And we Cannot but observe to you that what the Honerable Court Allowed when Divided among the Chilldren According to the Direction of the Same Amou'tt to but about four pounds apeice, which we think but a poor recompense (Setting aside the Deth of our father) to make good Our Due proportion of his Substance which we were Deprived of by means of his Deth, besides the Dificulties we were put unto & the Charge of bringing up, if the Consideration of w't we relate which is matter of fact well known to many besides our Selves, bee motive sufficient to Enjage yo'r Consideration of us in what you have stopt of the above mentioned Grant of the Honerable Court: we desier you to deliver what you see Cause to allow us to Our brother Georg Burrough. if what we Offer be not worthy of your Consideration or Argument Sufficient that we should have what Remains in your hands, we Only desier the favour of a Speedy Answer: for the Sum as we are inform'd is so small that much trouble in the buisness will Surmount it by far should we be allowed it att Last; So that an information of your resolves in the

-1043buisness will Prove more of a favour then Tedious Delays should you Grant itt at Last. Not further att pressent but Remaine to Offer We Remaine Gentlemen your humble Ser'tts. *Peter Thomas in behalf of my wife. *Jabez Fox in behalf of my wife. (Reverse) Children of Mr. Burroughs Salem may 11th 1713 Majeager Seuell Sir be pleased to let my brother Charles Burrough have my part that was Leaft So you will oblige your humble Serveant.

*Jeremiah Burrough. (Reverse) J. Borroughs order ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. 2 Page 75 )

(Appointment of a Committee to Consider Phillip English's Claim -- November 1717)

A Petition of Philip English of Salem, Praying Consideration & Allowance for a great Part of his Estate taken from him (as was said) by lawful Authority in the late sorrowful time of the Witchcraft In the House of Representatives; Read & Ordered that Mr Speaker Burril, Mr Isaiah Tay & Jonathan Remington Esqr with such as the Hon'ble Board shall appoint be a Committee to Consider of this Petition, & all the Papers relating thereto, & Report what they think proper to be done in Answer thereto to this Court at their next Sexxion: Read & Concur'd; And the Hon'ble Thomas Fitch & Elisha Cook Esq'r are added to the Committee. ( The Acts and Resolves, Public and Private, of the Province of the Massachusetts Bay [Boston, 1902], IX, 568-569.)


(Continuation of The Committee to Consider Phillip English's Claim -- February 1718)

Upon The Representation of the Committee upon Philip Englishes Petition, That by Reason of the Sickness of the said Philip English, which prevented his Meeting the said Committee at Boston, & other Accidents intervening, They could not come to any Determination nor give a Report on the said Affair this Session; Ordered that the Committee be continued, And that they make Report as above at the Session of this Court in May next. ( Mass. Acts and Resolves , IX, 574.)

(Continuation of The Committee to Consider Phillip English's Claim -- July 1718)

On The Petition of Philip English, As Enter'd June 14. 1717 Ordered that the Committee on this Petition be continued, And that they make Report to this Court at their

Sessions in Autumn next. ( Mass. Acts and Resolves , IX, 607.)

(Final Action on Phillip English's Claim -- November 1718)

The Report of the Committee to consider the Petition of Philip English Enter'd June 14. 1717, & all the Papers relating thereto, & report what they think proper to be done in Answer thereto to this Court, is as follows; viz, In Obedience to the Order within mentioned, Having had several Meetings on the Affair, At which the Petitioner & sundry of the Evidences have given their Attendance, & were heard & examined; & the Petition & the Papers relating thereto, with the Representation of the Damage & Loss, being duly considered; The Committee are humbly of Opinion, It is reasonable upon the whole, that the Petitioner be allowed & paid out of the publick Treasury Two hundred Pounds,

-1045in full Satisfaction for what he may have sustained & suffered as se forth in his Petition Accompts & Papers: Which is humbly submitted Your Honors most obedient Servt Per Order of the Comm'tee Read & Accepted. Tho. Fitch ( Mass. Acts and Resolves , IX, 618-619.)

(Petition of the Heirs of George Burroughs)

To His Honour Spencer Phipps Esq'r: Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief in and Over his Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, and to the Honourable the Council, and the Honourable the House of Representatives, in General Court Assembled. -The Memorial of Thomas Newman, Abia Holbrook and Elias Thomas, Agents for their respective [relatives] the surviving Children and Grandchildren of George Burroughs formerly of Falmoth in the County of York & Province aforesaid, Clerk, Deceased, As a Supplement to the Prayer of their Memorial & Petition humbly Presented to His Excellency Governor Shirley, and the Honourable His Majesty's Council, and this Honourable House of Representatives, on the Thirty first Day of May last. -Most humbly Suggesteth, --

That their said Memorial and Petition setting forth the Awful and Miserable Condition of the Unhappy Children and Descendants of the Reverend Mr George Burroughs, who as therein set forth, had his Blood shed, and was one of the most deplorable Victims cut off in the fatal Catastrophe in the Year 1692 -- Was by the Honourable Court referred to the Consideration of a Committeee of both Houses in June last to report what might be proper for the Court to Act Thereupon, But so it seems it hath fell out that Honourable Mr Danforth Chairman of the said Committee hath not as yet called them together so much as once to Act thereon even to this Day as some of the Honourable Committee themselves were pleased with real Concern to Signify to your said Petitioners, --

-1046Your Memorialists therefore most humbly Supplicate (they having been put to great Expence already) that their said Memorial & Petition may be again brought forward, Read & Acted upon before the final Rising of this Court, that so a Stop may be put to the Cry of the long oppressed Sufferers -And Your Memorialists as in Duty bound shall ever Pray &c *Thomas Newman *Abia Holbrook jun'r *Elias Thomas Boston March 28, 1750. -(Reverse) In the House of Rep'ves March 28 1750 Read and Ordered that the Committee within refer'd to be directed to Sit forthwith Consider the Petition to them Committed and Reported as soon as may be Sent up for concurrence, *Tho's Hubbard Spk'r: pro Tempore The Memorial & Petition of Thomas Newman Abia Holbrook & Elias Thomas March 28, 1750 Enter'd: ( Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 172 )

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